The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 24, 1907, Image 5

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flBSf r - Delicious
IJrH 1 Hot Biscuit
iVt Tempting
made wltli
light crisp
The best food to start the day wStn
Food raised with Prices Baking Powder is unfermented
never sours in the stomach and may be eaten in its
most delicious state fresh and hot by persons of all temper
aments and occupations without fear of unpleasant results
WANTED A11 kinds of laundry
help at good wages
in modern air- well lighted plants
Climate unsurpassed Muuutain air
and sunshine Address
1211 loth Street Denver Colo
ymoer ano
sd Fitter
Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass
Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings
Estimates Furnished Free Base
ment of the Postoffice Building
The best of every
thing in his line at
the most reasonable
prices is Harshs
motto He wants
your trade and
hopes by merit to
keep it
The Butcher
Phone 12
McCook Neb
No G Central Timo 1140 P M
2 540 a m
12 SX a m
14 UV p M
No 1 Mountain Time 1206 p M
ll2i P M
5 800 P M
13 97 A M
No 170 arrives Mountain Time 40 P M
No 171 departs 041 A M
Sleeping diniug and reclining cliair cars
seats free on through trains Ticket sold
and baggage checked to any point in the United
States or Canada
For information time tables maps and tick
ets call on or write George Scott Agent Mc
Cook Nebraska or L W Wakeley General
Passenger Agent Omaha Nebraska
The 121 is down on her wheels
Engineer II A Frey was up from
Lincoln last Friday
Engine Gil is having driving rod re
pairs made this week
Engines 2S0 and 303 are out of the
back shop after an overhauling
J W Roades returned first of the
week from his trip to Denver
C F Allen has returned to the city
and reentered the train service of the
C W Britt went down toOxfordyes
terday morning on business of his de
John Archibald is hero from Broken
Arrow Ind Ter and may secure a job
and remain
Engineer L S Viersen has purchased
the V E DeWitt residence on north
Marshall street
The company is dismissing all em
ployees in all departments under the
age of seventeen years
The company expects to save 20 per
cent on its plant over that paid the city
five cents a 1000 gallons
II R Reinhardt and A L Kennedy
who have been visiting here this week
will leave for Atchison Kansas Friday
to go to work
Engineer J H Snyderreturnedhome
close of last week from the hospital at
Denver where he recently was operated
upon for relief trom his head injuries of
last summer
F O Fuller machine shop foreman
at Sheridan Wyo arrived in the city
Tuesday night on No 14 He will be
here a few days getting his household
goods ready for shipment to Sheridan
He has gained largely in flesh indicat
ing that Sheridan agrees with him
The Holdrege council U C T
through their attorney have filed a
complaint against the Burlington with
the state railway commission asking
for a betterment of physical conditions
on the Holdrege Cheyenne line of the
road The Highline has never borne
the reputation of being first class as to
road bed
Miw C S Husu is at Culbertson vis
iting home folks
G W BurtTof Indinnolu was a city
visitor Thursday on business
F C Smith of Fiillorton Neb suc
ceeds Mr Siindhatn in Suttons store
S B Solomon of Culbortson tran
sacted business hcto first of Iho week
Miss Joskph Rilkv of Postvillo Iowa
is visiting her sister Mrs Howe Smith
Miss Rosk Elijeut wont in to Omnbn
Thursday mort ing to enter a convjnt
Mrs Solomon and Mrs Kirk of Cul
bertson were shoppers in town Wednes
Miss Blanch Astkn is doing clerical
work in the oliico of the clerk of tho dis
trict court
Mus Dkwky VanFlkkt of Hastings is
here for i few weeks visit with Mrs
V E Dowitt
Mks Floyd Bkicry arrived homo
Saturday night from visiting her homo
folks in Wilcox
Mus J P Kummki was a passenger
on No 2 Thursday for Des Moines
Iowa on a visit
iMu and Mrs W F Everest and son
William are spending a few days in tho
country near Osburn
Mrs C M Uailhy was hostess at the
meeting of the Priscilla club Wednes
day afternoon Refreshments at tho
Monte Christo were a very enjoyable fea
ture of the occasion
C U IIeusicr of the Davis IIouser
Construction company was in tho city
first of tho week looking after ilie com
pletion of tho sewer system Ho de
parts tonight for Salt Lake City
Utah to look after mining interests in
that section
Mrs M E Fishkr and Mrs John
Davis both of Laramie Wyo mother
and sister of C A Fisher arrived in
the city this morning and later took the
train for Palisade where Mrs Fishers
sister Mrs Ashmore lives Tney will
return for Decoration day
New Odors
Our line of perfumes is complete
many new and delicate odors
L W McConnell Druggist
For Sale
1G0 acres of Frontier county land at
SI an acre if sold before March loth 1907
Peter Foxen McCook Neb
Cash Received on Account
Charge Paid Out and other cash
register printed supplies at The Tribune
The Tribune is now prepared to do
