M if B ft J f - New Sale of New Goods All the Time mccook V JEW ELER MUSICAL GOODS NEBRASKA FAY HOSTETTER TEACHER ON PIANO McCook Nebraska Studio upstairs in new Rishel building south of Post Office McCook Laundry Q C HECKMAN Prop Dry and Steam Cleaning and Pressing DR H M IRELAND Osteopathic Physician Kelley Office Bldg Phone No 13 McCOOK NEB Consultation free JOHN E KELLEY ATT0ENEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTBACTEB McCook Nebraska i3kAgent of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook Waterworks Office in Postoffice building J Sum A Dollar in Your Pocket w S and more coming Saturday night the chances are you will spend the dollar probably for something you do not need possibly for something you would be better off without If that dollar was in the bank jou would keep it and add to it until you had enough to make an investment so you could make more money Many of the larger bank accounts1 were started -in a very small way aid gradually builded to their present size Why not start an account with us and build up to where you can live on the interest of your investment Its worth while trying making a start helps start todav THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK McCook Nebr Fob 22 1907 i The best of every thing in his line at the most reasonable prices is Harsh s motto He wants your trade and hopes by merit to keep it The Butcher Phone 12 Office Supplies of AH Kinds at the TRIBUNE Office C H Boyle H P STJT - - C E Eldeed Co Atty BOYLE ELDRED Attoknexs at I aw Long Distance Ione 4 1 Rooms 1 and 7 second floor McCook NeK Postoffice Building YOU WOULD DO WELL TO SEE J M Rupp FOR ALL KINDS OF Rpfrfo QpJ P O Box 131 McCook Nebraska Great Lumber an Center d Goal Home of Quality and Quantity where W 0 BOLLARD sells THE BEST LUM BER AND COAL Are you thinking of building If so it is ten to one our figures will please you M O McCLURE i Phone No 1 Manager March 1st to April 30th 82000 to Salt Lake Butte Helena 2250 to Spokane district 2300 to California Portland Seattle coma Washington Daily through tourist sleepers to California via Denver Scenic Colorado and Salt Lake Oitv also to Montana Wash ington and Puget Sound country Winter Tourist Rates To Colorado California and all Southern resorts Homeseekers Informa tion Bureau Free valuable information fur nished to seekers of Government and deeded lands along the Bur liL gton lines Let us help you locate your home in this fast grow ing and reliable zone of prosperity Write Landseekers Information Bureau lOOiFarnam St Omaha Nebraska For rates folders information etc apply to GEORGE S SCOTT Ticket Agent McCook Neb L W WAKELEY G P A Omaha Neb Sa3aTO3SS3g3XS3SSS7ilH 3tTiTi m St VtMlUUSSi aHiiitfSjmMmyaniiiinwiwinwiM 1 111111 1 hum 1111 1 1111 111 11 1 njgjijiiaju Jii juiijjijumwmiii 11 iiinmiiwiim muwnimii im A Ladies Felt Slippers always gold at 82 00 now Ladies Felt Shoes former price 2 50 to 150 now 150 8125 t and T v l 00 Mens Felt Slippers always worth 65c now 125 40c McCook Neb V MAIN LINE EAST DEPaBT No 6 Central Timo 1146 p m 2 540 a m 12 8U A M 14 955pM main line west depaet No 1 Mountain Time 1206 p m a 1125 P M 5 8 00 p m 13 937 A M IMPEEIAL LINE No 176 arrives Mountain Time 540 P 51 No 175 departs 645 a un sleeping dining and reclining chair cars seats free on through train Tickets sold and baggace checked to any point in tho Uuited States or Canada For information timetables maps and tick ets call on or write George Scott gent Mc Cook Nebraska or L V Wakeley General Passenger Agont Omaha Nebraska D N Cobb returned home Monday night PF Slossen is a new carpenter in the shops Will Rolfe is night clerk in the round house F J Rolfe is back in the shops at the hpad of the carpenter force Engine 646 was taken out today for a breaking in after a general overhaul ing Conductor G E Denton has Conduct or Hegenbergers run during his absence in Omaha Engineer William Deere is home from running down on u Kansas branch the past week - Engine 1062 went out of the backshop Wednesday and is receiving finishing touches in the roundhouse Bruce Berry has gone into the train service and is now braking for Conduc tor George Willetts on passenger Gary Dole has resigned his position and J Marshall Trammell is now night foreman of the roundhouse Ed Roach was called out of town Monday