The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 15, 1907, Image 1

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XZI - wufir
Death of Mrs Mary E Hippie
Mrs Mury E Hippie mother of the
Hippie brothers of Perry precinct died
at the Hippie farm homo last Saturday
night aged 09 years 3 months 9 days
Funeral cervices were hold in tho Mc
Cook Baptist church Monday aftornoon
at threo oclock Rev Edker Burton
officiating burial in Riverview cemetery
Mrs Hippie was born August 1 1838
in Lycoming county Pennsylvania On
March 22 1861 she was united in mar
riage to Oliver Hippie of Perry county
Pennsylvania In this county they re
sided until 1870 when they removed to
Missouri In less than two years Mr
Hippie died From that time to her
death Mrs Hippie walked the pathway
of widowhood a period of thirty hve
years After tho death of her husband
a few years was spent in Michigan and
Illinois In 1880 she removed to South
Dakota and took up a homestead near
Parkston Here sbo resided until she
moved to her form six miles we9t of Mc
Cook fiv8 years ago
She was tho mother of five children
four sons and one daughter The chil
dren were all present to see her laid to
rest except one son who died in child
Mrs Hippie was a woman of excep
tionally strong character a devoted wife
and mother and a firm and true friend
Sbo became a christian when but four
teen years of age at which time she
united with the Messiahs church
She became a member of the Baptist
church while living at Freeport 111 and
became a constituent member of the
same churoh in South Dakota When
Bhe removed here she at once became a
member of the Baptist church For
fifty five years she has been a faithful
earnest hard working christian Of her
it could truly be said she was stead
fast unmcvable always abounding in
the work of the Lord
Road Improvement Andsoforth
The McCook Commercial Club was
in regular session Tuesday evening
with but limited attendance and inter
The matter of improving the road
leading from the city to the east river
bridge was broached and the roads
committee of the club was directed to
briny the application for assistance be
fore the proper county official That
sandy stretch of road needs urgent and
efficient attention it being difficult to
haul heavy loads to the city through
the present heavy Bandy bottom road
especially near the bridge
It was deemed advisable on the part
of the club members present to lend
the aid of the organization and necess
ary funds in boosting the Farmers In
stitute to be held in McCook Decem
ber 3rd J R McCarl F M Kimmell
H C Clapp and E J Mitchell were
appointed a committee on prizes and
L H Lindemann presented the idea
of having th9 club erect and maintain
an electrical sign properly worded and
be was constituted a committee of one
to inquire into the cost and essential
details and bring his findings before
a future meeting of the club
A number of bills were allowed and
the club adjourned
Increasingly Popular
are union suits We begin at the small
est children and run the whole scale of
sizes at 25c for a fleeced ribbed union
and 45c to 75c for plush lined unions
For men and boys 50c to 8250 For
ladies 35c to 300 Also separate gar
ments of all kinds The Thompson
D G Co
Scott Out Benjamin In
This week George Scott retired from
the dray firm of R M Douglass Co
and Eph Benjamin entered the com
pany having last week sold his Interest
in the Favorite Cigar Store Mr Scott
will devote his full attention now to the
grocery business
Izzer Bed Comforts
remove pain prevent coughs colds
pneumonia and whooping cough cure
the shivers the wheezes the sneezes
and produce absolute harmony in the
family 8185 to S300 The Thompson
D G Co
Sixty Coles Hot Blast
stoves are used in one hospital where a
steady heat is required We still have
a good line of these heaters the
only stove ever made that will hold fire
all night with cobs McCook Hardware
Do Not Miss The
elastic cake at McCook Hardware store
next Tuesday one of the greatest won
ders of the age A piece will be served
to all present
The New Lights
The Thompson Dry Goods Co have
put in new lights turning mgnt into
day and adding much in attractiveness
to their store
Riverside Base Burners
and soft coal heaters are as handsome
