The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 10, 1907, Image 1

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V Al 1
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What is P E 0
Apropos to tho meeting in McCook
Juno la 19 and 20 of the State Grand
Chapter convention with its nearly one
hundred delegates from uoinu forty live
different towns ull over the stnto the
question is often nsked what is P E
O We regret thut it is not our privi
lege to reveal many of it beauties but
we are proud to uflirm that it is our
endeavor to inculcate both by precept
and example those attributes of woman
hood which shall enable her to respond
to the delicate vibrations of the soul
thus not only enriching her own being
but uplifting and inspiring those around
her And so without laying bare tho
innermost soul of P E O which dif
fer9 from all other womens secret or
ganizations in that her eligibility for
membership depends wholly upon her
self rather than upon the membership
of her husband or father in the super
ior body as well as in the scope of its
work and her ideals of sisterhood I
may tell you something of its aims and
Seven girls of tho Iowa Wesleyan un
iversity laid the foundations of our
beautiful sisterhood in January 18G9
While our membership list is not an
open one our exclusiveness does not
arise from selfish or narrow motives
to draw a circle of such limitations n
round us would defeat our greatest am
bition We would live for those
about us for tho good that wo can do
P E O is broad in its scope its prin
ciple object being general improvement
comprehending more especially the fol
lowing points
1 Individual growth incharity to
wards all with whom we associate and
a just comprehension and adherence to
the qualities of Faith Love Purity
Justice and Truth
2 To seek growth in knowledge and
in mental culture and to obtain all pos
sible wisdom from nature art books
study societyand to radiate all light by
conversation by writing and by the
the right exercise of any talent we pos
3 To aim at moral culture 3elf con
trol equipoise and symmetry of char
acter and temperance in opinions
speech and habits
With the badge of the sisterhood the
five pointed golden star with its mystic
letters P E O representing ajl that is
pure holy and elevating as our guide
we are inspired to seek the Inuhfst
purest and noblest ideal of womanhood
WhatP E O means we may not tell
But we may show it in actions well
Mrs Geo Willetts
Reception lor Mrs Peter Boyle
One of the happiest social events of
last week was the reception given by
Mrs C H Boyle in honor of Mrs Peter
Boyle of Denver About fifty ladies of
the city participated with pleasure
Mrs W H Dungan ushered the
guests and Mrs Peter Boyle and Mrs
Mary Northrup received in the parlor
Mrs E J Kates of Plattsmouth
played several piano forte selections
Miss Ruth Wiehe sang Mrs F W Bos
worth read and Miss Ona Phelps re
cited all acceptably and well
Mrs H C Clapp and Mrs 11 E
Rogers assisted in serving the two course
Carnations were plentifully distrib
uted over the home
It was in every way such a social
event as McCook ladies are masters of
Water Notice
April 3 1907
Second quarters water tax is now due
In order to conserve our water supply
for domestic use and fire protection we
can not issue special or general lawn
permits at this time owing to shortage
of water J E Kelley Supt
Dont Forget
to call at my new location for reading
matter stationery postcards souvenirs
candy gum fresh roasted peanuts
cigars tobacco pipes base ball goods
toys etc Barney Hofer
McCook News Depot
If You Need a Policeman
day or night phone to the freight
house phone 80 or to Stephens Cos
restaurant phone 57 The police re
port at these two places regularly day
and night and you can reach the polica
in that way
Fancy home grown 75c per dozen
SJarge pansy plants in bloom 50c per
dozen 4 19
McCook GREENHouse Phone 91
Now is the Time
to sow alfalfa on either divide or bottom
We have the seed which has been care
fully recleaned and is free from trouble
some weeds
McCook Hardware Co
