The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 15, 1907, Image 1
i J5 tfi rt 1a - p rtSSiff J TllWii TWENTY SIXTH YEAR Citizens Named a Ticket The result of the Citizens caucus last eight was as follows Mayor 0 L Fahnestock City Clerk H W Conovcr City Engineer C H Meeker City Treasurer A C Ebert Councilman First Ward Frank Real Councilman Second Ward Barney Hofer Member School Board short term C H Boyle Members of School Board long term E H Dean and G S Scott City Central Committee First ward I M Smith and J 11 Yarger Second ward Oscar Pearson and S D McClain Following resolutions were adopted Belt resolved by the caucus of the Citizens party of the city of McCook Nebraska that wo pledge ourselves and our candidates by us nominated to tho following First To sane progressive economic and business methods in all municipal -affairs tho welfare of the city as a whole to be considered in preference to in dividual or corporate interests Second Tho impartial and full en forcement of nil city laws and ordinances Third The limiting of saloons to the present number and tho better regula tion of tho ones we now have E ourth Published reports of the pro ceedings of the school board and pub lished reports at least quarterly of the city treasurer Fifth That whereas the rates charged by tho McCook Waterworks Co for water both flat rates and meter rates re exorbitant and in excess of the rates charged under similar condions in other cities and whereas tho water service is grossly inefficient and inadequate and especially so during the sprinkling hours thus not only depriving us of the use of water to which wo are justly en titled but also subject us to great danger of the loss of our homes and places of business by fire by reason of the inade quate water service with which to fight ire therefore be it resolved that we favor the passage of such reasonable or dinances as will procure for us reasona ble ivater rates and tho maintaining of tho present system of water works or the increasing of them to such an extent as will insure for us an adequate supply of water for use and fire protection until such time as the municipality may be able to purchase such waterworks or in stall a plant of its own and be it further resolved that we favor municipal owner ship of all public utilities and that we urge upon the city authorities to so con duct the finances of the city that such municipal ownership may be accom plished at the earliest possible time Thai we condemn in the most em phatic manner the present abominable electric light service and tho extortion--ate charges therefor and urge the city authorities to do all in their power to obtain relief from such inadequate ser vice and excessive charges An Evening With the Council The municipal solons were in regular session Monday evening David Diamond made complaint that V Franklins stairs are in the alley and obstruct travel that the space under the stairway is used as a place to de posit ashes He asked that the stairs be taken down which request was granted Harry Simon presented a complaint against paying occupation tax The council instructed him to pay jBills as follows were audited and al lowed Davis Heuser sewer constrn S300000 Thomas Burge occupation fund 6000 JohnEkstedt 5750 Night Policeman 5000 Frank Ransdell sewer inspectn 2400 C H Meeker sewer fund 20000 ElectricLight Co light 9000 Permit was granted H P Waite to build a brick structure 25x45 two stories high on lot 2 block 27 Ordinance 131 to license shows ped dlers etc ordinance 132 granting Bush 5c Heatona gas works franchise and or dinance 133 creating a board of health were passed Dr J D Hare was appointed city phy sician and secretary to the board of health The sewer inspection fee was with drawn and city engineer notified not to require its payment Mr V Franklins anti Semitic speech was the feature of the session On Account of Sickness On account of sickness which requires him to be at home W H Scott has found it necessary to retire from the McCook Live Stock Co and W F Everist has taken over his share in the business and ranch Mr Scott assures us that hi3 dealings in the company have beea very pleasant and agreeable and that he regrets having to retire from the firm and its profitable dealings Dont Forget to call at my new location for reading matter stationery post cards souvenirs candy gum fresh roasted peanuts cigars tobacco pipes base ball goods toys etc Barney Hofer McCook News Depot Success in Dry Farming depends largely upon proper implements Having sold all my farming lands will sell at a discount a Campbell sub-surface packer of latest pattern Jacob Wiggins Culbertson Neb Latest Style Skirts One hundred new skirts just added to our stock with more to come Prices S2C0 to 8700 Alterations free Thomp sons Upland Fanners find it pays to raise alfalfa This should 6e a good year to start it Good seed at McCook Hardware Cos CARNATIONS Fancy home grown 80c per dozen McCook Greenhouso Phone 91 SCTE MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE