The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 18, 1907, Image 3

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Brother of John D Whose Hobby Is
Collection Wild Animals
Frank Rockefeller who denies the
authenticity of a recent Interview in
which he was quoted as calling John
D a monster and other unpleasant
names Is the youngest of the three
Rockefeller brothers lie Is worth sev
eral millions hut by no means so
wealthy as cither of his brothers
Formerly he was Interested to some
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A 2-
extent in Standard Oil but now he has
no connection with that business
Mr Rockefeller lives near Cleveland
lie has a country place on the lake
several miles out of the city called
Lakeland His chief hobbj is the col
lection of wild animals On his place
he has a large assortment of wild live
stock including bears elk buffalo an
telope and other interesting beasts
Next to my family he once re
marked I love animals more than
anything else in the world and by
simply having fun Avlth them I have
found out a good many things and
learned a good many lessons that I
never could have learned otherwise
In Kansas and Texas Mr Rockefel
ler owns large ranches His Kansas
ranch comprising more than 14000
acres is one of the largest in the
Mr Rockefeller has three daughters
He spends much of his time traveling
During the five or six months of each
year which he spends at Cleveland he
goes daily to his office and works from
six to eight hours It is assumed
that he is estranged from John D
Rockefeller because of business deal-
ings in which
the younger man was
Men Mentioned In Connection With
Pennsylvanias Capitol Scandal
Criminal prosecutions are expected
shortly in Pennsylvania In connection
tvith the great graft scandal In relation
to the building of the new state capi
xol The investigating committee which
probed the affair has made its report
Following this report James M Shu
maker who as superintendent of pub
lic buildings and grounds was conspic
uous in the construction of the capltol
makes a statement In which he prom
ises to spring a sensation
Shumaker declares that he is inno
cent of wrongdoing but that he knows
a great deal about the big graft and
will go on the witness stand and tell
everything A certain man high In of
ficial life at Harrisburg he says
should be in the penitentiary Shu
maker also states that the grafting
was to cover a shortage in the state
treasury thereby saving the reputation
of a former United States senator from
Pennsylvania who Is now dead
Another man who had much to do
with the construction of the new capl
tol is Joseph M Huston who was the
architect of the building
Public Interest In the matter Is con
siderably enhanced by the committee
report ond by the Shumaker statement
nnmifi wirtWiMi
Readeo Eccentric English
Reades use of the English language
too was eccentric hot to say ludicrous
In A Simpleton when he wished to
signify that two people turned their
backs on each other in a fit of temper
ho wrote They showed napes De
scribing the complexion of the New
Haven fishwives in Christie John
stone he says It Is a race of wo
men that the northern sun peachlfies
Instead of rosewoodizing In Itendl
ana he describes a gentleman giving
a lunch to two Indies at a railway res
taurant as follows He Bouped them
he tough chickened them ho brandled
nnd cochluealed one and he brandled
and burnt sugared the other brandy
and cochineal and brandy and burnt
sugar being Reades euphemisms for
port and sherry respectively While
he was preparing his series of articles
on Old Testament characters he read
what he had written to John Coleman
on one occasion and came to this star
tling passage In his argument
Having now arrived at this conclu
sion we must go the whole hog or
Coleman objected to this phrase
You dont like the hog I see said
Reade Well its a strong figure of
speech and its understanded of the
people but yes you are right Its
scarcely Scriptural so out It goes
Gentlemans Magazine
Bass Are Real Cute
It Is related for a fact that the reason
bass jump and it Is common practice
of the fish is because they wish to ac
quire grace and strength in testing
their ability against that of fishermen
Several men who say they know
what they are talking about point out
that bass do most of their jumping
during the spring and are especially
active just before the open season be
At this time they may be seen doing
long distance jumps somersaults and
side stepping
One bass expert goes so far as to say
that he spent an entire afternoon
watching a three pound bass dragging
a long willow sapling through the
water and acting as if it were caught
on a hook
Leaping into the air it would turn
in a half circle as if to disgorge the
barb and then it would swim back
ward in nn endeavor to snap the
This fisherman asserts that what
jumping the bass do during the sum
mer is merely to keep in practice and
not get stale Philadelphia North
Improving Nature
To paint the lily to gild refined
gold when taken in a literal sense
seem processes too absurd for serious
deliberation Flowers of unnatural
hues however bloom in florists win
dows and the color green as applied
to the carnation is no longer confined
to the title of a book But the Persians
do even worse things in the name of
beauty They dress up their flowers
according to Mr Wills in The Land
of Lion and Sun
Persia Is not a land of flowers Zin
nias convolvulus asters balsams wall
flowers chrysanthemums marigolds
and roses are the principal blooms of
the country
The Persians not content with the
plain flower cut rings of colored pa
per cloth or velvet and ornament the
bloom placing the circles of divers
hues between the first and second rows
of petals
The effect is strange One at first
