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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1907)
A h n - 5 f fttMMWM TWENTY SIXTH YEAR or John Deere ware Co i j nil ii I I I J - Tuberculosis or Consumption To impress upon the general pbblic the wide dissemination of the different infec tious and contagious diseases of animals it is often necessary for such conditions to come right home to us Such has beon the case in our own city Magner Stokes on last Thursday evening slaugh tered a cow and upon viewing the car cass and visceral found such a multitude of Trntholoidcal conditions that they at once concluded the flesh unfit to offer the general public and being new to them having never seen such before thsy sought Dr W F Jones field Fed- eral veterinary inspector in this district who has bad vait experience in different packing houses to ascertain whether or not it was tuberculosis or what is com monly known as consumption Their suspicions were verified as Dr Jones pronounced it a perfect caso of miliary tuberculosis or pearley disease The lungs lymphatic glands pericardium or heart sack the heart itself and pleura were studded with tho little tubercles in nil stages of development Tho carcass and all tho viscera wore condemned as unfit for food and were cheerfully burned by tho proprietors Dr Jones has specimens of the lungs ljmphatic glandspleura and liver in his possession which he will keep in preservatives Box Rent Instructions The Postmaster General has issued the following instructions to Postmaster Kimmell rcgaiding box rents for the McCook postolfice For the next quar ter beginuiug April 1st the box rent rniMS will be as follows Call boxes small per quarter 25c Call boxes large per quarter 35c liock boxes small per quarter 45c Lock boxes medium per quarter COc Lock boxes large per quarter v7hc Lockboxes extra large per quarter 100 Box rents must be collected at the beginning of each quarter for the entire quarter but no longer If a box holder fails to renew his right to his box on or hftfnrn tho lastdav of a quarter the box shall then bo closed and offered for rent and theKiaii placed in the general delivery Slightly Mixed Say mama jou can get seventy three yards of fine black silk for a cent down town said a five-year-old lad coming in from a shopping trip with his big sister It turned out that he meant -one yard for 73c the yard wide black taffeta now on salo at Thompsons The daughter then displayed her purchase of handsome black Rhadame silk for 49c a yard and told of tho yard wide Peau de soie for 123 all at Thompsons Easter Cards and Novelties We are showing an attractive line of Easter cards folders and booklets All conveying sentiment suitable to the season We also have a variety of Eas ter novelties rabbits eggs baskets etc that will please the little folks L W McConnell Druggist Dont Forget to call at my new location for reading I matter stationery post cards souvenirs candy gum fresh roastea peanuu Clears wuiniw yi DookJNt oase uail yuuuc AMMeitOXS OAKNKi nvxe iews Depot - - Success In Dry Farming 5 C dripnds lanrelv unon nroper implements jfSHaving sold all my farming lands will scllatndiscount a Campbell -subsurface packer of latest pattern Jacob Wiggins Culbertson Neb The Best Egg Dyes Our packages of Easter dyes this sea son are full of interest and entertain ment for the little folks All sorts of colors designs and combinations L W McConnell Druggist Twenty Per Cent More Corn per acre raised in Iowa by the use of the Edge drop Planter The Edge Splpntinn dron on the John Deere Lis ter makes it tho most desirable lister on the market McCook Hardware Co Buttons For Trimming Used more than ever this spring made of the cloth of the dress Your scraps t will make all you will need Tako them to Thompsons their button machine will do the rest 25 Success Manure Spreaders delivered to the farm ore at nvorhrnnlc Kan in one day it pays big to use one of these machines sold by McCook Hardware Co Eggs for Hatching Barred Plymouth Rocks Thompson strain 100 per 15 S175 per 30 8500 per 100 Mrs J H Warfield Rt 1 McCook Neb The Only Real Kind of a Press Drill is the Low Down Kind good farmers can tell you of it pays to use them Full line at McCook Hard ware Co CARNATIONS Fancy home grown 80c per dozen McCook Greenhousc Phone 91 Get A Rock Island Disk at McCook Hard- Wanted A car load good Siberian Millet Seed McCook Hardware Co A Few Bargains in second hand buggies McCook Hard