The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 13, 1907, Image 7

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- fi --
intercourse with the western nations
and her increasing wealth and produc
tion -which we veghrtl with hearty
conferred upon the pro Mont by the
rates provided r in
bVXi7 -
u w
section to
champatrm a ll oher sparki in
wines and pursuant toNvhich the Ger
man conventional or minimum tariff
rates were extended to about per
cent of all the exports from the Unit
ed States to Germany This agree
ment is to remain in force until the
30th of June 190S and until six
months after notice by either party to
terminate it
The agreement and the report of the
commission on which it is based will
be laid before the congress for its in
This careful examination into the tar
iff relations between the United States
and Germany involved an inquiry into
certain of our methods of administra
tion which had been the cause of much
complaint on the part of German ex
porters In this inquiry I became sat
isfied that certain vicious and unjusti
fiable practices had grown up In our
customs administration notably the
practice of determining values of Im
ports upon detective reports never
SL r
under Governor Magoon Absolute closed to the persons whose InterestB
quiet and prosperity have returned to were affected The use of detectives
j ceive the assistance of the quasi offi
cial chambers of commerce in deter
mining the actual market value of
good will and wish to make the j goods in accordance with what I am
sion of mutually beneficial commerce advised to be the true construction of
all unite in making it eminently desir
able that this invitation should be ac
cepted I heartily recommend such
legislation as will provide in generous
fashion for the representation of this
government and its people in the pro
posed exposition Action should be
the law
These changes of regulations were
adapted to the removal of such mani
fest abuses that I have not felt that
they ought to be confined to our rela
tions with Germany and I have ex
tended their operation to all other
taken now We are apt to countries which have expressed a de
mate the time necessary for sire to enter into similar administrative
tion in such cases The invitation to relations
the French exposition of 1900 was
brought to the attention of the con
gress by President Cleveland in De
cember 1S95 and so many are the de
lays necessary to such proceedings that
the period of four years and a half
which then intervened before the ex
position proved none too long for the
proper preparation of the exhibits
German Tariff Agreement
The adoption of a new tariff by Ger
many accompanied by conventions for
reciprocal tariff concessions between
that country and most of the other
countries of continental Europe led
the German government to give the
notice necessary to terminate the re
ciprocal commercial agreement with
this country proclaimed July 13 1900
The notice was to take effect on the
1st of March 190G and in default of
some other arrangements this would
have left the exports from the United
States to Germany subject to the gen
eral German tariff duties from 25 to
50 per cent higher than the conven
tional duties imposed upon the goods
of most of our competitors for German
Under a special agreement made be
tween the two governments in Febru
ary 190G the German government
postponed the operation of their notice
until the 30th of June 1907 In the
meantime deeming it to be my duty to
make every possible effort to prevent
a tariff Avar between the United States
and Germany arising from misunder
standing by either country of the con
ditions existing in the other and act
ing upon the invitation of the German
government I sent to Perl in a com
mission composed of competent ex
perts in the operation and administra
tion of the customs tariff from the de
partments of the treasury and com
merce and labor This commission was
engaged for several months in confer
ence with a similar commission ap
pointed by the ilerinan government
under instructions so far as practica
ble to reach a common understanding
ns to all the facts regarding tho trriffs
of the United States and Germany ma
terial and relevant to the irale rela
tions between the two countries The
commission reported and upon the ba
sis of the report a further teporai
commercial was entered in
I ask for authority to reform tho
agreement with China under which the
indemnity of 1900 was fixed by remit
ting and cancelling the obligation of
China for the payment of all that part
of the stipulated indemnity which is
in excess of the sum of 11G55492G9
and interest at 4 per cent After the
rescue of the foreign legations in Pe
king during the Boxer troubles in 1900
the powers required from China the
payment of equitable indemnities to
the several nations and the final proto
