The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 19, 1907, Image 1

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W R Starr was in Lincoln ijart of
the week on business
Mrs E M Cox arrived homo from
Hastings Monday nigbton No 77
Mrs Walter Sayees is bore from
Des Moines Iowa on a visit to relatives
Ukv M 13 Cabman delivered bis lec
ture on Boys and Girls at Indianola
last evening
Mb and Mrs George Snider arrived
from Ogallala Monday night to mako
their home here
County Supt ODonnell of Stratton
was in town Saturday last on matters
of business moment
Mr and Mrs O M DeIIart nrrived
borne close of last week from their
Nelson Nebraska trip
Mn ixn Mm Albert Barnett nr
rived home Wednesday night from
their visit in Kansas City
Miss Millie Slaby was a guest of
Miss Plumb at Marion this county
during last weeks vacation
Mrs Axel Backstrom and children
returned homo Friday night from
visiting her parents in Lincoln
Mrs Louis Lowman and Miss Sara
formerly of our city have located for
the present in Los Angeles Calif
Miss Nellie Gunn arrived from Law
rence Nebraska Sunday night and has
taken a position in DeGroffs store
Mr and Mrs Roy Kleven and Mas
ter John went up to Denver Friday last
on 13 returning homo Sunday night
Mrs H J Pratt expects to leave for
Los Angeles Calif Thursday of next
week on a visit of several weeks to rel
atives and friends
Mns Bertha Berry and two young
est children left Tuesday for Illinois
to be absent a month They will visit
in Chicago Springfield and other points
Samuel Diamond arrived from Chic
ago Wednesday on No 1 accompanied
by his bride a Chicago lady He ox
pects to open an shoe store in the new
Diamond block about May 1st
Mr and Mrs Herbert Watkins re
turned Monday evening from Wauneta
where he has been looking alter tne
business affairs of the new branch of
the Citizens Bank of McCook at that
Mr and Mrs A G Dole departed
Wednesday for Seward Nebraska on
a visit to their 6on Harry who is in n
lumber office at that place and in the
interest of Mr Doles slow convalescence
from his severe illness
Mr and Mrs Walter Stokes enter
tained the Tuesday whist club Friday
last Mrs Hofer won the club honors
and Dr Jones the guests prize This
was the closing game of the regular
winters series which have been quite
uniformly pleasant
Mrs Hirman Thrailkill who hae
been spending several weeks with Red
Willow county and other relatives was
summoned home to Los Angeles Calif
close of week gone by news of illness of
her husband who is helpless with an
attack of inflammatory reheumatism
Mr and Mrs William Hiersekorn
were over from near Lebanon Saturday
and Sunday guests of her brother Chas
Knosp of our city They were accomp
anied by her brother Henry Knosp who
had been visiting them on the farm and
who came to McCook to briefly visit
hia brother Charles before departing for
his home in Oklahoma Mr Hierse
korn notes as an item of prosperty that
last week he marketed 2100 bushels of
Mrs Mary Schlagel has been visiting
in McCook a few days
Mr and Mrs John Reiners announce
a baby born to them Monday
H E Durham and family of McCook
were Sunday guests of Joseph Dudek
W E Bower was down in Kansas
end of week past looking after some
real estate interests
Last week D C Marsh of McCook
bought 128 head of fat cattle on Ash
Creek Joe and John Crocker and Roy
Jones selling
Mr Wollenburg came up from De
Witt Sunday and visited Mike Esch
and family until Wednesday when he
and wife departed for home
Water Notice
April 3 1907
Second quarters water tax is now due
In order to conserve our water supply
for domestic use and fire protection we
can nou issue apeomi ui jjouoio mwu
permits at this time owing to shortage
of water J E Kelley Supt
Dont Forget
to call at my new location for reading
matter stationery postcards souvenirs
candy gum fresh roasted peanuts
cigars tobacco pipes base ball goods
toys etc Barney Hofer
McCook News Depot
Extra Size Belts
Extra belts run up to 3S inches New
stvles just received in black silk belts
white washable belts and others 15cto
SI Thompsons Ono price plain fig
ures cam only
Fruit Practically Destroyed
All fruit in this section of the state is
practically destroyed it is admitted by
all familiar with the facts Perhaps 2o
percent of the prospects now remain
and the prospects were never better
One Mile of Hose