Gauze Corsets
American Beauty corsots in summer
gauze 35c and 50c Money refunded
after 4 weeks wear if unsatisfactory
Thompson Dry Goods Co
Charles McMillan Pardoned
Governor Sheldon has pardoned Char
les McMillan who killed a man by the
name of Jones of Bartley at Indianola
a few years since
Attention Faimers
After April 1 1906 we will buy hogs
only on Tuesdays and Wednesdays of
each week
Wilcox Marsh
We Can Fill Your Order
for seed corn cane and millet
kinds of seeds bought and sold
McCook Hardware Co
R M Douglass Co will give you
prompt and efficientservice Phone 199
Office in Bump real estate office lower
For Sale Two good milch cows In
quire of C D Custer the barber
jSt Tfr - Fv s
Mr and Mrs J Steinman have gone
to Wauneta
Mrs F W Barber is a guest of Mrs
A B Wood
Mrs J W Hasty was a visitor at
Arapahoe over Sunday
Chester Colber is hero a guest of
bis grandparents Mr and Mrs Joseph
Mrs Patrick OConnor of Grafton
Neb is a guest of Frank Real and other
Mrs Richard Knox and Miss Lil
lie Fitzgerald are home on a visit ar
rivfng Monday
Mr and Mrs II G Terrill have
gone to San Luis Potosi Mexico to visit
their daughter
Mrs Patrick McNeil of Indianola
journeyed to tho county capital Satur
day on business
Horace Ivey formerly with the Trib
une late of St Paul has entered the
employ of the ofiice again
L R Hileman came in from South
St Joe Wednesday night on a short
visit home and on business
A Barnett returned last night from
a two weeks tour of the lumber comp
anys outlying offices and yards
Mrs G H Thomas went down to
Lincoln Thursday morning She will
spend Sunday in Harvard and return
home Tuesday
Mrs W G McFall of Lincoln was
a McCook visitor Wednesday and
Thursday of last week the guest of
L E Dutton and P E Reeder
Mrs A C Wiehi wont down to Lin
coln Monday morning to attend the
grand chapter meeting O E S early
days of the week She was a guest of
Mrs Edna Barr Love
Mayor and Mrs C L Fahnestock
came in Wednesday night from Lin
coln where Mrs Fahaestock had been
visiting awhile The doctor ran down
to accompany her home
Miss Nelle T Bassett who has
been a guest of Mrs Rogers and Mrs
Hawley for the past week or two ex
pects to depart for her home in Gales
Imrg Illinois Sunday coming
Mrs Cox of Exeter arrived in the
city last night and will be the guest of
her sister Mrs L R Hileman for a
short while on her way to Los Angeles
Calif on a visit to her parents
Mr and Mrs I Ci Clapp departed
Thursday morning for their home in
Allegan Mich after spending the win
ter here with their son II C The
kindliest good wishes of many admiring
McCook friends accompany them
Mrs W M Weidenhamer entertain
ed a company of lady friends Tuesday
afternoon at a very pleasant kensington
Dainty refreshments were served in two
courses and there was both vocal and
instrumental music to add to tho feli
cities of the occasion
The committee of the J K Barnes
Post No 207 G A R have about com
pleted arrangements for Memorial and
Decoration Day exercises Full partic
ulars and program will be published
next week J H Yarger Adjt
J M Henderson Commander
Eggs For Sale
Full blood barred Plymouth Rock
eggs from Worlds Fair prize winner
birds Three cents each or 3200 per
hundred Also Pekin Duck eggs
Phone Ash 1351
Mrs John Burtless
Carpet Warp
Our price is the lowest The reason
is plain Our values the highest The
reason the same cash dealing Peerless
white warp 21c a pound Colors 23c
Merchants orders not filled The
Thompson Dry Goods Company
Farmers Attention
We have a full line of John Deere
Ohio and Flying Swede cultivators
These tools are leaders and will do the
work right McCook Hardware Co
5c Muslins and Prints
You can get yard wide muslin for 5c
by yard or bolt and plenty of fast col
or prints for 5c yard at The Thompson
Dry Goods Co
Pounds of Wire
makft tho nrinft nnr rnd of Amftripnn
- i r TT n
woven wire lence wnen you ngure iu
out you will find this the cheapest fence
McCook Hardware Co
Attention Farmers
After April 1 1907 we will buv hogs
only on Tuesdays and Wednesdays of
each week
Wilcox Marsh
