The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 04, 1907, Image 1

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One of the Features
Advisedly ono of the features of tho
rucea and logrolling festivities of last
week was the work of tho famous Have
lock drill team of the M W A lodge of
that place The boys present a fine ap
pearance in their dark blue uniforms
They are perfectly trained in marching
and manual and were willing and prompt
in their work never failing to please the
people whether at the races on tho
streets or at the city park whore tho ex
hibitions of the log rolling association
wore held
A Friend In Need
is a friend indeed Speaking of friends
might almost remind ono of our hand
souio bright warm Isabella Fox Scarfs
which wo aro selling at 8650 Our lino
of Scarfs runs from 75c up to 10 each
embracing cravats four-in-hands flat
scarfs and round scarfs in squirrel fox
oposum conoy stono marten beaver
electric seal and other furs Your in
spection invited Tho Thompson Dry
Goods Co
A New Grocery Firm
October 15th is the date announced
by Messrs Scott Stoner for the open
ing of thoir now grocery store in the
west Fahrenbruch building on West
Dennison street Both of the boys are
too well and favorably known to readers
of The Tribune to warrant personal
allusions They are a pair of solid rust
lers and will make good in their new
and chosen business
Death of Mrs Denny
Mrs Luclnda Denny of Albany Ne
braska mother of Mrs Harry Barba
zette of our city passed away on Tues
day of last week Mrs Barbazette ar
rived at her bedside before the end
Tho deceased was buried at Albany
Friday of last week Mrs Barbazette
has tho tender sympathy of friends in
this sorrow
Note the Difference
The Tribune endeavors each week to
run a few extra papers through the press
to accommodate those who desire to use
them These extra copies cost you 5
cents oach and are under no circumstan
ces to be purchased as old newspapers
which are sold at 20 cents per 100
No Hunting
The undersigned will allow no hunting
on their premises Parties found tres
passing will bo prosecuted J A Mod
rell D C Shaw T S Draper J W
Proctor Martin Kennedy S C King
J K Gordon J S Modrell
Mens Blanket Coats
Warm lined weather coats at 100 to
8500 Boys from 85c to S125 The
Thompson D G Co
Christian Bible school 10 a m
Preaching at 11 a m and 8 p m by Dr
Finch Y P S C E 7 p m 8 p m
Wednesday prayer meeting
Episcopal Preaching services at St
Albans church at 11 a m and 8 p m
Sunday school at 10 a m All are
welcome to these services
E R Earle Eector
Catholic Order
8 a m Mass and
of services Mass
sermon 1000 a m
Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday
school 230 p m Every Sunday
J J Loughran Pastor
Christian Science Services Sun
day at 11 a m and Wednesday at 8
p m Subject Our Sin Disease and
Death Real Meetings held in Diamond
block Room open daily from 2 to 5 p
m except Sunday Science literature
on sale
Methodist Sunday school at 10 am
Sermons by the pastor at 11 and 8
Morniug subject Playing on one
String Evening subject Send them
Away Epworth League at 7 Prayer
meeting every Wednesday night at 8
All welcome
M B Carman Pastor
Baptist Sunday school at 10 a m
Preaching service at 1100 a m Com
munion service at close Evening ser
vice at S00 Rev G J Geis D D
for ten years a missionary in Burma
will preach A most cordial invitation
is extended to all to worship with us
E Burton Pastor
Congregational Sunday school at
10 a m Preaching by pastor at 11 a
m and S p m Prayer meeting Wed
nesday at S p m Christian Endeavor
at 7 pm Subject Home Missions
Consecration meeting A very desirable
leader has been appointed Chairmen
of each committee must have a written
report of the work done during the past
month Sunday morning there will be
baptism reception of members and the
communion service Let every mem
ber be present The public is cordially
invited foall of these services
G B Hawkb3 Pastor
Mrs I M Beardslee returned from
Indianola Sunday night
C O Hale of Sproguo was among
tho visitors in town last week
Miss Myrtle Meyer entertained the
Awl Os last week Tuesday
Mrs Matt Mahoney of Atwood Kan
sas is a guest of McCook relatives
Mrs Sam Pickard came up from
Havelock Saturday on a brief visit
E N Berry is home from Scammon
Kansas on a visit to the home folks
Engineer Will Deoro is convalescing
from a months siege of typhoid fever
Mrs Emerson Hanson of Donver
visited hero Friday and Saturday last
