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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1907)
h K A V I m p w h H k 13 f i V i 2BH r 59T TWENTY SEVENTH YEAR THE MAY DAY FESTIVAL By Children of the McCook Public Schools Last Friday WAS A MARKED SUCCESS Better Weather Would Have Filled the Bixler - - Splendid Audience Notwithstanding the Threat ened Storm and Rain The concert in the Bixler Inst Friday evening by the children of the McCook public schools was all that was expected and moro The full chorus high school cborus and grade numbers notwith standing it was announced the program would cover the regular music work of the year were much enjoyed and ap preciated being given with commend able spirit and form The Flower Girls song by twolvo girls was a notably pretty and effective number The soloists wore all so warmly greet ed that reappearances would only sat isfy Miss Kuth Wiehes solo In June exhibited the sweetness of her voice very acceptably Love Me and the World is Mine gave full expression to Miss Elsie Camp bells well developed vocal powers Why was very sweotly sung by lit tle Gesuline Foley The duet Hark the Meadow Lark by little Adam Sinner and Amelia Bron ing was well done and came in for much appreciation But the program was all enjoyed and tho scene of 300 school children banked on the stage was in itself an inspiring one an effect heightened at the close by the unfurling of Old Glory and by colored lights The program was directed by Miss Budlong supervisor of music Proceeds go toward the purchase price of a new piano for the new high school building A Lecture Course Secured The Tribune is pleased to announce that another lecture course has been secured for McCook by a committee of citizens embracing Rev M B Carman Rev J J Loughran J R McCarl W S Bixler F M Kimmell G H Thom as C F Heber S B McLean and A Barnett Five attractions have been selected Tho Rooney Boys a musical aggrega tion The Cleveland Lady Orchestra Laurant a magician Father Vaughn and Mr Stuart both lecturers Details and dates later Anniversary Plans The plans for the 25th anniversary celebration of the Congregational church on June 23 25 are progressing nicely Word has been received from Rev Geo Dungan the first pastor of the church that he will be present also from Deacon G B Nettleton one of the first settlers of Red Willow Co and first deacon of the church and from Rev W J Turner that they will be here It is evident that this will be of great interest to all of the citizens of McCook FOR THOSE JUNE WEDDINGS Wedding gifts are more carefully chos en these days and partake of a more practical character than formerly Our modern stock of pictures china etc makes it easy to select suitable gifts It is goods of this class that please best They have beauty dura bility usefulness and intrinsic woith For wedding commencement or any other gift occasion we can furnish arti cles that will please and at any price you wish to pay L W McConnell Druggist Twenty Seventh Volume The Tribune enters the twenty-seventh year of its existence with this issue of the paper Since September 1883 the paper has been under its present management an existence under one and the same management not equaled by any other newspaper in this section of Nebraska It is doubtless one of the few business enterprises in McCook whose ownership and management have remained unchanged since the earliest days of McCook Water Meters We have on hand a supply of approv ed water meters which we will instal promptly on application Under Wood worth drug store Phone 182 MlDDLETON RUBY For Sale Lots 1 and 3 block 3 West McCook House barn and trees fenced- A bar gain if taken at once Inquire of tf Peter Meisen Get a Hens Friend t Chichen waterers at McCook Hard ware Cos always reliable fYr MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE Mrs Nellie Pearson spent memori al day in Holdrege Mrs George Neill has been visiting Herndon Kansas relatives Mrs W G Dotton arrived homo Saturday last from Fremont Miss May Stanqland departed Sun day morning on No 2 for Lincoln Miss Houlihan was the object of the popular kitchen shower last week Mrs A F Green entertained a party of young folks at a social Tuesday Mrs F M Kimmell arrived home Monday night from her Ashland-Lincoln visit Miss Estella Faus returned fore part of the week from her visit in Cher okee Iowa Mrs I L Rodstrom returned home Wednesday night from her Holdrege Omaha visit County Attorney P E Reedor has been entertaining his father from Lin coln this weok Mr and Mrs Ira Clark and baby have come down from Denver to re main this summer Mrs George Willetts was called to Colorado close of last week by the death of a relative Mr and Mrs W W McMillen en tertained tho Entre Nous club Tuesday afternoon of this week W H Bailey formerly of McCook but now of Bartley was in town on business Tuesday of this week Mrs C F Bush returned Monday evening from Culbertson where she had beon visiting the home folks Mrs Harry Dole of Seward who has been briefly visiting Mr and Mrs A G Dole departed for home this morning Miss Kittie Stangland returned last Friday from Bertrand where she has been teaching during the past winter Mrs AxelBackstrom arrived home Wednesday night from spending a few days with Lincoln relatives and friends this week