f f i t ty2 lt fflkp By F M KIA1MELL Largest Circulation In Red Willow Co Subscription 1 a Year in Advance Amkimca if suffering from debased ethical standards and low moral ideals As sample of opera boufle well can you suggest anything to equal that council meeting Monday Dont all ejaculate simultaneously PakaIJiuasing just a little apropos the granting of the six licenses in Mc Cook The Citizens convention pro poses but the city council disposes And wo are wetter than ever Thk lawns and trees of this city al ready show most pathetically the urgency of the settlement of the water question and its proper and equitablo settlement Their appeal is mute but urgent and powerful Thk Primary law will afford the peo ple of Red Willow county and of Ne braska an oportunity to givo tho poli ticians and would bb bosses and poli tical leaders just tho medicine they need Wo will see later how well they discharge their trust There seems to be accumulating evi dence that at least such features of the anti pass law as the railroads care to disregard are being broken with more or less impunity What a spectacle wo thus have afforded us Great and powerful corporations in tho attitudo of law breakers they themselves tho creatures of law and so often demand ing the protection of tho law Shame Announcement I hereby announce to tho Republicans of Red Willow county that I shall bo a candidate for tho oflico of County Clerk on the Republican ticket at the Prim ary Election to bo held on Tuesday Septomber 3 1907 I respectfully ask the consideration of the Republican electors of tho county Stuart B McLean McCook Neb April 20 1907 Announcement I respectfully announce that I will bo a candidate for the office of Clerk of the District Court of Red Wil low county on the Republican ticket subject to the decision of the Repub lican Primaries to be held on Tuesday September 3 1907 Chester A Rodgers Valley Grange Prect April 26 1907 Announcement I respectfully announce that I will be a candidate for the office f county treasurer of Red Willow county on the republican ticket at the primary election Tuesday September 3 1907 If elected will give up present occupa tion and personally attend to tho duties of the office Justin A Wilcox McCook Nebraska May 2 1907 Announcement I wish to announce to the Republican voters of this county that I shall be a candidate for the Republican nomina tion for County Clert at the Primary Election on Tuesday Septembsr 3rd 1907 and that I would like to have all fair minded Republican voters who be lieve in good clean business like service rom their public servants and who want men that are absolutely free from all boss or ring rule free from all machine or corporation influence to consider my candidacy Respectfully Chas Skalta Indianola Neb April 26 1907 Announcement I hereby announce myself a candi date for the oflice of judge of the fourteenth judicial district of Nebraska on the republican ticket subject to the decision of the republican primary elec tion to be held September 3 1907 Charles E Eldred McCook Nebraska Announcement I desire to announce to the electors of the Republican party of Red Willow county that I am a candidate for tho of fice of County Treasurer and respect fully solicit the consideration of each elector in tho coming primaries to take place in each precinct on Tuesday Sept 3 1907 I M Beardslee May 3 1907 Announcement I hereby announce to the Republicans of Red Willow County that I shall be a candidate for the office of County Trea surer on the Republican ticket subject to the decision of the Republican Prim ary Election to be held Tuesday Sept 3rd 1907 For the past twelve years I have been engaged in practical book keeping and commercial business and feel confident that I can handle with credit all business entrusted to the office I respectfully ask your due con sideration Clifford Naden Danbury Neb May 6th 1907 Attention Farmers After April 1 1907 we will buy hogs only on Tuesdays and Wednesdays of each week Wilcox Marsh Say yon saw it in The Tribune FOR DISTRICT JUDGE Thk Tin hunk takes pleasure in pre senting for tho consideration of the vot ers of tho Fourteenth Judicial District of Nebraska tho choice of Red Willow county for that high and honorable of fice Charles E Eldred of McCook Mr Eldred fortunately needs no in troduction to the peoplo of tho Four teenth district For years ho has been an honorable and able practitionor bo fore the several courts of tho district thus acquiring an experience in many phases of tho law and practice enjoyed by few lawyers of tho district His conduct as county judgo and county attorney of Red Willow county is an open book none more able hon orable or worthy have filled either place in tho history of tho county All over tho district ho is recognized and accepted as not only a gentleman of tho highest character and parts but as a lawyer of experience and skill as a lawyer citizen well and truly qualified for tho exacting and exalted duties of of the oflico of district judge a position which demands first class legal ability and character of the truest and noblest sort So it affords Thk Tkiijusk personal and local pride to place Mr Eldreds namo before tho electors of tho district for their favorable action at the primary election to bo held in September next knowing his worthiness and qualifica tions for tho position ho seeks Auntie Graft Has a Word Mr Editor I noticed in vour t I able paper of last week a letter asking for light on the water question Per haps I can supply an item that will as sist your correspondent to shape his ideas on the subject On last Sunday I spent two hours watering trees and grass at my house and noted the record made by the meter In the 120 seconds tho meter recorded 6S cubic feet con sumed which