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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1907)
r II s vf S isSW ilv vl 111 f V E -- rf -- fciiiW ikiiii irnnnitwBiywai Lincoln Letter Current Gossip from the STATE CAPITAL Legislative and Otherwise The state senate impatient because of the slowness of the house In pass ing a 2 cent fare bill took up a sim ilar bill in committee of the whole as the special order for 10 a m dis cussed the measure till noon and after a recess placed the bill on third reading and passed it by a unani mous vote of all senators present two only being absent The bill is a flat 2 cent rate bill It merely changes the word three in the pres ent statute to two and contains an emergency clause so that it will go into effect as soon as it receives the approval of the governor The bill provoked a free discussion in which nearly every senator joined McKes son of Lancaster Burns of Lancaster Gould of Greeley Clarke of Adams -and Root of Cass being the only ones in favor of a two days delay The 2 cent passenger fare bill drafted by the joint railroad commit tee passed the house 90 to 0 The bill was hurried over to the senate -and it will now be a matter of agree ment between the two bodies which -measure shall be passed Many are looking for the enactment of the house bill No 2G7 since it is the moasure that was drafted by the spe cial committee to carry out the re publican platform pledges The sen ate bill by Sackett of Gage in the hands of the house would have been acted upon by the house had the rep resentatives been in a mood to pass that bill The two measures differ in only one particular They both re anact the present law fixing the pas senger rate and merely change the rate per mile The house bill how ever contains a provision that no ticket shall be sold for less than 5 cents which is construed to relate to interurban charges as well as to rail road fares Both bills have an emer gency clause A new reciprocal demurrage bill made its appearance in the senate It was introduced by Sackett of Gage county and goes into details regard ing the furnishing of cars by rail roads It it aimed to prevent conges tion of traffic because of failure of the railroads to provide cars It re quires railroads to furnish cars with in a reasonable time after demand is made for them and not more than six days thereafter They must be fur nished in order of application The bill also requires railroads to move x freight at least sixty miles per day except live stock and perishable fruit which are governed by special laws The railroad companies are required to place cars on an accessible side track within forty eight hours after its arrival at its destination and the con signee is required to remove the goods within the same length of time after ward Penalties are imposed for vio lations of the act Mr Hart of York has introduced a most important measure in the house The bill provides for the reorganiza tion of the State Board of Assessment and Equalization by cutting out the land commissioner and the state au ditor leaving the governor the sec retary of state and the state treasurer to constitute the board Until the new revenue law was enacted the board consisted of three members but at that time the railroads who were in the saddle in those days in creased the board to five members With the statutory time limit within which bills may be introduced in the legislature drawing to a close approp riation bills are pouring in at a lively clip and more are due this week The amounts of these appropriation bills begin to show up to a size which in dicates that some generous pruning will have to be done by the legisla ture if the state is to keep its ex penditures within the maximum 5 mill levy allowed by law The house passed the Leeder double-shift firemen bill which provides the fire department of Omaha shall consist of two platoons instead of one It is almpst a certainty that the bill will go through the senate and will become a law Because the western members fear that the county option feature of the Randall wild animal bounty law might work a hardship on them the bill sen ate file No 242 will not be considered in committee of the whole until all members of the senate are present The bill as introduced by Senator Ran dall provides that the state shall pay a bounty of 125 in counties wherein a county bounty of a similar amount or greater has been voted at a general election The western men want the bill amended Sixteen bills were passed by the senate in one day among them Kings free high school bill allowing court reporters 10 cents per 100 words for making bills of exception Sackets bill making public officials who fail to enforce laws removable by quo war ranto proceedings in supreme court Thomas substitute compulsory educa tion law Kings bill to repeal the 14 mill levy by the state for school pur poses and Hanna and Phillips mea sure providing for not less than six or more than eight junior normal schools in Nebraska The bills introduced in tho houso for an advisory board of pardons and for a constitutional amendment creat ing a board of pardons are designed to make a radical chance In the pres ent system of granting this kind of relief The bill for an advisory board Is Intended to bridge over the Interim until a board may be