The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 13, 1907, Image 8

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note drawing ten per cent interest with
approved security A discount of five
per cent for cash on sums of 10 and
over No property to be removed until
Settled for
Free lunch at noon
J IT Woddell Auct W S Collett Clerk
Public Sale
I will sell at public sale three miles
wet and four miles north of McCook
where I now live on what is known as
the Wales farm on
Friday Dec 20th
commencing at 10 oclock a m the fol
lowing property
8 Head of Horses
One span gray mares with foal
weisht 2300 one brown marewith foal
weight 1100 one gray mare with foal
weight 1100 two colts coming 2 years
old two weanling mules good ones
7 Head of Cattle
Four good milch cows three yearlings
40 Head of Hogs
Mostly shoats
3 Dozen Chickens
Farm Implements etc
One box wagon one rack and wagon
ne top buggy one set work harnessone
set light harness one McCormick corn
binder one McCormick grain binder
one McCormick mower one press drill
one gang plow one cream separator
-ether articles too numerous to mention
Free lunch at noon
TERMS Sums under 10 cash on
sums of 10 and over a credit 01 nine
months will be given purchaser to give
aote drawing ten per cent interest with
approved security A discount of five
per cent for cash on sums of 10 and
over No property to be removed until
settled for
Presents for boys tho boys will like
Presents for girls tho girls admiro
Presents for young and old in fact
Presents for everybody
Our earnest endeavor in our preparation for Christmas lias resulted
in the collection of ono of the most hnnutiful assortments of gifts over dis
played in McCook
Rarely will circumstances permit such advantages for gratifying in
dividual preferences in the selection of gifts
Wo will not attempt to enumerate all the beautiful articles which our
stock comprises but we
J H WTODDELL Auctioneer
McCook Markets
Merchants and dealers in McCook at
noon today Friday are paying the fol
lowing prices
Corn 8 48
Wheat 80
Oats 35
Sye - 55
Barley 45
Hogs 4 00
Butter good 20
V- - rrr 24
Woodworth Co
Having decided to move to Ore
gon the undersigned will sell at
public auction 7 miles north
of McCook on
Wednesday Dec 18 1907
commencing at 10 oclock a m
the following property
One span matched browns one mare
and one gelding 7 years old weight 1150
teh ono gray gelding 8 years old
weight 1200 one bay gelding 7 years old
weight 1200 one span roan mares 4
years old weight 1000 each one black
kiro colt about 6 months old one work
Three lumber wagons two top bug
gies five sets double harness one set
nio harness one 12 hole Columbia
rrain drill one 8 foot Deering binder
one McCormick mower one new Bradley
di jc one new 3 section harrow two
walking cultivators one riding cultivat
or one walking lister and drill lot lum
ber hog fencing elC household goods
and other articles too numerous to men
TERMS Sums under S10 cash on
4um of 10 and over a credit of nine
months will be given purchaser to give
R F D No 1
Miss Ada Walkington teacher of the
North Star school spent Sunday last
with friends and relatives at Lebanon
Frank Dudok was with Perry friends
last week
Henry Eberts new house is ready for
August Bahr is having the finishing
touches put on Lis fine new house
William Schlagel was a guest of his
sister-in-law Mrs Mary Schlagel all
Charles Schlutsmeier is hauling out
lumber for a new house
Mr and Mrs Chas Nothnagel and
Mr and Mrs P H Blunck were visitors
at Jacob Weschs Sunday
Charley Creager and family have
moved on the Smith place south of
Mrs C M Cunningham is teaching
her scholars how to dance every other
night at Harve Rowlands
A basket supper will be given in the
school house of district No 83 Decern
ber 20 for the benefit of the school
General invitation
Some time ago a young horse owned
by Edwin Towle estrayedfrom his farm
Ho recently recovered the animal at
Literary will bo changed to every
Wednesday nighr instead of every other
Friday night
The Ache ana Pains Will Disappear
If the Advice of This McCook Citi
zen Is Followed
A womans back has many aches and
Most times tis the kidneys fault
Backache is really kidney ache
Thats why Doans Kidney Pills cure
