tr I DETECTIVE CRA iGKSMAN No one would suspect Lieutenant James Lnrkin of the Chicago detective bureau o having once been a safe blower Ho docs not look the part He played tho role of cracksman on one occasion nevertheless and if you pin him down to it hell admit that he can do as neat a job on a box as any iete man in the business The lieutenant who has the reputa tion of knowing more safe robbers than any other thief catcher in the United States received a telegram one day in July 1903 from tbto president of an express company asking him to go to Philadelphia where a test was to be made of a burglar proof safe A few weeks before that the express company had installed a safe on one of its cars running out of Chicago which the manufacturers declared was practically burglar proof An order for several hundred of the safes was about to be placed with the manufac turers when the one that was made as a sample was blown by train robbers near Davenport la This of course canceled negotiations toward the let ting of the contract but the safe man ufacturers pleaded for time in which to make- another strong box that would withstand the assault of all the burglars in the land The express company was as anx ious to get a burglar proof safe as were the manufacturers to make one so the officials agreed to equip all the companys cars with new safes if they proved to be impervious to train rob bers A four ton safe was built for the experiment and as hundreds of thousands of dollars depended upon its being able to withstand the attack of cracksmen expense was not spared in its manufacture At last it was completed and the manufacturers notified the express company officials that they had suc ceeded in making a safe that all h couldnt open unless the combination was known The president of the ex press company who by the way was a United States senator began to look around for a handy man who under stood the gentle art of cracking a safe He asked a few senators and some congressmen if they knew anything about the business and one or two of them became indignant Failing to get any information on the subject at Washington he wrofe to Billy Pin kerton explaining what he wanted The noted detective answered the sen ators letter recommending Lieuten ant Larkin as the vers man for the job A day or two later Lieutenant Larkin received a telegram from the president of the express company urg ing him to start East at once The message advised him to see William Pinkerton and he will explain Packing his kit or his satchel rather the lieutenant caught a train that night and was in Philadelphia 24 hours later The safe was waiting for him so was the manufacturer and the officials of the express company The lieutenant examined the strong box with the eye of an expert in such mat ters It was made of 12 thicknesses of steel Any tools you want lieutenant said the president of the express com pany you can buy and have the bill sent to me I don- need any tools11 said Larkin scornfully All I want is a couple of old gurinysacks and some dy Some dye queried the president What do you want of dye I guess you dont understand me said Larkin Dy is what the pete men call dynamite Nitro glycerin is soup Im going to use dy as I like it betier than soup and it isnt so dangerous to handle Oh I see remarked the president winking at the other officials Youre going to usedy as you prefer it to soup Every man has his likes and dislikes The safe was loaded on a truck and taken to Washington Park a pleasure resort a few miles outside Philadel phia on the Delaware river On reach ing the park the lieutenant took off his coat and vest it being an extreme lv hot day and he then consulted a little book entitled Safe Blowing Made Easy of which he is the author I had 50 pounds of dy with me laid the lieutenant in telling the story at detective headquarters the other day as I thought best to have enough in case the first attempt was a fluke Taking 15 of the sticks of dy I laid them on top of the safe and then fixed my miminauns kv aiuucu i electric wire which I ran for a dis tance of from here across the street After this I filled the two gunny sacks with sand dug it right there in the park and laid them on top of the dy Then I says to the bunch Now get back to the tall grass and dont come up till you see me at the safe again When everything was ready I goes to the end of the wire and pushes the button There jvas a tremendous ex plosion that shook the earth and that box which the manufacturer said was burglar proof turned inside out It was the prettiest job of safe blowing I ever saw There isnt any of them that you cant blow if you only know how I used to know