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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1907)
W IMMriJf 1 111 Ji Z jgvjiri rm fsgwv v f IHE NEW LAW of not less than 10 nor more than 500 or by fine and imprisonment in the county jail for not more than one year S F No 28 by Root of Cass Giving the governor power to discharge the superintendent of the hospital of the in sane at his discretion Emergency clause Unclaimed Legacies S F No 29 by Root of Cass Author izing county judges to receive payment of costs and fees and unclaimed legacies to pay such costs fees and legacies to the person entitled thereto and to pay to his successor in office any such costs fees or legacies remaining in his posses- eion at tne ciose or nis term xne purport of the bill is to make the county judge responsible on hia bond for such funds S F No 33 by Root of Cass Taking 4way from the state board of public lands and buildings the power to hear complaints against superintendents of public institutions S F No 34 by King of Polk Prohibits discriminations in the price of commodi ties between various sections of the state Any person firm or corporation may not sell any commodity in general use at a higher or lower price in different sections ot the state between which and the laai shipping point the freights are the same Complaint of violations of the law may be made to the secretary of ate whose duty It Is to Inform the attorney general Violation of the law is punishable by forfeiture of the corporate eharter 3 F No 37 by Epperson of Clay De claring boats or other vehicles used for Immoral purposes nuisances and placing the offense of conducting disorderly re volts under- the jurisdiction of justice uourts S F No 41 by Ashton of Hall Ex tending the operation of the Inheritance tax law to small estates S F No 46 by McKesson by request ttthe state insurance department Legalizing a system of fees to be paid byjegai reserve life insurance companies t the state insurance department Emergency clause S F No 49 by Senator McKesson of Lancaster Provides that accident sickness- and insurance companies must pay t state4 the following fees For filing articles of Incorporation and charter and ij30lnir certificate of license 25 filing an nual statements 20 certificates of au thority to foreign companies 2 certifi cates of authority to Nebraska companies M cents for certificates requiring the seal of -the auditor 50 cents Emergency clause S F No 50 by Senator Thomas of DouglasThe compulsory school law re quires attendance in metropolitan cities tor the full school year when children are tietween the age3 of 7 and 16 years of age Exemptions are provided for children who attend private sch6ols S F No 51 by Wilson of Pawnee Em pstrering cities of the second class and villages owning and operating electric light plants waterworks systems heat-lug- or other municipal plants to furnish electricity power steam or other product odBUch system or plants to any person or corporation within such city or village Emergency clause S F No 52 by Aldrlch of that the physician of the Mllford industrial home may be a man Nq emer 4rejicy clause Pure Food Law 43 F No 64 by Burns of Lancaster For the purpose of carrying out the pro vislons -of the law a food drug and aalry commission is created the old food com tnission being abolished The governor is tSiaUe tthe commissioner and he appoints r cnletflcjKity commissioner at a salary Sls - A - y isVQ ijrfotw jic 9f A Record of Doings of the Thirtieth General Assembly TO PLEDGES CAREFULLY CARRIE SENATE BILLS PASSED The Anti Fuss BUI 8 F No 2 by Kins or Polk Tho anti pass bill It shall bo unlawful for the railroads to glvo away or any person to receive alreo ticket or pass trom a rail road except these specirtcully designated persons Officers agents bona lido em ployes the major portion of whose time la devoted to tne service of the railroau company and the dependent members of their immediate families children under 7 years cf age officials and linemen of tele graph companies ex employes retired from service on account of age or be cause of disability sustained while in the service of the ralhoad and the dependent members of their immediate families widows or dependent children of employes willed while in the service of the railroad caretakers of live stock poultry vege tables and fruit including transportation to and from the point of delivery em ployes of sleeping car express companies mail service employes and newsboys on trains persons injured in wrecks and physicians and nurses attending them one trip pass for a discharged employe and his family for use within thirty days of discharge interchange of passes for employes of other roads Ralroad1 may Jssue free transportation to provide relief In case of general epidemic pestilence or calamitous visitation Railroads must flic a monthly statement with the state rail way commission giving a statement of all persons to whom passes have been issued and specifying the kind of employment ana tne class designated ror which the pass has been gven Ralroads or the persons violating this law are liable to a fine of not less than 5100 nor more than 51000 Emergency clause Bill signed March 30 Employers Inability Act S F No 5 by Gibson of Douglas Em ployers liability act providing that con tributory negligence shall not be a bar to action but may be taken into consid eration b3r the Jury in lixing the ciount of damages and also providing that the acceptance of relief benefits or insurance 6hall not constitute a bar or defense for action but the amount so received may be applied to the amount recovered Ap plies only to the hazardous departments Of railroading S F No C by Root of Cass Prohibit ing the shipment of intoxicating liquors unless the words intoxicating liquor are placed on the outer package and pro hibiting consignment to a fictitious per son or Into a city or incorporated village in which a license has not been granted for the sale of intoxicating liquors