your job printing of all kinds promptly
How He Answered
The London Academy tells a story of
De Qulncey ne had to fill up a cen
sus paper and the set questions puz
zled him greatly He finally managed
to characterize his occupation as
writer to the magazines but -when it
came to the occupations of his three
daughters his troubles began again
At last he put a ring around their
names and wrote They are like lilies
of the field they toil not neither do
they spin
Sinking It Clear
He Will you marry me She No
Im not a clergyman He Well will
you permit a clergyman to marry us
She Yes you to somebody else and
me to well somebody else London
tint Bits
J S Miller was sick and off duty
close of last week
Burr Druliner and Roy True were
Benkelman visitors Sunday
Engines 2S0 and 1063 are being given
trial heats in the yard today
John Dunbar is on the relief with a
cut head Cause hammock itis
G W and Ed Reinhardt will leave
tonight for Atchison on a visit
Both the machine shop and black
smith shop have been white washed
this week
Engine 303 from the Lincoln division
is in the shop this week for a general
H E Schrinor machinist apprentice
has resigned and will go to Illinois to
complete his trade
The boom of the new wrecker was
broken in clearing up tho Curtis wreck
close of last week
The 1901 received a broken cylinder
in the Akron collision the other day
and is in the shop for repairs
Blacksmith W H Hunter arrived
home last Saturday from his trip to
Canada to the funeral of his aged mother
Conductor Frank Kendlen was off
duty part of the week and Conductor
Frank Quigley had his run meanwhile
The water cranes two of them for
the companys new system have been
put in this week The plant is gradu
ally drawing near completion
Two way cars were smashed up in an
accident in the Akron yardlast nightin
a fog Nobody hurt Conductors Cox
and Barker and crews are in the mix up
A car burned at Hyde Colo early in
the week It was found afire in a train
and set on a sidetrack to burn up An
other was set afire at Funk on the side
track by a passing hay burner and con
-TO -
McCook Nebr
Tliu eminent pliixirtmi on chronic licenses
will ieit our city
And will lx at tlio I ilmor Until until 5 p in
Dr Pnttorf immident of tliostutf of tlio Hus
ton Ultjctro Medical Institute is innkiiiK t tour
of tlio ntlttli
Ho will irtvi consultation examination and
till thi medicine nccossiirj to complete n euro
FIMK All parties takini advaniaiu of this
olfor are reqiierted to slate to their friends tho
result of the truntmetit
ores DEAFNESS hj an entiro new process
J rent nil curahlo cases of catarrh throat
and lime diseases oje and ear liuir
anil KKluejs ijrivel rheumatism
neuralgia nervous and heart dioas epilepsy
KriKhts ta aa ami disease or the hladdor and
fiimile ornaii blood and
Liquor mill tobacco habit big neck stam
miTiriK cured
1iles llstula and rupture cured without de
tention from business no fi ami throal
Glasses fitted Krmiuliited lids catanictscross
ojesstraiKliten d without pain
If jon ro improMiiK under jour fnmilj jiliy
oiciiui do not take up our valuable time The
rich and the poor are treated alike Idlers ami
curiosity s eeker will please keep away Our
time is alualilo
Kemember NOT A PENNY will bo charged
for tho medicine required to make u oiinof all
those taking treatment this trip Oliico hour
a in
lo itivoh married ladies must be accompani
ed j their husbands Kemember tho date
Wednesday Maj 2U at tho Palmer Hotel Mc
Cook Nebraska
Will also be at the leading hotel in Indianola
Thurday May 30 until noon only
W R C and G A R Ladies Held
Election at Fremont
Fremont Neb May 18 Membors
of the W R C yesterday evening
elected the following ollicers for tho
onsuing year
President Mrs La Delle Stilsou
Senior vice president Mrs Clara J
Hughes Fremont
Junior vice president Mrs Harri
et Luce Republican City
Chaplain Mrs Avilda Staple
Treasurer Mrs Helen Gordon
Weeping Water
Chairman executive board Mrs
Nellie C Uards
These ollicers were installed yester
day afternoon after which tho work
was put on by the Omaha circle
These are the now officers for tho G
A R ladies
President Mrs Kate Dutton Mc
Senior vice president Mrs Lou
Holcomb Loup City
Junior vice president Amanda Rose
Treasurer Clara Lyon Omaha
Chaplain Mrs Hoge Kearney
Council of Administration Mrs J
R Maxon Minden Mrs C N Peters
Omaha Mrs Coates Aurora
The Senator in Demand
Senator Burkett will fill the follow
ing engagements in Nebraska during
May and June
May 23 Gothenburg High School
May 27 Juniata High School Com
May 28 Arapahoe High School Com
May 29 Superior High School Com
May 30 Table Rock High School
May 31 Central City High School
June 1 Aurora High School Com
June 6 Holdrege High School Com
June 7 Beatrice High School Com
June S Beaver Crossing High School
June 10 Hebron Teachers Insti
June 11 Red Cloud Teachers Insti
June 12 Bloomington Eighth Grade
June 14 Alliance Cattlemens Con
June 17 Valentine Normal School
June IS ONeill Normal School
