The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 20, 1907, Image 4

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Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
With tho splendid LaFollotto in tho
field for tho presidential nomination the
plot thickens in Nebraska And the
adopt iou of tho primary election for tlm
delermiuiition of tho choice of tho state
for presidential iionors would make an
contest beyond doubt with
the p ojtle in tho saddle
It sKhMs to be tacitly undei stood that
tho present session of Congress will be
come famous as tho usual do nothing
spssi ns preceding national elections
This my bo tactically correct but with
such m ittors pressing as financial tariff
and other important considerations it
seems to Tjib Tiubunk like moral anil
political cowardice Tho country has a
moral right to expect Congress to shelve
some of its polities and do needed legis
lative business regardless of approaching
national election
A Suggestive Straw Vote
Thk TitmuNK believes that the follow
ing straw vote fairly indicates th
averago Nebraska sentiment on the
points involved
Postals savings banks the parcels
post and tho plan for a government
guarantee of bank deposits are favored
by a majority of ihe Lincoln Commer
cial club members so far heard from by
postal card in response to questions sent
out last Saturday by Secretary W S
Whitten to each of the GUI members
tho organization Asset currency is thf
only one of tho four propositions nub
mitted to tho straw vote which has
been rejected The majority against ii
is overwhelming and indicates that the
expressions which have reached Senator
Burkett at Washington aro not repre
sentative of all business intorests so far
as tho senator home city is concerned
Tho parcels post has only a slight mar
gin in its favor as tho opposition to this
idea is strong among certain classes of
business men though it would undoubt
edly get a largo majority if submitted to
a vote of all the people Herewith is
the vote which has been tabulated
among members of the Commercial club
up to the present time Parcels post
for 74 against 71 undecided 8 postal
savings banks for 113 against 37 unde
cided 3 guaranteed deposits for 136
against 16 undecided 16 asset cur
rency for 22 against 121 undecided 10
Lincoln News
Christian Bible school at 10 a m
Preaching at 11 a m by Dr Finch Y
P S C E at 7 p m Preaching at 8 p
m by Rev Lanman All are welcome
Episcopal Preaching services at St
Albans church at 11 a m and 8 p m
Sunday school at 10 a m All are
welcome to these services
E R Eakle Rector
Catholic Order of services Mass
8 a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m
Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday
school 230 p m Every Sunday
J J Loughran Pastor
Baptst Sunday school at 10 a m
Preaching service at 1100 a m Even
ing service at 800 B Y P TJ at 7 p m
A most cordial invitation is extended to
all to worship with us
E Burton Pastor
Christian Science Services- Sun
day at 11 a m and Wednesday at 8
p m Subject Christ Jesus Meet
ings held in Diamond block Room
open Wednesdays and Saturdays from
2 to 4 p m Science literature on sale
Methodist Sunday school at 10 am
Preaching at 11 Subject The Birth
of Jesus Class at 12 Junior League
at 4 pm Epworth League at 645
Virginia Ileckman leader Preaching
by pastor at 745 Subject What
Think Ye of Christ Christmas tree
Tuesday night Prayer meeting Wednes
day night at 745 To all these services
tho public is cordially invited
M B Carman Pastor
Congregational Sunday school at
10 a m Preaching at 11 a m and 8 p
ru by pastor Junior Christian En
deavor at 3 p m Senior Endeavor
at 7 p m Prayer meetin g every
Wednesday at S p ra Christmas ex
ercises by the Sunday school Tuesday
eve December 24th The public is
cordially invited to all of these services
G B Hawkes Pastor
Advertise McCook with imported
colored view post cards and illustrated
souvenir letters Sold by B Ilofer
Most men wno mingle with great
crowds or participate in an event of
mnny features aro absolutely unable to
describe in detail any one particular
feature It is then that they find their
weekly newspaper most valuable Just
so it is with the readers of daily news
papers they have not the time or the
inclination to follow every phase of the
weoks events and so turn to a weekly
newspaper for a concise and connected
account of any event of more than local
interest This demand is easily sup
plied at small cost by The Weekly
Inter Ocean which can be obtained
with this paper one year for 125
Congressman Norris For Tatt
A Washington correspondent of the
Lincoln Journal gives the following par
agraph in connection with an interview
with tho Nebraska dolegation apropos
of their choico for president
Tho particular things in tho Roose
