The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 05, 1907, Image 8

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Lost A horso HhmtHttek pin Findor
will Im xowiirdfd for returning hiwiio to
ihifl ollici
For Rknt Nice rooms newly f urn
jwhod strictly morium at 401 Madison
at B P Davis
For Rknt A furnished house for the
snmmer Mrs Quiolky
Fok Rent A couy new five room
ottaRe See or write O N Rector
S 28 2t
For Salk lluUs und lot Sia30 M
For Salk A Victor Royal cook stove
Sue baker in good condition Cheap
11 at No Gil Madison street
For Salk Jhenp About 1D0O feet
5 inch iron pipe spcood hand Inquire
al R Pknck
Chief of Police
For Salk -Corner 75x140 feet with
bod house and burn fine location two
iiockn east M E church
E M Bigklow
For Sale I have for silu one Deer
i5 Header Cycle and some repairs for
header binder Also one complete
agsipment of blacksmith tools I will
poso of the above very cheap
55th J A Snydt r 910 AicFarland St
Real Estate lranslers
The follow iixir real estate filing hnvo
iwn made in the county clerkb ofiice
3Jnce our hint report
Banes W Eastman ami wf to Hurley
FDye wd to 3 in 24 1st McCook 1 S00 00
Jrs5 Hay Barton to Henry Lang wl
7and8 in mid div blk Indian
afla XXJOO
Henry Lang and wf to Jonathan J
Stuis wd to same asabovo 100 00
S Sax D Wilkcn and wf to Samuel J
tfUzimonswdto el 12 2S 1000 00
1 A Edmonds and wf to I M Beards
fec wd toswl solSOand w2 nel and
31 nel 31 in 2 30 125 00
S EL Wilson sngl to Penelope Thomp
son wd to Pt blk 30 McCook 130 ft x
TBIfttfin 2100 00
United Slates to William A Vineent
Tjut to sel 23-2-29 -
2nxcoln Land Co to Hajcs Mojer wd
SSiO Danbury 100 00
nines W Nuttand wf to William A
Xiiinienr wdjo jt sw 4 sol 18-1-27 225 00
William Parrish sngl to Mary A
Olmstend wd to
iii L Lsther Park addn Bart
3ky 25000
XW Preston by C W Lind ay agent
to Joseph S Prjon agrmt to e2 1
32a 1 50000
Slora Turner and hsb to Riis oll Koons
-wd toll in G Lebanon 100 00
TTiIliani F dimming and wf to Allen
E Pennington and Emma L Penn
ington wd to nw4 swl and pt nel
swl 17-1-20 5 750 00
Tlic Kilzer Park Association to The
Public art of incorp for the purpose
or improving a park in Lebanon cap 5 000 00
Kicholas Wies and wf to Elmer E Fus
bjwd to nw J 22-3-30 4000 00
Charlie I Graham sngl Henry N Gra
ham Slurry C Giaham and wf and
Ctinora Ann ic and hsb to J V
Fitch wd to nwl 3 and o2nel tin 1 2S 0000 00
Murry E Graham and wt to J W
Fitch wd to nw4 2-1-28 6 000 00
A Jackson Co to Alexander Wil on
deed to iiw I 23-3-29 1250 00
Alexander Wilson and wf to W C
llojer wd to swl 2341 29 2500 00
Jennie Newton and hsb to Clarence C
Harless wd to It 3 in 2i 1st McCook 1 150 00
John F Dischuer and w f to Marcellu
C Shurtletr wd to nel 28-3-30 3 000 00
Ttiimic BWilliams and hsb to J W
Hasty wd to 10 and 11 in 5 1st McCook 1 J00 00
Lincoln Laud Co to Enos Rishel wd
to 1 and 2 in 20 2nd McCook 250 00
Olilla Tracy Hall wid to Peter Nel on
wd U w2 nwi 33-1-30 S00 00
oIie B Bump and hsb to William E
Pence wd to 3 in 21 2nd McCook 925 00
alc Wilcox and hsb to Eli ha A
Dodge w d to sel sel 23-2-30 200 00
Elisha E Dodge sngl to Morgan E
Uurlman wd to nel sel 23-2-30 1 000 00
fn the county court of Red Willow count
Tu the matter of the estate of Edgar B Ev
aus deceased
On reading and filing the petition of J E Kel
fry praying that the instrument tiled on the 5th
day of July 1907 and purporting to be a duly
authenticated copy of the last will and testa
ment of the said deceased may bo proed ap
proved probated allowed and recorded as the
last will and testament of the said Edgar 1
Evans deceased lute of Boston Massachusetts
Ordered that July 20 1907 at one oclock p
m is assigned for hearing said petition and all
person s interested in said matter may appear
at the county court to be held in and for said
county and thow cause why the praer of said
IKititioner should not be granted and it is fur
tfieeordered that notice of tho pendency of said
jitition and ho hearing thereof be given to all
gersons interested in said matter by publishing
of this order in the McCook Tribune a
Lly newspaper printed in said county for
fAsee successive weeks prior to said date of
Dated July 5 1P07
J C Mooki
ttAl County Judge
JL fine rain here Monday night