night on No 3 by news of the serious illness of his Wife Earl Notley tried the day force Tues day and is now laid up with a mashed foot a bar of iron falling on the member- o The company is now laying track to the new water plant The pipe is being laid and the work generally is progress ing favorably The overhauled postal combinationcar on the Imperial line went into service Monday morning It has been at Jrlatts mouth for about three weeks The depot at Indianola is undergoing some repairs The building is being raised about two feet and a brick foun dation will be placed under it On account of scarcity of switch en gines the No 320 has been made ready for switching work notwithstanding it is on the list for a general overhauling Engine 148 which was stripped in the Roggen wreck is standing on a sidetrack near the backshop awaiting its turn for a general overhauling Its a sad wreck The special rates this week have made passenger traffic very heavy the principal trains running in sections there were three sections on No 3 Tuesday night The movement of settlers into this part of Nebraska and adjacent Kansas is very heavy now Every admissible freight train is carrying a number of cars every day The Brotherhood of Locomotive En gineers has its invitations out for their second annual ball for March 18th It will be held in the Bixler opera house The K of P orchestra will provide the music Fireman Gus Soderburg is home from Grand Island on account of illness of his father expecting to be here two or three weeks He is employed on the Union Pacific running out of Grand Island Engineer Charles Shepherd of Sheri dan and five unknown Austrian laborers were killed at Pedro Wyoming last Thursday night The work train took the siding and the switch was not closed A following freight train ran into the work train JG Schobel left on 2 Wednesday morning for Chicago on business con nected with the proposed new wage schedule for trainmen This is the fourth time he has been summoned to headquarters to assist in cracking this troublesome nut Every business house save one in the village of Ragan Harlan county on the Burlingtons K C O line was destroyed by fire Monday The Burl ington depot being some distance from the business section escaped Loss is placed at about 40000 Herman Hegenberger for the O R C and Worth Humphreys for the B of R T went to Omaha Wednesday night to take part in a conference with the company over the new wage schedule proposed The orders ask a fifteen per cent advance and the company offers a ten per cent advance Or more accur ately ten per cent advance to freight men and 810 and 85 per month to passen ger couductors and brakemen respec tively - p Mens 8300 Felt Slices good values until they are gone at Childrens 8175 warm lined Shoes novr Childrens 1 50 warm lined Shoes now WHAT THE KIDNEYS DO Their Unceasing Work Keeps Us Strong and Healthy All the blood in the body passes through tho kidneys once every three minutes The kidneys filter the blooch They work night and day When healthy they remove about 500 grains of impure matter daily when unhealthy some part of this impure matter is left in the blood This brings on many diseases and symptoms pain in the back head ache nervousness hot dry skin rheu matism gout gravel disorders of the eyesight and hearing dizziness irregular heart debility drowsiness dropsy de posits in tho urine etc But if you keep the filters right you will have no trouble with your kidneys Mrs Nellie May of 308 Pennsylvania ave Joplin Mo says 1 know from my own experience that Doans Kidney Pills are a reliable kidney remedy I was bothered for six or eight weoks with a constant dull heavy aching in thesmall of my back I was tired ail the time lacked ambition and in the morning al ways felt worse Having reason to be lieve these symptoms were caused from the kidneys I got a box of Doans Kid ney Pills They proved to be the very remedy I required and under tho treat ment the backache languor and other symptoms disappeared For sale by all dealers Price 50 cents Foster Mil burn Co Buffalo N Y sole agents for the United States Kemembnr the name Doan s and take no other A Guaranteed Cure For Piles Itching Blind Bleeding or Protrud ing Piles Druggists refund money if Pazo Ointment fails to cure any case no matter of how long standing in 6 tol4 days