glance supposes he sees a bouquet of
curious and bizarre flowers of entirely
new varieties
The Boomerang and s Inventors
The boomerang is ier a puzzle
One might think that the highest lawH
of mathematics had been laid under
contribution in the perfecting of it
The convexity on one side the flatness
on the other and the sharp knifelike
edge on the Inside of the convexity
have the air of having been carefully
thought out Yet the people who in
vented this singular Veapon cannot
count higher than five and are desti
tute of all the arts and amenities of
life Theirs is perhaps the lowest
plane of human life Some people have
assumed that the boomerang was the
creation of an older and higher civili
zation but for this there is no evidence
It must be the product of an age long
empirical use of throwing weapons
London Spectator
Sandys Criticism
A young Scotchman went to a Lon
don school of music where he learned
to play the violoncello fairly well On
his return to his native village he gath
ered his friends together to hear his
new instrument When he had played
one or two tunes he looked up expec
tantly After a slight pause his old
grandfather spoke
Eh maun he said its a maircy
theres na smell wl It Liverpool
He Knew
Lady Customer I wish to tell you
how these shoes of mine are to be
made Shoemaker Oh I know that
well enough large inside and small
outside Meggendocfer Blatter
Pretty Bad
Wife Arent you going to smgko
those cigars I gave you Husband
No Im keeping them till Tommy be
gins to want to smoke Theyll settle
It Illustrated Bits
So you are going to leave your stu
Leave No Who told you so
Your landlord Philadelphia In
Self conquest Is the greatest victory
it Frightens the Timid and Even
countenances the Brave
This curious picture of an arrival at
the nook of Holland Is by C Lewis
Hind I awoke suddenly It was full
daylight My watch Indicated 4 in the
morning We should be Hearing the
Dutch coast But why had the boat
stopped Why had the devastating
scrunch of the crew ceased I clam
bered from my berth and withdrew
the curtain from the porthole Sea
and sky had gone We were enveloped
in a dense fog The wall of the siren
roused the passengers A fog at sea
unstrings the nerves of the timid and
discountenances the brave I noticed
that the landing platform had been ex
tended and that two life lines were coil
ed upon it On the bridge were five
men The captain stood in the center
with two of his subordinates on either
side They leaned over the rail peering
into the wall of fog I went forward
Three of the crew were bent double
over the bows seeking the black mass
that might be moving toward us I
could almost fancy I heard the crash
the shouts and the rush of feet
The air was damp I went below
A dozen passengers were gathered
around the breakfast table sipping tea
and toying with toast When the siren
wailed my neighbor a girl who was
about to eat a mouthful replaced the
crust upon the table and folded her
hands A woman cried silently A
large flabby man took the seat adjoin
ing mine rested his elbow upon the ta
ble and covered his eyes I thought he
was praying but when the steward ad
vanced and stood inquiringly before
him he raised his head for a moment
and said Ilani and eggs
Those homely and unfamiliar word
relieved our depression also the vessel
began to 1 eve faster Soon tl
ceaoOd ail Aken the captain slouLed
into the cabin and called for a cup of
hot coffee we well I think some of us
could have danced a jig I went on
There was Holland The sun was
scattering the fog We passed the
place where the Berlin was wrecked
Pooh Who minds fear on the morning
after with all the adventures of a new
day waiting
Peculiar Way the Names of Some
Towns Are Pronounced
We English are horribly phonetic
and think nothing of spelling our name
Featherstonehaugh and pronouncing
it Beecham If you motor you must
twist your tongue to the local speech
There is a quiet village in Kent that
is spelled Stalisfield and has achieved
the distinction of keeping a railway
station at nine miles distance But if
you ask your way to it you must call
it Starchfell or you will never find it
Huntingdonshire claims the purest
English as Hanover the purest Ger
man But by the peasants Papworth
is called Parpor And not far distant
is another village of beauty The mo
torist turned upon a rough road and
asked the intelligent laborer where it
would take him That road said
the honest countryman wiping his
brow will take you to Ell sir The
courageous motorist went on and
found Ellsworth which is merely El
The trouble as to the pronunciation
of place names makes one very diffi
dent a correspondent complains as to
venturing upon pronouncing any that
one knows only by the eye and not by
the ear Being a Suffolk man he
knows that Waldringfield is Wunner
ful and Chelmondiston is Chimston
while in the adjoining county of Nor
folk Happisburgh is Hazebro and
Hunstanton Hunston and visits to the
west country have revealed that
Badgeworthy Is Badgery and Corn
wood Kernwood The result is that
he would not dare to make a shot at
Uttoxeter or Bathampton never hav
ing happened to hear either referred
to by a native After all there are
unfortunate differences of opinion
among Londoners even as to South
ward Brompton and the two Brom
leys London Chronicle
Dont Be Too Thoughtful
Some people are often accused of be
ing thoughtless but better that should
happen sometimes than always being
regarded as too thoughtful The habit
of thinking too deeply on every iten
has an immense amount of failure at
the bottom
Whether it was best to learn short
hand or a language perplexed one in
dividual for seven months He could
not make up his mind as to which he
would derive the most advantage from
He might have learned any one of
those accomplishments in the time he
