Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 6, 1907)
E TWENTY SIXTH YEAR k The Republican Nominees Tho ofilcitil vote of tbo primary Tues day is not availablo as we go to press today tho canvassing board being still at tho work of counting tho ballots but tho result as to thoRopublican nom inees is nccoptod by all to bo as follows Charles Skalla county clerk Clifford Naden county treasurer Chester A Rogers clerk district court J C Mooro county judgo II I Peterson sheriff Burton F Rohror county superintend on t C B Gray county commissioner T A Endsley county nssessor M B Reese carries Red Willow coun ty for supreme judge CharleB Eldred carries Red Willow county for district judge but Judgo R C Orr carries tho district by GOO or moro tho official vote not being obtain able In tho precinct of Willow Grovo II II Berry is nominated on the Republican ticket for justico of tho peace and JR Ponco and Charles Wontz are the nomi nees for constables Lopcr Hurley Wedding- Mr Clark Thompson Loper and Miss Katherine Aurelia Hurley wore united in marriage August 28 1907 at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs J W F rley in Shelton Nebraska Miss 1 ley was ono of tho teachers in the M ook public schools last year and mi Jo many friends as a teacher and as a young lady of high character and ac complishments Mr Loper is a real es tate dealer and a gentleman well recom mended We join in wishing them a happy and prosperous wedded life They will be at homo to their friends in our city after September loth having arrived here early part of this week They will make their home in tho resi dence over on north Melvin street re cently purchased from William Stoner BE YOUR OWN MANICURE Theres satisfaction in having at hand tools and preparations for manicuring your own hands just when they need such attention You dont have to adapt your time to the convenience of a professional manicure Wo carry an unusual fine line of manicure goods at all times Have sets at various prices from 125 up or can sell you separate pieces files buffers scissors cuticle knives paste nail enamel nail bleach orangewood sticks etc Our manicur ing preparations represent the best lines on the market May we show you these goods L W McConnell Druggist The New Silks Upon viewing them you will agree with us that among our 88 different patterns and colors of novelty silks your fancy will be pleased They run from 41c to 100 We also show a large line of solid colors and besides them the solid blacks Yard wide taffeta for 73c A heavier and better quality for 115 and a very nice Peau de Soie for 125 a yard yard wide We solicit your in spection The Thompson D G Co Five Thousand Humano HorseCollara soldin Nebraska in the last two years practically all put on horses with sore necks and shoulders with satisfactory results Fifteen days free trial McCook Hardware Co Notice to Water Consumers The water company seems to be able to furnish water now in usual quantities and consumers can resume using water for all purposes under conditions before the fire C L Fahnestock Mayor Gentlemens Neckwear The new browns and blues and other fall tints and colors just received in all the desirable shapes and styles Notice our windows The Thompson D G Co Deering Corn Binders in stock Come in and hatch on to one and save twice its price in good fodder Can you make money faster McCook Hardware Co BANKSVILLE Tho primary election held here was well attended The republicans took the cake Chas Towlo went back to Hendley Monday C A Towle is sowing wheat on the Hill place The Banksville boys charivaried Harry Marshall and young wife Wednesday night Harry Marshall and Miss Mary Peters were married that day at five oclock A A Towle went to McCook on a horee trade Saturday P H T31unck and wife were visitors at the Jacob Wesch home Sunday John H Wesch has plowed fifty acres for wheat up to date Revival Meetings In Progress The meetings that aro being hold at tho Christian church aro being well at tended and ovoryono is greatly enjoying tho services Doctor Wm Thompson has won tho respect and confidence of the wholo community by his pleasing yet fearless manner of presenting the great truths of Christianity Last Sun day the church was filled and threo great services they were Many felt that it was good to be there as the pres ence of tho Lord was manifested The meetings so far this week have been well attendod On Tuesday night three camo forward and on Wednesday night four moro Evorybody should got out and hoar Bro Thompson as ho is one of