The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 08, 1907, Image 4

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DENTIST pohh iw
Oillco Rooms a and 5 Walsh Blk AlcCook
Real Estate
and Insurance
First door south of Fearns gallery
McCook Nebraska
C EEldukd
Attorneys at I aw
Long Distance Ioue 44
Rooms 1 and 7 sccoud floor x i Ku
PostolIJco Huildinp MCLOOk Neb
2CaH at Citizens Bank For Dates
McCook Nebraska
3iAgent of Lincoln Laud Co and of McCook
Waterworks Ollico in Postollico building
Oflico days Tuesdays Wednes
days Thursdays and Saturdays
Office in Post Office Bldg - Phone 13
Office over McAdams Store Phone 190
Midclleton Ruby
All work guaranteed
Phone 182 McCook Nebraska
Mike Walsh
and EGGS
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
New location just across street in P Walsh
Autumn Special
fxa Tes
Cheap One Way Colonists
RateS Daily during October to Pa-
cific Coast and far west points
at about half rates
TO the EaSt The w te James-
town Exposition tick
ets can be uspd for your autumn trip to
New York Boston and other eastern
cities These are the last cheap rates of
the season
Homeseekers Excursions
Cheap rate excursions the first and
third Tuesdays of each month this au
tumn to Kansas Oklahoma the Gulf
country Colorado Utah Wyoming Big
Horn Basin Montana and the North
west Ask your nearest agent or write
the undersigned
Big Horn Basin and Billings
District 7e run
ed cheap rate homeseekers
excursions to help you locate on irrigat
ed lands at the lowest prices they will
double in value in five years Join me
on these excursions No charge for
services Write D Clem Deaver Agent
Burlington Landseekers Bureau Omaha
Ticket Agent McCook Neb
MJWMotffwgiriariWii iiMNiirriiiwww
How tho Death Penalty Was Adminiu
tored to Two Indians
The following story Illustrates very
well one of the characteristics of tho
Indian as it shows that Indians as a j
rule did not mind dying so much as
they were particular about the method
young Cheycnnes who were badly
wanted for murder They had way
laid and killed a prospector They
were not caught and the chances were
Regular Caller
Pearl What ever became of that
young man you used to like so much
the one you called plain everyday Mr
Ruby Ohi he is plain every night
Mr Brown now
Pearl Indeed How Is that
Euby Why we are engaged Chi
cago News
5iMtteawii itwirra
It was a good many years ago at Pine strained and then he gave me a pre
Itidgc when there was trouble with scrlption for drops to be used in my
the Cheycnnes Major Cooper was eyes three times a day When I left
there as atront and there were two e gave me an appointment tor mat
Tho Doctors Imagination
1 have a good story on one of Wash
ingtons best known oculists said a
prominent clubman addressing sotno
friends in the billiard room of the Met
ropolitan club My eyes had trou
bled me for some months and finally I
went to see the doctor about them
After a thorough examination he
said that the muscles were badly
Well I mislaid that blessed pre
scription and as I was particularly
that they would not be unless the sol- busy tliat Aveek j ul no tJmo t0 get
tilers were called hi If this were done another copy So in some trepidation
it was likely to precipitate trouble j I kept my second appointment
with the whole tribe and Major Coop- As the doctor examined my eyes 1
ask the two erring bucks to come In with pleased emphasis
and be hanged Your eyes are very much
Word wtis sent to the two young proved That medicine Avhich I gave
Indians Head Chief and Young Mule you is certainly wonderful It always
who were out in the hills They sent has such prompt and satisfactory re
word back that they had no objection suits
to dying if it would keep the rest of It was all I could do to keep silent
the tribe out of trouble but that If concluded the speaker laughing But
they had to die they preferred to die I wasnt quite sure how he would lake
fighting and they wanted it distinctly the joke You see he may not have a
understood that they would not be sense of humor Washington Star
hanged It was entirely against the
customs of the government but rules j Comets In Olden Days
did not go for much in those days People nowadays do not regard tho
Results were the chief things and comet as one of those signs that fore
Major Cooper sent word to them that run the death or fall of kings but the
if they wanted a fight he would risk superstition was still current in tho
accommodating them A date was set time of Queen Elizabeth though to
and early in the morning they rode to- the amazement of her courtiers the
ward the agency fully armed Major queen calmly scorned it It was also
Cooper was out to meet them and the thought that If the sovereign would re
rest of the tribe the potential hostiles fraiu from looking at the malignant
were gathered on the hills to see fair celestial passerby no harm would come
play Tlie agent rodo out into the to her On one occasion Elizabeths
open and slipped off his horse using it attendants shut and curtained her win
