The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 12, 1907, Image 1

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The County Commissioners Have Instruct
ed the County Attorney
The Surety Company Will Be Asked to Make
Good the Loss of 624000 Caused by
Treasurer Gossards Shortage
So far as the investigation has pro
grossed it has been established that
County Treasurer Benjamin G Gossard
is Bhort in his accounts to Red Willow
county in the sum of G240 This
shortago is said to have been created
since the January settlement when the
books and accounts of tho oflico wore
thoroughly gone over by tho county
commissioners and chocked up This
condition is perhaps not a surprise to
many if any Conditions have been
sorious in that office for a long time
and the actions and conduct of tho late
county treasurer havo been such for a
long time as to warrant almost any ex
Tho Uinted States Fidelity and
Guaranty Co of Baltimore Md is
guaranty company in the case so lied
Willow county is doubtless safe from
loss in this unfortunate ailair
In The Good Old Summer Time
Tho is no more solid comfort to be
had then can be found in a hammock
hung in a shady nook It is inexpen
sive comfort too for a good hammock
will givo service for many years Wo
havo tho comfortable kind and a new
assortment to select from Buy now
and begin having comfort at onco
L W McConnell Druggist
Gauze Unions
Ladies gauze union suits for 35c 40c
30c 65c and 8100 Misses ditto 25c
3oc and 35c Boys ditto 50c Mens
ditto 125 175 and 250 at Thomp
Death of a Former Citizen
A telegram from Palisade Wednes
day night announced the death ui Mrs
O R Amick formerly of our city that
The best table oil cloth
for 15c at Thompsons
Cool Dressing Sacques
for 40c 44c 50c and 75c at Thompsons
Buy your hammock of McConnell
Fresh potato chips always on hand
Magner Stokes
Mixed Paints Lead and Oil Glass
and Wall Paper at special prices
McMillen Druggist
Are you troubled with itching skin
prickly heat or eruptions of the skin in
any form If so Hot Springs Blood
remedy will correct the disorder
Woodwobth Co Druggists
The boy stood on the burning deck
The ship was bout to smash
He cried to cool his scorching neck
For a dish of Heavenly Hash
Try it Woodworth Co Soda Foun
A bottle of McConnells Blackberry
Balsam on hand for immediate use
makes you and the little ones safe from
serious bowel troubles Better get it
to day 25c
L W McConnell Druggist
John R Burke who recently succeed
ed to tho news business of Zint Zint
on lower Mam Avenue is from Joliet
Illinois and a cousin of Frank Real
He has added to the stock and offers the
public a neat clean up-to-date stock to
select from in his line
Mr Dixon has been reading with the
Chicago Glee Club for several seasons
and with marked success His work
is distinctly along the lino of impersona
tion A thorough control of facial ex
pression and an intimate knowledge of
his subject enable him to bring before
the audience tho characters true to life
His Hoosier an original sketch il
lustrated by poemy from the pen of
James Whitcomb Riley is protrayed in
a wholesome and refreshing manner-
The Chicago Glee club without any
doubt stands among tho best male quar
tets this country has ever produced The
fact that each voice is peculiarly adapt
ed to the part it assumes and that the
membership of the club has remained
for over five years unchanged combine
to produce this high degree of excellence
The volume of the voices is such as
to fill the largest auditorium while the
pianissimo passages are so fine and
harmonious as to hold the audience in
breathless attention The repertoire of
the club is very extensive and comprises
the best of all classes of music w ritten
for male voices Many of the select
ions used by the club have been written
or arranged especially for it
Notice to School Children
A special examination will be con
ducted at tho east ward school building
Saturday July 20 for pupils of the
public school who by reason of absence
on account of measles last month were
unable to complete their term record
The examination will begin at eight
George 11 Thomas
The McCook Gas Company expects
to have its plant completed and in
operation by Sept 15th Special rates
on service connections will be allowed
the first 100 customers signing contracts
for gas ranges Thoso wishing to se
cure the special rates should place or
ders at once For particulars see P S
The McCook Gas Company
No Introduction Needed
It would be unnecessary for us or any
one to tell the people of McCook and
vicinity about the good qualites of the
Heath Milligan paint It is well
known all over the country for its dura
bility and freshness of color Tho fact
that it is being used on some of tho
largest buildings about McCook this
season proves its reputation Woodworth
