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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (June 14, 1907)
Pi jmmsWismssmzmM j iJLijiiWHMBMMMaMWBWBWBMBBISMPgMBWMBBI je TWENTY SIXTH YEAR NINETEENTH ANNUAL COMMENCEMENT The Class of 1907 Go Out to Fight the Battles of Life The Bixlor opera houso was tho Bett ing for a brilliant gathering of McCook people Inst Friday evening upon tho occasion of the graduating exercises of the class of 07 somo 700 or 800 people assembling to witness this ever popular event Tho opening number of tho program was a piano duet Rossinis Ovorturo to William Tell in which the skill and interpretative ability of Miss Katherino Lumry and Mrs G II Thomas found full scope and satisfactory expression A popular selection splendidly rendered Kov M 13 Carman of tho Metiiodist church uttered a simple feeling invoca tion on the auspicious eventful occasion Spring tide by Reinhold Becker was very sweetly sung by Miss Ruth Wiehe a promising young vocalist of tho high school Miss Nellie F Andrews in language apropos expressed the salutations of the class of 07 and introduced tho speaker of tho evening Mr L B Wickorsham who amplified and expanded tho advice of Saint Paul to Timothy to blow up tho gift with in him Tho speaker used none of the gifts of oratory and occasionally dropp ed below tho measure of a dignified platform speaker but ho had a message which ho presented earnestly and it was withal well received and appreciat ed and worth whilo A vocal solo Littlo Blue Flower was splendidly rendered by Miss Elsie Campbell one of McCdoks most popu lar young vocalists William Reid McKennas valedictory was well delivered thanking for the splendid opportunities enjoyed by the class of 07 and promising to make good C W Barnes secretary of tho board of education in brief word presented the diplomas to the members of the class The finished delivery of Tho Gypsy Love Song from the Fortune Teller Victor Herbert by Mrs C W Britt was one of tho delights of the evening Rev A F Green of the Baptist church delivered the benediction thus appropriatly closing an evening in which alltrue Americans glory The slass motto Quality Not Quant ity was suspenaed from the foot of the drop curtain being done thereon in old rose and green Two Farms ior sale No 1 East 27 2 30 320 acres 270 acres of which are smooth 150 acres in cultivation 2 acres of asn grove 150 acres in pasture A 4 rooni frame house stable 16x40 well windmill cis tern and tank One mile ro school eight miles to McCook Good roads to and a fine view of city 140 acres in winter wheat one third of crop goes with farm Price 60400 Reasonable terms No 2 Southwest i 9J4 miles to McCook miles to Cedar Bluffs 15S acres smooth 30 acres in wheat 20 acres in barley and corn one third of crop goes with farm This is a very fine quarter nicely located Price 83200 Terms reasonable These are exceptional bargains and the prices quoted will not hold good after June 20 Write me phone me or come and see me I will show the land I M Smith Owner McCook Nebr The New Water Rates While the council committee is pre paring to report we will ask your atten tion to the matter of mens balbriggan underwear of which we have a large supply in the differentgrades and makes including union suits in three prices Your inspection invited The Thomp son Dry Goods Co A Womans Heart is always susceptible to kindness Then why overlook one of her most objectionable tasks Buy a Herrick refrigerator of McCook Hardware Co and stop that scrubbing every other day or two They are simply perfect McCook Won the Game McCook played Indianola at the latter place Wednesday afternoon and won the game the score being 11 to 9 It was an interesting game For Sale Lots 1 and 3 block 3 West McCook House barn and trees fenced A bar gain if taken at once Inquire of tf Peter Meisen This Years Corn Crop -will doubtless be a good one but it will have to be rushed with the best tools Twhich you can get at McCook Hard ware Co Sow a Small Patch of rape Your hogs will appreciate it McCook Hardware Co has the seed Regular Council Meeting The city fathers were in regular ses sion Monday evening with tho entire official directorate present Minutes of the previous meotings were roid and approved A motion prevailed ordering the estab lishment city scales on east Dennison street at the Hamilton lumber yard Councilmen Real and Gray have the matter in charge Tho matter of using Menard opera houso bill board for commercial adver tising was referred to streets and alleys