The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 31, 1907, Image 2

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Barber Shop
Hear of 1st National IUnk
JTewly Furnitlied
and First Class In Every
Ear Murray
Middleton Ruby
All work guaranteed
Phone 182 McCook Nebraska
McCook Nebraska
t3Aieat of Lincoln Land Co and of McCooV
Water Works OfHco in Postoiilco building
J M Rupp
FOR ALL KINDS OF ftpfafr ty
P O Box 131 McCook Nebraska
Up-to-date Live Stock
and Real Estate
Dates Made Anywhere
in the State
Terms Reasonable
Fairbury Hanchett
This is a warranted and guaran
teed windmill nothing better in
the market Write or call on Mr
Ball before buviner
List Your Property
With Us
Farms Ranches Etc
Our office is in the east and
we bring the buyers direct
with the money For par
ticulars address
Humboldt Neb
Lumber and Goal
Home of Quality
and Quantity where
Are you thinking of
building If so it e cen
to one J our figures will
please you
Phone No 1 Manager
will make the season of 1907 at
my farm a half mile northeast of
Perry Station 1000 to insure
standing colt
Idahos Trial
William D Haywood One of he
Alleged Murderers ef Ex Governor
SteunenberJ and His Career as a
Labor Lcewder How He Became
Socttvlist J J J
has a
criminal trial
attracted such
interest as has been
aroused all over the
country In the case
of Moyer Haywood
and Pettibone
Charles H Moyer is
the president of the
Western Federation
of Miners William
D Haywood is the
secretary - treasurer
of the organization and George A Pet
tibone was formerly a member of the
executive committee It is charged
that the three men conspired to bring
about the death of ex Governor Frank
Steunenberg of Idaho and employed
Harry Orchard to do the work An
alleged confession was obtained from
Orchard that he had committed the
crime under the direction of these offi
cials of the miners federation and he
is also said to have confessed to twenty-six
other murders many of which
he said were inspired by them
Governor Steunenberg was killed on
Dec 30 1905 by the explosion of a dy
namite bomb which had been planted
beneath the gate at the entrance to the
grounds of his home A large number
of deaths have occurred in consequence
of the warfare between labor and capi
tal In the mining regions of Idaho and
Colorado One estimate places the
number at 100 Haywood Moyer and
Pettibone have been indicted on the
charge of being accessory to the mur
der of Steunenberg and Haywood is
the first of the three to be tried
Haywood is said to be the brains and
master spirit of the federation He is
thirty eight years old is self educated
and wherever he went before his arrest
he was said to have carried with him
the Bible Shakespeare and a diction
ary A Socialist first of all his dream
had been to bring the mines under
state control so that the workers might
get a greater return for their toil He
once told how he became a Socialist
I was working in the Trade Dollar
mine in Idaho he said My slope
was 220 feet above the main level and
fB3SiKK0 J v i
BMiiillls sJlllllllfe
BpHPIllllllI - jSSI
I was reached by climbing a ladder
straight up the shaft One day two of
the owners of the mine came in and
1 one said to the other
I Jim suppose you go up to where
Haywood is working
I wouldnt climb that ladder for
10000 was the reply
Yet I was climbing it every day for
3 a day I couldnt see why there
should be a difference of 10000 and
3 between him and me So I was set
thinking and in time I became a So
Haywood is said to possess great
courage When Moyer was brought to
Denver charged with complicity in the
murder of Barney McGee who was
killed in the Victor riot of 1904 Hay
wood was at the depot to meet him
The platform was flanked by militia
men and when Haywood stepped for
ward to greet Moyer the captain of the
guard ordered him back using both
force and epithets to emphasize the
order Haywood replied by knocking
the officer down The militiamen
sprang at him and he fought them un
til they beat him into Insensibility
Haywood has several noted attor
neys working In his defense and the
chief of counsel Is Clarence S Darrow
of Chicago Darrow Is an author as
well as a lawyer and some years ago
wrote a book entitled Resist Not
Evil In which he espoused the doc
trine of nonresistance advocated by
Count Leo Tolstoi A few days ago it
was announced that Tolstoi had prac
tically abandoned this theory by com
ing out in favor of the use of force by
the Russian revolutionists and in tak
ing the position that in no other way
can they obtain their rights Mr Dar
row who was counsel for Eugene V
Debs when the latter wa3 prosecuted
for his actions during the big railroad