George Beck of Friend Nebraska was in town yesterday on business matters and to see that dear old McCook once more again Miss Kathryn Sawyer entertained a company of young friends last Satur day evening at a whist party of very happy particulars Dr Mary C Kleint of Topeka Kansas is the guest of her mother Mrs C H Barrett arriving last week and to remain a few weeks Herman Pade was north of Benkel man Tuesday assisting in a funeral the deceased being the mother of the county commissioner of that district E C McKay and family departed Tuesday for the farm in Kansas Elmer Kay has rented the house and will occupy the same with his family George E Thompson departed last Saturday on No 12 for Saint Anthony Idaho where he was called by news of the serious condition of his aged father M B Carman delivers his lecture Boys and Girls at Hartley Saturday night June 1st and delivers the A O U W memorial sermon there on Sun day Rev Carman went up to Culbertson Tuesday afternoon to hold quarterly conference at that place He will de liver his lecture on Boys and Girls while there C H Boyle and mother Mrs Teter Boyle arrived from their visit to Dr and Mrs TB Stutzman at Davenport Neb A young son of the doctor ac companied them home Mrs Stutz man is expected Sunday Miss Nellie Andrews was quite badley bruised in an accident while driving over to Cedar Bluffs Kansas last Saturday The horses became frightened and ran away She was thrown out and has been unable to at tend her class this week Mrs E vrl Snyder departed Wednes day morning for Lincoln where she will attend the marriage of a cousin Miss Bohanan after which she and Mrs George Snyder of that city will leave for Broomfield Ohio to spend the summer at the Snyder home Mrs Viola Ballew left for Chicago Wednesday morning to purchase furn ishings for the restaurant and lodgings business shortly to be opened by her in the Zint McClain building on West Dennison street The building is to be furnished and equipped in a style not equalled in this part of Nebraska in volving the expenditure of 6000 or 8000 and to fill a long felt want Hose Direct from the Factory at the McCook Hardware Cos middle mans profit to pay JHfo0b No Nineteenth Graduating Exercises The nineteenth graduating exercises of tho McCook high school will bo held in the Bixler opera house next Friday evening June 7th at 830 oclock Following we give the program of the evening and other details of commence ment PROGRAMME Pinnoduot Miss Katherine Lumry and Mrs G H Thomas Invocation Rev M B Carman Vocal solo Miss Ruth Wiolio Salutatory Miss Nellio F Andrews Address Mr L 15 Wickersham Vocal solo Miss Elsie Campboll Valedictory Mr William Roid McKenna Presentation of diplomas Mr C W Barnes Vocal solo Mrs Charles Wayne Britt Benediction Rev A F Greon Class of 1907 Motto Quality not Quantity Colors Old Rose and Green Flower Marguerite CLASS OFFICERS President William Reid McCenna Vice President Lois A Hileman Secretary Floyd A Groen Treasurer Nellie F Andrews Nollio F Andrews Mormonism Alice Mary A Benjamin For Americas Higher Education Lenor Scolastica FizGerald Cicero Floyd A Green Choosing a Profession Josephino M Hammond Popular Superstitions Lois D Hileman A Lesson from a Great Cathodral Alico Mario McKenna Wonders of Colorado Scenery William Reid McKenna Signs of the Times Dora L Oyster The Autocrat of tho Breakfast Table C W Barnes Secretary A Barnett L Suess C H Boyle G S Scott HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS G H Thomas superintendent Gertrude Storer principal Katherine Lumry assistant CLASS SERMON Rev J J Loughran St Patricks church Sunday evening June 2 ALUMNI Reception and banquet at East ward building Saturday evening June 8 Notice The managers of the McCook Livery Barn wish to announce to the people of McCook that they have their new barn on east Dennison street ready and open for business with a new stock and equipment and are now ready to furn ish the best rigs in the city to the pub lic They also wish to announce that on or before the first of June they will have a new automobile for hire to the public at reasonable prices 5-24-3 Phone 40 L A Fitch Co Sunday School Picnic The different Sunday schools of the city will hold their annual picsic at Cambridge Nebr on Tuesday June 11th leaving on No 12 at 800 a m re turning on No 5 at 830 p m Fill baskets for dinner and supper Round trip tickets 3104 children under 12 years 52c Anybody can go that wants to Mane Snaps Count Every snap makes a good picture when you let us furnish your camera supplies Fresh and reliable cost no more than the questionable grade L W McConnell Druggist Do You Know that American woen wire fence is the cheapest good wire fence obtainable and that it is sold by McCook Hardware Co Corn chop at the mill at 105 a -hundred Everything delivered McCook Milling Co im jwjriTrcmrrrm OTiwjMMinwiiriisM McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING MAY 31 190 THE MAN HUNT STILL ON There are no New Developments in the Spaulding As sault CaseMrs Spaulding Improves Up to the time of our going to press this Friday afternoon there are no new developments in the Spaulding assault case Charles Nail who was brought here from Grand Island first of the week Tuesday has been released the authorities feeling certain that he was not