created that shall exercise the powers now devolv ing upon the governor H R No 415 requires the governor to call in at least three times eacn year two per sons ono of whom shall be an alien ist and the other an ex chief justice of the supreme court whose duty it shall be to dispose of all applications for pardon commutation or parole They may recommend such acts with or without petition Public notice is to bo given of the hearing in the community where the conviction oc curred and tne findings are to be re corded Nothing in the act shall limit the powers of the governor to pardon The board of pardon advisers shall receive 5 a day and shan during a year be in session not less than thirty days Once more the legislature will try a whirl at the railroads in the interest ot the independent grain shippers Cone of Saunders has introduced in he house a bill which he believes will finally accomplish the purpose of cora fcMng railroads to furnish side tracks to the elevators of independent deal ers It is proposed as an amendment to the Hirscn law passed last season It provides for action in the district court to compel side tracks to be granted alid provides that the com plainant shall reimburse the railroad for the expense But the railroad must show that it has not discrimin ated against such shipper by building free a side track for any other per son in the sameelocality The bill also reduces the minimum capacity of an elevator to which a sidetrack is re quired to 10000 bushels The Hirscb law puts it at 15000 bushels The house Thursday passed thir teen bills on third reading among them being a number of senate files The list includes two bills by Senator Root of Cass compelling shippers to brand packages of liquor as intoxicat ing and making the place of delivery the place of sale also Saunders bill prohibiting tipping of employes the of fering of tips or employers from per mitting employes to accept tips Among the house bills passed was H R No 125 by Fries of Howard the voting tax bill Representative Leed ers double shift bm for the firemen of Omaha and the measure providing for the taxation of mortgages by Davis of Cass embodying the ideas of Gov ernor Sheldon Members of the senate not bankers are opposed to the efforts of the bank ers of the state to secure an amend ment to the present law governing state depositories The present law requires banks desiring to become re positories to give a guaranty bond of twice the amount they may receive as a deposit from the state The bankers insist that the law is unjust as it requires them to pay a double bond premium for the deposits which as they are only for a short time can not be loaned for more than six months The bill introduced by Sena tor Randall provides that depositories may deposit with the state treasurer state bonds or warrants government bonds county or school district bonds and municipal bonds in lieu of giving a guaranty bond Senator Aldrich of Butler intro duced a bill to reduce the charges of express companies 25 per cent below the rates in force January 1 1907 He has introduced a bill applying to railroad freight charges calling for a reduction of 20 per cent The bills are both drawn after the same gen eral style making it unlawful to charge more than 75 per cent of the charges in force by express com panies January 1 1907 or more than 80 per cent of the freight charges in force at that time Members of the senate are not yet ready to discuss the vital question of whether the law shall be amended to permit of the playing of baseball on Sunday A bill to permit of Sunday baseball in counties voting therefor has been introduced in the senate by Senator Aldrich ot Butler county and a similar measure in tne house by Representative McMullen of Gage The Aldrich bill was reached on the senate general file Aldrich at once objected until the house takes action The decision of the supreme court in holding the new railway commission to be constitutional and legal was well received in both houses of the legisla ture but active steps were taken to get the commission fully empowered at the earliest possible moment to have control of the railroads In the house the bill drawn by the joint committee conferring tnis power has been set down for a special order of business on Wednesday The same thing has been done in the senate for Thursday The anti sass bill will rest for a few days until amendments offered by the railroad committee can be printed and members have time io see the bill as it is proposed The report of the commlitee was made anew bill being submitted by striking out everything after the enacting clause in the old bill and substituting an entirely new measure It embodies practically -the same ideas as the bill submitted by the joint committee with additions It Is made more specific with respect to discrimination in the matter of pas senger rates Ips Tear- n New Swimming Records Constantly Being Made Daniels the American Champion Has Demonstrated His Ability in England The quarter mile swimming cham pionship of the northern counties of England was signalized by the first appearance for the year of Henry Taylor the young swimmer from Chadderton and admitted to be the best swimmer England has produced On account of the visit of Daniels to England and his great work there the records made at home