but I forgot Arithmetical History A teacher was instructing a class of young pupils in history says a writer in the Philadelphia Bulletin She asked one of them how many wars England fought with Spain Stx the little girl answered Six repeated the teacher Enu merate them please One two three four five six said the little girl cheerfully and con fidently From Tho Chicago Tribune ADVICE TO RHEUMATICS Noted Physician Tells How to Prevent and Cure Rheumatism Kidney and Bladder Troubles By Geo Edmund Flood M D If you would avoid Rheumatism and Kidney and Bladder Troubles be mod erate in the consumption of heavy rich foods substitute as far as possible soups broths fresh milk and drink water lots of water Take plenty of time to eat and dont eat after you have had enough even if it does taste good If your work is confining take a moderate amount of exercise each day in tho open air Of course neither diet water rest nor exercise will cure these afflictions I advise them as preventives only For the benefit of the readers of this arti cle who are now afflicted with Rheu matism Kidney Bladder or Urinary trouble and desire to be cured quickly I give below complete in every detail the famous prescription which has made me so successful in the treat ment of these diseases It is the most certain cure for these diseases that I have ever used It is pleasant to take it is not expensive it can be filled by any druggist and I believe it is the greatest prescription for Rheumatism Kidney and Bladder Trouble ever writ ten It is also a valuable spring tonic and blood purifier If you are a suf ferer save this take it to your drug gist and have it filled or get the in gredients and mix them at home Fluid Extract Cascara Aromatic ounce Concentrated Barkola Compound 1 ounce Fluid Extract Prickly Ash Bark drachm Aromatic Elixir 4 ounces Adult dose take one teaspoonful after meals and at bedtime children one fourth to one half teaspoonful after meals After you are cured follow the ad vice I have given you in regard to diet exercise and water and you will not need the services of a physician again for these ailments Other faiers art frivileced to cofv GONE FOREVER Ten years ago a farmer put his ini tials on a dollar bill The next day he went to the nearest town and spent it with a merchant Before the year was out he got the dollar back Four times in six years the dollar came back to him for produce and three times he heard of it in the pocket of his neigh bors The last time he got it back four years ago He sent it to a mail order house He never has seen that dollar since and never will That dollar bill will never pay any more school or road tax for him will never build or brighten any of the homes of the com munity He sent it entirely out of the circle of usefulness to himself and his neighbors Patronize your local merchant who helps you to pay your taxes support your schools and churches and lends a helping hand in times of sickness and trouble Out of His Line A man living in the country far from any physician was taken sud denly ill His family in great alarm not knowing what to do sent for a neighbor wno had a reputation for doctoring cows Cant you give father something to help him asked one of the sons Wa al I dont know nothin about doctorin people You know more than we do for you can doctor cows Now what do you give them when they are sick Wa al I allers give Epsom salts You might try it on him How much shall we give him inquired the son Wa al I give cows just a pound Your father is a quarter as big as a cow give him a quarter of a pound APPENDICITIS Not at All Necessary to Operate i Many Cases Automobiles and Appendicitis scare - nnnni Viofnro thpv arfi hit I J3VJ111C pcupiC uvwx ww Appendicitis Is often caused by too much starch in the bowels Starch is hard to digest and clogs up the diges tive machinery also tends to form cakes in the cecum Thats the blind pouch at entrance to the appendix A N H girl had appendicitis but lived on milk for awhile then Grape Nuts and got well without an opera tion She says Five years ago while at school I suffered terribly with consti pation and indigestion Too much starch white bread potatoes etc which she did not digest Soon after I left school I had an at tack of appendicitis and for thirteen weeks lived on milk and water When I recovered enough to eat solid food there was nothing that would agree with me until a friend recommended Grane Nuts When I began to eat Grape Nuts I weighed 98 lbs but I soon grew to 115 lbs The distress after eating xeit me entirely and now I am like a new per son t A little Grape Nuts dissolved in hot water or milk would have been much better for this case