The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 19, 1907, Image 8

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1 I
Jruit in killed in tifmit plncn
3lrs Morgan in vi itin t brr bro
tir8 Will tVjyor t -
Tlio diaiin eiiiof wind find dn t Is
liko tlib iliih iii
Mr Quigiya nVnlh an a Mirprimt o
jwy as fow knewjuf Inn iIIiiupS
WiUMyorjs uiHiiu bin wifn h biitbduy
gvceent of a nice littlw ruudwngon
Thug Duncan bus sold out in Idaho
aarf JeKpeeta to locate in Oklahoma
Ward Qnigly accompanied by mmrd
ebo homo to attend hhTfalherti fun
3ir and Mrs Jacob Rande Mrs
SUtluAiui llurncn Tolor ruing at Alr
Qjglys funeral and Neilio Lounueckur
jjfcjed theorem
Sifow old of Mrs Duncan
ware invited to inner Iut at W r Hollands
oon Friday wbwro nu enJoyuUlo day
v3 spent
Thure present wero Mrnnd Mrs Hotzo
aasd May Mr and Mrs John LongnecK
wand Galinfilrt and Mit s Flora Quick
jta lltiiiyluwil and Mrs Duncan
Attention Farmers
3Tter April 1 1907 wo will buv 1ioh
aaly on Tuesday ud Wednesdays f
ah week
Wash Lay Pleasure
atiHi a Qn MiuutiV Washer Ask
jwir neighbor about thorn
McCook HaicdwakkGo
JeTfcr i tins gelled itr elf
Simrrt in oil ff jrl ifoplt U
3troaizH homo unMehMitsnndacoiflenr
aJfy fituinb s Mritii t lie fiet rhar nf
ihw io i nitii whom ha is
frfideavinni to jr neet are fcwidinjr away
for their job prmuiiir it rather Jiikes
Bis faith in mankind and makes reei
3pocitylook like a lead diino with a hole
ra it Primrose Record
Danbury Nebraska pril 12 10U7
Notice is hereby sivon that Dan Cafiheu bus
Siid vi h villago clerks office of the illa J of
2 -- bnisku bif pi tifioi f a jic ito
eI t vinous Jiqtinrs in the
JSatiii x f aud on lot ia block 0 on Main
lacsr t ff d village of Danbnry Nebraska for
titiapnr al year ending April HO
Dan Cahiien Applicant
McCook Nebraska April 12 1907
Sotir is hereby Riven that C K Woodworth
tiInljave filed in the city clerks ollico tbeir
Hyad tid putitkm for driiRsists permit to sell
pn dt spiritnons nul vinous liquors in the brick
T4aM7n fa lot 11 block 10 in tbo second ward
aSiHe y f McCook from May 1 1907 to April
C 11 Woodwouth Co Applicants
It dianoa Nebraska April 12 1907
ice is harebj Kiven that F ii Ku heo lias
fS tin tli city clerks oflice or tbe city of In
oiiit petition for a lie to -- M i st
saitnon ana vinous liquors in a building on
S211 block 39 second ward original city of
2sHanola from May 1 1907 to April 30 1903
33 lt F B BosnEE Applicant
Berlin Bros Denowitz
of Sioux City Iowa
in the
Iron JunkjRubber and Hide
business in the old Gurney
Poultry Co 3 place on Man- -cheater
street - Patronage
Up-to-date Live Stock
and Real Estate
Dates Made Anywhere
in the State
Terms Reasonable
gSbSkw fcte
Fairbury Kanchett
Windmill i
This is a warranted
teed windmill nothing better in
the markot Write or call on Mr y
Ball before buying
J M Rupp
kinds of Rrjftje Work
P O Bos 131 McCook Nebraska
CLH Botle
25iane 182
C E Eldeed
Long Distance rlono 41
Stoma 1 anrt 7 second floor WCtOOi OCD m
Ftxtoffico Building
Mlddleton liufoy
All work guaranteed
McCook Nebraska
2fenuvrur harness yourself at any time so
Itwill be stronger than sewed or riveted
jft tvill never break apaln where mended
Sho cost will bo nothing except tho price
cftho bnckle 2Kc Send postal today for
free Catalog clls all about it
The Royal Buckle Co
nts wanted OMAHA NEB
- yfw s - yy Tr vyy rgjptiiy - 5cffWp
- j T wj j
T i hhiiihihihi h iihiiii j i L
Real Estate Transfers
Th fillmviiij real til filings
bVti inndo in tin otiiniy clerks
Hinrv our la t ncori
Mary Ann Fbzwrnld u Jotiph Mor
row iiKniit for wd to o lif nw cjr and
1 w lif no cjr ami h lif sw pr and w lif so
iirMi io S10000 00
Cuimit 1 McCrackyii and h b to Um
Ebbuku wd u iU 12 3 15 ud 0
blk W Burtlo - 9M 00
Jacob V Wiohon and vf to Frank P
Anderson wd to w lif v qr ne qr sw
qraud a w qr ho fir 33 2 27 4000 00
Jaiups II McDowell to John G Erers
agrmt for nw qr33 1 29
Henry Stroh mid wf U Conrad Kline
wd to pt no qrf eqr 30329 GOO 00
United States to Edward Filzgerald
