The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 12, 1907, Image 4

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15c per yard
36 inches wide
This is just the cloth for suits separate skirts or waists
and we have a full assortment of plain colors dots
rings and plaids Call and see our complete line of
Dress Goods Wash Goods and Suitings
for summer We will save you money and furnish you
the newest goods to select from
The New College Bag
is the latest thing
match your gown
when in need of a
Jacket Suit or Skirt
We guarantee them to
give perfect satisfac
and we have them in all colors to
Also Belts of the Same Leather
And we have just received a new assortment of WHITE
The swastika good luck emblem is the rage We are
selling it on Hat Pins Stick Pins and Belts Call and
get one
Exclusive Dry Goods and Ladies Furnishings
Walsh Block
Phone 56
fcbafcfcSafcfcV 8y fefc
JAS S DOYLE Vice President
JJsed in Millions of Homes
50 Years the Standard A
Pure Cream of Tartar Pow-
der Makes finest cake
and pastry light flaky bis j
cuit delicious griddle cakes
palatable and wholesome
Note Avoid baking powders made from
v alum r They look like pure powders and may-
raisethe cake but no one can eat food
lmixed with alum without risk- to halth
Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 1 2600
- V
mtmmTmiMi 11 1 ff Mffigi E xLiv VF m BifM
11 jiWIMiiflMWanini BliiicWBitfcfrMiiUJiH 11
Ih 114
By F M
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
Clark Perkins of the Aurora Repub
lican is the secretary chosen for the
state railroad commission with salary
of 82000 per year U G Powell of
Lincoln is the rate expert of the com
mission at 15000 per month and C W
Croswiiithe of University Place will
serve as stenographer nt S70 per month
H J Winnett is serving as chairman of
the commission until the new member
of the body is chosen Now for busi
Real Estate Transfers
The following real estate filings
been made in the county clerks
since our last report
Tho Ryan and wf to Harrison Wing
wd to e Lf sw qr and se qr 14 and It 1
of 23 and Its 4 and 5 of 24 all in 3 28
4 27
Ira Sheets and wf to Joseph B Blair
and Milan Blair wd to se qr 25 4 27
9000 00
J W Doinuth and wf to C S Thomp
son wd to so qr 33 4 28 4500 00
Ellen M Downs and hsb to Philip
Voiles wd to lots 7 8 9 10 and 11 blk
64 Burtloy
300 00
Howry Gale and wf to Adam Schilloreff
wd to lot 9 and pt 8 blk 10 Willow
Grove add McCook 650 00
Clara McKay and hsb to Poter Nelson
wd toehf nwqr and whf noqr8l 30 2800 00
A J Fansber und wf to Lyman Miller
wd tosoqr 51 30 1100 00
Ionian Miller and wf to Peter Nelson
wd tosoqr 5 1 30 1500 00
Allen EPenningtn to Florence W and
Francis WPelton wd to lot 4 blk 15
Lebanon 125 00
J C Ashton and wf to Amos C Pew
wd toshfsoqr27l 28 1800 00
Cecil Pew and wf to J C Asbton wd
to s U bw qr sw qr 27 1 28 3300 00
Mil ford Pew and wf to Amos C Pew
wd e bf sw qr 27 1 28 7500 00
Cecil Pew and wf to Wm H Eifert wd
touM swqrswqr27 1 28 1000 00
Henry C Remington and wf to Abra
ham B Easter wd to ne qr se qr 1
no qr ne qr 12 and pt n lif sw qr and
ptnwqrseqrlnllin4 26 12S00 00
J M Smith and wf to Clara McKay
qcd to e hf nw qr and w hf ne qr 8
1 30
Lyman Miller and wf to Peter Nelson
qcd to e hf nw qr and w hf no qr 8
1 30
Marion Powell and wf aud Martin