Deering and Piano Harvesters
Give us your order early so we can
take care of you when the big crop is
ready McCook Hardware Co
Silk Petticoats
Taffeta silk petticoats with deep ruf
fled flounce for S489
Do Not Delay
picking out that Deere or Velie buggy
at McCook Hardware Co
R M Douglass Co draying in all
its branches Call up phone 199 Call
at office in Bump building lower Main
Plenty of gifts for the bride in our
china department
L W McConnell Druggist
Premium paid for good milling wheat
at the McCook Mills
McCook Milling Co
Everything in drugs McConnell
i s
Hi i iiii IW
t -
The Standard Oil Cloth Co occupy
the 3ummit in their line of work and
their Meritas table oil cloth which they
advertize extensively in magazines is
the best that can be had We sell it
for 15c yard in white and fancies Ask
your dealer for Meritas and take no
other and pay no more than our price
15c yard The Thompson Dry Goods
Company One price plain figures
cash only
A Close Call By Fire
The Milo Harbaugh home in East Mc
Cook had a close call by tire Monday
afternoon Oil was being heated for
the floor the liquid boiling over and
running out onto the floor setting fire
to the same A longheaded Russian
neighbor shoveled some dirt into the
fire before much damage had been
Black Silks
36 inch black taffeta at 73c and S115
36 inch black Peau de Soie for S125
Good 19 inch black silk 49c Washable
summer silks 44c China silks 30c to
50c We save you from 10c to 25c yard
on silks The Thompson Dry Goods
Company One price plain figures
Cash only
Came Home on Their Shields
The members of the McCook high
school base ball club went down to
Cambridge Saturday last to meet the
local hitjh school team there The game
was a 15 inning affair with the score 8
to 7 in favor of Cambridge A fine am
ateur exhibition of the national game
Are You a Judge of Iron
The Majestic range has a malleable
iron top that will outlast any three cast
iron tops and a charcoal sheet iron body
that does not rust Water heated in
abundance while you are getting a meal
and all with one half the fuel
McCook Hardware Co
Notice ct Dissolution
The partnership existing between us
has this day been dissolved by mutual
consent All bills will be collected at
the office of A G Bump on lower Main
avenue H CBrown
R M Douglass
McCook Neb May 1 1907
Contains Ladies and Misses dress
skirts from S175 to 87 Alterations
free Panamas voiles mohairs batistes
and other up-to-date materials most
attractively made up by the best mak
ers The Thompson Dry Goods Co
Snap All Over
with a number two Brownie and then
make a 5x7 picture from your negative
with an Eastman enlarging camera
Price S2
L W McConnell Druggist
Lot For Sale
50 foot lot two blocks north of opera
house 20 bearing fruit trees 14 shade
trees I M Smith owner McCook
Attention Farmers
After April 1 1907 we will buy hogs
only on Tuesdays and Wednesdays of
each week
Wilcox Marsh
The new odors Rare delicacy in
fatuating fragrance
L W McConnell Druggist
When It Comes To
pumps and windmills none excel and
few if any equal the Dempster
McCook Hardware Co
For Sale
Open top rubber tired buggy good
as new Set single harness
L W McConnell Druggist
Quick Meal
gasoline stoves are a delight to every
household McCook Hardware Co
Teaming and Draying
Also sand for sale Phone Black 263
tf C Q Harless
Get AH the Cream
by using an Empire separator Sold by
McCook Hardware Co
Two Farms for Sale
No 1 East yz 20 2 30 320 acres 270
acres of which are smooth 150 acres in
cultivation 2 acres of ash grove 150
acres in pasture A 4 room frame
house stable 16x40 well windmill dia
tom and tank One mile to school
eight miles to McCook Good roada to
and a fine view of city 140 acres in
winter wheat one third of crop goea
with farm Price 56400 Reasonable
No 2 Southwest J4 8-1-29 9 miles
to McCook lYz miles to Cedar Bluffs
158 acres smooth 30 acres in wheat 20
acres in barley and corn one third of
crop goes with farm This is a very fine
quarter nicely located Price 3200
Terms reasonable
These are exceptional bargains and
the prices quoted will not hold good after