Charles- Towle is working his corn
Shis week
Edward Towle lost a valuable horse
iUtft week
C A Towle was here Sunday from
looking after his land
Miss Ivn Fox fell out of a swing and
roke her leg last week
Miss Grace Nelson was a visitor at
Sore Rowlands Sunday
153 Towle has bought another work
latsa of Franklin recently
ohn H Wesch was a visitor at P H
3Saacks Sunday
A notice has been stuck up to patrons
toaageest a candidate to succeed Jacob
ITsseh as postmaster at this place
Cet The Tribune to do your printing
It Was Hit Dog
An automobile dashed along the
country road Turning a curve It caniti
suddenly upon a mnn with a gun on
his shoulder und u weak sick looking
old dog beside him The dog was di
rectly In the path of the motor ca
The chauffeur sounded his horn but
the dog did not move until he was
struck After that he did not move
The automobile stopped nnd one of
the men got out and came forward
He had once pnld a farmer 10 for
killing a calf that belonged to another
farmer This time ho was wary
Was that your dog
You own him
Looks ns if wed killed him
Certainly looks so
Very valuable dog
Well not so very
Will So satisfy you
Well then here you are He hand
ed a o bill to the mnn with the gun
and added pleasantly Im sorry to
have broken up your hunt
I wasnt going hunting replied the
other as he pocketed the bill
Not going hunting Then what were
you doing with the dog nnd the gun
Going down to the woods to shoot
the dog Youths Companion
Story of a Clever Jackdaw
In a small cottage in Herefordshire
there lived a family who owned a very
large but eever jackdaw which was
noted for it- very witty sayings One
day the jackdaw saw the lid of the
stewpot partly off so thinking he
should like a meat dinner lie went out
and caught a frog and put it in the
boiling water in the stewpot which
had in some pieces of beef After this
the jackdaw went quietly back to his
perch and waited till dinner time All
went well till the cook began to share
the dinner out before the family
Every time she pulled a piece of
meat out of the pot the jackdaw said
Thats not mine thats not mine till
at last the cook pulled out the frog
when he exclaimed in a very triumph
ant voice Thats mine thats mine
The shock nearly made the guests faint
away but nevertheless the jackdaw
got his meat dinner while the others
did without for a change London An
An Agricultural Surprise
Eastern visitors to the west are
generally prepared for any phenomenal
showing in the line of agriculture
stock raising and the like says a Col
orado man but once in awhile they
are taken by surprise A New Hamp
shire man who was spending his vaca
tion on a ranch of a relative in Colora
do went out one morning to inspect a
large incubator in which the young
chicks were hatching In one corner of
the incubator a neglected peach seed
encouraged by the warmth of the at
mosphere had burst and a tiny sprout
several inches long was growing out
of it
Suffering Caesar exclaimed the
New Hampshire man as this caught
his eye Do you hatch out your peach
es in this country Kansas City In
Legend of the Moss Rose
A German tradition gives the origin
of the moss rose as follows An angel
came to earth in mortal guise lie
sought a place of shelter and repose
after his labors of love but every door
was shut against the heavenly visitor
At length the angel being very weary
sauk upon the ground and over him a
rosebush spread like a tent It caught
upon its outspread leaves the falling
dew which would otherwise have
drenched the messenger of love Wak
ing the angel said to the rose
Thou hast yielded the shelter that man
A proof of my love shall with the abide
And the green moss gathered about the
While the dewdrops shone like a diadem
Crowning the blushing flower
Story of a Greek Saint
A member of the Royal Geographical
societj gives this little story of a
Greek saint Our good St Blazios
gave us the phrase drunk as Blazes
for this saint was pleasantly done to
death by having his flesh torn off by
wool combs and so he Jjecame the pa
tron of tho English wool combers and
as a high feast was kept up on his day
and the people who frequented the
feast were called Blazers so the saying
grew into the English tongue aud re
