The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 28, 1907, Image 2

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Barber Shop
Keirof i st National Hank
Ifewly Furnished
and First Class In Every
Earl Murray
Middleton Ruby
All work guaranteed
Mphone 182 McCook Nebraska
McCook Nebraska
rgSfcAgent of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook
Vatar Works Office in PoBtofllco building
J M Rupp
P O Box 131 McCook Nebraska
iMcCook Laundry
Dry and Steam Cleaning and
40fflce over JIcAdams Store Phone 190
l O Dill I
Fairbury Hanchett
This is a warranted and
teed windmill nothing better in v
the market Write or call on Mr
Ball before buvinrr r
List Your Property
With Us
Farms Ranches Etc
Qur office is in the east and
ve bring the buyers direct
with the money For par
ticulars address
12 14 4t Humboldt Neb
Lumber and Goal
Home of Quality
and Quantity where
Are you thinking of
building If so it ten
to one our figures will
please you
Iphone No 1
r Herbert J Pratt
Registered Graduate
Office over McConnells Drag Store
Telephones Office 160 residence 131
Former location Atlanta Georgia
and Builder
Repairing and Remodeling
Buildings a Specialty
Shop Phone 324
Susys Opinion of Her Father
Before Susy began the biography
she let fall a remark now and then
concerning my character which show
ed that she had it under observation
Iti the record which we kept of the
childrens sayings there Is an instance
of this She was twelve years old at
the time We had established a rule
that each member of the family must
bring a fact to breakfast a fact
drawn from a book or from any other
source any fact would answer Susys
first contribution was In substance as
follows Two great exiles and former
opponents In war met In Epkesus
Sclplo and Hannibal Sciplo asked
Hannibal to name the greatest gen
eral the world had produced
Alexander and he explained why
And the next greatest
Pyrrhus and he explained why
But whore do you place yourself
If I had conquered you I would
place myself before the others
Susys grave comment was
That attracted me It was just
like papa he is so frank about his
So frank iu admiring them she
meant From Mark Twains Auto
biography In North American Re
A year or so ago an American stu
dent in Berlin was attending a lecture
in a room drowsily close through lack
of ventilation To keep awake he be
gan whispering to a German at his
side the story of Mark Twain about the
man who lived all his life In a chronic
fear of fresh air The relatives of this
man as Is well known decided after
his death to have his remains cremat
ed and the climax of the story occurs
when the undertaker opening the door
of the oven to see whether Incineration
was complete was appalled to hear the
corpse speak out and request him to
close the door and shut off the draft
The American sprung the joke as ef
fectively as he could but never a smile
was his reward His German friend
remained for several moments in a per
plexed study then he leaned over to
the American and said But how could
that bo The man was dead Har
pers Weekly
Power of Falling Water
It is perfectly Avell known to every
one that water constantly dropping
upon a stone ivill wear it away and
there Is a trite old proverb regarding
this fact The force of a single drop of
water falling from a height Is not
great but the results of this tiny blow
when it is many times repeated are
astounding There is a story of one
poor wretch who was bound with his
back to a stone wall and had a stream i
of water of the bigness of a mans
finger directed on to his bare head j
the water falling from n height of J
about eighteen feet The receptacle I
from which this apparently harmless
stream trickled was a barrel holding j
only twenty gallons but before the
water had more than half run out the
man was dead with a hole in his skull
which exposed the brain Popular Me
All She Had
In the absence of his wife and the
illness of the servant Mr Taylor un
dertook to help three-year-old Marjory
to dress lie had succeeded In getting
her arms in the sleeves and through
the armholes of her garments and had
buttoned her into them Then he told
her to put on her shoes herself and he
would button them ne soon discov
ered that she was vainly striving to
put a left shoe on her right foot
Why Marjory he said impatiently
dont you know any better than that
You are putting your shoes on the
wrong feet
Deys all do foots I dot papa re
plied Marjory tearfully Youths Com
Climbing a Water Stair
Even a steamboat can climb a hill by
going up one step at a time This re
markable performance can be wit
