The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 18, 1907, Image 1

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Opened For Business Monday
Tho now McCook Niitiomil Bunk op
ened for business Monday morning
Tho bunk furniture is the handsomest
in tho city boing specially made for
their quarters in tho old Furmors and
Merchants bank building and fitting
tho demands of tho bank to a dot
Thoy aro using tho lino vault built m
tho building originally for tho old bank
nnd to this equipment thoy have added
the vory latest and best in burglar proof
safe tho famous Manganese steel safe
together with all tho essontials of
f nnrl nnink flisnatch Of bUSmeSB in
counting machine typewriter etc
Cashier 0 J OBrien is in chargo
with Acting Cushior V S Collott an
experienced banker directing affairs
and Miss Mary Fitzgerald of Lincoln
as stenographer
Tho McCook National Bank starts
out in business under the idea that Mc
Cooks expending commercial life war
rants another linancial institution of
of first class and thoy have a capital of
850000 to start with and are making
plans to conduct a bank according to
tho high demand they believe is hero
Tho stockholders ana uiruitua
men of standing and financial ability
and will no doubt give McCook another
bank of tho highest standing and credit
The Family Syringe
should bo ono that can stund plenty of
use or remain elastic and pliable for a
long time when laid away The average
rubber goods of today contain so little
pure rubber that ono must axercise par
ticular caroin selecting You should
purchase syringes here and be sure of
getting something that will give loug
and satisfactory service Wo handle
onlv the lines made by reliable manu
facturers You can find hero fountain
and bulb syringes in splendid variety
and at prices ranging from 100 up
L W McConnkix Druggist
A Few Staples
Fleischers stocking yarn 25c for Jlb
skein Peerless carpet warp 35c pound
Good ginghams 5c a yard Best prints
6 c yard Best oil cloth 15c yard
Stout work shirts 39c Good double
front mens o alls 50c Six big rod
handkerchiefs for 25c Kitchen aprons
20c each Bed blankets 05c a pair
Yard wide black taffeta silk 73c Two
pairs half wool sox for 25c Mens
heavy ulsters 5c each 100 other strict
ly cash price items xno xnompsuu u
G Co
One price plain figures cash
Mai lied
at eight oclock
morning October
ir mn7 t St
nrViaRniTinn InthollC church the KOV
Father Reilly pastor of the church
officiating Stephen Finn of McCook
Neb and Miss Nellie Cullen of this
citv Mr and Mrs T J Gafligan of
this city acted as best man and maid of
honor respectively The groom is a C
B Q engineer and formerly resided
in Virginia 111 After a wedding tour
of the state of Colorado they will make
their home in McCook Neb Spring
field I11 State Register
Ninth Annual Poland China Hog Sale
Wrnrlr Hnriq of Manlo Grove Stock
Farui Holbrook Furnas county Ne
braska will hold his ninth annual sale
of Poland China hogs October 21th
1907 Will offer 55 head of large typo
Poland Chinas Six last fall males 21
spring farrow males 25 young sows
Good bone good backs and coats
lengthy Sired by 700 and 800 lb boars
and from sows averaging 535 lbs each
Catalogs ready
W C Blair and Son to Retire
W C Blair Son the West
son street grocershavo disposed of their
stock to Scott Stoner and expect to
retire from business by the end of this
The room now occupied by them will
im Hip future office Quarters of the Mc
Cook Electric Light Co
Hon E M Pollard at Indianola
Hon E M Pollard congressman from
the First District Nebraska will speak
nt tho onera housejndianola Nebraska
Wednesday evening October 23 1907 at
eiht oclock Other speakers will be
present Everybody cordially invited to
come and hear him
The Style of the
Fairbanks Morse Gasoline engines
sold by McCook Hardware Co has not
changed for fourteen years and they are
the acknowledged standard you will
have no trouble if you purchase one of
these engines sold by the McCook Hard
ware Co
No Hunting
The undersigned will allow no hunting
on their premises Parties found tres
passing will be prosecuted J A Mod
rell D C Shaw T S Draper J W
Proctor Martin Kennedy S C King
J K Gordon J S Modrell
Fancy and Plain Silks
Fancies at lie to 81 00 Chiras 30c
to 50c Black taffeta 36 inches wide
for 73c and 115 Black satin rhadame
Black peau de soie125 one yard
The Thompson U br Uo
One Minute Washer
runs itself half tho time Ball Bearing
nmlilp runs easier than any other
