The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 06, 1907, Image 8

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jilJiiiWfcfrjflNr HflWl I ijjljMbtta S- for tf
TP --
a Special
Beginning Saturday
200 and 250 Shoes for
McCook Markets
Merchants and dealers in McCook at
noon today Friday are paying the fol
lowing prices
Corn S 50
Wheat SO
Oats 35
Eye 55
Barley 50
Hogs 4 00
Sutter good 20
Eggs 21
Wakted Local representee for Mc
Cook and vicinity to look after renewals
and increase subscription list of a prom
inent monthly magazine on a salary
and commission basis Experience de
sirable but not necessary Good op
portunity for right person Address
Publisher Bos 59 Station O New
Followers of Cooper and His Novel Ideas Give
Reason for Their Belief in Him
With a theory that human health is
dependent on the stomach and with a
medicine which he says proves this
theory L T Cooper a comparatively
young man has built up an immense
following during the past year
Cooper has visited most of the lead
ing cities of the country and in each
city has aroused a storm of discussion
about his beliefs and his medicines
Wherever he has gone people have
called upon him by tens of thousands
and his preparation has sold in im
mense quantities
The sale of this medicine has now
spread over the entire country and is
growing enormously each day In view
of this the following statements from
two of the great number of followers
which he now has are of general in
Mrs Agnes Viggenhouser of 942 St
Iouis Avenue Chicago has the follow
ing to say on the subject of the Cooper
preparations For more than ten
years I was broen down in health I
ould not sleep and I was Tery ner
vous Gradually I began to lose my
memory until I could not remember
things from one day to another I had
severe pains and cramps in my body
and I would at times see dark spots
Irefore my eyes I was unable to do
any work whatever as my strength
-was failing I had no appetite nor
could I take any medicine
1 had about given up hope of ever
fceing well again when I read of Mr
Coopers remedies I decided to give
them a trial and I began to feel better
at once After taking the medicine for
two weeks I can say that I am a new
woman I can eat with enjoyment the
pains in my body have left me and I
am stronger than I have been for
I cannot say enough for Mr
Coopers remedies They are wonder
ful for they have done everything
claimed for them in my case
Another statement by Mr W B
Stewart 100 W Madison St Chicago
is as follows t I have had stomach
trouble for years and anyone who is
afflicted this way knows what an awful
distressed feeling it causes Many a
time I have felt that I would give most
any price to be cured It was by ac
cident that I heard of this man
Coopers remedies I immediately
made up my mind to buy a treatment
of him I used it for about two weeks
and it is impossible to tell how much
good it has done me I feel altogether
different I have more life and energy
than I have had for years This med
icine certainly does stimulate and
strengthen the whole system Tired
feeling and weak condition of the
stomach has entirely passed away I
feel well again
We sell Coopers celebrated medi
cines which have made this wonderful
record in all parts of the country
A McMillen
Mr Bellairs family h ave beeii having
the prevailing epidemic of throat
Cyrus Blaku jr made a visit to the
home folks on Sunday
Mr and Mrs W P Elmer Miss
Emma Howard and Mr and Mrs Lewis
Elmer dined with Mr and Mrs Louis
Longnecker on Thanksgiving day
Mr and Mrs Sexson celebrated
Thanksgiving by having friends dine
with them
Mr and Mrs Smith and two sons ate
their Thanksgiving dinner at John
Owens Longnecker and wife Lewis
Elmer wife and babyLouis Longnecker
and family wero visitors at Mr Smiths
on Sunday
Mr and Mrs Waddle were callers at
Mr Smiths on Sunday afternoon
As niqe a crowd of little folks as one
could find gather at the church for
Sunday school every week
r r rrwsifRSPSf
Thoughts of Christmas
are sure to be associated
with thoughts of
What Shall I Buy This Year
If yon will eomn and see our display of Christmas presents you will un
doubtedly seo just what you want but hadnt thought of REMEMBER
our up to diitu stock is complete in every respect and in close touch with
the times It comprises Toih t Seta PicturoB Books Games Toilet Ar
ticlefl Collar and Cuff Boxes Comh and Brush Sets Smoking Sets Fan
ry Parlor Lamps Work Boxes Camernp and ten thousano other things
useful and ornamental Come whore thoro is
A Wide Choice - A Fine Variety
A Grand Opportunity to Get the Best
Woodworth Co
We are having fino wintor weather