ware Co Social dancing party in the Bixler on Wednesday evening April 3rd by ladies -of tho Episcopal church All kinds of easter post cards and novelties at Hofers - Buy fancy and plain dishes at - The Ieeax Store Buy your Easter candies of McCon nells MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE Martin Hogan has moved to near May wood Nebraska Mrs Emerson Hanson is visiting Mrs Borneman in Denver Harold Morris is home f roih Kear ney ou a visit to his mother Miss Mamie Miesen is assisting in millinery work in Stratton Misses Burge returned homo Sun day on No 13 from a visit A Branagan is now employed in the Okerson Bakerbarbor shop Mrs M E Petty departed last even ing on jl4 for her homo in Michigan David Diamond has been up to Haig lor part of this week on business John Kkegan has bought and is now operating a barbershop in Stratton Mrs E J Hurst went down to lied Cloud Wednesday to bo with him for a few weeks R L Hileman returned Monday morning to his work in South Saint Joseph Mo Robert E Nelee of Iiarrisonville Mo is a new resident of Western Red Willow county Mrs F M Kimmell arrived home Sunday from her City visit - Dr C L Fahnestock departed first of the week for Colorado and California on a ousmess trip Mrs Elmer Bkiggs went down to Belvidore Nebiasica TueaUaj morning ou No 2 on a visit Mrs John D Hare receivod a sum mous to Chicago Tuesday night Her aged mother is very ill Misses Julia and Mollie Ryan wore Lincoln viaitors Saturday Sunday re turning home on No 3 Mrs H J Pratt will entertain chap ter X P E O Saturday March 23rd at two in the afternoon Alex Bergeron will be in McCook about the last of the month on his reg ular trip to do piano tuning Miss Sarah Jenson of Indianola visited the Diamond family and took in the Engineers ball firt of tho week Mtss May Stangland arrived home from Lincoln Monday to enjoy a vacat ion of two months with tho homefolks Mr and Mrs J S McBrayer ar rived home Sunday on 13 from a short visit in St Joe going down on last Wed nesday Jack Gage vas very severely injured in Denver first of the week by falling off of a high scaffolding sustaining a fractured arm TE Morrison orand master of Neb raska Odd Fellows was in tho city last nightarranging for a district meeting of the ordertin this city April 29 Mrs L W McConnell suffered a partial stroke of paralysis last night involving her left side Friends will all deeply sympathize and hope for her re covery A R Scott of Sidney Nebraska is the new manager of the McCook Elect ric Light Co The clerical work of the company is still being done in J E Kel leys office Mr Snider of Fisher Snider Co departed Tuesday morning for Ogal lala Nebraska to be absent about two weeks on business ins tamuy is sua living in that town Mrs J G Schobel made a flying trip to Denver Sunday returning on 14 Monday and going on east to join her husband in Chicago wero his stay is somewhat indefinite Mr and Mrs J D Young entertain ed the Thursday whist club Tuesday evening of this week F M Kimmell won the club member honors of tho evening Miss Martha Abel the guests prize Mrs C W Britt went down to Lincoln Tuesday morning io meet with the executive committee of the grana chapter Nebraska P E U to prepare a program for the state convention of the P E O to be held in McCook third week in June Mrs E M Bigelow entertained a numerous company of young folk Mon fluv nicrhtin Miss Helen Wengers honor ittc00ll Whist was the absorbing game Frank Colfer drew the honors Miss Wenger the consolation Dainty refreshments Miss Wenger will depart Monday for Illinois Cheap at Twenty one Cents One pound of raw cotton at todays quotations costs eleven cents They take that quantity and spin it into stout yarn and weave a wholly seamless grain bag that holds two bushels they freight it from field to mill and from mill to us and we hand them out for 21c each or 521 per hundred Merchants orders not solicited The Thompson DG Co One price plain figures cash only Favored By Fashion Buttons of the same material as the dress are one of the most popular ideas jur mu o in trimmings mis spnug iud oumo will make the buttons Take them to Thompsons their button machine will do the rest For Wall Coverings Sanitas oilcloth for kitchen bath room and other walls lTc a yard at Thompsons One Minute save time and labor ware Co MCCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING MARCH 22 1907 Washers McCook Base Ball Outfitters McCook Hardware Hard- Co Mrs J I