for your parlor as they are good heaters
and very economical on fuel McCook
Come See Our Chrysanthemums
McCook Greenhouse pbone 91
One never knows how serious a cough
may become Cut its existence short
by taking
A few doses will do it at the start
Price 25 cents
The Majestic Mfg Co of St Louis
Mo have a man at McCook Hardware
Cos store next week showing the Ma
jestic Range in actual operation baking
and serving biscuits to the large crowds
Wanted Men for Gideons Band
Judges 72 7 Where At Congrega
tional C E Sunday November 17th
7 p m Miss Bessie Rowell leads
All kinds of fruit -fresh each morn
ing at Hubers
The hook and ladder company went
to the scene but the fire was too far ad
vanced to make it possible for them to
afford much assistance
Buggies Buggies Buggies
Car load on Land for your inspection
These are of the John Deere and Velie
makes with the manufacturers names
and their and our guarantees We will
sell these buggies to meet all compe
tition in quality and prices and we are
here all the time to make good and we
offer every accommodation required by
our customers Come and see us Mc
Cook Hardware
Harvey Foehlinger Killed
Harvey Foehlinger late a resident of
McCook was killed on the Upper Deer
Flat embankment Idaho November 1
by falling under train of cars
Joseph Foehlinger father of Harvey
died in Falls City November 12th of
The latest copyright and standard
works are here in variety Standard
works by noted authors classics poems
morocco- and leather bound Linen
juvenile and picture books and booklets
Bibles testaments prayer books etc
L W McConnell Druggist
A Small Special Item
A few pairs of mens heavy grain
leather shoes with pegged oak soles
Not wedding shoes not street shoes
just work shoes We will close them
at 100 a pair The Thompson D G
Mens Winter Suits
500 up to 1350 8100 to 300 saved
you a suit Worth looking after
Its easy money We invite your inspec
tion The Thompson D G Co
You Need a Biscuit
and cup of coffee made on the Majestic
range every day next week and you
shall have it if you call at McCook
Guaranteed Paints
Yon can get a fully guaranteed paint
The Lincoln absolutely pure at Mc
Millens drugstore
Bed Blankets
65c a
pair to 700 Greys
whites and fancies
G Co
Gold Medal bulk
At Hubers
Just arrived J
fruits and vegetables
The Tjhompson D
Bargains at Simons
Tjy Scott Stoner for groceries
coffee 20c to 35c
Fresh potato chips always on hand
Magner Stokes
McMillens cold tablets will cure your
cold and stop your cough
M 1816
Try Magner Stokes for fresh and
salt meats fruit and vegetables
McMillens cough cure is just what
its name indicates A Cure for Cough
You will say you wish you had but
the time is now to get that 2500
house L H Lindemann phone 157
Our Cream jotion is healing and
soothing to both face and hands and
will give entire satisfaction
A McMillen Druggist
Two lots and one house with room for
another house Six rooms in the one
now on the south lot in fine location
2000 L H Lindemann phone 157
If you desire to have something beau
tiful and substantial be suro and get a
hand bag from our stock AH good
quality No end to the assortment
L W McConnell Druggist
Pass a New Fire Limit Ordinance
The city council held a regular session
Monday night Councilman Eldred was
the pnly absentee Minutes of previous
sessiou were approved
Reports of city weighmaster and chief
of police were placed on file The police
judges report was referred to the city
Ordinance No 139 relating to fire
limits was passed under suspension of
usual rule requiring reading of same on
three separate days and appears in this
issue of The Tribune
Claims as follows were allowed on
their respective funds
John Ekstedt work on streets 79 20
Eddie Cain Bame 6 00
Teddie Cain same 3 85
T B Billings police duty 2 00
J R Pence salary 65 00
Ed Fitzgerald salary 55 00
McCook Cement Stone Co build
ing walks 179 17
Henry Gale salary weighmaster 27 00
W O Bullard mdse 2 80
T A Clapp work on manhole 2 00
McCook Electric Light Colights 128 70
C W Kelley salary city engi
neer and supplies 29 25
O L DeGroff Co mdse 70
J R Pence fumigating supplies 21 00
Barnett Lumber Co lumber 11 00
Nebraska Telephone Co phone
rental 9 00
A C Ebert salary 12 50
H P Sutton care of city clook 20 00
J R McCarl expense acceunt
and books 31 90