for cover and shooting across the sad- dows but her majesty as might have
die been expected with a courage an-
The two young Indians galloped up swerable to the greatness of her es
to within shooting distance and com- j tate caused them to be opened cry
meuced circling hanging on the off I ing as she looked up Jacta est alea
side of their ponies and shooting un
der their necks and across their heads
The tacit understanding was that if
they were killed it was all right but
if they got the agent they would pull
out into the hills and wait for some
other challenger The fight did not
last long Cooper had a heavy buf
falo gun and killed one Indian shoot
ing him through the bodjr of his horse
The other kept on circling and several
shots were exchanged till the Indian
was shot through the body lie knew
It would be all up with him in a few
minutes and charged shooting as ho
came But the agents luck held good
and he was dropped within fifty yards
The law was satisfied and the agent
was able to report officially to Wash
ington that the Indians had been ex
ecuted Washington Star
What Is a Midshipman
By luck I for the first time in my
life have found a plausible derivation
for midshipman It would appear that
in the days immediately after the flood
the vessels were very high at the ends
between which there was a deep
waist giving no ready means of
passing from one to the other To
meet this difficulty there were employ
ed a class of men usually young and
alert who from their station were
called midship men to carry messages
which were not subject for the trum
pet shout If this explanation holds
water it like forecastle and after
guard and knightheads gives another
instance of survival of nomenclature
from conditions which have long since
Whatever the origin of his title it
well expressed the anomalous and un
defined position of the midshipman
lie belonged so to say to both ends of
the ship as well as to the middle and
his duties and privileges alike fell
within the broad saying that what was
nobodys business was a midshipmans
When appointed as such in later days
he came in with the hayseed in his
hair and went out fit for a lieuten
ants charge but from first to last
whatever his personal progress he
continued as a midshipman a handy
billy Captain A T Mahan in Har
The Worlds Gypsies
The gypsies have passed under a va
riety of names arising either from
their supposed original country or the
callings and characteristics of the race
The old English Egyptian the Span
ish Gitana and the Magyar Fharas
nepek Pharaohs people all point to
an Egyptian origin The Scandinavian
Tatare identifies them with the Mon
golian hordes which terrorized early
Europe while the French Bohemian
suggests yet another country as their
As to the names bestowed by their
supposed character the Arab boldly
calls them harami a villain the
Dutchman heydens or heathens and
the Tersian takes his name from their
complexion and dubs them karachi or
swarthy A charter of William the
Lion as early as the twelfth century
mentions their Scotch name of tin
klers which is commonly supposed to
be a corruption of tinker although pos
sibly the substitution of t for z
has produced this form of the Italian
Zingaro one of the most widespread
of gypsy -appellations London Chron
the die is cast Then like King Knut
on the seashore she read her people a
homily asserting that her steadfast
hope and confidence were too firmly
planted in the providence of God to be
blasted or affrighted with those beams
which either had no ground in nature
whereupon to rise or at least no war
rant in Scripture to portend the mis
haps of princes
Queen Elizabeth as an Ale Drinker
There is an amusing letter written
by the Earl of Leicester to Lord Bur
leigh as to the lack of sufficiently
strong ale for the queen at Hatfield
There Is not one drop of good drink
for her here We were fain to send
to London and Kenilworth and divers
other places where ale was Her own
beer was so strong as there Avas no
man able to drink it Ale and bread
were the chief items of the royal
breakfast The quantity of ale con
sumed by ladies at breakfast in those t s
days was considerable for in the reign
of Henry VIII the maids of honor
were allowed for breakfast one chet
loafe one mancket two gallons of ale
and a pitcher of wine A Lady Lucy
made a mighty tonic of the national
brew Her breakfast was a chine of
beef a loaf and a gallon of ale and
for her pillow meal a posset porridge
a generous cut of mutton a loaf and a
gallon of ale Westminster Gazette
His Class
The head of a large mercantile house
received not long ago a letter from a
millionaire banker in the west asking i
that the latters son be placed in some
business house where he could learn
things from the bottom up The
writer explained that his offspring was
no good at home
Soon after the western millionaire
received the following reply from his
New York friend
Dear Sir Tour hopeful has arrived I
have given him employment in my estab