than milk alone for the starchy part of the wheat and barley is changed into a form of di gestable sugar in making Grape Nuts Name given by Postum Co Battle Creek Mich Read the little book The Road to Wellville in pkgs Theres a Reason A MISSOURI WOMAN Tells a Story of Awful Suffering and Wonderful Relief Mrs J D Johnson of 603 West Hickman St Columbia Mo says Following an operation two years rw ago dropsy set in and my left side was so swollen the doctor said he would have to tap out the water There was constant pain and a gurgling sensation around my heart and I could not raise my arm above my head The kid ney action was disor dered and passages of the secretions too frequent On the advice of my husband I began using Doans Kidney Pills Since using two boxes my trou ble has not reappeared This is won derful after suffering two years Sold by all dealers 50 cents a box Foster Milburn Co Buffalo N Y HOW CLASSIC WAS WRITTEN Bret Hartes Great Poem Result of an Inspiration The war correspondent Frederic Villiers has recorded a talk with Bret Harte apropos of the poem Dickens in Camp We all felt his loss most keenly in the States said Harte On hearing of his death I sat down about three in the afternoon to write an editorial on the great au thor I wrote one and then tore it up Then another after much pains was written This did not please me so I tore it up I wrote yet another and threw it into the waste paper basket it would not do It was get ting late and I was now keeping the paper waiting for press I was drum ming on my desk absolutely without another thought in my head I had run dry Suddenly I mechanically began to write and the result avus the thing you seem to like so much Well Mr Villiers you are not far out l like it too BLOOD GETS SOUR Gives Advice and Tells of Simple Home Mixture At this time of year says a well known authority the Kidneys become weak clogged and inactive failing to filter out the poisons and acids which sour the blood causing not only facial and bodily eruptions but the worst forms of Rheumatism Nervous and Stomach troubles Backache and pain ful annoying Urinary afflictions It is worth anyones time now to get from some good prescription pharmacy the following ingredients Fluid Ex tract Dandelion one hiHf ounce Com pound Kargon one ounce Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla three ounces Mix by shaking well in a bottle and take in teaspoonful doses after your meals and at bedtime This simple home made mixture will force the Kidneys to normal healthy action so they will filter and strain all uric acid and poisonous waste matter from the blood and expel this in the urine at the same time restoring the full blood count that is 95 per cent red blood corpuscles which is abso lutely indispensable to perfect health HENS KNEW THEIR BUSINESS Never Would They Lay Anything but the Freshest of Eggs There is a German dairyman and farmer whose place is not far from Philadelphia who greatly plumes him self upon the absolute superiority of his products above all others in the vicinity On one occasion he personally ap plied to a Germantown housekeeper for a transfer of her custom to him self I hears dot you haf a lot ol drouble with dot dairyman of yours he said Yust you gif me your gus torn and der vill be no drouble Are your eggs always fresh ask ed the woman Fresh repeated the German in an indignant tone Let me dell you madam dot my hens nefer nefer lay anything but fresh eggs SKIN SORE EIGHT YEARS Spent 300 on Doctors and Remedies but Got No Relief Cuticura Cures in a Week Upon the limbs and between the toes my skin was rough and sore and also sore under the arms and I had to stay at home several times because of this affection Up to a week or so ago I had tried many other remedies and several doctors and spent about three hundred dollars without any success but this is to day the seventh day that I have been using the Cuticura Reme dies costing a dollar and a half which have cured me completely so that I can again attend to my busi ness I went to work again to night I had been suffering for eight years and have now been cured by the Cut icura Remedies within a week Fritz Hirschlaff 24 Columbus Ave New York N Y March 29 and April 6 1906 Important to Mothers Prnmlnn carefully every bottle of CASTORIA a safe and sure remedy for infants and children and eee that it Bears the Signature of ifM In Ilea Tor Over 30 Years The Kind Too Have Always BooghL Discovery of Alcohol Alcohol was discovered in tha thir teenth century Mrs tVlmlotvA Soothing Syrup For children teething softens the- guru i rcducn U flxmtnstlon allay pIn cures wind colic 22c a botUs A bird In the bush is worth