Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 22, 1907)
h w I ft h I iF - f UAim i wmwiPi uiMjjrjpMaiw nn TWENTY SIXTH YEAR fie tfX3 GX5SXS MY DEAR PATRONS During tbo Great Sule Bevernl puoplo havo asked mo whether wo will exchange goods after goods havo beon taken homo I would like to have this in your mind That this is not a closing out or removal snlo it is mere a bona fide Money Raising Salennd you will bo treatod during this salo just the samo ns when you are buying goods and paying regular prices I will exchange goods or oven refund money if goods do not sat isfy after you take them home as I am hero to Htay and am looking for your future patronage Thanking you for patronage I am respectfully yours SX II SIMONS SXSSX2 W C T U Entertainment The ladies of the local W O T U havo arranged for an entertainment to bo given Saturday evening November 23 in the Methodist church commenc ing at 8 oclock An admission of 25c will bo charged for adults and 15c for children The proceeds will be used to further the cause for which the union labors Following is tho PROGRAM Instrumental Overture Mrs W B Mills Reading Are tho Children Safe Mrs Matie Welles Song Well Vote Rum Out of Nebraska L T L Reading Selected Mrs A F Green Solo Selected Mr F M Kimmell Reading Tho Sioux Chiefs Daughter Mrs Eugene Gary Selection Baptist Male Quartet Reading The Bridal Wine Cup Mrs F W Boswortii Solo Selected Miss Elsie CampreLl Reading Poorhouse Man Miss Phelps Solo Have Faith in God Mrs Rev Burton Anthem Selected Congregational Choir HI Thrailkill Dies in Colorado A personal letter from Mrs Ella M Thrailkill announces the death Novem ber 12th 1907 in Colorado Springs of her husband Hiram well known to all early sertlers of McCook He had gone to Colorado for his health which seemed improved by the change but the altitude effected him and heart failure caused his death as above The remains were bur ied in Colorado Springs where Mrs Thrailkill is living at present Mrs Thrailkill has tenderest sympathy of many friends in her loss and sorrow The Great Majestic Range Sale and demonstration is going on very suc cessfully at the McCook Hardware store this week and many people have already takon advantage of getting the Majestic ware free There is no other ware made as good as the Majestic Lava ware and no other range as good as the Majestic Maleable and Char Coal Iron Range with air tight oven Fleece Lined Wrappers Ample well made fleeced wrappers for 100 Others 8125 135 150 Not the narrow skimpy ill finished kind but proper and good garments The Thompson D G Co All kinds of fruit ing at Hubers -fresh each morn- LAURANT MAGIC MYSTERY MUSIC menards opera house SATURDAY NOV 30 07 830 p m This is No 2 of the Citizens Entertainment Course The Most Novel Artistic Mar velous Attraction of its kind now before the public Original Wonderful Entertain ing Introducing the Great Illus ion The Witch of the Flames conceded to be the greatest nov elty of its kind eyer presented upon any stage Reserved seats may be secured by holders of season tickets at Mc Connells drug store beginning at 8 a m Tuesday November 26 Individual seat sale begins on Wednesday November 27 Seats 50 cents bB I M ssTT 5yC fc W7 r - f sj - WiWJ HIWWIW UMiWwWCI JM WftWB AN0THER EARLY SETTLER ANSWERS THE SUMMONS Mrs S J Cooley Who Came to Red Wil low County in 1878 Passes Away at the Home of Her Daught er Mrs Ellis LaBt Sunday Mrs S J Cooley who has been ailing for several weeks passed away to hor long home at the home of her daughter Mrs Alex Ellis in Gorver precinct southwest of McCook This death removes ono of the very earliest settlers of Red Willow county and of McCook and marks the passing of a noble and well spent life to its reward Funeral services were held at tho homo by Rev G B Hawkes of the Con gregational church of McCook Wednes day morning The remains wore after wards brought to McCook for burial which was had under the ritual of tho Degree of Honor of which tho departed was a member The members of the order met the body in organization Burial was made in Riverview ceme tery besides the body of her departed husband the late R S Cooley who preceded her to the spirit land several years ago The pall bearers were members of the order Mrs Lottie Brewer Mrs R O Light Mrs Julius Kunert Mrs M U Clyde OBITUARY Sarah Jane Ward was born in Burr Oak Michigan December 9 1846 She with her parents moved to Grafton