Nilsson and wf to Marion Stato
Bank d to lots 11 and 12 blk 2 Mar
Albert J Skinner to Harry E Cilbort
son wd to lot 8 blk 8 1st McCook
1300 00
1 00
150 00
1000 00
ilenrj jUcKean to Mosos wd
to o hf se qr 23 and sw qr 24 all in
4 27 6000 00
Ira Sheets and wf to Catherine E Ly
man wd to lots 1 2 3 aud 4 in D
Esther Park Bartloy 3000 00
United States to Ray G Dye pat to
nwqr 32 1 26 s
Peter Gregory aud wf to S R Hunt
wd to w hf sw qr 3 o hf ne qr 9 aud
w hf nw qr and ne qr nw qr 10 all in
8500 00
4630 00
Mary M Carlile aud hsb to Mary V
Russell wd to seqrswqr and sw qr
se qr 28 and ne qr nw qr and w hf no
qr 33 all in 1 26 G 500 00
Eva Laurie wid to Irvin A Bennett
wd to ue qr 13 3 26 3C0O 00
Irvin A Bennett to Delbert H Lyon
wd to ne qr 13 3 26 3200 00
W A Dolau and wf to Win F Zwieg
wdto seqr23 2S 6400 00
Geo W Burt and wf to Edward Price
wd to pt sw qr nw qr 18 3 27 50 00
John S Williams and wf to Franz Zan
der wd to pt no qr ne qr aud pt so qr
neqrl93J0 90300
Sarah E Boyer wid to Wm K Twn
dall wd to n hf lot 10 blk 13 Dan-
buri 50 00
Geo W Brause and wf to J W Nutt
wd to se qr 25 1 28 14S3 00
Balthasar Lehn and wf to J B Austin
wd to sec 11 27 10000 00
Frederick Quaduor and wf to DaniolF
Hupp wd to se qr 22 aud sw qr 23 all
2 27 6400 00
United States to Win Coleman pat to
shf nwqr 34 4 30
W F Buchanan widr to Albert
Weeks wd to nw qr 30 1 30
Thos Flannery sngl E G Malone wd
toneqr28 4 30
600 00
2000 00
E G Malono and wf to Johu Dischner
wd to no qr 23 4 30 2500 00
James M Kincaid and wf and Francis
M Kincaid and wf to Albert C Kin
caid qcd to s hf nw qr and s hf ne qr
Wl 27 225 00
Win H Kincaid to Albert C Kincaid
qcd to s hf nw qr and s hf no qr 15
227 112 00
Laura E Gharst and hsb to Albert C
Kincaid qcd to s hf nw qr and n hf
uoqr5 1 27 122 00
State Bank Lebanon to Hiberd E
Waugh cwd to lot 7 blk 2 Lebanon 500 00
Hiberd E Waugh to Stato Bank Leb
anon wd to lots 7 and 8 blk 3 Leb
anon 1000 00
W E McKillip and wf to William
Patrick and James OBrien wd to
nwqr53 26 7500 00
Bartlett L Paine sngl to Walter B
Henry wd to sw qr 22 4 26 1 00
W B Henry and wf to George Bentley
wd to sw qr 22 4 26 2000 00
Chas F Lehn and wf to Jacob Kern
wd to lot 3 blk 7 1st McCook 300 00
Lincoln Land Co to Mannel Sinner
wd to pt se qr ne qr 30 3 29 150 00
Lincoln Land Co to Manuel Sinner
wd to lot 2 blk 4 6th McCook 150 00
John B Colling and wf to Jno O Mil
ler wd to n hf 3 and s hf no qr and s
hf nw qrand ne qr ne qr and nw qr
nw qr 4 3 29 and s hf sw qr 34 4 29 5000 00
Olive J Hill wid to A J Drake wd
toehf swqr and whf se qr 4 4 30 1000 00
C H Taylor admstr to Nelson H
olf wd toohf swqr74 2S 300 00
Joseph McKiver sngl to John O Mil
ler wd to w hf ne qrand whf se qr
and sw qr 8 and w hf 17 ail in 3 29 16000 00
Genevieve Conners and hsb to Lovell
S Vierson wd to lot 5 blk 2 1st Mc
Cook 900 00
Chas H Keck trst to J L Sims d to
soqr26l 27 2750 00
Ida M Holbrook et al to John Dun
ning wd to lots 21 and 22 blk 33 In
dianola 1500
Victoria M Woahm to John Dunning
wd to lots 23 and 24 blk 33 Indianola 20 00
Luolla Crandall to J L Sims qcd to
seqr26l 29 150 00
Platte Kinne sngl to Fred Redtfeldt
wd to e hf sw qr 10 1 26 4000 00
John F Fiechtor and wf to Fred Redt
feldt wd to lot 10 blk 2 Lebanon 3300 00
George Broomgard and wf to M B
Harbangh wd to lots 14 and 15 blk