Co Druggists sell it
Do Your Own Figuring
W C Shinns copper cable lightning
rod only 25c a foot points 83 apiece
Leave your orders with The McCook
Hardware Co It will save hunting
you up
T A Haley Local Agent
Indianola Nebraska
To tho patrons of the McCook Elect
ric Light Co Tho management will
appreciate it if you will notify the of
fice when you change residence as it
will save a great deal of trouble in keep
ing your account straight
A R Scott Mcr
After the Wheat is Cut
you will want to figure on your gang
and sulky plows disks and drills
Good tools properly used brings good
crops You will find at McCook Hard
ware Co a full line of the best includ
ing John Deere Fetzer and other good
Just on the Quiet
For those who do not know it Hesss
Instant Louse Killer is a wonder for
destroying lice on poultry fleas on dogs
bugs on vines and worms on flowers
25c at Woodworth Cos
Books For Lazy Days
Whether you like summer fiction or
reading of other character our book
department will offer widest possible
L W McConnell Druggist
Assessment About Completed
County Assessor Skalla has about
completed the assessment tabulation for
Red Willow county and has transmit
ted the abstract of the same to the state
Shoe Bargains at The Model
Special prices in tan oxfords patent
oxfords gun metal oxfords gents tan
oxfords gents tan shoes They will go
quickly Call promptly
Model Shoe store Special Prices
on tan oxfords patent oxfords gun
metal oxfords gents tan oxfords gents
tan shoes A shoe opportunity for all
Put All Your Hay
up the cheapest and best way with
Dains and Deering hay tools McCook
Hardware Co have a full line
On and after Sunday June 30 1907
the charge for Sunday dinners will be
50 cents Commercial Hotel
Canvas Helmets
Mens cloth covered helmet hats for
15 cents or two for a quarter Coolest
made Thompsons
Get A Sharpless
cream separator at McCook Hardware
Co and get the profit from your cows
Long Lisle Gloves
at 75c and 109 Silk ones 125 at
Wagons High Every Where
Trucks are cheap at McCook Hard
ware Co
Visit the J 6 off sale at The Ideal Store
next week
The Trombone Quartet first intro
duced to the Lyceum by he Chicago
Glee Club and used only by them is
one of the most artistic and pleasing
novelties before the public The trom
bone is conceded to be the king of
wind instruments and the effect pro
duced by the four quite approaches in
sweetness and volume the quality and
power of the pipe organ With these
instruments supplementing the male
quartet the club is able to present a
1 varied and interesting evening
iy y mtmmnftamt
A professional quartet whose
membership has been un
changed for five
Tuesday July 36 830 P
Male quartet work Unbroken
membership for five years Mr
Dixon impersonator and reader
Trombone quartet
The entertainment by the Chi
cago Glee Club will measure up
perfectly with the best things
given in other years on the sum
mer course It is sure to please
Tickets for reserved seats will go
on sale at McConnells Saturday
morning July 13 Holders of
season tickets will use coupon No
3 which is incorrectly dated
Single admissions 75 and 50 cents
Gauze Corset
The American Beauty gauze corsets
are the best on earth Money back af
ter four weeks actual wear if dissatis
fied 35c and 50c at Thompsons only
Nine Quarters Wide
Bed sheeting eighty one inches in
width of best quality can be purchased
for 25c a yard at The Thompson D G
Hogs Dont Mind
hot weather if you get a Hawkeye wat
erer at McCook Hardware Co
Childrens Parasols
A few more remaining only 10c
Diamond is giving 15 per cent off on
all summer footwear He doesnt in
tend to carry over any stock from one
season to another At The Diamond
Shoe Store
People who use By Lo talcum pow
der never suffer from painful skin
chapping or have prickly heat It keeps
the skin soft dry and cool 25c
L W McConnell Druggist
Fire Does the Work of Destruction Quickly and Thoroughly
Early Last Saturday Morning
Lightning is Thought to Have Been the Cause of the Disaster Insurance
is a Great Loss to Manager Bixler andthe
City of McCook Now What
An item of McCocks pride the New Bixler Opera House is
now but a heap of ruins and a reminiscence Fire thought to have
been caused by lightning was its undoing and early Saturday morn
ing the date
About three oclock Saturday morning the building was dis
covered to be ablaze and in less time than it takes to tell the story
the building was in ruins so rapidly was the progress of the flames
notwithstanding the heavy rain shortly before and the drizzle pre
vailing at the time
The fire department was on hand and did what was necessary
to confine the fire to the opera house which was beyond all hope of
salvation when the fire was first discovered by Manager Bixler who
was awakened from sleep by hearing something fall on the stage in
