The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 09, 1907, Image 5

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No 1
Time Card
McCook Neb
No 17C nrrivos Mountain Time
r - t 1- i
esTawrgpw ma uakissKsswier rrasi
0 P M
518 A M
715 A M
1000 r M
710 i si
MoutitaiuTimo 800 A M
115S P M
S30 P M
951 A M
1220 A M
p m
615 A M
flOKHWirui i c
Sleeping liuing aim recuuiuK -seats
froo on through trams Tickots sold
and baBgano checked to any point in the Unitea
States or Canada -
For information time tables maps and tick
ets call on or writo Georeo gco Agent Mc
Cook Nebraska or L W Wakoley General
Passenger Agont Omaha Nobraska
Thoy broke in tho 137 Wednesday
G G Powell of the machinist force is
on the sick list
The wheel boring machine is broken
and out of service
New helpers N K Nelson L B
Thomas C B Sears
The 326 is being given new driving
brasses etc this week
Engine 620 is down on her wheels and
had her valves set yesterday
E S Lonr has been transferred from
Minden to Herndon Kansas
Mr and Mrs C A DeLoy are spend
ing a short vacation in Denver
Arthur Perry of Havelock has been
visiting McCook friends this week
Apprentice George Eckhart is visiting
in Hastings a few days of this week
Conductor and Mrs Geo Martin are
in the mountains on a short vacation
The east boiler of the heating plant is
being given a eet of now flues this week
Engines 650 and 653 from Lincoln will
be given a general overhauling here
Engineer and Mrs William Deere are
entertaining Andrew and Violet Fisher
this week
Mr and Mrs J W Hasty and child
ren spent a few days this week in
M L Search was laid off a few days
on account of a strain but is back at
work again
Early Again The pay car is bulletin
ed for Wednesday afternoon August 14
at sis oclock
Engine 148 has been transferred from
the machineshop to the round house and
will be out soon
Tom OConnell has returned from
Illinois and is clerking in the master
mechanics office
Engineer W C Schenck is off on a
two weeks vacation and Engineer Walter
Stokes is on his run
Stone and broken stone are being un
loaded in the yard for a new cinder pit
which will be excavated south of the
present pit
George Bunger has returned to Mc
Cook from Denver where he has had a
position for some time and i3 now work
ing in the roundhouse here
Brakeman A S Fritter and C P
Malen retired this week from the
companys employ without opposition
oa the part of the company
Two Colorado Southern passenger
engines passed through McCook yes
terday Four freight engines for tho
same company went through last week
The company is storing about ten
thousand tons of coal at this point Part
of it is Illinois coal and is being stored
east of the viaduct The Colorado coal
will be located west of the viaduct in
the usual place This is much larger
amount than usual
The clause I dont care a fig Is a
case of mistaken Identity The proper
expression Is I dont care a fieo
The word flco means a snapping of the
fingers to denote contempt Shake
speare used it In Its proper- significance
wnen ho wrote A fico for ths
WLH jrfttiMjmi
What Books Shall We Read
There is no reading more wholesome
within temperate bounds than tho
novel Inclination is a guide to follow
in rending ns in other pursuits with
extromest caution and there is one
favorite direction in which wo can never
trust it safely that is down the smooth
way of indolent amusement
There is a high region in all depart
ments of literature which every reader
who cares to make tho most of himself
and tho best of lifo ought to penetrate
and become in some measure acquainted
with whatever his porsonal leanings
may be It is tho region of the great
and good books
The literature that is weighted with
the fruits of tho genius of Thackeray
Dickens Geo Eliot Scott Hawthorne
and Defoe is a great instrument of
pleasure as well as education To be
put into companionship with Adam
Bode to look on Saxon England with
the imagination of Kingeley on eight
eenth century England with the sym
pathetic understanding of Thackeray
on Puritan Massachusetts with Haw
thorne is to enlarge the little region of
our personal horizon with acquaintance
of characters and places worth while
Among the historical works if you
would comprehend modern history you
should read Gibbons Decline and Fall
of the Roman Empire Though it is
old nothing supersedes it
Parkmans splendid work on the
French in America is interestingly
Our chief dependence is on books to
bring us into intercourse with picked
choice examples of human kind Plut
archs Lives are studies of great char
acters of antiquity and models to this
day of their kind Exceptionally in
teresting and wholesome for boys is
the Life of Engineers by Smiles
These and many others you will find
in the public library shelves
Open mornings 1030 to 12 After
noons 130 to 6 Evening to 9 Sun
day 2 to 5
Acting Librarian
Wanted 50 Men and Women
C R Wood worth Co the enter
prising druggists are advertising to day
for fifty men and women to take ad