at McCook Hardware Co purchased
direct from the Boston Woven Hose and
Rubber Co Guaranteed to be the best
at any price
Flying Swede
lister cultivators at McCook Hardware
Co Wood boxing warranted for Hve
The M W A Score Again In Their Min
strel Effort at the Blxler Tues
day Evening
The M W A and members of the
company are to bo congratulated on tho
successful outcome of their minstrel ef
fort of Tuesday evening of this week jin
the Bixler They had a largo and moat
appreciative audience and the financial
results notwithstanding the largo ex
pense account insoparuble from such en
terprisesr were very satisfactory
I rank Colfer made an interesting in
terlocutor and Light and Mason were
especially strong on the ends well sup
ported by Koarns and others
Dr 53 U LSeacb is to be creaitea wicn
tho musical direction and its excellent
results which the orchestra ably as
Raymond S Light had the general
management and fulfills his duties like
the veteran he is
Tho soloists Frank Colfer Fred Ma
son Raymond Light Roy Weidenhamer
Floyd Curran Frank Ploussard A O
McDonald George Keams and Tom
OConnell all received warm encores
Rube Perkins slack wire Btunt was a
popular feature
Tho dancing by Light Mason Pious
sard Dulaney and others always goes
The jokes well some were of the days
of old Rameses but jokes never grow
The costumes particularly those of
the colonials were vary pretty and new
n toto the minstrel was a little
lengthy but held tho crowd like
Death of a Much Respected Citizen
John Peterson of Osburn Nebraska
died April 12th after a long continued
illness He was born in Stockholm Swe
den June 22cd 1839 and when a young
man came to America He reaided in
the state of Illinois for a number of
years after which he removed to Iowa
where he was married to Miss Kate
Morris with whom he lived uutil her
death To thts union were born two
children one of which died in infancy
In 1897 he was married to Minnie J
Tiller To this union ten children were
born All but one are still living
When a young man he united with the
Lutheran church On moving to Amer
ica he joined the Baptists and when ho
came to Nebraska he united with the
Methodist church In these different
church relations he was a faithful mem
ber and continued so until his death
He was a kind and loving husband and
father always trusting in God and al
though he met many discouragements
in his life his faith in Christ was never
shaken He leaves a wife and ten child
ren to inouru his loss The funeral ser
vices were held at Spring Creek school
house April 11th 11 a in conducted
by Rev J A Kerr pastor Many friends
were present nnd a large number follow
ed the remains to the Riverview ceme
tery McCook Nebi where his body was
laid to rest Communicated
We wish to extend our heartfelt
thanks and gratitude to our many
friends and neighbors who so kindly
helped us in our hate bereavement
Mrs Minnie Peterson and family
William Peterson and family
Harp Orchestra
One of the novelties carried by
Old Kentucky Home Company
fine Orchestra consisting of Italian
Harp 1st and 2nd Violins Cornet
Flute Clarinet Trombone and Drums
The Orchestra gives a 20 minute Con
cert before the play besides the Over
tures between acts The music alone
is wortn too price or aamissiuu a
the Bixler Tuesday evening April 23
Fancy home grown 75c per dozen
Large pansy plauts in bloom 50c per
dozen 4 19tf
McCook Greenhousc Phone 91
Leave Dray Orders There
Brown Douglas have their office
with A G Bump on lower Main avenue
Phone dray orders to him Office phone
199 Stable phone 68
Brown Douglas
Attention Faimers
After April 1 1906 we will buy hogs
only on Tuesdays and Wednesdays of
each week-
Wilcox Marsh
Remember the Herrick
and Siberia refrigerators at McCook
Hardware Co you have to pay the
difference to the ice man if you buy a
cheap one
Ideal Waists
are the best We have them in white
silks and lawns and linensin black ditto
in colored ginghams lawns etc 75c to
5 The Thompson D G Co
Lawn Mowing
a pleasure with a Bartlett Ball Bearing
Lawn Mower sold by
McCook Hardware uo
Need Not Send Away
for pood buggies Read the
Hardware Co
advertisement on another
Young Peoples Christian Endeavor 7
p m at the Congregational church
Topic for April 21 Wise Ways to Read
Wise Books Roxie Byfield leader
If you have not registered a degree on
our thermometer come before it is
