The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 03, 1907, Image 1

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Notable Odd Fellpws Gathering
There was a notable gathering of
Odd -yellows in the city of McCook
Monday night of this week commenora
tivo primarily of the 8Sth anniversary of
Odd Fellowship with initiation and
banquet details of much moment
A largo chits was instructed in the
mysteries of the order in its different
The serious work of the evening
attention was undividedly given a
sptoudid anquet
Some 17 different lodges of the order
were represented in tho district rneet
mg which drew an attendance of nearly
200 members
During the banquet speeches were
Jrtmde by the grand master and others
-with tho closest and liveliest attention
Owing given
It was an all night session and the as
sertion is ventured that every Odd Fel
low went away feeling he was tho bettor
foe being present on tho memorable oc
Childrens May Day Festival
Preliminary announcement is now
anade of a childrens May Day Festival
which it is proposed to give by the
pits of all grades of the public school
-Friday evening May 24 Between 300
ivad 400 children representing all grades
from the high school to the first year
will bo banked upon the stage of the
XSLrfer theatre and under the direction
hj Miss Budlcng render by groups and
iitt unison songs and choruses they have
been drilling upon in the periods of
their regular work through the year It
will be an inspiring sight to seo such a
chorus of children and in addition it
wilt indicate somewhat the advance
that has been made io public school
music A complete program and fuller
particulars will be given out soon
An Artistic Treat
For any one with an eye for beauty or
vvfao may be interested in the decora
tion of thoJiome an inspection of our
spring stock of wall paper will be a
treat We have chosen this seasons
patterns with the utmost care Have
inany new things in independent side
walls exclusive designs and single room
patterns upper and lower third the
new scenery borders and one nud two
band borders in white blanks and gilts
To matter what you require in paper
xu will find it here
L McConnell Druggist
Black Taffeta
Yard wide black taffetta silk for 73c
5ard Handsome 19 inch black silk 49c
yard Washable Summer silks 44c yard
Gfaiua silks 30c to 50c yard Yard wide
Peau de Soie 8125 yard Six colors in
Pongee silks 45c yard We invito your
inspection The Thompson Dry Goods
-Company 2
Water Notice
April 3 1907
Second quarters water tax is now due
In order to conserve our water supply
Tor domestic use and fire protection we
zsji not issue special or general lawn
permits at this time owing to shortage
3f water J E Kelley Supt
Have You Ever Figured
be amount of money you lose each
month by not using a cream separator
The Sharpless Tubular or Empire
ltictionless separators sold by McCook
Hardware Company will pay your
grocery bills and start a bank account
Dont Forget
to call at my new location for reading
matter stationery postcards souvenirs
Citady gum fresh roasted peanuts
cigcas tobacco pipes base ball goods
stoys etc Barnet Hofer
McCook News Depot
Fancy home grown 75c per dozen
Hjacge pansy plauts in bloom 50c per
aoaen 4 19 tf
McCook Greenhouso Phone 91
Leave Dray Orders There
Br6wn it Douglas have their oflice
vlfcb A G Bump on lower Main avenue
Phone dray orders to him Office phone
199 Stable phone 68
Brown Douglas
Buttons for Trimming
Very fashionable and very sensible
rTbe scraps of your new dress brought
Iheretous are turned into handsome
covered buttons by our perfect machine
4 sizes Thompsons
You Can Actually Save
eo3ee by the use of the Universal Per
colater and then such a delicious bev
erage Ak to see them at the McCook
Hardware Companys
A Longer Sleep
5c fchs morning will be your privilege if
you getone of those Quick Meal gas
oline stoves at McCook Hardware
Attention Faimers
After April 1 1906 we will buy hogs
oaly on Tuesdays and Wednesdays of
each week
Wilcox Maksh
Start Your Corn Right
with n -John Deere or Ohio Go Devil
The most complete machines ever in
vented McCook Hardware Co
Brown Douglass sailor driver was
Jrebbed of aboutSIS last Saturday No
arrests so far but some well defined
- Ziarge stock and complete assortment
a typewriting paper at The Tribune
JLong gloves and mitts 35c to 150 at
McConnell for exclusive patterns in