Lee sold her property in Sacramento Calrecently Watch for special rh sale days at The Ideal Store j I Lee is working eight horses on e se wer ditc h now days The Tribune will print it for you Crescent Cottage paint at Waites REGULATIONS For the Quarantine and Disinfection of Contagious Diseases in the City of McCook Nebraska The Board of Health of the City of McCook Nebraska duly organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska and tho ordinance of tho City of Mc Cook do make and proclaim rules and regulations for tho coutrol of and the stamping out and prevention of con tagious and infectious and dangerous diseases within the City of McCook and within five milos thereof and provide a penalty for tho violation of its rules that is to say Rule 1 Whenever a physician or householder suspects an illness to bo Asiatic cholera bubonic plague yellow fever small pox or varioloid scarlet fe ver scarletina scarlet rush diphtheria membraneous croup measles typhus nnrnhrn Miinal meuimritis tuberculosis consumption typnoiu lever or uuj other disease contagious or dangerous to public health he shall immediately iso late the patient as much as possible and upon the diagnosis becoming established as any one of the abovo named diseases the physieianor if thoro bo no physician theu the householder shall notify in writing tho chairman or the secretary of the board of health or thefacts giving tho name of tho disease and tho location of tho patient and tho source or cause of the clifeas if knovn Rule 2 Upon receipt of such notice li m1 of health will h rthwith ostan lish a quarantine of such premises Dy giving personal or written notice to the householder of such quarantine and post conspicuously upon tho house or prem ises a placard naving prim ineiruu the name of the disease within and a warning to the public to keep away Tho board shall notify the schools to re ceive no pupils from such house without a permit from it The board may send a physician to any household within its jurisdiction in case of an epidemic or in case such household is suspected of having a dis ease contagious or dangerous to public health A hospital will be establisned for the segregation and cire of any contagious disease when in the opinion of tne board the safety of the public demands it When several families in one neigh borhood have a contagious disease or mnnv Reinsures have occurred the board of health will prohibit all assem blies such as lodges clubs churches and schools both public and private and tho intercourse of persons with such exposed households In caso of chicken pox or whooping cough within the jurisdiction of the board of health it may require a report of cases from physicians or householders and may placard such premises and de tain such cases from attendance at school if in the opinion of the board such steps may be necessary Rule 3 In cases of typhoid fever and tuberculosis tho physician or household- op hoeinoq rRiinrLiuir huuio tu iuo uuij of health shall care for themselves and surroundings that further disease may be avoided if possible in accordance with the principles of preventative med icine and disinfection as hereinafter pro vided Rule 4 All school officers and teach ers snail co operate iu every possible way with the board of health by reporting or causing to be reported by letter or otherwise their knowledge of any case or threatened case of any contagious or dangerous disease forthwith and by re fusing admission to the schools of any pupil from a household having con tntriniia flisRase without a neimit from the board of health and the nealtn otn cer will notify such school officers and teachers when any household contain ing pupils has been quarantined Rule 5 When any case of small pox scarlet fever diphtheria measles or other disease contagious or dangerous to public health exifts in a household of this city and until the recovery and dis infection of the persons and premises and until two weeks thereafter no per son from such household shall attend any public meeting nor shall any child be allowed to attend school until such time without a permit from the board of health Teachers boarding at such household where contagious disease is found to ex ist or shall come in contact with any diseased person shall immediately dis infect the person and clothing and change place of boarding and lodging until recovery from the disease and dis infection of premises and for two weeks therafter quarantine