mains there fixed and useful
Soth Deceived
Customer You have deceived me
outrageously You told me that I
would be provided with a good watch
as long as I lived and now after bare
ly a fortnight it is quite good for noth
ing Watchmaker But it is not my
fault that you were so thin and sick
looking Translated For Transatlantic
Tales From Fliegende Blatter
Advice They Heed
Yes Im going abroad at once 1
gotta go
Oh you mustnt let the doctors
scare you
I got this from a lawyer Wash
ington Herald
One of the passengers from a wreck
ed steamer who was saved by pigs
swimming ashore with a life line ate
bacon for breakfast as soon as he ar
rived at Sydney Exchange
No Chasing
Jeweler This ring is 5 shillings more
than the plain one on account of the
chasing Buyer But you wont have
to chase me Im going to pay for
what I get London Lady
No man was ever so much deceived
iy another as by himself Grevllle
iiDhmiP iiw il
His Unusual Troubles With His Wife
Who Was Once an Actress
It is a rare day when some member
of the Gould family Is not mentioned
In the papers Howard Gould whose
matrimonial troubles have recently
been attracting attention is the third
son of the Into Jay Gould aud was
born in New York In 1871 It was In
1898 that he created a sensation by
marrying the actress Katherine Clem
mons a daughter of a United States
army officer who was killed in the
west In the Custer campaign Mrs
Gould was at first given the cold shoul
der by her relatives but her success
in winning the friendship of the
man emperor and entertaining him on
board Mr Goulds luxurious yacht the
Niagara somewhat warmed the hearts
of her husbands family toward her
The former actress and her husband
planned a splendid residence at Port
Washington on the north shore of
Long Island to be called Castle Gould
and went so far as to build the stable
at a cost of about S1000000 Then
there was a controversy between the
Goulds and their architect resulting in
a suit in which Mrs Gould figured
prominently and in which the architect
won The castle is still unfinished and
the prospects of its ever being com
pleted are not bright Mr Gould won
Lord Dunravens challenge cup with
his yachtNiagara He and his wife have
traveled to many parts of the globe
in it Mrs Gould in her suit for sep
aration charges her husband with cruel
ty and abandonment He for a time
employed detectives in tin effort to
prove that she was already married
when she became his wife and that in
doing so she committed bigamy The
quarrel of the Goulds has involved the
New York police department whose
detectives were eugaged in the case
and has led to a shake up in the de
tective force
Mrs Albert Zabriskie Gray Her Wed
ding Trousseau and Her Dowry
The wedding of Miss Marian Anthon
Fish to Albert Zabriskie Gray at SL
Bartholomews church New York was
the largest and most fashionable wed
ding of the present season in New
York and the list of guests included
practically all of the Four Hundred
and some not included in that mystic
circle In fact the number invited to
the church ceremonies was about 5000
but not so many were invited to tho
reception at the brides home as of
course they could not have been ac
commodated The Fishes and the
Grays are not only old families but
families prominent in the history of
New York for a century or more back
The brides father Stuyvesant Fish
until recently president of the Illinois
Central railroad has been especially
in the public eye on account of his con
troversy with E H Harriman over
railroad and insurance matters He la
a son of the late Hamilton Fish secre
tary of state in the administration of
General Grant Mrs Fish is one of
the leaders of the Four Hundred and Is
a niece of the late Professor Charles
Anthon the great Greek and Latin
scholar The father of the groom Is
Judge John Clinton Gray of the New
York court of appeals
Mrs Gray who wore a princess robe
of heavy white satin when she stood
before the altar has dark eyes and
hair Her trousseau cost 2d0000 and
she received a gift of 1000000 from
her father
XijXiiiXillXlXiJXllXj SXj IX IX IX IXiXiiXi
Menominee Seamless
We are Exclusive Agents
McCook Nebraska June 11 1C07
The board of Equalization met in regular
session present C B Gray F S Lofton and
