The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 09, 1907, Image 8

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Osage Indians Are he Wealthiest
People Per Capita In the World
Squawi Who Are Heiresses
Running Deer and His Russian
Bride J J J A J
j rrrr y t
Rich Redskins
has long been an idea in
THERE that the only good In
dian -Is a dead Indian but
when a man has a million dol
ors or two in his possession he is apt
tto be considered of some account
whether his skin Is white red yellow
brown or black The red men of Amer
ica have lost the most of the land over
which they once roamed and which as
tribes they claimed to own Generally
speaking they never owned these lands
as Individuals and the white men have
gradually dispossessed them on the
iound that such title as the red men
could assert could not bo maintained In
rtho face of the need of the civilized
world for their territory Sometimes
the lands of the Indian have been
taken after duly ratified treaties of
Balo and sometimes they have been
taken with Httlo or no ceremony but
seldom has a tribe of aborigines re-
celved for Its lands anything like their
alue according to the white mans real
estate market Nevertheless some of
the western Indians are among the
richest people In America They own
large funds held in trust for them by
the government accruing from sale of
lands and the lands which they have
retained have vasfty Increased In value
on account of the proximity of the cities
3ind towns of the paleface or on ac-
count of their wealth In products which
Tiro comparatively useless to the red
man in his native state but are greatly
desired by white people For instance
the discover of oil and natural gas on
lands belonging to the Osage Indians
lias made them a very wealthy people
some say the richest per capita in the
whole world Chief of
-the Osages is called the richest Indian
111110 Sf
s A i
ca America and his wealth is estimated
at 2000000 while that of his entire
family is put at 10000000
Since the wealth of some of the red
skins of today has been noised abroad
the phrase fortune hunting in the
west has taken on a new meaning
it may now signify rnarrying a rich
-squaw An instance of this is the
- case of Tobias Nicholas who disap
peared from Philadelphia at the close
- 5f the civil wr but returned recently
much to the surprise of his relatives
SjfIio thought him dead He married
ihe daughter of a rich Oklahoma In-
ilan and thus got a start in the rail-
- ioad construction business
Sometimes the case as to sex is re-
and a white woman marries an
Indian brave who has money and
Sands Several years ago Nellie Lutski
an American girl of Russian extrac
tion became the bride of Running
Oeer one of the richest and most aris
tocratic of all the Osages in
- ma Nellies father was a tenant of
523mnlng Deer and the latter loaned
S atsti money so that he might send
s wife and daughter on a visit to
SUissia In gratitude for this favor
3kHss Nellie on her return aided Run-
sing Deer In his campaign for
in the tribal council Then
-- tie two fell In love and there was a
wedding Often an Osage belle
f3slngs her husband a dowry of
Srom 15000 to 2o000 and
v -girls of this kind are popular even
-among white young men who live In
isbeir vicinity But the old Osage war-
sdLors and the wise women of the tribe
c32se nverse to the white men who come
Toolng the daughters of the nation
CTfzeferring to have them marry young
tzssn of their own race and thus pre-
srve Its identity Every member of
taa tribe buck or squaw or papoose
supposed to be worth as much as
SSBOOOO and among the Osages are In-
iSEajis with fine estates comfortable
xszs even elegant homes giving
Xsace of education and taste while
na the other hand some who are real-
Icgrzich still live In tepees perhaps al-
Tircwlng their hired men to occupy the
zxodern homes they have erected
V i
- -
Took it Literally
It is told of the late Chauncey Sha
rer who bears the Baine relation to
New Yorks anecdotage that Sydney
Smith does to Londons that ho em
ployed in his law oillce a stunted youth
of very tractable temperament
One day Mr Sliafer returned from
lunch in a lively mood and by token
of the madeira he had consumed sum