nessed several times daily during the
season of navigation beside the Yrang
waterfall in the Bandak Norsje canal
Norway At this point falls in the
river prevent the passage of boats up
or down and a canal has been built
round the rapids and falls The ascent
is made through a series of locks which
accommodate one boat at a time and
in passing from the lower to the upper
lock the boat is lifted about ninety feet
Spider Talk
In the kindergarten during a natu
ral history lesson Teacher So you
see one of the differences between us
and animals is that we can talk Lit
tle Boy of three Spiders can talk
Teacher Xo dear spiders are very
clever little insects but they cant
talk Little Boy Well then how did
the spider say Will you come Into
my parlor
The Mistake
Customer looking at the bill Here
waiter theres surely some mistake In
this total Waiter politely Ze thou
sand pardons sir Mit my usual care
lessness I have added in ze date and
vorgot to charge you for ze butter
London Answers
Health and Music
Health is of the first importance in
any business or profession but in the
musical profession it is the very es
sence of the whole thing And how to
preserve that health Is the bugbear of
a musicians life London Black and
Disappointed Hopes
woman Do you Oh who Is she
His wife Baltimore American
8omo of Them Now Sit as Deputies In
the National Diet
Strange as it may seem Finland
which Is In the domain of the czar
grants women greater participation In
government than they enjoy even In
England or the United States The
suffragettes as they have been term
ed have been knocking loudly at the
door of the house of commons In Eng
land only to be turned away with
more or Ie3s lack of ceremony and
some of them have been arrested for
disturbing the peace while engaged In
besieging the strongholds of male au
thority In Finland despite the fact
that the government is quite autocratic
the women have succeeded In gaining
admission to the parliament which is
there called the diet Some of the
nlsh women who have participated In
1 movements for Finnish nationality and
1 liberty have been rewarded by
ment to Siberia Nevertheless the
czars government has loosenod the
l reins to the extent of permitting
men to sit in the diet
I In the campaign for nationality and
j perpetuation of Finnish institutions
j and customs the women raised funds
needed for patriotic agitation spread
j pamphlets and circulars to take the
1 place of the gagged or suppressed
1 press and bolstered up the courage of
husbands sons and brothers This
1 work seemed to develop in them the
1 desire to exercise the suffrage They
i came to believe that with universal
1 suffrage their country would be most
j likely to obtain and preserve its
ties There are six women deputies In
the present diet One of the most
prominent of them Is Miss L Hag
man The others are Miss Dagmar
Hervins Mrs Alexandra Gripenberg
Mrs Minna Sillangva and Mrs Hed
wlg Gebhard
Greek Church Functionary In Russia
Who Is Friend of Douma
According to letters written by the
late Constantiue Pobedonostzeff procu
rator general of the Russian holy syn
od it was this religious functionary
Avho prevented the late Emperor Alex-
l ander III from granting a constitution
i to Russia But Pobedonostzeff is dead
and the most influential personage in
1 the Russian church now is Antonius
metropolitan of St Petersburg who is
I described as a strong friend of the
douma It is said that he has bent
J every effort to prevent a break between
the czar and the douma and to thwart
the designs of the reactionary party at
court ne has been characterized as
one of the great men of the Russia of
today and because of his personality
i - - I
- -
i - - 1
zwffifl7s2 3BX ten
and his position in the church exer
cises a strong sway over the emperor
It was he who stood by the czar at the
ceremony of the blessing of the Neva
when the Russian monarch so narrow
ly escaped losing his life He is said
to head the party of reform in the
Russian church and it was in part his
influence which led to the proclama
tion of religious liberty in Russia by
the emperors decree
Weliesley Float Day
At the colleges there are many fea
tures of commencement week besides
the conventional baccalaureate sermon
on Sunday and the bestowal of degrees
on some succeeding week day These
time honored institutions remain but
the programme is varied by other func
tions often of lighter and sometimes of
more hilarious nature Customs differ
at different colleges but at those at
tended by women at least there are
sure to be beautiful and picturesque