June 20 Write me phone me or come
and see me I will show the land
I M Smith Owner
McCook Nebr
The Great Wrestling Match
The wrestling match at the Bixler
Monday night drew more men to the
opera house than have ever been there
Gotch was clearly the cock of the
walk making monkeys of the other
fellows with great regularity even
some of our local talent suffering con
siderable confusion and humiliation at
his poworful hands
Klanlc McMillan Dieter Dietrich
Osborn and the others were all there
and there was amusement for all
It was a great evening for the sports
of southwestern Nebraska
Accidentally Shot Himself Fatally
Wednesday Alvin the 19 year old son
of Mr and Mrs J C Acbeson of tho
Driftwood accidentally shot himself
with arille dying shortly afterwards
He and bis father were fixing fence on
the farm Seing a coyote he started to
get over tho fence with the rifle in hand
The -weapon was in some unknown man
ner discharged the bullet entering his
side Medical skill was summoned from
Culbertson but he died before the doc
tor arrived at the farm
The remains were buried at the stono
church on the Driftwood Friday morn
ing The bereaved parents and family
have the tenderest sympathy of every
one in this terrible sorrow
Case Continued For Thirty Days
William Huber of our city was before
the insanity board Wednesday for ex
amination as to bis mental condition
After a long and earful hearing tho
board continued the case for thirty days
during which time Mr Huber is to take
treatment At the end of thirty days he
is to report to tho board who will then
take final action Mr Fluber is a great
physical sufferer as well as having had
great mental distress of late years
Omaha For Him and Imperial For Her
FOBooker and Susie May Purvis
were arrested here Monday evening by
Sheriff Peterson on advice from the
sheriff of Chase county who charged
the couple with being elopers Miss
Purvis was taken up to Imperial Tues
day morning and Mr Booker was sent
on to Omaha Both parties are late
from Kentucky
Rev B F Gaither who has just re
turned from the Holy Land Egypt and
Rome will give an illustrated lecture on
The Holy Land Rev Gaither is a
very pleasing speaker and will present
over sixty views Adult tickets 25c
children under 15 years of age 15c Re
member the date Monday night May
20 at 830 oclock at the Methodist
Conners Was Discharged
Sheriff Peterson brought Frank Con
nors over from the Beaver Monday and
Conners had a trial before the h sanity
board for alleged insanity The board
discharged him Conners it will be re
membered was shot by a neighbor not
many months since on a bridge over the
Beaver near Cedar Bluffs Kansas
spells outdoor enjoyment Now is the
time you want to take some good pic
tures Our films and plates are fresh
and first quality They take tho best
pictures because they are the best
Great the relief to be sure of a thing
L W McConnell Druggist
For Sale
Household furniture complete Right
party can rent house and 6tep right in
without moving a piece Goods are
same as new and the best money can
buy For further particulars call on
or address Mrs or Mr J B Wade
Phone red McCook Neb
Putting Them Up
A sash rod that can be fastened up
more quickly than you can pull down
the blind fills a long felt want Bray
tons brass rods are that kind Fit any
window 10c each The Thompson
Dry Goods Co
For Sale
My residence property and two or
three lots at 703 Madison street one
block east of City park McCook For
terms write me 1115 H street Lincoln
Neb W S Perry
Corns Corns
Lightning Corn Cure certainly does
remove corns quickly and painlessly
Simply ridiculous to suffer with corns
when you can get rid of them for loc
L W McConnell Druggist
Water Meters
We have on band a supply of approv
ed water meters which we will instal
promptly on application Under Wood
worth drug store Phone 1S2
Middleton Ruby
Household Goods for Sale
For the next two weeks our household
goods will be offered at private sale
Call at residence
Mrs C R Liggett
Extra Size Beits
Our belt stock is very large and com