and abroad are now reckoned in the one breath and a new mark for a fast swim made in England is as interesting to aquatic enthusiasts here as if twere made here Taylor performed in remaikable style in this northern championship which by the way was inaugurated in 1903 to perpetuate the memory of the swimmers who went to South Af rica and fell in the Boer war It was first won by David Billington who put up the present worlds record for a bath of 11 turns the time being 5 minutes 32 1 5 seconds on June 20 of that year in the Bacup baths That this was a great performance time has proven for many attempts have been made to improve on it without suc cess Eric Forsyth won the race in 1904 and 1905 but without taking a shade out of the record This time Taylor set it rocking for he came Squires Coming Here to Fight Heavyweights Australian Champion Will Post For feit on Arrival Brings His Backer with Him Emulating the example of all the really great Australians who have been champions before him Bill Squires the champion heavyweight boxer of Australia has decided to take the bull by the horns and come to America He announces that he will soon start in the steamer Ven tura for San Francisco where he will be prepared to post forfeits and defy the ablest heavyweights of this coun try His backer Jack Wren a well-to-do Melbourne bookmaker so he cables will be with him and will have a sack of money If Squires only proves the equal of the men who came from Australia long ago there is trouble ahead for the best of our heavies and the mighty Jeffries will have to fight or stay on his ranch for keeps Little is known of Squires excepting from vague reports and he may be a won der or a dub But what marvels Aus tralia sent us in the past What whales of the roped arena used to cross over slug and wallop and annex all the honors that the fistic world could give Peter Jackson was a black Austral ian whose skill has seldom been proached He was as good as seven Jack Johnsons or Tommy Burnses Ha Charles M Daniels home in the rattling time of 5 minutes 35 seconds Taylor won the 440 500 880 and mile national championships of Eng land and the 440 and 1000 yards northern counties championships Added to this is the mile champion ship of the world at Athens Daniels appearance in England did a great deal toward disabusing the English mind of the idea that his rec ords at home were not genuine He won the 100 yards from such cracks as Healy the Australian and Derby shire and set up a new British record of 5S 3 5 seconds though he only got home a touch in front of the Anti podean On June 22 at Richmond Daniels swam the hundred in 57 3 5 seconds beating all former English records and on July 22 at Liverpool Daniels made the 150 yards in 1 min ute 36 seconds wiping all the records off the slate After his return home Daniels scored an unbroken string of victories the 100 yards A A U national cham pionship at St Louis in a straightaway course in 60 seconds equaling the rec ord under the conditions In the early spring and before he left on the trip io Europe Daniels swam the 100 yards with three turns in 56 seconds but this is still under investigation by the A A U record authorities Daniels signalized his first appear ance of the new year by breaking three American swimming records The new figures established in the mercury foot 25 yard tank were for 120 150 and 200 yards The blonde amphibian chopped 6 1 5 seconds from Harry LeMoynes time of 1 minute 20 4 5 seconds in the first 120 yards of his journey lopped off an even six rom his own record of 1 minute 43 seconds for the 150 yards and finished the full 200 yards 4 3 5 seconds better than his own figure of 2 minutes 20 seconds When a man will admit his coffee Is cold its a sign the honeymoon is Dver came over about 18 years back and punched his way through the ablest stars of America and Britain John L excepted and John never met him Frank Slavin was a splendid sam ple of the rough and hardy Australian fighter and showed meteorically for a time till his own countryman Peter Jackson met him and beat him so bad ly he has never cut any figure since Bob Fitzsimmons crossed over not long after Peter Jackson and is still with us His feats need no chron icling they will live in the history of the ring as long as men love to read of the great battlers of the age Dan Creedon was a mighty power in American fighting circles just as he had been in Australia So was Jim Hall a rangy cool headed fighter who was one of the grandest natural scrap pers of his time Both of these men like Slavin were invincible against Americans until beaten down by one of their own countrymen Bob Fitz simmons Australian Billy Murphy was a shin ing light for years Griffo was a sen sation and a fighting delight till his own habits spoiled his skill Hughey Napier George McKenzie Jim Barron and other Australians though not champions showed a grade of skill and speed superior to that of most American warriors of their time The Australians of a few years ago were wonders of the ring Will Bill Squires be such another or will he be a disappointment and a lumbering ddb McGinnity Still With Giants According to rumors circulated within the last few days Iron Man McGinnity was not be one of the Giants the coming season Recent- ly he was notified as to the trip which the