2 Willow Grove McCook
Linct ln Land Co to Sarah Schaffor
wd to lots 7 8 and 9 blk 10 2nd Mc
United States to Wil on II Hartman
pat to ne qr 17 1 30
Marion Powell and wf and Martin
Nilsson and wf to Will ADeMayd to
lot 15 blk 5 Marion
Anderson B M
Bleskaebrek Jake
Brumgart Mrs C
Brown W S
Burgess Tom
Creamer Mr1
Corwin Otto
Cook Henry
Chase Dan
Clark J F
Clino L E
Donnley H C
Drum Chas
DeFea Count
Darby Theo
Doany Fanny
Edwards Bob
Finney Mary E
Gesford Wm 2
Gostaman H H
Grieminger C E
Graves Miss Ida
Groto Martin
Hock Conrad
Ho well James
Hoover Edward
Harvey E S
Highland Robt
Hart W L
Herrist Miss Grace
Harris J J
Hall Miss Hazel 2
Johnson Wm
Jones Miss Dollie
Asbahr H J
Boyer Mrs J n
Benson Mrs Jack
Buckley Abo
Clark Elmer
DeLancy Paul
Graham R H
Hudson E
075 00
40 00
Eldn E True wid to Poter Nelson wd
touwqr352 30 2200 00
Albert C Kincaid t Jas R Murphy
wd to s hf nw qr 15 1 27 2000 00
M B McFadden to John E Hathorn
wd to lots 23 and 24 blk 46 Bartley 100 00
Lincoln Land Co to Louis
son wd to lot 12 blk 14 2nd McCook 175 SO
John Dunning and wf to Chester E
Strockoj wd to lots 21 22 23 aud 24
blk 33 Indianola
Ellington C Britt and hsb to Tillio
Miller wd to lots 5 and 6 blk 8 4th
200 00
350 00
Win T Smith sngl to Peter Nelson
qcd to nwqr 35 2 30 2200 00
Martha A Sargent and bib Anna B
Gotchall and hsb aud Cordelia E
Fisher and hsb to Albert C Kincaid
qcd to s hf nw qr and 8 hf n qr 15
1 27 2300 00
Frank L Young and wf to Miles Whol
stenholm wd toswqr5 3 30 3700 00
Geo Bentley and wf to August Hilgon
dorf wd tow hf sw qr 22 4 26 1600 00
Lincoln Land Co to James P Crouse
wd to pt sw qr sw qr 30 3 29 - 200 00
Wallace Hainer and wf to Henry Mail
ander wd to n hf ne qr 13 and s hf
sw qr so qr 4 1 28 3500 00
Henry Mailandor to P O Johnson wd
to n hf ne qr 13 and s hf sw qr se qr 4
1 28 1000 00
James W Hatfield and wf to Etias H
Doau aud Scott L Doau wd to und
X iut aud und J4 hit s hf sw qr27 5 29 2800 00
G W Jones and wf to Philip E Le-
masters qcd to lots 7 8 9 and 10 blk
35 Bartley 120 00
Uuited States to Nathan O Wickwiro
pat to so qr24 1 29
United Stales to Presley I Lancaster
pat to no qr 134 30
Jas E Ludwick grdn to Virgio
wick d to lots 1 aud 2 blk 6 McCook 800 00
Jonas E Molund bch to Alico Jones
wd to lot 12 blk 2 McCook 2600 00
Lincoln Land Co to Jas E Ludwick
wd to lot 10 blk 142nd McCook
Mary Peyton Stino and hsb Paulino
Poyton Forney and hsb aud Elizn
both L Poyton and hsb to Clara M
Trapbagau wd to no qr 13 4 30
Thurston Doyle and wf to Wm Doyle
wd tee hf se qr94 29
250 00
650 00
800 00
B F Bowen and wf to M L Brannan
wd to soqrso qr 10 and w hf no qr
and no qr ne qr 15 4 29 3000 00
Viola B Hamilton and hsb to Linda
Arnold wd to lots 2 aud 3 blk 9 2nd
McCook 1 800 00
Carl F ihreiibrnch and wf to Linda
Arnold wd to pt so qr sw qr and lots
8 9 and 10 sec 31 3 29 5300 00
Lincoln Laud Co to RavE Benjamin
wd to lot 3 blk 8 4th McCook 173 00
Lotan R DeWolt and wf to Jacob
Fichtner wd to nw qr 5 2 26 3200 00
Advertised Letters
The following letters remained uncall
ed for at the McCook postoihee April
9 1907
Klehr Wm
Lewis W H
Lester B F
Lang John
Lewis Miss Lulu
Matthews Mrs Bessie
McKintey Miss
Mearier J
Maday Tonoy
Morlan B F
Moray C E
Morgan Claud
McDonald Miss Josephine
Noind Mrs F L
OBrion John
Prall W W
Peterson Mrs Harris
