The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 13, 1907, Image 4

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Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
Pkksi dent Rooskvkit Hays NO
Thk wator wagoo is becoming more
and more popular There are indica
tions that Nebraska will next bu heard
on that question in no uncertain manner
Thk next national Republican con
vention will bo hold in Chicago Juno
10th It will bo one of the most mem
orable and momentous in tho partys
history since tho civil war
Thk question whether a railrond com
pany can bo compelled upon tho order
of a state railroad commission to stop
its fast mail trains when engaged in in
terstate commerce wan decided today
by tho supremo court of tho United
States in tho negative in tho case of tho
Atlantic CoaBt Lino Railroad company
vs tho board of railroad commissioners
of South Carolina
Setting Young1 Folks to Thinking
Thoro is a Quaker settlement in Iowa
that has soniu pronounced notions on
tho money value of waiting up a boy or
girl In tho village of only 150 a lecture
course is held every year costing about
90000 Tho young folks Coming in
from miles around One of the level
headed old Quakers says What do wo
care if we do run behind oven 150 if
the course starts one of our young folks
to thinking Over in Ohio a farmers
hired hands heard of a lecture course
two boys of them rode one horie after a
days work Ihey took in tho whole
course It started them to thinking
One of them is a prominent pastor and
preacher in DesMoines There is no
better investment for a community than
to start folks especially young folks to
thinking This is the big money item
in Chautauquas No one who has heard
the many sided program of a Chautau
his shell of self
qua can ever crawl into
satisfaction again Teachers preachers
men in hundreds of communities testify
of Chautauquas They pay
Christian Bible school at 10 a m
Preaching at 11 a in by Dr Finch Y
P S C E at 7 p m Preaching at 8 p
m by Rev Lanman All are welcome
Episcopal Preaching services at St
Albans church at 11 a m and 8 p m
Sunday school at 10 a m All are
welcome to these services
E R Earle Rector
Catholic Order of services Mass
8 a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m
Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday
school 230 p m Every Sunday
J J Loughkan Pastor
Bapt st Sunday school at 10 a m
Preaching service at 1100 a m Even
ing service at 800 B Y P U at 7 p m
A most cordial invitation is extended to
all to worship with us
EBurton Pastor
Christian Science Services Sun
day at 11 a m and Wednesday at 8
p m Subject Is the Universe In
cluding Man Evolved by Atonic Force
Meetings held in Diamond block Room
open Wednesdays and Saturdays from
2 to 4 p m Science literature on sale
Methodist Sunday school at 10 a in
Preaching and sacrement by the Rev
12 JuniorLbagueat4pnl Epworth
League at 645 Preaching by pastor
at 745 Prayer meeting Wednesday
night at 745 To all these services the
public is cordially invited
M B Carman Pastor
Congregational Sunday school at
10 a m Preaching at 11 a m and 8 p
m by Rev J A Bodine of Indianola
Junior Christian Endeavor at 3 p m
Senior Endeavor at 7 p m Prayer
meeting every Wednesday al S p ra
The public is cordially invited to all of
these services
G B Hawkes Pastor
The members of the Knights of
Columbus will indulge in a stag social
on December 17th in honor of visiting
Youll be sure to decide on books as
gifts to some of your friends when you
see what beautiful volumes our stock
L W McConnkll Druggist
Advertise McCook with imported
colored view post cards and illustrated
souvenir letters Sold by B Hofer
Buy early and often for Christmas
especially early Life is short and the
long sleep not
Most men wno mingle with great
crowds or participate in an event of
many features are absolutely unable to
describe in detail any one particular
feature It is then that they find their
weekly newspaper most valuable Just
so it is with the readers of daily news
papers thoy have not the time or the
inclination to follow every phase of the
weeks events and so turn to a weekly
newspaper for a concise and connected
