The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 26, 1907, Image 4

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ttnHg55SBS5BSSSZggBytf TBWar3ra3 Ssrssem j
Tn - -- -1 1 mn Til mi imrtfTnMii - -- w v vi
mHfc fat flaaC abb m aflaYaaXMar
atr i0SH 1JiW JaWrLPB it y J rf f fcjvt a0BavaEaHaBEfl9av aa
ROYAL Baking Powder is indispen
sable to the preparation of the finest
cake5 hot breads rolls and muffins
Housekeepers are sometimes importuned to
buy other powders because they are cheap
Housekeepers should stop and think If such
powders are lower priced are they inferior
Is it economy to spoil your digestion
The Royal Baker and Pastry
Cook containing over Soo most
practical and valuable cooking re
ceiptsfree to every patron Send
postal card with your full address
Cnrlous Coincidences
When the Ring theater in Vienna
was burned witb great loss of life
one of the other playhouses of the
Austrian capital was playing Paille
Tons Le Monde ou Ton SBnnule
When the Stadt theater In Vienna was
burned another theater In that city
was playing Le Monde ou Ton SEn
auie and on the evening of the day
when the fire in the charity bazaar In
Paris took place the Theatre Francals
was announced fo play Le Monde ou
1on SEnnuie
That word communist my dear
observed the young husband correct
ing her has the accent on the first
How do yon know
The dictionary says so
I never saw a man as prejudiced
In favor of dictionaries as you are
exclaimed the young wife I wish
you bad married a dictionary
WANTED A11 kinda of aundry
help at good wages
in modern airy well lighted plants
Climate unsurpassed Muuntain air
and sunshine Address
1211 15th Street Denver Colo
Db a d finch
Office days Tuesdays Wednes
days Thursdays and Saturdays
Office iu Post Office Bldg c Phone 13
Real Estate
and Insurance
First door south of Fearns gallery
McCook Nebraska
Mend your harness yourself at any time so
it will be stronger than sewed or riveted
It will never break again where- mended
The cost will be nothing except the price
of the buckle 2Hc Send postal today for
free Catalog tells all about it
The Royal Buckle Co
Agents wanted OMAHA NEB
Alum is used in some baking pow
ders and in most of the so called
phosphate powders because it is
cheap and makes a cheaper pow
der But alum is a corrosive which
taken in food acts injuriously upon
the stomach liver and kidneys
New Topics Cal Driver
A driver has to have a license That
mysterious official the mayors mar
shal grants one upon the payment of
25 cents and two written testimonials
of honesty A man may come out of
Sing Sing whither he has been sent
for highway robbery or stoning the
ministers cat or any other crime if
he presents two greasy letters one of
any Jones and the other of any Smith
stating that he Is an honest fellow he
will get a license No inquiry Is made
His references are never looked up
Indeed If you are a desperate criminal
guilty of murder or failure to pay
alimony you can do no better than
take out a license and hide on top of a
cab So into the business drift all
sorts and conditions of rogues Under
the aegis of the law the aegis being a
twenty five cent badge they rob you
and me Vance Thompson In Outing
Tlie Hessians Played
It Is a matter of record that upon
the first official celebration of Inde
pendence day by the Continental con
gress music was secured for the occa
sion by forcing the Hessian band
which had been captured by George
Washington at Trenton In the previous
December to play inthe public square
all day to the great delight and amuse
ment of the people It Is also stated
that these involuntary celebrants were
obliged to practice appropriate airs for
three weeks previously in order that
they could not plead ignorance as an
To whomit may concern
Noticu is hereby given of tlio incorporation of
a Telephone Company by the undersigned und
1 The nanw of said corporation is Ash Creek
Farmers Mutuul Telephone Comuany
2 The principal place of transacting the bus
iness of said corporation is Red Willow Ked
Willow County Nebraska
3 The general nature of the business to be
transacted is the construction and operation of
a telephone line in Red Willow County Nebras
4 The amount of authorized capital stock of
snid corporation is Three Thousand Dollars
3000 00 one half of which to be fully sub
scribed and paid up before business is com
menced and to be divided into shares of Fifty
Dollars 50 00 each balance to be issued as
subscribed and paid for
5 The business of said corporation com
menced January 10 1907 and shall terminate
January 10 1957
0 The highest amount of indebtedness or lia