Giants will make to California Fred M Knowles secretary of the club received a letter from McGinnity stating that he would meet the team en route to California That insures McGinnitys presence with the team this year and the pitching corps of the Giants will remain as it was in 1906 yryiYratrwarTgrrmtftfyvarrivusijtfTtjff TRUE SPIRIT OF COURTESY Impulse Prompted by Owners Noble ness of Heart Courtesy is a quality of tho heart and suggests a forgetfulness of self a refinement and delicacy of tempera ment that prompts the charming act as impulse The gentlo spirit of courtesy be trays itself In the manner of address ing a servant or a weary assistant be hind the counter as well as friends and acquaintances A lack of courtesy often results from a mistaken idea as to ones own Importance The thought is born in the heart but a false idea of independence presents action It merely is an act of courtesy and a mark of nobleness of mind voluntarily to resign ones right in favor of an other It is the same mistaken idea that confuses frankness with rudeness It is a virtue not to resort to the many pettj deceptions that mar our social system While we turn with disgust from the woman who bids her friend an affectionate farewell one moment anl breathes a sigh of relief at her de parture the next we can but admit that a truly courteous heart will re frain from speaking an unpleasant truth without imperiling the persons veracity ONLY HIS JUST DESERTS Editor Had Good Reason for Publish ing Name of Contributor For six months or more the drug gists asisstant had occupied his leis ure moments by writing verses for the village paper in the poets corner of which publication they appeared au onymously every Thursday On orening his copy of the Weekly Bugle ore morning and turning first as was his regular habit to that particular corner he was surprised and gratified bpyond measure to see his name in full appended to his latest poetical out break He hastened to call at the office of the Bugle Mr Stires he said to the editor I want to thank you for signing my name to my poem in this weeks pa per It encourages a fellow when he gets proper credit for his work Oh thats all right Johnson re sponded the editor We thought it was about time to place the responsi bility for that poetry where it be longed Youths Companion Stimulate the Blood Brandreths Pills are the great blooa purifier They are a laxative and blood tonic they act equally on the bow els kidneys and skin thus cleansing the system by the natural outlet of the body They stimulate the blood so to enable nature to throw off all morbid humors and cure all troubles arising from an impure state of the blood One or two taken every night will prove an invaluable remedy Each pill contains one grain of solid extract of sarsaparilla which with other valuable vegetable products make it a blood purifier unexcelled Brandreths Pills have been in use for over a century and are for sale everywhere plain or sugar coated Danger in Salt Baths Salt water so strengthening ordin arily is most weakening when too warm On most ocean boats there is an abundance of warm water in the bathrooms and the daily salt bath is a great tonic but beware of getting it too hot It will turn you faint if you do even if you are accustomed to an equally high temperature in fresh wa ter at home Travel Magazine Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications ft3 they cannot reach the dis eased portion of the ear There Is only one way to cure deafness and that Is by constitutional remedied Deafness la caused by an Inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube When this tube Is lnUamed you hare a rumbling sound or Im perfect hearing and when It Is entirely closed Deaf ness Is the result and unless the Inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to Its normal condi tion hearing will be destroyed forever nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh which Is nothing but an Inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces We will give One Hundred Dollara for any case of Deafness caused by catarrh that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure Send for circulars free F J CO Toledo O Sold by Drngglats 73c Take Halls Family PI1U for constipation Californias Prune Crop Californias prune crop in 1906 was 185000000 pounds against 62500000 pounds in 1905 This has only been exceeded once in 17 years That was in 1902 when the crop was 197000 000 Important to Mothers Ezamine carefully every bottle or CASTOTttA a eafc and sure remedy for infants and children and see that it Bears the Signature S7 V9i G- of CTriVr w In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Dave Always Bougt Some day there may be universal peace If it comes it will be when one man has succeeded in gobbling every thing and at the same time convinced everybody else that he is too strong to be fought Defiance Starch is the latest inven tion in that line and an improvement Dn all other makes it is more eco nomical does better worn takes less time Get it from any grocer Thfi man whn binws nnrrilnj nnrcirio of his own business may have a good Income but he is mighty uninterest ing Panthers and Grizzly Bearc Ship Furs Pelts McMillan Fur Wool Co Minneapolis Minn Write for price Sixty four balloons were sent out of Paris during