moned Billy into his private ofilce
Boy he said carelessly go over
to the special term and see what in
theyre doing up there
The late Judge Brady was presiding
over the trial of an action involving
many interesting questions of substan
tive law hence the courtroom was
empty save for the litigants their coun
sel and the necessary witnesses Judge
Bradys kindliness toward women and
children was proverbial and when
Billy stood against the railing of the
inclosure his face barely reaching the
balustrade the judge noticed him im
mediately He interrupted the argu
ments of counsel and turned to Billy
Well my lad he said in suave
judicial accents what can I do for
Im from Mr Shafers office Billy
replied and he wants to know what
in youre up to over here Success
From Out the Grave
In the little village of Tewiu Hert
fordshire England there are five large
trees growing out of a single grave
and thereby hangs a curious story On
the slab that marks the grave was
carved the inscription
Here lyeth Interd the body of the
Right Honorable Lady Anne Grime
stone wife of Sir Samuel Grimcstone
Bart of Gohambury In Hertfordshire
daughter of the late Right Honorable
the Earl of Thanet who departed this
life Nov 22 1713 in the sixtieth year
of her age
The village story says that Lady
Grimcstone persisting in a lifelong de
nial of the existence of a God on her
deathbed declared In answer to the
exhortations of her friends that if
in the other world she found that there
was indeed a God five trees would
grow out of her grave The woman
died and was buried Shortly after
the interment the five little shoots be
gan to appear growing constantly un
til Ihey split the masonry and wrecked
the railing about the tomb New York
Animal Peculiarities
A herd of wild Asian buffaloes will
charge any foe even a tiger to save
the life of one of their number that has
been wounded Elephants baboons
and other animals will do the same
thing in a wild state
On the other hand monkeys have
been known to fall upon one of their
number that is ill and drown him pos
sibly as an act of mercy Similarly
wolves destroy one of the pack that
becomes helpless
If an otter is trapped his brother ot
ters will run around him all night
showing the utmost concern
A writer in the London Spectator
states that he has seen sparrows in
groups discussing and lamenting when
one of their number had fallen into a
trap Next day when a robin was
caught the sparrows paid no attention
He adds that he had seen a big pig
try to help a smaller one through a
hole in the fence paling by pulling at
its head
Chinese Music
The Chinese have eight instruments
for making their ritual music the bell
the flute the drum the sonorous stone
the fife the plume the shield and the
ax The last three make no music but
are used as decoration or emblem in
the musical ceremonies and are enu
merated as musical instruments In
every ceremony there are always two
instruments of each kind sometimes
as many as four or six never an odd
number in order to emphasize the
duality of the Chinese people For in
stance one drum announces the be
ginning of the music and its mate
strikes the last note one bell calls
and its counterpart answers
Why He Felt Happy
Vernon told me this morning re
lated the lady with the cold blue eye
that he passed the tree where two
years ago he carved your initials and
his own and encircled them with a
heart He says he felt so glad he al
most danced for joy
Ah said the tall brunette anxious
ly then he must still love me after
all Did he tell you why he felt so
Yes dear He said some men were
cutting the tree down
A la China
Mamma Come now son and take
your medicine like a good little boy
You know in China all the children
take medicine when well to keep them
from being sick
Little Boy And do they whip the
children in China when they are good
to keep them from being naughty
St Louis Republic
His Strong Point
Managing Director Well and what
are your qualifications for the post of
night watchman Applicant Well
sir for one thing the least noise
wakes me up Illustrated Bits
Poor Holland
Little Ella Im never going to Hol
land when I grow up
Governess Why not
Cause our geography says its a