Mrs Barney Hofer has been enter
taining her mother Mrs McCallum of
Mr and Mrs O G Vahue departed
last Sunday morning for their home in
Mrs Fannie Griggs of Finey Mo
is visiting in the city the guest of Mrs
Scott Odell
Charles Starr of Lockridge Iowa
is a new resident of our city arriving
here first of the week
Mrs Walter Brown returned early
in the week from visiting relatives and
friends in Burlington Iowa
Mrs E E Willis of Arapahoe a
former McCookito enjoyed some of the
festivities of end of last week
Mrs A N Lineburg went in to
Omaha Sunday morning on a Bhort
visit to her former home and friends
Dr H M Ireland came in from
Kearney his new home Monday night
and will visit McCook friends briefly
Mr and Mrs E J Kates of Platts
mouth are tho fond parents of a fine
seven pound daughter born last Satur
Roy Jacobs who for the past four
years has been living in California at
Los Angeles and other points is at
home for a visit
Mr and Mrs O M Knipple went
in to Omaha Tuesday night to com
bine a little pleasure trip with pur
chasing fall goods
Miss Cecilia Greer who was recent
ly operated upon in Donver for appendi
citis The Tribune is pleased to learn is
getting along nicely
Mr and Mrs Ray P Vahue have
been tho center of a circle of social func
tions during the past week tendered by
their McCook friends
Mr and Mrs J E Nelms are visit
ing in Oregon and points west being ac
companied by his brother and wife from
the east on their journey
Miss Ruth Campbell went down to
Plattsmouth last Friday to surpriso
her sister Mrs E J Kates with a visit
She returned home Monday
Mrs Albert McMillen entertained
a small company happily at whist
Tuesday evening Dainty refreshments
were an enjoyable concluding feature
Mrs J H Yarger find Mrs Harry
Stewart who have been visiting Oscar
Yarger in Boulder Colorado for past
ten days arrived home Wednesday
Mrs Perry Ginther is here on a
visit of several weeks to her mother
Mrs C H Barrett before taking her
departure for Kansas City near where
they have purchased a farm
Dr Wm Thompson who has been
conducting revival services at the
Christian church the past month de
parted Tuesday morning for Seward
where he will enter upon a series of
Ed Fitzgerald will add four more
dwelling houses tojthe citys domiciles
building all of them on Manchester
street One is now under way on lot
24 block 16 The other three will be
on lots just north on the adjoining
Mrs G W Norris wife of Congress
man Norris of McCook has reached
Washington with her three children
and will arrange their household af
fairs pending the arrival of her hus
band Washington Cor Lincoln
W T Coleman who has been spend
ing a few weeks here and in Iowa on
business and visiting friends and relat
ives departed on No 3 Tuesday night
for Seattle Wash Dean Coleman ac
companied him and will make his home
with them in Seattle
Mr and Mrs T B Campbell left for
Plattsmouth Saturday upon learning
of tho visit of the stork at the home of
their daughter Mrs E J Kates T B
returned to his work Sunday but Mrs
Campbell will remain with the little
granddaughter a while longer Mother
and child are doing nicely and all are
An Uptown Express Office
Beginning October 15th McCook is to
have an uptown express offlco as after
that date tho oxpress business will be
taken from the Burlington agents oflico
and given to a distinct express agent
George S Scott keeping that branch of
his business when hejjseparates himself
from Jim Hills service We understand
that tho oxpress business will be con
ducted in tho Scott it Stoner grocery
store in the Fahronbruch building on
West Dennison street We do move
Ladies 50 Inch Coats
We show tho handsomest garments
for the money that it has ever been our
lot to secure in any season Full satin
lined black thibot coats for 900
Elaborately braided garments for 8875
Velvet trimmed coats 475 Very de
sirable and stylish coats for S1000 12
50 1350 and 1600 Dont be soon
parted with your money by buying be
fore inspecting our lino Tho Thomp
son D G Co
Dental Announcement
Dr Herbert J Pratt wishes the fact
known that he is still practicing in the
same office as formerly over tho drug
store A nice reception room for the
comfort of patients has been added re
cently Office stairway is between Mc
Connells drug store and Merles bakery
Keep to left at top of stairs
Dress Skirts
You can come to us with confidence
that the style make and fit will be
