Barber Shop Hear of ist National Hank Tfcwly Furnished and First Class In Every Particular Earl Murray MicMleton Ruby PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING All work guaranteed Phono 182 McCook Nebraska JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTRACTEB McCook Nebraska SSaVgont of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook Wator Works Ofllco in Postofllco building YOU WOULD DO WELL TO SEE J M Rupp FOR ALL KINDS OF Rp WOfk P O Box 131 McCook Nebraska McCook Laundry G C HECKMAN Prop Dry and Steam Cleaning and Pressing GATEWOOD VAHUb DENTISTS Office over McAdams Store Phone 190 n w 69 I J C BALL McCook AGENT FOR THE CELEBRATED Fairbury Hanchett Windmill This is a warranted and guaran teed windmill nothing better in the market Write or call on Mr Ball before buvinr 9 PHONE BLACK 307 List Your Property With Us Farms Ranches Etc Our office is in the east and we bring the buyers direct with the money For par ticulars address SHURTLEFF DOWNING Humboldt Neb Greai Lumber and Goal Center Home of Quality and Quantity where W C BULLARD sells THE BEST LUM BER AND COAL Are you thinking of building If so it is ten to one our figures will please you M O McCLURE Phone No 1 Manager BrHerbertJPra Registered Graduate Dentist Office over McConnells Drug Store McCOOK NEB Telephones Office 160 residence 131 Former location Atlanta Georgia CAPT BARRETT PKACTICAIi Architect and Builder Repairing and Remodeling Buildings a Specialty McCOOK - NEBEASKA fc Shop Fhone asi 4WW muwSS kW The crap Book The Ways of Congressmen It was at a banquet In Washington given to a large body of congressmen mostly from the rural districts The tables were elegant and It was a scene of fairy splendor so to speak but on one table there were no decorations but palm leuves v Here said a congressman to the head waiter why dont you put them things on our tables too pointing to the plants The head waiter didnt know he was a congressman Wo calnt do it boss he whispered confidentially deys mostly congress men at all do tables ceptln dat ono nn If we put pams on dere tables dey take urn for celery an eat urn all up sho Deed dey would boss We knows em MORTALITY Ashes to ashes dust to dust What of his loving What of his lust What of his passion What of his pain What of his poverty What of his pride Earth tho great mother has called him again Deeply ho sleeps the worlds verdict de- Ji Shall e he tried again Shall he go free Who shall tho court convene Whero shall It be No answer on tho land none from tho sea Only wo know that as ho died wo must You with your theory you with your trust Ashes to ashes dust unto dust Paul Laurence Dunbar College Days There was once a Yale sophomore who found himself in financial straits and pawned all his good clothes A little before Thanksgiving he got a big check from home When he got home for the holidays the first thing his mother took out of the trunk was an overcoat and on it was pinned the pawnbrokers ticket he had forgotten to remove Hastily grabbing the ticket he said nello They must have forgotten to tnfce this off at the Smith dance when I left It in the cloakroom A moment later his mother took out his evening trousers They also had a ticket on them Why Reginald she said surely you didnt leave these in the cloak room too did you Lipplncotts After Many Trials He was a sad faced American tourist and as he seated himself In a London restaurant he was Immediately attend ed by an obsequious waiter I want two eggs said the Ameri can one fried on one side and one on the other Ow Is that sir asked the as tounded waiter Two eggs one fried on one side and one on the other Very well sir The waiter was gone several min utes and when he returned his face was a study Would you please repeat your hor der sir I said very distinctly two eggs one fried on one side and one on the other Oppressive silence and then a dazed Very well sir This time he was gone longer and when he returned he said anxiously Would It be awsklng too much sir to ave you repeat your horder sir I cawnt think I ave It right sir y know Two eggs said the American sadly and patiently one fried on one side and one on the other More oppressive silence and another and fainter Very well sir This time he was gone still longer When he returned his collar was un buttoned his hair disheveled and his face scratched and bleeding Leaning over the waiting patron he asked be seechingly Would you mind tyklng boiled heggs sir Ive ad some words with the cook Ladles Home Journal Kissing the Girls Senator Vance once stumped North Carolina in joint debate with Judge Settle the Republican candidate for the governorship All the white Dem ocrats turned out to hear Vance and the colored Republicans to hear Settle At the conclusion of the speaking