low lying countri Life
Family Division
Friend So that Is your little boy
He looks very intelligent Proud Mant
ua Just as I was at his age My
laughter now Is more like her fa
her Nos Loislrs
Dr and Mrs llathorn left on No 12
Monday for an extended visit in the
oast Thoy will stop over at Chicago
and Kowanoo 111 and visit Mrs Hath
orns relatives and then proceed to Milo
Maine the old home of Dr llathorn
where many of his relatives reside
While in the east tbo Doctor will at
tend the rounion of bis regiment at
Bangor Maine
Eerry Premer went to Cambridge
Monday and secured two brick layers
to work on the opera house hern which
is to bo completed by October 1st
Street Commissioner Jennings has
done a fine job of grading on one of our
main streets
The gentleman in charge of Smith
Cochrans Store is well liked by the
former patrons of the store
Several Bartley Sports visited Cam
bridge Monday and Wednesday attend
ing the ball games
Postmaster Clatk is well fixed again
and mail business running smoothly
We are informed the insurance company
is trying to avoid part payment of what
they owe him Every business man in
Bartley knows Mr Clark lost twice as
much as he was insured for and see no
reason of the company refusing to fulfill
its obligation
Dr C H Miller is attending to Dr
Hathorns practice now
George Wheeler sold 1000 bushels of
wheat to Jim Sipe Wednesday for 74
cents per bushel
Dr Arbogast and sisters were Cam
bridge visitors Wednesday
If the papers of the county would
publish the primary election law wo be
lieve it would be of great benefit to the
voters generally
Five hobos were arrested at Bartley
Tuesday and one of them sent up for
thirty days for knocking the conductor
of a freight train off the car The pun
ishment seems to us not sufficient for
tho crime
DeArmond and Chandler are yet trying
to settle the question of possession of
DeArmonds farm The lawyers will
get the price of the crop this year
The old meat market was moved this
week and a new store building will be
erected where it stood
Mr and Mrs Mark Roberts loft for
Denver Colo Tuesday evening to look
up another location
The base ball tournament has been
postponed until August 20 21 22 23
John Newman left Tuesday for
Fruita Colo for a vacation and outing
Fred Hall is in charge at tho News
office in John Newmans absence
Misses Dora Mary and Katie Green
way returned from institute in McCook
last Sunday
Mrs Oscar Thomas returned from the
hospital in Lincoln last Wednesday
Word was received from Indianola
that a baby girl was born to Mr and
Mrs Sargent last week
G B Morgan and family left Wednes
day evening for Jamestown Va via
Chicago and New York and from the
latter by the way of the Atlantic to
Jamestown They expect to bo gone
about four weeks
Young Foley and Van Gundy from
Lyle Kans stole a watch from Isaac
Nutt and left town by the way of the
railroad toward Marion where they
were caught by Marshal Rice and
brought back to Danbury and fined 25
and costs Their parents came over
and paid the fine and took the boys
home wiser and to be hoped better boys
Mrs Millie Alvoid aid children left
for their home in Peoria 111 last Mon
Will Yates visited at his homo in
Beaver City the first of this week
It Was Written by Rouget de Lisle In
One Brief Hour
On April 23 1792 Rouget de Lisle
the military engineer who had assum
ed the aristocratic prefix to become an
officer was a guest at a banquet given
by Baron Dietrich first mayor of
Patriotic excitement was at its
height Marchons Aux armes cito
yens were phrases on every lip But
as the champagne went round the la
dles grew weary and pleaded for an
other topic Patriotic songs A hymn
for the army of the Rhine Something
better than the jingling Ca Ira The
host first suggested a public competi
tion and a prize Then he turned to
Rouget de Lisle and asked him to
compose a noble song for the French
Rouget de Lisle tried to excuse him
self Again the champagne passed
round and just as the party broke up
a fellow officer about to quit Strassburg
next day begged De Lisle for a copy of
his forthcoming song
I make the promise on behalf of
your comrade Dietrich replied
Rouget de Lisle reached his lodging