committees Police judges report for May was read and referred to tho city attornoy Re port of tho chief of police was read and placed on hie hills allowed Mike Farroll 1200 F Ransdoll 2100 Hiram C Brown 2 50 J R Pence 1981 Ed Fitzgerald 1218 T Cain 3G40 John Ekstedt 7800 B C Bowman 28 00 McCook Cement Stone Co 40453 W A Gold 4000 McCook Electric Light Co 11050 J R McCarl 4000 R M Douglass Co 50 A motion prevailed that the council meet in special session July 22 1907 at 7 oclock in tho evening central stand ard time for the purpose of equalizing and assessing property for improve ments built thereon by the city to pay the cost of said improvements and that notice be given as required by ordinance Present contract having expired the matter of a new contract was taken up and discussed and referred to the light committee for report at next regular meeting Adjourned Relief Corps Honors Hiss Groves Tuesday evening about eight oclock a delegation of the Relief Corps four teen in number met at the homo of J I Leo in honor of Miss Ida Groves who is also one of our Relief Corps ladies The bride elect was given a shower of china and crystal Mrs Curtis gave an interesting recital upon Anderson ville prison which together wih music and other interesting features made the evening pass very pleasantly Refresh ments also were served and all togesher the occasion was one which will long be remembered by all who were present Dogf Tax Owners of dogs in the city of McCook will take notice that the dog tax must be paid on or before June 20 1907 All dogs on which the tax has not been paid in accordance with the ordinance will be destroyed The tax should be paid to the City Treasurer S200 for the male and 300 for each female Owners are cautioned to see that licensed dogsare provided with a col lar and tag in accordance with the or dinance to prevent their being taken and destroyed Dated June 12 1907 J R Pence Chief of Police Old Residents InTited All old residents of McCook and any others interested are invited to the an niversary celebration of tho Congrega tional church and the city of McCook June 53 24 25 Former pastors and members of the church have signified their intention to be present and it is hoped that this event will be of real interest to the people of McCook The full program will be announced next week The Invitation Committee Notice To the patrons of the McCook Elect ric Light Co The management will appreciate it if you will notify the of fice when you change residence as it will save a great deal of trouble in keep ing your account straight A R Scott Mgr Gauze Corsets American Beauty corsets and girdles in gauze at 35c and 50c Ribbon gird les 50c to 5100 Money back after four weeks actual wear if dissatisfied The Thompson D G Co only Water Meters We have on hand a supply of approv ed water meters which we will instal promptly on application Under Wood worth drug store Phone 1S2 Middleton Ruby Farmers Leave Your Order at McCook Hardware Co for the fam ous Deering binders and headers They also have a few bargains in second hand binders and headers Sun Hats and Sun Bonnets You will need these from now on We have an attractive line for children and Indies 20c to S175 The Thompson Dry Goods Co Another Arrival of a car load of Velie and Deere buggies at McCook Hardware Co Look them over you will want one iHfCo0k MCCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING JUNE 14 190T Two of a Kind Saturday afternoon whilo attempting to stop a runaway team Coy Burnett was knocked down and run over sus taining slight fractures of soverul ribs and his left thumb In whipping his colt to more quickly got out of the way of a runaway team on Main avenue A G Bump wrought his colt up to a highly nervous pitch and the animal shortly afterwards ran away also Eph Benjamin was in tho road wagon at the time and seized one of the lines the colt being thrown to the ground and tho wagon piling on top Benjamin and Bump were both thrown ont Benjamin escaping injury however while Bump was rendered unconscious and sustained cuts and contusions enough to mako him remember ths event for somo days The colt aud wag on escaped serious results Will Have City Scales By a favorable action Monday night tho city council determined to provide McCook with a set of standard steel frame scales of 4 or G ton capacity The scales will bo located on east Den nison street just south of the rear end of the Clint Hamilton Lumber Cos yard A weighmasters ollico will be erected on the outer edge of the side walk