scenes at this tlrae One of the prettiest
of such functions Is float day at
Weliesley on Lake Waban A prize
You cant rake up anything against i
that candidate Well I happen to Is a warded to the
know he Is In love with
crew which handles
a married ie oars most graceiuny ooaung songs
float over the water and at night there
is a grand display of fireworks
How to Become an Artist
Ilolman Hunt began hls an
when at the age of four tp cur
lock of his own hair to imiko t
brush It Is rather a eriou
for the young artist rightly i
some picturesque and i fT - i
ble Inadequate means of lxlmi
career We all know the stnrj
Jamln West and the cats tail
being a colorist is supposed t
squeezed the luscious hws fro-
ers to make his paints vs tlu f
probably many young artists
plating a career why not su
few new ways of beginning
Make a brush from poppers sh
brush from mummers hairbrush i
uncles chin whiskers from aunt
folse front
No doubt the reason there are v
great artists nowadays is that It is -
hard to avoid ready made paint bru
They are thrust upon children In ti
public schools How can we hope f r
a Benjamin West with brushes a drug
on the market Philip L Hale in Bos
ton Herald
A Dog Detective
In 1S29 a peasant was found mur
dered in a wood in the department of
the Loire France with his dog sitting
near the body No clew could at first
be gained as to the perpetrators of the
crime and the victims widow contin
ued to live in the same cottage ac
companied always by the faithful dog
In February 1S37 two men appar
ently travelers stopped at thu houe
requesting shelter from the storm
which was then granted but no soon
er had the dog seen theni than ho
flow at them with great fury and
would i be pacified As they were
quitting lie house one of thes said
to the thor That rascally dog has
not forgotten us This mis jl the
suspicion of the widow who over
heard it and she applied to the gen
darmes in the neighborhood who fol
lowed and arrested the men After a
long examination one of the criminals
confessed Ralph Neville in Outing
A New Phase of Biology
A widow recently came from Albany
to live with relatives in Brooklyn ner
new neighbors discovered that she was
given to romancing about small mat
ters On her own behalf she claimed
to take the poetic view of life But
one of her neighbors was inclined to
use a shorter and more ugly word
in describing the trait Among other
things the woman from Albany stated
that her late husband was a biologist
in the states service presumably at
Albany Later on it was learned that
he really had been in the states serv
ice doing time at Sing Sing for a small
A profe sors wife came to the res
cue Biologist is the poetic term all
right she said My husband tells
me a biologist is a student of cell
life Brooklyn Eagle
He Couldnt Plow
A certain incident connected with
the great Napoleon while he was in ex
ile in Elba is commemorated in the is
land to this hour by an inscription af
fixed to the wall of a peasants house
A man named Giaconi was plowing
when the famous exile came along one
day and expressed an interest in his
work Napoleon even took the plow
share out of the mans hand and at
tempted to guide it himself Rut the
oxen refused to obey him overturned
the plow and spoiled the furrow
The inscription runs thus Napoleon
the Great passing by this place in
MDCCCXIY took in the neighboring
field a plowshare from the hands of a
peasant and himself tried to plow but
the oxen i ebellious to those hands
which yet had guided Europe headlong
fled from the furrow
Greenland Whales
The great Greenland whale has no
teeth its baleen plates or whalebone
taking their place Along the center of
the palate runs a strong ridge and on
each side of this there is a wide de
pression along which the plates are In
serted These are long and flar hang
ing free and are placed across the
mouth Avlth their sides parallel and
near each other The base and outer
edge of the plates are of solid whale
bone but the inner edges are fringed
filling up the interior of the mouth and
acting as a strainer for the food which
consists of the small swimming mol
lusks and medusae or jellyfish
A Mans Career
A man ought to look upon his career
as a great artist looks upon his mas
terpiece as an out picturing of his
best self upon which he looks with
infinite pride and a satisfaction which
nothing else can give Yet many peo
ple are so loosely connected with their
vocation that they are easily separated
from it Success Magazine
He Knew Mother
See here cried the boys father
if you dont behave Ill whip you