the party wanted Wednesday morning Sheriff Peterson departed for the north west to join a posse hunting the fiend north and west of North PJatte This fellow is said to be heading toward the Bad Lands and is considered by the authorities to be the right man a criminal of great cunning and of skill in evading arrest and one whom it is very difficult to follow The rewards offered for the capture of the assailant now aggre gate iooo Of this sum Red Willow county offers 200 Frontier county 100 and the 800 balance is made up by the family and individuals of that neighborhood Mrs Spauldings condition is reported as improved and im proving this morning and the case is now regarded as growing more and more hopeful a fact all will hail with greatest delight BOARD OF EDUCATION jE H Doan President Two Farms for Sale No 1 East y 27 2 30 320 acres 270 acres of which are smooth 150 acres in cultivation 2 acres of ash grove 150 acres in pasture A 4 room frame house stable 16x40 well windmill cis tern and tank One mile to school eight miles to McCook Good roads to and a fine view of city 140 acres in winter wheat one third of crop goes with farm Price 56400 Reasonable terms No 2 Southwest 14 8-1-29 9J4 miles to McCook iy2 miles to Cedar Bluffs 158 acres smooth 30 acres in wheat 20 acres in barley and corn one third of crop goes with farm This is a very fine quarter nicely located Price 83200 Terms reasonable These are exceptional bargains and tho prices quoted will not hold good after June 20 Write me phone me or come and see me I will show the land I M Smith Owner McCook Nebr Hold Your Grain That is what the Updyke Grain Co writes Manager S S Garvey of our city and we repeat the advice to the farmers of Red Willow county It is claimed that if the farmers of Red Wil low county will hold their grain for thirty days DOLLAR A BUSHEL WHEAT will be an assured fact Ne braska holds the key to the situation A shortage of a hundred million bushels is claimed HOLD YOUR WHEAT States June School Apportionment Out of the semi annual apportionment which State Superintendent McBrien divided among tho counties yesterday each district will get S1230729 for each pupil enumerated in its census The total amount divided among the counties was 45782911 which is divided among 371995 pupils Red Willow county is credited with a population of 3665 of school age and gees S451066 Is Your Name in the Directory The final canvas of names for the McCook City Directory has been com pleted and if you have not been called on or are in doubt as to whether your name has been obtained or if you have changed your place of residence since May 15 please drop a postal card with your name and address to the publishers McCook City Directory McCook Kodaks Cameras Remember your friend graduate with a kodak suitable for bojs or girls lasts a life time and nothing affords more pleasure We have the best cameras manufactured the Eastman with all the latest equipment in price from 81 to 825 L W McConnell Druggist It Costs as Much to put on poor paint as good Get B P S paint and Nisoron varnish at Mc Cook Hardware Cos which has stood the test of years Second Motion for Rehearing- City of McCook vs McAdams Leave given defendant in error to file second motion for rehearing and printed briefs in support thereof Lincoln Star Select that New Buggy at the McCook Hardware Cos and have the pleasure of a summers ride in a vehicle that will look good and be good for many summers Attention Fanners After April 1 1906 we will buy hogs only on Tuesdays and Wednesdays of each week Wilcox Marsh Millet Makes Good Fodder You can get good seed of the McCook Hardware Co rtbtrne MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS Volume 27 McConnell for drugs Base ball goods at Hofers Office supplies at the TRinuNE office Wall paper at McMillons Drug store McConnell for bargains in wall papor McMillen has a large and well selected line of wall paper Prompt service in draying secured by calling up phono 199 Try Magnor Stokes for fresh and salt meats fruit and vegetables Dr Kays office is now one door north of Commercial hotel Phone 97 McMillen would like to figure with you on paints oils and varnishes Eastman kodaks make good graduat ing presents L W McConnell Druggist Tho B Y P U enjoyed a social evening at tho Baptist parsonage Tues day evening A fine eight pound dnughtor was born to Mr and Mrs C H Stonnott Wednesday night All kinds of fresh and salt meats fruits and vegetables at Magner it Stokes If you are needing glasses remombor Dr Finch gives free tosts and guaran tees satisfactory work A short business session of Chaptor XP E O will be hold at Mrs J A Wilcox Saturday Juno 1 Magner it Stokes can supply you with anything in tho line of fresh and salt meats Also fruits and vegetables Dont drug a headache with narcotics cure it with McConnells headacho capsules Prompt efficient and harm less Our spring shipment of burnt leather goods has arrived Call and see what we have Barney Hofer McCook News Depot Notice to Clean Alleys and Premises All citizens of McCook are hereby requested to at once clean up their al leys and premises The following rule will be enforced from this date You are prohibited to throw refuse offal garbage manure ashes straw slops or any other refuse matter into any street or alley