col under which the troops were with
drawn signed at Peking Sept 7 1901
fixed the amount of this indemnity al
lotted to the United States at over 20
000000 and China paid up to and in
cluding the 1st day of June last a little
over 0000000 It was the first inten
tion of this government at the proper
time when all claims had been pre
sented and all expenses ascertained as
fully as possible to revise the estimates
and account and as a proof of sincere
friendship for China voluntarily to re
lease that country from its legal lia
bility for all payments in excess of the
sum which should prove to be neces
sary for actual indemnity to the Unit
ed States and its citizens
Chinese Students
This nation should help in every
practicable way in the education of
the Chinese people so that the vast
and populous empire of China may
gradually adapt itself to modern con
ditions One way of doing this is by
promoting the coming of Chinese stu
dents to this country and making it at
tractive to them to take courses at our
universities and higher educational in
stitutions Our educators should so
far as possible take concerted action
toward this end
Evidences of Our Cordial Relations With
Our Southern Neighbors
On the courteous invitation of the
president of Mexico the secretary of
state visited that country in Septem
ber and October and was received ev
erywhere with the greatest kindness
and hospitality
to hv the two i nti pursuant to lie carried from the government of
which in the exercise of the authority the United States to our southern
neighbor a message of respect and
third Kot tion of tie tvir act of July good will and of desire for better ac-
24 1S07 I extended Vv reduced tariff quaintance and increasing friendship
The response from the government and
the people of Mexico was hearty and
sincere Xo pains were spared to
manifest the most friendly attitude and
feeling toward the United States
In view of the close neighborhood of
the two countries the relations which
exist between Mexico and the United
States are just cause for gratiiication
We have a common boundary of over
1000 miles from the gulf of Mexico to
the Pacific Much of it is marked only
by the shifting waters of the Rio
Grande Many thousands of Mexicans
are residing upon our side of the line
and it is estimated that over 40000
Americans are resident in Mexican ter
ritory and that American investments
Jn Mexico amount to over 700000000
The extraordinary industrial and com
mercial prosperity of Mexico has ecu
greatly promoted by American enter
prise and Americans are sharing
largely In its results The foreign
trade of the republic already exceeds
240000000 per annum and of this
two thirds both of exports and Imports
v -
are exchanged with the United States
Under these circumstances numerous
the Island because of this action Vo though often necessary tends toward questions necessarily arise between the
are now taking steps to provide for abuse and should be carefully guard- two countries These questions are al
cleetlons In the Island and our ex- j ed Under oui practice as I found It ways approached and disposed of In a
pcctatlon Is within the coming year to to exist in the ase the abuse had be- spirit of mutual courtesy and fair deal
be able to turn the island over again come gross and discreditable Under Ing Americans carrying on business
to a government chosen by the people It Instead of seeking Information as to
thereof Cuba Is at our doors It Is the market value of merchandise from
not possible that this nation should
permit Cuba again to sink into the con
dition from which we rescued It All
that we ask of the Cuban people Is that
they be prosperous that they govern
themselves so as to bring content or
der and progress to their Island the
Queen of the Antilles and our only
interference has been and will be to
help them achieve these results
An Opportunity to Display Our Friend
ship For Japan
An invitation has been extended by
Japan to the government and people of
the United Stales to participate in a
great national exposition to be held at
Tokyo from April 1 to Oct 31 1012
and in which the principal countries
of the world are to be invited to tako
part This is an occasion of special in
terest to all the nations of the world
and peculiarly so to us for it is the
first instance in -which such a great na
tional exposition has been held by a
great power dwelling on the Pacific
and all the nations of Europe and
America will I trust join in helping
to success this first great exposition
ever held by a great nation of Asia
The geographical relations of Japan
and the United States as the possessors
of such large portions of the coasts of
the Pacific the intimate trade relations
already existing between the two coun
tries the warm friendship which has
the well known and respected meni
hers of the commercial community In
the country of its production secret
