The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 12, 1907, Image 4

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s Mtftw
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
I horoby announce to the Republicans
of Rod Willow County that I shall bo a
candidate for tho oflico of county treas
urer on tho Republican ticket at tho
primary elections to bo held on Tuesday
Soptomber J 1007 I have had twonty
thrco years of an active business ox-
porionco in store and bank and feel
confident that 1 can handle tho affairs
of tho oflico with credit to myself and
tho Republican party Respectfully
AL Cochrane Bartloy Nob
District Judge
I hereby announce myself as a candi
date for renomination as judge of the
Fourteenth judicial district of Nebras
ka on tho Republican ticket subject to
tho decision of tho Republican primaries
to bo hold Sept 3 1907
Rohert C Omt
I M Beardsleo candidate for county
treasurer solicits tho support of tho elec
tors in tho Republican primaries
For County Judge
I horoby announce myself a candidate
for re election to tho office of County
Judge on tho Republican ticket With
a high appreciation of tho splendid vote
given mo two years ngo and with a
purpose to rendor the best sorvice posi
blo if re elected I respectfully request
tho consideration of all Republicans at
tho coming Primary Election
J C Moore
Tyrone Precinct Juno 19th 1907
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for -the office of county assessor of Red
Willow county Nebr on tho republican
ticket subject to tho decision of repub
lican primary election to be held Tues
day Sept 3rd 1907
I have had 7 years experience as an
assessor and deputy
T A Endlsey
Red Willow Precinct
Temporarily in Valley Grange
JnneGtb 1907
I hereby announce to the Republicans
of Red Willow county that I shall bo a
candidate for the office of County Clerk
on the Republican ticket at the Prim
ary Election to be held on Tuesday
September 3 1907
I respectfully ask the consideration of
the Republican electors of the county
Stuart B McLean
MoCook Neb April 26 1907
I respectfully announce that I will
be a candidate for the office of Clerk
of the District Court of Red Wil
low county on the Republican ticket
subject to the decision of tho Repub
lican Primaries to be held on Tuesday
September 3 1907
Chester A Rodgers
Valley Grange Prect April 26 1907
I respectfully announce that I will be
a candidate for the office nf county
treasurer of Red Willow county on the
republican ticket at the primary election
Tuesday September 3 1907
If elected will give up present occupa
tion and personally attend to the duties
of the office
Justin A Wilcox
McCook Nebraska May 2 1907
I wish to announce to the Republican
Voters of this county that I shall be a
candidate for the Republican nomina
tion for County Clerk at the Primary
Election on Tuesday Septembsr 3rd
1907 and that I would like to have all
fair minded Republican voters who be
lieve in good clean business like service
rom their public servants and who want
men that are absolutely free from all
boss or ring rule free from all machine
or corporation influence to consider my
candidacy Respectfully
Chas Skalla
Indianola Neb April 26 1907
I hereby announce myself a candi
date for the office of judge of the
fourteenth judicial district of Nebraska
on tho republican ticket subject to the
decision of tho republican primary elec
tion to be held September 3 1907
Charles E Eldred
McCook Nebraska
I hereby announce to the Republicans
of Red Willow County that I shall bo a
candidate for the office of County Trea
surer on the Republican ticket subject
to the decision of the Republican Prim
ary Election to be held Tuesday Sept
3rd 1907 For the past twelve years I
have been engaged in practical book
keeping and commercial business and
feel confident that I can handle with
credit all business entrusted to the
office I respectfully ask your due con
sideration Clifford Naden
Danbury Neb May 6th 1907
Special Price Bargains
You can get them at the Model Shoe
Store in tan oxfords patent oxfords
gunmetal oxfords gents tan oxfords
and gents tan shoes
Mrs I E Conveuhh is visiting
frionds atllondloy
O W Browne returned lo bis work
in Denver Sunday night
Miss Myrtle Meyhr is keeping books
for J II Grannis
Mrs J D Young was a Cambridge
visitor Wednesday between trains
Mrs T B Campijell went up to
Trenton yestorday on a flying trip
Mrs W S AitnuTHOTof Lobanon is
a guest of her sister Mrs James Hat
Mrs N W Draper of St Joseph
Mo is visiting her mother Mrs O J
C H Boyle wont to Iowa and other
points oast fore part of tho week on
Mrs L S Sage of Beatrice is a guest
of her sisters Mrs W S Morlan and
Miss Margaret EvanB
R W Devoe was over from Lebanon
yesterday he and Mrs Dovoo being at
homo during vacation
Mr and Mrs A N Lineburg ar
rived homo Tuesday from a visit to
several Eastern Nebraska points
Dr and Mrs W A DeMay wore
over from Danbury Wednesday making
the trip in the doctors auto
Conway Williams of Stockville ar
rived early in tho week to work in the
Republican office in this city
