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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1907)
t Iff it f 1 TWENTY SIXTH YEAR k THEIR TWENTY FIFTH ANNIVERSARY Congrcgatlonallsts of McCook Celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the Citys Pioneer Church This has been a momorable week in the history of McCook Congregational ists marking the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the church tho first es tablished in the city The formal organization date is July 2 1882 Tho three days celebration opened last Sunday morning with a sermon by Rev W J Turner of Norfolk pastor of the local church 1898 1901 It was one of his earnest able and eloquent sort its burden being that tho world is tho Christians that ho should possess it which was greatly enjoyed and appreci ated by a good audience There was special music at this serv ice which was solemnly concluded with the celebration of tho communion At seven in the evening there was a C E rally with Mrs E E Magee of Aurora Neb an early CE member in charge Subject C E past and pres ent Tho regular evening service was ad dressed by Rev George Dungan of Bee mor this state first pastor of the local church Special music by tho choir and a solo by Mrs C W Britt were features of this service Monday evening was given over to the relation of historical accounts of the early church and to a reception to the former pastors and members and friends of the church There were talks by G FIRST BUILDING DEDICATED FEB 111883 B Nettleton of Colorado one of tho early settlers of Red Willow county first deacon of the McCook church and first supt of its Sunday school J F Forbos P M Kimmell T B Camp bell Rev George Dungan Rev W J Turner and C H Boyle also added a few interesting reminiscent words of note There was special music and re freshments were served by the ladies of the Dorcas society Nought but the fierce windstorm without cast a shadow o r the jojous occasion Tuesday evening marked the close with a forceful sermon of greetings from Rev A A Cressman of the Red Cloud Congregational church his comprehen sive and vital subject being The miss ion of the church This was the fel lowship meeting of the celebration The double quartette provided music It concluded a notable event for Con gregationalism in McCook It may be stated with pride that the church started out to raise an anniver sary fund of 700 to cover expenses of proposed improvements to the church That amount has been covered and 150 additional pledged upon all of which Pastor Hawkes and the officers mem bership and friends of the church are to be congratulated and felicitated Gauze Underwear For men Unions and separate gar ments Black balbriggan and colors 35c 50c to 250 suit For Ladies Union sleeveless and knee length Unions with half sleeves and ankle length Vests long sleeves half sleeves and sleeveless Pants knee length For boys girls and children Union and separate garments For large peo ple Extra sizes Our qualities and prices very satisfactory The Thomp son D G Co One price Plain figures Cash only Best Races and Celebration at McCook July 3rd and 4th ever held and farmers and others are in vited to make our store their head quarters Bring your lunch here and eat it and we will be glad to show you the most complete line of buggies ever exhibited in the west McCook Hardware Co Pushing the Air Much thought has been expended on this subject and the fan is a very old device We have a very nice line of ilk fans plain spangled open work lace trimmed and feather fans from 35c to 100 each Th Thompson D G Co a Painful Corn Any corn can be easily removed McConnells Lightning Corn Cure with 10c Hefricerators at reduced prices at McCook Hardware Co You can save money to buy now MATRIMONIAL PATE HENZEJ Wednesday evening Mr Otto Pate and Miss Ida Henze wero happily wedd ed Rev A F Green officiating at the home of Mr and Mrs P E Potter and in tho preseuce of near relatives of the interested parties Bride and groom have both been employes of C L Do GroffCo They are sturdy sterling young people with a staunch and wide circle of friends and admirers whom The Tribunb supports in expressions of congratulations and best wishes Tuesday evening Mr Leslie P Chap man of Sheridan Wyoming and Miss Mary Rishel of our city were united in marriage by Rev A F Green at the home of tho brides parents Mr and Mrs Enos Rishel only near relations and closest friends in attendance They will make their home in Sheridan Wyoming where ho is employed by the Hill system Thoroughly estimable young people they have only the genuine good will and wishes of all who know them Held to District Court Solomon Boyor known in sportdom as Blackie and two unfortunate wo men giving the names