and old Santa is nlmost hero
Bert Skinner of Trenton was the
guest of W II Smith and family Fri
day night and Saturday
Tho lovers of terpaichoro enjoyed
themselves until a late hour in Shorts
hall Wednesday evening also another
dance on Thursday evening
Mi3s Clara Schobol of Bloomington
was the guest of her sister Mrs J Bold
man a few days last week
Miss Mary Windhurst gave a party to
a few of her young friends Thanksgiving
Mrs Lewis Corbin was taken suddenly
ill Saturday with stomach troublo
Miss Jessie Hethcoto came over from
Danbury last Wednesday evening and
visited with homefolks until Sunday
Irving Andrews and wife Frank
Marsh and wife went to Wilsonvillelu9t
Sunday in their new automobile
Fred Sells an old timer of this place
was an Indiauola visitor this week
Henry Miller of Culbertson visited
with his parents Sunday and Monday
League business meeting was held at
tho parsonage Monday evening after
which an old fashionad tally pull was
enjoyed by the large crowd piescn
Frank Moore was seriously ijreda
few days since by his horse running
away and throwing him from the buggy
When found he was unconscious He
was taken to his home and a doctor was
summoned At last accounts he was
resting easy and a speedy recovery is
hoped for
A C Tell has purchased tho old
Courier building Mrs Teel and Gertie
are using it for a millinery story
Conrad Miller and wife entertained a
number of friends from Culbertson last
Sunday They came by the automobile
A very thrilling and interesting game
of foot ball was played here on Thanks
giving day betwesn the high school
eleyen and the other side who called
themselves pick ups The latter
came out second best
Frank Suter was disabled in the early
part of the foot ball game Thursday to
tho extent of not being able to take a
part in the exercise His collar bone
was broken
lndianola has a new meat market
opened up and doing business A
Henderson is the proprietor
Miss Edna Thompson came down from
her school Friday evening and spent
Saturday and Sunday with the folks at
Quito a largo delegatiou went from
here to McCook Tuesday to be present
at the corn contest
Mrs C Thompson is entertaining a
sister from Geneva this week
Mr and Mrs Ellsworth have a new
baby at their home as have also Henry
Langs and John Groverts
George Mick has moved his barber
shop paraphernalia into the building va
cated by Martin Akers
A harness shop is one of the now fea
tures of our town the same to be presid
ed over by a man late of Oregon
Sam Hoagland arrived home Monday
morning from Texas where he had been
for the past two weeks
E Daharsh and wife were the victims
in a runaway last Thursday while on
their way to E A Sexsons to spend
Thanksgiving They had gone a short
distance when something frightened the
team causing them to run away throw
ing Mr and Mrs Daharsh out and in
juring them severely The buggy was
completely demolished
J C Pickett and family went to Bart
ley Sunday to visit relatives
Meetings at the Methodist church
continue We hope much good may re
sult from the wholesome lessons that
have been taught there
Rev Shepard preached the funeral of
the infant child of Mr and Mrs Corb
Sunday afternoon Also on Monday
preached the funeral of Miss Mabel
Ikers of Lebanon Death is no re
spector of persons infants those in full
bloom and the aged have to answer alike
to his call
W E Burbridge was visiting with his
son Frank of Orleans the latter part of
last week
Mrs White who was called to Lin
coin last week on account of her hus
band being worse returned home Mon
day and reports him some better
Jim Sims took quite a number of peo
ple over to McCook Tuesday in his
auto to attend the corn contest
Mr Parmer who spent Thanksgiving
with his son returned home Friday
evening Mrs Parmer stayed over to
visit this week and will return home the
latter part of the week
Miss Myrtie Doud visited Leila Bur
bridges school Tuesday in the Ham
burg district
If its seasonable and in his line no
use to go any farther than Marshs meat
Have you ever tried an eraso ink
eraser Seq one at The Tribune of
This Common Game Is of Great
tiquity and French Origin
Blind mans buff Is of French origin
and of ery great antiquity having
been Introduced into England in the
train of the Norman conquerors Its
French name Colin Malllard was
that of a brave warrior the memory
of whose exploits still lives In the
chronicles of the middle ages
In the year 999 Liege reckoned
among its valiant chiefs one Jean Co
lin He acquired the name Malllard
from his chosen weapon being a mal
let wherewith in battle he used liter
ally to crush his opponents
