The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 01, 1907, Image 7

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If S
He Is at the Head of the Things
That Are Good for the
Town and Your
Copyright by Alfred C Clark
The above head Is a subject that
can well be treated as open for dis
cussion and consideration at any and
all times It Is also a subject that
should Interest all persons who have
atheart the welfare of the community
in which he lives and who wishes to
see It grow and prosper
No person can afford to do what he
knows will work an injury to the com
munity in which he lives In justice
to himself he cannot refuse his sup
port to the home industries that are
striving for existence and the welfare
of the town in which he goes to do his
In considering this question It
should be borne in mind that the coun
try people like all other American
citizens are always on the lookout for
a place to Invest their money that
will bring them the biggest returns
for the least expenditure in this they
are right and are justified In so doing
but at the same time they should re
member that they are dependent on
the home merchant for the money that
they send to foreign markets
If they should stop to think how
these catalogue houses are operated
and look into and know the true con
dition of affairs probably they would
reconsider the stand they had taken
toward them In many cases the peo
ple are Ignorant of the true surround
ings and inside operations of these
concerns nd think they are doing
right in sending them their money
They are led to believe that what they
get from the catalogue house is the
same article that the home merchant
sells only at a much lower price The
aajority of the people do not know
hat they are buying the cheapest
irticle that can be manufactured and
from the wholesaler or manufacturer
and it will be sent to the purchaser
in as good condition and short time
as if It had been ordered from a cata
logue house To home merchants
business must be kept up and In order
to do this it Is absolutely necessary
that the people at homo patronize
him and help him keep up with the
times or else he will soon be out of
the struggle for existence among the
country people
The home merchant should not be
expected to pay the highest price for
produce and farm products and then
bo turned down by the seller of these
articles when he wants anything in
the merchants line He should bo the
first one to be consulted when the
farmer intends buying He should be
seen and arrangements made for the
purchase of the article If he does not
carry it in stock
The home merchant advertises or
should advertise in the home paper
This keeps the home paper in the field
and helps the community along The
people take the homo paper because
It gives all the local news that they
cannot get any other way and thus the
advertisements of the merchants are
read by them If the people do not
patronize the home merchant he can
not afford to advertise and without
advertising a paper will soon prove a
failure Soon the home paper is sent
to the wall for the want of support
from the merchants it may have a
large circulation but without the mer
chants help it will soon be lost to
sight Then the merchant is next to
get out of business for the want of
support and the town will decrease in
population and the people will won
der what the trouble is when the
editor and the merchant leave town
The home merchant contributes to
the support of the church he pays
his taxes to keep the schools up he
contributes to the horse show the fall
festival and the hundred and one
things that he is supposed to help out
and give his support to He is at the
head of the list for everything that is
for the good of the community and he
deserves the honest and hearty co
operation of all the people all the
time that are interested in the wel
fare of the community in which they
live The merchant helps to elect the
men that are to represent them in the
city county state and national
Its a Shell Game You Pay Your Money Without Knowing What You Arc
Going to Get
that they are in reality paying more
for an inferior grade of goods than
those sold by the home merchant
which probably cost them a few cents
Since the catalogue house has
sprung into the commercial world and
begun operations in the United States
all kinds of schemes have been tried
and worked to get the money from
the people that are always looking for
bargains No expense has been spared
In their struggle for the almighty dol
lar of the country people and they
have been so far successful at the
great expense of the home town of the
people that sent their money to these
Magazines have been started for
the sole benefit of the catalogue house
and these circulated among the coun
try people at ten or 15 cents a year
They build up a circulation on this
low price of hundreds of thousands
thiB circulation brings to them mil
lions of dollars in advertising from the
catalogue houses and this money ex
pended for advertising is more than
doubled from the sales of these con
cerns to the country people who are
losers by the transaction
Catalogues are sent out telling the
people that the house from which they
came is the cheapest place in the
country to buy and it is if the person
receiving this catalogue wants a cheap
article not only in price but also in
make and material The farmer re
ceives this catalogue looks it over
and after reading the well composed