bility to which the corporation at any time may
subject itself shall be ten percent of the paid up
capital stock
7 The affairs of said corporation are to be
conducted by the following officers President
Vice President Secretary Treasurer and a
Board of three Directors
Dated this 4th day of April 1907
Ash Creek Faemebs
Mutual Telephone Company
By M Esch President
By WmBaumbach Secretary
Notice is hereby given of the incorporation
under the laws of Nebraska of a company
known as the McCook Pressed Brick Company
The principal place of transacting business is
in the City of McCook
The general nature of the business is the man
ufacturing and sale of brick and other building
The caDital stock of said Comoanv is S1500000
I fully paid up as issued
ne existence of tins Company began March
15 1907 and will continue fifty years unless
sooner terminated according to law
The highest amount of indebtedness or liabil
ity to which this corporation may subject itself
is S500000
The affairs of the corporation are to be con
ducted by a board of five direct6rs chosen by
the stock holders from among their number
The directors elect from their own number a
President Secretary nnd Treasurer
Dated March 15 1907
J E Kelley
Geopge S Craven
J W Hatfield
A SEnxis
H P Waite
C I Hall
Mrs Barber wife of Benjamin Barber
whose first name is to plaintiff unknown will
take notice that on April lo 1907 Frederick A
Lofton plaintiff filed his petition in the dis
trict court of Red Willow county Nebraska ilie
object and prayer of which are to quiet his title
to the northeast quarter of section twenty two
22 in township one 1 north of range twenty
nine 29 west in Red Willow county Nebraska
and for a decree that the defendant has no
dower or other interests therein adverse to that
of the plaintiff and for equitable relief You
are r quired to answer said petition on or be
fore Monday the 27th day of May A D 1907
Dated April 16 1907
Frederick A Lofton Plaintiff
By J E Kolley his attorney
SamuelJ Miller defendant will take notice
that on the third day of April 1907 Sarah J
Miller the plaintiff herein filed her petition in
the district court of Red Willow county in the
state of Nebraska the object and prayer thereof
being to obtain a divorce frcm said defendant
and such other and further Telief as the naturo
of the case may require You are required to
answer said petition on or before the 13th day
of May 1907 Dated this third day of April1907
Sarah J Miller Plaintiff
uy w Morlan ner Attorney
Danbury Nebraska April 12 1907
Notice is hereby given that Dan Casben has
filed in the village clerks office of the village of
Danbury Nebraska his petition for a license to
sell malt spirituous and vinous liquors in the
building located on Jot 13 block 6 on Main
street of said village of Danbury Nebraska for
the municipal year ending April 30 190S
Dan Cashen Applicant
McCook Nebraska April 12 1907
Notice is hereby given that C R Woodworth
Co have filed in the city clerks ofiice their
bond and petition for druggists permit to sell
malt spirituous and vinous liquors in the brick
building on Jot 11 block 16 in the second ward
of the city of McCook fromMay 1 1907 to April
30 1903
C R WooDWor Tii Co Applicants
Indianola Nebraska April 12 19G7
Notice is hereby given that F B Bushee has
filed in the city clerks office of the city of In
dianola his petition for a license to sell malt
spirituous ana vinous liquors in a building on
lot 21 block 39 second ward original city of
Indianola from May 1 1907 to April 30 190S
F B Bushee Applicant
Notice is hereby given that I have disposed of
my interest in the real estate business to J S
McBrayer who will continue the business
March 1 1907 S D Satlor
BirtM Allington defendant will take no
tice that on the 20th of April 1907 Nancy L Al
lington the plaintiff filed her petition in the
Distric Court of Red Willow county in the
State of Nebraska the object and prayer there
of being to obtain a divorce from said defend
ant that she may be awarded the exclusive
care custody and control of Bessie Allington
the minor daughter of plaintiff and defendant
and for such other and further relief as the na
turo of the case may require
You are required to answer said petition on
or before the third day of June 1907
Dated this 20th day of April 1907
Nanct L AiiLiNGTOX Plaintiff
By W S Morion Her Attorney 4-24-4
Real Estate Transfers
The following real estate filings
been made in the county clerks
since our last report
United States to Christian Hartman
pat ner 22-2-28
Marion V Overstake wf to San
ford E Ralsten wd 10 in 2 Lebanon
igsnk pkp
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