Rule 6 The quarantine shall be deemed to be The serving of a notice unon a family or occupant and posting in a conspicuous place on the premises or building where contagious disease ex ists a cloth or card having plainly print ed thereon the name of the disease and a warning that no one shall enter or leave the premises except by permit of the board of health as provided by law Rpnnnd The isolation within the household as far as possible of the sick from the well Such isolation shall mean if possible a The removal of the sick to a well ventilated and lighted room from which all woolen stuffs un necessary furnishing and shall be removed b The mattress to be protected by a quilt over the door way entering the room to be hung a sheet or curtain which is to be kept damp with a disinfectant c The nurse and physician only to be allowed in the room d All food remnants rags or waste of any kind to be burned or boiled before throwing out e Table ware to be put in a disinfectant solution and boiled immediately upon removal f All linen to be removed in a damp ened bag or kept in a tub of disinfectant solution until washed g All the ex cretions from the patient to be disin fected before finally dsposed of Third No article to be carried from the household without proper disinfec tion Fourth Quarantine to cease only CONCLUDED ON EIGHTH PAQE Damage By Prairie Fire A fire got awav on the Hatfield ranch Tuesday afternoon burning over con siderable grazing land some timber and a large amount of hay Henry Brening was burning some prairio land in pro paring to do some breaking and tho fire driven by a strong wind got away from them in spite of most energetic efforts made by him George Kaufman and others to stop it W N Rogers lost a bout 80 tons of hay in the conflagration Some valuable tim or on tho ranch was damaged or destroyed Interesting Store Item Wo have cut from each piece of Wash goods exclusive of ginghams and other staples a sample 2 inches by 4 inches and na ited them all on sheets for con venient showing to customers There are 205 different pieces from G cents a vard ui to G3 cents Of course wo aho show tho pieces as well as tho samples We feel confident the lino is larger than can be seen in all tho stores of many towns this sizo Tho collection is beau tiful You are invited to look it over Thompsons One Cent Stamp Books Postmaster Kimmell anticipated the issue of new one cent stamp booksplaced his requisition early and now has this issue on sale at the McCook postoffice Tho books are similar to the othor books issued by tho government They con tain twenty four one cent stamps and sell for 25 cett Tho will be popular as are the other stamp hook issues SPRING TOILET NECESSITIES Toilet lotions cold creams talcum powders face powders tooth powders pet fumes toilet waters and toilet soaps When you want good toilet articles we can supply your wants in a way that will meet with our entire approval L W McConnell Druggist For Sale Fuil blooded 1 aired Plymouth Rock cockerels Al o Plymouth Rock and Pekin duck egg t Special prices on incubator lots Mrs J W Burtlfss Phone Ash 1331 Sc Prints Yes we hitVe them Theyre not the ones we formerly sold for 5c those are now Oc Buyin other stores theyre much more Kre save you money every time The Thompson D G Co Everything Necessary Whenvou want any drug store nRsaitv vou can net it at our QiTftiiw right every time L W McConnell Druggist store Soon Be Time for the iceman select your Refrigerators early at McCook Hardware Co New Dress Skirts 82 to 87 Alterations free Thompson Dry Goods Co Notice to the Public During the high wind Thursday af teruoon some person or persons while hunting or fishing on the Driftwood let a fire get away which destroyed several hundred dollars worth of timber Now all persons whomsoever are notified under penalty of the law to not trespass on our land McCook NebJMarch 21st1907 C H Jacobs S BRankin RED WILLOW Asa Hatcher had a bad eyo from get ting a cinder in it Mr Lock has moved into his home bought of Mr Ilougland The neigh bors will welcome them when they get settled Amos Ilauxwell will leave next week for his home near Haigler His family will go later It is with regret the neidibos see these estimable young people leave Dr and Mr friends during Finch visi the week Mrs Finch rotumfidto there home in Bethany Dr accompained her to remain a week He expects to locate in McCook DANBURY Mrs Ola Robinson and Mrs Loten are improving W J Stilgebouer