Pen alty a fine of from 100 to 300 S F No 7 by Root of Cass Making the place of manual delivery of and pay ment for Intoxicating liquors the place of sale S F No 12 by Root of Cass Making the maximum penalty for adultery one year In the county Jail for both man and woman Emergency clause 8 F No 17 by Senator Thomas of Douglas Reducing marriage license fees to 150 and providing a fee of S3 to be paid to the county judge for performing the marriage The fee is included In those which the county audge must turn Into the general fund No emergency clause 5 F No 21 by Thomas of Douglas Providing the roadbeds of permanent roads constructed under the Inheritance tax law must not be less than twelve nor more than sixteen feet In width and al lowing the county judge to fix a reason able appralsors fee Emergencv clause 6 F No 26 by Saunders of Douglas To prohibit the corrupt Influencing of agents employes or servants In relation to the principals employers or masters business Providing a penalty of a fine OT Some of the Measures that Have Received the ernors Signature and Enactments that Will Be Given His Attention a - at an Early Day f of 1800 a year A chemist dairy In spector stenographer and corps ot deputy inspectors are provided for The commissioner or any of ids Inspectors are authorized to siezo samples of any foods or drugs for the purpose of analysis and It is made the duty of the department to furnish county attorneys with the evi dence of violation of the law Drugs are defined as adulterated if they diner from the standard of strength or quality laid down in the United States pharmacopoeia or national formulary unless the stand ard of strength Is plalnty stated on the label ot the container or if the standard of strength or purity Is less than that claimed for them Confectionery is de fined as adulterated if it contains terra alba barytes talc chrome yellow min eral substances poisonous coloring mat ter or flavoring extracts or other ingre dient detrimental to health or any liquor or narcotic drug Food is defined as adulterated if substances have been mixed or packed with r io injuriously affect its strength if a valuable constitu ent of the article has been abstracted if it is mixed colored powdered or stained so that damage or inferiority is con- i uuieu u n contains any added poison ous substance which would render it in jurious to health if it consists wholly or In part of filthy decomposed or putrid vegetable or animal substance Mis branding consists in labelling any article pf food or drug so as to mislead the public in general In addition any food or drug which contains any liquor or habit forming drug must be branded with the name Oi the same foods in package form must bear a statement ot the correct weight on the package ex cept in the case of the ingredients Re tailers are exempt from prosecution it they can establish a guaranty from the manufacturer that the goods comply with the provisions of the law Adulterated or misbranded foods or drugs may be con fiscated and destroyed or sold but not for use contrary to the provisions of the law The dairy Inspector has charge un der the direction of the food commis sioner of the inspection of dairies cream eries cheese factories and other places where dairy products are handled Per mits must be obtained from the state for creameries and cheese factories for testing cream or butter Dairies cream eries and cheese factories are compelled to maintain cleanliness and the product of diseased or unhealthy cows cannot be used Tests for butter fat shall con form to the Babcock test Violations ot the law are punishable by fines of from 15 to 100 in addition to confiscation ot objectionable ijoods Effective July 1 Strictures on Brewers S F No 7G by Senator Gibson of Douglas Forbids manufacturer of malt vinous or splritous liquors being inter ested in any retail liquor license Agents employes or representatives must not be engaged in retail trade No such manu facturer or agent may aid in procuring a license for any one No license issued to a manufacturer or jobber shall permit him to engage in the retail trade No manufacturer wholesaler or jobber or any person connected with their firms may rent any property for the retail trade or for such purposes No persons en gaged in the retail trade may rent from any jobber or manufacturer Violations of this law are punishable by fines of from 1000 to 10000 This act becomes effective July 1 S F No 77 by tiiDson or uougias Providing that in Douglas county whon the city of Omaha the board of educa tion and the county of Douglas shall hold a joint election the election officials shall receive 6 each the expense to be pro rated equally between the city school district and county 3 F No 87 by Sackett of Gage A joint resolution memorializing congress to enact a law to prevent railroads and other tax debtors from Interfering by in junction in the federal courts with the collection of state county school district and municipal taxes Coroners Fees S F No 90 by Senator Thomas of Douglas Providing fees for a county coroner as follows Fees for viewing body 10 summoning and qualifying an inquest 50 cents drawing and returning inquisition 1 cent for each ten words viewing body upon which no inquest is held 5 for distance traveled 5 cents a mile For physician making post mortem In counties less than 25000 10 each In cases requiring dissection and analysis of poisons not to exceed 50 All cases not specifically stated the coroner is al lowed the same fees that are allowed th sheriff S F No 95 by Thomas of Douglas Fixing the maximum salary of police captains in metropolitan cities at 150 per month Emereency clause s i jno y by Thomas or uougias Providing for the appointment of a cor oners physician in Douglas county and fixing his compensation at 900 per an num S F No 98 by Senator Root of Cass Provides that applications for reprieve or commutation or pardon must be filed with the governor first in writing stating the grounds on which the