one day Vance was told that a number of young women had expressed a desire to kiss the Democratic candidate He stepped down from the platform and kissed a dozen or so of the pretty young women when he stopped long enough to turn around to his competi tor and shout Im kissing my girls Settle now you kiss yours Anno Domino When Senator Vest was old and broken In health he once compared his state to that of a very old negro he remembered back in Kentucky See here Sam asked the negros friend whats the matter with you Dont know boss said the old darky but I think dat I am wif anno domino The Indispensable Man When old Zach Taylor came into the presidency persons in Washington soon began to tell him there was one public servant the government couldnt do without They said they had come to express the hope that the old gen eral and rather unexperienced presi dent would permit them to Inform him of it This piece of information and advice was systematically dropped into his ear at frequent intervals At first he paid little attention to It but finally took note of the fact that a certain John Hobby who for twenty odd years had held the important office of assistant postmaster general was tne official the government couldnt get along without The communications became so frequent that one day aa the last man disappeared old Zach broke out with this question Captain Harry who In the devil Is this man Hobby everybody Is saying we cant get along without The general was informed about the official We must attend to the case at once We are liable to be in trouble about him any day We must be prepared He is liable to die on our hands and then the devil will be to pay Seems to me the man who cant be spared Is the one to turn out while the govern ment is in a condition to meet the emergenej Turn Hobby out Captain Harry and dont wait Well see whether or not he cant be spared Attend to tho business at once cap tolul Nature Study With a heart attuned to nature study a little Hungarian girl In the Canadian northwest exclaimed Yah teacher Its certain beautiful on our prairie where the birds and the small sheep run about raw It Is this girls brother who states Tlumage is the fo liage of a parrot or hen Century The Humorous Governor When Wolcott was governor of Mas sachusetts his youngest sou Oliver was In one of the primary classes of a school The teacher was one day asking questions of her little pupils to give them a chance to show what they knew about one thing and another for the entertainment of a lady who was visiting the school and she finally in quired Can nny one tell me who Is the gov ernor of Massachusetts No one could tell not even little Oliver The teacher then told every one of the pupils when he got home to ask his father so as to be ready to tell her the next day Accordingly when the class assembled tho following morning she gave out the question calling on Oliver to see what he might have to say about It Oliver answered Pa says hes the governor But I dont bellevo it cause hes always making fun of everythin He Won the Pie When Barham the author of Tho Ingoldsby Legends was a boy at Can terbury he in company with a juve nile companion entered a Quakers meeting house and looking around at the grave assemblage held up a penny tart and said solemnly Whoever speaks first shall have this pie Go thy way said a drab colored gentle man rising go thy way and The pies yours sir exclaimed Barham and hastily dropping it before the speaker made his escape Not For Him A quiet and retiring citizen occupied a seat near the door of a crowded car when a masterful stout woman en tered Having no newspaper behind which to hide he was fixed and subjugated by her glittering eye He rose and offered his place to her Seating herself with out thanking him she exclaimed in tones that reached to the farthest end of the car What do you want to stand up there for Come here and sit on my lap Madam gasped the mau as his face became scarlet I beg your par don I-I- What do you mean shrieked the woman You know very well I was speaking to my niece there behind you Ladles Home Journal The Host Could Not Leave At a large evening party one of the guests stood In a corner yawning Are you very much bored sir ask ed his neighbor Yes dreadfully was the answer And you Oh I am bored to death too How would it do to clear out to gether I am sorry I cant I am the host Stantons Bone Crusher Some officer had disobeyed or failed to comprehend an order I believe Ill sit down said Secre tary Stanton and give that man a piece of my mind Do so said Lincoln write him now while you have it on your mind Make it sharp Cut him all up Stanton did not need a second Invi tation It was a bone crusher that he read to the president Thats right said Lincoln thats a good one