I wish to announce to the Republican
voters of this county that I shall- be a
candidate for the Republican nomina
tion for County Cleric at the Primary
Election on Tuesday Septembsr 3rd
1907 and that I would like to have all
fair minded Republican voters who be
lieve in good clean business like service
from their public servants and who want
men that are absolutely free from all
boss or ring rule free from all machine
or corporation influence to consider my
candidacy Respeotrully
Chas Skalla
Indianola Neb April 26 1907
I hereby announce to the Republicans
of Red Willow county that I shall be a
candidate for the office of County Clerk
on the Republican ticket at the Prim
ary Election to be held on Tuesday
September 3 1907
I respectfully ask the consideration of
the Republican electors of the county
Stuakt B McLean
McCook Neb April 26 1907
I respectfully announce that I will
be a candidate for the office of Clerk
of the District Court of Red Wil
low county on the Republican ticket
subject to the decision of the Repub
lican Primaries to be held on Tuesday
September 3 1907
Chester A Rodghrs
Valley Grange Prect April 26 1907
JSHoobler wftoWm F dimming
wd pt sw4 ne4 17-1-26 780000
George Bentley wf to James Madison
wd nw 4 ne 4 27-4-26
Leon L Miller wf to James Madison
wd ne 4 nw 4 35-4-26
Lincoln Land Co to Wm A McCarty
wd 6-7-8 in 11 Lebanon
Lincoln Land Co to Mary B Hupp wd
pt se 4 sw 4 17-1-26
Edgar L Means wf to Edward E
Smith wd nw 4 34-2-30 115000
Andrew J Hesner wf to L H
rnanwdno4 23-3-29 200000
John F Dye wf to Annie M Long wd
7 in 4 1st south McCook
Amelia Wilson sngl to Jacob Long wd
8 9 in 4 1st south McCook
Fanny Snyder h to Jacob Long wd
10 in 4 1st south McCook
Elmer E Thompson fe wf to William
Thompson wd pt se 4 nw 4 18-3-27
Fred L Morris wf to Ira L Elliot wd
ne 4 nw 4 nw 4 ne 4 32 se 4 sw 4
sw 4 se 4 29 in 1 30
Christian Hartman wf to Fredrick
Unger wd n 2 22-2-28
Harry A Crane sngl to James Madison
qcd 2
Jobg Steven wf to V Gundorroan
qcdpt4 inlOw McCook
V Gunderman wf to John Hust qcd
pt4 in 10 w McCook
Thomas R Mayhew wf to F A Ed-
mouds qcd sw 4 se 4 30 w 2 no 4
se 4 ne 4 31 in 2 30
Frank Cain to Daniol Minahan agree
Philip E LeMasters wf to William
W LeMasters wd 3 in 49 Bartley
Adam Bower wf to Henry Leuhart
wdu 2 2 in 6 Willow Grove McCook
Mary E Babcock wid to Henry Len-
hart wd 7 in 6 Willow Grove McCook
David Mavl wf to Phillip Traut wd
pt se4 so 4 30 3 29
Samuel S Garvey fc wf to Fred H Bill
ings wd 41 in 2 south McCook
George W Dillon to Fred H Billings
5C in 4 1st ad south McCook
Elbert Osborne et al to Edgar L
Means wd ne4 32-2-SO
Jennie Howe h to Carl B Korn wd
3 in 36 Indianola
Nettie L Cronkhite to William N
Cheney wd s 2 nw 4 n 2 sw 4 12-3-30
To Lovina Kendall and all perSms interested
in the premises hereinafter described You are
hereby notified that the Major and Council of
the city of McCook Red Willow County Ne
braska wil hold a special meeting in the
council chamber of the city hall in McCook at
the hour of seven oclock p m central stand
ard time on May 27 1907 for the purpose of
equalizing and assessing that portion of lots 14
and 15 iu block 29 in the original town now
city of McCook Red Willow County Nebraska
described as follows Commencing at a point
KsbU feet east of the northwest corner of lot lo
in block 29 thence east i9 feet 8 inches thenco
south 130 feet thence v est 19 feet 8 inches
thence north 130 feet to place of beginning the
said city of McCook having rebuilt and laid 109
square feet of brick sid walk on the south side
of Dennison street abutting on said premisesat
an expense to said city in the sum of 1063 A
special tax will be levied against the aforesaid
prop rty to pay the costs of same and for the
costs of these proceedings
Bv order of the Mayor and Council of the city
of McCook Red Willow County Nebraska
fSEALj H W Coxover
City Clerk
To Sarah Hosier and all persons interested in
thp premises hereinafter described You are
hereby notified that the Mayor and Council of
the city of McCook Red Willow county Ne
braska will hold a special meeting in the
council chamber of the city hall in McCook
Nebraska at seven oclock p m central stand
ard time on May 27 1907 for the purposo of
equalizing and assessing the west twenty five
feet of lots 14 and 15 in block 29 in the original
town now city of McCook Red Willow county
Nobraska the said city or McCook having re
built and laid 137 square feet of brick sidewalk
on the south side of Dennison St abutting ou
said premises at an expense to the city in the
sum of S1336 A special tax will bo levied