executive clemency is involved The governor sats a day for hearing such an application any time be tween three and six weeks thereafter Notice of such hearing must be published in some newspaper where conviction was had for two weeks The judge or his successor the county attorney or his successor and the attorney general must be notified The latter must investigate the history of the case and file with the governor a report of his conclusions The attorney general must cross question all witnesses The hearing shall be pub He It Is unlawful for any person to ap proach or communicate with the gover nor concerning such pardon except at his request or by giving evidence at such hearing Any ono violating this act is punishable by a fine not exceeding 500 Emergency clause S F No 112 by Randall of Madison Amending the laws relating to saline edu cational lands and making the statutes conform to the general revenue law Emergencv clause S F No 113 by Senator Randall or Madison Reducing the rate of Interest on unpaid principal on sale contracts for educational or saline lands from C to o per cent Emergency cluase S F iso 114 oy Thomas or uougias The bulk sales bill declaring void sales trades or other dispositions of stocks or merchandise or portions thereof in bulk otherwise than in the ordinary and regu lar course of the sellers business Suppressing Bucket Shops S F No 137 by Epperson of Clay To suppress bucket shops or gambling in stocks bonds or options This bill pro vides that it shall be unlawful for any corporation association copartnership or person to keep or cause to be kept any bucket shop office or store wherein is conducted the buying or selling shares ot stocks bonds petroleum cotton grain provisions or other product either on margins or otherwise without any inten tion of receiving and paying for the property so bought or of delivering the property so sold Any corporation or per son agent or employe guilty of violating this act shall be fined from 100 to 500 or imprisoned in the county jail from three to six months Effectlvo Julv 1 S F No 144 by Gibson of Douglas To reduce the number of fire and police com missioners In South Omaha from five to srrwwrrarsr sV9K r nig - is mms T -V T threo and maiclng the mayor ex offlclo chairman without a vote Emergency clause S K No 118 by McKesson of Lancaster To prevent foreign Insurance companies from removing its suits tor the federal court and providing as a penalty tho re voking of their license for a period of thieo years Emergency clause S F No 151 by Epperson of Clay Providing that county teachers Institutes shall be held during the months of June July or August and that two or more counties may conduct Joint institutes S F No 161 by Aldrlch of Butler Al lows the governor to appoint the com mandant at the Mllford soldiers homo and gives him a salary of 1000 a year S F No 163 by Senator Mann of Cherry Proposing a constitutional amend ment to allow the Investment of the school funds of the state or such other securities as the - legislature may from tlmo to time direct Foreign CorioratIons S F No 168 by Senator King ot Polk Provides that foreign corporations except Insurance and railroad companies which maintain an agent In tills state before they are authorized to do business here must file a certificate with tho secretary of state and with the register of deeds in the county where their prin cipal office is designating their business jieuaqunriers in tne state anu appointing an agent or agents one of whom shall be the state auditor upon whom service of process or notice of any legal pro ceeding may bo served and notice of any proceedings served upon the auditor or agent shall be valid and binding Emergency clause Corporations are given twenty days to comply with the provi sions of the act Failure to do so sub jects them to a fine of 1000 Any agent falling to comply with this law may be sent to jail from 10 to 30 days S F No 178 by Senator Wlisey ot Frontier Provides that school district bonds amounting to more than 5 per cent of the total assessment of the dis trict may be issued in those districts which have more than 150 school children The rate of Interest on school district bonds shall not be more than 6 per cent The old law provided for 200 school chil dren Emergency clause S F Nc 179 by Senator Byrnes of Platte Making it unlawful for a tenant or lessee to convert to his own use the share of crops or products belonging to his landlord Violations of this act shall be punished according to the laws gov erning larceny No emergency clause S F No ISO by Sackett of Gage A bill providing for the removal by quo warranto of any county attorney prose cuting officer sheriff police judge mayor police officer police commissioner or any other officer who shall wilfully neglect to enforce the law The attorney general J snail enrorce the provisions of this law S F No 217 by King of Polk A free high school act providing that pupils of school districts in which a full high school course is not maintained may at tend high school In any other district the cost of tuition to be assessed against the resident district at the rate of 75 cents per week Emergency clause S F No 226 by Senator King of Folk Abolishing the school levy statute Emergency clause S F No 232 by Hanna Of Cherry and Phillips of Holt To allow an increase in the number of junior normal schools to eight The terms and time of holding these schools shall be not less than six nor mors than eight weeks between June 1 and September 1 The schools shall be maintained 5n the school districts of Al liance McCook and Valentine and at five other places to be designated by the state superintendent Emergcntcy clause S F No 234 by Burns of Lancaster Eliminates the word incurable from the leal narne of the Hastinp s nsvKir S F No 243 bv Randall of Madison- Empowers benevolent protective and fra ternal societies of the state to own hold and control real estate Emergency clause S F No 244 by Randall of Madison Authorizing