statements were obtained from inform
ers and discharged employees and busi
ness rivals and upon this kind of se
cret evidence the values of imported
goods were frequently raised and heavy
penalties were frequently Imposed upon
Importers who were never permitted
to know what the evidence was and
who never had an opportunity to meet
it It is quite probable that tills sys
tem tended toward an increase of the
duties collected upon Imported goods
but I conceive it to be a violation of
law to exact more duties than the law
provides just as it is a violation to ad
mit goods upon the payment of less
than the legal rate of duty Tills prac
tice was repugnant to the spirit of
American law and to American sense
of justice In the judgment of the
most competent experts of the treas
ury department and the department of
commerce and labor it was whollj un
necessary for the due collection of the
customs revenues and the attempt to
defend it merely illustrates the demor
alization which naturally follows from
a long continued course of reliance
upon such methods I accordingly
caused the regulations governing tills
branch of the customs service to be
modified so that values are determined
upon a hearing in which all the par
ties interested have an opportunity to
be heard and to know the evidence
against them Moreover our treasury
In Mexico testify uniformly to the
kindness and consideration with which
they are treated and their sense of the
security of their property and enter
prises under the wise administration
of the great statesman who has so
long held the office of chief magistrate
of that republic
The two governments have been unit
ing their efforts for a considerable time
past to aid Central America in attain
ing the degree of peace and order
which have made possible the pros
perity of the northern parts of the con
tinent After the peace between Guate
mala Honduras and Salvador celebrat
ed under the circumstances described
In my last message a new war broke
out between the republics of Nicara
gua Honduras and Salvador The ef
fort to compose this new difiiculty has
resulted in the acceptance of the joint
suggestion of the presidents of Mexico
and of the United States for a general
peace conference between all the coun
tries of Central America On the 17th
day of September last a protocol was
signed between the representatives of
five Central American countries ac
credited to tliis government agreeing
upon a conference to be held in the
city of Washington in order to devise
the means of preserving the good re
lations among said republics and
bringing about permanent peace in
those countries The protocol in
cludes the expression of a wish that
the presidents of the United States and
Mexico should appoint representatives
to lend their good and impartial offices
in a purely friendly way toward the
agents accredited to the
are govern- i8x f r t
beeu maintained between them with 1 ment of the country in which they
ference Tue conference is now in
out break since the opening of Japan to seek information and in Germany re 1
and where it is practicable our friend
ly assistance
Bureau of American Republics
One of the results of the pan-American
conference at Rio Janeiro in the
summer of 190G has been a great in
crease in the activity and usefulness
of the international bureau of Amer
ican republics That institution which
includes all the American republics in
its membership and brings all their
representatives together is doing a
really valuable work in informing the
people of the United States about the
other republics and in making the
United Stales known to them Its ac
tion is now limited by appropriations
determined when it was doing a work
on a much smaller scale and rendering
much less valuable service I recom
mend that the contribution of this gov
ernment to the expenses of the bureau
be made commensurate with its in
creased work
The White House Dec 3 1907
The Story of the Row
At a Dublin county court once I was
very much interested in the following
Judge Who is it that brings the al
legator against the prisoner at the
X 99 Plaze yur wurshup Oim the
Judge Whats the charge
X 99 Well plaze yur wurshup Oi
was on my bate as usual when Oi saw
a man with a box creating a disturb
ance in the road What are ye doing
there says Oi Oim going to lave
that box here says he Shure ye
cant lave it there says Oi Well
Oive left it there says he Come
out of that says Oi Oim not in it
says he Its aginst the law says
Oi Youre a liar says he its
aginst the window With that Oi
struck him and missed him Thin Oi
hit him agin in the same place but he
hits me a blow on the nose wid his
fist and says A friend in need is a
friend indeed London Answers
Hundred Dollar Mice
Oh yes I have seen mice worth
100 said a pet stock dealer They
were prize winners of course pedi
greed stock to command so fancy a