Mrs Ella T J Wallace has gone to Norton Kansas Mrs J P Crounse is homo from her visit home Seward Claude Evans has taken a clerical position in The First National Bank Miss Ida McCarl has resigned her position as librarinn of tho city library Congressman Norris arrived homo from Washington D C on No 1 last Saturday William Fane has been a guest of his sister Mrs C M Bailey since close of last week Charles Tuttle of St Louis has been a guest of W B Craven since close of last week W II Cooper and son Warren will leave shortly on a trip to tho Pacific coast country Mrs IIABeale left yesterday morn ing for Elgin 111 to be absent several weeks on a visit Mrs Rose Bayles is adding con siderably to the size and convenience of her city residence Mr and Mrs Leroy Dutton have returned from Colorado and will make their home in McCook Miss Blanche E Ester arrived from Port Richmond N YM last Friday with Mr W Mrs C W Kelley H G McBrayer and sons Fred and Vernon departed Monday night for Gallatin Mo where they will live M Rudy late from Mynard Cass county Nebraska is John Hunts suc cessor in the firm of Hunt Middleton Mr and Mrs J F Porter are back from tho soldiers home at Grand Island and making their home in East McCook H N Rosebush has been in his old home Cherokee Iowa since last week on business counected with property matters Mrs Elvin Devoe came over from Lebanon this week They have gone to housekeeping upstairs in tue new Bump residence Mr and Mrs Charles McCoy were visited by the stork a few evenings since and they are going to keep the fine boy as long as he wants to stay Willtam Byfield went in to Chicago last week with a large consignment of fat cattle From there he went over in to Canada on a visit to the old home Mr and Mrs G W Kelley arrived in tho city Friday afternoon last from New York and will be at home after April 1st They are objects of hearty and general congratulation Charlie Kelleys homo coming re ception by the young bloods last Friday night was quito as strenuous as was the ceremonial attendant upon the matrimonial announcemenc Mrs George E Thompson entertain ed the ladies of St Albans guild Tues day afternoon in honor of Miss Huut a cousin of Mr Thompson who has been visiting in the city leaving this morning Mr and Mrs Clyde Goldtrap mourn the death of their 8-months-old baby boy Willie last Saturday The little remains were away in RiTerview Sunday Kind friends sympathize with them deeply Rev A F Green left on No 6 Wed nesday night for Peru Nebraska to raise funds to build a new Baptist church building at that place He ex pects to be gone ten days or two weeks Rev C R Welden of Peru will occupy the Baptist pulpit here next Sunday Rev M B Carman lectured in Bert rand Monday and SmithfWd Tuesday before good and appreciative houses He will lecture in Hildreth on Monday next and at Huntley the following evening He is well pleased with his opening re ception indeed which was flattering Harry Simons is making improve ments and rearrangements in his store to better exhibit the up-to-date stock he is receiving in clothing and shoes He is endeavoring to give McCook a first class establishment and guarantees every accommodation courtesy and wor thy method in his business dealings with the people his patrons Acknowledgement of Gratitude We use this means of expressing our appreciation and gratitude for every kindness shown and assistance rendered during the long illness of our husband and father the late Newland B Starks Mrs Martha E Starks Mrs William Mitchell Mrs E E DeLong Mrs Rowe G W Starks W H Starks Gas Works Ordinance Ordinance No 132 granting a gas works franchise to Bush Heaton was passed by the city council Monday evening and will appear in The Trib une next week Eggs for Hatching Barred Plymouth Rocks Thompson strain 8100 per 15 175 per 30 500 per 100 Mrs J U Warfield S 15 dt Rt 1 McCook Neb Buggies by Car Load at McCook Hardware Cos That is why they can sell such good buggies for the price paid others for cheap ones New Dress Goods Very dressy and stylish suitings by the yard and by the pattern just received at 50c to 100 Thompsons I am prepared to do repairing of all kinds on machinery boilers flues etc Phone 88 Fred Brewer McCook Neb ES rtest W S 5 t w rTTiBWirtsg 5R4 McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING MARCH 15 190T REPUBLICANS NOMINATE STRONG CITY TICKET A Large and Earnest Caucus Held by the Republican Voters of McCook GSXX30 For Mayor William MAckekman For City Clork Alonzo Cone For City Treasurer Albert C Ebert For City Engineer Ciiarles V Kellkt For Couucllmau First Ward MATTnnw Lawritson For Councilman Second Ward Charles E Eldrrd For School Bourd Short Term Charles II Boyle For School Board Long Term Elias II Doak eorgeS Scott SXeX2XaSsX Tho Republicans of McCook held their city caucus in the city hall Tues day evening about 150 voters participat ing in the more then usually interesting proceedings Committeeman Georgo Scott of- the city central committee called the caucus to order He was made the