machine You should have one of these
splendid washers Sold by McCook
Hardware 2o
A non poisonous antiseptic in 25 and
50c bottles L W McConnell druggist
Fleece Lined Wrappers
100 125 150 full cut well made
The Thompson D G Co
Braytons Brass Sash Rods
They put themselves up 10c each
The Thompson D G Co
Hofers store is headquarters for
souvenir letters and post cards
in the city On motion the rules requir
ing ordinances to be read on three sep
arate days was suspended and ordinance
No 138 passed its second and third read
ings and also on vote was passed and
The following bills were allowed and
warrants ordered issued for their pay
PolkBros hdw 50
R M Douglass brako ringing for old
sprinkler 5 00
McCook EI Light Co lights for Sept 75 00
C W Kolloy city engr necessities 23 00
McCook Loan Trust Co city hall rent 75 00
H C Clnpp blanket for cty jail 1 30
Middlcton Ruby pipe 21 25
Chas Wcintz board for prisoners
J E Ludwick mattress for city jail
8 50
3 50
W H Harmon stovo and pipe for scalo
house 320
TTfnrv Gale snkirr citv wcish master 44 00
T C liegeman work in city park 30 00
John Ekbtedt work oil streets 73 P0
Ted Cainsamo S9 CO
J R Pence salary for Sept 65 00
Ed Fitzgerald same 55 00
E i 0bom iohiodutlr 10 50
Albert Shera saino 10 00
Rert Coulter same SO 47
U W Olcott dog catcher 4 W
V A Gold sexton salary 40 CO
J R McCarl salary 25 00
C L Fahnestock samo IS 75
C E Eldred same 12 50
Frank Real same 12 50
C B Gray same 12 50
T V McCounellsame 12 50
H W Conover same 37 50
Poverty Social
The B Y P U gave a poverty social
at the parsonage Thursday night which
was well attended and tho unique cos
tumes presented caused much merri
ment as well as tho payment of fines
which were levied for violating the rules
of poverty dres3 For refreshments
baked beans corn bread and water were
served A short business session was
held at which the following officers for
the society for the next six mouths were
elected Mrs Green Pres Mr Price
Vice Pres Miss Rouch Secy Mr
Loshbaugh Treas Miss Gaarder or
ganist All young people are cordially
invied to attend the meetings of the
B Y P U at the Baptist church every
Sunday night at seven oclock
The best values for the money are
found here in stylish fitting depend
able garments from 82000 down to 100
for children misses and ladies coats
A ladies fur collar coat for 11 50 of ex
ceptional value A full satiu lined gar
ment for 900 A very nice grey mixt
coat for 175 All 50 inches Ions The
Thompson D G Co
Death of Little Richard Betz
Richard the 3-year-old son of Mr and
Mrs Jacob Betz of Coleman precinct
died on Tuesday evening nnd was bur
ied in Riverview cemetery this city
Wednesday afternoon Rev M B Car
man conducting the services The
neighbors and friends all sincerely sym
pathize with the bereaved parents
That Man Who Coughs
can have his cough well under control
by tomorrow ni ht if he will begin tak
ing McConnelFs Balsam in the morning
This remedy goes directly to the tick
ling spot and removes it Healing
soothing prompt and harmless Price
25 cents L W McConnell druggist
The Firm is Now Charles Merle
Monday of this week Charles Merle
bought the interest of Chester Colber in
the stationery and bakery they have
been conducting in the Menard building
and Mr Merle will hereafter conduct
the business alone
Hens Fall and Winter Suits
At 1350 1250 1000 350 650
and 500 Mens long ulsters with high
collars heavy and warm 500 The
Thompson D G Co
New Piano Mover
R M Douglass Co have purchased
the latest up-to-date apparatus manu
factured for piano moving No chance
to injure your instrument See them
Outing Flannel Gowns
A splendid assortment for men wom
en and children 10c to 200 The
Thompson D G Co
Childrens Sleeping Garments
35c and 50c each The Thompson D
G Co
The Lincoln absolutely pure
Ctty Council in Regular Session
The city council mot in regular ses
sion Monday evening with all members
Minutes of previous meetings read
and approved Report of city weigh
master city treasurer and chief of police
respectively road and placed on file
Report of police judge read and ro
ferred to city attorney
A building permit was granted P
Walsh for a building to be located just
west of his building on the corner of
Main avenue and Dodge street
A resolution was adopted and approv
ed transferring 25000 from tho occupa
tion fund to the fire fund 35000 from
tho occupation fund to the cemetery
fund andSl00000 from tho road fund
to the general fund
A resolution was adopted ana approv