fraternal benevolent and charitable associations to maintain homes for widows and orphans Dermitting them to hold property to any amount and free from taxation Emergency clause S F No 250 by King of Polk Makes the state treasurer ex officio treasurer of the state university and gives him au thority to disburse the Morrill Hatch Adams and cash funds of the university without appropriation by the legislature Emergencv clause S F 239 bv Senator Randall of Mad isonRaises the requirement for the ad mission to normal schools to a two year high school course or Its equivalent Terminal Taxation Bill 5 S F No 261 by Thomas of Douglas Terminal tax bill Provides for the local assessment for municipal purposes of rail roads union stations cai companies freight line companies and depots and provides that all fixed tangible property shall be listed with the local assessor for local taxation The local assessor shall be the assessing officer Street railways are specifically excluded from the opera tion of the act All companies are com pelled to furnish detailed information to the local assessors and to the state board concerning their property and business Railway corporations must furnish an nually between February 1 and March 1 a complete report including the name of the company its location description of the main line and right of way detailed description of each building telegraph and telephone instruments and a list of all other tangible property In addition the state board may require railroad com panies to furnish details concerning re organization or consolidation principal of fices where books are kept names of all the bt fleers the market value of all stock Corporations must also furnish a detailed statement of all credits moneys due un- 4llvided profits gross income all business done in each city or village pcion station and depot comiJShles Jffiibt Kle similar schedules Car and freight companies must also make detailed reports to the state board County attorneys must prose cute all violations of this act County and city clerks shall prepare separate assess ment rolls for all companies and deliver them to the proper assessor before the 1st of March of each year The assessor must make the assessment betwpen March 1 and May 1 of each year The assessor must list all property by item and certify it to thLstate board Any as sessor who falls to niake a true assess ment as required of him shall Be fined not exceeding 500 or imprisoned not to ex ceed thirty days Entire collection of nlU niclpal taxes cannot be tied up by in junction suits The judge before whom an injunction is brought is required to make an immediate determination of what amount the railroad shall pay in before its suit can be continued and the final ad justment shall be made on the basis of that already paid In The state board on the first Monday of May shall assess for the purposes of municipal taxation all property of railroads except local proper ty From the total assessment of any rail road the board shall deduct the value of all tangible property except rolling stock The remainder which includes the fran chise and rolling stock shall be appor tioned to the cities and villages on a mile age basis according to a unit system The state board shall equalize the assess ments on the third Monday of July The board has power to raise or lower any municipal assessment S F No 270 by Clarke of Adams Pro viding for an equitable division of taxes in joint school districts S F No 305 by Thomson of Buffalo Making 10 per cent of a mans wages lia ble to execution for debt S F No 307 by Sackett of Gage Pro viding for a system for appointing county officers in Gage and other counties of the same class S F No 309 by Clarke of Adams Pro viding that where children are trans ferred from their own district to a school In another district nearer the parents shall vote in the school district on school matters where the children attend Senators hy Direct Vote S F No 313 by King of Polk A joint resolution making application to congress for a constitutional convention to author ize the election of United States senators bv the people S F No 316 by Senator Phillips of Holt To disqualify a judge or jurtfce from acting as such except by mutrui consent of parties when he is a party or Interested or when he Is related to either party with in the fourth degree or where any attor ney In any cause in the district court is related to the judge in the degree of father son or brother Emergencv clause S F No 31S by Sackett of Gage Fix ing salaries of sheriffs and providing that they shall be paid out of the general fund and shall turn all fees into the county treasury Douglas countys sheriff is given a salary of 4000 a year after January 1 190S S F No 319 by Sackett of Gage Pro viding that In the smaller counties sher iffs shall not be paid more than 75 cents a day for feeding prisoners and allowing Douglas county to let the feeding of plsoners in the county jail by contract S F No 342 by Burns of Lancaster Lincoln charter amendment Increasing 4 T fnEt salaries of policemen to 70 a month and allows city to maintain a city park S F No 31 by Sonator Gould of Greeley Allows tho state treasurer to In vest the trust funds of the stato in reg istered stato warrants Emergency clause express Hates Reduced S F No 355 by Senator Sibley of Lin colnProvides that before May 5 express companies shall filo with tho railway commission a complete schedule of all rates effective January 1 Express com panies cannot charge hereafter moro than 75 per cent of such rates unless the schedules are changed by the railway commission Prepaid rates on merchandise of one pound are left as at present Spe cial contracts for tho transportation ot cream milk and poultry are not affected Violations of the provisions of this act arc punishable by a fine of from 10 to 1000 S F No 365 by Gibson of Douglas Authorizes tho organization of burial as sociations Any persons not less than five may organize such an