Who can I send It by mused the secretary Send It replied Lincoln send it Why dont send it at all Tear it up You have freed your mind on the subject and that is all that is neces sary Tear it up You never want to send such letters I never do A Discrepancy Two sailors one Irish the other Eng lish agreed to take care of each other in case of either being wounded In the battle of Trafalgar It was not long before the Englishmans leg was shot off by a cannon ball and Faddy took him up to carry him to the doctor ac cording to their agreement but had scarcely got his companion on his back when a second ball struck off the poor fellows head Paddy through the noise and bustle had not perceived his friends last misfortune but continued to make the best of his way to the sur geon An officer observing him with the headless trunk asked him whero he was going To the doctor says Paddy The doctor says the officer Why the man has lost his head n hearing this the Irishman laid the body down and looked at it attentively Thats strange he said more than strange Why he told me twas his leg- CURIOUS CAIRO Th Water Sellers Coffee Makers and Fakirs of the Streets The most numerous and also the most Interesting of street figures In Cairo are the water sellers some of whom go about with hideous looking goatskins filled Avltli Nile water Others carry more Inviting looking reddish clay jars decorated with brass bands and these jars often have a piece of ice at their mouth and a sprig of mint protruding on either side of tee ice The carrier with the goatskin calls out his mission but the other with the jar carries in his left hand two brass saucers which he clinks to gether with a sort of musical jingle The water In either case Is not filtered but is taken straight from the Nile and the purchasers are all natives who pay a fraction of a penny for all they are able to drink The street sellers of coffee are every where squatting about on the pave ments In the most unexpected places Their outfits comprise merely a kettle of charcoal a small copper coffee cup with a long handle two or three small bowls of china and a supply of coffee and sugar It takes one only a few minutes to brew a fresh cup and as Turkish coffee goes that brewed by the street seller is not really bad The ever present conjurer is worth stopping to watch although the tricks are in most part generally on the or der of conjurers tricks in other coun tries The most interesting part of their paraphernalia is their sign which is a small live rabbit The moment the performance begins the little ani mal rolls over to all appcaram os dead but Avhen some ten iniurUs later all of the tricks have been done some of which are admittedly more or less puzzling up jumps the little rabbit as chipper and gay as ever It is claimed that the ego of the rabbit leaves the body for the express purpose of assist ing the conjurer and one for a mo ment is inclined to give credence to this while watching the performance and after having seen the rabbit go into its trance Harriet Quimby in Leslies Weekly ORIGINAL GOTHAM The Scheme by Which Its Inhabitants Fooled King John This name Gotham was first applied to the city of Manhattan in a book of humorous sketches called Salmagun di written about 1807 by Washington Irving in collaboration with his broth er Peter and the poet Paulding It was evidently Intended to suggest that the people of New York made un due pretensions to wisdom and that there were both satire and wit in the suggestion Is shown by the story of the original Gothamites Gotham was a parish in Nottinghamshire England The old story tells how King John wished to pass through the parish but the people there fancying that the passage of the king over a route made It a public road decided to prevent the transit by all pretending to be crazy Therefore when the king and his party arrived they found every one of the inhabitants employed in some peculiar ly foolish task Thus a group were joining hands around a thorn bush to keep a cuckoo from getting away some were trying to drown an eel others dipping water with a sieve and so on When the king saw these perform ances he swore at the people for a pack of idiots and turning departed with all his retinue says tho House keeper The Gothamites were delight ed with the success of their scheme for turning aside the king regarding it as superlatively clever After this Gotham came to have the reputation of being a sort of headquar ters for conceited fools In the time of Henry VIII a book entitled The Mer ry Tales of the Mad Men of Gotham was published Among these was the story of the Three Wise Men of Gotham one of whose exploits was to go to sea in a bowl A Tempest In a Teapot The expression a tempest in a tea pot is one of great antiquity Its first