account of any event of more than local
interest This demand is easily sup
plied at small cost by The Weekly
Inter Ocean which can be obtained I
with this paper one year for 125
Fresh fruits at the White House
Get your Christmas nuts at tho White
Gold Medal bulk coiree 20c to 3oc
At Rubers
Get the lady one of Greens fine um
brellas for Christmas
Shoes for tho whole family
onds Family Shoo Store
McMillans cold tablets will cure your
cold and stop your cough
Just arrived J M 1816 canned
fruits and vegetables Huber
For Christmas you want the BEST
You will find it at tho White ilouso
Have you ever tried an kkaso ink
eraser Se one at The Tribune of
If its seasonable and in his line no
use to go any farther than Marshs meat
District Court Proceedings
State vs Vivian DeVere Guilty of
destroying S25 worth of property Other
cases nolled Sentence not passed
State vs J S Boyer Not guilty
Other cases nolled
Divorces granted To Lillian Snyder
vs E M Snyder To Nellie McKillip
vs Charles R McKillip To Raymond
Clark vs Jossio Clark To Katie
Thompson vs James Thompson To
Mabel G Hammond vs J Oscar Ham
mond To Alice Wright vs James
Stato vs August Wesch Nolled
State vs Luther Bush Defendant
forfeited bond by failing to appear in
State vs Charles McCullom Nolled
Stato vs Kennedy Continued
State vs Cooper Quashed Defend
ant re arrested and preliminary set for
December 18th
State vs Scheit Nolled
J L Sims vs Charles H Keck et al
Title quieted in plaintiff
Whitney vs Tnnklos Decree of fore
tornraan vs Wyrick Dismissed as
to Walker and Indianola Investment Co
Snethen vs Scheidegger Decree of
Hess vs Dodge et al Dismissed
Davis vs Robinson Referred
Cowles vs Lewis Decree of fore
Finch vs Coy et al Title quieted in
Big Bargain Week
During the week of December 21 to 28
inclusive The Nebraska State Journal
will accept 83 from mail subscribers for
the whole year of 1908 without Sunday
or 84 with Sunday The regular price
is bi aiid go This cutgprice is only
good during Bargain Week and all you
have to do is to mail your remittance
to the State Journal Lincoln Neb
during that week and you will receive
the paper the whole year of 1908 up to
Jan 1 1909 This same cut in price
was made during the same week a year
ago and thousands of new names were
added to the list Such a cut price is
possible on account of savings made by
taking solicitors off the road Instead
of paying salaries hotel bills and rail
road fare these savings are given direct
to you There is too much middleman
in all kinds of business Here he is cut
out and the saving goes direct to you
The coming year will be a most import
ant one Presidential year always is
but now-a-days the individual voter is
the fellow Things are being done with
out bosses and they are being done in
the interest of the common people Are
you keeping track of state affairs and
taking the real part tliat you should
Remember this is your business not
someones else Read a paper with no
self interest One that is not conduct
ed by office holders or office seekers The
new deal and the square deal is in full
swing in Nebraska now and when you
can keep in touch with all these things
and have all the worlds news and pages
of splendid reading for your familv all
for 83 for the whole of 1908 shouldnt
you get in the band wagon while it it
waiting Remember it is only for the
week of December 21 to 2S that you get
such prices The rate goes right back
to 4 and 85 after these days Why not
come in with us
Real Estate Filings
The following real estate filings have
been mSde in the county clerks office
since our last report
J M Brown and wife trustees
of Church of Christ wd to
Its 9 10 blk 4S Bartley 75 09
L S Chittenden and wife to John
Haag wd to e hf ne qr 28 w
hf nw qr 27 2 26 2200 00
John S Funk and wife to Au
gust Hast and Edward
bartb qcd to n hf sw qr 27-4-26
United States to John Phifer
pat to w hf nw qr w hf sw qr
234 27
Emma J Bull grdn to Almeron
Reed deed to hf int in sw qr
sw qr 29-1-28
Emma J Bull grdn to Gottlieb
Weyeneth deed to hf in nw
qr nw
Guila P Graham and hus to
Gottlieb Weyeneth wd to qr
int in nw qr nw qr 32-1-28
Pearl Plnmb sing to Gottlieb
Weyeneth wd to same
Emma J Bull wid to Gottlieb