which end of the building the fire doubtless originated Manager
Bixler and family occupied residence quarters in the west end of the
building They succeeded in saving nothing of their effects so
quick was the destruction
The Bixler was completed last fall at a cost of 17000 and
was doubtless one of the best equipped and largest opera houses in
the state having a seating capacity and stage equalled only by the
largest cities of Nebraska Perhaps no one enterprise has been a
source of equal pride to the people of McCook and its loss is a mu
nicipal one
Manager Bixler carried insurance to the amount of 11000 on
the big property which cost him 17000 hence his loss is heavy
and in the same he has the genuine sympathy of the city of Mc
Cook He bears the loss with the courage and fortitude of a
Spartan however
No plans for the future are being considered at present but it
is safe to remark that McCook will not be long satisfied without a
suitable successor to the Bixler She cant afford to be
No 3
Chicago Glee Club
Extending Tneir Lines
The McCook Telephone Co is grad
ually extending its lines and now has
strung over 250 miles of wire Tho
company now connects with Box Elder
Centerpoint Stockville Curtis and
Maywood opening to Maywood Wed
nesday of this week The company
has two crews in the field extending its
service and linos one of them now
building to the Church ranch in Front
ier county
Every Farmer Should
have a truck of some kind We have
a large line of iron and wood wheel
trucks at very reasonable prices Just
the thing for your rack or other handy
work McCook Hardware Co
Wash Fabrics
The largest line ever shown by us is
-it i -
rapiaiy Deing soia ana put to its in
tended use We show every good thing
4 of the season from 5c to G5c per yard
The Thompson D G Co
One Yard Wide 6c
We believe you will agree that Gc is
quite a reasonable price for yard wide
muslin We have a few bolts Tho
Thompson D G Co
Natures Best
Our spices are as good as nature
grows Guaranteed under the food
and dru act
A McMillen Druggist
Gauze Vests 5c
Ladies gauze vests 5c at Thompsons
The use of some nice toilet water in
basin or bath these hot days produces
a delightful sense of cleanliness and
comfort Use Caprice Toilet Water
it is the best
L W McConnell Druggist
The Chicago Glee Club will be the
next number of the entertainment course
It will be given at Menards hall Tues
day evening July 1G Note the date
July 16 for it is not so printed on the
season tickets Reserved seats will go
on sale Saturday morning the 13th at
McConnells This entertainment is
strictly guaranteed to please
Diamond is giving 15 per cent off on
all summer footwear- He doesnt in
tend to carry over any stock from one
season to another At the Diamond
Shoe Store
For Rent Furnished room for gen
tlemen Four blocks east of P O on
Monmouth St Mrs O J Watson
I W Willi Jv
Two Farms lor Sale
No 1 East y 27-2-30 320acros270
acres of which are smooth 150 acroB in
cultivation 2 acres of ash grove 150
acres in pasture A 4 room framo
houBe stable 16x40 well windmill cis
tern and tank One mile to school
eight miles to McCook Good roads to
and a fino view of city 140 acres in
winter wheat one third of crop goes
with farm Price G400 Reasonable
No 2 Southwest 14 8-1-29 9fc miles
to McCook iyz miles to Cedar Bluffs
158 acres smooth 30 acres in wheat 20
acres in barley and corn one third of
crop goes with farm Thia is a very fine
quarter nicely located Price 3200
Terms reasonable
Theso are exceptional bargains and
the prices quoted will not hold good after
Juno 20 Write me phono me or como
and see mo I will show the land
I M Smith Owner
McCook Nobr
For Trade
Good nino room houso electric lights
bath furnace all in good repair good
barn largo grounds lawn and shade
close in town of 2000 Hebron Nebras
ka Price S320000 Will oxchango
for land in Red Willow county up to
050000 and pay difference
I J Brinegar
Hebron Nebr
Small Farm For Sale
48 acres about 20 acres of upland 8
acres under the Kelloy Ferguson Irri
gation Ditch balanco pasture about G
miles south of Porry Neb Good county
bridge across river This tract of land
will make a fine chicken ranch near to
a good market See
R W Knowles Agent Culbortson
or C W Kneeland Owner McCook
Dont Forget
to call at my new location for reading
matter stationery postcards souvenirs
candy gum fresh roasted peanuts
cigars tobacco pipes base ball goods
toys etc Barney Hofer
McCook News Depot
Water Meters
We have on hand a supply of approv
ed water meters which we will instal
promptly on application Under Wood
worth drug store Phono 182
Middleton Ruby
Oh the Files
The flies havo never been so bad be
fore They persist they stick and
hang they will get in 5 cents a yard
will get you the best mosquito netting
at Thompsons
Pure Flavoring Extracts