Mrs Mary Babcock arrived homo
Wednesday from spending two weeks
in Cambridge with relatives
Mrs Augusta Anton returned first
of the week from spending a vacation
of a few weeks in Denver and the
Miss Mae Patterson who has been a
guest of Mr and Mrs H H Tartsch
left for her home in Plattsmouth
Geraldine Beach with the aid of a
company of young friends celebrated her
eighth birthday Wednesday very
Mr and Mrs H C Clapp are en
joying tho week in Denver and vicinity
leaving for tho mountains Saturday
night last
Mr and Mrs VanPatten of Stratton
were guests of Mrs Stella Allen Sun
day Harry Allen is visiting in Wau
neta this week
Herman Pade and W H Harmon
were called up to north of Culbertson
yesterday morning by the death of
Mrs O R Amick
Harris Thomas of the Harvard
Courier was the guest of his brother
G H Thomas Supt of the city schools
Saturday and Sunday
Mr and Mrs H P Sutton and
Velma are on their way in the Sutton
auto for Ainswortb Brown county on
a visit to their former home
Mayme Franks has returned from
Iowa where she has been teaching
school and will assist the Peterson
sisters at the Monte Christo
Miss Gladys Neiswanger who has
been a guest of Mrs H P Waite
for a while returned to Cambridge
her home Tuesday evening
Mrs William Washburn and child
ren departed last Friday night for
their home in Alliance They have
been visiting her mother Mrs Escher
John F Helm of Red Willow re
turned Wednesday from a visit in In
diana and other points ease He reports
crops in Nebraska as ahead of them all
Mr and Mrs W C Harmons baby
daughter was badly burned last Sun
day by falling into some hot water pre
pared for its bath into which the little
one fell
Mrs P V Royce departed the first
of the week to spend a few days at Ox
ford with Mrs M H Griggs who will
accompany her to Lincoln on a brief
Mr and Mrs C B Sawyer depart
ed Saturday night for a trip west
which will extend as far as Salt Lake
City and take a couple weeks for its en
E E Magee closed a brief visit here
and on Monday morning departed for
Lincoln He will open a clothing store
in Aurora August 1st retiring from
J B Meserve departed Sunday
morning for Chicago on business He
expects to open The Antlers a sup
erb new hotel in Wellington Kansas
about August 1st
Stanley Wells of Nashua Iowa a
nephew of E S and H P Waite ar
rived in the city close of last week and
will remain during the summer He
will assist in the Waite hardware store
Glenn Williams of Stockville was in
the city close of last week on a mission
of business and pleasure He was form
erly employed in the Tribune office as
foreman but is now editor of the Stock
ville Republican Faber
115000 FOUND
and turned over to Dr Beach will
enable the finder to become owner of
two fine lots and a well equipped
residence on Main Avenue block
above the post office Call and in
Office supplies at the Tribune office
A front porch is a recent inprovement
by Nickolas Ploussard
Loquacity Cost Him His Membership
In the Philosophers Club
I was visiting at my old home In
Munich Bavaria said Henry Meyer
tho artist when my father one even
ing proposed to take me with him to
tho Philosophers club If I would like
to go I had heard a great deal about
this club and jumped at the chance to
visit it knowing that I should meet
there some of the most famous think
ers of all Germauy
As we neared the club my father
cautioned me not to talk too much
since it might be objectionable to some
of the eminent thinkers
In the one large room which consti
tuted the clubs quarters we found a
score or more of learned looked men
sitting silently pufllng their long stem
med pipes For lifteen or twenty min
utes not a sound was heard louder than
the sizzling of tobacco in the pipes
then one of the men who seemed lo
be in the most profound state of med
itation removed his pipe from between
his lips nodded his head in a reflective
way and said
He seemed to have solved the deep
problem on which he had been think
ing and I expected him to launch
upon the tide of time some grand eter
nal truth fresh from the drydock of his
mind But he only returned his pipe
to his mouth and subsided into that
dense silence from which he had
emerged only for the moment
Ilalf an hour passed before another
word was spoken then a great philos
opher at the other side of the room re
moved his pipe from his lips nodded
his massive head slowly and In that
same tone of abstraction said
He too I presumed had solved
some great problem and I listened for
an exposition of it but he merely
placed his pipe back between his teeth
and settled down again to that silence
which was almost dinful
It was nearly an hour before any
body spoke again This time it was a
hoary headed old philosopher who took
his pipe from his mouth wagged his
head and remarked as had his prede
The next day my father delighted
me by telling mo that I had been ad
mitted as a member of the Philoso
phers club and was freo to attend its
meetings So I was present at the
next one a few evenings later
With my pipe In my mouth I ob
served the silence that seemed to be so
popular there until four or five of the