In oue of the feuds which were of
perpetual recurrence In those times he
encountered the Count de Touraine in
a pitched battle and so runs the story
in the first onset Colin Malllard lost
both his eyes
He ordered his esquire to take him
in the thickest of the fight and furi
ously brandishing his mallet did such
fearful execution that victory soon de
clared itself for him
When Robert of France heard of
these feats of arms he lavished favor
and honors upon Colin and so great
was the fame of the exploit that it was
commemorated in the pantomimic rep
resentation that formed part of the
rude dramatic performance of the age
By degrees the children learned to act
it for themselves and it took the form
of a familiar sport
The blindfolded pursuer as with
bandaged eyes and extended hands he
gropes for a victim to pounce upon in
some degree repeats the action of Co
lin Malllard the tradition of which is
also traceable in the name blind
mans buff London M A P
She Wasnt Ashamed of It but Didnt
Like It Advertised
Of course said the pretty school
teacher who had just returned from
her long vacation trip to Europe of
course foreign labels slapped all over
a suit case may give It an interesting
look and they certainly indicate that
one has been abroad but I dout feel
very proud of the record pasted on my
bag The trouble with it is that I had
to economize frightfully while I was
In Europe in order to have the trip
at all and I had to stop at the very
cheapest hotels I could find It seemed i
as if those Europeans were determined I
to conduct a large advertising cam
paign through the medium of my suit s
case for I couldnt escape their labels
I tried in every possible way to
prevent the porters from getting hold
of my luggage long enough to take it
jout from under my eyes but they
would grab it up run away with it
to some secret place and come back
proudly displaying another huge label
stuck to it In every case I noticed
with additional pain that the cheaper
the hotel was the larger the label it
used It happens that I have a few
really swell acquaintances in New
York who know Europe like a book
ana tneyn raue n air in at a giance
Of course Im not ashamed of having
economized yet I dout exactly care
to flaunt my poverty I only wish the
foreign hotels would allow us a choice
in the matter New York Tress
Var and Vsur
He was a gallant colonel of militia
but scarcely a good horseman Own
ing even large and popular emporiums
on even the best of Edinburghs best
streets does not of itself breed cen
His mount was fresh to an extreme
and the silent figure of Sir Walter
Scott looking down upon the assem
bling troops from its marble pedestal
may well have expected to see an ac
cident That too was probably the
thought of a small street urchin who
loitered just out of reach of the pranc
ing hoofs
Boy get away exclaimed the ruf
fled rider testily Have you never
seen a war horse
Aye came the answer but never
a waur rider Dundee Advertiser
In the Smoker
Whats my state Wash and the
cleanest state in the whole Union
According to that remarked the
traveler from Pittsburg I hail from
one fit only for pigs or literary men
Wealthy sinners ought to settle in
my state was the contribution of the
The man from Nashville closed the
conversation This is too smart a
crowd for me he said and yet my
state can beat auy nine others you fel
lows can pick out New York Times
He Knew the Step
A young constable arrived in a cer
tain borough in Scotland and in the
course of duty found it essential to
apprehend a very old offender Ar
rived at the police station he ushered
him into the cells with the comment
Mind the step
Gae awa man said the prisoner
with contempt I kent the step afore
ye was born Dundee Advertiser
What She Was After
Of course said the earl every
body will say that you married me for
my title
Well replied the beautiful heiress
what do we care I get it dont I
Chicago Record Herald
At the Foreign Hotel
Bessie They charge an awful price
for board here dont they Billy Oh
it isnt for the board That Is cheap
enough But they charge an awful lot
for the air and scenery Philadelphia
Suspicion and jealousy never did
help any man in any situation Lin
to buy your Xmas presents be
cause you know from long exper
ience that it is advisable to
come early and avoid the rush
We can show the very latest in
Fancy Hose
Back Combs
The Biggest Variety
The Biggest Stock
Waist Patterns
and all those things- that go to
make a Merry Xmas for those
you love best
Phone No 16
The McCook Tribune
One Dollar Per Year
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