The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 01, 1907, Image 8

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Mir flcury Irvine Co mm out mi Ills
Sonii Karly Hamlet
H U Irving son of Sir Ilenry Irv
ing Avns ndt educated primarily for the
Btagu Studying for the profession or
barrister while ho was still in college
ho took part in amateur theatricals
An amusing story is told of one of his
earlier interpretations of the difficult
role of Uainlct On this particular and
early occasion however Sir Ilenry
was out in front and after the per
formance several Including his son
crowded about him for an expression
of opinion
What do you think of Smith as Vo
lonius asked one
Good very good murmured Sir
Henry in ids quiet kindly way
And Miss Blank as Ophelia
Good very good again murmured
Sir Henry
And Tones as the king
Good very good repeated Sir
And Thomas as Horatio
Good very good came the answer
So the entire cast was gone through
with the exception of the principal
character and each received the same
precise neal criticism good very
good Then there was a slight pause
an awkward pause after which the
son who had been waiting eagerly and
anxlouly for his fathers opinion about
his acting managed to pluck up
enough courage to stammer But fa
therwhat did you think of the rest
of the cast
Sir Henry looked blandly at his sou
and then remarked dryly Are you
sure that you want to be an actor my
son Bohemian Magazine
The Cliaugrc Tliat Often Comes With
- the Afiniatioii of Wealth
The transforming power of money
the moment it gets into a mans pos
session is one of the unsolved mys
teries of the universe Of course we
know that the poison of avarice and
greed ia in the character and not in
the money but it is unfortunate that
the possession of money seems to de
velop to bring out some of the worst
human qualities qualities which never
develop iu poverty or show themselves
under ordinary circumstances
Before Ave get possession of money
we feel sure that we will not allow it
to warp and twist our ideals We are
going to show the world a sane use of
inon v We are going to help every
body We are going to help struggling
merit assist poor boys and girls to get
an education and to get a start in the
world We are going to be helpful and
useful in the largest possible way
But it Is a strange trait in human
nature that up matter how humble or
democratic or helpful and companion
able people may be while poor just as
soon as -the average man gets more
than his fellows he begins to domineer
over them and to use the very wealth
whicli he was so anxious to get to en
able him to help his fellow men to
oppress and keep them down 0 S
Harden in Success Magazine
oi a Bad Prescription
On a family druggists prescription
file is an oft repeated prescription
bearing number 37111 The Latin of
the twentieth century reads Recipe
Ticketorii theatrici numera duo sigue
Take this afternoon Dr
Obviously it is an order on the drug
gist written by a reputable physician
for two theater tickets and the pa
tients mother and daughter are en
abled to take needed treatment at a
matinee while the buss husband and
father remains at work The reason
for the scheme as told the druggist by
the doctor was the absolute need of
mother and daughter for recreation
and as the druggist has a theater
ticket office it was readily and satis
factorily arranged New York Sun
What Brcathinpr Amounts To
In each respiration an average adult
Inhales one pint of air A man respires
sixteen to twenty times a minute and
a young child about twenty five to
thirty five times While in a standing
posture the number of respirations Is
greater than when lying down A man
takes only thirteen breaths of air to the
minute while reclining The superficial
surface of the lungs is 200 square
yards The amount of air inspired by
an adult in twenty four hours is about
10000 quarts The least amount of air
needed by an adult in one hour is 3S0
quarts The heart sends through the
lungs 5000 gallons of blood daily
Most Birds Love Toys
Most birds love toys The playthings
help to while away the time and pre
vent them from tearing their plumage
Parrots are especially devoted to play
things and can be trained to do simple
tricks with the objects specially fan
cied A soft billed bird will amuse it
self for an hour with a peanut which it
cannot break a tiny bell or a mirror
just big enough -to reflect its OAvn head
Mary Dawson in St Nicholas
Fixing the Value
Jones So the price of that old mas
ter is 3000 It doesnt look to be
worth 10
Art Dealer Yes but remember it
was painted in 1249 Just think what
10 at compound interest would
amount to for that length of time
Old Doctor What are those white