permanent Cone the j ornan ontsecretaiy The caucus then proceeded under the read call to nomination of candidates W M Ackorman and Matthew Law ritson were placed in nomination for mayor The ballot resulted WM Ackernian 96 Matthew Lawritsou 55 Charles Emerson 2 Mr Ackorman briofly acknowledged the honor and pledged his be3t endeavors for the walfaro of the city if successful in the election Alonzo Cone was nominated for city clerk by acclamation A C Ebert received a unanimous re nomination for city treasurer For city engineer Charles W Kelley was chosen by acclamation A motion prevailed that the caucus first vote on nominee for short term member of board of education Charles H Boyle and Elias H Doan were placed in nomination Tho ballot resulted Charles II Boyle 71 Elias H Doan 03 For the long term Messrs Georgo S Scott Elias II Doan and Harold P Waite wore nnmed Mr Waite declined and moved tho nomination of the remain ing two candidates by acclamation which carried G A R Bean Supper In tho dining room of the M E church from 5 to 8 oclock p m March 22 tho Ladies Circle of the G A R will give their annual bean supper MENU Chicken pie Roast pork apple sauce Roast beef brown gravy Boston baked beans Creamed potatoes Cabbage salad Celery Pickles Jelly White bread Brown bread Assorted cake Fruit salad Tea Coffee Farm Land Wanted Have good Oklahoma business prop erty paying ten per cent to trade for good farm land or McCook business property What have you Trade care this office Mixed Paint Although lead oil and mixed paint have advanced for a short time we will sell our A P Lincoln paint at last years prices A McMtllen druggist Have You Seen The John Deere model B Disk har row the only flexible harrow made McCook Hardware Co Sanitas and Mentas The best table and wall oilcloths 15c and 17c Thompsons Young Peoples Christian Endeavor at 7 p m at the Congregational church Topic for March 17 What is Suc cess Prov 31 18 Wo look forward to a very helpful and pleasant meeting as Father Clapp will lead it Come and enjoy it with us Guard your complexion this month McConnells Fragrant Lotion will pre vent any roughening or chapping Its a dainty preparation 25 c The city council was in session Mon day and Tuesday evenings Full pro ceedings elsewhere Office supplies at the Tribune office SCHOOL CREEK Fred Boll is building a fine nBW resi dence Edith Rohrer taught her brothers school district 15 Tuesday while be attended the Greer sale nojth of Cam bridge Mr and Mrs John Horkey are re covering from their recent illness L R Hileman salesman for Tagg Bros was in this neighborhood Mon day on stock business S E Vandervort and children visited his brother in law M E Kimmerling northwest of McCook part of the week NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC May 1st 1907 the accommodation road through our lands east half of section 31 town ship 2 range 26 in Bed Willow county Neb raska WILL BE CLOSED Ed Fitzgerald MabyE Fitzgerald xssxssxsxsse ft WIIEHEAS tho county treasurers g w iu the state are required by law to dopoait tjio funds in their hands in liauka which will pay interest there- g on and WHEREAS tho funds of tlm g county under said laws are earning S two per cont 2 per cont upon daily balances Tliornforn ho it rosnlvwl tlinfr flirt THTiilhlian nnfip rt t4 i City of McCook m caucus assembl ed does hereby pledgo its candidate for city treasurer to deposit tho g i money ot uio city in sncli uauk or banks as will pay two ner cent unon tlm flfSlll linlitiniii F minti ftttl rt n deposited fo SX3sXSXes Emerson Hanson then read the follow ing resolution which was adopted with- RESOLUTION Tho city central committee was em powered to fill any vacancies which might occur on the ticket The caucus then divided into wards and named cuiinoilinen uud committe men FIRST WARD G S Scott was chairman and J R McCarl secretary of the First ward caucus Matthew Lawritson Samuel S Gar voy Charles E Emerson and John Mor ris were nominated The ballot stood Matthew Lawritson 37 Samuel S Garvey 15 Chailes E Emerson 10 John Morris 7 C A Rodgors and J R McCarl were named as members of the central com mittee from the First ward SECOND WARD Emerson IlaiiSun was chairman of the Second ward caucus and Alonzo Cone secretary FCharlosE Eldred Samuel D McClain Edwin P Huber and Milton R Osborn were placed before the caucus The ballot stood Charles E Eldred 25 Milton R Osborn 22 Samuel D McClain 06 Edwin P Huber 00 A motion prevailed dropping the three lovotS candidates and Mr Eldred was declared the nominee Alonzo Cone and Hans I Peterson were named the central committeemen from the Second ward R F D NO 1 William Mueler and Amy Clamp were married Wednesday evening at the home of the brides parents A dance followed till the weesma hours The Nebraska Telephone Co is ex tending its line as far as F M Kennedys place Hari Meyer gets into the improvement procession by painting his house Mrs J I Lee received a telegram Wednesday morning announcing the serious illness of her brother Perry Jones in