The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 13, 1907, Image 4
By F M KIMMELL Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Subscription 1 a Year in Advance It ia a question of perspective if you have tho right one you see more than appears on tho surface in the Pri mary Election returns to bo found in this issue You perhaps will not bo in ordinately proud of what you see jobs trading knifing etc for instance J hk TmnuNK stated last week on tho strength of tho early returns that Charles E Eldred had carried Red Willow county for district judge La ter and official returns show that he did not but they do not prove to the satis faction of tho publisher on tho basis of anything fair and squaro in politics that ho ought not to have carried it A little carbolic acid in the ethics of Red Willow county politics wouldnt hurt SCHOOL CREEK School began last week with twelve pupils enrolled The hum of tho threshing machine was heard last week Small grain turn ed out pretty well Somo wheat went as high as twenty five bushels per acre averaging about eighteen Mrs S E Vandorvort is on tho sick list but is improving B P Rohrers cousins Ethel and Winnie Rohrer and Mrs Rohrers sis tor Gertrude Andrews returned to Friend after a weeks visit John Dutcher is busy looking after tho enterest of tho county fair The corn in this immediate neighbor hood is looking good B P Rohrer attended the meeting of candidates at McCook Saturday D ANBURY Mrs Rex Miller and mother Mrs Loveck left Monday via McCook for Wray Colo W J Stilgebouer and family left last Saturday for Covina California Mrs J E Noe is visiting in Indian ela this week Mr and Mrs Thomas Mustgrave ar rived home from Cheyenne Wyo last Friday H L Goodenberger has sold his hardware 9tore to Mr Dailey Cliff Burbridge who has been visit ing here for the past week returned to McCook Saturday Clarence young had the misfortune to have the tip of one of his fingers taken off in the printing press at the News office Cliff Naden our candidate for county treasurer joined the Methodist church last Sunday Little LeRoy Thomas got his finger cut off Wednesday Lee DeLong and Crosoe Allen left Wednesday evening for Montana Mr Clifton has sold his quarter sec tion to eastern parties J I Evers of Valparaiso Neb is here visiting friends and relatives Tho Curtain Was Down A party of countrymen were in Lon don enjoying the sights At last they came by one of the theaters in the Strand Suppose we go in said one Better see how much it is first said another After inquiring the price of admis sion they decided to send one of the party inside to see whether it was good enough or not After remaining for some time the delegate returned How is it asked one No good A lot of fellers fiddlin in front of the big pictur Come on Home Sweet Home The chief reason for leaving home is that one may the better enjoy coming back to it Home is the place we have eo studiously suited to our own needs that it fits us like an outer envelope In no other house do we feel so abso lutely ourselves Loudon Truth The Irate Fathers Bui Bulls are not the exclusive property of Irishmen The dictum of the Con naught peasant that the most insult ing answer you ever made to any en emy was not to speak at all to him Is more than equaled by the declara tion of the irate British father who declared to his sulky son on the bank holiday morning Youll ave to come along of us to Ampstead Eath aud go nowhere else Youve come out to enjoy yourself and enjoy yourself you will if I break every bone in your body Dundee Adver tiser CHIGHESTERS PILLS DIAMOND CO LADIES J tSswa V r BRAND e 53 SVSq K - e Ask your Drnrgttt for s SlMOND BRAND PIIIS ia Red and Got D metallic boxes sealed with Blue A S v Ribbon TAKE NO OTHER Bny oF your JDranrtct nnd nk iriAUOXn