S Premer commissioners 1 E Reeder attor
ney Chas Skalla assessor and E J Wilcox
The board commenced tho equalization of the
assessment for the jear 1007 and continued same
throughout the day In the matter of the
assessment of Mary E Miller on judgment
listed at 130900 on motion same was ordered
cancelled for the reason that it was not a judg
ment that could be assessed under tho reenue
law On motion board adjourned to meet June
12 HOT Attest
E J Wilcox C B Gray
Clerk Chairman
McCook Nebraska Juno 12 1107
The board of County Commissioners met
pursuant to adjournment present C B Gray
F S Lofton and S Premer commissioners
Chas Skalla county assessor P E Reeder
attorney and E J Wilcox clerk
The minutes of previous meeting were read
and approved
Win A Stewart as essing Alliance
Precinct S3SQ
0 B Wood- Beaver Precinct
and Danbury illage 7S37
Win Karp Sr as easing Bondvillo
and Mo Ridge Precincts St00
1 A Sheridan as essing Fritsch and
Box Elder Precincts 09C0
T F Gockley as essing Danbury Pre
cinct 3121
T A Endsley as essing Driftwood
Valley Grange aud Willow Grove 1020
Harry L Brown assessing Bartley aud
East Valley Precinct 7G23
William Vogt assessing Gerver Prect 2700
Geo W Burt assessing Indianola City
and Precinct 7330
C F Waterman assessing Lebanon
Village and Precinct 8100
W M Nicholson assessing Mo Valley
Precinct 5100
C F Waterman assessing Tyrone
Precinct 4S00
Chas Boos assessing Perry Precinct 3600
Mathias Colling assessing Red Willow
Precinct 5100
Lon Cone assessing McCook City 15195
E M Bigelow assessing McCook City 10500
C B Gray helping county assessor 6300
McCook Nebraska
mssm m mmmmsi Mm mm3mmm
gjgSa i3i iigiiiJi ig S iM M0 jywjy
upg JHJW j i i TtzwfxxwaLnjmnxkmiMtm MMoappwoai rwm t wrn iMowrwMwwBiraMMawiMMMwrMMmMiaMMMMttMM WMMM -
R F D Nol
Herman and Edward Ramelow ar
rived home last Thursday from Spring
field Illinois whore they have been at
tonding school at a thelogical seminary
Herman has completed his preparatory
work in the school
Mrs John Froestor arrived horns last
Saturday from the Omaha hospital
much improved in health andinproving
Albert Dudek and family of Rocky
Ford Colo are visiting his father Jos
eph Dudek
George Bailey a grandson of Mrs
Joseph Dudek was her guest close of
last week
Last Sunday was the birthday of
Will Broomfield and Mrs Charles
Broomfield and it was the occasion
for a big dinner and much joy at the
home of Mr and Mrs Broomfield
The new telephone line is now com
pleted and connected with the Beaver
Valley line
Charles Olmstead and family were
Danbury visitors last Friday
Starr it Reeder attorneys were in this
neighborhood Sunday
Ralph Sigwing who has been under
the doctors care at Cedar Bluffs for
about two weeks was brought homo
last Friday
Mr Vanderhoof in company with a
party from the East were looking over
the real estate bargains in town last
We are having fine rains and wheat
is heading fine corn is growing rapidly
and prospects for a good crop were never
J E Dodge of Marion erected a new
wind mill for George Tuttlo last week
and one for Mr Hawkins this week
Childrens Day service was postponed
until Sunday the 23
Charles Lofton and family spent Sun
day with his brother F S Lofton on
Valley Grange
Mrs Daisy Robinson and children
spent Monday in Marion guests of Mrs
Milfred Pew
Mrs Pratt of Adams county and
George Vanvleet of Illinois are here on
account of the illness of their mother
Mrs Vanvleet is better at the present
writing but there is no hope for re
About everyone in Danbury spent the
Fourth in Marion
Fred Hall returned from Stockville
last Saturday where he was visiting
Miss Sina Smith of Wilsouville is here
visiting theDelong family
Mr and Mrs Smiley of Devises Kans
were Danbury visitors over Sunday
The village board passed an ordinance
prohibiting stock from running loose on
the streets and to keep the streets and
alleys clean They have rented S S
Grahams lots for a pound
W A Stone returned from the Lin
coln sanitarium last Saturday where
he has teen doctoring for rheumatism
Rudolf Horkey age 34 Indianola and
Agnes Justyn age 19 David City
John C Watson age 30 Cambridge
and Mabel Carmichael age 21 Holbrook
Elmer I Hartman age 22 and Zola I
Crawford age 18 both of Cambridge