of Viola and Vivian DeVere were given a prelim inary hearing Wednesday afternoon before Squire Berry under complaint of having assaulted Mrs Penelope Thomp son and with having stolen 81000 in money and jewelry and destroying S1000 worth of chattel effects of Mrs Thomp son All pleaded not guilty waived ex amination and each was hold to the December term of district court their bonds being severally placed at 2500 Being unable to give bonds the trio were remanded to the county jail The alleged dastardly crime was com mitted June loth The trio made their escape in an automobile into Kansas where near Osborne they were finally appreh ded arriving here on last Sun day nining in charge of officers Inform the Arrangement Committee Letters from numerous parties asking about lodgings during the race meet and celebration July 34 have been f received by those in charge and if ar rangments can not be made for this ac commodation it will prevent a great many from attending who would other wise come Of those who have rooms that could be utilized at that time will inform the arrangement commitiee ac tho earliest possible moment it will be greatly appreciated Staple Items Yard - wide muslin 6c Fast color prints 5c best prints 6c Best apron ginghams 6c Am A 2 bu grain bags 21J oC Best oil cloth 15c Peerless carpet warp 23c lb 6 big turkey red Mens 3 pairs Union Temperance Itteeting A union temperance meeting will be held in the Methodist church next Sunday evening at 8 p m Short speeches will be made by tho pastors of the various churches Let everybody turn out and make this a great success Whether Hail or Net the man th a Sharpless cream separ ator enjoys a stpady income and knows he is getting the cream Sold by Mc Cook Hardware Co Long Long Gloves gloves silk in black and in at Thompsons in lisle thread and in white 50c to 8125 Post Cards Tho best variety in town Have you looked them all over L W McConnell Druggist Steel Roofing at McCook Hardware Co will last and besides it is cheap Wash Belts We have them from 10c to 65c Thomp sons llc00 good Ladies gauze Fancy lawns 5c yd Mens handkerchiefs for 25c blue denim overalls 50c iest Rockford sox for 25c vest 5c suits 500 to 12 00 The Thompson D G Co m No Introduction Needed It would be unnecessary for us or any one to tell the people of McCook and vicinity about the good qualites of the Heath Miliigan paint It is well known all over the country for its dura bility and freshness of color The fact that it is being used on some of the largest buildings about McCook this season proves its reputation Wood worth Co Druggists sell it Do Your Own Figuring W C Shinns copper cable lightning rod only 25c a foot points 3 apiece Leave your orders with The McCook Hardware Co It will save hunting you up 6-21-4 1 T A Haley Local Agent Indianola Nebraska wi 630 p m 730 p m S45 p m After Fireworks Midnight July 3rd Base Ball at Railroad Park Trenton First train leaves depot for Driving Park First race at Driving Park Racing Program 230 Pace Purse 20000 Free-for-all Trot 30000 4 Mile and Repeat run 10000 Automobile Race free-for-all Cash Prize Wrestling Match at Bixler Opera House Fred Miller of New York vs Emil Klank of Can ada Purse 100000 July 4TH Salute of 500 gups Street Sports AT CITY PARK McCook Band Invocation by Rev M B Reading of Declaration Rev M B Carman Address by Rev W J Turner of Norfolk Ne braska Song America bu Audience Base Ball at Railroad Park McCook vs Stratton Free Barcecue Dinner at City Park First train for Driving Park First race at Driving Park Racing Program 230 Trot Purse 20000 Free-for-all Pace 30000 4 Mile Dash running 5000 Yx Mile Dash running 75 00 Automobile Race free-for-all Cash Prize On both the 3rd and 4th trains will be run be tween the depot and the grounds beginning at 1 oo p m and continuing regularly until all races are over Athletic Sports on the streets Concert by McCook Band Grand Display of Fireworks on North Main avenue Wresting Match at Bixler Opera House Prof J M Dwyer of Denver vs Winner of July 3rd Match Purse 100000 Trains east and west stopping at all stations flKixas rcJJ For the Public Satety Ordinance No 22 Section 1 No person shall fire or discharge any can non anvil gun pistol or any fire arm squib rocket fire cracker or other fire works or things containing gun powder or other explosive or combustible ma terial within the limits of this city without first having obtained the special permission of the mayor or in his ab sence tho acting mayor or the council for that purpose No permits will be granted except for July 3rd and 4th J R Pence By order of Chief of Police C L Fahnestock Mayor Shoe Bargains at The Model Special prices in tan oxfords patent Oxfords gun metal oxfords gents tan oxfords