I wisht you would replied the bad
You do eh
Yes caupe when its all over ma
will gimme some candy Exchange
So you wouldnt take me to be twenty-six
giggled the fair widow
No Indeed rejoined the inconsid
erate old bachelor But if you had a
daughter I might take her to be that
Why They Left
Hello George Whats everybody
crowding out of the drawing room for
Have refreshments been announced
George No But Aunt Mdtilda Is get
ting ready to sing
Envy Is an awkward homage that
Inferiority pays to merit La Motte
In the lMnct court of Hotl Willow county
State of iMlmihln
In the inn ier of tint application of Surah A
Iiuley KUitrdian of tho estate of Arthur Haley
Teresa halt j and hcnmriliiio Haley for llconso
to sell real estate
On readiiK the filing tho ixtition duly
ltd of fcarah A Htilcy guardian of tho persons
and estates of Arthur Haley Teresa Haley and
llrrnardiuc Haley minors for license to mjII
I JLeir undivided ono fourth interest of each of
said minors subject to the dower interest of
said fcarah A Haley in tho following described
i real estate to w it Tho northwest quarter of
section ten 10 in township one 1 north of
range thirty -Oh west of the sixth I M in lied
Willow county Nebraska for tho purpose of
raising funds for tho support maintenance and
education of said minors and it appearing
from said petition that said real cstato consists
of unimproved and uncultivated farm land and
no income is obtained therefrom and that now
is tho most advantageous time to sell said real
t It is therefore ordered that tho next of kin of
i said minors and all persons interested in said
estate appear before mo at chamber in tho court
house iu tho City of McCook Ked Willow coun
ty Nebraska on tho 20th day of July A D
IM i at juociock a m to snow cause if any
thero be why license should not bo granted to
said Sarah A Haley guardian to sell said real
estate for tho purposes above sot forth
It is further ordered that a copy of this order
be sercd on all persons interested iu said
estate at least fourteen days before tho date set
for tho hearing by publishing tho same once
each week for three successive weeks iu tho Mc
Cook Tribune a newspaper printed mid pub
lished in said lfcil Willow county
Dated at chambers in said Ifed Willow coun
ty Nebraska this 22nd dny of June A D 1107
It C OltR
Judge of tho District Court
for Hed Willow County Neb
An ordinance termed An Annual Appropria
tion Hill appropriating such sums of money
as aro deemed necessary to defray all necessary
expenses and liabilities of tho city of McCook
in HedWillow county Nebraska as shown by
the estimate heretofore made for the current
liscal jear and to levy a tax on the taxable
property of said city for tho payment of the
He jt ordained by the major and council of tho
city of McCook
Section 1 That the following sums of money
be and the same hereby are appropriated to de
fray tho nece sary expenses and liabilities of
iho city of McCook Nebra la for the current
fiscal jear
Salaries of officers fcft
Supplies claims and elections 1NX
Making and repairing allejs streets and
Fireman and supplies 1000
Kenton water troughs street sprinkling
and for flushing -ewer 270
Lighting streets 1710
Interest on bonds and sinking funds J00O
Maintenance of free library 1000
Maintenance of sewer MM
Section 2 That thero bo and hereby is levied
on tho taxable property within the corporate
limits of the city of McCook in tho state of Ne
braska for the purpose of defraying the ex
penses aforesaid the following tax namely
General fund 10 mills
Water fund CmilU
Light fund I mills
Library fund 2 mills
Sewer fund j mills
Interest on bonds and sinking funds 5 mills
Section This ordinance shall take cUcct
and be in force from and after its passage ai
proval and publication
Passed and approved this 21th day of June
C K Einicro
Attest President or Council
H W Coxovuu City Clerk
To A W Petteo and all oersons intnrnstpri in
tho premises hereinafter described
You are hereby notified that tho mayor and
council of the city of McCook Red Willow
county Nebraska will hold a secial meeting
in tho council chamber of tho citi hall in said
city at the hour of seven oclock p in central
standard time ou July 22 117 for tho purpose
of equalizing ami asse siug that portion of lots
7 and S in block 10 in the original town now city
of McCook Htd Willow couiitj Nebraska de
scribed as follows Commencing at a point 22
feet east of the southwest corner of lot 7 in
block 19 thence east 22 feet thence north 80
feet thence west 22 feet thence south 80 feet to