Many McCook women know this
Read what one woman has to say
about it
Mrs D A Jordan living in the north
western part of McCook Neb says
I used Doans Kidney Pills about a
year ago when suffering from kidney
trouble and found them just as reprere
sented At the time I began their use
I had a dull pain through the small of
my back At times I was very weak
across my loins and had such severe
pains through my kidney regions that I
could scarcely bend or stoop I was un
able to sleep half the night and would
rise in the morning feeling tired and un
refreshed The kidney secretions were
very irregular and annoyed me a great
deal on account of their too frequent
action At times I was subject to head
aches was very nervous and the least
thing would serve to excite me After
suffering in this way for some time
Doans Kidney Pills were brought to my
attention and I procured a box at Mc
Connells drug store I used them for
a short time and felt great improvement
in my condition I continued using
them and received a complete cure I
am happy to say that I have not suffer
ed from any symptom of kidney trouble
since that time
For sale by all dealers Price 50
cents Foster Milburn Co Buffalo
New York sole agents for the United
Remember the name Doans and
take no other
Only two worthful items enter into
the value of advertising namely quant
ity and quality that is how many and
how good The McCook Tribune is in
a field by itself locally on these two
points We challenge and invite in-
Ispection and comparison We can give
you from two to three times the value
for your money that any other Red
Willow county publication can offer
Our Cream Lotion is healing and
soothing to both face and hands and
will give entire satisfaction
A McMillen Druggist
Mann lost a
horse last
Conrad Miller and family went to
Culbortson Sunday to visit relatives
Mrs Tim Haley and Mrs James
Boldman were McCook visitors Friday
Mr nnd Mrs Ilethcote ontortained
a friend from Audubon Iowa last week
Frank Fritsch died Wednesday the
4th after an illness of only a few weeks
The funeral was held at tho homo Fri
day at two oclock Sermon by Rev
Bodino of tho Congregational church
Mrs Mackochnio and tho children are
in Denver visiting her brother Floyd
and family Tho doctor may go later
for a short visit
Charles Beardsleo came to Indianola
ono day this week bringing with him a
wifo They aro visiting among relatives
and friends for awhile
Mrs -Rankin received a telegram
Tuesday evening calling her to Cripple
Creek where her sou Hiram lies danger
ously ill with typhoid pneumonia She
left here tho same evening for his bed
Mr T W Counter loaded his house
hold goods Tuesday preparatory to
moving to Pawnee City where he has
purchased a small farm close to town
An auction social given by th Ep
wcrth League Friday evening a
suci ess financially and socially A bout
30 was made by the sale of small puck
ages worthless of course which
caused much merriment
Mr Fred Hughes who was one of tho
elevator men at this place took his de
parture Tuesday night for Dunbar
Neb Where his family live
Miss Pearl Lyman 01 birtley was an 1
Indianola visitor Monduy evening
Ales Brown of Duibury was a busi
ness visitor hern Wednesday
Mrs Nick Lee visited in McCook a
few days this week with her sister Mrs
The Catholics held thbir bazaar three
day this week in the Masonic temple
Mrs Clarence McCord of Colorado
formerly of Indianola stopped off be
tween trains here Tuesday
last night by Miss Peikins aided by
the school children for the purpose of
helping to raise funds to buy a paiuo
for the school house
Mrs Pearl Cummings was hero last
week from Lebanon visiting her parents
Mr and Mrs Hays
Mr and Mrs Clatie Burgess of Leba
non were visitiug in acd around Dan
bury Tuesday
L E White died at the sanitarium at
Lincoln Dec Gth of Brights disease
Mrs White and Dan Clouse went to
Lincoln and brought back the remains
to his home in Danbury where they
were kept until Sunday morning then
taken to the Star school house on the
Sappa The funeral sermon was preach
ed by the Rev Hawkes of McCook
after which the remains were buried in
the cemetery nearby Mrs White has
the sympathy of the community
Dr Minnick and Miss Flossie An