BKANU PILLS for twenty five ear rejrarded as Best Safest Always Reliable S5LD BY ALL DRUGGISTS FVCpVUUPR WORTH msVWSWsQS8S JUDGE SUPREME COURT Reese MB Sedgwick Samuel H RATLROADCOMMISSIOXERS Caldwell PA Clarke Jr Henry T Wallace S M REGENTS UNIVERSITY Anderson Charles B Coupland George Yon Mansfelde Dr A S JUDGE 14TII DISTRICT Eldred Charles E Orr RC Stevens Jr John COUNTY CLERK McLean Stuart B Skalla Charles COUNTY TREASURER Beardslee IM Cochran A L Nnden Clifford Wilcox Justin A CLERK DISTRICT COURT Rogers Chester A COUNTY JUDGE Lellew J S Moore C SUERIFF Bolles Jr Stephen D Kinghorn George F Peterson H I COUNTY supt Rohrer Burton F COUNTY COMMISSIONER Bortner Henderson J Bump A G tiray U ii Lindeman L H COUNTY ASSESSOR Cone Lon Endsley TA COUNTY SURVEYOR Williams James Barker Andy 8143 4 10 15 Vslrsm KM W J I MH imJF II II I W if k Ml 0 MM 5rlrf Im ml 11 n Ttvuiil nnilll i 5 II fiura Hi pR V 4421 IG2G 5 34 4021 44 10 45 1G 11 12 11 13 9 1 Sc 50 0 33 8 i 1 10 G2 0 1 3 4 9 45 1 7 GS 7129 10 9 69 14 THE PALMER GARMENTS 19 12 22 15 14 5 5 11 14 1019 14 13 13 32 721 620 515 21 5 518 12 2S 319 9 17 12I2S1 13 14 Willow Grove IstW I 2dW 5T I a 1 - 124 30 49 33 52 121 CO GO 3G 25 41 GS 43 31 76 SS 3 122 114 70 41 33 21 37 31 25 76 100 31 9lll3 CO 10 8 11c 16 S8 14 101 47 50 IS 95 91 16 9 121 11 70 4S 49 39 101 29 103 16 26 75 SI 21 12 9s 57 103 43 Always In the Lead 54 473 341 2i 340 G89 419 259 527 5S1 98 593 652 252 3181 40 297 928 212 901 3S5 95 749 80S 100 48 390 5S 499 G32 22 26 Total number of voters Republican 1331 Democratic 115 Peoples Inde pendent 22 Socialist 4 Prohibition 11 W M Hiller Democrat received 98 votes for county clerk N J Uerling Democrat received 89 votes for county treasurer Francis M Colfer Democrat received 91 votes for clerk of the district court Claudia B Hatcher Democrat received 88 votes for superintendent of public instruction W H Meyer Democrat received 86 votes for county assessor Marion PI ummer Democrat received 32 votes for county commissioner A DeMay received 11 votes for county coroner ITvJX ijaMCltiK We are opening tins FalPs Cloak Season with the largest and most complete assortment of Ladies Misses and Childrens Cloaks ever shown in McCook and we invite you to call and exam ine our line which presents Styles that Are Right and Garments that Are Guaranteed See our new Bear Skins Teddy Bears Plushes and Astrachans for children All prices and for all ages H C Clapp -- McCook Exclusive Dry Goods and Ladies Furnishings RED WILLOW COUNTY WIN Second In the Second District Scoring at the Nebraska State Fair at Lincoln Last Week THIS EXHIBIT WILL BE IN MCOOK During the Fall Races of the McCook Driving Park Association Which Will be Held Thursday Friday and Saturday September 26- Will be Worth Seeing In the agricultural exhibit at the state fair Red Willow county stood second in the Second District scoring 854 points and secur ing a prize of 14741 The Second District is comprised of nine counties standing as follows Kearney 1st Red Willow 2nd York 3rd Franklin 4th Webster 5th Howard 6th Frontier 7th Antelope 8th and Furnas 9th I I Stephen Bolles William Hiersekorn and B Hogan weile in charge of the exhibit and it attracted much favorable comment An effort was made to secure it for the Kansas City show but tHe committee decided to bring it home and show it to our home folks as well as visitors who may be in McCook during the Race Meet September 26th 27th and 28th A suitable booth will be erected in town and the exhibit placed just as it was in Lincoln The showing of the different small grains grasses corn vegetables etc are very fine and pains should be taken to see the exhibit and point it out to visitors OFFICIAL ABSTRACT OF VOTES Cast at the Primary Election Held in Red Willow County Nebraska Tuesday Sept 