sK3il paper
Everything in drugs McConnell
3Dsy McMillans cough cure
Mrs Fhed Landbkrg is visiting in
Harris Colorado
D E Eikenberry has bought the
pretty Potty home
Mr and Mrs A B Wood announce
a daughter in their May Day basket
C D Ritchie attended to some legal
matters in Lincoln firdt of the week
Mrs H A Beale is with her hus
band at St Francis Kansas over Sun
Mr and Mrs George Snider re
turned last Saturday to their home in
Ogallala Nebraska
Mrs H A Baals returnod Tuesday
night from an absence of five weeks
with Illinois relatives
Miss Bessie Peterson entertained tho
Awl Os Tuesday evening Refresh
ments were served at the Monte Cristo
Mrs John Rowell and daughter of
Boulder Colo are guests of T F Row
ell and family arriving in our city last
Mrs Peter Boyle arrived from Den
ver close of week past and will be the
guest of her son Charles and family for
a few weeks
Mrs Holton Longnecker arrived
form Rollinsville Colo close of last
week and is the guest of her sister Mrs
II A Rouch
Dallas Divine arrived home Mon
day night from a trip of several weeks
in Oklahoma The city of Oklahoma
caught his fancy
Mr and Mrs A E Petty departed
Wednesday morning for their now
home in Lincoln where he reengages in
thetshoe business
E E Lowman formerly of our city
has resigned as postmaster of Brown
ville and Thomas C Diety has been
appointed to succeed him
R A Greens daughter Elsie mem
ber of the 4th grade public schools has
been confined to bed since Sunday with
rheumatism and tonsilitis
Mrs Willetts mother of Conductor
Willetts departed for her home in
Jamestown N Y Monday morning
after an extended visit here
Mrs S A Rowell who has been
spending the winter with her children
in Max Neb and Fort Morgan Colo
returned to her home hero last Satur
Mrs R F Dryden and Mrs C West
fall visited first of the week with Mrs
Drydens sister Mrs G F Borrell at
Hastings from which point they took
in the neighboring towns in Mr Bor
rells touring car
MrsWE DeWitt and MrsBarney
Hofer onteitained the numbers of the
Kaffee Klatzch club and their husbands
at the DeWitt home last evening
Music whist and refreshments with Dr
J D Hare as first prize winupr
Mrs Harry Rogers and MrsMarietta
C Hawley entertained a small company
of young friends Wednesday evening
at the Rogers home for Miss Basset
Five hundred a chafing dish supper
and a jolly good time are the joyous de
Mrs George Willetts Sr Sunday
school class of boys gave an enjoyable
and successful social last Friday even
ing in the Methodist church serving
refreshments and presenting an accept
able program They realized almost
53000 to pay on their church bond
Mr and Mrs Walter Sayers re
turned from Denver and other Colorado
points to be present at the Dutt Anton
nuptials Wednesday evening Mrs
Sayers is a sister of the bridf1 and pre
vious to their Colorado trip had visited
a week or two at the Anton home
They expect to return to their home in
Des Moines Iowa first of the week
Miss Jeannette Dctton entertained
the members of the Thursdav whist
club last Friday evening at the Dutton
farm home over in Driftwood precinct
with jolly particulars not excelled dur
ing the season Fred Bosworth made a
world beater run for the club prize and
Miss Hazel Hare was the winner of the
guests prize Refreshments added to
a memorable occasion for the club and
Souvenirs free on May 16th 17th
and Saturday 18th
Chapter X P E O will meet each
Saturday p m at the home of Mrs
Schobel until further notice
Death of McCooks Oldest Citizen
McCooks oldest citizen William
Bailey passed away Sunday afternoon
last in his S9th year of ills attendant
upon old age
William Bailey was born -in West
Virginia Jan 2 1S19 Moved to Ohio
when a young man where he married
Miss Eliza Whitmore Shortly after
this they moved to Illinois where they
reared their family From there they
moved to Iowa thence to Jefferson
county Nebraska in 1869 and to Red
Willow county in 1874 coming to Mc
Cook in 1884 Mr Bailey died Sunday
afternoon of old age at his home in west
McCook Three sons and one daughter
and his wife who died last August pre
cede him to the other world One
daughter Mrs Mary Miller of this
city and three sons Steve of our city
Charles of Hayer Co and Hazard sur
vive him As far as we can learn Mr
Bailey was the oldest person in Mc
Cook having lived to the ripe old age