lishment at S a week with others of his
class Ono of these young men has Just
bought a 50000 yacht and another comes
to tho office in a 9000 motor car No
doubt your son will find his surroundings
Harpers Weekly
A Bad Cast
Mr Lawhead Why do you treat me
so coldly Why didnt you answer the
note I wrote you last Thursday Miss
Brushley Sir I dont wish to have
anything more to say to you You
began your note by saying you
thought you would drop me a line
I want you to understand that Im not
a fish
An Illustration
Little Harry Pa whats t foregone
conclusion Pa Anything thats sure
to follow something else To give you
an illustration if I were to lock the
drawer of my desk it wouldnt be
twenty minutes before your mothe
would break it open for the purpose of
finding out what I was trying to con
ceal Cleveland Leader
I suppose said the beautiful girl
that you often burn the midnight
No replied the poet I hang my
hat on the doorknob so the landlady
cant look through the keyhole and
catch me burning the gas Judge
Ill send my boy to a boarding
What for
Oh he asks such questions He
wanted to know last night if a shoe
maker could breathe his last
There Is nothing so true that the
damps of error have not warped It
t iT - r - t m -in iw um 1- n 1 ir - -
All the
iicnr ini fliiwwwriiTMwwMMwilwlHMaM
Slate of tcbrika Rod Willow count v ss
In tho mutter of tlio estate of David Iv Hvrto
ktte deceiiM d
I 1 C Moore county judo of said county in
wild Mute huroity nolily all jor on having
claims and demand against I he estate of the
said David K Hertolette deceased t lint 1 hao
set and appointed the following for the
reception examination and iidjii linctit of said
claims and demands as provided ly law at tho
county court room in ilcCook Ked Willow
county Nebraska tow it Tho -ml day of De
cember 11X17 and the 3rd day or June 1jOK ami
all per ons so iutcroMcd in aid estate will ap
pear at said time and place and duly present
their said claims and demands in the manner
required by law or show cause for not so doing
and in case any of said claims shall not be pre
sented by the Suth day of May 1WW the same
shall be foreer barred
wiveu under my nanu and no senior said
dav week as he said he could not ei i VJly cMirt tUi MA J f Novender 17-
J CMooui County Judge
n initio mv pros for lassos until thor
were hi their normal condition
ance lor Her that you haie wantonly
er laid the case before the headmen hesitated a moment about tellimr him and cruelly nfn ed and to troiid
They were told that if the soldiers I had not used the drops when he took Kl1liiliVllli rri T lIir
last past and lisne siiieu tho date of -aid mar-
were sent for there would surely bo the words out of my mouth and the riaiw become an habitual drunkard and that
tronlilo jincl worn rnnuosted nolitelv to hroilh out of mv hodv bv renmrklna v ufilv tlIJ J1
- ticrwuip
To Charles If MeKillip defend 1
ant You are hereby notified that on the ltb
nay oi uciooer lwt eine l Mcrtillip plain
titt filed etitiou against ou in the ilisiriet
court of Ked Willow county Nebraska tlie ob
ject and praer ol wlueli are to obtain a divorce
from you on the grounds that although you are
of sullicieut ability to prolific suitable mainten
and Flovd Mrkillin children of
i said parties and for reasonable alimony
j ou are required to answer said petition on
or before Monday the Slid day of December
Niimi J McKiiitf Plaintiff
y Hoyle A Kldred her attorneys
Real Estate Transfers
Tho following real estate filings have
been made in tho county clerks ollico
since our last report
Lincoln Land Co to Clark Ward deed
Qto lotsIK and 17 blk 3S ndianoIa 1 CO
United States to James A Gregory pat
to sv qr
Fred G Johnson to William AI Paulson
wd to nc qr 1-4-29 lS0O 00
William K Pence and wife to Alonte
zmim 15 Kastwood wd to lot 3 blk 21
2nd AlcCook 1110 CO
Lincoln Land Co to Francenia 1olden
fiivd to lot f blk 8tii hSAf cCook 7ch2
James S Doylo and wife to Nelson II y -
Wolf wtl to e hf se qr 1 12-1-20 w h f sv F
qr 7-4-28 3JU0 00
Ludwig Kern and wife to Henry Kern
wd to lot 10 blk 13 2nd AlcCook 12 CO
Ludwig Kern and wife to Jacob Kern
id to lot 9 blk 33 2nd AlcCook SM CO
Lincoln Land Co to J W Arbogast wd
to lots 1 and 2 blk 5 Neb add to Dart
ley 12100
Oscar L Van VIeet and wife to Alartha
A Sargent wd to pt nv qr sw
27 1100 00
Alark S Durham and wife to George H
Alorgan qcd to nw qr 20-1-27
Orbra W Cass sing to J C Ashton wd
to lots 8 and 9 blk2Danbury
Ida Cass wid to J C Ashton wd to lots
8 and 9 blk 2 Danbury
1 00
200 00
900 00
Laura A Osborn and lmsb to Andrew
Sherman wd to lots 1 and 2 West Alc
Cook llK 00
Frank B Johnson and wife to Edward J
Hamilton sing to Charles II Towle
wd to siv qr 14 w hf ne qr and nw qr
23 nc qr 22 all in 1 30 7700 00
A Guaranteed Cure For Piles
Itching Blind Bleeding or Protrud
ing Piles Druggists refund money if
Pazo Ointment fail3 to cure any case
no matter of how long standing in 6 tolJ
days First application gives ease and
rest 50c If your druggist hasnt it
send 50c in stamps and it will be for