Weyeneth wd to nw qr nw
qr 32-1-28
Pearl Plumb sing to Almeron
Reed wd tc fourth int sw qr
sw qr
Emma J Bull wid to Almeron
Reed wd to sw qr sw qr 29-1-28
Guila P Graham and hus to
Almeron Reed wd to fourth
int sw qr sw qr
Christopker Kellysing to Mar
tha A Lefiler wd to nw qr
314 29
3200 00
500 00
1100 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 CO
J W STUDKKAKKuhas gone to Toledo
Mrs F M Berry is visiting tho folks
nt Wilcox
Earl Murray has disposed of his
barber shop
Mrs W M Hiller is visiting in
Montrose Iowa
Miss Minnie Berry is back from her
Iowa trip camo Wednesday
Rev G B Hawkes spent part of tho
week in Colorado on business
Mrs E O Scott has beon spending
tho week in Lincoln with his folks
Mrs A L Knowland returned first
of the week from her Denver visit
R II Trowbridge of Wauneta is
visiting McCook relatives this week
C II Meeker is in Fort Morgan Col
orado on business part of the week
Mr and Mrs R B Simmons arrived
home Sunday night from Detroit Micb
A I Branagan with Baker Oker
son for some time has gone to Culbort
Mrs C W Britt went up to Denver
close of last week on a visit of a few
William Sullivan of Lebanon has
been in tho city this week during
G Weyeneth was over from the
Beaver part of the week on matters of
Mrs G E Christian returned home
end of week from a visit in Fairfax
Miss Kathryn Sawyer entertained in
Miss Lucile Lawsons honor last Satur
day evening
Mrs D O Hewitt and son Glen
went down to Plattsmouth closo of last
week on a visit
Mr and Mrs J G Schoijel arrived
home Tuesday morning from their visit
of several days in Chicago
J II Bennett was out from Omaha
first of the week on business He left
for home Wednesday evening
J P Kummer got a thumb between
two barrels the other day and has a
broken member as the result
Mrs E H Doan and Mrs Leroy
Kleven entertain this afternoon in hon
or of Mrs J E Snyder of Lincoln
J A Wilcox went down to Omaha
J i
Tuesday night to attend the sessions of
the Grand Chapter of Nebraska Masons
John Maisel of Indianola was in
town Monday on his way to Colorado
where he has taken a homestead near
Mrs David Diamond indulged in a
flying trip to Denver first of the week
going up on Sunday and arriving home
Mrs F W Bosworth entertained
Wednesday evening in honor of Miss
Lucile Lawson who left for California
Thursday morning
Mrs W P Wickham who has been
a guest of Dr J A Gunn and family
for several week departed Monday
night for Red Oak Iowa
Rev Bodine of Indianola occupied
the McCook Congregational church
pulpit Sunday morning and evening
during Rev Hawkes absence
Miss Alice Benjamin is home for the
present her school in the Centerpoint
neighborhood being closed on account
of the presence of diphtheria in the
school three children having the dis
ease among the number
Rev G B Hawkes went over to
Danbury Sunday expectiug to preach
in the Congregational church but was
called to officiate at the funeral of a
man named White fourteen miles south
east that afternoon on the Sappa and
hence failed of his original purpose
Mrs Martha Fisher and Mrs Kate
Ashmore came down from Palisade
Monday evening Mrs Ashmore left
on No 3 same night for Denver Mrs
Fisher remained over guest of her son
C A Fisher until Wednesday when
she left for Atwood Kansas home of
her son Will
Miss Lucile La wson arrived in the
city last Thursday night from Wis
consin enroute home to California after
an absence of about eight months She
remained here guest of Dr and Mrs
R J Gunn until Wednesday when
she resumed her journey westward
Her short stay in the old home was a
mutual pleasure to- Miss Lucile who
has developed into charming young
womanhood and her large circle of old-
time friends bpro
If its meat you can get it at Marshs
Defendants the unknown heirs devisees and
legatees of Hannah Sehuler deceased will take
notice that on the tenth day of December 1W7
lUon Glover plaintiiF tiled his petition in the
district court of Red Willow county Nebraska
against you the object and prayer of whiclTare
to obtain a decree of court in favor of
plaintiff and nsainst said defendants quieting
his title in and to the south half of the north
east quarter and the north half of the south