Oklahoma and urging her to come at once On account of her recent illness she was not able to go Mr Jones just recently visited here A daughter was born March 3rd in to the Fritz family on the Voge place A Sunday school has been organized at the Fitch school house The school at the North Star school house closes to day Ralph Warfield has rented the Mary Schlagel farm The Pressed Brick Co bought a fine team from W E Bower recently pay ing 8410 for the span Nellie Crocker is at Edison with her sister Mrs Balding who is quite sick Pearl Rogers is visiting Mrs Graham near Danbury this week New Wash Fabilcs Past seasons are clearly surpassed in the beautiful designs offered this spring in wash goods Our line consists of more than 200 pieces exclusive of Ging hams in price from 50c down to 5c Thompsons A Glorious Snowfall About six inches of wet scow fell all over this section of Nebraska last Sat urday and happily quite all of it has gone where it will do the most good in to the soil It was invaluable to a vast acreage of small grain Mens Washable Vests Just received a nice bunch of mens fancy wash vests at 8100 and 3150 at Thompsons Washing- Done Easy with a One Minute Motor or White Lily washing machine McCook Hardware Co Sewer Ask us for prices on your house con nections Const Co McCook Neb Dempster Pumps and wind mills Built for business McCook Hardware Co Paint to preserve paint to beautify paint with the Sherwin Williams paints L W McConnell Druggist Dr Kays office is now one door north of Commercial hotel Phone 97 Buy field grass flower and garden seeds from H P Waite Co Crescent Cottage paint at Waites Ice Cream Social An ice croam social will be givon at tho Congregntional church next Friday evening by the Christian Endeavor society A good literary and musical program will be rendered nud ice cream and cake served Admission 15 cents Free Lecture Under tho auspices of the McCook public library Rev E R Earlo of tho Episcopal church will deliver a lecture in tho Methodist church Friday even ing March 22nd at 8 oclock Subject of lecture Books and Reading New Black Silks 19c 73c 115 and 125 These are the prices at which wo sell four very at tractive and gnod qualities of black silk We invite your inspection Thompsons Pasture for Rent I have about 300 acres of good pasture for rent and will pasturo cattle for 33c per month a head A J Schoonover Threshermen See the Steel Separator and whole J I Case outfit on exhibit at McCook Hardware Cos Better bo safo then sorry For Sale Seven room house two lots barn plenty fruit and shade One block north and one west of City park Howe Smith For Rent Furnished rooms for light house keeping in West McCook Phono Black 1G2 Mrs L A Clark Other Imitations but nothing as good as xVmerican Stoel Woven wire fence McCook Hardware Co For Sale 160 acres of Frontier county land at 84 an acre if sold beforo March 15th 1907 Peter Foxe McCook Neb For Sale White Kereon oats sepd Phone cedar 2354 II G Hipile Perry Neb Mens Spring Suits Very desirable new spring suits from 500 to 1350 received at Thompsons McConnell for drugs Try McMillens cough cure Say you saw it in The Tribune Crescent Cottage paint at Waites Got The Tribute to do your printing Buckwheat flour at tne McCook Mill ing Cos Colonel Starr this is Captain Barnett Captain Barnett Colonel Starr Buy finld grass flower and garden seeds from H P Waite Co The best bargains ever offered in McCook wilt bo at The Ideal Store The celebrated Velie Wrought Iron vehicles McCook Hardware Co Large stock and complete assortment of typewriting paper at The Tribune office A middle aged woman desires a posi tion as housekeeper Inquire at Trib une oilice Corn chop at the mill at 80 cents a hundred tivery thing delivered McCook Milling Co Always something new in exquisite perfumes here Sample our latest L W McConnell Druggist Anybody that is interested in foreign languages and would like to take up French kindly communicate with Mrs II Simons Box 192 Be particular what kind of soap you use during this windy month If you use McConnells Witch Hazel soap you are sure of a pure neutral soap that can not harm the most delicate skin Remember our new location basement of Commercial hotel for a bath or any service in the tonsorial line Prompt and first class service Give us a trial todav Okerson Baker Rev A F Green who has held special evangelistic services at Zion Hill for the psist two weeks reports good results and announces that there will be preaching each Sunday at 230 p m in the Zion Hill Baptist church Marsh operates on the theory that nothing is too good for his patrons hence he buys only the best of livestock of all kinds and sells only the best of meats You can prove it by a trial Satisfaction absolutely guaranteed Manager Bixler wishes to announce that on March 23 Mr Lawrence Evart will appear at the Bixler for one night only in Mr Whitesides greatest com edy success We Are King In Mr Evart the management secured an artist of great dramatic ability and has sur rounded him with an excellent