warded postpaid by Paris Medicine Co
St Louis Mo
at little cost
reward is offered to
anyone for any sub
stance injurious to the health found
in CaEsiniet Baking Powder
Ptr2y is a prime essential in food
Ca3 sissiei is made only of pure wholesome
ingredients combined by skilled chemists
aud complies with the pure food lawsot
all states It is the only high grade
Baking Powder on the market sold at
a moderate price
Calumet Baking Powder may be
freely used with the certainty that food
made with it contains sao harmful
druirs It is chemically correct
Department of the interior land ollice at Lin
coln Nebraska October 1 1 HKIV
Notice is hereby given that Calvin A Scott of
AlcCook Neb has tded notice oT bis intention
to make tlnal live year proof in support of his
claim viz Homestead Entry No 12712 made
Sept 15 1902 for the east half of sw section 32
township t north range 30 West aud that said
proof will be made before the county judge at
AlcCook Neb on November 30 1907
Ho names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon aud cultivation of
the laud viz J AI hummerville 1 C Hush 1
W Little C L Alarkwad all of AlcCook Neb
Cham F Siiiii Itegister
Department of the Interior land ollice at Lin
coln N bra ka Oetolx r 1 1 lltlT
Notice is hereby giien ihat James A Scott of
AlcCook Neb las iiled l ir hi- intention
to make linal liie year proof in support of 1 is
claim viz IIomiMiad Kntry No 1 M7 made
March 1 1C02 for the quarter of sec
tion C township 3 north range 30 west and
that said proof will be made before the county
judge at AlcCook Neb on November 11K7
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous resith uce upon and cultivation
or the laud i i J AI Summervillc P C Bush
J W Little C L Alarkwad all or AlcCook
Neb Ciias F Siiini Register
The State of Nebraska Red Willow
To all persons interested in the estate of
George Hocknell deceased
Whereas Benjamin AI Frees has filed in my
ollice an instrument purporting to be the last
will aud testament of George Hoeknell late of
said county deceased and said Deujamju AI
Frees has liled his petition herein praying to
have the same admitted to probate and for the
issuing of letters testamentary which will re
lates to both real and personal estate 1 have
therefore appointed the 10th day of December
1907 at 9 oclock a m at the county court room
of said county as the time and place for hear
ing said will at which time and place you and
all concerned may appear and contest the allow
ing of the same It is further ordereil that said
petitioner give notice to all persons interested
m said estate of the pendency of this petition
aud the time and place of said hearing by caus
ing m copy of this order to be published in the
AI- - ok Tribune a newspaper printed anntl pub
lisu d in said county for three successive weeks
pr- ous to said day of hearing And notice is
y given Mint said petitioner will on the
2Sth day of November 1907 between the hours
of 9 a in and 0 p in take the depositions of AI
It AI Sheng and other witnesses in support of
saiil petitioii at 231 La Salle street in the city of
Chicago Cook county Illinois
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my
hand and ollicial seal this 5th day of November
1907 J C Alooat County Judge
Both a Full Year For Only
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News of the World and
Only Twenty Five Cents More Than the
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Write for specimen copy Address
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The Weekly Inter Ocean Contains Each Week
21 columns of news
14columns of talks by a practical farmer on
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Best short and continued stories Ches and
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Questions and answers Poems of the a
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and illustrations
5 columns of live entertaining editorials
7 columns of livo stock and market reports
40 questions and answers by readers on anything
pertaining to the business of farming garden
ing raising of live stock and poultry etc etc
10 to 20 questions on veterinary subjects
7 columns of information on recipes patterns
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11 to 21 columns of stories of public men his
torical geographical and other miscellany
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Rev Dr Quayle of Chicago and the Sundav
School lesson
These features together with a Special Magazine Department make
up the Leading Farm Home and News Paper of the West
The of The Inter Ocean
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The price of The McCook Tribune remains 100 a year
The two papers each one year will cost only 125
N B This special arrangement witn ine v eeitiy inter ucean is for a limited time only Subscribers
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eeKlV inter vjcean are assureu tui uu uapuia ui ubscui aiter tueir suuscnntions
expire unless