east quarter of section iifteen township two
north of ranpe twenty nine west of the sixth
nnncinal meridian in sniri nnnntv -- i
claims and demands of defendands and each of
them that the cloud cast upon plaintiffs title
by the claims of defendants and each of them
be removed and each of them be decreed to be
no cloud upon plaintiffs title in or to said land
that defendants and each of them be decreed to
have no title in or to said land but that the
same be decreed to be in the plaintiff discharg
ed or all the claims or demands in law or in
equity of defendants or any of them for costs
and for general relief and that on the 10th day
of December 1907 said court ordered that ser
vice be made upon you by publication You are
required to answer said petition on or before
tho twentieth day of January 1908
Dated December 10 1907
wILfJjr Glovee Plaintiff
My w b ilorlan his attorney
Thrilling Irwident of tho Battle of
Bunker Hill
The battle of Bunker Hill gave the
occasion for many deeds of valor and
since that day we hold a list of names
illuminated in our memory One of
these names belongs to the Knight of
Derryfleld Do you remember who he
was and can you recall the song of his
bravery Read of It once more and
have Impressed again on your heart
the implicit obedience and perfect
courage of the New Hampshire farm
ers and their captain John Moor
When the forty five men of the little
town of Derryfleld N II left their
homes to fight for the great cause each
knew that no men were ever led by a
braver man than their beloved Captain
Moor His courage had inspired many
of them In the French and Indian war
So eagerly -when the alarm came in
1795 they inarched with him and his
drummer boy son to Cambridge where
he was entered a captain in Starks
And now comes the battle of Bunker
Hill Behind a fence piled thick with
grass Captain Moors company lay as
still as death An order had come from
Colonel Stark that not a shot was to be
fired until the British passed a stake
that was driven a short distance away
With perfect confidence in themselves
and their captain the fanners waited
waited motionless while that beauti
ful death dealing pageant of British
warriors swept grandly toward them
With the coolness and wonderful pre
cision of a dress parade the old world
came to meet the new the grenadiers
and light Infantry marching in single
file twelve feet apart the artillery ad
vancing more slowly and thundering
out an insolent defiance to the con
ceited little rebels while on each side
five battalions formed an oblique line
to the fence breastworks The very
flower of the English army full blos
somed in learned maneuvers
dent in shining arms and waving ban
ners advanced to meet a little group of
men untrained in tactics of warfare
only half armed clad in homespun
hiding behind a breastwork of grass
The dead line was crossed Bang
Bang Bang The little rebels were
awake at last Now not the stake
but a line of fallen bodies marked the
dead line Thunder and lightning
belched forth from that breastwork
A fire Intense steady killing and the
brave march of the Britishers was
checked A slight recoil and the offi
cers dashing up again urged the line
forward Not for one moment did tho
grass fence cease its voice of fire and
shot One by one the brave grenadiers
and their dashing gallant officers fell
to the earth The ranks broke and the
proud host fled before the meager
handful of New Hampshire men Ah
if we could only have had grass breast
works and Captain John Moor all
along the American line C F Harri
son in Atlanta Constitution
A Philanthropist
An earnest east side worker says
that uot long ago she was approached
hy an old gentleman who has the rep
utation of heing something of a philan
thropist with the request that he ho
permitted to accompany her on one of
her rounds of visits Much pleased
the worker consented The destitute
condition in which many families were
found elicited expressions of deep sym
pathy from the old gentleman hut tc
his companions surprise and regret
nothing more material Present they
came upon a small girl weeping bit
What is it my dear the old gen
tleman inquired
The child raised a tear stained face