pat to u li av qraud w lif seqr 31
Ilonry Brening to Christina Hrouiu
wd to ptpwqrsw qr 29 3 29
Magdalcna Diet cli to UVubuii Cox wd
to w 150 ft lot 8 blk 8 Springdale
floury N Grahmii and wf to Jithu V
Daily and Julio C Fluniing art of
agrmtforobf 32 1 27
E E Hoidriiigo uud wf tti Henry N
Graham wd to e lif 33 1 27
Lincoln Laud Co loCha U Ritchie
wd to lot 3 and s bf lot 2 blk 0 2nd
Jamas N Hmwii anil wf to Joropli B
Blair wd to s hi se qr and b bf sw qr
304 20
John L ijari iit and wf to E C F
KeinnieriT wd to sw qraud w hfso
qr31 12S
AIiiioii J Jliurcli and wf lo flniy II
Fiuiiiiiiifriiid Wit iiui M Priinte
wd to qrll and so qr 54 30 I
John A Ktrlmll nudwf and Tiioinua
ilarshalt Jinii wf toE E Lincoln wd
to v qraud n lif sm qr2l3 3ll
C F Guud and wf to E E LUicolu
wd to few qr 31 4 29
C F Gund and wf to Andrew Piuiiuo
wd UnuqrJi 4 30vJ
Alice E Doure and nsb to ii Hillor
wd to 0 lif sw qr anil Whf so qr C 1 29
HeuryTrnutaud wf to JolfnTHunt
wd to lot 2 blk 25 McCook 1
Gocko Gockou nnd wf to Jos Unger
wd touwqr 142 23
William liillerus and i to Loruuce
Back wd to se qr nw qr and no qr sw
and lots 3 and 6 all in 6 3 27
Nels J Johnson and wf to Mary E
Simmons wd to lot 4 blk 11 4ti Mc
Chas Wagner and wf to Jlonry Brun
gart wd to pt lot 3 33 2 29
Maggie Redding and hsb to Poter Fox
en and John B Colling wd to lots 33
and 34 blk 1 South McCook
David McBrido sngl to Wm G Mc
Bride wd to und Vi int sw qr 18 3 29
1200 00
210 00
7 500 00
C 40JC0
202 50
3200 CO
C3L0 00
9300 00
8400 00
3500 00
3700 00
1200 00
i500 00
4000 00
1200 00
393 00
050 00
1 CO
A Guaranteed Cure For Piles
Itching Blind Bleeding or Protrud
ing Piles Druggists refund money if
Pazo Ointment fails to cure any case
no matter of how long standing in Gtol4
days First application gives ease and
rest 50c If your druggist hasnt it
send 50c in stamps and it will be for
warded postpaid byParisMedicinoCo
St Louis Mo
Mrs Barber wife of Benjamin BarBsr
whose first name is to plaintiff unkuowp will
take notice that on April 1G 1907 Frederick A
Lofton plhintiff 3ed his petition- in the dis
trict court of Red Wiitow county Nebraska the
object and prajer of which are toquiot his title
to the northeast quarter of section twenty two
22 in township one 1 north of range twentj
nine 29 west in Red Willow county Nebraska
and for a decree that the defendant has no
dower or other interests therein adverse to that
of the plaintiff and for equitable relief You
are r quired to answer said petition on or be
fore Monday the 27th day of May A D 1907
Dated April 16 1907 -
Fkedeeick A Lofton Plaintiff
Br J E Kelloy his attorney
Samuel J Millor defendant will tako notice
that on the third day of April 1907 Sarah J
Miller the plaintiff herein tiled her petition in
the district court of Bed Willow county in the
state of Nebraska the object and prayer thereof
being to obtain a divorce from said defendant
and such other and further relief as tbo nature
of the case may require You are required to
answer said petition on or before the 13th day
of May 1907 Dated this third day of April1907
Sabah J Milleb Plaintiff
By W S Morlau her Attorney
McCook Nebraska April 5 1907
Notice is hereby given that Cljdo Brotheis a
firm composed of Lovell R Clydo and Mitchell
UClyde have filed in the city clerks office their
bnnrt nnd nntltion fnr n HnHncn rf soli
ituous and vinous liquors in tho building on lo
9 blQckzlin tne becond warrt original city ot
McCook from May 1 1907 to April 30 1908
Cltde Beothees Applicants
McCook Nebraska April 5 1907
Notice is hereby given that A McMillen has
filed in tho city clerks oflice his bond and peti
tion for a druggists permit to sell malt spiritu
ous and vinous liquors in the building on lot 21
block 22 in the First ward of tho city of Mc
Cook Red Willow county Nebraska during tho
year ending April 3d 193S
A McMiriEN Applicant
McCook Nebraska April 5 1907
Notice is herebv given that Ii W McConnell
filed in tho city clerks cilice his bond and
IKtition for a druggists permit to sell malt