vantage of the special half price offer
they are making on Dr Howards cele
brated specific for the cure of constipa
tion and dyspepsia and get a fifty cent
package at half price 25 cents
So positive are they of the remarkable
power of this specific to cure these dis
eases as well as sick headache and
liver troubles that they agree to refund
the money to any customer whom this
medicine does not quickly relieve and
With Dr Howards specific at hand
you can eat what you want and have
no fear of ill consequences It strength
ens the stomach gives perfect digestion
regulates the bowels creates an appetite
and makes life worth the living
This is an unusual opportunity to ob
tain 60 doses of the best medicine ever
made for half its regular price with the
personal guarantee of a well known bus
iness firm to refund the money if it does
not give satisfaction
If you cannot call at C R Wood
worth Cos store to day send them
25 cents by mail and they will send you
a package promptly charges paid
C R Woodwroth Co have been
able to secure only a limited supply of
the specific so great is the demand
and you should not delay taking ad
vantage of the liberal offer they are
making this week
A Guaranteed Cure For Piles
Itching Blind Bleeding or Protrud
ing Piles Druggists refund money if
Pazo Ointment fails to cure any case
no matter of how long standing in 6tol4
days First application gives ease and
rest 50c If your druggist hasnt it
send 50o in stamps and it will be for
warded postpaid by Paris Medicine Co
St Louis Mo
You Can Save About OneHaf the Price of the Range by Contracting Now Why Miss the Opportunity
County Commissioners Proceedings
McCook Nebraska July 23 1107
The board of equalization mot pursuant to
adjournment present C 11 Gray F S Lofton
and S Ireiner coiniiiibaiouers I E Kceder
attorney and E J Wilcox clerk
Tho minutes were read and on motion approv
The board having completed the equalization
of assessments find the total assessed value of
tho real and personal property of Red Willow
county as returned by tho assessors and equal
ized by the board of equalization for tho year
1007 to bo 200342100 On motion the levy of
taxes for the year 1907 were made as follows
County general fund 9 mills Hartley village
bond 5 mills
County bridge fund 4 mills North Valley
precinct bond 1 mill
County road fund 2 mills Willow Grove pre
cinct bond
McCook City Bond 2 mills due in 1911 1 mill
McCook City Sewer bond 2 mills
School district bond levies for the year 1907
Dist Levy Dist Levy Dist Levy Dist Levy
2 15 0 5 10 8 17 5
20 10 34 2 30 4 28 7
44 8 48 0 49 2 52 3
57 3 51 8 61 7 65 6
71 8 82 10 83 6 22 7
42 3 54 8 70 4
On motion board adjourned to meet sine die
E J Wilcox C 13 Gray
Clerk Chairman
McCook Nebraska July 25 1907
The board of county commissioners met
pursuant to adjournment present C B Grayf
F S Lofton and S Premer commissioners
P E Reeder attorney and E J Wilcox clerk
Tho minutes of previous meeting were read
and approved
Moved by Premer and seconded by Lofton
that tho claim of Eflio M Gossard for 32082
for salary as deputy county treasurer of Red
Willow county from January 7th to June 15
1907 be rejected Motion carried unanimous
Tho following claims were audited and allow
ed and clerk was instructed to draw warrants
on the county general fund thereof as follows
H J Arbogast registrar 2nd quarter 2 75
W H Sinith same 3 75
WAMiddleton same 13 75
Peter Miesen repairing conrt house
damaged by tornado 38 50
M Hogan samo 27 50
Polk Bros same 5 25
H P Waite Cosame 4 15
Gus Marquad same 1 50
Barnett Lumber Co same 29 50
John Condon same 1 00
Above damages fully covered by insurance
John W Green typewriting for bond ex
aminer 1 00
ESByfield printing 4 00
C B Gray services as county commiss
ioner and mileage 32 40
F S Lofton same 20 20
S Premer samo 34 95
And on the county road fund levy of 1907 as
R A Watkins road work 18 00
On motion tho board adjourned to meet Aug
ust 6 1907 Attest
E J Wilcox C B Gray
County Clerk Chairman
Real Estate Transfers
The following real estate filings have
been made in the county clerks office
since our last report
United States to John W Relph pat to
seqr 30-1-29
William G Jones and wife to Charles
A Leach w d to lot 4 blk 10 Willow
Grove McCook 330 00
Daniel B Doyle and wife to Everett H
Rutledge wd to sw qr S4 29 1100 00
J G Evers and wife to John C Fleming
wdtonhf nc qr 13-1-28 2200 09
Edward M Bigelow and wife to Isaac
M Smith wd to lot 7 and s hf lot 8
blk 1 McCook 2S60 00
John O Miller single to Peter Foxen
wd to s hf sw qr 12-3-30 2000 00
Clinton B Sawyer and wife to Minnie
A Everest wd to lot 7 and 8blk 14
McCook 1300 00
Charles F Lehn and wife to Ella Lee
wd to lot 7 blk 33 2nd McCook 1300 00
Jacob Kern and wife to Charles F
Lehn wd to lot 7 blk 33 2nd McCook 1500 00
Lincoln Land Co to Burris H Stewart
w d to lot 1 and n hf lot 2 blk 6 2nd
McCook 2S7 50
Isabel Helen Floyd Jones to Herman
Bohling wd to se qr and e hf nw qr
and whf no qr 8-1-28 7010 00