June 19 Broken Bow Normal School
June 20 Geneva Normal School
June 21 Alma Normal School
June 22 Benkelman Eighth Grade
Anti Saloon League Sunday
Last Sunday was Anti Saloon League
Sunday with Attorney Thomas Dar
nell of Lincoln at the front of the stage
In the morning Mr Darnell spoke in
the Baptist church In the afternoon
in the Methodist church At night in
the Congregational church Good
audiences attended each of the services
Collections were taken up and additions
secured at each meeting to the WCTU
Mr Darnell made a powerful plea for
temperance and incidentally scathingly
denounced the practical licensing of
prostitution in our city by a monthly
system of collecting fines from inmates
of houses of ill fame a system in vogue
in but few Nebraska cities
There is a wide open field in McCook
still for temperance workand will be
till the crack of doom
For Sale
Household furniture complete Right
party can rent house and step right in
without moving a piece Goods are
same as new and the best money can
buy For further particulars call on
or address Mrs or Mb J B Wade
Phone red 238- McCook Nety
TmT53Ss Sft
W fpf3
The N
Swell JDresaer
T5J UA Jfrg US
Toss up an thing in our furnishing de
partment When it falls it has the ring of
genuine style If busy phone us your
wants and youll find them at home in time
for that affair tonight
Fancy Dress Shirts 100 to 150
Arrow Brand Collars 2 for 25c
See us for Hats Clothing etc
ew Shoe Store
I extend an invitation to all to coiup to THE NEW SHOE STORE and eo
the place and line of shoes and though nine persons out of every ten buy
after they see what a good lino I carry and how nicv tlmv fit and how easy
they feel at the same time therojs no sour look to the t nth person vno
dont happen to buy So if you have not called yet ou are invited to do so
and I am certain it will be worth your while You know the place tho New
Shoe Store west of tho Citizens bank
So Diamond Proprietor
Mart Akers was a passenger on No 5
Saturday evening going to McCook
Mrs Phillips and daughter Mrs John
Grovert went to Bartley Saturday morn
ing on No 12 returning in the evening
A daughter was born during the week
to Mr and Mrs W Kennedy
Mr C Quick went to St Joe Satur
day with a load of cattle
James Murray has gone to Glenwood
Springs Colorado to work this summer
Last Saturday morning Miss Josie
Fox left for her home in South Dakota
where she will spend the summer
C S Quick and King shipped a car
of cattle Saturday last
Mrs Frank Howe was a McCook
visitor last of the week
Newt West shipped six car loads of
cattle to St Joe Saturday night
Mr Barnett of the lumber yards was
in town last week overseeing the build
ing of some coil sheds
Mrs Conrad Miller and children
went down to Bartley Saturday morn
ing and spent the day
Born to Mr and Mrs Frank Teel a
daughter Monday
Mrs Flora Simmons of Edison is in
town this week the guest of her parents
Mr and Mrs C B Hoag
George Mick was taken sick last
Thursday and a doctor called who pro
nounced his disease smallpox The
premises were accordingly quarantined
Mrs Russell is quite sick Her
daughter MrsMick is caring for her
Doctor Minnick visited in McCook
Sunday night
Miss Sarah Jenson went to McCook
Sunday evening to be there for a few
Miss Walsh gave her pupils a picnic
last Friday afternoon at the fairgrounds
A band of gypsies made our village a
call Tuesday perambulating around
telling fortunes and making nuisances
of themselves generally They departed
the same day
Dr and Mrs Porter of Cambridge art
the guest of James Boldman and Ji
this week
Miss Mamie Mann left Friday morn
ing for Lincoln whither sho noes for j
few weeks stay with her sister
We were the recipients of a nice ram
Monday night for wLich wo are thanK
f ul also the warm weather
Rev E Smith delivered the bac
calaureate sermon at Shorts opera
Sunday evening to a crowded houc
The sermon was particularly good
understood and appreciated by tirj
The graduation exercises will be i
next Friday evening at tho hall w t
speakar from Lincoln
The orations were delivered at
school house Wednesday afternoo
This ends our school for this year
An athletic club was organized v
the masculine portion of Indianola i
Friday evening with J Ryan as pr -
dent Austin Gamsby treasurer u
secretary W A McCool Austin G -by
and Edward Smith directors
j Clifford Bellair has the measles
1 John Lomrnecker went to Camhriifrf
last Wednesday to hear Senator 1 1
mans lecture
Mrs Jackson Loomis of Michigan
here to see her sick mother MraRinc b
who continues very low
Mrs A D Finch spent the wic
with friends in the neighborhood
Mr Elmer put down a cement wr
at Louis Longneckers
Clifford Bellair wag working for
Louise Longnecker but had to leave en
account of sickness
Mrs Guttridge and Mrs Owens
Longnecker left Tuesday morning for
a visit to their old home in Springfield
If it 13 from Marshs its the best ob
tainable Anything and every thing per
taining to the meat market business