plete including four or five styles that
run up to 38 inches The Thompson
Dry Goods Co
For Sale
Lots 1 and 3 block 2 west McCook
House barn and trees fenced A bar
gain if taken at once Inquire of Peter
For Sale
160 acres of Frontier county land at
4 an acre if sold before March 15th 1907
Peter Foxen McCook Neb
Majestic Ranges May Cost a Little
more money but jouve settled the
range question
McCook Hardware Co
Soft Clear Skin
McConnells Fragrant Lotion isnt
sticky or greasy delightful odor cool
ing and healing
Cow Peas
make great feed Get some of the seed
and try them
McCook Hardware Co
If you want it done right and right
away call up phone 199 R M Deuglass
Co office in Bump building
The Fortnightly Dancing Club will
hold the final festivities of the season at
the Menard tonight
Say you saw it in The Tribune
r i
McConnell for drugs
Base ball goods at Hofers
Wall paper at McMillens Drug store
Seeds of all kinds at H P Waite Co
H P Waite Co have some fine al
falfa seed for sale
McMillen has a large and well selected
line of wall paper
Illustrated souvenir letters of McCook
only 10c at Hofers
Measles placards in evidence at sever
al homes in the city
Prompt service in draying secured by
calling up phone 199
Big sale May 16th 17th and Saturday
tho 18th at The Idoal Store
The Merchant of Venice Thursday
evening May 16 at the Bixler
Try Magner Stokes for fresh and
salt meats fruit and vegetables
Dr Kays ofiice is now one door north
of Commercial hotel Phone97
McMillen would like to figure with
you on paints oils and varnishes
Want beautiful walls See our wall
L W McConnell Druggist
A full blood Jersey bull will be found
at the barn of Brown and Douglass for
the season
Bound duplicate receipt books three
receipts to the page for sale at Thh
Tribune office
If you want a nice shoe well fitted
call at the New Shoe Store on Dennison
street west of the Citizens bank
All kinds of fresh and salt meats
fruits and vegetables at
Magner Stokes
Premium paid for good milling wheat
at the McCook Mills
McCook Milling Co
For Sale Shorthorn bulls and heif
ers and cane seed
Samuel Ball
Wanted Pupils for short hand class
starting June 1 at McCook Business
College L W Stayner
If it is from Marshs its the best ob
tainable Anything and everything per
taining to the meat market business
For Sale An Angelua piano player
Inquire at this office for particulars 35
selections of music go with tho player
Corn chop at the mill at 80 cents a
hundred Every thing delivered
McCook Milling Co
Wanted Cattle to pasture about
four miles southeast of town
A D Johnston
For rent Furnished room two
blocks east of Methodist church and
second house north R II Beatty
Magner Stokes can supply you
with anything in the line of fresh and
salt meats Also fruits and vegetables
The only place in town where you
can get the famous Three Star Cof
fee is at Magner Stokes market and
The buffalo gnats are with us in force
and pugnacity They were especially in
evidence yesterday to the discomfort
and annoyance of man and beast
H P Waite Co still have plenty
of listers Western Bill J I Case and
Bradley Dont fool around with the
old one if it does not do good work
Our spring shipment of burnt leather
goods has arrived Call and see what
we have
Barney Hofer
McCook News Depot
The McCook lad who has escaped the
luxury of an attack of measles is lux
uriating in a compensatory bones
fever of a most robust and hilarious
Lady Wanted To explain and dem
onstrate a well known article in this
town no experience necessary pleasant
employment and good salary apply at
once A McMillen
Dont fail to see Sanford Dodge as
Damon Louise Marshall as Calan
the and Herbert DeGuerre as Py
thias at the Bixler Friday evening
May 17 They have a splendid company
to support them
The Congregational church kensing
ton will be held at the home of Mrs H
C Clapp Thursda afternoon next at
two thirty oclock given by Mrs II C
Clapp Mrs W C Blair and Mrs G B
Hawkes All welcome
Marsh operates on the theory that
nothing is too good for his patrons
hence he buys only the best of livestock