3 1907 CANDIDATES I o o c K q c a MOVEMENT 01- 1HE PEOPLE Will Huber is confined to tho homo very ill Guy Battershall has returned to University Place Mrs B F Coffey is the guest of her father I M Smith Mns W A Weiktz visited a sister in Culbertson last Saturday Mrs Cyrus Stayner is visiting her son L W Stayner of our city Mrs Hattie Bishop of Trenton is visiting McCook friends this week Mrs J C Predmore of Rupert Idaho is with relatives hero on a visit Mrs L R Hileman and May will go to St Joseph next week on a visit to L R Miss Lottie Beatty is a new mem ber of the clerical force in H C Clapps store W H Wyatt of Holdrege is visiting bis daughter Mrs 1 L Rodstrom of our city Mrs Belle Stephenson returned first of the week from visiting in Ober lin Kansas Mr and Mrs J P Crouse arrived home last night from their Lincoln Seward trip Mrs Lillian Snyder has been a vic tim of jheumatism and confined to her bed the past week Elsie Campbell the last pilgrim of the Tolland camping party wandered in home Wednesday night M W Eikenberry and son left for Kokomo Ind this morning his first visit here in nineteen years Mr and Mrs L W McConnell are visiting relatives and friends in Beard stown and other Illinois points Charles Sullivan has returned to McCook to live from Pueblo Colo where he has been located for some time Mr and Mrs G F Randel left Monday night for Denver on a visit to that charming city and the mountains Mr and Mrs C HBoyle and Miss Minnie Boyle of Denver are making a trip to the northwest and Pacific coast Mrs C W SHOTWELLof Atlanta 111 is a guest of Dr and Mrs Hare until after the nuptial events of next week Thursday Mrs W B Mills arrived home from Lincoln Sunday night She gives a re cital for her music pupils Saturday afternoon Benj Olcott returned close of last week from his stay in a hospital in Kansas City Mo being considerably the better for his treatment Mrs Louis Suess and daughters Gertrude and Martha went up to Denver Sunday night to enjoy a vac ation of a couple weeks there and in the mountains Holton Longnecker after a short visit to his parents of Red Willow and with McCook friends departed for his home in Rollinsville Colo Tuesday night on No 3 Mr and Mrs J S Miller and Mr and Mrs RE Benjamin arrived home Wednesdav morning on No 2 from spending a few days in Denver and the mountains going up on No 1 Sunday John Rice who has been a member of W S Morlans office force for a few years retired from his position Sep tember 1st and will attend the law school of the Nebraska university coming term John is a young man of promise in his chosen profession PUBLIC SALEOf my stock and personal pro perty September 24 D C Benedict Culbertson Nebraska M V Wr t Mi f IA J ii m II 5 Ill1 JipjSife Ha imwnk t ERLES BAKERY mr imiiTT Between Suttons and AlcConnellS wmmmmi nn Fresh Bread Daily WHITE GRAHAM and RYE BREAD BUNS LAYER CAKES COOKIES ANGEL FOODS CINNAMON ROLLS COCOANUT KISSES AND PIES We would be pleased to have you call and give us a trial THE BIG LOAF FOR 5 CENTS Ask your grocer for Merles Bread Make your friend a birthday present of some Monogram Stationery We have an excellent line of samples from which you can choose embossed in one or two colors or in bronze or gold any letters or combination of letters Call and see samples of the monograms and stock The TRIBUNE Office KflALLTH OTHER tSSKS I is lHgSEPTEHBERlg Q IvSaIsS1 5unmoktue51wed1thg2s fri jat vcU RSiJPL - WEDlTKURS FRI 5AT igL i Comic Automobile Parade- lxistJwx H gs5t TUESDAY NIGHT OCT 1J A Grff vrpSfea Grand Electrical Parade- Ul i MB PlSS WEDNESDAY NIGHT OCT 2Y f W JB fffrmliaTi 1 LtT 7iiTw Ladie s Float- Parade- 1L Lr S 8 IwlsyiSt THURSDAY ArrERNOQN OCT Z iZX 9 m3ttvxWt - Coronation and Grand Ball- rj FRIDAY NIGHT OCT 4 mCjgSr I CARNIYAL DAYS I I A C5 fL k frf Bk I