is able to be up and around this week Little Alva Miller and Frank Gocklys daughter are ailing J L Sims and Mrs Evers were Ober lin visitors Tuesday Mrs L E Noe and son made a busi ness trip to Lebanon Wednesday Glen Williams Ollie Decker Mrs Sears and Grandma Hendershot are a mong the sick Mrs Loteus mother who has been here on account of sickness returned to her home in Cambridge luesday Quite a number from Danbury attend ed the barbecue in Marion last Thurs day Friday and Saturday given by Powell Nilsson Mrs Gotchell difd last Friday at her home from kidney trouble Fun eral services were held at the home Sunday afternoon by Elder W R Gill of the Christian church The remains were buried in the cemetery at Indian- a If You Want Good hog fencing get the American or Ell wood sold by McCook Hardware Co Alfalfa Seed warranted pure and free from injurious weeds McCook Hardware Co Knipple will have a carload of Early Ohio seed potatoes on track Monday Prices right The lecture for the benefit of public library has been postponed on account of the unavoidable absence of RevEarle from the city 5 ry wtbttite Annex Some Of The Out Of Doors with the approach of spring plan to get out and enjoy naturo You will see nnd enjoy it better if you tako a camera n long Cameras are a means of educat ion as well as a source of pleasure Tho Camera Habit pays You can not afford to bo with out a camera an other season Look tho matter up now Wo have all tho now stylos and at all prices from 81 to 20 Also carry a com plete lino of supplies L W McConnell Druggist Whitaker Russell Wedding Wednesday evening March 20th at seven oclock George A Whitaker and Miss Floyd A Russell wero joined in wedlock at the home of tho brides par ents Mr and Mrs W O Russell Rev M B Carman tying tho nuptial knot A four course dinner followed The es timable young folks are visiting relatives in Cheyenne Will mako their homo in East McCook Wall Paper Wo now havo our full lino of wall paper ready for your inspection Come and look them over whether you buy or not Have a great many novwlties and specialties as well as the cheaper paper lourjfor business A McMillen at right Thresncrman seen the J 1 Druggist Peerless Carpet Warp We havo for salt io consumers merch ants need not apply several hundred pounds of whitn bUck and colors at 21c for white and 23 cents lb for the colors Thorn psons Paints And Oils Let us figure with you or paints oils and varnishes Will furnish bust goods prices A McMillen Druggist Pasture for Rent I havo about 300 acres of good pasture for rent and will pasturo cattle for 33c per month a head 3 15 4t A J Schoonover Grade Your Seed Corn with a Perfection seed corn grader by McCook Hardwnru Co and even standing of strong healthy with all large ears crat fU sold an stalks For Sale Seven room house two lots barn plenty fruit and shade One block north and one west of City park Howe Smith If It Is Perfumes Our stock always contains tho choicest coods in bulk or package very L W McConnell Druggist Have vou Uase bteel Separator and whole outfit on exhibit at McCook Hardware Co For Sale 160 acres of Frontier county land at 84 an acre if sold before March 13th 1907 Peter Foxen McCook Nob Have You Seen tho Velie Buggies aud Harness at Mc Cook Hardware Co splendid outfits at the right price For Sale White Kerson oats seed 3 15 3ts Phono cedar 2354 II G Perry Neb Mens New Suits Mens new worsted suits at 86508350 S10 81250 and 1350 now showing at Thompsons Built For Business Dempster Pumps and Wind Mills COMPARATIVE STATEMENT Of Deposits For Past 12 Years At The First national Bank McCook Neb October 20 1898 810244709 October 20 1S97 15276231 Ortnhor 20 1S9S 20135223 ted different October 20 1S99 2bbJ 4 Uciooer ju jyuu -- - October 20 1901 241 02341 October 20 1902 25785426 October 20 1903 2993S123 October 20 1904 34761766 October 20 1905 34393537 October 20 1906 44488654 March 2o 19o7 482187 53 Under Government Supervision McConnell for drugs Try McMillens cough cure Say you saw it in The Tribune Crescent Cottage paint at Waites Office supplies at the Tribune office Get The Tribune to do your printing Choice Easter candies at McConnells Buy field grass flower and garden seeds from 11 P Waite Co Dr Kays office is now one door north of Commercial hotel Phone 97 Buy field grass flower and garden seeds from U P Waite Co Lare stock and complete assortment of typewriting paper at The Tribune office Monday Knipple will have on track a carload