First application gives ease and rest 50c If your druggist hasnt it send 50c in stamps and it will be for warded postpaid by Paris Medicine Co St Louis Mo INDIANOLA Walter Andrews and family moved to their new home on the Beaver Monday Cecil Matthews of Bartley was a visitor here Saturday Mrs Ed Mitchell of McCook visited at the C S Quick home this week Ed Lee son Ruel daughter-in-law and baby left Saturday evening for Loveland Colo where they will visit relatives I M Smith and daughter Grace drove down from McCook Sunday and spent the day with W H Smith and family Mr and Mrs J Crocker visited their daughter Mrs Balding at Edison last week George Sheppard is very sick Jas Cosgro has improved in health and is now doing business at the old stand Mrs Thomas Haley returned home from Holbrook and Arapahoe Saturday evening after a weeks visit with relatives Mrs Walker Andrews and Mrs Corbin visited at Dan Schoenthals Friday Carpenters are working on the depot They will raise it about two feet and put in a brick foundation Last Monday morning as the Misses May Moore Ilattie Wadsworth and Hazel Phillips were driving south of tho railroad the horse became frightened and ran away throwing the girls out of the buggy and breaking Majs arm The other girls were fortunate in escap ing without an injury C S Quick who has been suffering or so long a time with his sore hand had it amputated Sunday His many friends hope for him a speedy recovery Tom Ilayden of Wyoming arrived here Tuesday morning for a visit with his brother Lake Earl Allen came home last Saturday evening from Omaha on a visit with homefolks Leon Russell who has been at Omaha attending business college arrived home Saturday evening Jerry Curry of York is here visiting his parents George and Joe Broomfield left Sun day with their household goods and horses for their new home in Canada The old folks will follow in a few davs DANBURY Miss Maude Eno returned to her home in Fruita Colo Tuesday evening Misses Maude Eno and Ethel Russell were McCook visitors Sunday Dr DeMay was a business visitor to McCook last Tuesday We understand that J H Sims has purchased him an automobile H L Goodenburgers are building an addition to their house Quite a number of Misses Maude and Nettie Enos friends gathered at G B Morgans for a good time one evening last week Miss Pearl Russell returned to her home in Lebanon Monday evening Mrs Whipple is now able to be out again Floyd and Jesse Naden have arrived from their respective place Last Friday while working in the elevator Clifford Naden caught his coat on a screw on the tumbling rod was drawn in the machinery and was hurt very badly He is getting along as well as sould be expected at the present writing PWWMMnMMHM 195 115 100 Our spring stock consisting in part of the most beautiful Oxfords ever shown in McCook has arrived and is now on display Come in and see them THE MODEL SHOE STORE - McCOOK NEB PHONE 18 y XSSXsXsSX rnmiiTHjniwii 1 Few Shoe C 1 I opCClcilS To close out our line of warm footwear of winter goods we are offering some desirable shoes at really extraordinary low prices No Old Sale of Old Goods at Any Old Time RASKA K EVOLVED WwM THAT I F YOU Wl SH TO HARCfl fMimM ALONG YOU MUST BE CLAD WMIrS lN THE UAT5ST THE I ViMC BErTTETv YOUR APPAREL isSEISt THE 3 WIFTERWIUL BE WmWW YOUR PROGRESS lSX busthr brown zltX - - COPYRlCHT HdCSYTHE BU3TER DRnWrtCO CHICAGO BEGGSJ CHERRY COUGH SYRUP Cures BRONCHITIS SufaaBag - - A JL Head GEKHr h we can help you to march along in life 5y fitting you out in the latent fajhionj both in materials not made j and in attire that is ready made our -spring line blooms with the 5e valued new goods coming in every day call AND JEE RESPECTFULLY O L DEGROFF CO You Are Cordially Invited to look over the new and uptodate merchan dise that is arriving daily Everything in the line of clothing and fur nishinosis the cream of this seasons Prices Reasonable manu fac ture One Price to Ail 5 SIMONS McCook Clothing and Shoes Mike Walsh DEALER IN POULTRY and EGGS Old Rubber Copper and Brass Highest Market Price Paid in Cash New location just acros3 street in P Walth building TlcCook - Nebraska Nebraska -GO TO- HS GODFREY CO for Bargains in Flour and Feed mi i aagaceaBBaa at i memjM Red Lion Silver Leaf Oak Leaf Faultless Isabelle Flour AGENTS FOR LIQUID COAL Ft