objects I see in the distance my dear
Miss Pert Those are signs advertising
your profession sir Old Doctor Ah
I thought they might be tombstones
Miss Pert So they are
Suppose She Had Been Ont
What day Avas I born on mother
Thursday child
Wasnt that fortunate Its your
flay at home Harpers Weekly
At One Time It Wan Used For Food
That tie shun was used as diet
before it was i at the national
emblem has been vely demon
strated though in pro lite fact one
writer borrows from uot - Very
few drew their information nom per
sonal observation Spenser ted
ly did and he is perhaps respoiiile
for the familiarization of this fact I j
his contemporaries I quote the pas
sage from The View of the Present
State of Ireland
Out of every corner of the woods
and gliunes they came creeping foorthe
upon tlieyr handes for theyr legges
coidd not beare them They looked
like anatomyes of death they spake
like ghostes crying out of tlieyr graves
they did eat of the dead carrions and
yf they founde a plotte of water cresses
or shamrokes there they flocked as to a
feast for the time
This dietary use was known to the
Elizabethan dramatists
I vill give tee leave to cram my
mouth phit shamrokes and butter and
vater creeshes instead of pcarsh and
peepsli Ben Tonsons Irish Masque
This Irish footman a wild kerne a
frog a dog whom Ill scare spwin
Longed you for shamrock Thomas
The shamrock thus used for food
says Mr Colgan was one or other or
perhaps both of the meadow clovers
or trefoils Tri folium pra tense purple
clover and repens white
clover of modern botanists Notes
and Queries
Thoughts It Ilrouht to One Who
Knew It as a Boy
One morning I was awakened with
a strange new joy in my mind It
came to ine at that moment with inde
scribable poignancy the thought of
walking barefoot in cool fresh plow
furrows as I had once done when a
boy So vividly the memory came to
me the high airy world as it was at
that moment and the boy I was walk
ing free in the furrows that the weak
tears tilled my eyes the lirst I had
shed in many years Then I thought
of sitting in quiet thickets in old fence
corners the wood behind me rising
still cool mysterious and the fields in
1 front stretching away in illimitable
pleasantness I thought of the good
smell of cows at milking You do not
know if you do not know I thought
of the sights and sounds the heat and
sweat of the hayfields I thought of
a certain brook I knew when a boy
that flowed among alders and wild
parsnips where I waded with a three
foot rod for trout I thought of all
these things as man thinks of his
first love Oh I craved the soil I
hungered and thirsted for the earth
I Avas greedy for growing things
American Magazine
Frendi Sentiment
A French parricide who slew his fa
ther and mother and was asked upon
condemnation what he had to say and
why sentence should not be pronounced
upon him entreated the court to have
inercy upon a poor orphan This tale
is green with the moss of ages and
may not be true but something like it
is true of a Avornan named Marie Cel
vet sentenced by a Paris tribunal to
twenty years imprisonment at hard
labor for the murder of her sister
While in court she constantly wore a
long crape A eil Why do you wear
this veil asked one of the officials to
which she replied that she Avas in
mourning for her sister showing an
affectionate sensibility the eailier ex
hibition of A hich howeAcr Avoud haA e
been more becoming to her even than
the garment
After Death -It
is very singular how the fact of a
mans death often seems to give peo
ple a truer idea of his character
whether for good or for evil than
they have ever possessed Avhile he was
living and acting among men Death
is so genuine a fact that it excludes
falsehood or betrays its emptiness It
is a touchstone that proves the gold
and dishonors the baser metal Could
the departed whoever he may be re
turn In a week after his decease he
would almost inA ariably find himself
at a higher or a lower point than he
had formerly occupied in the scale of
public appreciation -
A Remarkable Carrier Pigeon
A remarkable story of the sagacity
and physical endurance of a carrier
pigeon is told in Nansens story of his
arctic explorations One day the pigeon
tapped at the window of Mrs Nansens
home in Christiania It was immedi
ately opened and the little messenger
was covered with kisses and caresses
by the explorers wife After an ab
sence of thirty months from the cot
tage the pigeon had brought a note
from the explorer over a thousand
miles of frozen Avaste and another
thousand of ocean plain and forest
Ailvantnses of Kilts
The London Tailor and Cutter ob
serAes with its usual keen insight into
human nature No one has yet sug
gested the utility of kilts They never