G W Predmore Son black
smithing 14 00
H E Waite Co hardware 18 92
Greens Clothing Store is new
Greens Clothing is all new
Greens stock is the very biggest ever
shown in McCook
Green marks everything in plain fig
Green is strictly one price
Green sells for cash You dont have
to pay somebodys else bad debts if you
trade with Green
Green has the biggest line of trunks
satchels and suit cases
Green has had a big trade but there
is room for a few more if youll nurry
Greens New Clothing Store
Dennison st west of Citizens Bank
Remains Taken to Chase County
Mr Louis Powell of South McCook
died Tuesday night after an illness of
some ltngth Funeral services were
held at the home Wednesday afternoon
at three oclock by Rev M B Carmap
Thursday morning the remains were
shipped to Wauneta for burial
LouisPowell was born in WaldenMo
Nov 11 1845 Has lived in McCook for
past seven years for more than two of
them a victim of consumption Leaves
a wife and three children
A Stock Gamblers Scare
cannot permanently stampede a really
solid business situation backed by good
crops and general prosperity and we
shall therefore as usual keep our lines
complete with the best of everything
and be in a position to take care of all
your wants with every accommodation
consistent with good business Come
and see us
McCook Hardware Co
To the Public
That knighthood is still in flower
and the days of chivalry not over has
been fully demonstrated by the voters
of Red Willow county by the courtesy
shown their lady candidate in the re
cent election And as the recipient of
such courtesy I wish to express my
most sincere thanks to those whose in
fluence and support made my campaign
successful Claddia B Hatcher
Does It Pay To Grind Feed
It certainly does The analyses of
chemists and the experiences of prac
tical farmers show a saving of 20 to 50
per cent by feeding ground feed The
Famous Lightning Feed Grinder sold by
McCook Hardware Co is at the head of
all triple geared feed mills
More Machinery
The latest addition to our equipment
for serving the public enables us to make
a smaller size button than heretofore
5 sizes now on shortest notice Bring
the scraps of your dress We do the
rest The Thompson D G Co
Are you thankful If so show it by
your presence at the Union Thanksgiv
ing services Thursday at 1030 a m
Rev EREarle of the Episcopal church
will preach the sermon at the Baptist
church Make your plans now to in
clude this service
Cloaks and Furs
We please all lookers with our very
select line of these garments Fur
scarfs 75c to 1250 Ladies coats 475
to 2000 Girls from 175 to 900
Childrens 75c to 400 The Thompson
D G Co
Bearskin Hoods 50c
Bearskin coats 235 to 600 White
and colors Bearskin muffs 75c and
S100 bear skin leggins 100 bearskin
by the yard 200 White and colors
The Thompson D G Co
Blanket Sale
now going on at McCook Hardware Cos
store Largest and best line Blankets
and Robes ever sbown in McCook Why
suffer with the cold when you can get
such bargains
Fleischers Yarn 25c
for one fourth pound skein The ac
knowledged king of
Thompson D G Co
all yarns The
Outing Flannel Gowns
for children for misses for men and
women 40c to 200 The Thompson D
G Co
Try Scott Stoner for groceries
Burial of Mrs Fannie Green
The body of Mrs Fannio Green arriv
ed from San Diego California last Sun
day morning and at three oclock of
the same day in Longview cemetery
tho remains were laid away with tender
bands beside the body of her departed
husband Dr Samual L Green who pre
ceded her to the spirit land a few years
Brief services were held by Rev
George B Hawkes of the Congregation
al church of which departed was a
member after which the members of
Eureka chapter Order of the Eastern
Star had an impressive ritualistic ser
vice in the church Following was the
interment in Longview where a brief
service was also held
The music at the ohurch consisted of
several qaurtetto selections and a solo
by the churoh ohoir
There was a beautiful appropriate and
tender display of floral gifts to the mem
ory of the departed a lovely floral star
being the Bpecial offering of the O E S
of which she was a long honored and
enthusiastic member
Mrs Green was a native of the state
of New York Was for years a resident
of Illinois and of Kansas coming to