leading thinkers had in as many half
hours removed their pipes and uttered
the customary Yah Then I thought
It was up to me to prove that I was n
worthy member who also had things
on his mind So I removed my pipe
nodded my head and said
Yah yah
The next day I learned that I had
been expelled for talking too much
Willis Brooks In Brooklyn Eagle
An Extraordinary Bombardment
One of the most extraordinary hoaxes
on record is said to have been played
upon the Dewan Lalla Moolraj a na
tive potentate of the Punjab during
the second Sikh war In the winter of
1848 49 The British army command
ed by Sir Hugh Gough had shut up
the dewan and his forces in the forti
fied city of Mooltan One day the be
siegers were amazed by the thunder
ous sound of a most extraordinary
cannonade followed not by shot or
shell but by an assortment of miscel
laneous provisions In a very fragmen
tary condition raining into the British
lines The Sikh chieftain it was after
ward discovered had found in the city
a large store of canned meats of the
nature of which he was completely
Ignorant A native spy in British pay
gravely Informed him that they were
powerful explosives and hence for
some days the British camp was greet
ed with showers of Strassburg pates
and other more or less mangled but
perfectly eatable tinned food Scrap
Faking a Living Picture
Probably the most notable faked liv
ing picture ever produced was that
which purported to give a representa
tion of the actual scene inside West
minster abbey at the kings corona
tion The production was the work
of an inventive Frenchman who had
special scenery of the abbey painted
and reproductions of the historical cos
tumes made Then a number of
French actors were made up to repre
sent the king the aged primate and
other central figures and remarkably
lifelike they were The mock corona
tion ceremony took place at a quiet
little village in Brittany and the films
were sent to London for reproduction
in one of the leading houses of enter
tainment The managers however
made no attempt to impose on the pub
lic and openly confessed that the
scene was a fake London Mail
Tho Queer Parson Bird
A queer bird is the poo honey eater
of Xew Zealand Its throat is adorned
with small white feathers which from
their resemblance to clerical bands
have gained for it the name parson
bird Its metallic green plumage
with bronze and purplish reflections is
very beautiful Its long and rather
slender beak Is curved It has rather
large feet and the length of its tail is
considerable This bird is plentiful on
both the north and south islands of
New Zealand It is a good songster
and mimic and Its lively temperament
renders it a most interesting cage bird
Its food consists of berries- insects and
honey It has an extensile tongue the
tip of which Is forked and being cov
ered with fibers forms a kind of brush
most useful to the parson bird in gath
ering Its food
The Most Gigantic Reduction Sale on
Record A Colossal Clearance of our
entire stock of Summer Dress Goods
Silks Embroideries Laces Trimmings
Dress Skirts Muslin and Knit Under
wear Etc Etc Etc
Read over these Reduction Prices and be the first one in to take
advantage of these GREAT BARGAINS
Summer Dress Goods
50C Printed Silks per yd 40c
50c Suesine Silks 35c
35c Silk Tissues 28c
35c Silk Tissues 19c
25c Dotted Swiss Appliques per yd l8c
15c Lawns and Batistes IIC
I2iC Lawns and Batistes 9C
IOC Lawns and Batistes 8c
Cheaper Lawns and Batistes 5C
One lot of 50c Silks per yd 25
One lot of 50c Fancy Silks per yd 44
All 100 Silks 79
All 125 Silks 36 inches wide 98
Our 150 Guaranteed Silks 1 35
Our 175 Guaranteed Silks 1 50
Considering the great advance in silks dur
ing the past three months these are excep
tional valmes
Ladies and Misses Skirts Summer Underwear
All 1000 Skirts for 798 Regular 200 Union Suits each 140
All 800 and 900 Skirts for 698 Regular 100 80
All 725and 7 50 Skirts for 598 Regular 75 60
All 575 and 600 Skirts for 498 Regular 50 40
All 5 ooand 550 Skirts for 398 ReSular -25 -20
All 4ooand 450 Skirts for 298 Regular 1 00 Silk Vests 80
All 300 and 325 Skirts for I98 Regular 50 Vests and Drawers 40
Regular 25 20
Get one of our 98c Black Petticoats This Regular 20 Gauze Vests 14
Regular 15 II
will be your last chance o
Regu ar 10 8
A Big Lot of Embroideries which regularly sell for ioc 15c 20c and 25c a yd
will go into this sale at per yard
A Big Lot Of Laces including fine Vals German Vals and Tarchons will 8
gu uuijug uuo oaiu cii - - j -
White Linen Suitings 36 inches wide regular 15c values during this
sale per yard
Extra Special Reductions on all White Goods including mersersized
Waistings Our prices in this line will surprise you but space prevents our quoting them
Ladies Wash Belts and Collars each
The New Embroidered Linen Collars we sell for each
Others charge you 25c for the same things
You will find our store literally alive with Bargains
in every department during this Gigantic Clearing
Sale Come early and ofienWell appreciate it
Exclusive Dry Goods and Ladies Furnishings
Walsh Block Phone 56 McCook