cast This production is most complete in all the details and the patrons of the Bixler will enjoy a most delightful evening Curtain at 9 oclock Arthur Hartman is a very great artist perhaps the greatest living violinist He has the art that conceals the art With him the violin is an extension of human speech and the soul of tho man is so great so saturated with the sub lime emotions that he floods an audience and takes it captive as no man has since the days of Paganini It is that last indescribable human quality which distinguishes the great artist from the talented party or tho industrious person Elbert Hubbard - A 0 4 tribune A tl - til 0 Vt - - -V NUMBER 42 MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS McMillens Cough Curo City loans J E Barnorover Everything in drugs McConnell The Tribune will print it for you Croscont Cottago paint at Waites McConnells balsam cures coughs McMillons hand lotion is a repoator J E Barngrovor McCook Loans and Abstracts Buy field grass flower and garden seeds from II P Waite Co Try Magnfer Stokes for fresh and salt meats fruit aud vegotablos McMillens Cream Lotion will make your hunds and faco smooth and soft John Deoro and Blue Bird breaking plows McCook Hardware Co For Sale A house and lot one block east of city park M Colfer All kinds of fresh aud salt moats fruits and vegetables nt Magner Stokes Wo can satisfy your artistic taste in wall paper L W McConnell Druggist A full blood Jersoy bull will bo found at tliu lnrn of Jiiowu and Douglass for tho season Bound duplicate receipt books three receipts to tho page for 6ale at The Tribune office Hot water bottle3 aud combination fountain syringes in all styles at Mc Millens drug store To insuro good health take good medicine Gel your medicine of L W McConnell Druggist Must be believed 50 cents for 25 cents 50 centGranilo 25 centdfor a few dayH only at Tho Ideal Store If it is from Marshs its the best ob tainable Anything and ovorything per taining to the meat market business Magner Stokes can supply you with anything in tho lino of fresh and salt moats Also fruits and vegetables More Corn To Acre by using tho Famous John Deere lister with the edge selection drop McCook Hardware Co The Passion Play moving pictures in tho Bixler last Saturday did not disappoint many Tho pictures were poor Got your blood right and youll feel right McConnells Sarsaparilla rights all wrongs in blood and general con dition 100 per bottle I can make loans on McCook property at six per cent Will furnish money to build house S R Smith Phone cherry 1141 Indianola Neb Little Joseph the year old son of Mr and Mrs John Wagner died of menin gitis Wednesday afternoon Riverview was the place of burial this afternoon Wo have made wall paper selections easy this year Every pattern in our stock is desirable Paper here of tine quality and exquisite design at little cost L W McConnell Druggist Plans for the big ball by the B of L E Monday evening are all complete It will be a rouser Supper will be served in the opera house presumably on tho commodious stage Bishop Graves will be at St Albans church March 17th the fifth Sunday in Lnt At 11 a m he will celebrato tho Holy Communion preach and con firm a class At 730 p m he will preach All are welcome The second M W A minstrel show will be given April 1G for the benefit of the drill team and indications are that it will be much better than the last one which gave such good satisfaction The Woodmen of McCook are getting readv for the big log rolling this fall The national government has been collecting figures and facts about Neb roads and gives publicity to the follow ing Total miles of public roads in Red Willow county 1000 Road levy rate per 100 20 cents Amount expended in 1904 93429o No of men subject to labor tax 1500 Value of labor tax at 3 per capita 4r00 Total expenditure in cash and labor in 1904 13S429G On March 23 at the Bixler Mr Lawrence Evart will appear in We Are King Mr Walker Whitesides greatest comedy success The manage ment has spared no expense to make this production perfect in all details As a scenic production it will be well worth the price of admission In Mr Lawrence Evart the patrons of the Bixler will find an artist who will enter tain and please them from the rise to the fall of the curtain The advance sale promises a capacity house Curtain at 9 oclock Salt Lake Evening News Jan 30 1907 There were no early gors at last nights violin recital by Arthur Hartmann in the First Congregational church Every soul remained until the last note in the last strain from the glo rious Stradivarius in the hands of a con summate artist and even then they were loth to go In fact the entire aud ience rose to go with evident reluctance and when the accommodating performer in response to prolonged applause did the unusual thing of appearing in re sponse to encore after the final number the listeners gladly resumed their seats while tho artist played a delicate mor ceau that held everybody in suspense At the Bixler opera house April ISth H t f