and pointed into a dark alleyway Me
mudder sent me to buy some tread
an I lost my dime in there an Til git
licked awful she sobbed
Poor dear he remarked in a tender
voice at the same time putting his
hand into his vest pocket Dont cry
LTere L j match Perhaps you will be
able to find it Ilarpers
Misled by Stationery
I wrote a note to my washerwoman
about a Aveek or two ago asking her
please to bring my clothes home said
the woman I needed them I hap
pened to be in a religious concern at
the time and used its paper to write
the note on Bertha came yesterday
Ive a great notion to discharge
you Bertha I told her Why didnt
you bring me my clothes Must I get
enough things to wear a year without
having them washed on your account
To tell you the truth Bertha apol
ogized meekly you wrote on that
theah religious paypah and I didn t
pay no tenshun to it I jes thought H
was some o them peepul Avritin to
ask me to come to prayah meetin I
didnt know it was youah lettah miss
till yesterday mawnin when I got
tiahd of seeiu it around and opened it
so that was why I didnt git heah no
soonah with youah cloes New York
Moody on the Cards
One evening in San Francisco Evau
gelist Moody sat in his room at the ho
tel playing a game of cards with Mrs
Moody and two friends when a mes
senger came in with a dispatch A i
the boy stood waiting for a reply Ml
Mdody suddenly asked Wont you sit
down my lad and have a game of
authors with us
The boy declined and soon left thti
room Hardly had the door closed
vrhen Mrs Moody said Why Dwighi
what made you think of Inviting ihot
boy to sit down and play with us
My dear replied Moody dont y
see if I had not called the boys atten
tion to the fact that we were playing
authors all the morning papers woull
certainly have announced under bit
headlines that D Moody hud lieou
discovered in a Sar Francisco hoUtl
engaged in a game of tarda V
Sa c
- y
fcfliiiT ilii
- gsAagji
Mil I gg
Do not worry about those presents you are wanting to
make visit our store and you will solve the problems easily
and cheaply
Every Department Is Filled With
Fresh Goods at Fair Prices
Remember our up-to-date stock is in close touch with
the times and anticipates your every want in
Silk Petticoats
Back Combs
Hat Pins
Stick Pins
Table Cloths
Lunch Cloths
has safely handled the funds
of its patrons for over 22
years If you are looking for
a strocg safe and conserva
tive bank one that has near
ly 89000000 of Capital
plus and Undivided Profits
and several times this amount
of persona responsibility be
hind it then you cannot do
better than place your busi
ness with
First National
of McCook
Cures BRONC -1
Muslin Undergarments
Silk Hose
Fancy Collars
Hand Bags
of all descriptions
at all prices
Auto Scarfs
Knit Shawls
Pin Cushions
Dresser Scarfs
Chiffonier Scarfs
Buffet Scarfs
Centre Pieces
and many other useful and appropriate gifts that cannot be
here enumerated
YOU WILL FIND our Christmas offerings are in harmony
with your Christmas needs our prices in harmony with your
ALL ARE INVITED whether you come to see or to buy
H C Clapp
Exclusive Dry Goods and Ladies Furnishings
Phone 56
Walsh Block
Full Line of
j You can have your choice at almost your own price
All ofc Sweaters 37
All 75c Sweaters 50
All Sl00 Sweaters 60
All 8125 Sweaters 75
All SloO Sweaters 90
All 8200 Sweaters 100
All 8250 Sweaters 150
All 83 00 Sweaters 190
We will pile them in our window marked in plain figures and you can
see for your pelf This is just the time of year when you are needing these
goods aud we give jou this opportunity to supply your wants at less than
cost to us or any wholeaale house At the prire wp are going to sell thtse
sweaters they will not last but a few days po if ou want to take the ad
vantage of this clearing sale you will be obliged to come at once They
are on sale now come today
Olice supplies at the Tkibitxe oflice
and Builder
Repairing and Remodeling
Buildings a Specialty
Vl 7 JLrwst for A
Gold metallic boxes sealed with Blue
Ribbon Tsc o oraER Buy oF your Y
DruKNt and nk for CIII CIIESTtirs V
DIAMOND Bit AM PIIIS for twenty fiva
years resarded aa Best Safest Always Reliable
WfcVfcr 1
t nona 34