Indianola from Norton Kansas in 1880
and from there to McCook in 1882
hence she was one of the very earliest
settlers of McCook having lived here
the past twenty five years
Mrs Green numbered her friends as
widely as her acquaintanceship She
leaves behind her the memory of a life
well usefully and nobly spent
An Old Landmark Destroyed
In the burning of the small dwelling
on the rear of the Batchelor property on
hast Dennison street last Friday night
was destroyed one of the early landmarks
of McCook The house was known in
early days as the Engineer Carl Clarke
home and was one of three built on the
one lot about twenty five years ago by
Engineer C N Batchelor At the time
of fire it was owned by Mrs Winnie
Williams and occupied by Stephen A
Campbell a recent resident of our city
No one was in the house at the time
The household goods of Mr Campbell
were practically all destroyed amount
ing to several hundred dollars The
house was a wreck
The department was called to the
scene again about 43U tne following
morning by the fact that some of the
fire had not been completely extinguish
When your subscription to any paper
orjagazine expires let us renew them
for you also when you want to subscribe
for a daily paper to be delivered or come
by mail or for any magazine published
call on us and we will save you money
Will meet terms and prices of any re
liable publisher or subscription agency
Dont send away or give your orders to
strangers but go direct to the old re
liable B Hofer
McCook News Depot
Gasoline Stove Explodes
The fire department was summoned to
the dwelling of Eli D Akers in the
northwestern part of the city last Sat
urday shortly before noon by the ex
plosion of a gasoline stove It was not
necessary to throw any water the peo
ple at the home having the matter un
der control by the time the boys arrived
on the scene Nobody was hurt be
yond slight burns and the damage
was small
The Fortnightly Season On
McCooks premier dancing club the
Fortnightly got off handsomely on the
right foot last Friday night in their
initial dance of the 1907 8 season The
club sets out with a goodly member
ship has engaged the best optainable
orchestral talent and has before it a
promising terpsichorean season
The Majestic Mfg Co
will have a man at the McCook Hard
ware store next week who will show you
how to bake biscuits in three minutes
on the great Majestic range Biscuits
and coffee free See the ad on another
page showing the ware to be given
away with each range sold
Clark Rozell Wedding
John Clark and Lucy Rozell were
happily married Wednesday of last
week Rev Burton officiating at the
home of her parents Mr and Mrs Wes
ley Rozell A wedding supper was
served The young folks went to Den
ver for a short honeymoon returning
home mid week Congratulations
Following are the marriage licenses is
sued since our last report
Earl G Taylor 36 of Fairfax Mo
and Mrs Mamie McCury 31 McCook
Frank Altman 32 and Alby Broz 18
both Thornburg Nebraska
Manicure Goods
Single pieces and in sets Superior
goods made for service Scissors files
emery boards orange wood sticks buf
fers brushes enamels rosaline bleach
and everything required for manicuring
L W McConnell Druggist
Remnant Sale
of dress goods remnants Several dozen
remnants of seasons
counter marked at
First come first served
son D G Co
best sellers on the
give away prices
Farmers Institute at McCook
Tho date of tho Farmers Institute
for this city has been placed at Decem
ber 3rd 1007 and the following will be
the program for the some
Farm Dairying D P Ashbarn
Gibbon Nob
Corn L L Zook Experiment
Station Lincoln Neb
Work of Nebraska Boys and
Girls Clubs Miss Lulu Wolford
Pawnee City
Business Meeting of Boys and
Girle F G Bishop Lincoln
The Lure of the Town Mis3
Boys and Girls of American
farmers of Red Willow county
should see to it that there is a large
attendance These institutes are in
structive and in every sense worthwhile
to the farmer
Stephen Bolles of Box Elder is
secretary of this section of the work of
the atato in that line
Both House and Contents
Monday afternoon both house
contents of O W Dewey of EaBt
Cook were destroyed by fire the
doubtless originating in a defective flue
Mrs Dewey had been washing and n
hot fire had been burning That the