Neb at which place she was united in marriage to Robert S Cooley Dec 12 1871 and with her husband moved to Red Willow county Neb in 1879 where she resided until her death November 17 1907 She became a christian in early life and joined the Congregational church She is survived by two sons William W of Shattuck Okla and George W of Cheyenne Wyo and onadaughtorMrs Alexander Ellis of McCook Her hus band Robert S Cooley and infant son Charles C have gone on before The Great Majestic Demonstration The McCook Hardware Co is to be congratulated upon making good in every particular in their Great Majestic Range demonstration this week Hun dreds of people having attended and no one came away disappointed in any re gard The demonstration came up to highest expectations and then some Hot coffee and biscuits Majestic Range biscuits were served every day But the demonstration reached its zenith Tuesday when the wonderful cake was baked crushed and arose again Many went doubting none came away questioning It is a marvel to all Sales were gratifying and the McCook Hardware people feel that their efforts have been appreciated Black Dress Goods You may judge a whole dress goods stock by the blacks contained in it We show the following varieties Broad cloths mohairs Sicilians batistes prunellas voiles panamas henriettas satin soliels serges cheviots pieralas cashmeres tricots armures invisible check poplins brocades besides many novelties They range in price from 35c to 150 mostly from 65c to 100 Wo solicit your inspection The Thomp son D G Co Entertained the Research Club Mr and Mrs W R Starr entertained the members of the Research club and their husbands Wednesday evening The special feature of the evening was an in formal address by Congressman Norris on Hawaii recently visited by him in company with a large congressional party Refreshments added to the sum total For Sale Pair of black colts 3 years old broke to drive S10000 Bay driving mare 4 years old and runabout almost new 12500 Gray work horse 8 years old weight about 1200 9000 Phone 390 Joe Lowley McCook L L Muslin Sc a Yard Good L L Muslin one yard wide for 5c at The Thompson D G Co None sold to merchants MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS Gold Medal bulk coffee 20c to 35c At Hubers Fresh potato chips always on hand Magner Stokes McMillens cold tablets will cure your cold and stop your cough Just arrived J M 1846 canned fruits and vegetables Huber Try Magner Stokes for fresh and salt meats fruit and vegetables McMillens cough cure is just what its name indicates A Cure for Cough Our Cream Lotion is healing and soothing to both face and hands and will give entire satisfaction A McMillen Druggist amt A The Rodjjers Hlleman Nuptials One of the prettiest of tho early-winter events was tho wedding of Mr Chest er Rodgors and Miss May Hileman which occurred at the brides homo Thursday evening of this week Tho ring ceremony was utilizod with the grooms little sistor Martha in white carrying tho ring in an immense white rose Rev G B Hawkes of the Con grugtaional church officiated The contracting parties wero unat tended approaching tho station from tho dining room preceded by the ring bearer while the clergyman made his entro from an adjoining guest chamber on tho north the while Wagners Chorus from Lohengrin was softly offered by Mre F M Kimmell The ceremony was fulfilled under a largo wedding bell covered with smilax and white chrysanthemums and illum ined by numerous colored electric lights suspending in the swell window of the front parlor A swastika emblem in smilax was also a window decoration of note The bride wore a dainty creation of white Persian lawn elaborately trimmed with Valencennes lace and insertion and tiny tucking with yoke and sleeves of tiny ruffles of lace She carried a su perb bouquet of white roses The parlors were done in white and green large bouquets of white chrysan themums and ferns adding to the color effect The presents room was a scarlet effect poppies being the floral evidence The gifts were numerous and rich in money silver china cut glass pictures etc A goodly check from Grandfather Lee of California and an express money order of generous figures frcm George H Lee of Omaha brides uncle were among the number Pink and white were the prevailing colors tho dual colors in streamers be ing suspended from ceiling corners to the electrolieres and wide white