of 88 years 3 months 26 days Short
funeral services were held at the home
Monday afternoon conducted by Rev
M B Carman and buried by his wife
in Long View cemetery
McConnell for drugs
inn and other improvements both itsease
Holdrege is Dropped from the 190 List and Alma and
Geneva are Added
At a meeting of the teachers and prin
cipals of the eight junior normals to
day State Superintendent McBrien an
nounced that the eight educational as
semblies will be held for the seven weeks
following June 17 at the following places
Alma Brokeu Bow Alliance Geneva
McUook North Platte ONeill and
Valentine Three of these cities have
guaranteed reasonable rates for board
and lodging for the teachers and the
others must do the same or lose the
schools Geneva ONeill and North
Plate havo made these guarantees Al
liance and McCook will probably have
to provide halls in order to meet the
S3 50 per week rate demanded by Mr
Alliance and McCook are railroad
towns and boarding rates aro high Sev
eral years ago State Superintendent
Fowler refused to hold a normal at Al
liance until better boarding rates had
been guaranteed although the legisla
ture had provided that the normal
should be held there Superintendent
Taylor of Geneva held a public meeting
and put the proposition at his people
regarding rates before making applica
tion for the normal The best of raes
were secured
Holdregelost the Junior normal which
it haj had for several years because
the superintendent believes tho Phelps
county teachers should attend theKear
ney Normal duriug the summer Alma
secured the plum that Holdrege lost
Geneva secured a normal because of its
wonderful success with a union county
normal last year in which 450 teachers
attended Geneva and ONeill were the
two towns that received the two addi
Twenty Filth Anniversary
The oldest church in McCook the
Congregational was organized by Rev
Amos Dresser July 2 ld32 just twenty
five years ago when McUook was only a
few weeks old Io view of this fact the
church has decided to celebrate its
twenty fifth anniversary with fitting
services recalling the history of the
past and looking toward the work of the
future The anniversarv dates are June
23 24 and 25 1907 The church will in
vite Jjack its former pastors and mem
bers for the occasion and the program
will be of interest Co all old residents of
In connection with this the church
will raise an anniversary fund of 700 to
improve the church property the fund
to be used for sidewalks furnace paint-
tional schools provided by tho last legis
The principals of these normals were
announced some time aga They are
A H Waterhouse of Omaha G II
Thomas of McCook II K Wolfe of
Lincoln C A Fordyce of University
Place D W Hayes of Alliance A A
Reed of Superior C W Taylor of Gen
eva and W A Beattle of Kearney
They have not yet been assigned their
places The salaries for principals will
range from 8250 up Some of the men
now drawing high salaries will be the
best paid The salaries of tho teachers
of these schools will also be set by tho
state superintendent
i Besides the principals the following
teachers and superintendents were pres
eut at the meeting today U M Pinck
ney Broken Bow Leora S Rustin of
Box Butte county Clyde M Trotter of
North Platte P P Bentloy of Alma
and Henry Vauk of Fillmore county
The law permits the county superin
tendents of the counties in which the
normals are held to appropriate three
fourths of their institute funds to the
maintenance of the normal and that
they shall pick one week for their own
insitutes and their teachers shall attend
tho normal during those weeks Tho
state superintendent has S15000 to
spend for the junior normals for the
It was decided this morning that
no teacher would bo admitted to these
junior normals this summer who has
not completed the eighth grade Certi
ficates from county -superintendents or
city superintendents stating such com
pletion of the eight grades will be de
Gilbert L Laws Dead
G L Laws for many years a resident
of McCook but of late years of Lincoln
died in the capital city last Thursday
night at ten oclock after an illness of
about six weeks with pneumonia and a
complication of ensuing disorders
Deceased was too well known to Trib
une readers to require a word of encom
ium or eulogy from our pen His death
ic a personal loss to a host of Western
Nebraskans who honored the man re
