X TWENTY SIXTH YEAR MKENNA HOME DAMAGED BY FIRE Fire Ana Water Damaged Trainmaster McKennas Home Yesterday After noon About 500 TrniDinastor P F McKennas homo was in danger from lire yesterday nfter linally controlled noon but tho dopartmont trolled tbo same not however until tho building and contents had been dam aged to tho amount or several hundred dollars tho loss by water being heavier than that by firo Tho lire seotued to havo originated from a defective Hue and tho fiamea wore hard to got at being located bo tweon tho ceiling and roof Tho loss is covered by insurance A New Law Firm John F Cordoal and J Raymond Mc ni n nnvt Monday morning bo formally associated together in tho practice of law with oflices in the Mc Cook National Bank building Both young men are well and favor ably known in McCook as energetic capable and rising young men in the profession Mr Cordeal has had several years experience in tho oflices of loading lawyers a good part of the time in tho ollico of Lawyer Heines of Chicago one of tho great corporation lawyers of the west Mr Cordeal is a graduate of the lnw dnirtment of the Northwestern University Chicago of tho Nebraska Mr McCarl is a graduate braska University law school has been admitted to practice in the United States Supremo Court an honor enjoy ed by few luwyors in tho state Ho is now serving as city attorney of tho City of McCook and for tho last year has been private secretary to Congressman Norris of the Fifth Nebraska district Mr Cordeal has resigned his position as stenographer to Judge Orr of the Fourteenth district effective December first A Scared Husoana A nowly married young man a bad scare the other day received llo arrived home at his usual dinner hour and found a note addressed to him as follows Dear Fred huve gone to get my ki mono cut out Tis said the distressed man broke the telephone in his anxious haste to find out which doctors office she was at Ho now is wiser and bav in injuried his wifos weakness for such wranners buys them ready made If You Are a Lover of good coffee call at the White House November 15 and 16 and get a cup of Kanio or Gas Roast coffee McCooks best Scott Stoner New Piano Mover R M Douglass Co have purchased manufactured the latest up-to-date apparatus factured for piano moving No chance to injure your instrument See them Fleischers Yarn Fleischers stocking yarn in Hlb skeins for 25c at The Thompson D G Cos Come See Our Chrysanthemums McCook Greenhouse pbone 91 Hnco nf nit kinds wool and cotton at the Bee Hive The Majestic Manufacturing Co of St Louis Mo will have a man at the McCook Hardware store week after next who will show you how to bake biscuits brown top and bottom in three minutes Dont miss this chance of seeing tho great cooking woDder We have made arrangements to se cure fresh chocolate cream candy every week in the future Barney Hofer McCook News Depot Drop in and have a cup of coffee and hot biscuits at our store any day week after next Will be glad to see you if you intend to buy or not R M Douglass Co draying in its branches Call up phone 63 at office in Bump building lower avenue Do you know the Kamo coffee Call at the White House Nov 15 and 16 and try it Scott Stoner Say you saw it in The Tribune Sunday word was telegraphed to Mc Cook friends announcing tho death of Mrs Fannio Green who a week or two since accompanied her old friend Mrs Baxter of Indianola to San Diego where they proposed to spend tho winter Mrs Green stood the journey well but got her feet wot took severe cold and her onfeoblod body soon yielded to tho inevitable Tbo body was shippod from California Wednesday and is expected to arrive by Saturday night It is planned to have tho funeral Sun day afternoon in tho Congregational church at Tho Thompson D G Cos 8123 to S3 An Appreciated Performance The presentation of the Deestrick SkuleExerbition in the Congregational church last Friday evening uy mem bers of the Christian Endeavor society drew not so much a large as a very ap preciative audience There was amuse ment galore Remember that special revival meetings begin at the Methodist church Sunday Novem ber 10 and continue for two or three weeks Good music Bible preacning and courteous treatment We want to ambitions help you to attain your higher tions Come and welcome Song ser vice at 730 Sermon at S Father Lougkran Ordered Transferred Last Sunday morning Rov J J Loughran pastor of Saint Patricks Catholic church read before his con gregation Bishop Bonacums order transferring him to a small pastorate down in Richardson county Dawson a town of a few hundred