drews of Indianola visited her parents
Miss Grace Phillips spent Sunday
with the Burbridge family
Grandma Dyer living south of town
died Dec 9th She went to bed in her
usual health and was found dead in the
morning so we understand Rev Shep
herd preached the funeral sermon at 10
oclock Wednesday morning
The great fiasco called a trial came
to a focus yesterday Tuesday Our
justice it seems was not in possession
of all the facts and drew up the indict
ment for the 9th when it appeared upon
the trial that the mischief was done
about 10 oclock am of the 10th so
the bad boys were acquitted You see
there is many a slip etc However the
people will have to pay a bill of costs of
perhaps one hundred dollars It seems
that our only salvation is to Steal a
Vrto OT1 I - t I Tr can
kjKJtw auu jub uu ouai
Mrs Alia MacUs was visiting in Leba
non this week
Rollo DeMay has been having his
house remodeled and Mr Newmans
house is just about finished and we
think the boys will soon be ready to
begin housekeeping
Meetings closed at the Methodist
church Sunday night with several ad
Throat trouble which has prevailed
as an epidemic among the people seems
to havo reached the dogs as many are
sick with it
Roscoe Korns wife and baby visited
at Louis Longneckers on Sunday
Frank Blake wife and niece were
visitors at Mrs Sawyers Sunday
Miss Mary Blake from near Havana
is visiting with friends
One couple and a quartette of young
people attended church in Indianola
Sunday evening
A basket social was held at the school
houseknown to the older citizens as the
Ball school house on Thursday evening
the object being to raise funds to buy
books for the library
Say you saw it in The Tribune
Tho Seven Stages of Drunkenness and
the Results
According to tho evidence given re
cently by Dr R T Williams an Eng
lish phyylclan hi a London police court
says the Literary Digest he distin
guishes seven stages of drunkenness
irritable mellow pugnacious affection
ate lachrymose followed if the total
doses were large enough by collapse
and death It Is noted by the British
Medical Journal from which this re
port is taken that other authorities
have formulated these stages In differ
ent ways Says this paper
Magnan who was one of the first
to begin the scientific study of the
physiological action of alcohol distin
guished Ave stages first slight ex
citement and a feeling of well being In
which speech and gestures became
more animated in the second stage
ideas became crowded together and
confused the mood being without any
very obvious reason for the difference
gay or sad or full of tender emotion
In the third stage the confusion of
Ideas was greater and accompanied by
incoherence perversion of taste and
smell illusions thick speech vacant
countenance and staggering gait the
fourth stage was coma and the llfth
death Magnans second stage has
been graphically described by Claye
Shaw as a loss of the sense of aware
ness of surroundings
The Limit of Human Speed Has About
Been Reached
One thing alone can intervene and
put the curb on the desire for speed
mans powers of endurance Already
there are signs that It has almost
reached its limit The Increase of
nervous diseases the spread of insan
ity these and other warnings should
serve as danger signals that the speed
of modern life is excessive The ad
justing of a mans frame to rapidly
changing conditions great though it
be j et has its limits
Machinery maj be perfected to an
Incredible degree but man unless we
are to conceive of hkn as becoming
absolutely machine like will always
have his limitations of flesh and blood
He will always be a fantastic creature
subject to strange emotions uncertain
gusts of passion sudden tricks of
nerves or of physical exhaustion
Among the daily catastrophies from
There was a recital given at the hll the lust of speed it is rare to find that
it is the machinery which is at fault
It is the failure of the eye to transmit
with sufficient rapidity the danger
message to the brain or an error in
judgment or a sudden nerve failure
one of these which brings about dis
aster Man may perfect the machine
but he remains himself ever imperfect
London Saturday Review
Nurses Dread Lightning
Of all people who are glad when the