gents tan shoes They will go quickly Call promptly Lace Curtains 50 cents to 650 a pair Nottingham Cable Nets Arabians Landscapes Irish Point Handsome styles high value low prices The Thompson D G Co Threshermen Attention This season we will keep in stock a complete line of threshermens supplies This means a saving for you McCook Hardware Co Model Shoe Store Special Prices on tan oxfords patent oxfords gun metal oxfords gents tan oxfords gents tan shoes A shoe opportunity for all Notice On and after Sunday June 30 1907 the charge for Sunday dinners will be 50 cents Commercial Hotel John Deere Two Row and one row horse lift cultivators at Mc Cook Hardware Co Your children can run them while you are in harvest CMKD4JaHiOK McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING JUNE 28 190T 1 oo p 130 p m m 900 p m Sunrise 900 a 1000 a 1030 a m m m 8 1030 a m I 1 130 a m I 1 oo pi m j 130 p m MID SUMMER RACE MEET And Patriotic Celebration at McCook Two Days July 3rd and 4th 1030 a m PROGRAM McCook vs Carman of Independence by Eveiy Day Practical Sermons are enjoyed by those who are in attend ance at the Christian church A good attentive audience enjoyed Dr Finchs discourse on Jesus Christ the Light of the World last Lords day All mem bers should be present next Sunday at both services A Member Wreck on the Waterworks Line Wednesday night three loaded cars got out of the yard and ran down to the Q water works where they atruck a kindling car All were derailed in the collision left their wheels in the ditch and struck out into the country Dont Forget to call at my new location for reading matter stationery postcards souvenirs candy gum fresh roasted peanuts cigars tobacco pipes base ball goods toys etc Barney Hofer McCook News Depot Water Meters We have on hand a supply of approv ed water meters which we will instal promptly on application Under Wood worth drug store Phone 1S2 Ruby Special Prices at Model Shoe store on tan oxfords patent oxfords gunmetal oxfords gents tan oxfords gents tan shoes Get a bar gain Parasols and Umbrellas White parasols 125 8150 Colored silk ones with figured borders 185 Childrens cotton ones 10c Umbrellas 50c to 500 The Thompson D G Co Use by For Good Results Sherwin Williams points Sold L W McConnell Druggist Dain Hay Tools at McCook Hardware Co save time and money ritmne Make a New Contract There was a regular session of tho city council Monday evening of this week with President of tho Council Eld rod in tho chair and present Coun cilman Real and McConnell city attor ney and cify clerk Resignation of Dr S C Boaoh as city physician was accepted The committee appointed to investi gate the matter of purchasing city scales and waa empowered to buy a six ton scale and to solect a place for locat ing same Ordinance No 135 the annual ap propriation bill was passed and approved A resolution was presentod adopted and approved authorizing the mayor to enter into a new contract with tho McCook Electric Light Co for tho lighting of the streots of tho city tbo hoso house and jail and to provide for tho payment of tho same Firo claims of 200 each were allowed the following firemen C A Loach E R Osborn Martin Osborn John Gaar do SB McLean Charles Beers John Wontz Burr Druliner J R McCarl Bruce Campbell Frank Putmon Earl Ludwick C W Wimor W C Allison William Gathercole George S Scott J W Spencer II M Snider and L W Jennings JRJackson 2680 B C Bowman 2125 J F Brewer 1800 McCook Cement Stone Co 38313 C W Kelley 400 J R McCarl 25 00 A C Ebert 1250 L W McConnell 1250 Frank Real 1250 CB Gray 1250 C L Fahnestock 1875 CEEldred 1220 II W Conover 3750 Nebraska Telephone Co 1150 William Wyatt 350 Council adjourned Didnt Want to See Him Monday morning Squire Berry heard the complaint against Samuel Ball and 90n John H They wero fined 85 and costs each amounting to i320 in eafcli instance John paid but the father appealed the case Both wero charged with disturbing the peace and quiet of Sheriff II I Petersons home A daugh ter of Mr Ball is working for Sheriff Peterson The father called to see the daughter who locked herself in a room in the sheriffs residence and refused to see the father who threatened to force the door It seems that father and daughter were not on good terms Hence the complaint John Ball after this case was over swore out a warrant for tho arrest of George Fowler father-in-law of Sheriff Peterson charging Fowler with carry ing concealed weapons Fowler then made similar complaint against Ball The hearing in both cases is set for July 3rd Dog Tax Owners of dogs in the city of McCook will take notice that the dog tax must be paid on or before June 20 1907 All dogs on which the tax has not been paid in accordance with the ordinance will be destroyed