association with a minimum capital stock of 10000 Effective Julv 1 S F No 375 by King of Polk Curative measure providing for a repeal of the law providing for separate ballot boxe3 for ballots on constitutional amendments S F 376 by Senator Epperson of Clay Any county may establish a county High school and the course of study shall bo that laid down in the Nebraska High school manual Manual training domes tic science normal training and tho the ory and practice of agriculture shall be portions of the curriculum County boards are authorized to furnish the necessary apparatus including a five acre tract of land adjacent to the school Whenever 100 freeholders in a county petition the county board for a county High school the question shall be immediately sub mitted at a special election The county board shall constitute a board of trustees for any county High school and the county treasurer shall be Its treasurer the county clerk Its secretary and the county superintendent its superintendent Tho county board by virtue of being trustees arc vested with all the powers of ordinary school boards Free tuition is provided for the pupils residing n tho county Bonds may be issued for the erection of such a High school Only resident freeholders and persons having children of school age may vote A special election must be held to locate the building Emergency clause S F No 377 by Luce of Harlan Pro viding for the entry of town sites by the corporate authorities of incorporated cities and villages or by the county judge and providing Sflr the transfer of tho land so entered and legalizing the transfers of such lands heretofore made S F No 402 by Randall of Madison Provides for systems of sewerage in cities of the second class having less than 5000 Inhabitants and provides for their main tenance and support Emergency clause S F No 413 by Saunders of Douglas Permits cities and villages to extend water mains beyond the city limits S F 417 by Senator Saunders of Douglas Permitting private citizens to contract and lay water mains The bill was designed to apply to local condi tions in Dundee No emergency cluase S F No 444 by Thompson of Buffalo by request of the governor A curative measure legalizing issues of bonds in cities of less than 5000 when voted to build heating and lighting plants Emer gency clause HOUSE BILLS PASSED Child Labor Law H R No 9 by Clarke of Douglas The child labor law No child under 14 can be employed in any theater concert hall place of amusements places whero in toxicating liquors are sold mercantile in stitutions store office hotel laundry manufactory bowling alley passenger or freight elevator factory or workshop Children between 14 and 16 to be employed in such labor must file with the employer a certificate of birth and education the child must have completed the eighth grade or its equivalent or must be attend ing night school School authorities may issue certificates and furnish affidavits that the child is of sound health and normal development In doubtful cases a special physical examination must be made No child under 14 can be employed during school hours at any kind of labor An employer violating the law may be fined up to 50 a parent or guardian may be fined up to 20 No child under 16 may be employed for more than eight hours a day nor more than forty eight hours a week nor before 6 a m nor later than 8 p m Truant officers are made special executive officers to see to the en forcement of the law The governor shall appoint a boaM of five persons two of whom shall be women to enforce the provisions of the law No child under 16 may be employed in any work dan gerous to life limb or health or morals Emergency clause H R No 12 by Fries of Howard Pro vides for a special levy of 25 mills for the improvement of country roads and allows work without the approval of county surveyor Anti Lobby Measure H R No IS by Jenison of Clay Anti lobby bill Prohibits lobbying by agents attorneys or employes of any person firm or corporation Thev may not bv any means attempt to Influence any member of the legislature to vote for or against any blll otherwise than by appearing before dresses or by newspaper publications legislative committees or by public ad written or printed arguments or briefs Any person retained for a compensation by any association or firm to promote or oppose bills must file in the office of the f secretary of state a written stalement to 1 getter with tUfi prjei description of such legislation and no notice so filed shall be valid for more than thirty days after adjournment of the session of the legis lature held in the jear in which the same was filed The secretary of state must prepare a docltet for the reeistratinn of lobbyists Their must file a complete statement of all expenses Incurred to be verified and itemied under 6atH and filed with the secretary of state Lobbyists nlay be fined 100 d day for failure to file such statement within thirty davs Any vlolation of the bill may be punished by imprisonment in the penitentiary or coun ty jail for not more than a year or a fine or 1000 or both Effective Tnlv 1 H R No 23 by Culdice of Saline To limit the liability of villages for damages arising from defective streets and pro vides that the person injured must file a written notice within thirty days H R No 27 by Th lessen of Jefferson Allowing mutual fire insurance companies to organize on the basis of risks the samp as number of members Three hundred risks are required No emergency clause Municipal Bonds H R No 31 bv Hansen ot ArprriM Tv permit precincts townships cities of the second class and villages to Issue bonds for the aid of municipal telephone sys tems and to repeal the provisions of the statute permitting the issuance of bonds In aid of railroads Emergency clause H R No 52 by Kelfer of Nuckolls Apprpriating 20000 for the payment of incidental expenses Incurred by the pres ent legislature Emergency clause H R No 54 by Harrison of Otoe Re moves the 5000 limitation to recoverv