velt administration such as tho rail
road rate regulation tho proper con
trol of corporations in interstate com
merce the prosecution and puuishmont
of viol tors of law are tho most promi
nent features of tho identification of
the presidents policies Ihtsearo the
things most admired and desired by
Ne riskans was tho declaration of
Rtresentativo Georgo W Norris I
believe continued Judge Norris that
these policies are more fully exemplified
in tho character and work of Secretary
taft than any other candidate for tho
presidential nomination In my judg
ment his election a president would be
a continuation of these policies
Fresh fruits at tho White House
Gt your Christmas nuts at the White
McMillan has a largo lino of fancy
If its meat you can get it at Marshs
Gold Modal bulk coffee 20c to 35c
At Uubers
It is still proper to not worry and
keep smiling
Got tho lady one of Greens fino um
brellas for Christmas
Missels carpet sweepers
at Pades
Furniture Carpet Co
MvMillenis co 1 tab ets will euro your
cold and stop your cough
Parlor furniture everything new at
Pades Furuitur Car- et Co
Just arrived J Al 1S16 canned
fruits and vegi taoles Iluber
For Christmas you want tho BEST
You will find it at the White House
Have you ever tried an eraso ink
eraser Se one at The Tribune of
If its seasonable and in his line no
use to go any farther than Marshs moat
This has been a ditlicult week for the
rural delivery carriers and the star
route men The deep snow of the early
days made the roads very nearly impas
saole for several days
On Christmas day in St Albans
church there will be service at 615 a
m On this Festival of the Nativity if
possible every communicant should re
ceive the sacrament Tho Christmas
offering is for the aged and infirm clergy
andjthe widows and orphans fund
Clute Jansen Wedding
Married at ten oclock December 18
1907 in San Diego Calif Miss Eva
Clute formerly of McCook Nebraska
and Mr Harry Jansen of Leaven worth
Kansas both having been residents of
Los Angeles Calif the past year and a
The young couple immediately after
the ceremony took the train for a tour
of Old Mesico where they will spend
their honeymoon and later return to
Los Angeles Calif where the husband
is employed as chief bill clerk for the
Santa Fo railroad company and where
they will permanently make their home
F N Bentloy has gone to California
to spend the winter
Miss Mary Miller came down from
McCook and visited awhile with the
home folks recently
Mrs W D Mackechnio and the chil
dren camo home from Denver last week
A Thoroughbred Tramp is on the
boards for tonight at Shorts opera
Miss Emma Howard went to Cam
bridge Wednesday morning returning
on five
Mrs W P Elmer and daughter will
go to Iowa soon on a visit to relatives
We are in receipt of two fine snows
since our last writing also some very
cold weather with the thermometer ten
degrees below zero We will sure have
a white Christmas
A dance was given in Shorts opera
house Friday evening and a fino time
was had but the greatest celebration
happened down on the street after the
ball was over when a free for all fight
was indulged in
Mr and Mrs Leonard Smith aro ex
pecting their son Kenneth home for the
W George Sheppard is entert iining a
brother this week
Mr Farley and family late of New
Jersey now occupy the Baxter property
B B Duckworth arrived home Sun
day morning from his trip to Cuba
R E Smith and William Taylor went
over to Danbury first of tho week to do
some work in their line
John McClung left for Denver and
other points in the west last week
The Catholic fair closed Friday even
ing with a good attendance and a suc
cessful termination
Mrs I S Walker and little son Gailio
arrired in In Jianola Saturday morning
for a visit with her father W H Smith
and family
F A Denton is in Oxford
T B England has gone to St Fran
ces ville 111
Mrs W M Hiller is home from her
Iowa visit
Miss Ruth Wiehe will visit tho state
capital tomorrow
Mrs Harry Tyler is up from Or
leans today on business
George Hoffman departed this weok
for his homo in Fruita Colo
Mrs Roy Rogers and Mrs J S Miller
will visit in Omaha next week
Jacob Rozell is in Ohio visiting rela
tives and friends in tho Buckeye state
J A Ryan of Indinnola participated
in the K of C affair in tho city Tues
day evening
Mrs James McCullagh of Dickens
is a guest of Mr and Mrs C J Baker
of the South Side
Miss Edna Waite will bo home
night from the state university for the
Christmas holidays
Fred Kinghorn went on the night
police force last night to relieve Ed
Fitzgerald for awhile-
Miss Vera Ford of Trenton was a
guest of her sister Mrs C W McMillen
fore part of tho weok
Eugene Dunham loft this week for
Wellington Kansas to visit a brother
who lives in Sumner county
Earl Bargkr is a new clerk in Greens