guarantee or assurance bat the goods
described in it are the very best that
can be found anywhere sends in an
order The house receives the order
and immediately ships the articles
wanted The farmer drives many
miles to get them and when the box Is
opened it is found to contain some
thing much below his expectations
but this does not satisfy his mind on
the fact that he has been duped and
that he is not getting his full money
value In a second order he may be
treated the same as the first one but
still he may think that he has saved
money by buying it where he could
get it cheap
At the same time the merchant at
home has the goods on the shelf in
his store waiting for them to be taken
away so that he can replace them with
newer goods thereby keeping his
sleek fresh and up-to-date If he has
not the article wanted he can order It
fairs and he i3 ever on the go looking
to the interests of the people
The people like to be entertained
and they will come many miles to
some amusement given by the mer
chants of the town where they are
ever ready to go to sell their farm
products The merchant cannot give
these entertainments unless he has
the support of the people and it is not
fair to expect this of the men that are
striving for a livelihood when the peo
ple send their money to a concern in
some far away city that will neither
contribute to any of these enterprises
or take an interest in the surround
ings thereof
Home trading makes home indus
tries brings more to the town and
keeps them there and it helps to build
up the place But the town will be at
a stand still so long as the people per
sist in this way of robbing the home
merchants of the right to live and do
business among them
If the people will keep their money
at home there will be no need for
complaint The place will assume a
lively air it will take on a metropoli
tan look and the people will say to
their neighbor that business is good
and it will be as long as the people
continue to trade in the home mar
kets The least that a person can do
toward the betterment of the com
munity and his own interests is to
keep the money at home and see to it
that it is put where it is most needed
and wanted
This should be a vital question to
all concerned in the welfare of his
community and it should be an estab
lished rule that one should not seek
for things in other parts that he can
get at home
Origin of Helpmeet
Helpmeet has had a curious his
tory which began with the biblical
account of the creation when the
Lord God said It is not good that
the man should be alone I will make
him an help meet for him That is
to say a fit assistant But the two
words hove become curiously combin
ed into a helpmeet and they are
constantly used as one Moreover
the confusion is increased by the cor
ruption of the words into help mate
and Macaulay writes of the waiting
woman who was generally consider
ed as the most suitable help mate for
a parson
Left Thousands of Veterans with Kid
ney Troubles
The experience of David W Martin
a retired merchant of Bolivar -Mo is
just like thous
Si r
ands of others
Mr Martin says
I think I have
had kidney dis
ease ever since
the war During
an engagement
my horse fell on
me straining my
back and injuring
the kidneys I have been told I had a
floating kidney I had Intense pain in
the back headaches and dizzy spells
and the action of the bladder was very
irregular About three years ago I
tried Doans Kidney Pills and found
such great relief that I- continued and
inside a comparatively short lime was
entirely rid of kidney trouble
Sold by all dealers 50 cents a box
Foster Milburn Co Buffalo N Y
Disease Puzzles Doctors
A mysterious disease is troubling
the Dutch medical profession It has
broken out in the district of Ouddorp
not far from Utrecht and Prof
Spronck of Utrecht after all the best
efforts he can devise has had to con
fess himself perplexed The disease
is a contagious affection of the heart
and the patients invariably develop
high fever There have been more
than 100 cases Prof Spronck has
made a careful anlysis of blood taken
from patients but has utterly failed
to find a cause or an origin for the
Valuable Advice and Recipe by Weil
Known Authority
The following simple home made
mixture is said to relieve any form of
Rheumatism or bachache also cleanse
and strengthen the Kidneys and Blad
der overcoming all urinary disorders
if takc n before the stage of Brights
disease Fluid Extract Dandelion
one half ounce Compound Kargon
one ounce Compound Syrup Sarsa
parilla three ounces Mix by shaking
well in a bottle and take in teaspoon
ful doses after meals and at bedtime
A well known authority states that
these ingredients are mainly of vege
table extraction and harmless to use
and can be obtained at small cost
from any good prescription pharmacy
Those who think they have kidney
trouble or suffer with lame back or
wealr bladder or Rheumatism should
give this prescription a trial as no
harm can possibly follow its use and
it is said to do wonders for some peo
Tha Evolved Product of Centuries of
The point of a needle is a very im
portant part of that useful little In
strument and there are many points
about needles calculated to interest
the general public The daily con
sumption of needles all over the world
is something like 3000000 while
every year the women of the United
States break lose and use some 300
000000 of those tiny tools Few peo
ple while threading a needle have
ever given a thought to the various