our best preachers and presents tho truth in a most uniquo and startling manner Next Sunday service at 11 a m Subject Fulfilling Scripture Afternoon at 330 a servico for children Subject Baseball Ordinance of Bap tism at close of afternoon sorvice Sun day night tho subject will bo Why I am a Christian Only or What the Christ ian Church Stands For Aa there is a great deal of misconception of this mat ter this service will give you an appor tunity of clearly understanding our po sition in tho world today All are in vited to attend Obituary Susie Gathercole was born in Wash ington county Iowa May 18th 1857 Was united in marriage with Eli Harger January 30th 1870 Departed this life September 1 1907 Four children were born to this union threo boys and one girl all of whom together with the hus band and one brother are left to mourn her death They came from Iowa to Red Willow county Nebraska in 1883 residing here until 1896 when they moved to Smith county Kansas where they resided up to the time of her death Funeral services were conducted by Rev H T McGrewof the United Breth ren church of Lebanon Kansas and burial followed in Sweet Home cemetery of that place Opera House Sandy Bottom afino clean cut dra matic conception with an abundance of heart interestconstructed with exquisite tact and written in a style at once vigor ous and graceful around a theme whole some and elevating will be presented at the opera house by the Guarantee Amusement Company under the man agement of Chas II Colson one night only School Plaids A glimpse of our large line of plaids esyecially good for school wear will amply repay you and quite likely us for the time employed Our sample book display is the delight of our customers as it gives a complete view of the stock by simply turning the leaves We invite your inspection The Thompson D G Co PAINT VARNISHES FINISHES and everything else that goes with the paint line will be found here You will get just what you want and will get it at tho right price Information and figures gladly furnished at any time L W McConnell Druggist Will Resume Work Next Monday Reuben J Bransom who was injured in a runaway on the McCook Hayes Center star route Thursday of last week has improved greatly and ex pects to resume his drive Monday of next week No Hunting The undersigned will allow no hunt ing on their premises Parties found trespassing will be prosecuted Will Byfield Alfred Carter H K Bixler John Kummer Tony Kummer and William Kummer No Farm Practice yields more beneficial results than care ful selecting of seed The wonder grain grader at McCook Hardware Co weighs every kernel You can save the price of one on every forty acres sown For Sale Cheap The two story block now occupied by the post office at Bartley Neb Title perfect Living rooms in second story Inquire of S J Rocse Bartley Neb Izzer Bed Comforts Only a word to remind you that they are still obtainable from us the makers 185 to 300 Tho Thompson D G Co One Minute Washing1 Machines at the McCook Hardware Co saves timo and labor Ask your neighbor what they think of them A Handy Receipt Bock Bound duplicate receipt books three receipts to the page for sale at The Tribune office t jJfci - x - JntCoob A Cut Rate Price This is tho first campaign in Nebraska in which political bosses cut no figure Tho peoplo will nominate the candidates and afterwards elect them You are one of the people and should take an active interest in these primaries and elections hereaf tor Politics from now on means a square deal for the masses lower pas senger rates lower freight rates less ex tortion by trusts and combinations These things can only be accomplished by every honest voter making it a part of bis business The peoplo can only know what iB really going on by reading tho newspapers But you ought to road a newspaper that can print tho truth about all tho candidates a paper chat has no self interest in politics whose owners aro not office holders or office seekers The publishers think tho State Journal is such a paper and in order to prove it to you make the special offer of only 50 cents from now until after elec tion seventy fivo cents if you want the Sunday also Tho earlier you send in your order tho more you get for your money Lincoln is tho news center Notice to Parents Tho public schools will open Mon day September 16 Inasmuch as the new building will not be ready for oc cupancy at that time the placing of all grades will be the same as at the closing of school last June The superintendent will be at his office at tho East