or vacant lot within the City of McCook For the viola tion of any of the above provisions the person found guilty will be fined not less than 100 nor more than 850 and pay the costs or stand committed to the city jail until fine and costs are paid The householder whether renter or owner will be held responsible for allowing any such refuse matter to remain on premises more than fiye days after service of notice J R Pence Chief of Police By order of the Mayor of Board of Equalization Jiotice is hereby given that the Board of County Commissioners will sit as a board of equalization of assessments June 11 12 and 13th on which dates the assessments will be equalized and adjusted E J Wilcox County Clerk For Twenty Years Majestic ranges have been sold to the best families and hotels of McCook and vicinity and they are now more popular than ever There are good reasons for such a splendid record McCook Hardware Co Agents Dont Forget to call at my new location for reading matter stationery postcards souvenirs candy gum fresh roasted peanuts cigars tobacco pipes base ball goods toys etc Barney Hofer McCook News Depot You Get Perfect Circulation and no odor with the Herrick or the Siberia refrigerators Sold by the McCook Hardware Co Enamel spruce or zinc lined Hammocks Good strong durable ones that are good for several years service at any price you want to pay from 1 up L W McConnell Druggist For Sale 160 acres of Frontier county land at 84 an acre if sold before March 15th 1907 Peter Foxen McCook Neb For Sale Open top rubber tired buggy good as new Set single harness L W McConnell Druggist Sugar Beet Seed A fresh supply just received McCook Hardware Co vt NUMBER 1 Everything in drugs McConnell Suitable commencement gifts at Mc Connells Furnished Rooms to rent Inquiro at this office Illustrated souvenir lottors of McCook only 10c at Hofers Remombor tho graduate with a camera L W McConnell Druggist Wanted Rat Terrier dog Inquiro at National Hotel 2ts Whon in need of paint oils nnd var nishes go to McMillans Drugstore Cameras films plates and kodak supplies of all kinds at Woodworth Cos Zoa Phora Womans Friond A free 50c bottlo at C R Woodworth it Cos Druggists If you want it done right and right away call up phono 199 R M Douglass Co office in Bump building For Sale An Angolus piano playor Inquire at this office for particulars 35 selections of music ga with tho playor Wedding gifts aro plonty hero Beautiful things in pictures china etc L W McConnell Druggist R M Douglass it Co will givo you prompt and efficieutservico Phono 199 Office in Bump real estate otlico lower Main R M Douglass it Co draying in nil its branches Call up phono 199 Call at offico in Bump building lower Main avenue For Rent My five room cottage on corner of Douglas and Manchester st Trees lawn and usual conveniences C II Kent The only placo in town whom you can got tho famous Threo Star Cof fee is at Magner it Stokes market and grocory Pasture to Rent Half milo cast and half milo north of McCook Horses 75c cows 50 yearlings 35c per month A P Mouse Agents Wanted with rigs to sol Medicines Extracts etc to farmers Royal Manukacturinc Co 417 E 17th st Kansas City Mo Condolence aro all very woll but they do not repair tho damage caused by inferior paint Bradley Vrooman Paint gives entire satisfaction Sold by Polk Bros You never saw so many pretty presents for June Brides as wo aro now show ing in our picture department Come and see them L W McConnell Druggist Our soda fountain is now open and all the latest fancy cold drinks and sundaes can be had at our tables One hundred fancy specials to select from C R Woodworth Co Drugghts Use McCook souvenir letters in writ ing to your friends Something new just received at B Hofers headquarters for souvenirs stationery and reading matter of all kinds Christian Endeavor Sunday evening at the Congregational church 630 oclock Topic How to Realize tho Presence of Christ Leader Arthur Randle Junior Endeavor at 330 Everybody welcome Marsh operates on the theory that nothing is too good for his patrons hence he buys only the best of live stock of all kinds and sells only the best of meat You can prove it by a trial Satisfaction absolutely guaranteed The greenhouse had an unprecedented demand for flowers Decoration Day from city and neighboring towns Such a local dearth of flowers has never ben known here before chargeable to the late and cold spring frost freeze etc Good homes are wanted for orphan and destitute children of all age3 by the Child Saving Institute1806 Ohio street Omaha Neb Over three hundred children pass through the institute to homes and care in a single year From forty to sixty constantly on hand If interested write enclosing stamp for reply The Weekly Inter Ocean is the only weekly newspaper published in Chicago in connection with a great daily paper It contains a judiciously selected sum mary of the news of the nation and world the best stories home farm womens boys and girls and other special departments and fair patriotic able editorials written from a Repub lican viewpoint It is by far the best general newspaper of the Western states The regular price for The Weekly Inter Ocean is 81 and for the Tribune 81 But subscriptions will be received at this office for these two papers in combin ation for only 8105