broken Helpful meetings Everyone
Large siock and complete assortment
of typewriting paper at The Tribune
Get The Tribune to do your printing
Everything in drugs McConnell
at Waitb8
Crescent Cottage paint
Ltffti HpJIWI fW Ij I
is a
The Remains at His Request Are Shipped
to McCook and Burled in Long
view Cemetery
McCook was deeply touched last Sat
urday by the news of the death of Wil
liam Valentine formerly city superin
tendent of McCook public schools who
passed away at Fort Smith Arkansas
that morning of blood poisoning the
infection coming from an ulcerated
tooth -
It being his request to be buried in
McCook where his mother rests ar
rangements were at once made by mem
hers of the McCook high school alumni
pupils of the High school and others for
having the body shipped hero for inter
The body arrived on No 13 Tuesday
morning and ou tho afternoon of that
same day under auspices of the McCook
high school alumni serviced were held
in tho Methodist churcb after which
tho body was placed at rest in Longview
William Valentine was born in the
state of Vermont March 11 1850 and
died in Fort Smith Arkansas April 1J
1907 aged 51 years one month and two
days Ho came to McCook in 1890
from Nebraska City having for two
years served Dice county as county
superiitendeut His disfiigui3hed sor
m ju lf rnrsni nt f h Vcoli
f public schools from lSdO to 1S9S aro
among the choicest traditions of the
system He was brilliant versatile ana
talented enjoyed a wide acquaintance
among the prominent public men oi ins
day and stood high among the leading
Nebraska educators of his period As
si schoolmaster he was par excellence
an inspiration and a cultured example
of the New England typo During the
early years of his residence in McCook
bis mother lived quietly with him here
passing to her reward u 1893 and was
buried in Longview cemetery of our city
So far as known deptrtud is net sur
vived by any near relatives Mr Val
entino was unmarried
iKiar Vainti e wc kJ ueraber
of any church though a Unitarian in
faith A favorite verse however il
lustrates the nature of his religion
He prayeth best who loveth best
All things both great and small
For the dear Lord whd loveth us
Ho made and loveth all
Funeral services of a brief naturowere
conducted in tho Methodist church
Tuesday afternoon at 3 oclock Rev
E R Earle of tho Episcopal church de
livering a sermon to the theme of Im
mortality Rev A F Green of the
Baptist church assisted
The choir was composed of Mrs G H
Thomas Mrs LoRoy Kleven Miss Ida
McCarl Miss Gertrude Kenagy Mr S
B McLean Mr T E McCarl Mr
Chester Rogers Mr Charles Heber
Tr was a touching servicelargloy attend
ed by former pupils of the deceased to
gether with members of the school
board city teachers school children and
citizens generally a worthy tribute to
tho memory of one much beloved and
admired and pitied by all who knew
him and came in touch with his life
There were flowers in charming pro
fusion an open book in pink and white
carnations and a pillow in white and
red carnations were special M H S
and McCook offerings
The pall bearers Daniel OBryan J
R McCarl E J Wilcox R J Gunn
Frank Colfer and J E Ludwick were
alljformer pupilsof the deceased
Wilson Johnson
A quiet wedding took place last Sun
day evening at the homo of Mr and
Mrs Wm Y Johnson in East McCook
when their daughter Ella May was
united in marriage to Charles A Wil
son of Box Elder At the announced
time 8 oclock the parents relatives
and friends assembled in the parlors
when the bridal party entered proceeded
by Rev J A Kerr the officiating min
ister Miss Maude Wilson sister of the
groom acted as the bridesmaid and
Mr Charles Campbell of Osborn acted
as groomsman Mrs George Shields
aunt of the bride played softly on the
organ throughout the entire services
The bride wore a handsome and very
hfipnminer cown of whito silk trimmed
in lae A bridal veil and white roses
completed the pretty effect The groom
was conventionally dressed in black
Immediately after tho congratulations
an elaborate wedding feast was served
in the dinning room The bride and
groom were -the recipients of numerous
and beautiful presents The young
couple departed Monday morning for
a brief visit with relatives at Alma and
upon their return will make their home
on a farm near Box Elder
Snider Allison Wedding