peatedly and esteemed him more highly
than words can express
The Tribune can but join in tender
est and most heartfelt expressions of
sympathy for the wife and daughters
and out The church now holy JaJsurviving
property entirely free from debt uttraaidf The remains were laid to rest in
forward movement is in order trcjme Qmof ti ario i
House Cleaning Time is
House Painting Time
The Sherwin Williams Family Paint
is made particularly to lighten house
cleaning labors It is an oil paint and
can be washed and scrubbed It brushes
out easily does not drag or tire you to
apply it Made in twenty four good
colors Use it this year on your cup
boards pantry shelves base boards
etc and youll have less work next
Get color cards they tell you more
about Family paint L W McConnell
Gauze Underwear
Union suits from 3 years up to the
largest size No 9 for Ladies Misses
Children Men and Boys Separate
garments also Mens olack balbrig
gan shirts and drawers Ladies long
sleeve unions and separate vests In
fants gauze shirts with long sleeves We
think you will find what you want in
our very complete stock tThe Thomp
son Dry Goods Co
A Large Assortment
More than 250 pieces of washable
dress goods exclusive of calicos are on
our counters at this moment made easy
of inspection by our sample books of
them you can see them ail in a few
minutes From 5c yard up to 65c The
Thompson Dry Goods Co
Heavy May Snow
McCook and all this section of Ne
braska are several inches under snow
this morning Friday May 3 which may
be noted as a rare and unusual occur
rence But it is worth a vast sum to
tho small grain
Queen City Pantitorium
Will open May 8 1907 opposite post
oflice Special rates by the month
Schlick Dickson Props
Clay Center Nebr
Let Us Heip You
select weddiog presents Our line of
cut glass silver ware are complete in
the latebfc patterns McCook Hard
ware Company
You Will Be Satisfied
if you use r Velie or Deere buggy Sold
by McCook Hardware pompany A
buggy built to last
Five Cent Prints
Fast color prints in silver grays in
digo blues cardinals and turkey reds at
Thompson s
Herrick Refrigerators
have a perfect circulation no dust or
mold Sold by McCook Hardware
Grade Your Seed Corn
with the Perfection Grader Sold by
McCook Hardware Company
Extra size Belts up to 38 inches at
vices and burial being private and as
unostentatious as the life which has just
gone out
The Vigor of Rich Red Blood
The vim and energy that makes life
worth living is largely duo to the quali
ty of the blood Material for all nerve
mental or muscular force must be sup
plied by the blood If you have an evi
dence that your blood is disordered or
impure now is the time to bein taking
McConnelFs Sarsaparilla
It purifies and enriches the blood
Give3 new vigor and energy SI per bot
Beautify Your Home
As spring is an opportune time to add
beauty and color to your home we would
take pleasure in showing you our new
designs and colorings in Wall Paper and
at prices not too high
We also have a large stock of Mixed
Paints Varnishes Stains Tintolac En
amels etc A McMillen Druggist
Application Denied
The application of Clyde Brothers for
a saloon license against the issuance of
which a strenuous remonstrance was
filed and pro ecuted after several hear
ings was finally denied on Tuesday of
this week when the matter was freely
and fully contested before the city coun
cil by the lawyers for and against
High School Defeated Cambridge
The McCook high school ball club de
feated the Cambridge high school team
on the home grounds last Saturday
afternoon in a close game Score 5 to
4 As the visitors had recently beaten
Holdrege high school 8 to 1 the locals
feel excusably chesty over the game
Eggs For Sale
Full blood barred Plymouth Rock
eggs from Worlds Fair prize winner
birds Three cents each or 8200 per
hundred Also Pekin Duck eggs
Phone Ash 1351
Mrs John Bcrtless
Water Meters
We have on hand a supply of approv
ed water meters wbich we will instal
promptly on application Under Wood
worth drug store Phone 182
Middleton Ruby
Attention Farmers
After April 1 1907 we will buv hogs
only on Tuesdays and Wednesdays of
each week
Wilcox Marsh
American Fence Cheap
In fact the cheapest good fence ob
tainable Pounds of steel make the
price per pound At the McCook Hard
ware Companys
For Sale
160 acres of Frontier countv land at
11 nn nnrnif crl1 hofrrn fnrfli lnkfi 1017