stream ers of ribbon from the electrolieres to the corners of tho dining table A large bouquet of choice roses on table and of pink and white carnations on buffet completed the pretty decorations Mr3 Lillian Snyder was in charge of the guest book which was signed after congratulations offered A two course luncheon was served The dining room was in charge of Mrs Albert McMillen and Mrs D C Marsh Mrs W D Burnett and Mrs C W Barnes presiding over the serving Mrs C B Gray and Mrs Matie Welles were ushers Mrs Cox of Exeter sister of brides mother and daughter were present and will likely remain until after Thanks giving The Tribune offers hearty congratu lations Thursday evening of last week the bride was tendered a china shower at the home of Mrs W D Burnett which event coming to the ears of gentlemen friends of the groom he was promptly captured and taken to the residence and the gentlemen then gave the bride a noisy tin shower YOU SHOULD CURE THAT COUGH Dont trifle with coughs and colds Nearly twenty per cent of all deaths are from throat or lung troubles and these all start from simple coughs Dont trifle with unreliable remedies use McConnells Balsam that is guaranteed Price 25 cents Black and Colored Silks Yard wide black taffeta 73c and 115 Yard wide peau de soie 125 19 inch black satin rhadame 49c Fancy waist silks 44c 50c 65c 75c 100 27 inch china silks 50c Other chinas 30c 35c 40c Yard wide white taffeta 90c We save you 25 per cent The Thompson D G Co The Walking Cake baked and served on the great Majestic Range at McCook Hardware Co Tues day was every thing that was claimed for it and all present declared it to be the greatest wonder in cake baking they ever saw Everything was carried out exactly as advertised The MH S Victorious The game of football last Saturday afternoon between the McCook High School team and the Burlington Shop team developed into a very close and exciting game the scholastics winning by a Scora of 6 to 5 Shaving Supplies Razors of the finest quality Gillette Safetys shaving sets mugs strops lather brushes etc All of tho finest quaflty at L W McConnells druggist OVERCOMES Fragrant Lotion Tea imported direct from Japan 50c and 60c Huber Try Scott Stoner for groceries v - ip - c r iwliPilWW L J REYNOLDS DIED IN DENVER Goes to Denver Hospital For Relief But Dies Under the Operation I J Reynolds known as Es Rey nolds died in a Denver hospital on Mpnday morning of this week under an operation for supposed appendicitis but which proved to be a growth on tho in testines and ruptured gall bladder ho having beon a sovero and great sufferer with numerous and large gallstones Dr Kay accompanied him to Denver for tho operation His proceeding ill ness was only of a few days duration Tho remains were shipped from Den ver on No 14 last night for his former homo in Charleston Illinois where ho will bo buried as per his request IEs Reynolds came to McCook in 1884 and worked for tho Fishers on tho ranch in Chase county and for Charles Rogers E L Laycock James McAdams of this city At tho time of his death ho was tho standby in Fishor Perkins store He was born and raised in Charleston Illinois from which place he came to McCook Ho was about 46 years of age His mother five brothers and five or six sisters survive him Es was a general favorite with all who knew him all wero his friends and his sad death is a source of sorrow to many Just Regular Prices In our store the regular prices are a positive inducement at all times to trade Heatherbloom petticoats are al ways 225 Fleischers German knitting yarn is always 25c for a i b skein Good stout ginghams are always sold for 5c Best table oil cloth meritas is only 15c a yard including white year in and year out Mens real stout denim overalls for 50c right along Mens suits 500 650 850 to 1350 every day Other stores touch such prices only when shouting sensational reduc tions We treat you right every day Wo solicit your trade The Thompson D G Co Enthusiastic W C T U Meeting most enthusiastic and well utteuded V C T U meeting was held at tho home of Mrs T B Campbell last Fri day afternoon The subject How to meet and resist temptation Very praiseworthy remarks wero presented by Mrs A F Green Mrs M B Car man and others These meetings under the leadership of Mrs J W Wimer are growing in interest The next meeting will be held at Mrs M B Carmans Friday Nov 29 at 3 p m Subscriptions When your