of damages in cases of death Emergencv clause H R No 56 by E W Brown Pro viding for the quieting of title to real estate against unenforceable liens H R No 57 by Gliem Appropriating 3600 for 400 copies annotated statutes to be delivered to the secretarv of state H R No 61 by Killen oi Gage To prevent pooling of bridge contractors Provision is maoe ror prosecution of bridge contractors or builders who pool price to collect damage Thev may alo be prosecuted criminally a fine of 1000 and a jail sentence of six months being provided Emergency clause H R No 63 by Dodge of Douglas Amending the law providing for the In corporation of hospital associations by providing for a board of trustees of not less than three members and removing the limit of 100000 upon the property which may be held by such association and providing that they shall not hold real estate except such as may be neces sary for the transaction of its business for a longer period than twenty five years H R No 64 bv Keifer of Nuckolls Appropriating 80000 for the payment of salaries of members officers and em ployes of the present session of the legis lature Emergency clause South Omaha Annexation H R No G5 by Lee of Douglas South Omaha annexation bill When a petition signed by 10 per cent of the electors of Omaha and South Omaha shall be sub mitted to the county commissioners thirty davs before a general election the com missioners shall submit the question to the people at the following election A 5 5 H majority shall docido In both cities Tho merger shall take pluco January 1 follow ing Tho merged city succeeds to all property rights and pays all debts Emergency clause H it 70 by E W Brown of Lan casterProvides for twe Justices of tha peace and two constables for Lincoln District School Libraries H R No 72 by Cone of Saunders To provide for a library in every public fcchool district in the state to be main tained by funds amounting to 10 centa per pupil H R No 73 by Cono of Saunders Pro hibiting the employment by common car riers of persons under 21 years of ago as night telegraph operators or towermon and providing a penalty of 25 to 50 for violations H R No 77 by Hart of York Mak ing burglary with explosives a distinct and separate crime and providing a pen alty of from twenty years to life Im prisonment In the penitentiary H R No 78 by Best of Douglas In creasing the salary of deputy register of deeds In Douglas county to 1500 per an num and of copyist to S0 per month Emergency clause II R No 82 by Kelfer of Nuckolls To prevent tho obstruction of highways streets or alleys In villages by railroads for more than five minutes at a time H R No 83 by Bryam of Burt Giv ing village boards power to license regu late and prohibit billiard halls pool halls and bowling alleys Emergency clause H R No S6 by Hamer of Buffalo To appropriate money belonging to the state normal library fund for the purchase of books for the Kearney normal school library Emergency clause H H No 87 by Redmond of Nemaha To appropriate money belonging to the state norary rund for normal scnooia for the purchase of books for the library of the Peru normal school Emergency clause H R No 94 by E W Brown of Lan casterAuthorizing county boards to make appropriations for tho establish ment and maintenance of detention homes H R No 9S by Fish and Game Com mittee rrohiuiung tho sale at any time or game birds or fish protected by law or the possession of such game except dur ing the open season or five days there after Emergency clause H R 99 game and fish committee Lim its the open season on quail to the last two weeks in November and the open season on prairie chicken and grouse to November October and tho last two weeks In September H R No 102 by Fish and Game Com mitteeProviding a penalty for unlaw fully pursuing fish or game protected by law H R No 105 by Stelnauer of Pawnee Making the minimum capital for state banks 10000 H R No 106 by E W Brown of Lan casterProviding that persons convicted of havintr burglars tools In their posses sion may bo sent to tho penitentiary from one to five years No emergency clause H R No 110 by Scudder of Hall To prohibit the stealing of rides on trains engines or cars or climbing theron Pen alty a iall sentence of from five to sixty days hard labor or a fine of not less than 5 nor rrore than 25 II R No 113 by Cone of Saunders A joint resolution memorializing congress to enact a law fixing a standard for testing grain H R No 115 by Wilson of Caster Providing for the closing of alio affairs of school districts which for a contin uous period of one year have less than two legal voters residing therein or for two consecutive years shall fall to main tain its district organization H R No 11C by Quackenbush of Ne maha To allow court reporters 10 cents per 100 words for making transcripts in all cases and providing that tho county shall pay for transcripts in criminal cases where the defendant files a poverty affi davit II R No 126 by Redmond cf Nemaha by reauet To appropriate 3000 for the payment of salaries at the state or thopedic hospital and for the mainten ance of the institution until April 1 1907 Board of Optometry H R No 127 by Gilman of Lancaster To regulate the practice of optometry and the creation of a board of examiners The governor shall appoint a state board consisting of three persons who have act ually been engaged in practice for five years The Nebraska state optical society shall furnish the list of names from which the appointments shall be made The terms of office shall be for three years Every person who wishes to practice op tometry before January 1 1908 except those who have practiced for two years or more shall take an examination A license fee of 1 is charged eacli registered optomist per year The fees are for cer tificate of registration 10 for examina tion 15 for certificate of exemption 5 and for yearly license 1 Examiners are to be paid 5 for each day of service H R No 137 by Brown of Lancaster Permits mutual insurance