ed ordering the construction and rebuild
ing and laying of sidewalks abutting on
certain lots and blocks on Dodge street
McDowell street and Molvin street with
in the city limits
A request from Jack Lackey for priv
ilege of selling hot lunch on the streets
was granted and licenso fee fixed at
Ordinance No 137 relating to tho
erection and maintenance of a viaduct
and the construction and maintenance
of an underground passage and the clos
ing of certain streets within the city
passed its third reading and by vote of
the council was passed and approved
Ordinance No 138 was read the first
time it being an ordinance establishing
tho curh line in all streots and avenues
Congressman Pollard Will Speak In Red
Willow County on the Following
McCook October 21st
Danbury October 22nd
Indianola October 23rd
Bartley October 24th
Miss Fitzgerald Leaves
Miss Mary Fitzgerald for six years a
stenographer in the office of the clerk of
the supreme court Lincoln is to leave
for McCook where she will enter the
employ of tho McCook National bank
Miss Fitzgerald is ono of the most com
petent stenographers in Nebraska and
during her employment with tho state
eho has won recognition for her work
from nearly every lawyer in Nebraska
Sho has probably as wide an acquaint
ance in the state as any ono engaged in
her profession and her ability is recog
nized Today Supromo Clerk H C
Lindsey on behalf of the clerks office
presented her with a gold bracelet ana
gold beads as a token of appreciation
Lincoln cor Omaha Bee
Dental Announcement
Dr Herbert J Pratt wishes the fact
known that he is still practicing in the
same office as formerly over the drug
store A nice reception room for the
comfort of patients has been added re
cently Office stairway is between Mc
Connells drug store and Merles bakery
Keep to left at top of stairs
Fur Cravats
For ladies 375 Ladies fur four-in-hands
100 Scarfs 75c to 1000
Genuine Isabella Fox Scarfs 050
These are all cold climate furs the
bright dressy kind You are invited to
inspect them Tho Thompson D G Co
Congressman Pollard
The Lincoln State Journal is author
ity tor toe statement mat ouugicaaumu
Pollard will deliver a political speech
in McCook October 2l9t
Boys 400 Suits
Boys three piece suits of blue black
melton at S100 125 150 175 and
500 Others up to 950 The Thomp
son D G Co
The Hawkeye Hog Waterer
will not choke up or run over has an
expansive valve seat and all guaranteed
for five years Sold by McCook Hard
ware Co
Guaranteed Paints
Yon can gee a fully guaranteed
at Mc-
Millens drug store
Izzer Bats and Comforts
For sale only by The Thompson D G
Fresh chocolates bonbons and cand
ies at Woodworth Cos Druggists
Mrs W H Dungan is a Hastings
visitor this week
Chester Colber expects to return
east in the near future
Mrs J P Crouse is visiting the
homo folks in Seward this state
Mrs Catherine Snyder is ontortain
ing her daughter Mrs Alex Carmichiel
Geo S Scott and W MStoner went
down to Omaha on business first of tho
Mr and Mrs F A Monks of Boston
are visiting with his brother A Monks
and family
Mrs T B Campbell returned Wed
nesday from visiting her daughter in
Mrs Harry A Beale returned
Tuesday from visiting her sister Mrs
Parks in Lincoln
Johh Braun of St Ann returned
Wednesday from a three weeks visit at
his old home in Illinois
Mrs Harry Tyler joined him at
Orleans Thursday and will make her
home there for awhile at least
C H Boyle has purchased the splen
did residence of Engineer Fred Bosworth
on North Madison and will occupy the
same at once
L Stephenson of Chautauqua
Illinois arrived in the city this week
and will make his home with his
daughter Mrs Bertha Berry
Mr and Mrs J E Nelms are home
from their trip in the west and north
west arriving early in the week to
gether with their relatives from Illinois
H A Schneider of Plattsmouth
district deputy of the B P O E was
in the city Tuesday looking over the
ground with a view to organizing a lodge
of Elks here
Mrs George Willetts and Mrs
J G Schobel arrived home last Fri
day on No 11 from attending the su
preme chapter meeting of the P E O
in Brookville Mo
R F Loomis who has been making
his home in Globeville Mich for some
time arrived here Tuesday to remain
a few weeks looking after his interests
in Red Willow county
Frank Denton departed Thursday
evening for Denver where he expects
to remain several weeks in the hope of
bettering his health which has been
indifferent for some weeks
Mrs Emerson Hanson entertained