reduced to gallons made 514 gallons If that rate per hour is carried out for the season the total amounts to 188 thousand gallons For more than twenty years the water com pany willingly furnished that 188 thous and gallons for 51000 or yiy cents per thousand They are now engaged in an attempt to override the existing ordi nance fixing a 81000 charge for tho sea son and to persuade the pepul that they cant afford to do it for less than 30 cents per thousand or S5640 for the sea son Can they fool all the people long enough time to bring that to pass Or will a new municipal plant be re quired Yours truly Auntie Graft McCook Neb May 23 1907 Notice to Clean Alleys and Premises All citizens of McCook are hereby requested to at once clean up their al leys and premises The following rule will be enforced from this date You are prohibited to throw refuse offal garbage manure ashes straw slops or any other refuse matter into any street or alley or vacant lot within the City of McCook For the viola tion of any of the above provisions the person found guilty will be fined not less than 100 nor more than S50 and pay the costs or stand committed to the city jail until fine and costs are paid The householder whether renter or owner will be held responsible for allowing any such refuse matter to remain on premises more than fije days after service of notice J R Pence Chief of Police By order of the Mayor Knights Entertain the Ladies The Knights of Columbus were hosts Tuesday night with the Catholic ladies of the city as their guests Mena d hall was the scene of festivities and all reports substantiate the statement that the occasion was a delightful onedespito the rain and threatening state of tho weather The knights were happily surprised under the untoward weather conditions by the large company pres ent Dancing and cards were the social elements with light refreshments strawberries ice cream and cake the knights doing the serving skillfully and arising to the necessities and opportuni ties of the case most gracefully and gra ciously Notice ct Dissolution The partnership existing between us has this day been dissolved by mutual consent All bills will be collected at the office of A G Bump on lower Main avenue H CBrown R M Douglass McCook Neb May 1 1907 Eggs For Sale Full blood barred Plymouth Rock eggs from Worlds Fair prize winner birds Three cents each or S200 per hundred Also Pekin Duck eggs Phone Ash 1351 Mrs John Burtless Some Rain Monday Night Rain fell over this section of the state Monday night between a quarter and a half inch falling in this vicinity A slight rain Tuesday night Thursday afternoon a fine shower SKEWER LANGUAGE Method of Marking Meat In the Great Beef Markets I There are about fifty men in the me tropolis says the New York Sun who know how to make meat skewers keep a record of their business transactions t These men are tho representatives of the Chicago packers who sell thou- sands of quarters of beef every day to butchers The work of these men Is accom plished with great rapidity Frequent ly they are making sale to a dozen butchers at the same time and to re cord these sales in a book would not only consume a lot of time but would be difficult as all quarters of beef look alike As soon as a sale is made the sales man sticks skewers into the quarter selected by the butcher The skewers are placed in such a way that each butchers purchases are easily picked out when the time oomes for deliver ing them As some of the salesmen have as many as a hundred customers in a lay it is evident that as many combina tions of the skewers have to be form ed In no case are more than three skewers used on a piece of beef In one big icebox there are twenty rows of quarters witli forty quarters in each row In each piece of beef were skewers placed at various angles straight up two of them crossed and in every conceivable combination I know by these skewers whom each piece belongs to said the salesman Every beef house salesman lias his own signs This method of marking the meat serves several purposes in addition to that of saving time A salesman from another house could not come in here and find out what my customers have bought by looking at the skewers which would bo easy enough if the meat had their names on Neither can one butcher find out what quality of beef another is buy ing I could make a thousand signs without using more than three skewers on any one piece of meat A GOOD SADDLE Except In the South and West Most Riders Take What Is Offered A well known horseman in speaking of the sport of riding in the United States recently said Although there are a number of good riders in this country very fow men except in the west and south seem to know or care much about the saddle that is the way it is built They simply take what their dealer gives them In England it is usual for riders to have their saddles made to order anil they generally know what to order too A good saddle fits both the horse and the man It should be roomy ev erywhere and especially so in the pan els if you are heavy The throat should not be so narrow as to cause pain or so wide as to wabble Plain flaps are most comfortable and businesslike A felt pad or at least a good saddlecloth should always be used and to give a trim appearauce it should be cut to the outlines of the saddle It should be frequently washed and sunned Stir rups should be open wide and heavy so that the feet can be readily freed in case of a spill A proper fitting saddle will stick with very loose girths and you can find where it fits by walking the horse around a few minutes before mountimr with the girths unbuckled The horse will shift the saddle to the exact place where it Is most comfortable When through with your ride remove the saddle at once