companies to do business outside of the city or village when a reserve fund of 100000 has been established Emergency clause H R No 142 by Clarke of Douglas Authorizing the justice of peace to enter a judgment for cost when action is dis missed by tho plaintiff and providing that a second action shall not be instituted until the costs are paid H R No 146 by Baker of York Pro vides for the sale of the real estate be longing to cemetery associations and to provide for the settling up of affairs of such associations Emergency clause H R 147 by Harvey of Douglas Oma ha charter amendment giving the city council the right to contract for the haul ing of garbage without expense to the or tJoa citizens H K 157 by Lee of Douglas Amend ment to the Omaha city charter by plac ing the street repair department in the hands of the city engineer and providing for an appropriation of funds to his de partment without the citv council check H R 15S by Hamer of Buffalo Permits the municipal ownership of water works In small cities H R No 159 by Noyos of Cnss Amends the law licensing motor vehicles to pro vide that owners of automobiles must take out a yearly permit at 1 a year Effective July 1 Lecders Double Shift Bill H R No 177 by Leeder of Douglas For a double shift force of firemen in the city of Omaha H R No 179 by McMullen of Gage Provides for public meetings of the board of regents Public records must be kept No emergency clauso H R No 1S3 by Eller of Washington Defining the misappropriation of funds belonging to fraternal lodges as em bezzlement H R No 185 by Dodge of Douglas Providing that a decree of ejectment In forcible entry and detention cases may be enforced notwithstanding appeal upon the giving of -a sufficient bond by the plaintiff to cover possible damage to the defendant H R No 196 by Byram of Burt To punish hog stealing or receiving stolen hogs by a penalty of one to five years in the penitentiary No emergency clause H R No 202 by E P Brown of Lan casterTo allow property owners to ap peal from tho county boards without ap pearing before the boards Emergency clause H R 203 by E P Brown of Lan casterCurative act providing for appeals to tho sirren court In civil oases H R No 206 ljy Graff of Cuming Allowing the mayor and cits council of any city having less than 25000 to levy not more than 2 mills on the dollar a year for the craatlon of a municipal high way fund mo emergency clause H R No 207 by Graff of Cuming Em powering county boards to exercise the right of eminent domain for the protec tion or roans ana oriuges H R No 211 by Gliem of Red Willow Requires abstracters to furnish bonds and permits a surety bond Emergency clause H R No 216 by Barrett of Buffalo Authorizing cities and Tillages to con struct and erect within the cemeteries and public parks or other designated sites public buildings monuments and armories commemorating tlif services of soldiers and authorizing a tax to pay the expenses therefor No emergency clause H R No 220 by Knowles of Dodge To compel railroads to sell 1000 mlle mile age books for 20 good for any number of poisons No cmrrecnw clauso n R No 221 bv Walsh of Douglas Allowing school districts in cities the right of eminent domain No emergency clause H R No 224 by Pilger of Wavne Limits reward which county boards may offr for criminals to C0 H R No 22S by Hill of Chaso In dorsing by joint resolution the Alaska exposition FT R No 251 by Knowles of Dode A mnfirllnr tVlA TnrfnTC ff fftaO hvlnfl I K habitants by providing for tho appoint ment of water commissioners and per mitting tho election of women to tho of fico of city tronaurcr Emergency clauw II R No 258 by Jones of Richardson by request Amendment to 1901 drainage law allowing issuing of bonds by druln age districts II R No 267 by Joint committee ot railroads Fixing tho maximum pasaongor rate at 2 cents per mile Emergoucy clause H R No 277 by E W Brown of Lan casterTo provide for tho sale of tha interost of an Insano wife or husband including homestead rights H R No 2S0 by Byram of Burt Appropriating 184942 for the relief or Thurston county Emergency clause H R No 296 by Adams of Dawes Making appropriation of 6000 for tha traveling exponses of supreme court judges district Judges and supreme court commissioners No emergency clause Kaihvny Commission Bill H R No 305 by Joint railroad com mitteeRailway commission bills Mem bers of the railway commission must be 30 years of age Thoy must not have any Interest in any common carrier doing business in the state They must not en gage In any business allied to or incon sistent with the business of the commis sion Should a vacancy occur the gov ernor must till It by appointment Salaries of tho commissioners aro fixed at 3000 No person shall be secretary of the com mission who shall not be able to qualify as a commissioner The commission must organize as soon as the bill Is signed The sum of 6000 per annum Is allowed for office expenses and clerical hire A secretary shall not receive more than 2500 and two clerks may be engaged at not moro than 1200 per anpum The rail way commission has general charge of the railway companies express com panies car companies sleeping car com panies freight companies telegraph com panies street railway companies and all other common carriers The commission must divide all freight into general and special classes and lx a reasonable rats for each class The rates may vary as It is deemed just to the various railroads of tho state Joint freight rates switch ing and terminal olarges must also be fixed by the commission Charges service complaints and equipment of all the railroads must bo examined A com plete report must bo filed biennially with the governor The chairman shall havo power to administer oaths Witnesses may bo subpoenaed and sent for Books and papers must be brought in at the request of the commission Shippers offi cers and employes must answer all ques tions Fines for the violation of th regulations may not exceed 25000 Freight rates