strike of about ten years ago has of
ten been retained by labor organiza
tions and received a fee of 15000 for
advising the miners during the arbi
tration of the anthracite coal strike in
1902 He Is fifty years old and a
The Japaneso Commander Who Is Vis
iting the United States
Despite the San Francisco school In
cident and the anti Japanese agitation
on the Pacific coast many pleasant at
tentions were shown General Baron
Itel Kurokl when he landed at Seattle
on his way to the Jamestown exposi
tion and the first courtesies extended
him and his suit have been succeeded
by others which prove that Americans
retain vivid recollections of the heroic
part he took in vanquishing the armies
of the czar At Seattle Japans repre
sentative at the Jamestown tercenten
nial was the guest of the city and was
welcomed by the governor of the state
There were fireworks when he landed
Japanese girls sang the national an
them of their country and American
school children covered his carriage
with flowers During the war with
Russia no Japanese commander won
more praises from Americans for cour
age and good generalship than Kuroki
One of the characteristics of the dis
tinguished soldier which greatly im
pressed foreign military attaches and
others coming into intercourse with
him in the field was his modesty He
has been likened to Grant in respect to
this trait and also because of his per
fect self control during an engagement
Frederick Palmer the noted war cor
respondent who was with Kuroki dur
ing some of the fierce fights with Ku
ropatkins men has said that it will
be necessary to depart from tradition
when the sculptors perpetuate the fig
ure of Kuroki in marble or bronze He
wrote as follows on this subject
When the Japanese raise a statue to
him I hope that he will not be riding a
prancing steed and swinging his sword
for he never rode a prancing horse and
never used his sword To my recollection
I never saw him make any gesture ex
cept to salute The sculptor had best
make him squatting and looking at a
map while he listens to his staff and al
ways all of his staff except the younger
men the gallopers were at his side He
could call for information or suggestions
as quickly as the head of a great busi
ness house who has a row of push but
tons on his desk
General Kuroki is now sixty two
years old and is a veteran of four wars
The Statue of Him Presented to King
Edward by Kaiser Wilhelm
Much attention has been directed to
the gift from the German emperor to
the king of England of a statue of
William of Orange It Is a bronze fig
ure nine feet high and the work of
the German sculptor Helnrich Baucke
who was assisted In the modeling of
the details of the costume so as to
make them historically correct by the
kaiser himself A duplicate is to be
erected on the terrace of the royal pal-
P Tf N 1 S ViT
ace in Berlin The site chosen for the
statue presented to King Edward is
in front of Kensington palace andfone
of the buildings of this palace is the
historic structure known as the Orange
ry Sir Henry Campbell Bannerman
the British premier could not refrain
from a little pun when In informing
the house of commons of the German
emperors gift he alluded to the fact
tlve of Ohio At the beginning of his pat most appropriately the statue of
practice he was an attorney for iWilllam of Orange would stand in
i Yn
the neighborhood of the Orangery
- TggjjriFp j9irrt
The Twins
The Harmon twins looked so much
alike as babies that their parents
could scarcely tell them apart As they
grow older it became evident that to
Grandmother Harmon nt least tho
twins vert n unit
lou were askluc me how much tho
twins weigh said Grandmother Har
mon to a neighbor When I went out
that afternoon I put one of them on
the scales at the grocery and found
they weigh Just twenty six pounds
Do they always weigh exactly the
same Inquired the neighbor and
Grandmother Harmon looked quite im
The twins she snld Of course
why not
The neighbor had no reason to give
but she rebelled a few days later wher
In answer to her Inquiry Grandmother
Harmon said
Where are the twins Oh they
got a cinder in one of their eyes and
their mother has taken them down to
the oculists to have it removed they
were fussing so over It -Youths
Where Diners Had to Be on Time
Closely parallel to the fag end of
the Euston road and visible from It at
various turnings Is a street which be
longs to few mens London It Is a
dingy granite paved populous street
of no attraction Yet this street has
known better times and eager guests
In the house he knew as 43 now oblit
erated by a big new warehouse Dr
William Kitchener entertained his fel
low wits and gourmets He had am