three in the hand from the birds viewpoint Old Sofas Backs of Chairs etc can be dyed with PUTNAM FADELESS DYES fast bright durable colore No conquest is so severe as his wno labors to subdue himself T a Kem pis Lewis Single Binder cigar richest most satisfying smoke on the market Your dealer or Lewis Factory Peoria 111 The Lutheran church has recently Issued t call for 1000 new ministers to fill vacancies in that denomination Take Gariield Tea in the Spring it will pave you many days of headache lashitude and general ill health This natural laxa tive purifies the blood cleanses the sys tem and establishes a normal action of liver kidneys and bowels His Occupation What is your occupation the magistrate asked John White the other day in the Westminster police court London N I steal pewter pots replied the candid Mr White Famous Book Free Evcrv reader of this paper can get free of charge one of Dr Coffees famous books which tells cf a now method by which persons afflicted with Deafness Head Noises Sore Eyes Failing Sight from any cause can cure themselves at home at small expense - Write a letter immediately to Dr W O Coffee SCO Century Bldg Dcs Moines la Beet Sugar in the Front One hundred years ago the West indies supplied about one half of the worlds sugar but the industry is on the decline The worlds crop of beet sugar is now about 6800000 tons The rW MRS HENRY LEE Owin to modern methods of living hod one woman in a thousand ap proaches this perfectly natural change without experiencing- a train of very annoying- and sometimes painful symptoms This is the most critical period of her whole existence and every woman who neglects the care of her health at this time invites disease and pain When her system is in a deranged condition or she is predisposed to apoplexy or congestion of an organ the tendency is at this period likely to become active and with a hostof nervous irritations make life a burden At this time also cancers and tumors are more liable to form and begin their destructive work Such warning symptoms as sense of suffocation hot flashes headaches backaches melancholia dread of im pending evil palpitation of the heart irregularities constipation and dizzi ness are promptly heeded by intel ligent women who are approaching the period of life when this great change may be expected Mrs Fred Certia 1014 So Lafayette Street So Bend Ind writes Dear Mrs Pinkham Lvdia E Pinkhams Vegetable Com pound is the ideal medicine for women who MRS FRED CERTIA are passing through Change of Life For several months I suffered from hot flashes extremo nervousness headaeho and sleep lessness I had no appetite and could not sleep I had mado up my- mind thero was no helo for mo until I began to uso Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound my bad symptoms ceased and it brought me safely through the danger period built up my system and I am in excellent health I consider Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetablo Compound unsurpassed for women during this trying ieriod of life Mrs Henry Lee 60 Winter Street New Haven Conn writes Dear Mrs Pinkham SU11C1 lli LUILUiU lUiOt Jf AVA bUlW years during Change of Life I heard of Lydia JB rinknams vegetaoio uompouna I wrote you of my condition and began to take Lydia E Puikliams Vegetable Com pound and followed your advice and to day I am well and happy I can now walk any where and work as well as anyone and for years previous I had tried but could not get around without help I consider your medi cine a sovereign bairn for suffering women Women passing through this critical period should rely upon Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound If there is anything about your case you dont understand write to Mrs Pinkham Lynn Mass for advice It is free and has guided thousands to health When a medicine has been successful in restoring to health actually thousands of women you cannot well say without trying it I do not believe it will help me It is your duty to yourself and family to try Lydia ft fmrnms vegetable uompound 300 Mm S350 SHOES L DOUGLAS 400 GILT EDGE SHOES CANM0T BE EOUAUEfl M AHY HfllUt SHOES FOR EVERYBODY AT All PRICES Mens Shoes S3 to S150 Bojr8 Shoes S3 to 125 Womens chnig S4 to S150 Misses Childrens Shoes S2S5 to SIOO WL Douglas shoes are recognized by expert judges of footwear to be tho best m etylent ahdTvearprodncedintnis country part of tho shoo and overy detail of tho mating is looked alter and watched over by skilled shoemakers without regard to time or cost If I could take you into my larco factories at Rrtvliton Mass and show vou howcarefttllv V L Douelas I jSf Those bfeb Jm who believe in qualttyk use Mr