population The order is effective December first That this order of Bishop Bonacum is regretted by practically every member of Saint Patricks church is certain And tho hope is gonoral that tho order may not become effective until the first of tho year if at all In tact k is too wish of the entire membership and of well that the many non Catholics as reverend gentleman be allowed to re main in this chnrgo where he has be come so much admired and so highly rmrrlfft for hiq deen nietv his broad and liberal minded churchman ship to gether with his keen and intelligent in terest in all things tending for the eleva tion and improvement and advancement of humanity It is the bishops purpose to place this charge under the control of an order of monks having headquarters down in New York and not under tho charge of an individual priest as has been the case for almost a quarter of a century Death Ends His Sufferings After great suffering for years Will Iluber passed away Wednesday after noon of this week November Gth a vic tim of tuberculosis of the bones Brief services were held at the home on McFarland street Thursday morn ing at ton oclock by Rev M B Car- man and burial followed in Kiverview cemetery William Huber was born in Lancaster Fnirfield county Ohio January Sth 1S6G where he lived until he was 18 all Call Main years old when he moved to McOooK which has since been his home His mother Mrs Mary A F Huber sister Miss Jeannette Huber and young son survive him Success in Skirts A largo collection of skirts selected for style for quality for service in Panama batiste in mohairs broad cloths tailor suitings at SlOOo each at 8200 each and all prices between Al terations free Those points make our skirts a continuous success Tho Thompson D G Co LITTLE PILLS FOR LIVER ILLS Our Little Liver Pills are easy to take and easy in their action and are better harsh crude cathartic in every way than the artic pills commonly used They re lieve headache cure constipation biliousness and indigestion Price 25c L W McConnell Druggist Look Look Look at the ad of McCook Hardware Co on another page See the great Majestic range with the ware that is to be given away during the exhibit Nov IS to 23 Cold Climate Furs Fur scarfs 75c to 81250 four-in-hands 8400 muffs 8225 to 8300 setts 8200 to 8100 We sell the genuine Isabella fox scarf for 8650 The Thompson DGCo New Piano Mover R M Douglass Co have purchased the latest up-to-date apparatus manu factured for piano moving No chance to injure your instrument See them Buy Your Paint by vears and square yards not gallons This you will do if you get Pattersons paint at McCook Hardware Co Guaranteed Paints Yon can gee a fully guaranteed paint The Lincoln absolutely pure at Mc- Millens drugstore Kamo and Gas Roast coffees served to all comers Nov 15 and 16 at the White House Scott Stoner The strongest line of childrens shoes ever shown in this city at the Bee Hive All kinds of fruit -fresh each morn ingat Hubers Office supplies at the Tribune office LIFES DRAMA OER FOR GEOIIOCKNELL Who Passed Away on Last Wednesday Night October 30th In Sacramento California of Heart Disease Tho death of George Ilocknoll at Sac ramento California Wednesday night of last week from heart failure caused a wave of deep regret and genuine emotion in this city especially among those of tho old guard who know and wero closely attached to him in tho days gone when ho was a potent and inde fatigable factor in tho establishment and growth of McCook and of this sec tion of Nebraska It is perhaps useless for tho writer to attempt to sketch tho lifo of George Hocknell For most of a quarter of a century ho was connected with tho de velopment of Southwestern Nebraska and particularly of McCook First as president of tho Frees Ilocknoll Lum ber Co and afterwards as president of Tho First National Bank and of The McCook Loan Trust Co of this city But of late years he has been a residont of California where ho had large inter ests The tragedy of his lifo there is sub merged here in the desire of all to member him only as he lived and moved among us here in tho hoy dey of his activity and energy and optimism The remains arrived here Tuesday morning and brief services were con ducted in the Congregational church tho same afternoon in charge of pastor Rav Geo B Ilawkes Those services were attended by many old friends of tho early days Every hoart present was touch by the tenderness and chivalry of the tribute paid the departed by Captain B M Frees who was most closely and inti mately associated with George Hock nell whom he never failed in any