1 y Jim1 m WMftiWpagJ -T-- 4 P S 4v Asort ment of Spring Jackets which you should not fail to see They range in price from 4 2 5 to 1200 each gt ggggy 2gf Silk and Kid Gloves in Elbow and Sleeve Lengths We have a complete assortment of GLOVES FOR EASTER in all lengths and colors and you should not fail to call now before our stock is broken and secure a pair to match your gown You will appreciate That Well Dressed Feeling if you buy garments that are right in style fit and work manship We guarantee every Palmer Garment to give perfect satis faction and it is worth much to be sure that your garments are first class in every way We have just re ceived Ik II Ml l 1 We can fit you in a Suit Jacket Silk Coat or Skirt and our stock of the Famous Nailo Waists presents some of the best values ever before shown Give us a call Exclusive Dry Goods and Ladies Furnishings Walsh Block Phone 56 flcCook JAS S DOYLE Vice President THE CITIZENS BANK OF McCOOK NEB n h a a Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 1 2000 h E b a a DIRECTORS -- A 7GOQQQQ90QQQQefX it L bWS1tiWQ V FRANKLIN PRESIDENI A C EBERT CASHIER 4 V FRANKLIN J AS S DOYLE A C EBERT d eAQS 8 2aAmi Powder AsJsrteljrJiim A wholesome cream of tartar baking powder Makes the finest lightest best flavored biscuit hpfe breads cake and pastry Royal Baking Powder is free from alum and phosphatic acids ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO NEW YORK it jrTwmnnuei NOTICE TO BUILDERS Scaled proposals for the complete ami entire construction of a 10000 00 brick library build ing will be received up to 3 oclock p m central standard time April 12 1907 at tho oflicoof the library board at the court house city of 31c Cook Nebraska and opened immediately thereafter in the presence of tho library board and contract awarded Tho right is reserved to reject any and all bids Certified check of J10000 required Plans and specifications can le seen at tho oflice of Tho Western Contractor in Kansas City Mo at the Daily Nebraska State Journal in Lincoln Neb at the Adams County Democrat iu Hastings Neb at Jlarean Norton Adits in Denver Colo and at the city attorneys office in McCook Neb Address QeoegeE Thompson Secy McCook Neb LHfnJtlU BUIilhl II I IIH I I I APPLICATION FOR LICENSE McCook Nebraska Starch 22 1907 Notico is hereby Riven that Lonis Fleischman has filod in the city clerks office his bond and petition for a license to sell malt spirituous and vinous liquors in the building at No 113 Main avenue in the first ward of the citj of McCook from May 1 1907 to April 20 1908 Louis Flkischman Applicant NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC May 1st 1E07 tho accommodation road through our lands eafc half of section 31 town ship2 range 26 in Bed Willow county Neb raska will BE CLOSED Ed Fitzgerald MaryE Fitzgerald ORDINANCE NO 132 An ordiuauco RnmthiR to Charles F Bush and Patrick S Heaton their associates successors or assigns tho right to construct oixjrato and maintain gas works and all the appurtenances therouuto belonging within tho limits if the City of McCook Nebraska and regulating the construction uud operation thereof Bo it ordained by the Mayor and City Council of tho City of McCook Nebraska Sec 1 There is horeby granted uuto Charles F Bush aud Patrick S Heaton tlieir associ ates successors or assigns tho right to erect construct und maintain gas works iu the City of McCook Nebraska for tho purposo of manu facturing gas uuder tho colli process and other patonts for tho poriod of twenty jears from and after tho granting of this franchise with the right to manufacture furnish aud soil gas for fuel light heat power mechanical and other useful purposes for both public aud private use and suid parties shall have the right dur ing tho poriod of this franchise to construct aud maintain all necessary machinery and buildings and do anything that may bo neces sary and proper for the carrying on the business of baid porsous and they shall have tho right to tho uso of the street and alleys of suid city with the right to place all mains pipes pipe feeders service pipes lamps and lamp posts and all necessary attachments connections and fixtures and to repair maintain operate and extend the same at any aud all times Sec 2 Tho said Charles F Bush and Patrick S Heaton their associates successors aud as signs shall within four months- aftur the tak ing effect of this ordinance commence work upon the erection and construction of snid gas works and shall contiuue said work aud have at least three miles of mains laid aud Unneces sary machinery installed aud have said plant ready to furnish gas to customers within one year from the date of commencing work and a failure to comply with this provision shall work a forfeiture of all rights and privileges hereby granted They shall cause said gas works