and bathe the back with cold water following this if possible with an alcohol shampoo Cleveland Plain Dealer A Dangerous Precedent The best case which I have seen of law versus justice and common sense is one which Montaigne relates as hav ing happened in his own day Some men were condemned to death for murder The judges were then inform ed by the officers of au Inferior court that certain persons in their custody had confessed themselves guilty of the murder in question and had told so cir cumstantial a tale that the fact was placed beyond all doubt Nevertheless it was deemed so bad a precedent to revoke a sentence and show that the law could err that the iunocent men were delivered over to execution Lou don Graphic Practical Patriotism In the early part of the war between the states when patriotic merchants and manufacturers were sending their clerks and workmen to the field with a promise to provide for the wants of their families as well as to continue their salaries duringtheir absence a very enthusiastic landlady of Xew York offered to allow her hoarders bills to run on as usual should any of them desire to go for the defense of the nation A Fallacy A woman has no sense of humor remarked the acrid man That is a fallacy answered his wife that has arisen from the fact that most of them are not so stupid as to laugh at their husbands efforts to be clever Washington Star Nothing Mean There I say Uncle Jack I dreamed you gave me half a crown last night Did you me boy Well you can keep It London Tatler The wise man should be prepared for everything that does not lie his control Pythagoras Samaness Is the mother of disgust variety the cure Petrarch y i i g ONE MO RE Y J -fl jT J TBw a at wn k a AA b b US f ff tir ai U Tb UU1U VlUUDdlgdl H C A Guaranteed Cure For Piles Itching Blind Bleeding or Protrud ing Piles Druggists refund money if Pazo Ointment fails to cure any case no matter of how long standing in Gtoli days First application gives ease and rest 50c If your druggist hasnt it send 50c in stamps and it will be for warded postpaid by Paris Medicine Co St Louis Mo We have arranged with The Weekly Inter Ocean so that our patrons can secure that sterling paper together with our own at the exceedingly low price of 8103 for one year This is a rare op portunity and should be taken advant age of DENTIST pne 2 Office Rooms 3 and 5 Walsh BIk McCook H P SUTTON mccook McCook -v J JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS NEBRASKA FAY HOSTETTER TEACHER ON PIANO Nebraska Studio upstairs in new Rishel building south of Post Office A G BUMP Real Estate and Insurance First door south of Fearns gallery McCook Nebraska C H Boyle C E Eldbed BOYLE ELDRED Attorneys at I aw Long Distance Phone U Rooms 1 and 7 second floor McCook ncu PoEtoffice Building rf 115 BEING WEEK 1 f Tlt IHITTTl TTItqrilTV T T T t T y T All 200 Goods for i 50 per yard All 150 120 All 125 1 00 All 1 00 So All All All All t tiiinnummii Our 20 per cent discount sale on all Wool Dress Goods Suitings Trimmings Braids and all our Laces will actually close on SATU RDAY JUNE 1 Dont put off your visit to our store another day for this chance of purchasing dress goods and trimmings at one fifth off the regular prices means a big money saving to you Look over but dont overlook these prices 75 Goods for 60 per yard 69 55 59 47 50 40 4 Take adrantage of this great opportunity of securing at such a bargain goods and trimmings for your Jacket Shirt Waist Suit Jumper Suit or Skirt Remember these are new spring goods not old stockand our regular prices always being the lowest you can readily figure the profit it will be to you to take advantage of this two weeks sale ARE All through our store during these two weeks and whatever you may need in DRY GOODS or LADIES FURNISHINGS you will find it with us at the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES Call and get A Ladies Home Journal Style Book for June They are FREE We have a complete stock of these excellent patterns wiflpp Exclusive Dry Goods and Ladies Furnishings Berlin Bros Danowitzi 1 0 Sioux Cily Iowa have embarked in the IronJunkRubberand Hide business in the old Gurnoy Poultry Cos place on Man chester street Patronage solicited MERWIX BROS DANOWITZ s5f ob aHT JIUKe w DEALER US -GO TO- aisn POULTRY and EGGS Old Rubber Copper and Brass Highest Market Price Paid in Cash New location just acroa street in P Walsh building FlcCook Nebraska f HS GODFREY CO for Bargains in Flour and Feed BaBnaaaBaanaasanKBiaBiBBn Red Lion Silver Leaf Oak Leaf Faultless Isabelle Flour AGENTS FOR LIQUID KOAL Displayed Walsh Block McCook Phone 56 While you think of it drop in at THE TRIBUNE office and ask to see The Best Typewriter Paper Made The excellent quality and finish of the Strathmore will surely satisfy you hi 1 lij IfUfll fa Special to California Low rate Summer tours to San Francisco and L03 Angeles about half rates until May 18th also June 8th to 15th June 22nd to July oth Slightly higher daily commencing June 1 small extra cost via Portland and Seattle Big Horn Basin We run personally condnctfu homeseekers excursion Hay 7 and 21 Juno 4 and 18 undf r guidance of D Clem DeaverGen eral Agent Land Seekers Infor mation Bureau to assist settlers to secure an early hold at cheap est rates of magnificent irrigatfl lands in the 13ig Horn Basinwrit about these lands Round trip 820 To Jamestown Exposition dsih i Cheap Rates East 1 low rates via New York slightly higher During the Summer low- excursion rates to Atlantic City Saratoga Springs Philadelphia also to the Seashore and Mount ain resorts Rocky Mountain Tours To Colorado Utah Codv Sheridan Black Hills Yellowstone Park Daily low rate tours after June 1 GEORGE S SCOTT Ticket Agent McCook Neb L W WAKELEY G P A Omaha Neb t