against the aforesaid property to pay the costs
of same and for the costs of these proceedings
By order of the Major and Council of the City
of McCook Red Willow County Nebraska
seal H W Coxover
City Clork
ETo Franklin P Allen and all persons inter
ested in lot 4 block 23 original town now city
of McCook Red Willow County Nebraska You
are hereby notified that the Mayor and Council
of the city of McCook will hold a special meet
ing in the council chamber of the city hall in
McCook at the hour of seven oclock p m
central standard time on May 27 1907 for tho
purpose of equalizing and assessing said lot 4
in block 23 said city of McCook having rebuilt
and laid 250 square feet of cement sidewalk on
the west side of Madison street abutting on
said lot 4 at an expense to said city in the mm
of 3375 A special tax will be levied against
the aforesaid property to pay the costs of same
and for the costs of these proceedings
By order of the mayor and council of the city
of McCook Red Willow Conn tyt Nebraska
seal H W Coxover
- - -City Clerk
McCook Nebraska March 20 1907
Tha board of county commissioners met pur
suant to adjournment present C B Gray F S
Lofton and S Promer commissioners P E
Recdor nttornoy and E J Wilcox clork
The minute1 of previous mooting were road
and approved
The following official bonds wore examined
nnd on motion approved
A Petore oversoor road district No 37
Frank Hodgkinovorsoor road district No 12
G E Evortson oversoor road district No 11
E W McAninchovorsoorroad district No 9
E E Shoemaker meat for J Dunlap
pauper 425
E E Shoemaker meat for E R Moon
pauper 725
H I Peterson money advanced to pau
per 80
Joseph Morris house rent Mrs Clark
pauper 420
Marshall Oil Co Perolino 350
W C Ballard lumber for court house 10840
Yarger Notley labor and material on
court house 127 0
E D Akers labor and material on court
house 9180
J Fletcher right of way to river bridge
east of Bartley 2500
On motion board adjourned to meet March
27 1907
Attest EJ Wilcox CBGray
County Clerk Chairman
McCook Nebraska March 13 1907
The board of county commissioners met pur
suant to adjournment present C B Gray F S
Lofton and SPremer commissioners and E J
Wilcox clerk P E Reeder attorney
The minutes of previous meeting were read
and approved
On motion clerk was instructed to advertise
for sealod bids to make a yoarly contract for
the construction and erection of the super
structure substructure and approaches of all
bridges to bo built in said county for a year
from tho 22nd day of April 1907 and for furnish
ing materials in the construction of the same
The following claims were audited and al
alowed and clerk was instructed to draw war
rants on the general fund in paymont thereof as
Vance McManigal viewing road No 400 380
CharlesWeintz same 380
W O Russell same 380
C B Gray commissioner services 900
F S Lofton same 965
S Promer same 1450
The petition of Fred Redtfoldt et al asking
for the location of a public road was read and
considered The Hoard lincls that all of the re
quirements of law have been complied with
and the public good requires it and on motion
was granted and road established as follows
Commencing at the southwest corner of sec
tion nine 9 township one 1 north range
twentj six 26 west of 6 p m thenco east on
section line to southeast corner of south west
quarter of said section nine 9 thence north to
center of said section nine 9 thence east to
section line between section nine and ten term
inating thereat The above road to be forty
feet wide Clerk was instructed to notify Over
seer of highways to open said road
On motion Otto C Redtfoldt was allowed the
snm of i72 damages by reason of the location
of said road Claims 125
On motion J W Slutt was allowed the sum
of 72Uamages by reason of tho location of said
road Claims 75
The petition of W C Cooper et al asking for
the location of of a public road was read and
considered The board finds that all of the re
quirements of law have been complied with and
the public good requires it and on motion was
granted and road established as follows Com
mencing at SW Cor of NW 14 of NE 1 4 of
Sec IT I N R 29 W thence N 1 4 mile to 1 4
Cor on south line of of Sec 33 in T 2 R 29 W
Said 1 4 cor being cqui distant and in line be
tween S ECor and S W Cor of Sec 53 and
which line I will use as base line and from
which all angles are given Run west from said
quarter corner on south line of Sec 33
14 chains 66 links thenco V 0 degrees 10 E to
north line of S W 1 1 of Sec 33 at a point 15
chains 20 links west of tho stone center of Sec
33 thenco N 1 degree 50 W W to N lino of
Sec 33 54 chains 70 links west of NE Cor of