close by but not to sleep His violin
lay on the table Taking it up he
struck a few chords Soon a melody
seemed to grow under his fingers No
sooner had he put down the notes than
he dashed off the words
Thus having In a brief hour secured
for himself an undying name he threw
himself upon his bed and slumbered
heavily Reader Magazine
Wo are having some more warm
Sevoral of our citizens attended the
Chautauqua at Cambridge last Sunday
L B Simmons of Edison came up
last week and visited with his father-in-law
for a short time
Mrs Charles Hoag wont to McCook
Saturday morning for a visit with her
daughter Mrs Gray
Bonnie Smith was a McCook visitor
Sunday night and Monday
Leonard Smith and son Kenneth have
returned from their trip out west
Mrs Andy Lambert living north of
town who has been seriously ill is re
Ernest Crabtree and R E Smith
painters are in sunny KanBas for a
week or two plying their profession
Mrs Simmons and daughter of Edi
son are the guests of C B Hoag and
Miss Milly Walton is the new central
girl Bernice Toogood is Ler assistant
Mrs John R Neel who has been very
sick is convalescing nicely now and
able to be around again
W A Dolan and family attended the
Chautauqua at Cambridge last Sunday
in their new auto
Doctor Mackechniemet with quite an
accident lately while out in his new
automobile enrouto to see a patient
His machine which is a fine new one
broke down when several miles from
homo and had to bo hauled in for re
pairs Luckily the doctor was not
Walker Andrews and two daughters
Nellie and Flossie visited friends in
Indianola Monday
Editor Byfield and wife visited friends
in McCook first of the week
Miss Vira Burgess and Milly Bently
left Tuesday morning for a visit in
The members of the Epworth League
were entertained at the home of Rev
E Smith Tuesday evening in honor of
Mrs Carrol and daughter of Holdrege
Nicholas Colling with his wife and
two children arrived in our city Friday
morning for a visit with friends and re
latives Mr Colling and family have
been visitiug in Cheyenne and Denver
and are on their return trip to their
home in Hastings Iowa
Leonard Smith and force are finish
ing up a second crop of alfalfa hay on
their farm east of town Tho hay is
fine and the weather favorable for
taking care of same
Mrs John Burt is visiting in Iowa
this summer She expects to be away
several weeks
Mrs Annie Lee went to McCook Wed
nesday morning on No 1
Miss Lena Hill left Wednesday morn
ing for Denver where she will resume
her work in tbe hospital She has on
joyed a nice long visit at home this
C II Russells folks are expecting
relatives from Chicago soon
Velton White made a business trip to
McCook Sunday
Joe Carmichael was taken sick the
first of the week with symptoms of
typhoid It is hoped his sickness will
not terminate seriously
Miss Lou Jaynes who is recovering
from a recent illness has gone to Wis
consin to recuperate and visit relatives
R F D Nol
It should be clearly understood that
the government mail boxes and posts
are not hitching posts and must not
be used for that purpose
Mail Clerk Amos Bower returned to
work Sunday after a layoff of about
two weeks at home
F M Kennedy is slowly improving
from his attack a return attack of
blood poisoning
Mr and Mrs Joseph Downs returued
home Monday from a visit of a few
days in Minden where he owns real
estate in that neighborhood Ho may
decide to locate in East McCook
Miss Nettie Endsley is an Indianola
visitor this week
Lester Johnston was shot in the face
one day last week with shot from a
shotgun and painfully injured though
fortunately not severely He had
mounted the chicken house to observe
tho operations of some out-of-season
hunters when one of the party deliber
ately shot at him from a distance with
the result above indicated
Notwithstanding the open season for
chickens does not begin until Septem
ber 15th and closes November 30th and
the quail season from Nov loth to 30th
hunters are already in the field and
the young birds are suffering accord
Little Alice Longnecker has been quite
sick with indigestion but is somewhat
Mr Hatcher has returned from Mc
Cook where he has been taking treat
ment Ho has been much helped
Threshing is over with us at last On