tho Entre Nous club Tuesday after
noon The ladies of the Dorcas society
of the Congregational church served tho j
refreshments at the home or Mrs J A
Gunn Mrs Hanson departed on No 3
Tuesday night for Denver
Chas W Uamilton and Mrs D N
Saunders his daughter departed Mon
day night on No 6 eastward Mrs
Saunders who was called here by the
death of her mother returned to her
home in Center Nebraska Mr Hamil
ton will make a long visit in Illinois
and Massachusetts
Opened For Business Oct 14th
Believing that tho growth of McCook
and tho development of tho country
justified tho organization of another
bank we take pleasure in announcing
that tho McCook National Bank with
a paid up Capital Stock of 50000 open
ed its doors to the public October 11
07 in the old JFarmers and Merchants
Bank building at 21G Main avenue
This building has a good vault and
we havo tho latest improved Manganese
Steel Burglar Proof Safe together with
new fixtures and equipment and most
respectfully solicit a share of your busi
The McCook National Bank is a homo
institution the stock of which is owned
by McCook men who havo lived hero
almost Binco McCook appeared on tho
map and wo have been prominently
identified with nearly every enterprise
during its existence Our accumula
tions have been acquirod by judicious
investments and confidence in the fu
turo of McCook and Red Willow county
and the stockholders are now tho pos
sessors of property both real and person
al sufficient to justify highest claims of
financial responsibility
It will bo our constant aim to give
our beet efforts in tho upbuilding of
our town and tho development of tho
country surrounding With this as
surance wo cordially ask your support
and co operation
Tho policy of the Bank will bo as
liberal as is consistent with sound bank
ing keeping an eye on securing tho in
terests of our depositors
Very truly yours
McCook National Bank
P Walsh President
Reason for Delay
The delay in delivery of special re
quest envelopes to patrons of this office
said Postmaster Kimmell is caused
by a change in government contract for
this work and from the further fact
that the last congress ordered everything
in freightable lots withdrawn from the
mails during tho period of weighing
fTnlv 1 1907 to January 1 1908 Un
der this order these envelopes were
shipped by freight which has proved
impracticable and has been abandoned
and they are now being sent by register
ed mail as heretofore and orders will be
filled promptly in the future When
you realize that the contractors must
tarn out four millions of stamped en
velopes and newspaper wrappers daily
some little delay in orders can be excus
ed I would however urgently request
all regular users of Btamped envelopes
u nlace their orders three or four weeks
easier than usual to avoid inconvenience
to themselves All requisition from
this time on will be filled without un
necessary delay
Cattle Sale
Public sale of Short Horn cattle at
Cambridge Neb October 23 1907 A
C Shallenberger and Thomas Andrews
will sell forty two head consisting of
twelve bulls and thirty cows and heifers
drawn from their well known herds
which have won more than fifty prem
iums at the leading fairs and stock
shows in 1907 Visitors entertained and
an opportunity offered to buy great
breeding cattle by such famous sires as
Diamond Rex Bar None and Whitehall
Marshall without reserve
A Good Buggy or Spring Wagon
i9 a source of great satisfaction to the
owner We havh them in the Velie and
John Deere makes which are fully guar
anteed by tho manufacturers and our
selves and we are here all the time to
make good We buy these buggies in
carload lots thus saving enough in
freight to make our profit Cau we not
fit you out now with ono of these splen
did rigs McCook Hardware Co
Good Horse Blankets are Cheaper
than feed and you can keep your horses
with less if you will blanket them in
stead of letting them stand in the cold
winds without We havo the best blan
kets ever shown in town in the 5 A and
Northern Ohio and now is tho time to
buy and get the good of them At tne
McCook Hardware Co
Do You Know
what it means to own a Sharpless Tubu
lar cream separator which has no
troublesome disks to wash You can
not afford to feed cream to the hogs
nowdays a Sharpless will get it all
Sold by McCook Hardware Co
Bear Skin Garments
Childrens coats 235 to 600 Leg
gins 1 00 pair Hoods 50c and 75c
Muffs 75c and 100- The cloth 200
per yard white and colors The Thomp
son D G Co One price plain figures