took to think about it
This is the case with many people
and Fortune has an awkward habit of
crushing the too thoughtful just as
much as the thoughtless London An
What Is Sound
The natural question What Is
sound opens up a world of mystery
and of delight to those that like that
sort of thing Anything that sets up
vibrations in the air where theee is an
ear to receive them makes a noise
An alarm clock in a vacuum jar may
whir ever so busily but it makes no
noise There must be air or there is no
sound and there must be an ear to
carry the vibrations to the brain or
there is no noise Delineator
My wife adores the majesty of the
Alps whereas I the majesty of the
ocean said Tfeif
And your dr ghter inquired a
Oh she just adores majesty by it
Pelf Lustlge Blatter
Most McCook People have a Weak Part
and Too Often Its the Back
Everyone has a weak spot
Too often its a bad buck
Twinges follow evory sudden twist
Dull aching keops up day and night
Tells you the kidneys nond help
For bachacho really kidnoy acho
A kidnoy cure is what you need
Doaus Kidnoy Pills euro sick kidnoys
Curo backache and all urinary ills
McCoolc peoplo recommend the reined
L F Mutson fnrmor living in tho
eastern part of McCook Neb says
My mother sufforpd severely with kid
ney trouble for a numbor of years She
had a dull pain through tho kidney ro
gions that annoyed her both day and
night She was often annoyed with
rheumatic pHins had frequent chills and
suffered from dizziness at timos The
kidnoy secretions were too frequent
irregular ard accompanied by a burning
sensation Her feet would occasionally
BWell and at such times sho was unable
to wear her shoes I learned of Doans
Kidney Pills and thinking they might
lie of benefit to her procured a box at
McConnells drug store Sho took
them according to directions tho kid
neys soon bocamo more regular in action
and the backaches and rheumatic pains
soon disappeared Doans Kidney Pills
restored her to perfect health
For sale by all dealers Price 50
cents Foster Milburn Co Buffalo
New York sole agents for the United
Remember the name Doans and
take no other
Say you saw it in Tjjk Trihukk
aaaaaKaaaaja juH ran nxjMjuLrr vimTrr
eH3a T
Stnto of Nobniskn Red Willow County bs
o nl persons inUresdcri in tho ostntu of Iuvid
h Jfortolutto Into of said county deceio ed
Ion nro hiTuby notified tlmtoti tho Otli dny of
October A J WW Myrn C Crntty filed lior
iKJtitiou iti tho county rotirt of snid county for
hor appointment it iidiniiiistriitrix of the estate
of David K Hortolottc Into of 1 said county do
ceased anil that the case will bo honrd at tho
ollico of tho Count Judge in the county Court
House lit tho City of McCook in Mild county on
tho tuunt eighth day of October A I 1W7 nt
tho hour of nine oclock A M
It i further ordered that notice of said hear
ing bo giion nil interested in said estate
on the publication of this notice for three suc
cessive weeks in tho McCook Tribune n nows
imiier printed published and circulated in said
Dated this Uth day of October A D 1107
10-11-U HKAIJ J C MooitK County Judgo
State of Nebraska Red Willow county ss In
the county court
To all persons interested in tho estate of
Hiram C Plumb late of said county deceased
You are hereby notified that on tho 1st day of
October VI07 Alice Nii h lluinb Wade Alary
Hell lluinb Ambler Hetsey Juno Ilumb Diuiitt
and Nell Ilumb ialu lm filed their petition in
tho county court of Miid county for the appoint
ment of S J Stilgebouer as administrator of
the estate of Hiram O Ilumb Into of said coun
ty deceased and that the same will lie heard at
the county court room in tho city of McCook in
said county on tluOitli day of October UK7 at
tho hour of one oclock p m
It is further ordered that notice of -aid hear
ing be given to nil persons interested in said
estate by the publication of this notice for three
successive weeks in tho McCook Tribune a
newspaper published printed and circulated in
paid county lM lts
Dated this first day of October 1H7
siai J C Mooiti County Judge
To Charles F Lehn Mary Lelm Charles
White Mrs Charles White wife of Charles
White first name unknown Charles THoggs
C T Hoggs Mary E Hoggs defendants will
take notice that Jessie R Hyrd plaintiff has
filed a petition in tho district court of Red Wil
low county Nebraska against the above named
defendants the object and praer of which are
that said defendants and nil of them be requir
ed to sot forth the claim they or any of them
have in and to the north half of the northeast
quarter of section twenty nine 21 township
one 1 range thirty TO west in Red Willow
count Nebraska and that all claims aderse
to pluintills title may bo determined by decree
of said court and that plaintiffs title to said
land be quieted against said defendants nnd
each of them
You arc required to answer said petition on
or before the 1th day of November lJ07
Dated September Si 1007
Jessii H lh nn
By J E Kelj her attorney
si sni fsvK hjmi
wan A- WH
i w
Americas Greatest Weekly
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Toledo Ohio
The Best Known Newspaper In tho
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Circulation 185000
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Write for specimen copy Address
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All work guaranteed
Phono 1S2 McCook Nebraska
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F you will sen i us at once a renewal or a new subscription we will send to you every
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This great household paper is full to overflowing with good things Think of it
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To get it free a whole year through you have but to send your renewal or new subscrip
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