bag at the knees nor do they ever
require patching at that part and their
hygienic properties are proverbial
Where He Saved
Tavo residents of a suburban neigh
borhood were talking of the merits of
gas and electricity and their compar
ative cost Well I havent figured
it out carefully said the man who
used electric light but I know I save
a lot of matches
For a violin -by Petrus Guarnerius
dated 1G95 2G0 was given at a recent
sale in London while one by Nicholas
Lupot fetched 240
nniiwih quW
Real Estate Transiers
The following real estate filings have
been made in the county clerks oflleo
since our last leport
United States to David E Cripo pat
Stnto of Nebraska to John Hlonmiiold
CJO 00
Albert 6 Hump and wife to Emolino
Cox wd pt sw 4 21-U-20 SCO 00
R B Simmons and wife to James P
Crouso wd pt sw i 20 3 29 2 00
Nellie LCrauol and husband to Robt
McQuilkin wd w2ee4andsw4 ne 4
and lot2aisoe2se4and so 4 no 4 and
Iotliu 1-3-26 12800 00
Lesley A Thomas and wifo to Mary B
lluppwd iinl5 Lobauon 12 50
Lillian M Whisli and husband to Will
iam Deere wd sw 4 11-1-30 J 00
Nicholas D WuckofF and wife to Mc
Lean Goddard wd 18 19 in 23 Indian
ola -0000
Fruuk G Westland and wife to Asahul
E Petty wd 4 atld n 2 5 in 12 1st Mc
Cook 2M0X
George F Andrews to Martin S Lynch
1 00
Martin S Lynch trus to J D Ringer
qcds2no4 13 129 500 00
United States to Hiram Embrey pat
no 4 51-1-29
F T Wulker and wifo to Alex F
Wilkens wd sw 4 10-1-30 1 COO 00
Lincoln Land Co to J M Rupp wd 11
in 21 2nd McCook 125 00
Ralph Glidden and wifo to Sutan J
Martin wds 2 10 in 24 McCook 900 00
I ora I Rouso and husband to Otto
Webber wd pt 2 in 3 Esther Park
Bartley if 00
Nicholas A- Dull aid wife to John
Deveney wd w 2 17-2-27 5 1 lO 00
School Dist So 2S to Allen E Bovur
wd 13inl6Daubury 302 00
Lorence Buck and wifo to Johrt Alb
right wdsw 4 20-2-27 4fOOOO
Jacob Beringer and wifo to Louis
Uuger wd se 4 3-2-28 4200 00
William WEberhart and wife to Jos
Murphy wd o 2 nw 4 and w 2 ne 4 8-
1 27 400 00
Frank S Loton aud wifo to I J
Brinegarwds 2 21-1-29 5500 00
Charles F Lehu and wife to Lucius T
Lambert Eucene Lambert wd w 2
nw 45-3-30 1600 00
Samuel Current to Michael Sullivan
auI s 2 sw 427 420 lCffi CO
Martin Donlin to W E McKillip wd
nw4 5-3-20 6300 00
Jeflorson H Stephens and wifo to
Marian V Overstako wd 10 in 2
Voi in ju L Sihor jnd wifo to Iri D
Pennington wd 3 in li McCook 1
ilcCcok lross irick Co to the public
ait I icorp 15
nna CohVr to iliiam C Raiidel wd
f in 15 2
arles F Lehn and wiTo to Edit1 D
JReuwJblk 7 3rd McCook 6
jfarvoj V Lord and wife to Henry L
1 jrwt n1 r r wd 2 ii 9 DinSmrj
Ilenry L Goodenberger and wife to
Harvey V Lord wd ptse 4 ne t 19-1-27
II V Lord and wifo to Henrj L Good
enberger wd 3 in 5 Danbury 1
Maggie J Lord and husband to Henry
L Goodenberger wd 4 in 5 Danbury
Walter M Pennington aud wifo to
Philip Lemasters wd 3 in 49 Bart
Lincoln Laud Co to Oscar N Rector
wd 1 iu 7 McCook
Clarence B Flinn and wifo to Clark T
Loper wd sw 4 22 1 29 3
James S Armstrong and wifo to John
L Abel wd so 4 7 aud w 2 sw 4 S in
2 jo 5
William X Davenport and wifo to
William E McCoy wd w 2 ne 4 7-1-27 2
John SMiller and wife to A B Stouc
wd sw 15-4-26 2
A B Stout and wifo to Jennie Walton
wd sw 45-4-26 4
Smith Bros L T Co to A B Corell
wdne 49-2-26 1
Edward Greene to J MSomerville qcd
w 2 sw 4 and ne 4 sw 4 29 3 30
T S Allen aud wife to McCook Loau
Trubt Co qcd s w i 21-2-29
400 00
525 X
000 00
400 00
000 00
1C0 00
500 00
000 00
100 00
SOU 00
225 00
000 00
400 CO
000 CO
500 00
500 00
300 00
1 00
30 00
Advance Notice to Subscribers
Subscription expiration notices are
now being prepared and in a few davs
will be mailed to all delinquent subscri
bers of The Tribune W hope to re
ceive a prompt reply from all The sub
scription price is 81 00 a year payable in
advance Labor and material have sharp
ly advanced but the subscription price re
mains at SI 00 a year but the 8100
should be in advance The Publisher
Office over WcAdams Store Phone 190
Farm Buildings a Specialty
McCook Neb
i HI35
What Do We
Woodwards Fine Candies
They will be found
strictl fresh at
Ideal Bargain
Lauefer Mr Fred
Lindehl Mr Emil
Lambert Mr Fred
Lester B F
Mirsh Mr Ira L
ill I III
Advertised Letters
The following letters remained uncall
ed for at the McCook postofilce Feb
23lb 1907
Ackle Mr Ray
Jis A 2
Bloom Alj3rt
Boer J b
Bechtel Mi Ada
McKolvey Mr Earnest
Mills Elmer
Menkei Mr J0I11B
Marh Mr Lee
Miller Mi Frank
Borliinu Murii rito Mt j Lifii
Bdilej Mr Theodore Nichols AV E
Curtis Bay
Clark John
Cuppon O G
Feist Philip S
OConuell Mr G
OBrien Mr Mrs JNed
Owen Mr J P
Boinhardt Mr Geo
Griswold Mis Grace G Rankin Mr Anna
Galaway Francis M Reynolds MrRajmond
Glasion Mr J E