ple means to ride his three hobbies
optics cookery and music Ills din
ners were often elaborate experiments
in cookery and the guests had to rec
ognize this fact Five minutes past 5
was the minute and if a guest came
late the janitor had irrevocable orders
not to admit him for it was held by
the mythical committee of taste
of whom Kitchener was secretary
that the perfection of some of the
dishes was often so evanescent that
the delay of one minute after their
arrival at the meridian of concoction
will render them no longer worthy of
men of taste -T Ps London Weekly
When Cleveland Said By Gosh
A long legged friend of mine who
may be called Bill Jennings as well as
anything else says Emerson Hough
in Appletons Magazine always in
sisted that he was responsible for the
opening of the Cherokee country I
went down to Washington said he
to see Cleveland about it I went up
to the door of Clevelands house right
at the front door and I knocked and I
heard Cleveland holler out to me
Come In I went in and there was
Cleveland sittin in the parlor with all
his cabinet there too I says to Cleve
land Cleveland them Injuns has got
to go and them cow men too I put it
to him right plain Cleveland he lis
tened and by and by he got up and
come and put his hand on my shoulder
and says he Bill by gosh she
A Wonderful Fish
The Bohemians have a proverb Ev
ery fish has another for prey The
wels silurus has them all This is
the largest fresh water fish found in
the rivers of Europe except the stur
geon It often reaches five or six feet
In length It destroys many aquatic
birds and we are assured that it does
not spare the human species On the
3d of July 1700 a peasant took one
near Thorn that had an infant entire
in its stomach They tell In Hungary
of children and young girls being de
voured on going to draw water and
they even relate that on the frontiers
of lurkey a poor nsnerman took one
that had in its stomach the body of
a woman her purse containing gold
and a ring The fish is even reputed
to have been taken sixteen feet long
The Carlyles Maid
The Carlyles had a maid who was
untidy useless in all ways but
abounding in grace and in conse
quent censure of every one above or
below her and of everything she could
not understand After a long apostro
phe one day as she was bringing in
dinner Carlyle ended with And this
I can tell you that if you do not carry
the dishes straight so as not to spill
the gravy so far from being tolerated
In heaven you wont be even tolerated
on earth
The Horse He Wanted
A Scotch farmer bought a horse Go
ing home he thought a drink would re
fresh it so he got a pail of water but
the animal would not take it On
reaching home he gave it a feed of
corn but It would not touch that ei
ther Yere the vera horse for me if
ye only work the farmer was heard
to say Dundee Advertiser
Of course doctor German measles
are seldom serious
I never met but one fatal case
Yes It was a Frenchman and
when he discovered it was German
measles that he had mortification set
Good Manners of the Mind
A man is known by the company his
mind keeps To live continually with
noble books with high erected
thoughts seated in the heart of cour
tesy teaches the soul good manners
T B Aldrich
A Yachting Trip
Captain Please sir your wife has
fallen overboard Owner Confound lti
Another of those sinking spells of hers
Harpers Weekly
There are no points of the compass
on the chart of true patriotism Win
The Kansas City Weekly Star
Tho most enmprohnnsivo farm paper All tho nows intolligontly
told Farm questions answerod by a practical farmer and exper
imenter Exactly what you want in market reports
One Year 25 cents
THE TRIBUNE Office for Office Supplies
Tho following letters and packages
remain uncalled for at the McCook
postofiico May 27 1907
Armstrong Mrs
Brown Mrs Georgia
Boyles Mrs W S
Hrj unt It E
Coffoo Mr Hurry
Cuppoo O Q
Daughorty N A
Deal Curl
Evans Mr A L
Ebormnn Ollio
Edwards Mra Ellio
Kolsoni Mr Harry 2
Frelliand Jnmoa
GrufTord MrE W
Harvey Mr S H
Hamil Mr Andrew 2
Harris Mrs Cora
Hand rick Mr N S
Honeman Harry E
Honry Mr II II
Holder NE
Johuson E J
Issue Mr George
Joucs Mrs J
Keif MNs Lizzio
LoRoy Gladys
Lois Mr Jacob
Millor Mr H G
Mandy Miss Alico
May Miss Bessie
McCoruiock Noah E
Mathews MrM
McCool Jet
Olson Mr James
Prey W D
Rouse A 2
Right W M
Reeves R J
Russel W A
Rockwell Albert A
Stever MrEN
Smith Mr Souden
Shears Mrs Fred
Tipton Bortha
Wake Mr John
Ward Mrs V C
Weaver Miss Loaflo
Wedding Miss Ethel M
Walter Mr Leot
Austin W R
Bower Mr Uoligh
Boat Mr AM
Beckman Henry
CoponhaKenMr Walti r
Cruunor Mrs Anna
Duniels Mr Houry
Davis J C
EpjKuly Mr Fred
ERgleston Willard
Evuns Mrs Litt
Foa Mr Ed