perfectly up to your wishes Our line
embraces voile batistes Panama mo
hair broadcloth and novelty goods
1000 down to 200 Alteration free
The Thompson D G Co
Before Selecting Your Heater
or range see the fine line at the McCook
Hardware Co You can save more money
on fuel than by purchasing a cheap
Waist Pattern Silks
Two or three dozen very beautiful
individual silk waist patterns from 44c
to 100 a yard Early choice is best
The Thompson D G Co
For Sale
Three second hand heatere good as
new L W McConnoll druggist
Mrs McCallum returned home to
Wauneta Wednesday morning
L R Hileman of St Joseph Mo
has been with the family here part of
the week
Uongressman iN orris nas been in
Beaver City part of the week on some
matters of business
Mrs Ray P Vahue went down to
Wilcox yesterday on a visit to her
brother Glem Condon
Mr Sheppard of Des Moines Iowa
is visiting his uncle T F Rowell Mr
S is an advertising specialist
Mrs Albert McMillen is entertain
ing her mother Mrs McConnell of Tren
ton who arrived Monday evening
Mrs M C Hawley departed Wed
nesday evening for Chicago and Gales
burg Illinois on a visit of several weeks
Harrie Thomas of the Harvard Cour
ier was a flying visitor early in the
week of his brother Supt Thomas of
tho city schools
Wm Sullivan was in Omaha a few
days early in the week returning home
on Tuesday night after having made
his purchases of stock
Mr and Mrs N J Johnson have
moved into another dwelling of theirs
over on North Madison street just vacat
ed by Conductor A H Bagley
R L Okerson is proving the merits
of a small business well tended in a
financial way by building him a fine
dwelling over on lower St Petersburg
C R Woodworth went to Omaha
Wednesday for the purpose of purchas
ing his stock of holiday goods And in
the meantime Lon Cone compounded
and dispensed the drugs
Less Clark had the misfortune to fall
with a can of milk in his hands the
other day and severely strained himself
in the accident now getting around at
business with great difficulty
Jules Merle arrived home last Sun
day from Omaha where he has been
for an operation for the removal of a
cataract His eyes have been improv
ed by the operation and when strong
will serve him well again
Rev G B Hawkes attended the ses
sions of the 23th annual meeting of the
Republican Valley association of Con
gregational churches in Palisade close
of last week September 24 26 Rev
Hawkes was moderator of the sessions
and N H Kawkins of Palisade scribe
The programme was a strong and com
prehensive one and the gathering is re
garded as having been worthwhile from
every point of view
Closing Day at the Races
Saturday tho closing day of tho races
drew a crowd of about 3000 people and
was easily tho largest day in nttondance
of tho meet
Minimum captured tho 240 pace in
the bast time 231 Nellie Bishop was
second Una Wright third Pilot Bar
fourth Purso 300
Silver Star went tho free-for-all trot
in the best time of 231 and won first
money Johnnie K was second Dewey
Dillon third Purso 400
The 225 pace was won by Lady of
Honor in the best time of 217 Roy
nold Wright second Nellie Bishop third
Dewey Dillon fourth Purse 100
Tho best event of tho race tho Mer
chants purse of 500 in tho free-for-all
trot or pace was taken by Casta Nadu in
the best time 217 Carter G second
Dewey Dillon third College Maid
Josephine Dillon took tho 225 trot in
the best time 2254 Genuine second
Clay Center third Pony Goorgo fourth
Purse 400
We have hidden foes on every side
according to scientists When condi
tions are right they attack and we have
contagious diseases diphtheria small
pox etc as the case may be These
foes are called
The study of these dreaded minute
organisms has only just begun but we
know enough about them to realize
that safety lies in the use of antiseptics
and germicides
Monardine is a powerful germ de
stroyer and a perfect application for all
external inflammation sores and
wounds etc It will prevent infection
when used at once Good for gargle or
mouth wash and to betaken internally
for various ailments Price 25 and 50
L W McConnell Druggist
Badly Hurt at the Races
Willie Miles a young boy about 14
years of age living near Danbury was
seriously injured at the races Saturday
afternoon by the breaking down of a
fence at the home stretch against which
the crowd surged and leaned until the
frail structure gavo way Miles was
sitting on tho ground on the track on
tie east side of the fence and was