of all kinds and sells only the best of
meats You can prove it by a trial
Satisfaction absolutely guaranteed
United States Senator Tillman will
deliver one of his famous lectures in
Cambridge Wednesday May 15th
This is one of the two dates the senator
ivill fill in Nebraska the other one being
in Omaha His subjects are The Race
Problem From a Southern Standpoint
and Plea For the People
Good homes are wanted for orphan
and destitute children of all ages by the
Child Saving Institute1806 Ohio street
Omaha Neb Over three hundred
children pass through the institute to
homes and care in a single year From
forty to sixty constantly on hand If
interested write enclosing stamp for
iTKiiiri l i
Friday Evening
May 21th
Tho children of
public schools are
tho McCook
preparing to
entertain their parents and friends
by presenting a program consist
ing of the songs they have learned
through tho year in tho course of
their regular school work
There will bo
on the stago at once
They will sing by groups nnd in
There will also bo special numbers
It will be an inspiring sight
this largo company of boys and
girls representing all grades from
the high school chorus to tho first
year class
Come let us spend an evening
with tho children
FRIDAY MAY 21 1907
Tho tickets will bo on sale next
week tho children will remind you
The purpose of tho entertainment
to please you also to buy a piano
for the new high school building
The program in dotail
will bo printed next week
McConnells Sarsaparilla SI
Marion this county now has a depot
Found A five dollar bill Call at
Tho Tribune ollice
Damon and Pythias Friday evening
May 17 at tho Bixler
Wanted A girl to do general house
wook Good wages M its G S Scott
Lost Golddosj collar necklace Find
er leave at New Idea millinery store It
The Tribune is now prepared to do
your job printing of all kinds promptly
When in need of paint oils and var
nishes go to McMillens Drugstore
The Gray livery barn on East Den
nison street is well under way in recon
What is to be painted Weve paints
for every purpose
L W McConnell Druggist
Barlow Bros gave a show in the city
yesterday It is a small wagon show
which wintered at Benkelman
Tho Updike people are improving
their plant here
Wanted A first class finisher for
jackets and waists good wages to the
right party Mrs Miller Walsh Blk It
The city council had a special meet
ing last night but nothing of definite
nature was accomplished for publica
Use McCook souvenir letters in writ
ing to your friends Something new
just received at B Hofers headquarters
for souvenirs stationery and reading
matter of all kinds
The Wauneta Falls bank has been in
corporated with a paid up capital of
825000 The incorporators are V Frank
lin G II Watkins James S Doyle of
McCook and C R Woods of Wauneta
Wanted Gentleman or lady to travel
for Mercantile House of 250000 capital
If desirable the home may be used as
headquarters Weekly salary of 1092
per year and expenses Address J A
Alexander 125 Plymouth Place Chic
ago 111
With Sanford Dodge as Shylock
Louise Marshall as Portia and Her
bert DeGuerre as Bassanio theater
goers of McCook are assured of an ex
cellent presentation of The Merchant
of Venice at the Bixler Thursday even
ing May 16
Young People Christian Endeavor at
the Congregational church every Sun
day evening at 7 p m Topic for May
12 Lessons from the Patriarchs IV
Joseph Psa 10516 24 Mr Wolfe
leader The society is having splendid
meetings The leader will make this a
very helpful one You are welcome
The high school alumni association
held its annual business meeting as the
constitution directs for the purpose of
electing officers and laying plans for the
commencement season last Thursday
night at the East ward school Mrs
G H Thomas was chosen president
Miss Laura McMillen secretary and
Harold Sutton treasurer with Mrs W
B Mills and Bruce Campbell as mem
bers of the executive committee The
committee having the Valentine memor
ial in charge reported The fund re
maining after discharging all expenses
was put in trust with three membersoi
the association to administer it