vicis situde of life MR FREES TRIBUTE Paper written by Mr B M Frees and road at tho funeral of Mr Geo Hock nell Standing beside the casket that con tains all that is mortal of my friend and partuer it is perhaps meet that I should not remain silent George Hocknell I loved as a brother For more than twenty years we wero associated in busi ness together and never a word of dis cord between us His life at McCook was well known He wasone of its first settlers Our lumber office standing about where Mr Barnetts is now was tho first building erected in what is now the thriving city of McCook He was the friend of all his neighbors and acquaintances and they wero all his friends Thoy sent him to Lincoln to represent them He accomplished the object for which he went and although often urged to accept further political honors he always declined ne was one of the organizers of the First National Bank and its president for twenty years and until he was disabled Familiarly known as George to every one he met on tho street he always had a kind word for each one He was a liberal provider in his home and always charitable and kind to the unfortunate While here an energetic and successful business man and always ready to assist in any enterprise to benefit his home city In pursuit of health and a wider field of activity he went to California and was Thoroughly Pleased Everyone The Cincinnati Ladies Cremona Or chestra delighted a splendid audience in the Menard opera house Wednesday evening Mr McMahon the baritone shared the honors with the ladies of the orchestra It was one of the most gen erally satisfactory music entertainment given in McCook in years and opens the lecture course most auspiciously Undisputed We are undisputed leaders in bear skin goods childrens coat3 S235 and 8300 hoods 50c and 75c muffs 75c and 3100 leggins 8100 misses coats to 11 years 86 00 The cloth 32 inches wide in four colors 82C0 yd a cheaper grade 75c Ripple eiderdown 45c plain eider down 30c The Thompson D G Co If you are familiar with the Kamo and Gas Roast coffees you know the treat in store at the White House No vember 15 and 16 If not known to you come in for a cup of the best coffee ever served in McCook A healthy taste remains in the mouth of chose who use MONARDINE as a tooth wash L W McConnell Druggist A first class coffee served in a first class manner at the White House No vember 15 and 16 Scott Stoner Wo are giving free S750 worth of ware at our store week after next See advertisement in this paper Be sure and call at our store one week after next thero but a short timo before his physi cal and mental troubles unsettled Ins mind Much of his time was spent in hospitals and in a vain nndoavor to ro covor his hoalth His suffering at times was almost unboarablo and would have long ago caused tho death of a man with less fortitude For the last live years and at periods previou3 to this his mind was clouded so that ho was not re sponsible for his actions Aftor his in jury nearly three years ago ho bravely started to retrieve his fortune declining aid from his friends and sinco that timo io im lol n stn nuous and very sad existenco and his physical and mental pain have been terrible indeed 1 saw him twice last spring and ho could not remembei ever having lived In Nebraska or i eing in business hero in any way 1 received a letter from him dated two days beforo his death and he stated that his momorv concerning Nebrnska was still a blank Ho was then in tho mountains of Nevada looking after some promising mining property he had taken up I turned from his letter to receivo a telegram announcing his death at Sacramento on the night of October 30th Georgo Hocknell was born in tho city of New York and received his education in tho public schools and while still a very young man came west Returning to tho east ho camo to Nebraska in 1SS1 Leaving Nevada for his homo in Los Angeles ho was taken sick on tho train and at Sacramento was removed to tho hospital and died the same night in his 60th year I want to remember him as he went in and out beforo yon while living heio known to every one as ono oi tho most generous of men Good bye mv brother mav wo meet in tho better land where there shall be no pain and parting shall be no more The music was the offering of a quar tette composed of Mrs Leroy Klevon Miss Myrtlo Meyer F M Kimmell and B H Stewart The pall bearers were W S Morlan II P Sutton J E Kolley F A Pen nell II P Waite and James Hatfield day all of them oldtimo friends ana business associates of the deceased W S Morlan gave a glimpse into the inner chamber