spirituous and vinous liquors in tho building on
lot 7 block 21 iti the Second ward of tho city of
McCook from May 1 1907 to April 30 190S
L W McCoxneii Applicant
May 1st 1907 the accommodation road
through our lands east half of section 31 town
ship 2 range 26 in Red Willow county Neb-
raslca wiiiii be closed 3 15Gts
Ed Fitzgerald
MaetE Fitzgeeald
will make the season of 1907 at
my farm a half mile northeast of
Perry Station 1000 to insure
standing colt
1 Owner
Tlieatrlcal Life linn Few Joy and
Much HitterncsN
Booth to -whom Henry B Abbey
would cheerfully have paid 1000 a
night for 150 consecutive nights was
ouo of the most unhappy men on the
face of Gods earth He bad buried
tAo wives been through the mortifica
tion of bankruptcy aud so far us world
ly Wealth is coucerued so far as the
comforts of a settled home go had yet
to make the oue and secure the other
This being the case what do you sup
pose is the fate of minor peoplq The
fact is that they work hard are under
paid never play the parts they prefer
pay much by far the greater porlou of
their salaries for stage costumes in
variably have u gang of hungers 011
who eat the bread they earn are out of
engagements most of the time and
ninety times out of a hundred die so
poor tbat they are burled at the ex 1
pense of their fellows In the first
place it is extremely difficult for them
to obtain a position and having a
position how few its advantages
They have to rehearse at Inconvenient j
times they go out in all kinds of
weather regardless of their health or
comforts or home desires they dress in
outlandish places either wet damp
and chilly or overheated They are at
the capricious mercy of speculative
managers and having found by ex
perience that there Is very little sym
pathy for them cither before or bInd
the footlights they wrap tei ol es
hi a garment of mental indilc l 3 to
appearances which is utterly iIsuu
derstood by a cynical and suspicious
T know of a girl who was called to a
Sunday night rehearsal Her father
was very ill but the rental of their
rooms the fees for the doctor and mon
ey for the drugs depended upon her at
tending to her business It was imper
ative that she should be in the theater
at 730 oeiock Having arranged tho
Old Times In New York
In 1789 New York city maintained an
official who would whip a servant
either free or slave for the master
charging a shilling for the job Petty
thieves were branded for life with a
T on the cheek Mrs Johanna Young
and another woman convicted of grand
larceny were driven all over the city
in an open cart then stripped to the
waist and given thirty nine lashes
apiece in public and then banished
Whereupon says the record they
went to Philadelphia
Tlie Tender Hearted Bntclier
It must have been a very tender
hearted butcher who killed this lamb
said the cheerful boarder pausing in
the sawing of his chop
Why kindly asked the inquisitive
He must have hesitated three or
roam as women only can Having placed
upon the table by the bedside of her
father his medicine she kissed him
goodby and with a loving touch prom
ised to bo back as early as possible
You know what Sunday night rehears
als mean They mean 1 2 3 4 oclock
the next day That is what this one
meant The girl hastened home Tha 1
candle light had gone the cold gray
of the early morning was In tho room
tho father was dead upon the bed
Boston Globe
Nine tenths of the failures intend to
do well
If air castles were real some people
wouldnt be satisfied
We are always meeting people who
recall incidents that we had hoped
they had forgotten
When people do not enjoy doing the
things we do we are apt to think they
do not have a good time
Your neighbor is funny If you
throw his dog a bone he suspects you
of trying either to poison it or to win
its affection from him
It is interesting for a man to look
through his old effects if for no other
reason than he will see that he is not
ns big a fool as he used to be
You may have such a fierce admira
tion for the under dog as to be unfair