figure Heres a 45 mouse now
He took from a gilt cage a mouse
with a long silver gray coat
This little chap he said patting
the small sleek head has won three
firsts and four seconds He is very
good class
Then he opened a catalogue that de
voted two pages to mice It offered
mice at any figure from 25 cents up to
90 There were fawn mice white
mice singing mice beautifully marked
brown and whites black and tans
white and reds 400 varieties in all
Are there mouse societies What a
stupid question Of course there are
the same as there are societies for the
breeding of dogs pigeons horses And
now cant I persuade you sir to take
this handsome 45 silver gray chap for
your little boy Xew Orleans Times
A Little Ambiguous
Very commendable is the zeal dis
played in recent years in the effort to
put an end to the obnoxious habit of
expectorating in places frequented by
the public Still the offense would
probably be classed under the head of
venial and it might be well to ad
just the punishment to the crime
After crossing on one of the ferry
lines that convey passengers over the
North river to New Jersey points and
carefully considering the possible log
ical connection between the two parts
of the Notice to Passengers hanging
in a conspicuous place one wonders if
perhaps the reforming zeal of the ferry
company may not have carried it too
far The sign reads Spitting on the
floor is prohibited Life preservers are
provided for all passengers
Real Estate Filings
Tho following renl e at filings hnvo
been haue in tno county cloncd olhcu
since our last roport
John M Thomas and wife to
George M Thomas wd to so
qr 311 27 S 1500 00
Pierre L Mncfee sing to Lewis
E White wd to und hf int
lot 15 nlk 5 Unnbury 050 00
Matt Supenchick and wifo to
Robert McQuilkin wd to no
qr n w qr so qr 35 3 3S 1GS00 00
Samuel Current and wifo to
Jacob G Bottorfl wd to sw
qr w 11 ire qr 31 3 25 7000 00
Uniad States to Jacob M
Lnymon pat to sw qr 2 1 27
Perry A Premer sing to Ira
Sheets wd to lot 1 bile 70
Bnrtloy 100 00
Geo W Jones and wife tc John
E Ilntuorn wd to lot 2 3
blk 70 Hartley 100 00
Geo W Jones and wife to John
E Ilathorn qcd to lot -1 5
blk 70 Bartloy
Livonia Finch sing to Ruth
Riley and R T Riley wd to
lots 23 29 30 31 32 blk 1
South McCook
SAD Shilling rec to Cnarles
T Hoggs rec d to n hf no qr
29 130
100 CO
100 00
2 00
Have You Houses To Rent
Then you should bo supplied with
rent receipt books Thk Tkibune has
just what you want compact and com
Does human health depend on one
organ alone This question is becom
ing widely discussed since L T
Cooper first advanced his theory that
the stomach is the true seat of life
and all health dependent upon it
Mr Cooper who has met with re
markable success in the sale of his
new medicine believes that the stom
ach is responsible for most sickness
and that this organ is weak in the
present generation While discussing
this theory recently he said I am
asked time and again to tell why my
medicine has made such a record
wherever I have introduced it My
answer always is because it restores
the stomach to a normal condition
No one will deny that today there are
more half sick men and women than
ever before Nothing critical seems to
be the matter with them They are
just half sick most of the time They
dont know really what is the matter
with them I have talked with thou
sands during the past two years and
few knew indeed what their trouble
was One said nervousness another
said kidney trouble another liver com
plaint some constipation or heart
trouble or lung trouble Many had
treated as they called it for most of
these diseases at different times A
very common complaint is all run
down or tired all the time or no
I know positively that every bit of
this chronic ill health is caused by
stomach trouble and nothing else My
New Discovery puts the stomach in
sound condition in about six weeks
A weekly newspaper that publishes
twonty ouo columns of good reliable
vs a i vnni Is rrn in tbrpo days of
cheap weeklies intended only to hoII
some article that tho publisher is inter
ested in Credit is duo Tho Weekly
Inter Ocean for keeping its columns
filled with fresh and news
Give it a trial by subscribing through
The McCook Tm hunk
State of Nebraska lied Willow countv -
At n county court held ut tli county court
room in and for said county November 2Jml
1VKI7 Present J C Moore county jiuIku
In the matter of tho e tate of Sarah 1 Coolcy
deceased On readiiiKiiud lilinn tho ix tition of
UeorKo V Cooley praying that administration
of said estate may be granted to Alexander
Kllis as administrator Ordered that Decem
ber 14 1W7 nt one oclock p in is assigned for
lieariiiK said petition when all person inter
ested in said matter may appear at county
court to be held in and for said county and
show cause why tho prayer of petitioner should
not be granted anil that notice of the pendency