Clothing Store retiring from the land
firm of Johnson Rozell Barger
County Clerk elect Chas Skalla
will move to the city the coming weok
and on next week will assume charge of
his office
Oscar Green Schell Kimmell Har
old Sutton and Coy Burnett of the uni
contingent will be home tonight for
tho holiday vacation
Mr and Mrs Alfred Harris depart
ed Monday night for Trenton Mis
souri on a visit to her parents Mr and
Mrs C F Elliott
E M Stewart is in Colorado and
southwestern Nebraska points assisting
in the invoicing of the several yards of
the Barnfett Lumber Co
Chester Collett will arrive from
University Place tonight to spend the
Christmas holidays with his parents
Mr and Mrs W S Collett
Mr and Mrs Ed Kates came up
from Havelock Saturday night on No
3 he to remain over Sunday and Mrs
Kates to be a home guest over Christ
Miss Edith Waite arrived home from
Crete where she has been attending
Doane college past semester Wednes
day night for the holiday vacation at
Mr and Mrs C B Kimball of
Greeley Colo arrived Monday night
for a visit with relatives and friends
here Mr Kimball is a brother of Mrs
J H Stephens
Miss Fannie V Eastman and Miss
Clara R Eastman both of Nashua
Iowa arrived in the city Thursday
night last and are guests of Mrs E S
Waite their sister
Mr and Mrs A S Ennis have gone
to Iowa where a younger brother of
hers J W Studebaker is to bo mar
ried After a visit at her home the
Ennis family will locate in Hastings
Mrs E J Bull returned Wednes
day night to her home in Boulder
Colo after a short visit with her daught
er on the Beaver Her little grandson
accompanied her homo and will spend
the holidays in Boulder
Mrs L R Hileman departed Wed
nesday night for Los Angeles Calif
where she will spend the rest of the
winter with her parents Mr and Mrs
Lee She expects to then make her
home in South Saint Joseph Missouri
where Mr Hileman has employment in
tho stock industry at that place
W M Morrisey city attorney of
Jacksonville 111 and Ed Keetingof the
same city were in the city early part of
the weok Councilman Real so interest
ed the gentlemen in McCook s present
and future that they will both likely lo
cate nere in tue spring They went
from here to Pueblo Colo on a shoit
visit on their wav home
Adjourned to December 30th
District court adjourned Wednesday
until December 30th when naturaliza
tion matters motions etc will be con
sidered by tho court
Last Friday the case of Everist vs
Fisher commission for sale of land was
concluded in favor of defendant by jury
Wednesday of this week the jury in tlie
suit of James Doyle vs Red Willow
county land damages brought in a ver
dict of 20 which tho court set aside
The case will likely come up for trial
again next term of court
The windows and interiors of Mc
Cooks stores have never bepn more
handsomely and appropriately decorat
ed They are highly creditable in de
sign appropriateness and execution
Jar loose from your dollars
Look at our now buffet and china
Padk Furnitgre Carpet Co
Wellerette cigars sold only in drug
stores the best 5 cents will buy For
sale at Woodworth Cos
Pals of the President
Colonel Ilarry Hall of Pittsburg was
in London riding on top of a bus lie
asked the driver several questions
and then tho driver said You hare
not one of hus sir
No Hall replied I am an Amer
Ilamerica is a fine place sir Hi
lived therp once
Why sir Hi lived in Washington
Hi was coachman for Sir Frederick
W Bruce when e was minister there
sir We was most familiar with the
hold Grant sir when he were presi
dent most familiar
How was that inquired the as
tonished nail
Why sir my marster was is per
tickler friend most pertickler Mnuys
the night I have driven im to the
White House and sat there im on the
hmside an me hon the houtside for
ours at a time
Little Acts of Kindness
Walters mother had made a point of
teaching him to be kind to animals
Oh mother he exclaimed one day
Im sure you will like the little girl
whos moved in next door Shes so
kind to animals
She looks like a nice little girl
said Walters mother and I think I
shall like her but how is she kind to
We had some chestnuts just now
and she found a worm in one and she
didnt eat it Lippincotts
Vicarious Punishment
A mother brought her little boy to
school for his first time and said to
the teacher
This little boy is very delicate as
he is afther a fit of harmonya on the
loongs but if he does anything bould
and I know lie will bate the wau next
to him a n twill frighten him
A Record Breaker
A clergyman one Sunday morning
was exhorting those who had troubled
consciences to be sure and call on their
pastor for guidance and prayer
To show you my brethren the
blessed results of these visits with
your pastor said he I will state to
you that only yesterday a gentleman