Wednesday afternoon at half past five
ovcloclc Mr diaries W Snider and
Miss Dessie Aliison were happily
wedded Rev M B Carman officiating
and the ceremony taking place at the
homo of Mr and Mrs Martin Snider of
West McCook Both of the contracting
parties are residents of our city and well
known to a large circle of friends The
groom is employed in the Burlington
service Congratulations and best wishes
Traphagan Corcoran
John L Traphagan and Jane M Cor
coran two well known and sterling
young people of Coleman precinct were
united in marriage Wednesday morning
of this week in Saint Patricks church
Rev Loughran officiating Happiness
and properity be their portion
Corn chop at the mUl at 80 cents a
hundred Every thing delivered
McCook Milling Co
Office supplies at the Tribune office
Crescent Cottage paint at Waites
Say you saw it in The Tribune
Such Was the Grand Musicale Given in the
Blxler Last Light by Herr Hartmann
The concert by Arthur Hartmann tho
great violinistand his accomplished pia
no accompanist Adolpho Borsch in the
Bixler last nightmarks a distinct epoch
in McCooks musical history There was
out an enthusiastic brilliant audience
in numbers to greet the groat artistwho
gave his hearers a most inspiring rapt
urous entrancing program from tho
masters and lesser lights Mr Borsche
fairly shared with his chief in the ap
preciation and applause oi tno evening
both violin virtuoso and pianist being
warmly and spontaneously encored at
each appearance and in the final num
ber respondiug quite graciously to a
burst of rapturous approval of his rendi
tion of Russian airs
It was an hour and a half of musial
delight rare in cities of our population
After tho musicale many admirers took
ndvantago of the expressed wish of Herr
Hartman to meet his friends among the
Beautify Your Home
As spring is an opportune time to add
beauty and color to your home we would
take pleasure in showing yon our new
designs ai d colorings in Wall Paper and
at prices not too high
Wp ni if i r e stock of ixed
Paints Vanishes Stains Tintolac En
amels etc A McVLillon Druggist
Ihe First Great Invention
was waro for the weaving of cloth said
to have
been suggested by JjVO lm-
provomonts nave been maue in every
century until now the acme of all is
Peerless warp for weaving carpets rag
carpets Our price 21c and 23c
Eggs For Sale
Full bliod barred Plymouth Rock
eggs fn ui Worlds Fair prizo winner
birds Three ceutb paeh or 82C0 per
hundred Also Pekin Duck eggs
Phone Asb 1351
Mrs John Burtless
It is a Pleasure
We assure you it is a pleasure for us
to make buttons Dont be backward
in bringing forward the scraps of your
dress and having buttons made for trim
ming Four sizes we make
Tho Thompson D G Co
A Grateful Word
are irost grat6ful to all the friends
aod neighbors for assistance and symp
athy during the illness and after death
of our dear mother
Mrs M 3 Stroud and Family
Ask Them This
Is the brand Meritas If so it is
the best Then ask them this Is the
price 15c Thats our price for the
Meritas table oil cloth Thompsons
But Once In Life
will you have to buy a lister if
the John Deere These are
others imitate
you get
Hardware Co
Household Goods
My furniture and household goods
are now offered at private sale Call at
my residence A E Petty
The Man Who
buys a J I Case steel separator of Mc
Cook Hardware Co will be assured of
success and insured against fire
5c Muslin
Good yard wide muslin 52 at Thomp
sons only
McConnell for drugs
Try McMillens cough cure
Bound duplicate receipt books three
receipts to the page for sale at The
Tribune office
For the past twenty five years the
paint that has given the best satisfac
tion fully meeting every requirement
is the celebrated Bi alley Vroomau
Paint Polks Bros exclusive agents
Our superb line of perfumes repre
sents the choicest specialties of the
worlds leading perfumers Youll find
odors here that will delight you odors
of which you never tire
L W McConnell Druggist
One Dollar Cheaper
Tljirincr tho nna week of April 22 to
27 inclusive the Lincoln Daily News
will accept 82 from mail subscribers
for a whole year to May 1 1903 The
regular price is one dollar more than
that This cut price is good only dur
ing this Bargain Week and all you
have to do is to mail your S2 to The
Daily News Lincoln Neb during that
time and you will receive tne paper
until May 1 1903