subscription to any paper or magazine expires let us renew them for you also when you want to subscribe for a daily paper to be delivered or come by mail or for any magazine published call on us and we will save you money Will meet terms and prices of any re liable publisher or subscription agency Dont send away or give your orders to strangers but go direct to the old re liable B Hcfer McCook News Depot Showered Miss Walters The rush incident to getting The Tribune to press last week side-tracked some items of correspondence as well as of more exclusive local moment One of them was the shower by theOwl Os at the home of Miss Stasia Brady which was of more than usual moment A number of the club members en mas que assumed male attire and were the center and source of a vast fund of furious amusement Sustained a Fractured Arm Mrs E E DeLong met misfortune in the form of a fractured arm last Sat urday night She was on her way down to the furnace room at the home and tripped at the head of the steps leading down into the cellar pitching head foremost down the stairway The right arm was fractured at the wrist in a severe manner Manicure Specialties In keeping with our policy to carry everything in toilet goods our line of manicure goods is complete in every detail Files buffers scissors pastes rouge cuticle knives orange sticks nail enamel and the preparations of the leading manicure specialties L W McConnell Druggist Ladies Coats Our coat department is receiving splendid advertising from the wearers of our garments A veritable walking advertisement is every garment put out by us this season Attractive values at every price from 475 to 2000 We solicit your inspection The Thompson D G Co Choice Carnations 75c Per Dozen McCook Greenhouse phone 91 Remember A G Bumps new location room 2 over McConnells drug store J ininnrliiii m hlMiTtiu l imnm I McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING NOVEMBER 22 190 WaltersMatteson Wedding Wednesday evening at the homo of her sister Mrs O W Bronson Miss Susan I Walters of our city and Mr John M Matteson of Denver wero quietly united in marriago in tho pres ence of a fow relatives and frionds Rov E R Earlo performing tho cermony Tho brido is well and widely known to many Tribune readers tho groom is employed in the Burlington train service out of Denver whither they wont on train 3 tho samo night and will make their home with good wishes of many friends Thanksgiving Service The Thanksgiving Union service will bo held this year at tbo Baptist church on Tuesdaymorning at 1030 Rov E R Earl of tho Episcopal church will preach the sermon An offering will bo taken for the poor of McCook The sor vice will last one hour and n largo at tendance is desired A Good Start Our blankets start at 65c per pair and go on up to 700 touching at many points 85c 100 125 150 175etc and showing the largest possible value at each point Absolutely all wool at S500 Come and see Tho Thompson D G Co When You stop and Consider that every hotel and restaurant in this town and every eating house and board ing train on tho B M R R use a Majestic ratige there should bo no further doubt left in your mind as to the superiority of tho Great Majestic Thrown From Buggy and Hurt Stephen Bolles Sr was thrown from his buggy tho other day and hurt a leg which is bothering him somewhat but nothing serious Guaranteed Paints Yon can gee a fully guaranteed paint Tho Lincoln absolutely pure at Mc Millens drug store SMALL MATTERS OF IMPORTANCE Try Greens OnePrice New Cloth ing Store - A G Bump has moved his office into room 2 over McConnells drug store If its seasonable and in his line no use to go any farther than Marshs meat market Get what you need at Greens New Clothing Store and Save a Little Money A small snow Monday which with tho rain and mist helped out tho dry situation some Colorado canned irrigated tomatoes peas and beans Unequaled without a rival Huber The P E O sisterhood held an anni versary observation in Diamond hall Tuesday evening Steve Wilson has added a splendid two seated automobile to his livery barn equipment Try it Every day is bargain day at H S Godfrey Cos the popular leaders in selling flour feed and hay Magner Stokes can supply you with Heinz double strength pure cider vinegar In quart bottles Diamond sells uothing but footwear and sells only good shoes and rubbers for everyone man woman or child If it is from Marshs its