house was afire was not noticed until
the flames had secured a strong head
way and as that part of the city is
without fire protection practically
nothing could be done to stay the pro
gress of the fire und as the flames had
gained much headway before being
noticed practically nothing could be
removed from the burning house One
of the children was taken out with some
difficulty The loss on house is placed
at 81000 with insurance of 450 The
household goods loss will reach near
that sum with insurance of 8500 Mr
Dewey and wife have keen sympathy
in their heavy loss
One Degree Below Zero This Week
The coldest recorded by local ther
mometers this week was one degree
below zero Low enough thinks for
the first offense
You got left on that 900 house didnt
you Its time you look into this 2500
proposition at once Fxclusive agent
L H Lindemann phone 157
Choice Carnations 75c Per Dozen
McCook Greenhouse phone 91
Remember Diamonds 250 shoes
Sale and Refreshments
The ladles of tho Dorcas society of
the Congregational church will not
have their usual Fair this year but on
next Tuesday afternoon November 19tb
at the home of Mrs Barney Hofor from
z to o oclock will offer for salo many
fancy and useful nrticles Light re
freshments will be served at any time
during the afternoon The ladies cor
dially invito you There will be a
charge of ten cents Come and bring
your work
Mr and Mrs A P Ely spent Sun
day with the folks in Red Cloud
W S Carter is back from a soiourn
in Cheyenne Wyoming of a few weeks
Miss Mary Moqan went up to Den
ver last Saturday on No 1 on a visit
Mrs Albert Barnett wont up to
Denver close of last week on a short
Mrs W C Schenck and baby re
turned early in tho week from a visit
to Denver
Miss Millie Elbert has been appoint
ed deputy county clerk to succeed Stew
art B McLean resigned
Mrs B F Olcott departed on No 2
Tuesday for Lincoln to spend a week
with her daughter Mrs P V Royce
Howard Hileman returned home
close of week past to be present at the
wedding of his sister Miss May next
Mrs Mary A George will leave
tomorrow for Creston S D to be a
companion to Mrs G E Bailey during
the winter on the homestead
Mrs Harry Simons departed Sun
day for Chicago on a visitio the home
folks While absent she will attend a
wedding of an Omaha friend
Charles F Edwards who recently
went to Bisbee Arizona on account of
the illness of bis brother Harry has se
cured a good position there in a meat
market and will remain
Mr and Mrs H L Kennedy arrivpd
home Wednesday from Creston S D
where they have been making their
home on a claim having fulfilled the
laws requirements in that particular
They will make their home here in the
Simons needs cash
Buy a pair of Diamtinds 250 shoes
Be sure and call at our store one day
next week McCook Hardware Co
If its seasonable and in his line no
use to go any farther than Marshs meat
Dont fail to read carefully the Mc
Cook Hardware Cos advertisement in
this paper
Colorado canned irrigated tomatoes
peas and beans Unequaled without
a rival iuber
Steve Wilson has added a splendid
two seated automobile to his livery barn
equipment Try it
Do you know the Kamo coffee Call
at the White House Nov 15 and 16 and
try it Scott Stoner
Every day is bargain day at H S
Godfrey Cos the popular leaders in
selling flour feed and hay
This is your chance on a 2500 house
well located Look into this at once
L H Lindemann phone 157
Magner Stokes can supply you
with Heinz double strength pure cider
vinegar In quart bottles
One of the cheapest properties on the
market every thing considered 2500
L H Lindemann pbone 157
It will pay you to look into this
2500 proposition of which Lindemann
is exclusive agent Phone 157
Get a quart bottle of Heinz pure malt
vinegar a pure food product at
Magner Stokes
Have you seen the modern cooking
wonder at McCook Hardware Cos
store Come in any day next week
If it is from Marshs its the best ob
tainable Anything and everything per
taining to the meat market business
The only place in town where you
can get the famous Three Star Cof
fee is at Magner Stokes market and
Gardner Miller the son of J S Mil
ler will occupy the pulpit of the Christ
ian church next Sunday morning and
You will be the loser if you dont get
this 2500 house in fine condition and