County Commissioners Proceedings
McCook Nebraska June 11 HOT
The hoard of County Commissioner- met
pursuant to adjournment present C 15 Gray
F S Lofton and S Premer commissioners P
F Reeder attorney and E J Wilcox clerk
The minutes of previous meeting were read
aud tiiroeil
Thomas 15urfe haling left the county the
commissioners declared tho ollioe of constable
for Willow Grove precinct vacant and on motion
appointed J H Pence to ill tho vacancy
The petition of W II Meyers et al to vacate
a road came on for a hearing and on motion the
petition was laid ocr until new statutes are re
On motion the Hod Willow County Agri
cultural Society was allowed the sum 23 1 GO a
by law provided
The following claims were audited and allow
ed and on motion the clerk was instructed to
draw warrants on the county Kcncral fund in
payment thereof as follows
Hammond Si Stephens Co supplies 900
KIopp fc llartlett Co rz 00
McCook Hardware Co I CO
Jones FiniicKnn Crawmer 2J71
McCook Rupublican printing 818
Danbury News 100
J H Urannis intle for Sam OCon
nor pauper IS 00
E G Caine Sc Co fuel for Mrs
voort pauper 121
W C Hullard fuel for Mr- Tuttlo pan 1100
P E Reeder oxp o in SpauldiiiK ca o 1 1 10
Western Cnion Tel Co messages in
Spauldiiif ca o TJtf
Citizens Rank money adauced in
Spauldiiif ca o TiOOO
Smith Premier T W Co repairs 171
McCook Flee Lifdit Co lights for
April and May UC0
J E Kelley tornado insurance llOO
McCook Water Wks Co water and
meter 1730
Clia Skalla part of county assessors
salary 30000
J C Moore ofiice cxiwiiso 1 10
H J Arborast registrar 1 73
Phillip Gliem 150
W II Smith 123
W A Middleton
and on the bridge fund 1200
W C Italian lumber Dftl
On motion Hoard adjourned to meet Juno 12
HOT Attest
E J Wilcox C B Gray
County Clerk Chairman
Confectionery Stationery School
Supplies Cigars and
On motion board adjourned to meet June It
lJ07 Attest
E J Wilcox B Gray
County Clerk Chairman
McCook Nebraska Juno 12 1j07
The board of Equalization met pursuant ti
adjournment present C II Gray F S Lofton
and S Premer commissioners Chas Skalla
county assessor P E Reeder attorney ami E
J llcox clerk
The minute- of previous meeting wore read
and approved
The board continued the Equalization f
assessments during the day
W V Miller made complaint that the stallion
of II E Lairerty Mr Weaker were asesed t
low in comparison with his Mr Lafferty and
Weaver were notified to appear before tin
board June 13 at I oclock P JL
On motion board adjourned to meet June I J
HOT Attest
E J Wilcox C K Gray
County Clerk Chairman
McCook Nebraska Jane 13 EOT
Tho board of Equalization met pursuant to
adjournment present C B Gray F S Lofton
and S Premor commissioner- Chas Skalla
county a sOor P E Reeder attorney and E
J Wilcox clerk
The minutes of previous meeting were road
and approved
The board continued the Equalization of
during the day
The C B Si Q R R by Ritchie attorney pro
tested the asse sment of their personal propert
at 3200000 claiming that it wa only worth
The matter was laid over uutil Jane 2S for
In the matter of tho complaint against the
as essment of the stallions of F E Lafferty and
A L Weaver the board find that stallions or
Weaver Lafferty and Miller were of equal value
aud therefor the board overrules the complaint
of Miller and Ieave the as e inent stand a
assessed viz 70000
On motion the board adjourned to meet June
111007 Attest
E J Wilcox C B Gray
County Clerk Chairman
McCook Nebraska June II 1007
The board of equalization met pursuant to
adjournment present C B Gray F S Loftou
and S Premer commissioners Chas Skalla
county P E Reeder attornev ami V
J Wilcox clerk
The minutes of previous meeting were read
and approved
On motion the personal schedule of James
Miller was cancelled in Red Willow Precinct
and the in Perry Precinct allowed to
Moved by Skalla seconded by Lofton thatthe
following property be raised horses and mule s
raised 23 per cent in Tyrone Precinct Lebanon
Precinct and Lebanon Village Horses and
mules raised 30 per cent in Gerver Precinct
Grant Precinct raised 10 per cent except money
on hand
On motion board adjourned to meet June 2S
1007 Attest
E J Wilcox c B Gray
County Clerk Chairman
Corn chop at the mill at 105 a
hundred Everything delivered
McCook Milling Co