the best ob tainable Anything and everything per taining to the meat market business The juniors and Seniors of the High School held parties Wednesday evening Hay rack rides over the city were on the program The Fortnightly held forth on Thurs day night this week in place of the regular evening Friday Andit may become chronic Watch McConnells windows from now until Chirstmas New goods will be displayed each week and the exhibit will help you decide what to give Come to hear the Harvest Home pro gram The Kings Banquet to be given at the Baptist church Sunday evening Both old and young are in vited See our up to date line of stationery We have the best procurable in fine cor respondence papers Fancy box goods in great variety L W McConnell Druggist The McCook Laundry keeps abreast the times Mr Heckmans latest im provement is connecting with the gas mains and now heats all machinery by gas from the McCook Gas Cos plant The Sunshine Club held a special meeting last Saturday in honor of Goldie Liston a member of the who left this week for her new home in Cheyenne The club girls presented Goldie with two volumes of sunshine and a wealth of good wishes MFiti nto Hi t0ri 105 IN CASH For Every Dollar of Deposits On November 20 1907 WE HAD Deposits - - 8190780 Cash Availablo 8520392 Permit us to suggosfc that this is a good bank to keep your monoy in McCook National Bank A Safe Bank MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS McConnoll for drugs Try Scott Stoner for groceries Everything in drugs McConnell Office supplies at tho Tribune offico See Greens Saturday Bargain adv If its meat you can get it at Marshs market Lettuce radishesceeryyoung onions Huber McConnell for kodaks and kodak supplies Get your Trunk at Greens New Clothing Store Everything marked in Plain Fig ures at Greens New Clothing Store Think of us when you want drugs The thought will pay L W McConnell Druggist Get a quart bottle of Heinz pure malt vinegar a puro food product at Magner Stokes Remember that Diamonds Shoo Store is located on West Dennison street in tho new Diamond block Fred E Bortfeld tho well known piano tuner is again in tho city Leave orders at Suttons jewelry store 2ts If you realize the value of experience in piescription compounding you will let McConnell put up your prescription Ten thousand post cards colored views of McCook made in Germany just received at B Hofers Price 2 for 5 cents Wo have always led in perfumes and toilet articles This year we have in creased our lead Come and see tho array L W McConnell druggist The next meeting of tho Missionary society of tho Congregational church will be with Mrs E S Waite Tuesday afternoon November 26th at three oclock If you want a good pair of Shoes or Overshoas at a reasonable price you can only get it at Diamonds Family Shoo Store Remember the location on West Dennison street opposite the Wilcox grocery Married at the Methodist parsonage Wednesday afternoon Mr Alpha D Warfield and Miss Eltha Downs M B Carman performing the cermony Tho young couple went to housekeeping at once in South McCook The revival meetings at the Methodist church will continue all next week Tho attendance and interest are increasing and much good is already being accomp lished and great hopes are built on the result in the coming week Cameras Have low priced cameras that take perfect little pictures Also complete outfits at small cost Every child over ten years of age should have a camera It is educating L W McConnell Druggist On Thanksgiving day thero will be a celebration of the Holy Communion and a short address at 930 a m in St Albans church Offering for tho Clarkson hospital at Omaha You have been blessed in many ways and 3hould you not show your gratitude to the giving of all good things The Congregational Christian Endeav or society Sunday evening at 7 oclock Subject Home Missions the Progress of Work Among the Immigrants This meeting will be in charge of the mission ary committee Leader Mrs Hawkes A special program ha3 been prepared Come and bring your friends A weekly newspaper that publishes twenty one columns of good reliable news each week is rare in these days of cheap weeklies intended only to sell some article that the publisher is inter ested in Credit is duo The Weekly Inter Ocean for keeping its columns filled with fresh and up-to-date news Give it a trial by subscribing through The McCook Tribune yr c NUMBER 26 i