cash only
Ladies Warm Woolen Underwear
Tho kind you need for real protection
is here 125 a garment 250 a suit
Others at 100 Wool mixed at 75c
Plush lined cotton at 50c Others 35c
and 25c The Thompson D G Co
American Corn Cribbine
at McCook Hardware Co at reduced
prices This is a very heavy 2 inch
mesh fence good any place where you
want an extra strong fence and cheaper
than lumber for either fence or cribs
ffl rib ttttc
If you need perfume and
thing new or different y
want some
you will lind
some deligntrui oaors nere to uuooae
from 50 cents an ounce
L W McConnell Druggist
New Piano Mover
R M Douglass Co have purchased
the latest up-to-date apparatus manu
factured for piano moving No chance
to injure your instrument See them
Ideal Waists
We have them in silk in net over silk
in soft mull in lawn in cross barred
lawns etc a large line The Thomp
son D G Co
Listen to Green Again
For that chilly fooling try Greens un
Greens now clothing storo is tho
place for working men
Wo study tho interests of railroad
men at Greens Now Clothing Storo
Dont forgot to bring tho boy to
Greens Now Clothing Storo
You dont want to go to Denver or
Omaha You can got tho latest and
best at home if you will call at Greens
Now Clothing Storo
We havo had to put on another sales
man at Greens Now Clothing Storo
Entertained at 500
Mr and Mrs A McMiillen delight
fully entertained at progressive 500
last evening at their homo on Madison
street At tho conclusion of tho gamos
an examination of the tally cards show
ed that Miss Jeanotto Dutton was en
titled to tho ladies prizo whilo Frank
Colfer secured tho ono covotod by tho
gentlomen A delicious two courso
luncheon added to tho pleasure of all
Coleman Spurgeon Wedding
Wednesday October 16 1907 Mr
Rov W Coleman and Miss Hester
Spurgeon both of our city wore united
in marriage at tho Methodist parsonage
Culbertsou Nebraska Rev C A Nor
lin officiating Both of the young folks
are well and favorably known in Cole
man precinct this county who join us
in wishing them much happiness and
Would You Rather Pay
i fnw more dollars for a eood stovo or
a great many dollars more for coal to
feed a cheap Btove Our line of heaters
comprises tho Garland Estate Oak
Riverside and Coles Hot Blast
Now is the time to buy as a little heat
is cheaper than doctor bills McCook
Hardware Co
A Good Scale Will Save
its cost in tho marketing of one crop
and then what a convenience Lot us
sell and put up an Economy pitless
scale for you and you will wonder how
you ovor did without ono McCook
Hardware Co
Indlrldual Dress Goods
In single patterns from 50C to 1150
Largest line of plaids in this vicinity
16Jc to 75c Trimmings to match
Buttons made from your scraps We
solicit vour inspection Tho Thompson
D G Co
The Great Majestic
Malleable and Charcoal Iron Range
lasts longer heats moro water quicker
uses less fuel bakes better than any
other range made Sold by McCook
Hardware Co
Wheat is Too High
to scatter along tho road Get a new
wagon box at McCook Hardware Co
Thoy will never be cheaper in this world
Dress Skirts
Of panama voile batiste mohair at
1000 750 500 down to 6200 Al
terations free The Thompson D GCo
Shoes exclusively at The Model
Fresh jotato chips always on
Manner Stokes
pair of our new felt house slippers
Model Shoe Store
Kodak supplies all kind3 at Wood
worth Cos Druggists
A largo assortment of ladies bags
Excellent values latest styles
L W McConnell Druggist
A new invoice of shoes the latest fall
styles just arrived at the Model Shoe
The kind that satisfies Wedding
Breakfast and Gold Medal coffee at
If its seasonable and in his line no
use to go any farther than Marshs meat
Remember Hofers is the best place
to buy stationery souvenirs novelties
and post cards
Ladies you will feel comfortable in a
If you want it done right and right
away call up phone 63 R M Douglass
Co office in Bump building
E M Pollard speaks at McCook
Monday night the 21 Danbury the 22
Indianola 23 and Bartley the 21
If it is from Marshs its the best ob
tainable Anything and everything per
taining to the meat market business
R M Douglass Co draying in all
its branches Call up phone 68 Call
at office in Bump building lower Main
Tho G A R circle had a number of
invitations this afternoon The mem
bers of thf post joined them in a line
supper after the business session
We have made arrangements to se
cure fresh chocolate cream candy every
week in the future Barney Hofer
McCook News Depot