P O Johnson and wife to J L Sims and
J G Evers wd to n hf no qr 13 and s
hf sw qr se qr 4 all in 1 28 2500 00
Lillie Robinson single to Isaac A Ly
man wd to lots 7 8 9 10 in D
therPark Bartley 325 00
John O Miller sing to Lewis A Burg
wd to w hf nw qr 13-3-30 2250 00
United States to Hiram Thrailkill pat
to no qr 27-4-30
Harvard Giddings and wife to Glenn
A Sommerville wd to e hf ne qr 32
nw qr nw qr 33 in 3 30 1000 00
Henry Northrupsing to Mary E Simp
son wd to n hf 20 and s hf sw qr 17
4 30 6000 00
Charles E Thomas and wife to John
M Thomas vrd to seqr 29-1-26 4800 03
For Sale A lot of household goods
708 Manchester ave 8 6 2t
Mrs E Hanson
For Sale A five room dwelling fine
lawn trees etc C M Kent phone red
218 8 9 2ts
For Sale A four ton Fairbanks scale
in good condition tf
Barnett Lumber Co
For Sale Residence 80G Madison
street Bargain Inquire of F W Bos
worth owner tf
For Sale A granary holds a thous
and bushels Also ono 8 inch thresh
ing machine belt 8 2 2t
Mrs J A Snyder
910 McFarland st
For Rent Two furnished rooms
Inquire at the Monte Cristo It
Girl Wanted For general house
work Apply to Mrs C B Gray tf
For Sale Two woven wire bed
springs Phone black 46 or call at 806
Marshall street In good condition and
will be sold cheap
Girl Wanted To work for board and
attend school Modern home one block
from brick school house Country girl
Mrs L M Best phone 91
Homer H Mcintosh and wife to F B
Hudson wd to sw qr 7-2-30 2800 00
Catharine Snyder wid to James R
Jackson wd to lot 5 blk -10 2nd Mc
Cook 350 00
Edgar Floyd Jones tr to Isabel Helen
Floyd Jones trust deed to so qr w
hf no qr and e hf nw qr 8-1-28 1 00
Board Regents of University of Nebr
to William Byfleld spwd to sw qr so
qr and s hf sw qr 18 and lot 1 blk 19
3 28 3100 60
Stephen D Bolles Jr for Sheriff
The friends of Stephen D Bolles Jr
of Box Elder are earnestly and enthus
iastically urging him for nomination on
the republican ticket for the office of
county sheriff Steve has spent all of
his life in Red Willow county and is
well known to all as a conscientious and
and capable young man who would
give a good account of himself in that
office He presents his case for the
careful consideration of the voters of
the county
How a Flea Jumps
It is said that a flea leaps 200 times
its height and while It usually does
land on its feet it often fails especial
ly when it falls on a perfectly smooth
surface where the claws can get only
a slight hold A flea has sis legs
whose great length and bulk make
them so heavy that they must be a
great help In keeping their owner right
side up when it makes one of those
gigantic jumps and when It lands up
side down or in some other way its
ability to kick is so great that not more
than one wriggle is needed to set things
right A fleas wings are mere scales
ond of no use But small and worth
less as they are they tell the entomolo
gist something about the proper classi
fication of the insect To the flea itself
they have no value St Nicholas
Polishing Small Articles
It is said that a high polish may be
obtained after nickel plating on small
steel articles such as screws by tum
bling them with leather and dry rouge
The articles are placed in a tumbling
barrel with leather scraps Some dry
rouge is put into the barrel along with
tho screws and leather and the whole
tumbled for some time The rouge
coats the surface of the leather and
causes it to act like a polishing wheel
Canvas scraps may be used in place of
Lady to Irish gardener who
obliges by the day Well Dan and
what do I owe yu for today Dan
Sure maam Id sosner be taking the
half crown youd be offering me than
the 2 shillings Id be asking of you
iinii i hum
WITH THE DIRECT ACTION RANGE which we expect to handle from A to i cents worth of gas will bake biscuit and from 3 to 4 cents worth
will bake eight loves of bread Considering cost and convenience can you afford to be without a gas range
The mains are now being laid and before this reaches the public the pipes will be laid past many of your doors and we will be ready to make the
service connections which will cost you only 5 if you are among the first hundred subscribers To secure this advantage contracts must be signed If ij
you contemplate using gas why delay
Dont hesitate about asking for information whether you expect to become a customer or not
P S HEATON Mnnayer r
vj d
S vO
- 1 1
mm kMwk
wW mywm
mr swell dresser
a doctor a few day s ago met ak
gentleman on the street
why major i am glad to see you
how are yot feeling
pretty well for an old man an
swered the major
old man asked the doctor
why yes i am nearly sixty
you certainly dont look it
o thats because i get the kind of
clothes that make ou look younger
where do you go
Make your friend a birthday present of some
We have an excellent line of samples from
which you can choose embossed in one
or two colors or in bronze or gold any
letters or combination of letters Call and
see samples of the monograms and stock
The TRIBUNE Office