processes through which the wire
must pass before it comes out a
needle Yet the manufacture of
needles includes some 21 different
processes from cutting the wire and
threading the double needles by the
eyes to separating the two needles on
the one length of wire heading hard
ening in oil cleaning out the sides of
the eye point setting and final pol
ishing For wrapping purple paper is
used since it prevents rusting There
are many sorts of needles for sur
geons cooks glovemakers weavers
sailmakers broommakers milliners
and dressmakers use The needle is
the evolved product of centuries of
invention In its primitive form it
was made of bone ivory or wood
Point by point its manufacture has
improved until this little but not in
significant instrument is now one of
the highly finished products of twen
tieth century machinery and skill
Zions Herald
Man Not too Old to Accept
a Food Pointer
For the last 20 years writes a
Maine man Ive been troubled with
Dyspepsia and liver complaint and
have tried about every known remedy
without much in the way of results
until I took up the food question
A friend recommended Grape Nuts
food after I had taken all sorts of
medicines with only occasional tem
porary relief
This was about nine months ago
and I began the Grape Nuts for break
fast with cream and a little sugar
Since then I have had the food for at
least one meal a day usually for
Words fail to express the benefit I
received from the use of Grape Nuts
My stomach is almost entirely free
from pain and my liver complaint is
about cured I have gained flesh sleep
well can eat nearly any kind of food
except greasy starchy things and am
strong and healthy at the age of 70
If I can be the means of helping
any poor mortal who has been trou
bled with dyspepsia as I have been I
am willing to answer any letter enclos
ing stamp Name given by Postum
Co Battle Creek Mich Read the lit
tle book The Road to Wellville in
pkgs Theres a Reason
Mrs Wlnslcna Soothing Sjrap
For cblldrcu teething eof leu tno kuwb reduces fc
flaminMlou alley pata cures wind collu 25ca bottie
Some men make it their business to
Interfere with the business of others
Dresses Cloakn Ribbons Suits etc
can be made to look like new with PUT
Many a woman has married a fool
for love but few mistakes would be
made if fools never had money
PAZO OINTMICNT Is Kiiaranterd to cure nnr cae
or ltcb nir lillnd Hlcedlrik or Irntrudlutf Piles hi
i to 14 duyu oriuoMty refunded Slc
Many a man sows wild oats at his
1 leisure that his children must reap
in haste
For lexibility smooth finish stiff
ness and durability Defiance Starch
has no eaual 10c for 1G o
Some men are not satisfied when
they kill two birds with one stone
unless they can get the stone back
Lewis Single Binder costs more than
other He cigars Smokers know why
Your dealer or Lewis Factory Peoria 11L
A man who is content to do the
same thing day after day may be a
good husband and a kind father but
he is a poor news maker
Defiance Starch Never sticks to the
iron no blotches no blisters makes
ironing easy and doss not injure tho
Booth Tarkington when at work
rises at five oclock in tho morning
drinks a little cocoa and writes till
nine Nearly all his best passages
have been written at sunrise
Take advantage cf Natures splendid of
feiing Garfield Tea the laxative that is
tturo mild and potent It is made wholly
of Herbs For constipation biliousne o
liver and kidnev dieies It purifies the
Wood Guaranteed under the Pure Food
and Drugs Law
Receives Carnegie Pension
Judge C C Cole of Des Moines la
for many years dean of the Drake
University law school there has re
ceived a Carnegie pension of 1280 a
year He was graduated from the
Harvard law school
A powder It cures painful smart
ing nervous feet and ingrowing nails
Its the greatest comfort discovery of
the age Makes new shoes easy A
certain cure for sweating feet Sold
by all Druggists 25c Accept no sub
stitute Trial package FREE Ad
dress A S Olmsted Le Roy N Y
Col Silas XV Burt who was re
cent f elected president of the Civil
Service Reform association was
naval officer under the first Grant ad
Pain Turned This Womans Hair
White but She Was Cured by
Dr Williams Pink Pills
Do not seek relief from suffering
simply but free your system from tho
disease which is the cause of your
suffering That is the message which
a former victim of neuralgia sands to
those who are still in its grasp Hot
applications powders that deaden tiie
senses and others that reduce the
heart action may cause temporary re
lief but the pain is sure to return with
greater intensity
Mrs Evelyn Creusere who has a
beautiful home at 811 Boulevard
West Detroit Mich suffered for
years with neuralgia until she tried
this tonic treatment She says
My trouble began about six years
ago and I did not rest as I should
have but kept up about my many
duties After a time I became so
weak I could not do any work at all
I had severe backaches and such
dreadful headaches in the back part
and top of my head My eyes were
easily tired and at times I saw black
spots before them I consulted sev
eral doctors but without the slightest
benefit The pains were so intense
that my hair turned white
I lost continually in weight and
strength and was almost in despair
when a friend recommended Dr Wil
liams Pink Pills I tried them ac
cording to directions and soon began
to feel relief At the end of three
months I had gained ten pounds in
weight and had no more trouble with