of Early Ohio seed potatoes Prices right Corn chop at the mill at SO cents a hundred Every thing delivered McCook Milling lo Anybody that is interested in foreign languages and would like to take up French kindly communicate with Mrs U Simons Box 192 3 15 tf For Trade good City property in Hastings Neb for improved farm in Furnas or Red Willow county Pay difference in cash E N Harman Hastings Neb NUMBER 43 MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS McMillona Cough Curo Bnso ball goods at llofors City loans J E Barngkover Everything in drugs McConnell Croscont Cottage paint at Waitks McMillens hand lotion is a re pun tor Artistic designs in wall papor at Mc Conuells J E Barngrover McCook Loans and Abstracts Buyfiold grass flower and gardon seeds from II P Waitk Co Try Magner Stokes for fresh and salt meats fruit and vegetables McMillens Cream Lotion will mnko your hands and face smooth and soft For Sale A house and lot ono block castof city park M Colfhi All kinds of fresh and salt meats fruits and vegetables at Magner Stokbs Carload of Early on track Monday pie Ohio sped Prices right potatoes A full blood Jersey bull will bo found at the barn of Brown and Douglass for the season ho Vomauo Missionary Society will meet with Mrs Clapp Thursday March 28th at 3 p m Bound duplicate receipt books three receipts to tho page for salo at The Triiiunk office Tho A ashvillo Students nt tho opera house Tuesday evening wero not iirat raters by some Hot water bottles and combination fountain syringes in all stylos at Mc Millens drug store Epi oopal ladies will give a social dan ciug p irt in tho Bixlor opera house on Wednesday evening April 3rd Attention is directed to tils call for bids to erect the city library building It appears elsewhere in this issue If it is from Marshs its the best ob tainable Anything and everything per taining to the meat market business Leaving town Furniture for salo cheap Call 2nd house uorth of ppera house Mrs Haggarty I am prepared to do repairing of all kinds ou machinery boilers flues etc Phone S3 Fred Brewer McCook Neb Magner Stokes can supply you with anything in the line of fresh and salt meats Also fruits and vegetables The Waito hardware storo is being en- laiged and rearranged to better accom modate tho growing concern business of the LOST isabello Fx fur between river bridge and Fitchs livery barnThursday ovenihg Reward Fiuder leave at The Tribune office The lady with the lino complexion no doubt uses McConnells Fragrant Lot ion It beautifies and preserves com plexions Cures chaps 25c I can make loans on McCook property at six per cent Will furnish money to build house S R Smith Phone cherry 1141 3 15 2ts Indianola Neb For Sle A blacksmith outfit and other tools 3 22 3ts Mrs J A Snyder 910 McFarland St Wanted Person to travel in home territory salary 8300 per day and ex penses Address J A Alexander 125 Plymouth Place Chicago III Desirable tenant wishes to rent a 4 or 5 room house might buy the property later on Will pay rent in advance Box 31G City Salesman Wanted To look after our interest in Red Willow and adjacent counties Salary or commission Ad dress The Harvey Oil Co Cleveland Ohio Our spring shipment of burnt leather goods has arrived Call and see what we have Barney Hofer McCook News Depot Marsh operates on the theory that nothing is too good for his patrons hence he buys only the best of livestock of all kinds and sells only the best of meats You can prove it by a trial Satisfaction absolutely guaranteed Young Peoples Christian Endeavor at 7 pm at the Congregational Topic for March 24 Things You Have Learn ed from Noble Men and Women Outside the Bible 1 Thess 1 2 8 Bryce Jones leader Come and help us break the thermoueter For Sale 500 farms stock ranches Kansas Missouri or Texas Before you buy sell or exchange write for our lists giving full description location and price We can suit you in quanity quality and price 3 22 2ts F II Humphrey Fort Scott Kansas Mr Charles Colson the popular com edian with his all star Co will be at Bixler opera houseone uight only Mon day March 25th in the new and beauti ful 4 act comedy drama The Country Editor Mr Colson is so well known to the people of McCook that he needs verv little introduction The Hutchin son Kanpaper says MrCharles Col son and his all star Co played the home theatre last night to a packed house and gave us an excellent Bhow Mr Colson is a great favorite here and always gets the business r I