Grimes M A
Honssey Mrs V
Hatcher Sc Co J D
Scott Mrs Ah in
Schneider Mr Henry
Slicrnll Clara II
Smith Mi s Mho
Henderson Miss Hope Smith Mr AVill
Hull C F Smith Frank
Hanian Fireman Stake Earnest
Heinbigner AVm Vinson Mort V
Jderman Mies Amanda Vinson Lr Henry
Kernan Mr Harry AYilsou Mr Frank
AVahl II
Wadkius Miss Jo io
AVhitman Mr Thomas
White Mrs M
Walker Mr Frank
Whitnej Bergdahe
When uulliug for these please say
they were advertised
F M Kimaiell Postmaster
Kow to Be Iteiuly
To know luvw to be ready a great
thing a precimis gift and one that im
plies calculation grasp and decision
to be ahA ays ready a man must be
able to cut a knot for everything can
not be untied He must know how to
disengage AA hat is essential from the
detail in which it is inwrapped for
everything cannot be equally consid
ered In a word he must be able to
simplify his duties his business and
his life To knoAV Iioav to be ready is
to know how to start It is astonish
ing how all of us are generally cum
bered up with the thousand and one
hindrances and duties which are not
such but which noAertheless wind us
about with their spider threads and
fetter the movement of our wings It
is the lack of order which makes lis
slaves The confusion of today dis
counts the freedom of tomorrow Con
fusion is the enemy of all comfort and
confusion is born of proscrastination
To know how to be ready we must be
able to finish Nothing is done but
what is finished The things which we
leave dragging behind us will start up
again later on before us and harass
our path Let each day take thought
for what concerns It liquidate its own
affairs and respect the day which is to
follow and then we shall be always
ready To know how to be ready is at
the bottom to know how to die Amid
The Lottery In Italy
Lotto banks do a thriving business
in Italy Millions of people of all
classes and conditions contribute every
week to the game by whidi they hope
to make fortunes The princess and
her maid the professor and his pupils
the bootblack and the army officer the
crippled mendicant school children
everybody is drawn into the lotto net
The main office is In Rome but sub
offices are in operation in every hamlet
in the kingdom and drawings take
place every Saturday in eight cities
The public knows the hour of the
drawing and the plaza near the Yia
del TJmitta near the Quirinal always
swarms with people when the little j
blind boy draws live numbers or tne
ninety which have been placed there
These numbers are displayed on a
signboard hi the order in which they I
are drawn and the player who has
bought a ticket with the same num
bers In the same order receives the
grand prize The play keeps many
people still poorer than they would be
and Is a great source of revenue tor the
country Illustrirte Zeitung
When the
borne home
Tkey usually want
gomeifomg from
the pantry
You remember the hunger you had
Home cooking counts for much
in the childs health do not imperii
It with alum fbod by the use of poorbaking powder
Have a delicious pure home made muffin cake ot biscuit ready when they
mmm m f
ome in i obe sure ot the purity you must use
in t
Eojal makes a difference in yoisc feome a difference in yoisr
a wz erece m your coos
ROYAL is absolutely P
rjjia nnn j j u 1
Every package of
is covered by the following guar
antee which is backed up by the
A M Hughes Paint Glass Co
NOTE This Guarantee is oid if our suggestions on painting
are not followed
The Crescent Cottaco Paiuts are composed of tho bst and
most durable paint picmenU known including best Oxido of
Zinc Pure Carbonate of Lead and such coloring inatterls is
required to produce the various shades
We guarantee that this paint if properly applied will not
peel crack or chalk oif will cover as much surface and equal
in appearance and durability anj paint made
Wo authorize all dealers handling this paint to make good
any complaint at our expense
This Paint Pure Linseed Oil
White Lead and Brushes are
sold in McCook by
Ladies read this catalogue of eharms
Bright eyes glowing cheeks red lips a
smooth skin without a blemish in short
perfect health For sale with every
package Hollisters Rocky Mountain tea
35 cents A McMillen
i XujKfTfci v ri iii nV - mt i i jirr iiiV3 j
If you will figure Avith us and
quality of material is any object
you will be easily convinced that
we out class all competition
ijiw HinmTiMnniMiTi J
Plumber end
Steam Fitter
Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass
Goods Pumps an Boner Trimmings
Estimates Furnished Free Base
ment of the Postoffice Building
Herbert J Pratt
Registeeed Geaduate
Office- over McConnells Brus Store
mccook neb
Telephones Office 100 residence 131
Former location Atlanta Georffia