ec 33 thence north 1 degree 50 W 24 chains 7
links thenco north 55 degrees 45 W 31 chains
24 links to stone 1 4 Cor on W line of Sec 2S
Also to vacate that part of road No 77 and 1 2
as follows From the SW Cor of N W 1 4 of
NE 1 4 Sec 4-1-29 to the NW Cor of Sec 23
T 2 R 29 The clerk was instructed to notify
Overseer of Highwajs to open said road
On motion C W Nothuagel Wfis allowed the
sum of 50 damages by reason of the location
of said road Claimed 300
Petition of A B Kinzer aud others asking for
the establishment of a public road was read and
considered The hoard finds that all owners of
land along tho proposed line of road have given
consent thereto in writing
On motion same was granted establishing a
road as follows Commencing at the SE cor
ner of the west half of tho NW quarter of Sec
7 T 4 R 29 running thence in southwesterly
direction following the ridge to a point on the
west line of Sec 19 150C0 feet south of the NW
corner of of section 18 T 4 range 29 west 6
P M and terminating thereat Clerk was in
structed to notify Overseer of Highways to open
said road
Petition of M Austin and others asking for
the establishment of a public road was read
and considered The Board finds that all own
ers along line of proposed road have given con
sent thereto in writing On motion same was
granted establishing a public road as follows
Commencing at the northeast corner of NE
quarter Sec 9 T 1 R 29 thence east along
north line of Sec 10 ono mile terminating at
the NE Co of NE quarter of Sec 10 T 1 R
29 W of 6 P M Clerk was instructed to no
tify Overseer of Highways to open said road
On motion board adjourned to meet April 22
Attest E J Wilcox C B Geat
County Clerk Chairman
MaryE Bradv Loretta BradyJohn TBradv
Julia C Brady and Joseph F Brady miuor
heirs Of JolmT Brady deceased and Mary E
Brady as guardian of Lorotta John T
Brady Julia C Brady and Joseph F Bradv
minors defendants will take notice that on the
25th day of April 1907 Esther A Lewis defend
ant filed heranawer and cross petition against
said defendants the plaintiff and the other de
fendants hereinafter name J in the suit pending
in the District Court for Red Willow Ne
braska wherein Edward B Cowles is plaintiff
and Esther A Lewis And row E surviv
ing partner of the firm of Burton Harvey and
the defendants first aforesaid are defendants
the ohiect and prayer of which are to foreclose
a mortgage executed and delivered by Harris
Tuttleand Mary Tuttle to said Esther A Lewis
on Nov 16 1886 upon the west half of the
southeast quarter of section one and the north
east quarter of section twelve all in township
on north range thirty west of the 6th princi
pal meridian in said countj to secure the pay
ment of ono promissory note dated November
16 18S6 for 600 due in 5 years from date thereof
and to foreclose the payment of 3424 taxes paid
thereunder and interest on said notes and taxes
that there is now due and npaid on said notes
mortgages aud taxes paid by said Esther A
Lewis the sum of 634 24 with 10 per cent interest
thereon on 600 thereof from Novl61891on 13 09
thereof from Dec 5 1906 and on 2115 thereof
fr mDoc 7 1906for which sums and interest
said cross petitioner prays for a decree of fore
closure and sale of said premises and for gen
eral relief You are required to answer said
cross petition on or before the 3rd day of June
1907 Dated April 25th 1907
Esther A Lewis Cross Petitioner
ByW S Moelax Her Attorney
nfofih -
The Man
Who Has Never Owned
Deere or Velie Buggy
Has Yet to Learn
the Satisfaction
of Owning
Perfect Vehicle Which Wilt Be
Source of Pleasure and Profit
to Him for Flany Years
VOU will find a complete assortment of these vehicles- iir
Buggies Surreys Spring Wagons Automobile Seat
Driving Wagons Bike Wagons and Park Wagons in our
carriage room on the second floor of our building where
we will be pleased to show you
McCook Hardware Co
Phone 31
V FRANKLIN President A C EBERT Cashieb
JAS S DOYLE Vice President
a b
Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 1 200a
fcaS VSV
The Kansas City Weekly Star
The most comprehensive farm paper All thenews intelligently
told Farm questions answered by a practical farmer and exper
imenter Exactly what you want in market reports
One Year 25 cents
Address THE WEEKLY STAR Kansas City Mo
LlSslaSJuS I dsllS final Uual i
Confer W
1 Clilul f yjSf
Home of Quality
and Quantity where
Are you thinking of
building If so it is ten
to one our figures will
please you
Phone No 1 Manager
will make the season of 1002 st
my farm a half mile northeast oJ
Perry Station ixoo tc lassie
standing colt
Jfc w -