ward building Thurs day and Friday September 12 and 13 for the purpose of examining and classi fying new pupils or others defective in their work All pupils must have promotion or entrance cards and in cases wore such cards are lost dupli cates should bo procured on these days Children five years and OTer properly vaccinated will be received into tho preparatory departments east west and south buildings during the first two weeks of the term but not after September 27 Parents must attend to the entrance of their beginners during this period G II Thomas Superintendent Open Hearts and Homes The Commercial Club wishes to cnll the attention of the people of McCook to tho West Nebraska Methodist confer ence to bo held in this city September 17th to 23rd Indications point toward an attendance of between 150 and 200 delegates It is quite possible their en tertainment may prove something of a problem Any ono who can do so is requested to notify Rev Carman or the undersigned what they can do toward board and rooms for these people Any effort along this line will be heartily ap preciated Geo W Scott Perkins Kublcck Mr George WPerkins and Miss Mary M Kubicek both of our city were unit ed in marriage last Saturday evening August 31 1907 at eight oclock at the Episcopal rectory Rector E R Earle performing the ceremony Mr and Mrs W D Burnett Jr witnessing the cere mony The bride is a daughter of Mr and Mrs Joseph Kubicek of our city and tho groom is one of the Burlingtons young engineers and both aro highly esteemed by many friends and well wishers - New Fall Clothing We have received and are putting on the tables some extremely attractive mens worsted suits Our range of these suits is now from 650 to 1500 We have also opened a box of boys from 15 to 20 years at 600 You are invited to look them over The Thompson D G Co Wanted Intormation James B Uavender is anxious to se cure information as to the where abouts of Joseph C Cavender who came to Red Willow County in 1891 Any one knowing anything about him will please make the same known at The Tribune office Largest Teddy Bear that ever came to town at the McCook Hardware Co will be on display com mencing Saturday afternoon and will be given away to some boy or girl in Mc Cook call at our store and see how you can get this 1400 bear free Will Be Discontinued September 30th The postmaster general has issued an order discontinuing the postoffice at Banksville this county September 30th After that timo the mail which formerly went to that office will come to McCook The High Price Wheat should interest farmers in raising moro of it With a John Deere Gang Sulky or Disk Plow you can prepare the ground right McCook Hardware Co Paon Velvets in eleven shades just received Hand some for waists elegant for trimmings The Thompson D G Co Labor Day Events The Fats and Loans were tho opening attraction tho Leans winning 12 to 11 with the following line up LEANS fats Fahnestock Stokes Spencer Search McLean Howell Moss Carman DeLoy Redding Warner Jackson Gates Raine Seth Tho Machine shopers and Pick ups then collided to tho advantago of tho former in a score of 6 to 3 Their line up looked like this MACHINE SHOPERa PICK UPS Walters True Anderson Harmon Notley Barbnzette Spencer Morrissoy Kern Craven Powell Wilson Hall Franklin Harris Evans Hileman There was a prize of 25 cigars for each game Also for the tug-of-war be tween the boilormakeis and rip rackers The tug-of-war was won by the The participants in these Labor Day events enjoyed free lemonade and pop The organized unions wish to express to the merchants of McCook their ap preciation of the liberality shown by the business men and hope another year to enjoy a larger audience at their events on Labor Day COURT HOUSE NEWS COUNTY COURT Following are the marriage licenses is sued since our last report Harry Marshall 22 Traer Kans and Mary Peters 23 Banksville Neb Geo W Perkins 27 and Mary May Kubick 26 both of McCook Neb Frank A Feder 21 and Madge L Pember20 both of Trenton Neb Jakob Zeiler 20 and Katharina L Bernhard 19 both of McCook Neb Walter Lingo 21 Lebanon Neb and Mattie Dueling 22 Wilsonville Neb Married September 4th by the county judge Dee F Smith 23 Lebanon Neb and Esta Remington 18 Danbury Neb Married September 4th by the county judge Herman Gutzman 20and Mina Fattig 18 both of Cambridge Neb Married September 4th by county judge Ray Noble 27 Curtis Neb and Dora Burlington IS Stockville Neb Mar ried September 4th by county judge Bed Blankets They are now with us in practical useable widths