and buildings constructed unuer tuis iraucuiso to bo located and constructed so that they shall not be or become a public nuisance and they shall cause said buildings and impiovements to be constructed to coufonn to tho fire ordinances and other regulations of tho City of McCook Ne braska and at all times subject to tho approval of tho city council of tho said City of McCook Provided further that tho gas mains shall bo of sufficient capacity to meet all the demauds of said city and the consumers of gas and tho parties desiring service and that all work shall be performed in a good workman like manner as provided by tho rules and regulations of tho city council and all mains shall bo laid at least two foot bolow the surface of the ground and during tho lnying of said mains all excavations must bo filled in in tho shortest time possible and all necessary precautious muht be taken to prevent accidents Sec 3 Said Charles F Bush and Patrick S Heaton their associates successors arc assigns shall furnish fas during tho life of this fran chise superior in quality to tho ordinary com mercial coal gas that is used in Omaha Donver andsimilarcitiesonatwentj fourhourscrweeat such prices as the conditions existing in the City of McCook will permit hut in no cao shall the price to consumers oxceed the maximum price of 2 00 per thousand cubic feet with tho usual discount of ten percent if such charge be paid within ten days after tho first day of each and every calendar month or such other dates as may bo agreed upon when tho same becomes due and payable Provided that said grantees shall have the right to enter into such written contracts with tho consumers not inconsistent with the terms of this frauchUo as tho ma deem necessary and proper and Provided fur ther that tho city council shall iiivo tlie rignc to regulate the rates evorj five j ear- to wit iu Mav of each year of the years 1912 1917 1922 aud 1927 Sec 4 That the said City of McCook shall have tho right to purchase of tho said Charles F Bush and Patrick S Heaton their associ ates successors or assign the said gas works and all the property rights aud franchise in cluding everything pertaining to and connected with said plant after five years from tho date of the passage of this ordinance to wit On tho first day of May of the years 1912 1917 1922 and 1927 at the appraised value thereof to be agreed upon or to be fixed by threo appraisers one of said appraisers to be selected by said parties their associates successors and assigns one by the City of McCook and the third one to be se lected by these two appraisers and the amount so fixed by said appraiers shall be paid before possession is taken of said property Provided however that if the City of McCook shall desire to purchase said property as here in provided it shall give to said parties their associates successors or assigns not less than six months notice of its intention so to do and that they will then require tho snid property to be appraised and formally transferred to the City of McCook as herein provided Sec 5 This ordinanco shall become a bind ing contract between the said City of McCook and tho said Charles F But h and Patrick S Beaton their associates successors or assigns provided the provision - of tho samo shall be ac cepted in writing and said acceptance filed with the city clerk of the said City of McCook within thirty days from the passage and publi cation of this ordinance Sec 6 This ordinance shall tako effect and bo in full forco from and after its passage ap proval and publication according to law Passed and approved this 12th day of March 1907 Attest W A Middleton H P Watte Tseal City Clerk Mayor DISSOLUTION NOTICE Notico is hereby given that I have this day sold to W F Everist of McCook Neb all my interest in tho McCook Live Steck Co includ ing my interest in an unexpired three year lease to the Joseph Allen ranch in Frontier count Neb The business of tho McCook Live Stock Co will be continued by tho remaining partners W F Everist and J H Thomas who will col lect all outstanding accounts and receipt there fore and pay all outstanding bills W H Scott Osborn Nebraska Mareh 7 1907 Commissioners Proceedings McCook Nebraska March 12 1907 Tho board of county commissioners met pur suant to adjournment present C B Gray F S Lofton and S Primer commissioners and E J Wilcox clerk The minutes of previous meeting were read and approved On motion tho resignation of H J Arbogast coroner was accepted s The following appointments were made to fill vacancies S C Beach Coroner Frank Hodgkins Overseer road dist No 12 A Peters Z Win Mejers a LHenderahot 27 Chas Harman 40 GEEvertson 11 Peter Gillen 22 On motion the Marion State Bank of Marion Nebraska was designated as a county depos itory On motion the depository bond of tho Marion Stato Bank was