of said petition and the hearing thereof be
given to all persons interested in sniil mnitT lv
publishing n copy of this order in the McCook
Tribune a weekly newspaper printed in uid
county lor three successive weeks prior to said
day of hearing ti Lli Us 1 C Mooui
A true copy skai
Ifoylo J ldred Attorneys
County Judge
Stnto of Nebraska lied Willow county ss In
the county court
To all persons interested in the estate of
Lewis Edgar Ciimi deceased You are hereby
notified that on the Itli day of December UKfi
Jeanuetto II Cann widow of said Edgar
Cniiii deceased filed her petition in the county
court of said county for tho appointment of
Sylvester Cordeal as administrator of the estate
of Lewis Edgar Cann late of said county de
ceased and that the same will bo heard in the
county court room in the city of McCook in
said county on the iird day of December IJ07
at the hour of one oclock p in It is further
ordered that notice of said hearing be gien to
all persons interested in said estate by the pub
lication of this notice for three successive weeks
in the McCook Tribune a newspaper published
printed and circulated in said county
Dated this fourth day of December 1W1
IS1al J C Mooitc County Judge
Modern People Have Many Names for Same
Diseases According to New Belief
sound digestion That is why my med
icine is selling at such a tremendous
rate I have convinced many thou
sands of people that these things are
so and the number is growing by
leaps and bounds
Among more recent converts to Mr
Coopers beliefs is Mr Edgar Hinds
living at 6 Tappan Street Everett
Mass Mr Hinds has this to say on
the subject
I have suffered with stomach
trouble for eight years I was not sick
enough to be in bed but just felt bad
all the time My greatest trouble was
that I always felt tired would get up
in the morning feeling as tired as
when I went to bed
I had a very irregular appetite ana
was troubled with dizzy spells If I
stood for any length of time I would
have a dull pain in the lower part of
my back I was nervous and felt all
the time as though something terrible
was going to happen I tried many
kinds of medicine but nothing ever
helped me
I had about given up all hope of
ever being in good health again when
I heard so much of Cooper and de
cided to try his medicine I took one
bottle of his New Discovery and was
greatly surprised at the result I
gained 12 pounds in a few weeks I
can now eat anything I wish and feel
like a new man I cheerfully recom
mend this medicine to all sufferers
from stomach trouble
It is worth anyones time who is not
enjoying good health to learn of Mr
Coopers wonderful preparations We
are selling them in large quantities
Mighty few people can be sick with a I a McMillen
Not How Cheap but How Good with Us
Office and Shop west of First National Bank
Steel Ceilings Sold Put Up and Decorated
Afe WWfS ssssQAh
JAS S DOYLE Vice President
iljiyi ijn iiiiii iniii ipn r - wmffTjWHIM
Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 1 2000
Qsty QQtszy0Qz
J M Rupp
P O Box 131 McCook Nobraska
McCook Laundry
Dry and Steam Cleaning and
n Pressing
Real Estate
and Insurance
First door south of Foams gallery
McCook Nebraska
r Herbert J Pratt
Registered Gbaduatk
Oflico over McComiells Drug Storo
Telnplionon Ollico 100 rosiilonco 131
Former location Atlanta Georgia
The MOST COMFORTABLE anapender made for man youth or hoy
in Licht Heavy or Eitra Hevy Weijhtj Extra Lons Cio Extra Cost
They moke inexpensive tflfts every man youth or boy will iJlndly receive
HEYVES POTTER Depl 87 Lincoln Street Bostoa Haas
Our nieral Bcix Dog Scsrnsix Com xwn Cam mailed for 10c poitare Inrtractire
booklet Style or How to Dresi Correctly tree if yoa mention this publication
frminiuw i ja
Plumber and
am Fitter
Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass
Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings
Estimates Furnished Free Base
ment of the Postoffice Building
wr Ss
A few doses of this remedy will in
variably cure an ordinary attack of
It can always be deppnded upon
even in the more severe attacks of
cramp colic and cholera morbus
It is equally snccisf ul for summer
diarrhoea and cholera infantum in
children and is the means of saving
the lives of many children each year
When reduced with water and
sweetened it is pleasant to take
Every man of a family should keep
this remedy in his home Buy it now
PmcE 25c Large Size COo
The best of every
thing in his line at
the most reasonable
p r i ces is Harshs
motto He wants
your trade and
hopes by merit to
keep it
The Butcher
Phone 12
ar vviiiv
Attractively Packed in Handsome Single Fair Boxes
They contain mora and better rubber than any other make have cold pit non rastinc
metal parts and strong cord ends that cannot wear thronh The new back
free action permits easo and comfort no matter what position the body may assume