historic appearance is in the De Legibus of Cicero who quotes It as a common saying Gratidius raised a tempest in a ladle as the saying is The French form Une tempete dans uue verre deau a tempest in a glass of water was first applied to the dis turbances in the Geneva republic near the end of the seventeenth century In England the word teapot was sub stituted for the sake of alliteration It is said to have been popularized by Lord North who employed it to char acterize the outbreak of the American colonists against the tax on tea Bos ton Post His Slim Chance You can answer me one more ques tion perhaps Miss Bute said Archie mortified at her refusal Is there any other man There is every other man sir she responded Avith flashing eyes You would be absolutely the last Mr Feathertop As there appeared to be no further business before the house Archie has tily adjourned without form Chicago Tribune Her Bread Mean thing exclaimed Mrs New liwed Its just brutal of you to call it this stuff You said youd be glad If I baked my own bread Yes dear replied the great brute but I didnt say I wanted you to bake mine Philadelphia Press Usually Newed Dont you believe marriage broadens a man Oldwed Well I dont know about that but it usually makes him shorter Cleveland Plain Dealer ORDER OF HEARING ON PROBATE OF WILL In tho county court of Red Willow county Nebrnika In tho nintter of the estate of Edgar II Ev ans deceased On rending and filing the petition of J E Kol lcy praying that the instnunmit tiled on tho fith day of July K07 and purporting to bo a duly authenticated cony of tho lust will and testa ment of tho sifid deceased may bo proved ap proved probated allowed and recorded us tlio last will and testniuent of tho said Edgar II Evans deceased late of Roston Massachusetts Ordered that July JO lJO at one oclock p in is assigned for hearing said petition and all person s interested in said matter may appear at the county court to be held in and for said county and show cause why tlio prater of said petitioner should not be granted and it is fur ther ordered that notice of the pendency of said petition and tho hearing thereof bo given to all persons interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in tho McCook Tribune a weekly newspajer printed in said county for three successive weeks prior to said duto of hearing Dated July S 1jOT J C Mourn seal County Judge NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of tlio Interior hind ollico at Lincoln Neb July l 1107 Notice is hereby given that Anton fiiesport of St Ann Neb has filled notice of his intention to make final five year proof in support of his claim viz Homestead Entry No VZXVi made August 18 It for the SEi4 NX and Lots Section Township 5 n Range 30 w and that said jiroof will Ih inndo before tho Clerk of District Court at McCook Nebraska on August 17 1107 Ho names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and culti vation of tho hind viz Jo eph Anderjo kn John Thomas Fitzgibbons John lirauii all of St Ann Nebraska 7-12-fit Ciiah F Sunni Register NOTICE William If Trinkles Trinkles his wife 1rst real name unknown defendants will take notice that on tho 15th day of July 1J07 Jane E Whitney plaintiif filed her petition against said defendants and Frank Whitney defendant in tho district court of Red Willow county Ne braska the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certificate of tax sale issued Dec 4 1101 to plaintilT upon payment by plaintiff of the delinquent taxes on the following described premises commencing 100 feet south of tho north east corner of lot 4 block 10 in West Mc Cook of Red Willow county Nebraska accord ing to the recorded plat thereof thence west 110 feet thenco south 100 feet thence east 1IU teot thence north 100 feet to tho pinto of beginning for the years lSisJ to lKX inclusive and to fore close the taxes paid under said certificate on said premises for tho years 1102 to 10 inclusive that there is duo thereon tho sum of 1331 and plaintiif prays that sho bo decreed to havo first lien upon said real estate therefor and 10 ier cent thereof as attorneys fees for a degreo fore closing siiid lien and that said premises be decreed to ho sold to satisfy tho amount duo thereon and that defendants first aforesaid he compelled to set up in said action whatever interest they claim in said premises or ho for ever barred of any interest therein and for general relief You are required to answer said petition on or before Monday tho 2ttth day of August lJ07 Dated July 15 1107 Jane E Whitney Plaintiir t By W S Morlaii Her Attorney NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION The partnership hitherto existing between J O Hammond and A G Rump under the title of Tho McCook Cement Stone Co has been dis