approved On motion the following resolution was adopted resolution Whereas tho congress of the United States has selected McCook Nebraska as one of the places for holding federal court in this state Therefore bo it resolved by the board of county commissioners of Red Willow county Nebraska in regular sessionassembled that the use of the court room and such other avail able space in tho court houso of said county located at McCook Nobraska be and the same is hereby tendered tho Government of tho United States through its court officials as long as may be necessary for the transaction of government business and without charge Tho petition of C H Harman ot al asking for the location of a public road was read and considered Tho board find that all of the re quirements of tho law have been fully complied with aud the public good requires it On mo tion the petition was granted and road estab lished as follows Commencing at the north west corner of the southwest quarter of section twenty four 24 town threo 3 range thirty 30 west Gth PM aud running thence south along section line between sections twenty three 2J and twenty four 24 anil twenty five 25 and twenty six 26 said town aud range to tho B M R R right of way and terminat ing thereat and clerk was instructed to notify overseer of highwas to open said road Damages by reason of tho location of said road were allowed as follows Ed Flitcraft claimed 7500 allowed at 1000 on the w hf w hf 25 and so qr no qr 26 town 3 range 30 George Howell claimed 10000 allowed at 2500 on the e hf so qr 23 town 3 range 30 and the overseer of road district No 40 was directed to pay the iwcut w mi1 MimwMffifihjMi ii aagacgr n i bmhj hiwim mm i rZT7tZ r - lv - - gnmo out of any funds bolonging to said dis trict as by law provided Tho following claims wore audited aud al lowed and clerk was instructed to draw war rants on tho county general fund levy of 190Gt in payment thereof as follows Johu n Qranuis mdso for S OConnor paupor Jones Firnegnu Co mdse for E R Moon pauper W C Bullard coal forMrs Tuttlo pau por J C Moore otlice cxponse SiSS0a5C5Qjir -or - r M - 1400 400 E G Caino fc Co coal for Vandervoort and Morgunt paupers 10 Bnrtloy Milling Co flour forE R Moon C A Rodger attendance at court aud oilico oxpouso 7 E J Wilcox salary 1st quarter aud of fice oxpenso 101 92 75 833 525 60 75 R M Osborn attending district court 400 H I Peterson samo 400 H IjPoterson serving road notices 600 Howe Smith janitor services 3000 Howe Smith samo 500 Frank Fritsch rent of old court house 1200 McCook Tribune priuting and supplies 5095 McCook Ropublican samo 235ft McCook Republican 250 State Journal Co supplies 350 W H Campbell labor and material on court houso 463 Yarger Notloy samo 1220 McCook El Lt Co lights for February 765 W O Russell viewing road No 397 350 Vance McManigal same 350 Charles Wointz 350 Julius Kunert foes 565 R B Cumpbell salary as physician Dec 15 to Mar 151907 1875 II J Arbogast same C L Fahucstock R W Devoe fees State v Whito insane S C Bench same J E Kelley H I Peterson J E Roilsback James M Nicholson R W Devoe fees State v Banks iusano S C Beach samo J E Kelley H I Peterson Bob Spain Frank Littler R W Dovoe fees Stato v McDill in- sano S C Beach same H I Peterson C L Fahneslock J E Kelley R W Devoe fees State v Curlee felony J S LoIIew samo 11 1 Peterson G W Wjrick D C Baker H I Peterson R W Devoe fees State v Curlee felony J S LeIIew same II I Peterson II I Peterson R W Devoo fees State v Curlee felony J S LoIIew same n I Peterson R E Hatcher S T Brahler H I Peterson R W Devce fees State v Curleo felony J S LeIIew same H I Peterson H I Peterson 1875 2500 675 800 300 2707 450 450 600 StO 310 1000 440 4 40 800 3 J 91 200 3 00 8M 1475 4 00 200 75 S70 3 25 200 75 8 90 3 50 420 220 230 75 870 3 50 200 75 And on the bridge fund levy of 190G as fol lows W C Bullard lumber 1S0 G B Cooper bridge work 840 E G faiue ifc Co lumber 1325 And on the road fund as follows G O Longnecker road work 3 600 C Larenco Bush samo 2500 H JJortner 2500 Edgar Couse 6300 Tho following official bonds were examined and on motion approved C II Harman Overseer road dist No 40 Adolph Weskamp Constable Bondville precinct On motion board adjourned to meet March 13 1S07 Attest EJWilcox C B Grat County Clerk Chairman McCook Nebraska March 13 1907 The board of county commissioners met pur suant to adjournment present C B Gray F S Lofton and SPremer commissioners and E J Wilcox clerk The minutes of previous meeting were read and approved On motion clerk was instructed to draw a warrant on the county general fund to pay tho sawer frontage tax on lots 7 8 9 10 11 12 blk 4 original town of McCook The official bond or S C Beach coroner was examined aud on motion approved The following claims woro audited and al lowed and clerk was instructed to draw war rants on