The News does not receive any free
railroad tickets and has cut off sev
eral traveling solicitors Instead of
paying out railroad fare hotel bills and
other expenses these savings will be
given to our subscribers direct by this
big bargain offer More things are be
ing done this year for tho people in
Nebraska than ever before The new
deal seems to suit everybody who has
not had some sort of a pull The Lin
coln News keeps in the midst of the
fight and wants every man who be
lieves in a square deal on its list
At 82 for a whole year there is not a
family in the state that cannot afford
a daily paper The News has the rep
utation of printing the truth and print
ing it plainly no matter where it hits
Its the liveliest snappiest newspaper
proposition in Nebraska and if you be
come a subscriber at this cheap rate
you will stay with it for a long time to
noma Remember the bargain week
Anril22to 27 The price will be S3
after that
LeavesFor Hawaii April 27
Tho last Hawaiian legislature appro
priated money to defray tho expenses
of a party of 25 congressman to como
nnd spend a month on their island for
tho purpose of becoming acquainted
with the country and its needs to tho
end that more intelligent legislation
could be bad for tho island Congress
man Norrisof our city has been selected
as ono of that number and will leavo
with the party April 27th joining them
at Kearney on that dato for San Fran
cisco where they will embark for Ha
waii Tuesday noon tho 30th instant
The party will spend about 20 days on
tho island returning homo about the
middle of June Congressman Norris
had agreed to spend a month campaign
ing for tho Oklahoma state central com
mittee in that state in June but this
agreement with many others had to
bo cancelled The last speech tho con
gressman will be able to deliver will be
at Kenesaw on April 26th on the 88th
anniversary of Odd Fellowship
Marriage licenses sinco last report
John L Taaphagan 25 snd Jano M
Corcoran 20 both of McCook
Andrew iVluiack 21 uf Hartley and
Bertha Thompson 24 of Dan bury Mar
ried by county judge April 17
Charles V Snider 31 and Dessie AI
lison 20 both of McCook
Hearing in tho estates of John Krocg
er and Anna S Royer was sot for April
The foreign will of Anna W line was
filed for probate and hearing set for
May 6
i Lawn furniture Flower stands
Kitchen floors Porches or steps
Refrigerators Gasoline stoves
Furniture Wagons
Implements Houses
Barns or fences We have tho very best
materials for all these purposes and
would be glad to give you any other in
formation in regard to this line
L W McConnell Druggist
Buy Alfalfa Seeds
of McCook Hardware Co seed which
has been carefully recleaned and is
guaranteed to be free from injurious
weeds Price is no object compared
with dirty seeds
Rods of Brass
Braytons sash rods for 10 cents each
are of brass aLd as quickly put in place
for your curtain as a thimble is put on
your linger can you believe tualr borne
in and see
You Get a Chance
to select from a full line of American
and Elwood woven fence at McCook
Hardware Co This tence is protected
by patents so others can only imitate
Attention Farmers
After April 1 1907 we will buy hogs
only on Tuesdays and Wednesdays of
each week
Wilcox Marsh
Will You Travel
Theres the Jamestown Ter centennial
this summer If you go youll find one
of our suit cases a great convenience
135 to 7 Thompsons
A Dollar Saved
as good as earned You can save ten
dollars on one lister cultivator ac Mc
Cook Hardware Co First come first
Seeds in Bulk
aud package Clean cane seed 60 cents
per bushel Others correspondingly
low McCook Hardwares Co
Five Cent Lawns
Very good respectable lawns in ten or
twelve patterns 5c yard Thompsons
250 pieces of wash goods on display up
to 65c
For Sale
160 acres of Frontier county land at
81 an acre if sold before March 15th 1907
Peter Foxen McCook Neb
New Dress Skirts
Very handsome new dress skirts justj
received at Tuompsona i Tices to
8675 Alterations free
Buy Ohio Cultivators
at McCook Hardware Co Best
earth for the money
III llf ipi I Hill in I lull Hi ii H J I -
Base ball goods at Hofers
McMillen prescription druggist
City loans J E Baunorover
Crosootit Cottago paint at Waiteh
Spices and flavoring extracts at Mc
Snow Tuesday and rain Wedneadny
both light
J E Burngrover McCook Loans and
April 20th will bo the