solved All accounts are due and payable to either Mr Hammond or Mr Rump Claims against tho company must bo presented within thirty davs J O Hammond McCook Neb July 18 1007 A G Rump Feb 30 There Is such a date as Feb 30 If one only happens to be in the right place at the right time This date was actu ally recorded says London Notes and m ries during the voyage of the Pa cLo Mall companys steamer Siberia from Yokohama to San Francisco in February 1901 It is well known that in order to make the number of sun rises and sunsets actually experienced in a voyage round the world agree with the calendar as kept in any one spot an extra day has to be Interca lated or heaved overboard accord ing to the direction in which one is traveling The adjustment is made at the time of crossing the one hundred and eightieth meridian which runs somewhat to the west of the midway point between Japan and the Pacific coast of America hence the passen gers had a day to themselves In a par ticularly exclusive sense All ladies appreciate suggestions for receipts patterns and formulas by other ladies because the ideas are practical The Weekly Inter Ocean prints Beven columns of such information each week This paper is 100 a year but subscrib ing through the Tribune the two papers will cost only SlOb A stone house Is not as durable as one that Is built of brick A brick house well constructed will outlast one built of granite CITY LODGE DIRECTORY A F 4 A M McCook Lodgo No 135 A Ffc A M moots every first and third Tuesday of tho mouth at 800 p in in Masonic hall Chahles L Fahnehtock W M Lon Conk Sec PKOREBOP honor McCook Lodge No 3 D of II meota ovory second nud forth Fridays of each month atSKW p in in Gmischows hall Mas Laura Osiiukn C of II Mas MattibG Wells Rec BAG MM McCook Anrio No 1511 F O E inooUi tlio second and fourth Wednonlajs of each month atSU pm in iantchows hall Social meet ings ou the llrbt ami third Wednesdays W II Cummins V Pre II P Ieteuson W Sec EASTERN HTAit Eureka Chapter No feti O E S moots tho second and fourth Fridays of each mouth at 800 p in in Masonic hall Mrs Sarah E Kay W M Sylvester Cokdeal Sec KNIGHTS OK COLUMHUH McCook Council No 1120 K of C moots tho first nud third Tuesdays of each month atSC0 p in in Ganschows hall C J Ryan G K F G Lechleiter F Sec KNIGHTS OK PYTHIAS McCook Lodge No 42 K of P moots every Wednesday atS30 p in in Masonic hall J F Coudeal C C C W Barnes K R 5 KNIGHTS TEMPLAR St John Commnndery No lt K T meets ou the second Thursday of each month at S00 p in in Musouic hall Emerson Hanson EC Sylvester Cordeal Rec locomotive engineers McCook Division No 7J3 11 of L I J meets overy first and third Saturday of each mouth at 8 00 in Horrys hall W C SciiBNOK C K W D IURNETT F A E LOCOMOTIVE firemen McCook Lodgo No 5W II of L F it K meetsevory Saturdayat800 i in iu Gana chows hall W II Pennington M W S Rixler Soc modern woodmen Noble Camp No CC3 M W A moots overy second and fourth Thursday of each mouth at 830 p in in Ganschows hall John Hunt V O Harney Hofer Clerk odd fellows McCook Lodgo No 137 1 O O F meets ovory Monday at 800 p in iu Ganschows hall E II Doan N O Scott Doan Soc p e o Chapter X P E O meets tho second aLd fourth Saturdays of each month at tiiO p in at the homes of the various members Mrs C W Britt Pros Mrs J G Sciiobel Cor Sec railway conductors Harvey Division No 97 O R C meets the Becond and fourth Sundays of each month at 300 p m in Berrys hall Joe Hegenberger C Cou M O McClure Sec RAILWAY TRAINMEN C W Broason Lodgo No 487 B of R T meets every Friday at 800 p in in Berrys hall II WConoveeM F J Hcston Sec E A M King Cyrns Chapter No 35 R A M meets overy first and third Thursday of each month at S 00 p m in Masonic hall Clarence B Gray II P Clinton B Sawyer Sec ROYAL NEIGHHOES Noble Camp No 62 R N A meets every second and fourth Thursday of each month at 230 p m in Ganschows hall Mes Maey Walker Oracle Mrs Adgdsta Anton Rec r s M Council Nol6RSSMmcetSOn the last Saturday of each month at S0Q pm in Masonic hall Ralph A Hagiierg T I M Syvlestee Cordeal Sec WORKMEN McCook Lodgo No 61 AOUW meets every Monday at 800 p m in Berrys hall Web Stephens M W C B Gray Rec The Kansas City Weekly Star The most comprehensive farm paper All the news intelligently told Farm questions answered by a practical farmer and exper imenter Exactly what you want in market reports One Year 25 cents Address JHE WEEKLY STAR Kansas City Mo p 4 rfk a Wrek hOr ft1 f I I knriNVESTFBl I in a Stock Certificate of the McCook Building Loan Association Xo better or safer investment is open to you An investment of 100 per month for 120 months will earn 80 nearly 9 percent compounded annually Dont delay but see the secretary today Subscriptions r e ceived at any time for the new stock just opened I I i 2 i f I