We make our own Lemon and Vanilla
extracts guaranteed puro and much
stronger than the ordinary extracts
Try them A McMillen Druggist
Special attention given to all your
wants A largo lino of supplies on
McCoorc Hardware Co
Six Cents a Yard
Best calicoes made Gc Fast color
calicoes 5c Be fair to your pocket
book The Thompson D G Co One
price plain figures cash only
Special Prices at Model
Shoe store on tan oxfords patent
oxfords gunmetal oxfords gents tan
oxfords gents tan shoes Get a bar
Quite a reduction at McCook Hard
ware Co Still a good assortment to
select from
Good Lawns 5c
Twelve nice patterns of good summer
Jawn3 for 5 cents a yard at Thompsons
For Sale
Residence S06 Madison street Bar
gain Inquire of FW Bosworth owner
The infant child of Mr and Mrs Will
DeLong was buried Sunday
Stock cleaning sale July 15 to 27
The Ideal Store
Dr J A Gunn physician and sur
geon is now opening an office in the
Walsh block
The Ladies Missionary Society will
meet at the home of Mrs L R Hile
man Thursday July 25th at 3 oclock
Our Cucumber Cream relieves chapped
hands redness of the skin chafing
Woodworth Co
Wanted At McCook Business Col
lege students for a telegraph class
starting July 15 60 to 75 per month
guaranteed competent operators
L W Stayner
When in doubt as to what perfume
to buy decide on Thelma You cant
possibly make a mistake on that 50c
L W McConnell Druggist
Regular Monthly Session Tuesday Even
ing Was Largely Attended
Committees Were JTamed to Farther the Mat
ter of the Ash Creek Telephone Com
pany and Good Roads
Tho McCook Commercial club was in
regular monthly session Tuesday night
with a largo attondanco Routino busi
ness was first disposed of
Tho matter of the club assisting tho
Ash Creek Telophono Co in its efforts
to securo just connections with tho city
of McCook through tho Nebraska Tele
phone Co was brought up and favorably
discussed and a committeo appointed
to further tho matter
Tho matter of good roads to tho coun
ty seat was discussod at some length
and with considerable earnestness On
motion tho chair appointed J E Kolloy
J F Cordoal and W H Ackermau as
standing committeo on roads
Tho matter of advertising McCook by
booklet or other form of printed matter
was referred to a committo to report
soon as to oxponso stylo otc
Tho existence of several nuisances
within tho city limits and along public
roads leading into tho city was roforred
to and a committee composed of L W
McConnoll and C E Eldred was select
ed to look into tho matter to tho ond
that they may bo abated Dumps and
hog yards and similar nuisances aro
comprehended in tho complaints made
Tho 4th of July Com made prelimin
ary report showing that about 700
had been raised to carry on tho obser
vance and that about 100 remained in
the treasury
McConnell for drugs
Base ball goods at Hofors
Everything in drugs McConnell
Hammocks at McMilleusDrug Store
lxIcCocnells Frsjrant Lotfou cures
Try McMillens Blackberry Balsam
for summer complaints
Dr Kays office is now one door north
of Commercial hotel Phone 97
Try Magner Stokes for fresh and
salt meats fruit and vegetables
They do say Woodworth Co make
the best ice cream soda in tho town
The Tribune is now prepared to do
your job printing of all kinds promptly
Dr J A Gunn physician and sur
geon is now opening an olhce in tho
Walsh block
Magner Stoke3 can supply you
with Heinz double strength puro cider
vinegar In quart bottles
Get a quart bottle of Hemz pure malt
vinegar a pure food product at
Magner fc Stores
Steve Wilson has added a splendid
two 3eated automobile to his livery barn
equipment Try it
If you want it done right and right
away call up phone 199 R M Douglass
Co office in Bump building
If it is from Marshs its the best ob
tainable Anything and everything per
taining to the meat market business
R M Douglass Co will give you
prompt and efficient service Phone 199
Office in Bump real estate office lower
The only place in town where you
can get the famous Three Star Cof
fee is at Magner Stokes market and
R M Douglass Co draying in al
its branches Call up phone 199 Call
at office in Bump building lower Main
Wail paper that will please you
Large stock New designs Dont buy
until you havo seen them price is right
L W McConnell Druggist
Cameras all kinds films and plate
none better made Our supplies are
always fresh and give the best results
Woodworth Co Druggists
Our spring shipment of burnt leather
goods has arrived Call and see what
we have
Barney Hoeer
McCook News Depot
Our ice cream is all cream our
syrups are made from the pure fruit
juices our ice cream soda pleases tho
most delicate taste
Woodworth Co Druggist
Use McCook souvenir letters in writ
ing to your friends Something new
just received at BHofers headquarters
for souvenirs stationery and reading
matter of all kinds