Peter Foxen McCook Neb
i tmmmut m w uMvwm tgi imiw mm1 iwrw it m fi in p i n iy o w w n bj mwn wu m n mom imiuwuanMNiJwt m
Episcopal Preaching services at St
bans church at 11 a in and 8 p m
All are welcome to these services
E R Earle Rector
Catholic Order of services Mass
8 a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m
Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday
school 230 p m Every Sunday
J J Louohran Pastor
Baptist Sunday school at 1000 a m
Preaching services at 11 a m and 8 p m
Prayer service Wednesday evening at
8 oclock Young peoplos meeting at
7 p m A F Green Pastor
Methodist Sunday school at 10 00
Special baptismal service and worship
at 11 a m Class at 12 Junior League
at 4 Epwortb League at 7 Sermon
at 8 Prayer meeting every Wednesday
night at 8
M B Carman Pastor
Christian Science Services at Zint
McUlain bldg Sunday at 11 oclock
a m Wednesday at 8 oclock p m
Readine room at same place open daily
whe e Christian Science literature may
bo had Subject Adam and Fallen
Congregational Sunday School at
10 a m Preaching by pastor at 11 a
m and 8 p m Junior C E at 3 p m
Senior C E at 7 p m Prayer meeting
on Wednesday evening of each week A
cordial invitation is extended to tho
public to enjoy these services with us
Geo B Hawkes Pastor
Christian Bible school 10 a m
Lesson Joseph the Wise Ruler in
Egypt Gen 4133 49 Church 11 a
m and 8 p in Morning subject
Christ Our Exemplar evening Tho
Second Commandment C E 7 p m
Topic The Power of Contented Life
Phil 410 20 Wednesday 8 p m
prayer Subject Piter Matt 1613
20 Mark 167 Acts 214 17
C M Famuliner Minister
Among the May day festivities was a
quiet home weading at the home of
lVlrs Agusta Autou when her daughter
Clara and Floyd M Dutt were married
in the presence of relatives and a few
friends At 830 oclock tho bridal party
assumed their station to the sweet strains
of Mendelssohns wedding march plaj -ed
by Miss Tasie DeLong Dorothy Car
mon flower girl prettily dressed in
white organdie scattered sweet ilowera
The brides little sister Mable carried
the wedding ring as it rested invbeauti
ful rose The ceremony was performed
by Rev M B Carman of the Methodist
church under a canopy bell of roses
smilax ferns ana carnations with a
back ground of lace curtains The
beautiful and impressive ring service
was used After the congratulations
the bride and groom participated in a
signidcant ribbon tying ceremony Tho
guest book was signed by all pre
sent and a wedding luncheon was spread
Mrs Mary Walker and Misses Fay
Stayner Reria Miller and Tasie DeLoug
serving xne onue was tastiauiy
gowned in a pretty cream chiffon silk
The home was artistically decorated the
scheme being pink and white In tho
dining room streamers of pink and
white ribbon were draried from tho
electrolier to the four corners of the
table ending in large bow knots The
wedding presents were numerous and
beautiful in cut glass silver china and
fine linen The young people are well
and favorably known in our city the
bride being one of McCooks own charm
ing accomplished young woman a mem
ber of the Methodist church and the
organist of their Sunday school for the
past seven years Clara has been a de
voted daughter and possesses in a mark-
i ed degree the characteristics for a good
home - maker The groom formerly
of Alma Michigan is a worthy young
man employed in the Burlington train
service The young couple will visit
friends in Des Moines Galesburg Chic
ago and Alma Michigan returning to
McCook June 15 after which they will bo
at home to their friends at 407 Marshall
St With them go the heartfelt and
genuine best wishes of a host of friends
Last Friday evening the girl friends
of Mics Clara Anton invited her out for
i a walk Taking her to the home of her
sister Mrs Ida Converse they enjoyed
a social hour and showered her with
beautiful china
Peerless Carpet Warp
Our price on this staple and best made
warp is only 21c pound for white and
23c pound for colors We have black
white brown orange red blue and
fireen Merchants orders not filled
j Are you planning a carpet Get cash
money together and do the best foryour
self The Thompson Dress Goods Co
For Spring Ills
induced by torpid liver theres noth
ing quite as effective as
McConnelFs Little Liver Pills
Peasant to take and gentle in action
Unlike most pills and cathartic remed