my nerves I have been in perfect
health ever since and can heartily
commend Dr Williams Pink Pills
Dr Williams Pink Pills are sold by
all druggists or sent postpaid on re
ceipt of price 50 cents per box six
boxes for 250 by the Dr Williams
Medicine Co Schenectady N Y
How Many Perfectly Well Women
Do You Know
I am not feeling very well I
am so nervous it seems as though I
should fly My back aches as though
it would break
How often do you hear these signi
ficant expressions from women
friends More than likely you speak
the same words yourself and there
is a cause
More than thirty years ago Lydia
E Pinkliam of Lynn Mas discovered
the source of nearlj all tha suffering
endured by bcr ecx Womans Ills
these two words are full of more
misery to women than any other tvo
words that can be found in tho
English language Sudden fainting
depression of spirits reluctance to
go anywhere backaches headaches
nervousness sleeplessness bearing
down sensations displacements and
irregularities are the bane of womans
The same woman who discovered
the cause of all this misery also
discovered a remedy Lydia E
nams YegeinDie wnspcuna inane
from native roots and herbs holds
I tho roc cml for a nreater number of
absolute cures of female ills than any
other one remedy the world has ever
known and it is the greatest blessing
which ever came into the lives of
suffering women
Dont try to endure but cure the
cause of all your suffering Lydia E
Pinkhams Vegetable Compound at
once removes such troubles The
following letters prove this
Mrs W S Ford of 1938 Lansdowno
St Baltimore Md writes
Dear Mrs linkhnm
For four years my life was a misory to
me I buffered from irregularities siip
prcssion terriblo dragging sensations and
extremo nervousness I hnd given up all
liopo of over being well ugnln when Lyditi
E Pinkhamo Vogotablo Compound was
recommended It cured my weakuosB and
madu mo well and strong
Miss Grace E Miller of 1213 Michi
gan St Buffalo N Y writes
Dear Mrs Pinkliam
1 was in n very bad condition of health
generally irritable cross bnckacho ami
8unVrcilfroui a feminine weakness Lydia
E Pinkhams Vegetnblo Compound cured
rao after all other medicines hail failed
What Lydia E Pinkhams Vege
table Compound did for Mrs Ford and
Miss Miller it will do lor other women
in like condition Every suffering
woman in the United States is iskitl
to accept the following invitation It
i i free will bring you health and may
save your life
Prs Pinkhams Ermtailen to Women
Women suffering from any form of
female weakness are invited to
promptly communicate with Mrs
Pinkliam at Lynn Mass From tho
symptoms given the trouble may bo
located and the quickest and surest
way of recovery advised Out of her
vast volume of experience in treating
female ills Mrs Pinkliam probably
has the very knowledge that will
help your case Her advice is free
and always helpful
- PLUG -
You have never gotten that solid comfort which a good
pipe smoke should give a man
It has an elegant Aroma which no other pipe tobacco possesses and
its smooth delightful flavor and free smoking qualities are the results
of years of careful study and experimenting
yf it uESi
ft Tobacco is now
ka- - uu aait uiuiuab
everywhere and hundreds of thous
ands of boxes were consumed
last year and it is our pur
pose to place QSOjD m reach
of every pipe smoker in this
country and to that end we
make the following offer
If 3our dealer does not
handle QBOD Tobacco we
will send vou any sie box
postage paid Kpon receipt of regnlar price viz Prices li oz tin
box 10c 3i oz tin box 20e o oz tin box 45c and 16 oz fancy tin
bos 90c Money refunded to any dissatisfied purchaser
Cut oct this advertisement and send with money order or stamps
Write year name and address plainly and address to
LARUS a BKOo CGj Manufacturers Richmond Va
ciiwi -- v- a v zsm
spent at home reacts in
its benefits with unceasing
general profit Sent out
of town its life is ended Kept with the home merchants it is a
messenger of continuous benefit Business men should awake to
the importance of keeping this dollar at home and make a bid for it
LL STHIE Q0SSE CraeBiersealeuhisGure
lala T U Vc7KU3S3 OOauaau nnrrin Dnmarlv COO nil I JTnNCQ
iones mthc Kitinevs tone ntheUrinary Uiartdcr or Grave llil jnes Sa mirCorapciion
Jaundice and al btimrich Truhps tpsu line fnn UUiousnus Write lor circulnr
Wil CBA2MEB orth Grand Avcuuc ST XOUIS 31 0
I gFg
frv Mtslnens
krTitlin H JlulCQ
onllection of seed
rh rlwir
U033 for
rpR3 ifjvwaMasraiigw win mi
3 3 il CEECOai i S03 llarllelind Hutu
W N U OMAHA NO 9 1907
iF Behind the Dough wk
IllllJlfe ounces for 25 cents
llrlrifllt A real power that raises and sustains the Jg
I 4l 11 dough -with absolute certainty No mW
OUKrfcJj failures A cake made with K C ffiBi
S We insist upon refunding your JmSr
linOUff money if a trial does not g
Jaqaes Mfg Co
pains every month indicate seri
ous female disease likely to be
come dangerous if not promptly
treated A medicine is needed
which acts directly en the wo
manly organs such as
flflB lA M SB auINK ufl Flf Kf B H
A scientific medicine consist
ing of pure vegetable ingredients
which according to the testimony
of thousands who have used it will
relieve your pains regulate your
functions build up your strength
and cure the disease which is cat
vT up your vitality Try it
At all Druggists ess
WHITE lor Free Advice stating
se and describing your symptoms to
Ladies Advisory Dept Chattanooga
jueaicras vjo iinaiuaoosa xenn
a i