the placo of beginning the said city of McCook
having rebuilt and laid 110 square feet of cem
ent sidewalk on tho north side of Dennison
street abutting on said promises at an expense
to the city in the sum ot 4i0 A special tax
will be levied against the aforesaid property to
pay the costs of same and tho costs of those
Hy order of the mayor and council of tho city
of McCook Red Willow county Nebraska
seal If W Conover
C lMt City Clerk
To Albert W Corey and all persons interested
in tho premises hereinafter described
You are hereby notified that tho mayor and
council of tho city of McCook Red Willow
county Nebraska will hold a special meeting
in the council chamber of tho city ball in said
city at the hour of -even oclock n in central
standard timo on July 22 1907 for the purpose
of equalizing and that portion of lots
7 and 8 in block 19 in the original town now city
of McCook Red Willow count Nebraska de
scribed as follows Commencing at a point 1
feet east of tho southwest corner of lot 7 in
block 19 thence east 22 feet thence north 80
feet thence west 22 feet thence south M feet to
the place of beginning the aid city of McCook
having rebuilt and laid 110 square feet or cem
ent sidewalk on the north side of Dennison
street abutting on said premises at an expense
to the city in the sum of lli0 A special tax
will be levied against the aforesaid property to
pay the costs of same ami tho costs of these
Hy order of the mayor and council of the cit
of McCook Red Willow county Nebraska
fsEAL H W Conover
Cit Clerk
lib HI II I N1UI I-
J MiViHi
McCook Lodge No IM 11 of L
meets evory Saturday at 800 p in
t E
chows hall
W R Pknnincton M
W S IUxler Sec
modern woodmen
Noble Camp No 01 M W A meets every
second and fourth Thursday of each mouth at
8j0 p m in Ganschows hall
John Hunt VC
Harney Hofer Clerk
odd fellows
McCook Lodgo No 137 1 O O F meets every
Monday at800 p in iu Ganschows hall
E II Doan N
Scott Doan Soc
Chapter X P E O meets tlw socond and
fourth Saturdays or each mouth at 2t0 p m
at the homes of the various members-
Mrs C W Hritt Pres
Mrs J SciiORKL Cor Sec
Harvey Division No 97 O R C
second and fourth Suudus of each
500 j in in Horrys hall
Joe Hkgkniibrkek
M O McClure Sec
IH ets tho
month nt
C W Brouson Lodgo No 187 B of R T
meets every Friday at 800 p m in Ierrjn
II W Conovek M
F J Huston Sec
a A M
King Cyrus Chapter No R A- M me t
overy first and third Thursday of each month at
800 p m in Masonic hall
Clinton H Sawyer Sec
royal ni ion bo as
Noble Camp No J 62 R A meet1 every
second and fourth Thursday of each month at
2i0p in in Ganschows hall
Mrs Maky Walker Oracle
Mrs Augusta Anton Rec
r s M
Council NolGRitSMmPts on
the last Saturday of each month at 8 00 p m
in Masonic hall
Rali ii A IIagberg T I M
Stvlestee Cordeal Sec
McCook Lodge No 61 AOUW meits ever
Morula j at 800 p in iu Berrys hall
Web Stephens M W
C II Gray Rec
One Year 25 cents
nritii jr vjrr rm
The Kansas City Weekly Star
The most comprehensive farm paper All the news intelligently
told Farm questions answered by a practical farmer and exper
imenter Exactly what you want in market reports
I hnriflVFrTral I
in a Stock Certificate of the
Building Loan
5s 1
No better or safer
investment is open to
you An investment
of 100 per month for
120 months will earn
80 nearly 9 percent
compounded annually
Dont delay but see
the secretary today
Subscriptions r e
ceived at any time for
the new stock just
McCook Lodge No ii3 A F A M moots
overy first and third Tucmdny of tho month at
800 p in iu Masonic hall
Ciiaulkm L Faiinkhtock W M
Lon Conk Soc
McCook Lodge No 3 D of IL meets evory
second and forth Fridays of each month atS OO
p m in GanHcliows hall
Mm Laura Osnunv C of II
Mrs MattikG Wellh Roc
McCook Aerio No 1514 F O E meoU the
socond and fourth Wednesdays or each month
at 800 pm in Gauschowtt halt Social meet
ings ou tho first and third Wednesdays
W H Cumminh W Pros
H P Petkrhon W Soc
Eureka Chapter No bfi O E S moots tho
second and fourth Fridays of each mouth at
800 p m in Masonic hall
Mrs Sarah E Kay W M
Stlvestrk Corueal Sec
McCook Council No 1120 K of C meets the
llratiuul third Tuesdays of each month at 800
p jn iu Ganschows hall
C J Hvan J K
F G Lkchieiter F Sec
McCook Lodge No 12 K of P moots every
Wednesday atS3 p in in Masonic hall
J F Corpeai C C
C W Harnes K K S
St John Comuiaudery No ll K T meets ou
the second Thursday of each mouth at 800 p
in in Masonic hall
Emerson Hanson K
Sylvester Corueal Rec
McCook Division No I H of L E meets
overy first and third Saturday of each month at
8 00 in Horrys hall
W D Uurnktt F A E