between Nebraska points and the points In other states must be examined Violations of the law must ba called to the attention of the attorney general while tho commission may hire additional counsel Railroads must file with the commission within thirty days after this act takes effect complete schedules classifications and tariffs cov ering the passenger and freight business Then the commission must furnish a new and completo schedule to the railways authenticated with the seal of tho com mission Within sixty days and within not less than thirty days this new rata sheet will be effective Persons shippers cities or corporations may file complaints The railroads aro notified and a dato is set for the hearing In case of dispute the lowest rate shall be accepted aa prima facie evidence that the charge Is a just and reasonable one After tho hearing the commission shall announce a decision After securing a transcript of tho proceedings any railroad may appeal to any district court of the state for redress The burden of proof shalt rest upon the plaintiff to show that the rate or ruling Is an unreasonable one On or before August 1 1907 and annually thereafter a complete report of the af fairs of the railroad must be filed with the railway commission This shall con tain a statement of all persons who havo received passes and the relation they bear to the railroad Rebates discriminations preferences and special privileges of all kinds aro forbidden and punishable by heavy fines Railroads may haul freight for fairs expositions or hospitals at a reduced rate Actions for violations of the law may be brought against the com pany In any court of any county througn which the road runs The act has the emergency clause and goes Into effect as soon as signed by the governor Dr H J Winnett Robert Cowell and J A Williams were elected the railway com missioners Winnett was elected for six Cowell for four and Williams for two years A commissioner is to be elected every two years Mr Cowell has tend ered his resignation from the commis sion Sale of Gasoline H R No 312 by Cone of Saunders Provides that every person retailing gas oline benzine and other kindred nigh explosives in less than carload lots shall after the first day of July 1907 deliver the same to the purchasers in barrels casks packages or cans painted ver million red containing the words gaso line or benzine painted thereon No per son shall deliver coal oil in any package or can so stamped or in a package painted red Every user of gasoline or benzine shall keep his fluid In cans or casks painted red where the quantity is more than one quart Penalty for viola tion of this law Is a fine of not moro than 50 and Imprisonment not to ex ceed 30 days II R No 343 by Green of Holt Ap propriating 1500 for the investigation of swamp fever in horses and SlOW for the study of tuberculosis in hogs The money is to be expended under the direction of the regents H R No 371 by Walsh of Douglas Provides a penalty of from ono to thro years in the penitentiary for stealing chickens and pigeons H It 374 by Dodge of Douglas Provid ing that the cost of tax records under the scavenger act shall be borno by the countv II R No 379 by Knowles of Dodge Provides for the creation of drainage dis tricts by corporations of persons affected giving them the power of eminent domain the right to create debts issue negotiable bonds and Issue special assessments on all districts benefited Emergency clause H R No 3S9 by Farley of Hamilton Increasing the price of supreme court reports to 2 a volume Emergency clause H R 396 by Noyes of Cass Provides for the use of the road drag on county roads subject to the wishes of the county board H R 406 by McMullen of Gage Ac cepts funds donated by the United States government for agricultural experiments by the state university Providing Registration H R No 407 by the Joint committee of privileges and eIectior3 of the house and senate Providing registration shall be the first Tuesday in September the first Tuesday in October and the Second Saturday preceding the November elec tion in each year For each and every election held in said cities other than such as are above designated there shall be a revision had of the general regis tration which revision shall be made on the second Saturday preceding the day of such election This act applies to cities having a population of more than 25C0U H R 429 by Whitham of Johnson provides for the equitable adjustment of school district boundaries when any dis trict embraces less than three sections of land II R 45S by Farlev of Hamilton Ro duces the number of printed copies of the house and senate journals to 1000 each and cuts down th distribution H R No 469 by Lee of Douelas Creating the office of county comptroller In Douglas county He shall receive 3500 and deputy 2000 He shall be the general auditor of the county and shall be elected at the first general elections and every four years thereafter H R No 470 by Lee of Douglas Pro vides that the county board furnish county supplies for comptroller H R No 471 by Lee of Douglas Makes county comptroller ex officio city comptroller after the term of the present city comptroller has expired H R No 472 Lee An act to make the county comtroller ex offlclo city com troller Applies only to Douglas county H R No 472 by Lee of Douglas Pro viding for the signing of warrants against the countv by the county comptroller Applies only to Douglas county H R 528 by Hamer of Buffalo Re stores to precincts townships villages and cities of the second class the right to vote bonds In aid of steam railroads conditioned upon the filing of a petition bv fiftv freeholders and a majority vote of the voters H R 537 by Kelfer of Nucholls Pro vides for the payment of cash funds of all state Institutions and departments into tho peneral fund of the state H R No 559 by Shubert at reauest of governor Providing for a forestry re more than 5000 and less than 23000 In- j serve fund and lts distribution t V V 1 t