The city purposes establishing a first class standard weighing station for tho general public This action has long been desired by the people and its final accomplishment is partially chargeable to the special interest the McCook Commercial club has taken in the matter A committee was appoint ed by the council to have this project in hand An ordinance will be provided and the enterprise will bo roalized as soon as practicable for the city J C Moore For Renominatlcn Attention is directed to the announce ment of the candidacy of JC Moore for renomination as county judge Ho was elected two years ago from Tyrone pre cinct where ho has lived for past 26 years It is the first time he has held a county office to which he was chosen by a majority of 391 votes over two com petitors only man on ticket to carry every precinct in the county His rec ords are accurate correct complete He is a worker and deserves and we believe will receive a second term at the hands of the voters of the county McCooks Population Our present population according to the new city directory now on the press is 4G84 Computing 5 to a family gives 93G families If these families clubbed together to buy their summer dress goods they could purchase the entire quantity needed in one of McCooks stores and only four of tho families would have dresses alike Needless to I mention that the store is The Thompson D G Co Wash goods 5c to 65c yard Rooms Wanted Junior Normal School teachers will begin their work in this city next Mon day All who have room in their homes for accommodating them without board are requested to communicate with Supt Thomas Those who have work that either young men or young women can do out of school hours will serve themselves and deserving people by making their wants known A Question in Finance If an attractively fair complexion will land a husband worth 10000 what is the value of a stylish parasol that will keep the sun from spoiling that com plexion We have them in white colors and black from 50c to 5 The Thomp son D G Co Childrens parasols 10c each Ideal Shirt Waists Best fitting waists made Most styl ish and correct waists obtainable Lawns linens and silks 75c to 83 The Thompson Dry Goods Co Sleds are out of Date Get a John Deere Flying Swede or Ohio two row lister cultivator at Mc Cook Hardware Co and start the corn right Under The Elm Tree with on of those lawn swings from Mc Cook Hardware Co will be a pleasure for your family and friends For Sale Open top rubber tired buggy good as new Set single harness L W McConnell Druggist Gauze Underwear Unions for everybody Separate gar ments for anybody Extra sizes too The Thompson Dry Goods Co Teamsters Attention Get one of those large wagon um brellas at McCook Hardware Co Al most given away Long Gloves and Mitts We have them at 35c to 150 in black and in white Thompson Dry Goods Co NEBRASKA GRAND CHAPTER P E 0 Convention Programme McCook June 18 19 20 1907 TUE8DAY EVENING JUNE 18 Meeting of executive board WEDNESDAY MORNING JUNK 19 830 enrollment of delegates 900 convention called to order Op ening ode Devotional exercisesled by Mrs Maud C Harrison 1st vice president N G C Music instrumental duet Address of welcome MrsEllington C Britt president chapter X Response Mrs Flora W Jones treas urer N G C Formal opening of convention Appointment of committees Music Reading of minutes of last convention Introduction of guests of honor and officers Report of committee on credentials Roll call Report of committee on dispensations Presentation of charters Mrs Axtell supreme rec secy Vocal solo Report of grand chapter officers Exemplification of organization Mrs Myra L Grimes organizer N G C WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON 130 convention called to order Euphonium solo F A Pennell Roll call Minutes of previous session Address Mrs Mary D Lawrence Music Round table building a chapter led by Mrs Carrie M Peterson a Drafting the plans b Laying the foundation c d e 0 Material to be Chosen Placing of timbers The inner room The use of the building Music Chapter reports by presidents Recess 430 Memorial hour WEDNESDAY EVENING 730 committee work S30 convention called to order Roll call Minutes of afternoon session Music Exemplification of initiation grand chapter officers Informal reception THURSDAY MORNING JUNE 20 900 convention called to order Music Devotional exercises led by MrsFlora W Jones treasurer N G C Roll call Minutes of previous session Chapter reports continued Music Reports of committees Officers recommendations