excellent location L H Lindemann
phone 157
Get a handsome set of ware worth
750 free See McCook Hardware
Cos advertisement in this paper for
Have for sale a magnificent home
place in northeastern part of town rea
sonably close all in fine condition for
2500 L H Lindemann phone 157
The third degree of Odd Fellowship
will be conferred in the local lodge
Monday eveniujr November 38th All
viriting and local brethren are cordially
We have a remedy for skin chapping
that never fails It is delightful to use
and keeps the skin soft smooth and
healthy Call for McConnells Fra
grant Lotion
You are cordially invited to attend
our exhibit any day next week Come
and have a cup of coffeo and hot bis
cuit if you intend to buy or not Mc
Cook Hardware Co
A good chest protector is often worth
all that life is worth We carry the
real protecting kind They are of the
right material and correctly made
L W McConnell Druggist
Security and
There is a feeling of security
and satisfaction in having your
money with this bank which
carrying about about tho per
son or concealing about tho
home can never give
McCook National Bank
A good bank
A growing bank
Simons needs cash
McConnell for drugs
Read Simons ad on last page
Try Scott Stoner for groceries
Everything in drugs McConnell
Diamonds 250 shoos will please you
If its meat you can get it at Marshs
Lettuce radishesceleryyoung onions
McConnell for kodaks and kodak
Simons will save
attend his sale
you money if you
McCook Business College for a square
deal L W Stayner
See Simons ad on the last page and
make your selection of bargains
Patterson and Sargents paints Best
paint sold McCook Hardware Co
Miss Harrisorij nurse one squaro
north of Catholic church 10 25 4t
For Sale Two bedsteads one dresser
and one bed lounge F W Bos worth
Rooms for Rent First door north of
Methodist church Furnace heat tf
For Rent Rooms for light house
keeping Inquire of phone black 162
C H Boyle and family are now locat
ed in their new home the former Fred
Bosworth dwelling
This is
your chance
money in good property
Lindemann phone 157
to place your
2500 LH
The Epworth Ieaeue social of last
Friday evening drew a large crowd with
the usual happy results
Fred E Bortfeld the well known
piano tuner is again in the city Leave
orders at Suttons jewelry store 2ts
McCook Hardware Co are giving
free a handsome set of ware well worth
750 See advertisement in this paper
Ten thousand post cards colored
views of McCook made in Germany
just received at B Hofers Price 2 for
5 cents
The promoters of the Elk lodge aro
still continuing tho preliminary work
If Alliance and Holdrege why not
I am exclusive agent
house with two lots in
Better look into this
mann phone 157
for a 2500
fine location
Read McCook Hardware Cos adver
tisement in this paper and you will not
wonder why they have such crowds
every day next week
Cards are out announcing the mar
riage of Mr Chester A Rodgera and
Miss May Hileman Tuesday Novem
ber 21st is the day set
Good time to select hot water bottles
at our store New lot all fresh tough
real rubber
L W McConnell Druggist
Revival meetings are in progress at
the Methodist church every night and
will continue next week Rev J T
Carson of Gothenburg is assisting th
County Judge JCMoore has been ap
pointed a delegate to the National River
and Harbor Congress Washington D
C December 4 5 6 Governor Sheldon
conferring the honor
In compounding prescriptions we use
the kind of drugs your physician would
use were he putting up the medicine
himself the pure potent kind sure to
have the desired effect
L W McConnell Drsggist
The meeting of the Research club
Monday at the homo of Mrs Matie
Welles was in the nature of a good by
to Mrs I M Beardslee who has long
been an honored member of the club
but who shortly removes to Indianola
to make her home The attendance in
cluded a number of the old members of
the organization
Best Sand in the Country
comes from the Leland farm south of
McCook I have leased the farm and
will deliver sand promptly L M Best
phone 91
Heatherbloom Skirts
Made with handsomely shirred flounce
son D
G Co
colors 225 The
District No 54 will have a basket soc
ial at theia school house November 22
proceeds for school library
Tea imported direct from Japan
and 60c Huber