to the upper dog The upper dog is of
ten compelled to fight to get his rights
Atchison Globe
Frondes Inaccnracy
What competent critic today doubts
the general trustworthiness of Froudes
History of England in writing which
he was obliged to transcribe from
Spanish masses of papers which even
a Spaniard would have read with diffi
culty Yet what sweeping charges of
inaccuracy were long made against
him Writing in 1870 to a friend the
historian says I acknowledge to five
real mistakes in the whole book
twelve volumes about twenty trifling
slips equivalent to is not dotted
and ts not crossed and that is all
that the utmost malignity has discover
ed Every one of these rascals has
made a dozen blunders of his own
while detecting one of mine Success
four years before striking the fatal
blow London Tit Bits
His Choice
Are you fond of music asked a
stranger of the young man at tho con
cert who was applauding vigorously
after a pretty girl had sung in a very
painful way
Not particularly said the young
man frankly but Im exceedingly
fond of the musician
Full Benefit
watts Lets walk along unrji a car
overtakes us Potts No Letts - fife
the other way until a car mcets oisJ J
win eaten it sooner we win ga
town lust as quick anu we gef ie
ride for oar money
1M 1
y 1
Tlie liefiouln ox Souotrcu
The Bedouin is decidedly a hand
gome Individual lithe of limb like his
gouts and with n cafe au lait colored
akin Ho has a sharp profile excellent
teeth He often wears a stubby black
beard and has beautifully penciled eye
brows and though differing entirely
In language in physique and type he
closely resembles the Bedouin found in
1 he Mahrl and Gara mountaius Fur
thermore the mode of life in the samp
dwelling In caves when necessary
but having permanent a odes on tin
lower lands aud they have several
other striking points in common Greet
ings tako place between the Arabian
Bedouins and the Socotran Bedouins
In similar fashion by touching each
cheek and then rubbing the nose
We found the Bedouin of Mount
Haghler fond of dancing and playing
his teherane and also peculiarly lax
In his religious observances and
though ostensibly conforming to Mo
hammedan practice he observes next
to none of their precepts and it Is pre
cisely the same with the Bedouins
whom we met in the Gara mountains
There Is certainly nothing African
about the Socotran Bedouin There
fore I am inclined to consider him as
a branch of that aboriginal race which
Inhabited Arabia with a language of
Its own Nineteenth Century
Order of Ilri sli Titles
They had been talking about an Eng
lish marquis and the position ho held
amonghis titled aristocracy
I didnt know a marquis ranked so
high said the girl in white
Dear me said an Englishman
Didnt you Why a marquis ranks
next to a duke
He paused to sip his tea and take a
foie gras sandwich
Marquess not marquis he went
on Is the more accurate use of the
word It is so spelled and pronounced
In Burke Shall I tell you the degrees
of the English arlslocracy Thekio7
edge may be useful to you when you
come to contract an International al
liance eh
After royalty come dukes After
dukes come marquises then earls vis
counts barons baronets and knights
I dont mention lords A crd Is an
earl the Earl of Craven for instance
Is often called Lord Craven or
the title is only tho courtssy one ac
corded to the younger sons of dukes1
Philadelphia Bulletin
The Tiirrot F
There are water parrot as well as
land parrots The parrot fish corns
from the tropics are brilliantly colored
and have beaks something like those
of the parrot for use in breaking o
the coral shell in order to get at the
living polyp Not all of them how
ever live on animal foad some species
being herbivorous One species is
found In the Mediterranean sea where
it lias been known for thousands of
years The Greeks and Romans re
garded it for a time as the first of
fishes and Pliny tells us how It was
introduced Into the Italian sea in the
course of the reign of Claudius It
was known as the scarus by the an
cients who told some wonderful sto