Auditing Local by laws Olficial chapter reports Music vocal Question box Mrs Mary DLawrence supreme president Memorial fund report of contribut ions Mrs Jones treasurer N G C Discussion Miscellaneous business THURSDAY AFTERNOON 1 30convention called to order Music Roll call Minutes of previous session Reports of committees Finance State by laws Resolutions Greetings from our editor Miss Mary Osmond Music Miscellaneous business Election of officers Report of nominating committee Election of delegates to supreme Unfinished business Clarinet solo John Gaarde Installation of officers Reading of minutes of session Closing ode Adjournment Memorial hour 430 p m Wednesday is open to the public If any McCook people have friends among the delegates whom they wish to entertain please report the fact to Mrs Schober or Mrs Britt THURSDAY EVENING On Thursday evening chapter X will give reception at the Bixler in honor of the grand chapter officers and delegates of the convention The Pythian orches tra together with local talent assisted by the best musicians of the convention will furnish entertainment The mem bers of the local chapter are highly grat ified at this opportunity to present their many McCook friends to the Nebraska grand chapter of the P E O Sister hood Present invitations at the door You Will Not Notice the heat if you supply your kitchen with a Quick Meal gasoline stove from McCook Hardware Co Get a Sun Shade at McCook Hardware Co and enjoy your open buggy during the hot weather Steibtltte Miss Rowell Showered Some More Misses Maude and Laura McMillon and Mjss Nellie Gunn of tho AwlOs club were hostesses at a shower given Miss Minnie Rowell Monday evening of this week at the McMillon home which wns of more than common clever ness Refreshments wore served nt ono largo table which was attractively decorated with club colors tho centerpiece being a bank of yellow roses with whito streamers extending from electrolioro to the four corners of the room Miss Rowell occupied the bead of tho tablo tho place of honor Little Miss Kent arrayed as a cupid presented the numer ous gifts The club present was a set of tea spoons of tho popular roqo style A flash light picture of tho protty scene will preserve tho pleasant memor ies of the happy occasion - - Notice to Clean Alleys and Premises All citizens of McCook aro hereby requested to at onco cloan up their al leys and promises Tho following rule will be enforced from this date You are prohibited to throw refuse offal garbage manure ashes straw slops or any other refuse matter into any street or alley or vacant lot within the City of McCook For tho viola tion of any of the above provisions tho person found guilty will be fined not less than S100 nor more than 850 and pay the costs or stand committed to the city jail until fine and costs are paid Tho householder whether renter or owner will be held responsible for allowing anv such refuse mattor to remain on premises more than llyo days after service of notice J R Pence Chief of Police By order of the Mayor Black Silks Pronounced advances in raw silk have occurred during tho past tec months and it is therefore worthy of ncto that we are supplying a handsome yard wide black taffeta silk at 73c a yard a better one at 115 a splendid poau do soie at S125 and a 19 inch black rhadame silk for 49c a yard Also fancy silks at 4Jc to 100 China silks 30c to 50c and a beautiful yard wide white tafffta silk at 8100 a yard The Thompson D G Co One price plain figures cash only W C T U Notice The Womens Christian Temperance Union will meet at tho residence of Mrs Ed Callen Friday June 21 at 3 p m This will be a mothers meeting and will bo led by Mrs Callen All ladies aro invited There was a nice attendance at the Union with Mrs Rosebush last Friday afternoon at which meeting Mrs Ingli led Several new members were en rolled Notice To Trespassers All persons are hereby notified and warned that trespassing in any form on the s n e and w s e i 22-2-29 know as the Johnson farm southeast of McCook will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law Anton Johnson Owner R F D No 2 Box 74 Holdrece Neb Painting Buildings at Track The management of the McCook Driv ing Park association is now engaged in painting the buildings at the park In this connection we note the fact that the association has valuable adver tising space which should not miss the attention of our enterprising business men To Meet P E 0 Delegates If the owners of the automobiles and two seated carriages will communicate