ary of Odd Fellowship
Hay and Alfalfa for Sale
Phone ash 3631 or address
S B Rankin McCook Neb
Forty eight sheets of paper and forty
eight envelopes for 25c Saturday April
L W McConnell Druggist
Mrs M C Haw ley is entertaining a
niece from from Illinois for a few weeks
the young lady arriving from the east
last night
For Rent Store room opposite P O
lately occupied by The Ideal store In
quire of C F Lehn room 7 Walsh
The Fuller residence has been occu
pied by Mr Tuttle and family
Buy field grass flower and garden
seeds from H P Waite Co
Dr Kays office is now one door north
of Commercial hotel Phone 97
Buy field grass flower and garden
seeds from H P Waite Co
McConnells Sarsaparilla for all blood
and skin diseases
88th annivora
Special new lino of box atationory
jc at McMillenfl drug store
Buy field grass flower and garden
seeds from U P Waite Co
Try Magnor Stokes for fresh and
salt meats fruit and vegetables
Pasture For horses on section 19
Driftwood 1 5 Its O N Rector
Tho steam sower digger was loaded
onto cars first of tho weok aud shipped
A full blood Jereoy bull will be found
at the barn of Brown and Douglass for
tho season
Youll e capo blood disorders
taUe MoConnells Sarsaparilla
minaeS gu untias
if you
It U
Tho W imiiiis Christian Temperance
Union vJl neet on Friday April
with Mis J C Moore
All kinds of fresh and salt meats
fruits and vegetables at
Magner Stoki
For Sale Shorthorn bulls and
ers and cane seed 4 19 It
Samuel Ball
Wanteo Pupils for short hand class
starting ay 1 at McCook Business
College L WStaynkr
If it i3 from Marshs its the bet ob
tainabio Anything and evor thin per
taining to the meat market businoas
Wanted Cattle to pasture about
four miles southeast of town
A D Johneton
Magner Stokes can supply you
with anything in the lino of fresh and
salt meats Also fruits and vegetables
I can loan money on McCook proper
ty at G pT cent Will furnish money to
build S 14 Smith phono cherry 1111
Indianola Neb 10 2t1
The Womans Missionary society will
meet with Mrs I M Beardsleo Thurs
day afternoon April 25th at 3 oclock
Everyone interested in the work is invi
ted to be present
The Sunshine club will hold a bazar
and give a social at the Congregational
church Tuesday evening next April 23
Program given by the children Refresh
ments served Admission 10 cents
For Rent Ono well furnished room
with or without board three blocks
east and a half north of the Methodist
church Call or address W P Bkatty
McCook Neb Box 585
Our spring shipment of burnt leather
goods has arrived Call and seo what
we nave
Barney Hofer
McCook News Depot
Lost Small black dog with yellow
spots over eyes and on breast Ans
wers to name of Cuto Finder re
warded Leave word at this office
1 5 3ts B A Fraser
Archdeacon Cope will hold a mission
in St Albans church about the second
week in May He was here tvo years
ago McCook people have heard him
and know that ho has unusual ability
as a speaker
Marsh operates on the theory- that
nothing is too good for his patrons
hence he buvs only the best of livestock
of all kinds and sells only tho best of
meats You can prove it by a trial
Satisfaction absolutely guaranteed
Picture taking is healthful enjoyable
educational Costs little to own a good
picture making outfiit Let us show
you our cameras and tell you about
L W McConnell Druggist
The postoffice outfit is being over
hauled and rearranged and improved
When completed it will be more in har
mony with the demands and growth of
the city providing better facilities for
the public as well as for the office force
until McCook gets that federal building
you bet
This week G W Predmore Sons
added to the increasing equipment of
their blacksmith shop a power hammer
of the well known and popular Mod
ern make The Predmores have a shop
not excelled anywhere in the state for
the range of work they areabe to do
having the facilities of a machine shop
as well as of a blacksmith shop
A fine rain Wednesday night
Frank Cain was here Tuesday look
ing after some grading which he has
contracted for on the state line bridges
Sam Bennett is preaching in tho
Banksville school house Quite a num
ber have joined church and it is well
A fine crowd gathered at P H
Bluncks Saturday night and had a
dance Chas Spaulding and Jesso
Plelps played for them
Gauze Underwear
for men women and children All kinds
at Thompsons