the county general fund levy of 19il6 as follows C B Gray commissioner services 21 CO FSLofton samo 2155 SPremer ifc35 Tho petition of A B Kiuzer et al asking for a public road was read and considered the board find that all owners of land along line of pro posed road having given consent thereto in writ ing on motion same was granted establishing a public road as follows Commencing at the southeast corner of the west half of the north west quarter of section 7 town 4 rango 29 run ning thence in a southwesterlj direction follow ing the rii go to a point on the west line of sec tion IS 150U feet south of the northwest corner of section 18 town 1 range 29 west 6th P M and terminating thereat and clerk was instruct ed to notify overseer of highways to open said road On motion board adjourned to meet March 26 1907 Attes E J Wilcox C B Grat County Clerk Chairman Death ot Perry Jones Mrs J I Lee received the sad news that her brother Jerry Jones died at his home near Jefferson Oklahoma on Wednesday morning March 13tb after a few hours serious sickness This seems doubly hard as both brothers have died within the past thirteen months Perry Jones will bo remembered as one of the early settlers in Ked Willow Co and a man of firm and upright principles He was fifty six years of age he leaves a wife two sons and four daughters and three sisters to mourn the loss of a ture and loving father and bro ther He died fully trusting in a loving Saviour NOTICE Notico is hereby given that by virtue of a chattel mortgage executed to the Huber Manu facturing Company an incorporated companj uuder the laws of the state of Ohio of Marion in the county of Marion and stato of Ohio by John P Reiter dated tho thirty first day of August JDifi and filed in tho office of the count clerk of Red Willow county in the state of Neb raska ou the fourth day of 1905 upon which default has been made and upon which there is now duo the sum of 1 54314 tho said Huber Manufacturing Company will expose for ale at public auction aud sell to the highest bidder on Friday the twenty second day of March 1907 at the hour of one oclock p m on lot sixteen in block tkirt -three in the origi nal town of Indianola in said county of Red Willow in tho state of Nebraska tho property mentioned in said chattel mortgage as follows to wit Ono Huber traction engine IS horse power number 71S3ono Hnber separator with 32 iuch cylinder and 54soparating part number bh togei her with all belts and tools pertaining to tlio iisoof said machinerj ono Huber wind stacker number 2327 and one Huber 32 self feeder number 2943 Dated at McCook Nebraska this first day of March A D 1907 The Hubkr Manufacturing Company Mort gagee By W S Morlan Its Attorney tiUJflJ iMMMMMCTjjumMa VtJ miW Kuppenheimer Easter Suit at Simons Nuff Sed roor ray men Prompt Service Courteous Treatment Reasonable Prices GIVE US A TRIAL I 1 in a Stock Certificate of the McCook Building Loan Association CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Farm Buildings a Specialty satisfaction guaranteed McCook Neb FAY HOSTETTER TEACHER ON PIANO McCook Nebraska Studio upstairs in new Eishel building south of Post Oflice JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTRACTEE McCook Nebraska J3Agent of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook Watar Works Office in Postoffice building 1 v 11 iw m 1 If Hi m 1 fi 1 s v 31 rfW 1l m ir h vc J aT ba Fvmm - iNwij 1 t m Wm mm Is w CopynVit 1307 The House of rvuppenheiraer Chicago No better or safer investment is open to you An investment of 100 per month for 120 months will earn 80 nearly 9 percent compounded annually Dont delay but see the secretary today Subscriptions r e ceived at any time for the new stock just opened List Your Property With Us Farms Ranches Etc Our office is in the east and we bring the buyers direct with the money For par ticulars address SHURTLEFF DOWNING Humboldt Neb McCook Hardware Co Hardware Implements Feed Grinders Gasoline Engines Harness Saddles Buggies Wagons We can fill your order for anything W B MILLS Phone 31 r b SIMMONS Successors to W T Coleman BALL McCook AGENT FOR THE CELEBRATED Fairbury Hanchett Windmill This is a warranted and guaran teed windmill nothing better in the market Write or call on Mr Ball before buying PHONE BLACK 307 nSSSl a 1fWfT iKIlUHJtWH l U E P OSBORN J W WENTZ OSBORN WENTZ 55P Joe Hight J G V - V A Guaranteed Cure For Piles Itching Blind Bleeding or Protrud ing Piles Druggists refund money if Pazo Oixtment fails to cure any case no matter of how long standing in 6toU days First application gives ease and rest 50c If your druggist hasnt it send oOc in stamps and it will be for- V warded postpaid by Paris Medicine Co V St Louis Mo Cash Received on Account ouarge raia Uut and other cash register printed supplies at The Tribuns office 18 n