with Mrs Schobel phone Red 3G9 re lative to making arrangements for meet ing the P E O delegates at No 5 Tuesday evening June IS they will confer a great favor on the local chap ter Millinery Clearing Sale The New Idea Millinery will move into the Monte Cristo building just across the street from their present location next week Tomorrow they will hold a clearing sale and offer irresis tible bargains to the ladies of McCook and vicinity Come and be convinced Childrens Day Exercises The Congregational Sunday school will give a Childrens Day exercise next Sunday evening at 8 oclock A cor dial invitation is extended to all to be present For 4th of July you will want a nice turn out See our line of Velie and Deere buggies and fine driving harness at McCook Hard ware Co You Can Get American and blwood woven wire i 6r - cs tj NUMBER 3 MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS Clearing sale Saturday at tho Now Idea Millinory Fresh potato chips ulways on hand Magner Stokes Dr Kays office is now ono door north of Commercial hotel Phono 97 Wanted A girl to do gonoral house work Inquire of Mrs G S Scott When in need of paint oils and var nishes go to McMillons Drugstore They do say Woodworth t Co mako tho best ico cream soda in tho town Magner it Stokes can supply you with I loin doublo strength pure cider vinegar In quart bottles If you want it dono right and right away call up phono 199 R M Douglann Co office in Bump building I M Beardsleo candidate for county treasurer solicits tho support of tho elec tors in tho Republican primaries For Rent Nico roonia newly furn ished strictly modem at 401 Madison st B P Davis Films developed and pictures finished at reasonablo prices Woodworth a Co Druggists Corn chop at tho mill at 105 a hundred Everything delivered McCook Milling Co A number two No 2 Brownie en larging camera makes pictures 5 x 9 Price 52 L W McConnkll Druggist For Sale Corner 75x110 feet with good houso and barn fine location two blocks oast M E church E M BiGKtow R M Douglass it Co will give you prompt and efficientservice Phono 199 Office in Bump real estate ollico lower Main The only place in town where you can get tho famous Three Star Cof feo is at Magner it Stokes market and grocery R M Douglass Co draying in nil its branches Call up phono 199 Call at office in Bump building lower Main avonue Shoes easy to wear and easy to polish A polisher free with every pair of shoes at the New Shoe Store on West Denni son street S Diamond Souvenir postal cards of McCook G A R and Ladies Relief parade decora tion day 07 Woodworth Co Druggists We Lavo a fine assortment of ham mocks Wouldnt one of them add to your summer comfort L W McConnell Druggist We are selling wall paper and paint and lots of it Better get our prices bo fore commencing that job Wooiiworth Co Druggists Agents Wanted with rigs to sell Medicines Extracts etc to farmers Royal Manufacturing Co 417 E 17th St Kansas City Mo Our line of photo goods will provide you with everything fresh in supplies for your vacation trip Right price on all kodak supplies L W McConnell Druggist Use McCook souvenir letters in writ ing to your friends Something new just received at BHofers headquarters for souvenirs stationery and reading matter of all kinds Use the Sherwin Williams paint this year and you wont have to paint again for eight or ten years Theres real economy in the Sherwin William paints Sold here only L W McConnell Druggist Christian Endeavor at the Congrega tional church Sunday June 1G 1907 at 7 p m Topic Who Are Slaves and Who Are Free Men Rom 815 32 Temperance meeting Roswell Cutler leader Junior Endeavor at 3 p m Everybody welcome Have you been to the New Shoe Store yet If you havent you had better go there for your next pair of shoes for they certainly do carry up to date footwear The prices are reason able for the grade of shoes The New Shoe Store S Diamond Prop on West Dennison st west of the Citizens Bank I have never heard anyone play tho violin so satisfactorily as Mr Carl Steckelberg I can say positively that his music has a message for anyone who is not deaf as a post He has the musical breeding the musical training and above all a musical soul I have promoted concerts of one kind and an- fence in all styles at McCook Hardware other for the last 20 years and am will- Co Teaming and Draj ing Also sand for sale Phone ojack 2G3 tf C C Harless ing to guarantee that Mr Steckelberg will not fail to delight any American audience C M Mayne General Secre tary Y M C A Lincoln Nebraska