ies they strengthen rather than weaken
Cultivating Your Corn
will be a pleasure with tho John Deere
R A horse lift cultivator Sold by Mc
Cook Hardware Company
5c Muslin
Good unbleached muslin 5c yard at
Dempster Wind Mills
built for business McCook Hardware
All the new designs in wall paper at
The McMillan Simmer wrestling
match Monday evening drew a good
crowd Simmer won two Graeco Roman
falls and McMillan a catch-as-catch-can
Dietrich and Osburn in the pre
liminaries were a draw
Base ball goods at Hofers
McMillen prescription druggist
Seeds of all kinds at II P Waito Co
Kodaks and Kodak supplies at Mc
C J OBrion was in Lincoln Monday
on business
II P Waito Co havo somo lino al
falfa soed for saie
Illustrated souvenir letters of McCook
only 10c at Hofors
Special now lino of box stationery for
25c at McMillons drug store
Try Magnor Stokes for fresh and
salt meats fruit and vegetabjes
Dr Kays ollico is now ono door north
of Commercial hotel ihono 97
A full blood Jersey bull wfll be found
at the barn of Brown and Douglass for
the season
Agent Scott has purchased Browna
interest in tho Brown A Doughids dray
Bound duplicate receipt books three
receipts to tho page for sale at The
Tribune office
All kinds of fresh and salt moats
fruits and vegotables at
Magner Stokes
For Sale Shorthorn bulls and heif
ers and cane soed 4 19 4t
Samuel Ball
Wanted Pupils for short hand class
starting May 1 at McCook Business
College L W Stayner
Use a Brownie developing box and
save your films SI L W McCon
nell Druggist
The Anti Saloon League will meet
next Tuesday at 8 p in in the Brother
hood rooms of the M E church
If it is from Marshs its the best ob
tainable Anything and everything per
taining to tho meat market business
Corn chop at tho mill at 80 cents a
hundred livery thing delivered
McCook Milling Co
Wanted Cattle to pasture about
four miles southeast of town
A D Johnston
Magner Stokes can supply you
with anything in tuo lino of fresh and
salt meats Also fruits and vegatablea
The Updike Grain and Coal Co is en
larging its coal sheds by adding another
story to their present facilities in that
The only place in town whero you
can get the famous Three Star Cof
fee is at Magner Stokes market and
All who desire ttkiug dancinj lessons
call at the Menard hall next Tuesday
evening and make arrangements with
Miss Stone
Some defunct trees in the park have
been removed and ones planted in
their places Mr Jackson is in charge
of the park at present
II P Waite Co still have plenty
of listers Western Bill J I Case and
Bradley Dont fool around with the
old one if it does not do good work
The Endeavor breakfast at the Con
gregational church May day morning
was a unique and successful idea net
ting the Eudtavorers about 1500
Use McCook souvenir letters in writ
ing to your friends Something now
just received at B Hofers headquarters
for souvenirs stationery and reading
matter of all kinds
The famous line of harvesters is tho
Deering We are now taking ordera
and will appreciate them early so there
will be no delay when a big harvest is
upon us McCook Hardware Company
Diamonds new shoe store on West
Dennison street was opened to the pub
lic first of this week They will have
one of McCooks most attractive and
up to date business houses when ar
rangments are all complete
Our spring shipment of burnt leather
goods has arrived Call and see what
we have
Barnsv Hofer
McCook News Depot
Marsh operates on the theory that
nothing is too good for his patrons
hence he buys only the best of livestock
of all kinds and sells only the best of
meats You can prove it by a trial
Satisfaction absolutely guaranteed
Conservatory Edition oi Music
Now on sale at the Ideal Store This
edition contains all the old classics and
standard selections Selling at 15c per
copy These will be of special interest
to teachers and those desiring sheet
music studies Your patronage is solic
ited C C Brown Ideal Store
Attention Farmers
After April 1 1907 we will buy hogs
only oo Tuesdavs and Wednesdays of
each week
Wilcox Marsh
Good Help Hard to Get
You can take care of your own corn
with a John Deere or Ohio two row and
pay for it twice over in the saving of
help McCook Hardware Company
For Sale Reasonable
A good buggy horse Almost new
buggy and harness Box 23
Con Breninc
Base Ball Outfitters
We can fit you out with best stuff for
the money McCook Hard ware Co