You dont need to pick over some last
years patterns in wall paper at our
store We have the very latest fall pro
Woodworth Co Druggists
The Congregational Christian Endeav
or meets at seven oclock Sunday even
ing Tho meeting will be lead by Miss
Temple Subject Duties of the Day
The Womans Christian Temperance
Union will meet at Mrs J E TirrilPs
Friday October 25 at 3 p m All
members are urged to be present also
ladies who are interested in temperance
McConnoll for drugs
Everything in drugs McConnoll
Now shoes all tho time at Tho Model
If its meat you can got it at Marshs
Prompt sorvico in draying secured by
calling up phono 68
Exceptional values in hand bags L
W McConnoll Druggist
McCook Business Collego for a squaro
deal L W Stayner
Try Magner Stokes for fresh and
salt meats fruit and vegetables
Fresh colory lettuco radishes and
onious ovory other day at Hubers
Wo mako specialty of fine toilet soaps
Try them McMillon Druggist
Our WhitoPino and tar cures coughs
Woodworth Co Druggists
Moot mo at tho Doestrick Skulo Ex
horbition at tho Congregational
That now fall lino of Colorado canned
vegetables is now on our shelves
Tho Womans Missionary society will
meet with Mrs Knipplo next Thurs
day October 21th
Steve Wilson has added a splendid
two soated automobile to his livery barn
equipment Try it
Every day is bargain day t H S
Godfrey Cos tho popalar leaders in
selling flour feed and hay
Magner Stokes can supply you
with Heinz double strength pure cider
vinegar In quart bottles
George E Denton has sold this week
his residonco on corner of Manchester
and Dakota to Peter Foxen
Wedding Breakfast and Gold Medal
coffee havo a delicious flavor surpassed
by nono JJo convinced lluuors
Get a quart bottle of Iloinz pure malt
vinegar a pure food product at
Maun Kit Stokks
R M Douglash A Co will give you
prompt and efficientservice Phono 68
Office in Bump real estate office lower
This season already J F Helm of Red
Willow has sold 7200 worth of potatoes
from an eighty acre patch and ha
some left i
Our Buster Brown childrens shoes
for school wear are giving entire satis
faction Try a pair Tho Model Shoo
The only place in town where you
can got the famous Three Star Cof
feo is at Magner Stokes market and
Barney Hofer is building an addition
to hie store building this week Frame
with steel siding and roof It will give
much needed storage room
The McCook Electric Light Co now
has on track here a carload of new ma
chinery which will add substantially to
the equipment of the plant when in
Cyco postal cards and developing
paper the kind that dont turn yellow
Print at night easy to work If jou
have a kodak or camera try it For sale
bv Woodworth Cos Druggists
The Sherwin Williams paint3 are
made to wear Special paints for houses
for barns for floors for buggies and
for tho various little things you want to
paint L W McConnell druggist
One hundred sixty acres of unimprov
ed land within a mile of Exeter Neb
for 55 an acre Might take 1500 or
2000 McCook residence property in the
W J Waite Exeter Neb
The state convention of the W C T
U- convenes at Lincoln this week com
mencing Wednesday and lasting three
days Mrs J G Inglis and Mrs C W
Wimor went as delegates from the Mc
Cook Union
The Sunshine Club will give a social
at the Congregational church Tuesday
evening Oct 22 A sale of candy and
a few small useful articles will be held
in connection A good program will be
rendered and refreshments served Ad
mission 15 cents
Your home will increase in value from
100 to 500 by simply adding a few
gallons of paint We sell the Heath
Milligan mixed paint the old reliable
Has been on the market 15 years none
better made Every can guaranteed
Now is the best time in theyear to paint
Come talk it over with us and get our
Woodworth it Co
R F D No 1
William BaumbachS baby was taken
ill Wednesday and a doctor was tele
phoned for at McCook
Miss Pearl Rogers is visiting friends
over near Danbury M E Grahams
George Evertson is feeding several
cars of sheep
Miss Hannah and Emma Johnson
have returned to McCook after a short
visit with Joseph Dudek and family
Mr and Mrs Lem Jones Mr and
Mrs Joseph Crocker Mr and Mrs
Peter Voge and Bernard Crocker were
guests of Mr and Mrs W P Broom
field Sunday last the occasion being a
commemoration of the birthday of T A
In addition to all the advertised cough
cures wo sell one of our own make
which gives our customers great satis
faction McConnells Balsam We
fruarautee it to cure Price 25 cents