at 65c and on up to the great wide twelve quarter size in heavy soft fluffy quality at 175 Woolen ones from 375 to 875 It is a pleasure to show them The Thompson D G Co Change of Firm Name The Model Shoe Store is now owned and managed by Fisher Perkins who will pay all bills of Fisher Snider Co and collect all accounts of that firm Dont Take Pipe Down Get a package of Monarch Sut Des troyer at McCook Hardware Co and save the dirt aad annoyance Guaranteed Paints Yon can gee a fully guaranteed paint The Lincoln absolutely pure at Mc Millens drugstore CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Baptist Sunday school at 10 a m Christian Bible school 10 a m Preaching at 11 a m and 8 p m by Dr Finch Y P S C E 7 p m 8 p m Wednesday prayer meeting Episcopal Preaching services at St Albans church at 11 a m and 8 p m Sunday school at 10 a m All are welcome to these services E R Earle Rector Catholic Order of services Mass 3 a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday 3chool 230 p m Every Sunday J J Loughran Pastor Methodist Sunday school at 10 a m Preaching at 11 and 8 Class meeting at 12 Epworth League at 7 Prayer meeting every Wednesday night at S The public is invited M B Carman Pastor Christian Science Services Sun day at 11 a m and Wednesday at 8 p m Subject Substance Meetings held in Diamond block Room open daily from 2 to 5 p m except Sun day Science literature on sale Congregational Sunday school at 10 a m Preaching by pastor at 11 a m and 8 p m Christian Endeavor at 7 p mRuth Campbell leader Subject Gods Omnipotence Psalms 1391 12 Members urged to be present outsiders welcome Prayer meeting Wednesday at 8 pm You are invited to these services G B Hawkes Pastor MCCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING SEPTEMBER 6 190r MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS Everything in drugs McConnell- W C Moyer for real estato and loans Fresh potato chips always on band Magner Stokes Legal blanks all kinds at Woodworth Cos Druggists There was a false fire alarm Thurs day noon Nothing didding Wo make specialty of fine toilet soaps Try them McMillen Druggist Worthy stock and poultry remedies at L W McConnells Druggist Sandy Bottom is a diamond in tho rough Opera house Septembor 14th Damaged complexions made good as new with McConnells Fragrant Lotion 25 cents Get a quart bottle of Heinz pure malt vinegar a pure food product at Magner Stokes Stovo Wilson has added a splendid two seated automobile to his livery barn equipment Try it Reuben J Branscom has sold his east Dennison street dwelling house to G E Thompson this week Magner Stokes can supply you with Heinz double strength pure cider vinegar In quart bottles It cannot do you any harm and it may do you lots of good to see Sandy Bottom September 14th If you want it done right and right away call up phone 68 R M Douglass Co office in Bump building If it is from Marshs its the best ob tainable Anything and every thing per taining to the meat market business Paint your houses and barns with Patterson and Sargent paint the best paint sold McCook Hardware Co R M Douglass Co will give you prompt and efficient service Phone 68 Office in Bump real estate office lower Main R M Douglas Co draying in all its branches Call up phono 68 Call at office in Bump building lower Main avenue They need a teacher in district No 11 Lebanon precinct The district pays from 40 to 45 Write William Hierse korn director Lebanon Nebraska Let us supply your photo finishing materials Youll have no failures if you use carefully the perfect photo goods our stock affords L W McConnell Druggist Nothing is nicer for the homo than burntwood decorations A nice assort ment of designs in basswood to select from Woodworth Co Druggists il is easy to make new clothes out of old by tho use of diamond dyes Co3t 10 cents a package One or two pack agee may save you dollars L W McConnell Druggist Rev Edker Burton of Mitchell South Dakota has accepted a unanimous call to the pastorato of the McCook Baptist church and will occupy the pulpit Sun day September 15th Maybe that choked up feeling isnt hay fever perhaps its only a summer cold Try Hills Cascara Bromide of Quinine tablets They do tho work where others fail Price 25c a box Woodworth Co Druggist Picture taking is getting to be more popular every day Tho methods are so simplified a child can take good pic tures Woodworth Co Druggists have a complete line of cameras at all prices from 1 up to 25 every ono guar anteed You are always welcome to ex amine them and we are