of wealth called upon me for counsel
and instruction and now today my
friends today he sits among us not
only a Christian but a happy husband
and father
A young lady in the audience whis
pered to a matron Wasnt that pretty
quick work Ladies Home Journal
To make childrens shoes last longer
try this method Melt together tallow
and common resin In the proportion of
two parts of the former to one of the
latter and apply the preparation hot to
the soles of the boots and shoes to be
treated This will save parents many
The Story of tho Row
At n Dublin county court once I was
very much interested In the following
Judge Who is it that brings the al
legator against the prisoner at the
X 90 Plaze yur Olm the
Judge Whats the charge
X 99 Well plaze yur wurshup OI
was on my bate as usual when Oi saw
a man with a bos creating a disturb
ance in the road What are ye doing
there says Oi Olm going to lave
that box here says he Shure ye
cant lave it there says OI Weil
Oive left it there says he Come
out of that says Oi Olm not in it
says he Its agInst the law says
Oi Youre a liar says he its
aginst the windowf With that OI
struck him and missed him Thin 01
hit him agin in the same place but he
hits me a blow on the nose wid his
fist and says A friend in need Is a
friend indeed London Answers
Hundred Dollar Mice
Oh yes I have seen mice worth
100 said a pet stock dealer They
were prize winners of course pedi
greed stock to command so fancy a
figure Ileres a 45 mouse now
He took from a gilt cage a mouse
with a long silver gray coat
This little chap he said patting
the small sleek head has won three
firsts and four seconds He is very
good class
Then he opened a catalogue that de
voted two pages to mice It offered
mice at any figure from 25 cents up to
90 There were fawn mice white
mice singing mice beautifully marked
brown and whites black and tans
white and reds 400 varieties in all
Are there mouse societies What a
stupid question Of course there are
the same as there are societies for the
breeding of dogs pigeons horses And
now cant I persuade you sir to take
this handsome 45 silver gray chap for
your little boy New Orleans Times
A Little Ambiguous
Very commendable is the zeal dis
played in receut years in the effort to
put an end to the obnoxious habit of
expectorating in places frequented by
the public Still the offense would
probably be classed under the head of
venial and it might be well to ad
just the punishment to the crime
After crossing on one of the ferry
lines that convey passengers over the
North river to New Jersey points and
carefully considering the possible log
ical connection between the two parts
of the Notice to Passengers hanging
In a conspicuous place one wonders if
perhaps the reforming zeal of the ferry
company may not have carried it too
far The sign reads Spitting on the
floor Is prohibited Life preservers are
provided for all passengers
Christmas Greeting
and with our sincere wishes for a Merry Xmas may you re
ceive a good supply of those
Practical Presents
we are offering in such great
abundance at such very moderate prices If you have not as
yet visited our store do so at once If you have come
again and often for every visit will show you a big variety of
new fancy articles and useful presents
Look over this list and complete your Christmas
Back Combs
Hat Pins
Stick Pins
Table Cloths
Lunch Cloths
TMs Bank
has safely handled the funds
of its patrons for over 22
years If you are looking for
a strong safe and conserva
tive bank one that has near
ly 89000000 of Capital Sur
plus and Undivided Profits
and several times this amount
of personal responsibility be
hind it then you cannot do
better than place your busi
ness with
First National
of McCook
of all descriptions
at all pi ices
Auto Scarfs
Knit Shawls
Pin Cushions
Dresser Scarfs
Chiffonier Scarfs
Buffet Scarfs
Centre Pieces
ALL ARE INVITED whether you come to see or to buy
H C Clapp
Exclusive Dry Goods and Ladies
Phone 56
Walsh Block
Holiday Greeting
of Holdrege Nebraska
green and bronze
ING ground fine
ropes or wreaths
We grow our own flowers hence they are always
fresh Leave your orders early for best results
At flerles Bakery FlcCook Neb
I UIHHlhiJJl JllUlli I T ii ry
Office supplier at the Triucse ofiice
5H3HRTi5ES nawiSa Jjnn
fa gaSB 3 W S
AkI your lfrurglit for CnT CIIK
uiamunu hka
Gold metallic
Ribbon Take
i rurnnt arid ml
D PILLS in Rfd andAX
boies soiled tviih BIuevO
NO Oinnn ltnroFyoarV
Tor V
I7A3I03i J1IIAXI 1111- for twentv fivo
year3 regarded as Best Safest Always Reliable
and Builder
Repairing and Remodeling
Buildings a Specialty
A Shop Phono 324
brances i
i Waists Muslin Undergarments
Silk Petticoats Silk Hose S --
Kimonas Fancy Collars r I
Cloaks Hand Bags s J
I Skirts Gloves 9
Furs Mufflers 1