Fultou Mr Clyde
Genulian Mr F
Goipor Louis
Hawbecker E F
Hall C R
Henderson Mrs CaBsio
Hartley Miss Nollio
Hollonback Wm
Hill n II
Hon Register Fratorn
nl Life Aseoct
Jones Miss Ada
Kinnurd Mrs J M
Kelly Mr Louis
Larson Herbert
Lace Mrs J D
Morse C A
Montgomery Mr Jack
McPherson J E
Martin Mr Harry
McKillip Mr James
Peterson Mr II A
Percy Mr Wallace
Rouse Albert
Runsmer A N
Bobbin Mrs Clara
Rishol Win II
Run an Mr Claud
Skinner J H
Stephens Mr Walt
Thompson Mr Fred
Wliitham Harriet
Williamson Wm
Walsh Mr Gua
Wyhoff Mrs Phoobea
Walker Mr Weaver
Williams Mrs Agnes
Master Maynard West Miss Claudia
Geddes A R Parker Miss Lucile
When calling for these please say
they wore advertised
F M Kimmeli Postmaster
Real Estate Iransters
The following real estate filings
been made in the county clerks
since our last report
Clarence Reed wf to W S Coleman
d 16-17-18 6 Marion
Thomas H Harnes fc wf to Frank II
Coleman vd Its 1-2-3 in 4 1-2-3-7-8-9-10-11-12
in 3 4-5-6 in 5 4-5-6-10-11-12
in 6 5-6-11-12 in 2324-25-26 in 7 5-6-7-11-12-13-18-19-23-24-25-26
in 2 5 6 in 10
3-4-5-6-10-11-12-13-17-17-19-20-24 in 13-4-5-6-11-12-13-18-19-20-24
in 8 3-4-5-6-10-11-12-13
in 9 all in Willow Grovo
McCook 200000
Lincoln Land Co to Esther Dolph wd
56inll Danbury
Lincoln Land Co to Chas L Fahnes
tock wd 12 n211 in 6 2nd McCook
Bertram E lirighmau to S H Stilge
bour qcd sw4 Si ne4 32 in 1 27
Lemuel D Vanderhoof fc wf tc First
Nafl bankwd 12 in 12 2nd McCook
Harvey W Beaver wf to JJDoddswd
ne4 32-4-26 4100 00
William Doyle wf to Charles F Leha
wd9in22McCoook 850000
Isaac A Lyman wf to Edward E
Smith wd ne4 ne4 13-3-27 pt It 1
in 18 pt It 9 in 7 Its 5 6 in 12 all
in3 27 872000
A H Rait wf to Henry Walter wd s2
nw4n2sw4 12-4-30 200000
Stato of Nebraska to Burton F Rohrer
assignee deed it 2 nw4 nel 16-3-27 43470
Homer C Shrii e- wf to Carl M Kent
wd 12 in 5 1st McCook 210000
County Treasurer to John N McClung
tax deed pt 8-9-10-11-12 in 32 India-
William L Zint wf and Samuel D
McClain wf to Edward G Polk
and Richard H Polkwd pt 19-20-21-
22in 23 McCook 120000
Lincoln Land Co to Henry Kildow wd
1 2 in 9 6th McCook 35000
Hiram W Parker sngl to William T
Henton qcd 1000CO
William T Henton wf to Hiram W
Parker qcd nel 17-1-27 100000
Get The Tribune to do your printing
in a Stock Certificate of the
Building Loan
Estimate of oxpouwis for tho current year 10O7
b tli city council of tho city of McCook Nobr
Ho it rosolvd by the Mayor and Council of
tho city of McCook in tlio state of Nebmska
that the following bo and tho sume hereby In
adopted as tho estimate of expenses for said
city of McCook for the fiscal year coinniencitifc
May 7 1107
Salaries of officers 87CO
Supplies claims and elections 1MU
Making and repairing alleys streets
and crosswalks 2200Xi
Fireman and supplies 10U0G0
iteut on water troughs street sprink
ling and for Hushing sower 2V1000
Lighting streets lMJOU
Interest on bonds and sinking funds IRXXJU
Maintenance of free library lOOOUO
Maintenance of sewer KXjuOO
The entire rovenuo for the city for tho year
muling May 6 1007
General fund 2121 29
Occupation fund 219975
Water fund S0I944
Comotory fund 1KI CO
Light fund llftflOu
Sower funds 1112190
Library fund 57i24
Firofuud fcOI13
Total 2a6U965
Tim entire ozimriFo of the city for the joar
ending May G 1907 was uh follows
General fund 31H112
Occupation fund 2185 01
vtateriuml n70 on
Comotory fund 15
Lightfund 1242 45
Sowar fund ioy 7 ji
Library final tlti Kt
tiro fund 91150
Total 212197
Adopted and approved this lltli ilay of May
C L Fahnkhtock
Attest Mayor
II W Conoveh Clerk
WANTED A11 kinds of Sundry
help at good wages
in modern airy well lighted plants
Climato unsurpassed Mountain air
and sunshine Address
1211 15th Street Denver Colo
A few doses of this remedy will in
variably cure an ordinary attack of
It can always be depended upon
even in the more severe attacks of
cramp colic and cholera morbus
It is equally successful for summer
diarrhoea and cholera infantum in
children and is the means of saving
the lives of many children each year
When reduced with water and
sweetened it is pleasant to take
Every man of a family should keep
this remedy in his home Buy it now
Price 2Hc Large Size COc
and Builder
Eepairing and Eemodeling
Buildings a Specialty
Shop Phone 321
Dr Herbert J Pratt
Registered Graduate
Office over McConnells Drug Store
Mccook neb
Telephones Office 160 residence 131
Former location Atlanta Georgia
No better or safer
investment is open to
you An investment
of 100 per month for
120 months will earn
80 nearly 9 percent
compounded annually
Dont delay but see
the secretary today
Subscriptions r e
ceived at any time for
the new stock just
I 3 1