v M 25 ounces for 23 cents Mj f I KO 1 ace frm Pure carekMy testec m Makes all baking healthful B J fesjffl Why pay more for inferior BT j9JISk powders F a ivicIl fl gsatfr l afg SnBkfaiHflr TAOUES MFG CO I vSSEES XISHPn rhtnsirn 9 NAVl ilMsaSA JSVSfSSi lAfS shoes are mado you would then understand why they hold their shape lit better Wear longer uu il g ui aiw Tuuonuau uaj uuci lujuca TV fJKncliurannnaprl U stamped on the bottom widinroitrtsthevrrarrracaSnrt asHi price aroHnfenorplHV lliU So MnliitftDl Sold liy tho lw dice Calrrs everywhere Fait CoUr ivelcir used exclusively Catalog mailed Jrtu W A UOUCILAb iirockionMu mumnm Miiti inntiiiiwnniiiLiiL ji SSff BEAUTY i ui - -U i lLW o Protective Paint Pure White Lead Paint protects property against repairs replacement and deterioration It makes buildings look better wear better and sell bet ter Use only Pure Linseed Oil and Pure White Lead made by the Old Dutch Process which is sold in kegs with this Dutch Boy trade mark on the side This trade mark protects yoa against fraudu lent White Lead adulterations and substitutes SEND FOR BOOK ATakonaint give valunblo infor mation on the paint abject Sent free upon request All lead packed In 1307 bears this marie NATIONAL LEAD COMPANY In whichever of the follow ing cities is nearest you New York Boston Buffalo Cleveland Cincinnati Chicago St ixuu rnnauei phla John T Lewis 4 Bros Co Pittsburgh National Lead Oil OoJ ange of Life Sensible Advice to Women from Hrs Henry Lee firs Fred Certia and firs Pinkham gn Sj timk f fsihfeajUtoWigH ni HI I h SI ptiH n wVti iJ IKv 5Jlv f mm imWMmm iw imi sin a vmwmfrc IS Si I iNrolPfal ForPreseranPurifying aM Beautifying tbeSIan Scalp Hair and Hands ncv nnn BSttUartbS siua ScaiP Hair and Hands Canadian Government IS w I- n cs i n i a s r vm MI a Baa m mey r S5H CfcHI B es 5 5 mmbi ma m K7 0s 5H J1 Free Farms Over 200000 Am erica a farmers who have iiet tled in Canada during the past few vears testi fy to the fact that Cana da is beyond question- the greatest farming laud ia the world OVER NINETY MILLION 1 iUSHELS of wheat from the harvest of 1906 means good money to the farmers of Western Canada when the world has to he fed Cattle Raising Dairy ing and Mixed Farming are also profitable call ings Coal wood and water in abundances churches and schools convenient markets easy of accos Taxes low For advice and information address the Super intendent of Immigration Ottawa Canada or any authorized Canadian Government Agent W V BhNNbll qui new ions uie ouuaing Omaha Nebraska To convinco any woman that Vux tine Antiseptic will Improve her health and do all wo claim for It Vo will 3end her absolutely free a larco trial box of Pastino with book of instruc tions and giminu testimonials Send your name and address on a postal card cleanses and heals mucous m e m af fections such as nasal catarrh pelvic catarrh and inflammation caused by femi nine ills soro eyes sore throat and mouth by direct local treatment Its cur ative power over these troubles is extra ordinary and gives Immediate relief Thousands of women are using and rec ommending it every day CO cents at drucgLstsorbymail Remember however it costs you OTir i r to try it It PAXTON CO Boston Jttaag fyil H Hfl POSITIVELY HEALS iORE SHOULDER SORE NECKS OR OACKS ON HORSES ZE2 MULES IT HEALS THEM ANYWAY IN HARNESS UNDER SAOOLE OR IDLE ir HOT oto tm tou toiw I win D Toy p nrp samm rouMau rf rl I thnamcf yo0sMr Put up In 23c COc and SIOO Cans MONEY BACK IF IT FA1L3 Security Remedy Co MINNCAPQLIS Ivllr4N U S NAVY enlists for four rears young men of good character and sound physical condition be tween the ages of 17 and 25 as apprentice sea men opportunities for advancement pay S16 to J70 a moctn Electricians machinists blacksmiths coppersmiths yeomen clerks carpenters shlpntiers Bremen musicians coots etc between 21 and Zi years enlisted in special ratings with snitable pay hospital apprentices 18 to 28 years Retirement on three fourths pay and aliowauces after 20 years service Applicants mast be American citizens First clothing ontfit free to recruits upon discharge travel aUowance 4 cents per mile to place of enlistment llonns four months pay and increase In pay npon re enlistment within loar months or discharge Offlces at Lincoln and Hastings Nebraska Also during winter at DsMolneard Sioux City Iowa Address BECRU1TIMG 5TATI0riPUDligUrl AHA READERS of this paper de siring to buy any- ij tmnzaveruseain its columns should insist upon hariruf whet they ask for refusing all suasti tutes or imitations SNVEftTIQNS NEEDEI Snton wreck ud sarjilahor on firms TWASOV FEV WIOK te X ATfV IC EME rawtLjrm3m CiraihnxUD C rt 11 BUlfrw KwlntemttM Ofay