Phillips D P
Picket Fred
Quimby Wm J 2
Rorabaugh P J
Smith A B
Saunders Frank
Schneitman Burton
Smith C E
Sinclo C F
Vance W O 2
Wiederschpan Adam
Weigel J B
Weitzel Henry
Walker Frank
Wainke Wm
Woodruff Mrs C E
Hecker Louis
Hilke Miss Flora
Peterson Miss Lelia
Staton Chas
Sherburne EJ
Woolward O P
Townshend Wm
Williams P A
An ordinance amending section 23 of ordin
ance No 62 providing for the election appoint
ment and compensation of city officers etc
pased and approved February 4 1S95 and to
repeal said driginal section
Be it ordained by the Mayor and Council of the
City of McCook Nebraska
Sec 1 That section No 25 of ordinance No
62 of the book of ordinances of the Citv of Mc
Cook passed and approved on the 4th dav of
February 1S95 be amended to read as follows
Sec 23 The officers shall receive the follow
ing salaries and fees and no more
Mayor seventy five dollars 37500
Each councilman fifty dollars 3000
City clerk one hundred fifty dollars 15000
Treasurer fifty dollars 3000
City attorney one hundred dollars 10000
Engineer four dollars 4 00 per day for each
day s actual service and not exceeding three
hundred dollars 500 00
Chief of police sixty five dollars 6300 por
Night police fifty five dollars 153001 per
Tho chief of police shall also perform the du
ties of ovorseer of streets
Sec 2 That said original section 23 of ordin
ance 62 passed and approved February 4 195
is hereby repealed
Sec 3 This ordinance to take effect from and
after passage and publication
Passed an approved April 8 1907
Attest W A Middleton H P Waite
seal City Clerk Mayor
Condition of the treasury of the citv of Mc
Cook at the close of business April S 1907
General fund 3 218 31
Lightfund 272 63
Sewer main fund 179 CO
Sewer special fund 367 39
Occupation fund 7 91
Cemeteryfund 26 V
Fire fund 175 4
Library fund 199 03
Road fund 1272 45
Water fund JI 503 23
Total cash on hand 4107 fc9
A C Ebert City Treasurer
McCook Nebraska April 12 1907
Notice is hereby given that C R Woodworth
Co have filed in the city clerks office their
bond and petition for druggists permit to sell
malt spirituous and virions iinnnn in tha hpt
building on lot 11 block 16 in tho second ward
nsS rk Z
The Man
Who Has Never Owned 1
Deere or Velie Buggy
Has Yet to Learn
the Satisfaction
of Owning
Perfect Vehicle Which Will Be
Source of Pleasure nd Profit
to Him for flany Years
VOU will find a complete assortment of these vehicles
Driving Wagons Bike Wagons and Park Wagons
See I
Sale now on
Clothing and Shoes
aV Q 1ST
and Builder
Repairing and Remodeling
Buildings a Specialty
l SbQQiT
The latest in Johnson Bros
New Dinnerware
S at the
Bargain Depot
Cash Received on Account
of the city of McCook from May 1 1907 to Anril
ipr - 1 j tm m
301903-4-12-36 register printed supplies at The Tribune
C R Woodworth Co Applicants I office
Buggies Surreys Spring Wagons Automobile Seat
in our
carriage room on the second floor of our building where
we will be pleased to show you
McCook Hardware Co
ITmT J i I Ifi 111 1
Phone 31
Lumber and Goal
Home of Quality
and Quantity where
Are you thinking of
building If so it is ten
to one our figures will
please you
Phone No 1
May 1st 1907 the accommodation road
through our lands east half of section 31 town
ship 2 range 26 in Red Willow county Neb
Ed Fitzgeeald