ries about its love its wisdom and its
rumination Some having a length of
sixteen inches have been captured
BnJrafiueVi Scnl
On the city seal of Dubuque la ap
pear the words La petite nuit and
strangers are alwajs puzzled by them
Why should Dubuque be called the
little night It is explained that the
place originally was settled by an old
miner named Dubuque When tlie In
dians granted certain lands to Dubuque
the document was drawn up in French
in Trairie du Chien The clerk who
did the work- believed that la petite
nuit meant the old miner and his
mistake has perpetuated a phrase
which however pretty has no signifi
cance in its present connection
Blew His Own Horn
A certain colonel who was In com
mand of the Perthshire yeomanry was
at an evening party in Edinburgh com
plaining loudly of his officers alleging
that all the duties of the regiment de
volved upon him I am he said to
all intents and purposes my own major
my own captain my own lieutenant
my own cornet To say nothing of
being your ain trumpeter too remark
ed a grim old Scottish lady sotto voce
Qulelc Wit
There is no more effective weapon to
defend us from impertinence or rude
ness than quick sharp wit But few
men have it and It Is born with them
If we try to imitate it we end in ill
nature and scurrility Wit cannot be
forced into growth But courtesy and
good temper can These weapons are
sure and grow brighter and stronger
with age
Bldnt Like Taxes
Cases against George Washington j
pear here and there in old documents
Xo less than three claims were entered
against him during the year 17S7 to
compel him to pay taxes The hu
morous clerk commenting on these ac
tions remarked George Washington
Esq appeareth not to like taxes
Modem Life
All the accessories of modern life In
crease so rapidly that there Is little
likelihood of Its expenditure diminish
ing or of life becoming more simple
and less costly Black and White
Maude You wouldnt know my
fiance now if you met him Nell
Vby has he changed so much as that
Uaude That isnt it exactly Ive
dianged him
You cant get even with a physician
y returning his calls
aeiww nw
ii iiWtffllnllWMW
M Absolutely Pure w
Absolutely Pure w
When ordering baking powder 15
R ask for Royal A pure grape 5
fi cream of tartar powder j
ffi All its ingredients are named m
m upon the label Free from ffi
m alum and phosphate of lime I m
W Absolutely Pure w j
H t l M M ft iS fV I U I ut L trj
Or Herder I Frail 1 S fill ill IT i
C Registeiied Gu vdcate g t r
Office over McConnells Drug Storo
mccook neb
Telephones Oiflie 100 residence 131
Former location Atlanta Georgia
- Prompt Servuj
Courteous Treatment
Reasonable Prices
If you will figure with usand
quwliry of material is imv object
yon will be iily convinced ibut
wo ont clas all competition
Mull u ii
b I y 2 a a
in nn
i ft
WE are prepared for -the spring trade with
the best and largest stock of implements
ever brought to McCook Among the good
things we have to offer are tiie following well
known machines
jT S -fl
Gang Sulky and Walking Plows Disc
Harrows and Western Belle Listers
J I Case
Gang and Sulky Plows Walking- Plows
and Listers
Gang Sulky and Walking Plows
Wagons still continue to be our leaders
but we also carry the Milburn Wagon
and a good line of Farm Trucks
Listers and Cultivators v
In addition to these famous lines we have a
large assortment of cultivators among which
we call especial attention to the DUTCH
UNCLE and BADGER You will also find
in our yards the best two row listed corn cul
tivators feed grinders gasoline engines wind
mills and almost anything else you may need
in the farm machinery line We still have plen
ty of hog fence poultry fence and barbed wire
List Your Property
With Us
Farms Ranches Etc
Our office is in the east and
brinsr the buyers direct
with the money For par
ticulars address
Humboldt Neb
McCook Laundry
Dry and Steam Cleaning and
McCook Nebraska
J3Agant of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook
Waterworks Office in Poatoffico building