doubled up under the weight of people
and fence and injured internally very
Salts Famed Bear skin
Out of that celebrated material are
made the childrens bearskin coats sold
by us from 235 up the plain and
curly bearskin hoods at 50c and 75c
the bearskin muffs for 75c and 100
and the bearskin leggius trimmed with
gilt buttons for 100 pair We are un
questionably headquarters for these
items and you cannot afford to overlook
our offerings The Thompson D G Co
- The Complaint Filed
The complaint has been filed in the
Denver court against The College of
the Sacred Heart of that city for dam
ages in tho sum of 5000 for alleged ille
gal conduct in connection with the ill
ness of Claude Bailey of our city who
subsequently died at his homo here
The case promises to be an important
and unusual one and will be followed
with keen interest
Soaking Rains
All Western Nebraska has been thor
oughly soaked this week and the wise
husbandman is doing the rest plowing
and planting fall wheat of which there
will be a large acreage
Base Burners
Garland and Riverside take one third
less coal than the ordinary kinds and
you can clean them thoroughly without
opening a door McCook Hardware
Fleece Lined Wrappers 100
Ample in size made with ruffle trimm
ed with finishing braid lined in waist
Well seamed and stayed Others up to
150 The Thompson D G Co
Velie and John Deere
buggies at McCook Hardware Co are
warranted and we stand right back of
them and you will always find a full
line to select from
Hofman Sale Postponed
The Conrad Hofman sale advertised
for Monday September 30th has been
postponed until Tuesday October 8th
Motion for Rehearing-
City of McCook vs McAdams - Mo
tion for rehearing sustained set for No
vember 6 1907 Lincoln Journal
Guaranteed Paints
Yon can get a fully guaranteed paint
The Lincoln absolutely pure at Mc
Millens drugstore
Apron Ginghams 5c
Good substantial cloth None sold to
dealers Tho Thompson D G Co
Some hail Monday night
Say you saw it in The Tribune
Everything in drugs McConnoll
Those NEW UMBRELLAS at the
Bee Hive
Fresh potato chips always on hand
Magner Stokes
McCook is a humdinger in buildings
and improvements
Kodak supplies all kinds at Wood
worth Cos Druggists
Blums warm lined Shoes for Ladies
and Gents at the Bee Hive
McCook Business College for a square
deal L W Staynor
See the new warm lined Shoes In
our window the Bee Hive
Hofers store is headquarters for
souvenir letters and post cards
We make specialty of fine toilet soaps
Try them McMillen Druggist
Your Boy needs a new Cap let us
show you the new ones at the Bee
West Dennison street is more than
figuratively looking up as a business
The rain of end of last week in this
section developed into a snow west of
Remember Hofers is tho best place
to buy stationery souvenirs novelties
and post cards
Get a quart bottle of Heinz pure malt
vinegar a pure food product at
Magner Stokes
Ono Coles Hot Blast Stove with pip
ing Cheap for cash Apply Dr Pratts
dental oflico
Steve Wilson has added a splendid
two seated automobile to his livery barn
equipment Try it
If you are troubled with cold feet
let us fit you with Blums warm lined
Shoes The Bee Hive
Unknown persons broke one of tho
front windows and tho transom in Knip
ples store room Saturday
Every day is bargain day at II S
Godfrey Cos tho popular leaders in
selling flour feed and hay
Magnor Stokes can supply you
with Heinz double strength pure cider
vinegar In quart bottles
If you want it done right and right
away call up phone 68 R M Douglass
Co office in Bump building
If it is from Marshs its the best ob
tainable Anything and everything per
taining to the meat market business
Paint your houses and barns with
Patterson and Sargent paint tho best
paint sold
McCook Hardware Co
R M Douglass Co draying in all
its branches Call up phono 6S Call
at office in Bump building lower Main
We have made arrangements to se
cure fresh chocolate cream candy every
week in the future Barney Hofer
McCook News Depot
Roughness of the skin chapped hands
and face are quickly cured with Al
mond and Cucumber cream 25 cents
at Woodworth Cos Druggists
McConnells Headache Capsules are
guaranteed to cure We have no better
cure in stock we could not make this
one better if we would Price 25 cents
Cyco postal cards and developing
paper the kind that dont turn yellow
Print at night easy to work If you
have a kodak or camera try it For sale
by Woodworth Cos Druggists
Tooth brushes that will not fill your