the siege of 1870 71 Lewis Sinplo Binder straight 5c You pay 10c for cigars not so good Your dealer r Lewis Factory Peoria 111 You can have a mighty hot time on b cool million aagaH8gy9wtrTrrrri U S DISPENSATORY Describes the Principal Ingredients Contained in Are we claiming too much for Peruna when we claim it to be an effectlvo remedy for chronic catarrh Have we abundant proof that Peruna is in real ity such a catarrh remedy Let ua sea what the United States Dispensatory says of the principal ingredients of Peruna Take for instance the ingredient hydrastis canadensis or golden seal The United States Dispensatory says of this herbal remedy that it is largely employed in the treatment of depraved mucous membranes chronic rhinitis nasal catarrh atonic dyspepsia ca tarrh of the shomach chronic intesti nal catarrh catarrhal jaundice ca tarrh of the liver and in diseased mucous membranes of the pelvic organs It is also recommended for the treat ment of various forms of diseases pe culiar to women Another ingredient of Peruna cory dolis formosa is classed in the United States Dispensatory as a tonic So also is cubebs classed as a stomachic and as a tonic for the mucous membranes Cedron seeds is another ingredient of Peruna an excellent drug that has been very largely overlooked by the medical profession for the past fifty years The seeds are to be found in very few drug stores The United States Dispensatory says of the action of cedron that it is used as a bitter tonic and in the treatment of dysentery and in intermittent diseases as a sub stitute for quinine Oil of copaiba another ingredient of Peruna is classed by the United States Dispensatory as a mild stimulant and diuretic It acts on the stomach and intestinal tract It acts as a stimu lant on the genito urinary membranes Useful in chronic cystitis chronic dys entery and diarrhea and some chronic diseases of the liver and kidneys Send to us for a free book of testimo nials of what the people think of Pe runa as a catarrh remedy The best evidence is the testimony of those who have tried it IGK HEADACHE CARTERS SVlTTLE IVER 1 j PILLS i GARTERS JlTTLE IVER PILLS Positively cured by these Little Fills Tlicy also relieve Dis tress from Dyspepsia In digestion and Too Hearty Eating A perfect rem edy lor Dizziness Nausea Drowsiness Bad Tasto In tho Mouth Coated Tongue Pain In tho Sldo TORPID IIVER Th07 regulate tho Bowels Purely Vegetable SMALL PILL SMALL DOSE SMALL PRICE Genuine Must Bear Fac Simile Signature REFUSE SUBSTITUTES U S0 NAVY enlists for four years young men of good character and sound phvsical condition be tween the ages of 17 and 5 as apprentice sea imn nnnortunilies for advancement par - - 5 Sib to stu i montn jiecincianf macmrusis blacksmiths coppersmitns yeomen cciemsj niruenturs shmtltters firemen musicians cooks etc between 21 and 5 years enlisted In special ratings wim suitable pay hospital apprent ces 18 to 23 years Retirement on three fourths pay and allowances after 3 years service Applicants must be American citizens First clothing outtlt free to recruits Upon discharge travel allowance 4 cents per mile to place of enlistment lionus four months pay und increase in pay upon rc cnlistmont within tour months of discharge Offices at Lincoln and Hastings Nebraska Also dnringwinter at Dps Motnf and Sioux Citv Iowa Address NAVY RECRUITING STATI0NP0BIdgiOMAHA PUPAE T AWfl3 Unexcelled tor general farm- Wfliii UflllUW ing stock dairying fruits tract etc convenient to the very bet markets and transpor tation facilities Write nearest oflice for lists and pub liration 31 V Rlchird Land and Industrial Agent Southern Uv and MnhileAOhloK It Washington DC C S Chae West Agt tZM Chemical Bldg St Value of the Newspaper Some Republican congressmen were discussing the presidents suggestion to shut out from the mails such news papers as have been printing indecent details of the Thaw trial in New York Mr Littlefield of Maine in dulged in a general review of the press its powers functions and priv ileges If it were not for the vigilant press of this country with its trained corps of representatives in Washing ton he said I dont know whether I would care to serve in congress My experience here has taught me that the newspapers perform a service of inestimable value to the country- I sometimes think that congress would drift into many excesses if the press gallery were not here to keep us in bounds Laundry work at home would bs much more satisfactory if the rJght Starch were used In order to get the desired stiffness it is usually neces sary to use so much starch that tha beauty and fineness of the fabric i3 hidden behind a paste of varying thickness which not only destroys tha appearance but also affects the wear ing quality of the goods This trouble can be entirply overcome by using De fiance Starch as it can be applied much more thinly because of its great er strength than other makes In His Fathers Footsteps Allan Sankey son of the famous sing ing revivalist is following his fathers footsteps as a composer and some of his hymns are popular in New England revival meetings Give Defiance Starch a fair trial try it for both hot and cold starching and if you dont think you do better work in less time and at smaller cost return it and your grocer will give you back your money I r j St I i vl i