in a few words of tribute to tho courage and uncomplaining for titude of the departed friend of many years gone on before recalling his kind ness his philanthropy his fidelity and his marvelous activities and the bright ness of his outlook upon life in the years agone So far as flowers in lovely profusion and tasteful arrangement could express tenderness and depth of sentiment there was nothing to bo desired A brief service at the grave closed the- last of earth for George Hocknell The remains were accompanied hero from Sacramento California by Fred Simpson of Los Angeles California a nephew of the departed Mr Albert Barnett and Mr Albert McMillen were ushers at the brief service in tho Con gregational church There were a num ber of out-of-town friends of the olden time present at the funeral tnus pay ing a farewell tribute to the man who held the respect and admiration of all who came in intimate touch with John Welborn and E S Hill of Indianola E B Perry of Cambridge W T Kenton of Danbury John F Helm of Red Wil low and others The Election Returns In another column appears the ab stract of the official canvass of the vote cast at Tuesdays election The figures tell the whole story There is talk of a contest in the county clerkship Unusual Pleasure It has been an unusual pleasure to sell our ladies coats this season owing to the positive admiration expressed for our styles and the perfect satisfaction with our prices 8175 to 82000 20 styles The Thompson D G Co One price plain figures cash only Have You Purchased a Stove If not let us showyou the Riverside and Elate Oak heaters made to save fuel You will always be glad if you buv one of these McCook Hardware Co A Handy Receipt BocK Bound duplicate receipt books three receipts to the Tribune office IJW Willie MCCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING NOVEMBER 8 190T MRS FANNIE GREEN DIES IN CALIF Word Telegraphed Here Sunday of Her Death After Brief Illness page for sale at The Choice Carnations 75c Per Dozen McCook Greenhouse phone 91 Look over our cap line before buy ing the Bee Hive Biscuits baked right in three minutes every day week after next at our store Come and see the great cooking wonder at our store all week after next See advertisement in this paper Why buy a cat in a sack At our ex hibit week after next we will show you a Majestic in actual operation HOUSE AND CONTENTS DESTROYED Family Has Narrow Escape From Death and Several Palniully Burned Tho old W JI Smith homo in Valley Grango precinct n few miles southeast of McCook now owned by Fred Troos ter and occupied by John Ilammol and family was entirely destroyed by fire Wednesday nhrht about nine oclock The fire doubtloss originated with a de fective Uuo Mr Hammel was at a neighbors but Mrs Hammel and Miss Freda Motte a school teacher who is living with thenx rushed through tho fire with tho two young children who woro asleep in an other room saving them and themselves thereby Tho houso and contonts woro entirely destroyed practically nothing being sav ed but the clothos tho women had on Quito a sum of money was also burned Thero was no insuranco Mrs Ilammol and Miss Motto wero both burned about faco and hands Mrs Ilammol quite severely The school Miss Metto is teaching has beon dismissed for a few days for her re pairs physically and replenishing of her wardrobe A Japanese War will never bo declared by tho ladius thoy think too much of the charming Japanese styles now showing their effect upon our modes Tho leading stylo of sleeve for one example Tho fetching kimona for another both instances are to bo seen at Tho Thomp son D G Co in several coats and in many kimonos Tho Thompson U u Co Kendlen Cottage Boys Entertain Tho entertainment of friends by tho Kendlen Cottage Boys last Friday evening at the Palmer hotel was a very neat social event being commemorative of the fourth year tho boys have spent under that hospitable roof Dancing and refreshments made up tho main items of tho evenings pleasure Money Back After Four Weeks An extreme instanco of confidence in their wares is shown by the makers of American Beauty Corsets who insure absolute satisfaction by this generous offer After four weeks actual wear you can receive back your monoy if dissatis fied All prices 35s to 82 Tho Thomp son D G Co Headache If you aro troubled with it try McConnells Headache Capsules Thoy stop tho ache without being in any way injurious Price 25 cents Cotton Goods Reasonable at Tho Thompson D G Co Good ginghams 5c Best prints Gc bleach ed muslin 7Jc Best outings 10c feather ticking 16c yd oil cloth 15c