account of rain each night the men
only worked half a day at a time while
the women put in a full day getting
One Thine 1
1 I I
We distinctly aim at in this business is
that every man who knows us or who
reads our ads shall get the idea that this
is the store for
In Merchandise
Wed a good deal rather be known as the
right place for good stuff than as a place
where you get low goods for high prices
We have a few
to sell at LOW price but we have
New Goods
coming in every day at
standard prices
It is always easy to quote CUT prices
hiif it is what thet nrir hnv that TOI IiJT
Izzzz zzz r J
G W Sigwing is having his thresh
ing done this week by llarve Rowland
Cedar Bluffs met Grant on the dia
mond last Sunday and when the smoke
of battle had cleared away the Bluffs
had 18 scores to tho half dozen made
by Grant
There was a dance and ice cream so
cial at tho home of Jacob Wesch last
Saturday night with a good time for
all Charlie Spaulding and John Per
kins were the musicians
E E Ellis is threshing for Jacob
Wesch and son this week
The dance Saturday night was at
tended by many McCook people
Lightning set out a prairie fire Mon
day night northwest of Banksville
The skating rink is now open
G H Harrison is threshing also A
T Wilson and L A Bible
J A Kerr is visiting at home this
Mrs Belle Johnson visited Wednes
day with her daughter Mrs Charley
Nels Wolfe has the best spring wheat
we have heard of this season It went
thirty two bushels to the acre
Rev Kerr gave a very good discourse
last Sunday evening on the subject
Shall I Dance He spoke in a plain
but kind manner and then left it to their
good reasoning if they should dance or
Marriage licenses since last report
Alonzo L Olmsted 23 and Inez J
Styer 1G both of Danbury Married by
county judge Aug 3rd
John H Bur mood 31 and Ola Clark
18 both of Galesburg
Maude When you refused him my
hand papa did he get down on his
knees Pater Well I didnt notice
just where he fell New York MalL
SJsSQQSQ2yS Q3S2lr2j5Zyla
IT 7T1T iO
L -1 i miL i i j
In addition to my shoe department I have ob
tained an expert shoemaker and will do all kinds
of shoe repairing as well as shoes made to order
66 rrj JliOVT
No 8S23
Treiiir fopirtmi ii
Oflice r Comptroller of the Ciirrinrv
Wa hiiigtcju 1 C AuUit 3tii 1107
Whereas I5y evidence presented
to the under iuned it lias been made to appear
the City of McCook in the County of Red il
low and State of Nebraska ha- complied with
all the of the Statute- of the United
State- required to he complied with before an
a ociation shall be authorized to commence
the of Banking
Now TiiLKEFoni J P Kane Deput
and ActiiiK Comptroller of the Cnrreucj do
hereb certify that THEJIi COOKN VTIONAL
BANK in the City of McCook m the Count y
of Red Willow and State of Nebra ka is auth
orized to commence the bu iness of Banking a
provided in Section Fifty one hundred and
nine of the Revised Statute of the United
In- Testimon y Wiicueof witness my hand
and eal of thi oflice this Fifth day of Atiiru t
official Deputy and Acting Comp-
bEAi f trollcr of the Currency
Firtt Auut 1007 Lat October 11 1107
In the county court of Red Willow count
State of Nebra ka In the matter of the estate
of Angelo 1 Welles decea ed
State of Nebra ka Red Willow county ss
To all persons interested in the estate of An
Kelo 1 Welles deceased You are hereby noti
fied that on the sixtii day of August lJOTMatie
G Welles administratrix of the estate of
AiikcIo P decea ed filed in said court
her final account as said administratrix and
that said final account will be heard on the
twentv fourth day of Auti t at the hour of ten
oclock a m at the county court room in the
city of McCook in -aid county and you are
hereby cited to appear at the time and place
above designated and show caus if any
why said account should not be allowed
It is hereby ordered that -aid Mattie U
administratrix give notice to all per ons inter
ested in -aid estate by cau insr a copy of this
order to be published m the McCook Tribune a
newspaper printed and publi hed in said coun
ty for three successive weeks prior to the duty
set for -aid hearing-
Dated this Itth day of August 1007
sEAi J C Mooke County Judge
nWt jO