mouth with bristles are the kind we
sell They are the guaranteed kind
From 25 cents up and some for less
L W McConnell Druggist
Messrs Dave Diamond and C C
Fahrenbruch have purchased the two
lots just west of the Fahrenbruch build
ing and it is stated that two new store
rooms will be added to that part of
Dennison street
If you are run down in body and dis
pirited in mind you need a good stimu
lant and blood builder Wyals Pepton
ized Beef Iron and Wine is prepared
for these especial purposes It is pies
sant to take and one bottle produces
wonderful results For sale by Wood
worth Co Druggists
When you have a cough there is no
time to experiment You wane a rem
edy that is certain to cure
McConnells Balsam
does all that any remedy can It cures
thousands of coughs each season If
it ever failB to cure yours you can get
your money back Price 25 cents
A Great Sorrow
A great sorrow camo to Mr and Mrs
W F Everist this week Tuesday
night when thoir only boy died with
that droadful disease epidemic corebro
spinal meningitis On account of tho
nature of tho disease no aorvicos wore
held at tho home but brief coremony
was had at tho gravo conductod by Kov
Burton of tho Baptist church in tho
presence of a few noar friends of tho fam
ily Thursday afternoon at 230 oclock
Littlo Willie was born in July three
years since and was the applo of tho
family eyo The parents and children
havo tho tondorest sympathy of many
friends in their sorrow
Listen to Green
Greon has a NEW Clothing Store
Stoin Bloch smart suits for people
who know at Greens NEW Clothing
Store -
No place like Groons NEW Clothing
store for boys
If you got it at Greens NEW Clothing
store it is a now suit
Youll miss it if you dont go to
Greens NEW Clothing Store for fall
and winter underwear Dennison street
west of Citizens Bank
Izzer Cotton Batts
made for us in largo quantities used
by us in all our Izzor bod comforts
sold by us for tho majority of home
made comforts built at homes in this
region and now entering upon their
10th year in McCook 12 oz 12e Tho
Thompson D G Co
Are Thankful
Wo wish to thank the kind neighbors
and frionds who so kindly assisted us
during the last illness and after tho
death of our beloved wife and mother
John Kummer and Family
Mr and Mrs Conrad Hofman
Mr and Mrh Frank Hackenkamp
Are You Sowing- Wheat
or dirt You will reap as you sow
Three pecks of good healthy kernels to
the acre is sufficient and you can weigh
every kernel separately with a Wonder
Grader Sold by McCook Hardware Co
Double Your Energy
You cannot work well or play well
unless you havo pure rich blood If
you feel run down or tired out
McConnells Saksaparilla
will make you feel like new Price 1
Harness Saddles
There is certainly something you
will need and wo havo tho most com
plete line shown in the town also strap
work harnessand hardware and want
your business McCook Hardware Co
Fall Plowing
for spring crops will certainly bo found
very profitable in this country and you
will find a full lino of John Deoro plows
at McCook Hardware Co the best plow
you ever hitched a horse to
Black Silks
Yard wide black taffeta for 73c yd
A heavier and more lustrous one for
115 A rich peau de soie 125 yard
wide The Thompson D G Co
Have You Examined
the Columbia drills at the McCook
Hardware Co They have the best al
falfa device ever put on a drill and they
sow any kind of seed
McConnell for drugs
School supplies at McConnells
Prompt service in draying secured by
calling up phone 68
Did you say high top Shoes we
have them at the Bee Hive
Try Magner Stokes for fresh and
salt meats fruit and vegetables
Plenty of heavy ribbed Hose for
school wear at the Bee Hive
Our White Pine and tar cures coughs
Woodworth Co Druggists
Have you ever tried an eraso ink
eraser See one at The Tribune of
Boys high top Shoes for school and
winter wear in Black and Tan at the
Bee Hive
R M Douglass A Co will give you
prompt and efGcientservice Phone 63
Office in Bump real estate office lower
The only place in town where you
can get the famous Three Star Cof
fee is at Magner Stokes market and
Lost Black and white female setter
pup five months old Suitable reward
for information to recovery Elmer
Kay Commercial Hotel
Every boy and girl interested in pic
ture taking should see our line of cam
eras We have fourteen differentkinds
both plate and film ranging in price
from 100 to 25 Were always glad
to show them
WoonwoRTH Co Druggists
4A Alf