Riverside Heaters Sao McCook Hardware Cos add on another page Have you ever tried an eraser Seo one at The fice Its a saving to buy high eeaso ink Tribune of- If its seasonable and in his line no use to go any farther than Marshs meat market When ycu want Golf gloves come where they have the assortment the Bee Hive Steve Wilson has added a splendid two seated automobile to his livery barn equipment Try it Every day is bargain day at II S Godfrey Cos the popular leaders in selling flour feed and hay Magner Stokes can supply you with Heinz double strength pure cider vinegar In quart bottles top shoes We have a large assortment for men and boys at the Bee Hive Get a quart bottle of Heinz pure malt vinegar a pure food product at Magner Stokes Social letters should be written on up-to-date paper We have it at all kinds of prices L W McConnell Druggist If it is from Marshs its the best ob tainable Anything and everything per taining to the meat market business R M Douglass ic Co will give you prompt and efficieutservice Phone 63 Office in Bump real estate office lower Main The only place in town where you can get the famous Three Star Cof fee is aOlagner Stokes market and grocery From a sanitary standpoint varnished floors are more healthful than carpeted ones and they are no trouble to look after if finished right See L W Mc Connell agent for the Sherwin Williams paints and varnishes and ask him about the S W line of floor finishes Xbetnuuh t0cI tfCJ NUMBER 24 Security and Satisfaction Thero is a feeling of security and satisfaction in having your monoy with this bank which carrying about about tho por son or concoaling about tho homo can never give McCook National Bank A good bank A growing bank MINOR ITEMS OF NEWJ McConnell for drugs 4 Try Scott it Stoner for groceries Everything in drugs McConnoll Buy the Keith Bros cap at the Bee Hive ot If its meat you can get it at Marshs market Golf gloves all colors and prices at the Bee Hive Prompt service in draying secured by calling up phono Grf AMERICAN Woven Wire Fenco at McCook Hardware Co High top shoes that will stand wet or dry at the Bee Hive the McCook Business Collego for a square deal L W Stayner Pattorson and Sargents paints Best paint sold McCook Hardware Co Miss Harrison nurse ono squaro north of Catholic church--10-25 4t The capital stock of tho State Bank of Lebanon has been increased to 825 000 Remember tho great Majestic Range exhinit at McCook Hardware Co No vember 18th to 23rd Dont you want the best It costs no more for Keith Bros caps than any other kind sold at the Bee Hive Ten thousand po t cards colored views of McCook made in Germany just received at B llofers Price 2 for 5 cents The Christian Endeavor society of the Congregational eh urch met at tho home of Miss Tressa Rector last night for a social evening It is understood that L W Stayner is to becomo reporter for the Fourteenth district vice John F Cordeal resigned effective December first Red Willow Furnas Frontier and Harlan counties wero awarded 70 per cent of all premiums on all breeds of cattlo at the last Nebraska fair Tho McCook Live Stock Co is now owned by W F Everist and Mrs G A Fish Josiah II Thomas having sold his interest in the company to Mrs Fish A new barber shop in the pantitorium building on East Dennison street i3 a new business addition to McCook Two chairs They hail from Denver tis saiu Benjamin Burnett of the Favorite Cigar Store dissolved partnershipThurs day Eph Benjamin retiring and J E Morrissey going into the partnership in his place A meetins of the Womans Christian Temperance Union will be held Friday November 15th 3 p m at the Method ist parsonage The Union is planning for a silver medal contest to be held in the M E church November 23 Look for program later Married Wednesday morning No vember Gth at the home of the brides parents Mr and Mrs W H Cooper on East Dennison street Mr Earl GTay lor of Fairfax Mo and Mrs Mamy Mc Curry of McCook Rev M B Carman officiating Mr and Mrs Taylor left Thursdayfor their new home in Fairfax Mo where he owns a fine farm New Piano Mover R M Douglass Co have purchased the latest up-to-date apparatus manu factured for piano moving No chance to injure your instrument See them Best Sand in the Country comes from the Leland farm south of McCook I have leased the farm and will deliver sand promptly L M Best phone 91 All Shavers should use the Gillette Safety and shave with pleasure 8500 and 8700 L W McConnell Druggist Tea imported direct from Japan 50c and GOc Huber Colorado canned irrigated tomatoes neas and beans Unequaled without a rival Huber