season of thunderstorms is past none
are more thankful than professional
It isnt that we are so afraid of
lightning ourselves said a nurse in
Roosevelt hospital but it has a harm
ful effect on our patients Most sick
people have an unreasonable fear of
lightning In cases of extreme weak
ness or nervousness a dozen flashes of
blinding lightning reduce the patient
to such a state of prostration that it
takes extraordinary efforts on the part
of the nurse to bring him around If
one sick person requires all that extra
attention in a thunderstorm just im
agine the predictment of the nurse who
has a whole ward full of them on her
hands New York Press
On the Job
Amusing epitaphs are common enough
but it is not often that a tombstone
inscription is meant to carry a busi
ness advertisement A West Virginia
man tells of a singular one which may
be seen in a certain cemetery It was
the idea of a widow of a man named
Perkins a partner in a commercial
house known as Perkins Parker
Soon after tho decease of her spouse
Mrs Perkins married Mr Parker her
late husbands business associate The
inscription reads
Sacred to the memory of James
Perkins for thirty years senior part
ner of the firm of Perkins Parker
now Parker Co Harpers Weekly
Her Helpful Hint
The honeymoon had waned and the
cupboard was bare
Dont worry Mabel said the ro
mantic husband as he opened the pi
ano Remember music is the food of
But the practical little wife shook
her head
If you really think music is the food
of love she responded perhaps youll
step round and get the butcher to give
you a beefsteak for a mere song
London Answers
New York Life
The life of New York seems a tragic
matchiehe a religious can can the
maddest blend in all Christendom of
common sense and lunacy dignity and
folly poetry and a furious pogrom
against everything that makes for
heauty Cor Pall Mall Gazette
Telling Tales
Unsophisticated Visitor trying to use
the telephone Kitty what do you say
when you take this thing off the hook
Little Girl Papa always says Darn
you central youve given me the
wrong number Chicago Tribune
A Domestic Debate
What kept M rs Clubleigh at home
A discussion of the servant girl
WTHh Tier club
No with her girl Cleveland Plain
What Shall Wc
Bo About
Xmas Presents
UP 9
Let us solve a part of the problem for you
Mother would like some good table linen a
pretty rug for the best room a nice warm house
dress from some of our 45c cashmeres in an
assortment of colors a pretty piece of Japanese
or Mexican drawn work or maybe she would
like a durable as well as stylish Black Taffeta
Silk Waist
O yes then the young lady sister might like
a pretty little evening dress from the light
colored Albatross Mohair and Silksjthat were
selling at a remarkably low price or a Fan
some Beads a Back Comb from our large as
sortment long Gloves a Fur Neck Piece a fan
cy pair of Hose a pair of Queen Quality Shoes
or a box of Handkerchiefs in assorted designs
Let us help you with your Xmas shopping
as we count it a pleasure te show you goods
The following letters cards and pack
ages remain uncalled for at the McCook
postoffice December 12 1907
Anderson Mr Earnest Bromgart 31
Clark 3Ir J K
Dean 3Ir E A
Eldridge W A
Fitt A T
Haglefron 3Ir
Hugley W H
Harding 3Ir John
Johnson 3Iis 3Iartha
3IitchelI Wm
Patterson L
Ringer Dan
U 3Ii s Jennie
Wallace Mrs I J
Winger C E
Tattle Mr Joe
Arnold Master Louis Bell T G
Beiss 3Ir A
Boover Mr E
Green Harry
Johnson Gilbert C
3Iellick Mr Guy
Tucker H G
Dwyer MrT
Dinnell J S
Fischer R F
Gaskill 3Ir R C
Hay ward O
Haner W E
Jones Harry
Jones Orville
Peterson 3Iiss Ethel
Pardons Miss Jennie A
Van Bruns 3Ir
Walker O M
Welborn 3Iiss Ros
Young J W
Barry Mr J J
Flint 3Ir Harold
Johnson EB
Lenten 3Ir John
Ferryman E L
Tuttle Mr Joseph 3
Yates Mr Harry 2
When calling for these please say
they were advertised
F M Kimmell Postmaster
Phone No 16
THE TRIBUNE Office for Office Supplies
AqwsqibSs vsiavtvaaV
Has Most Liberally
filled all our stockings
and will fill yours at the
Our Large Stock is fast disappearing
Good variety as yet
Is Bulicmg
If you will figure with us and
quality of material s any object
you will be easily convinced that
we out class all competition
t f ii
i i