pleased to have you doso Remember the place Wood worth Co Druggists Gollmar Bros show arrived here this morning on two special trains About ten oclock they gave their street parade which was very fine and among other things several open dens of wild beasts In addition to a fine circus performance they carry a first class menagerie of wild animals which is very interesting The show opened this afternoon at two oclock and was very fine indeed and there was hardly a poor act in the entire show It was a good clean performance and gave splendid satisfaction to the large number that attended They give another performance this evening at eight oclock and it is safe to say that they will have an immense crowd Ono thing that wa3 noticeable of all was the absence of fakirs and short change artists The Gollmar Bros do not tol erate any thing of the kind and have now a reputation here in Pontiac by so doing The Daily Sentinel Pontiac 111 McCook Monday September 16tb He rr ttt Btt tin- vrl8aK NUMBER 15 Fortunate In Its Loss Happily for tho peoplo and company tho boilers and pumps of tho water com pany wore found by test to bo but slightly damaged By first of tho week the boilors and ono pump woro in com mission and a normal Bupply of water provided Materials aro rapidly boing accumu lated for a brick pump houso of increas ed size which will bo pushed vigorously to completion New Lace Curtains Wo have just put into stock some vory good stylos and values in laco curtains Our lino is very largo and ranges from 700 a pair all tho way down to 50 cents Easily displayed Drop in Tho Thompson D G Co High Price of Wheat should interest you in raising moro of it and the ground should bo well prepared Good Plows Disks and Drills at Mc Cook Hardwaro Co will put tho grain in right Water Meters We have on hand a supply of approv ed water meters which we will instal promptly on application Undor Wood worth drug store Phone 182 Middleton Ruby Press Drills Good for this country Wo havo them in Fitzer Richmond Champion and Sncker State McCook Hardware Co McConnell for drugs Prompt sorvice in draying secured by calling up phono 63 Kodaks and kodak supplies at L W McConnells Druggist A number of tho rural districts opened their schools Monday Try Magner Stokes for fresh and salt meats fruit and vegetables Dr Kays office is now one door north of Commercial hotel Phone 97 Theres only onn Dick Newson in Ar kansas and he is at Sandy Bottom The Tribune is now prepared to Co your job printing of all kinds promptly Every day is bargain day at II Si Godfrey Cos the popular leaders in selling flour feed and hay Prof and Mrs T II Ireland will givo a concert Monday evening September 16th at the Christian church The only place in town where you can get tho famous Threo Star Cof fee is at Magner Stokes market and grocery A deaf woman engaged in picking up coal along the track at Cambridge Tues day of this week was struck Jjy an engine and killed You wont be all a parent should be to his children until you have taken them to see Sandy Bottom September 14th at the opera house Charles II Boyle and Mrs Jennie Carroll both of this city were married on Monday September 2nd at eight oclock by Rev Carman Regular business meeting of tho Dor cas society of the Congregational church at the home of Mrs F W Bosworth next Thursday afternoon September 12 Whatever tho student needs in tho way of text books and supplies can be found in our Etock Our prices in sure a saving L W McConnell Druggist We have obtained a few more bottles of Zoa Phora Womans Friend Any woman can obtain a 50c bottle free by calling at our store Woodworth Co Sunday school convention in Bartley next Tuesday and Wednesday Mr Steidley of Lincoln and Miss Mary Brown of Grand Island will be present and deliver addresses Everybody wel come The people of McCook as well as tho water company certainly fully appreciate the efforts of the railroad water depart ment to keep the city in supply of water for absolutely necessary domestic use during the few days the local water com pany was out of commission on account of the fire at the pumping plant last Thursday night The annual convocation of the juris diction of Laramie will meet at Kear ney Sept 8 9 and 10 Rer E R Earle expects to attend The delegates elected are C W Barnes and Mrs E R Earle This will bean important meeting of the convocation Steps will be taken to erect a hall close to the state normal school where students of the Episcopal church will be housed and their temporal and spiritual wel fare provided for