The tax should bo paid to the City Treasurer 8200 for the male and 8300 for each female Owners are cautioned to see that licensed dogs are provided with a col lar and tag in accordance with the or dinance to prevent their being taken and destroyed Dated June 12 1907 J R Pence Chief of Police Sudden Sickness If it should come in the night re member that at our store an experienced pharmacist is on duty at all hours Ring our Night Bell and your pro scription or whatever remedies you may need will be promptly and accurately preparea from the purest of -ingredients No extra charge for night service L W McConnell Druggist Rev Turner Will Deliver It It will be learned with pleasure that Rev W J Turner of Norfolk Nebras ka formerly pastor of the McCook Con gregational church will deliver the ad dress on July 1th His address on that day six years ago will be recalled with pleasant impressions That Little Trip Perhaps the Fourth will prompt you to a short trip or visit Let us remind you of our stylish suit cases in time to provide yourself for tho stay Prices 8135 to 8800 The Thompson D G Co Pure Flavoring Extracts We make our own Lemon and Vanilla extracts guaranteed pure and much stronger than the ordinary extracts Try them A McMillen Druggist can drink hog water Co Four Hogs at once from the Hawkeye Sold by McCook Hardware u Jtht JUNIOR NORMAL SCHOOL ENTERTAINMENTS A NUMBER 5 BIXLER OPERA HOUSE Tuesday July 2 O J KERN of Illinois Lecture illustrated with fine storeopticon views Saturday July 0 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA GLEE CLUB This is tho first visit of this collego organization to McCook It will bo a big event Season tickets now on sale Reserved scats at McConnells THE HIGH WIND OF MONDAY EVENING It Caused Terror to Many Hearts and Not a Little Damage and Loss in Vari ous Parts of City and Country Tho wind storm of Monday night was one of tho worst ever experienced in this city though tho damago to pro perty was not very largo Thoro are no local facilities availablo to measuro tho Bpeed of the wind but it may bo noted that on tho snmo day tho wind reached a speed of ninety miles an hour in Lin coln and wrecked the anemometer in tho government observation station in that city in tho doing Trees and small buildings all over tho city were damaged chimnoys blown down signs demoralized and a move gotten on everything not nailed down but the total loss will be covered by n comparatively small sum During Monday evenings storm Mrq i v - yuitu severely injured by Jlhtuing as was also Mrs Charles Weintz and IV II Harmons family Mrs Road was knocked speechless for tho time by tho bolt Tho electric light company suffered some loss and much inconvenience from fallen wires in Monday nights storm Old wires in various parts of tho city were broken down Service was re sumed on the following evening how over thanks to tho activo work of tho company Tuesday Notes on Monday Eveninos Storm The damage to tho new high school building fortunately will not exceed 200 and Contractor A S Ennis may con sider himself fortunato Frames and walls were damiged somewhat Largo and fine trees on the Doan Kimmell and Barbazette residence pro perties suffered more than usual dam age Haskell Tin ills loss amounted to quite a sum He was temporarily living in a new frame stable in East McCook The building was blown down and his j household effects badly damaged- dish es and other breakable property being for the most part destroyed W J Porters barn in East McCook was also blown down and wrecked One dial of the city clock in the court house tower was blown off in its entirety and demolished The weather vane on the tower is also the worse off for its brisk experience The damage is how ever small in dollars and cents and covered by insurance Frank E Utters new house on upper Main was moved a few inches from its foundation by the force of Monday nights blow The chimney on the Sawyer house in South McCook blew over and went through the roof of the lean to Mr and Mr3 George Walters were abed His head was badly cut by the bricks and her arm slightly hurt House was consideably damaged Notice To the patrons of the McCook Elect ric Light Co The management will appreciate it if you will notify the of fice when you change residence as it will save a great deal of trouble in keep ing your account straight A R Scott Mgr Gauze Corsets Truly a humanitarian device for sum mer The various shapes are found with us at 35c to 50a Money back after four weeks wear if dissatisfied Tho Thomson D G Co Dress Skirts Voiles Panamas Batistes and Mohairs from 250 to 8700 Wash skirts 150 to 250 Alterations free The Thomp son D G Co Protect Your Horse with 5A fly net3 blankets and shoets At McCook Hardware Co Wou