The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 22, 1907, Image 6
I inn iiiii inn i i i ii i The Tribune F M KVlMELLf Publisher MCOOK vmmi NEBRASKA HEART AND MASKS By HAROLD MacGRATH 1 AuthorofTheManontho Boxetc With Drawings by Harrison Fisher n Copyrijjlit 1905 by Bobb MerrlU Co CHAPTER IV In other words we had departed the scene of festivities none too soon I could readily understand why the door had been locked it was not to keep us in the cellars rather it was to prevent any one from leaving the ball room by that route Evidently our absence had not been noticed nor had any see our precipitate flight I sighed gratefully For several minutes we stood silent and motionless on the landing At length I boldly struck a match The first thing that greeted my blinded gaze was the welcome vision of a lit tle shelf lined with stewards candles One of these I lighted and two others I stuffed into the pocket of my Ca puchins gown Then we tiptoed softly down the stairs the girl tug ging fearfully at my sleeve There was an earthly smell It was damp and cold Miles and miles away so it seemed the pale moonshine filtered through a cobwebbed window It was ghostly but so far as I was concerned I was honestly enjoying myself strange as this statement may seem Here was I setting forth upon an adventure with the handsomest wittiest girl I had ever laid eyes upon If I extricated her neatly she would always be in my debt and the thought of this was mighty pleasant to con template - Do you know the way out I confessed that so far as I knew we were in one of the fabled labyrinths of mythology Go ahead she said bravely I ask only to -die in your highness service soberly But I do not want you to die I want you to get me out of this cellar and quickly too Ill live or die in the attempt I see nothing funny in our predic ament icily A few moments ago you said that bur angles of vision were not the same I begin to believe it As for me I -think its simply immense to find myself in the same boat with you I wish you had been an anarchist or a performer in a dime museum You might now be alone here But pardon me surely you do not lack the full allotment of the adventurous spirit It was all amusing enough to come here under false pretenses But I had not reckoned on any ones losing jewels No more had I Proceed I have the courage to trust to your guidance I would that it might be al ways with a burst of sentiment that was not wholly feigned Let us go on impatiently I shall not only catch my death of cold but I shall be horribly compro mised My dear young lady on the word of a gentleman I will do the best I can to get you out of this cellar If I have jested a little it was only in the effort to give you courage for I havent the slightest idea how we are going to get out of this dismal hole We went on We couldnt see half a dozen feet in front of us The gloom beyond the dozen feet was Stygian and menacing And the great grim shadows that crept behind us as we proceeded Once the girl stumbled and fell against me Whats the matter I asked start led I stepped on something that that moved plaintively Possibly it was a potato theres a bin of them over there Where the deuce are we If you swear I shall certainly scream she warned But I can swear in the most ele gant and approved fashion I am not inclined to have you demonstrate your talents Aha Here is the coal bin Per haps the window may be open If so we are saved Will you hold the can dle for a moment Have you ever witnessed a cat footing it across the snow If you have picture me imitating her Cau tiously I took one step then another and then that mountain of coal turned into a roaring treadmill Sssssh Rrrrr In a moment I was buried to the knees and nearly suffocated I became angry I would reach that window Hush Hush The noise the noise whispered the girl waving the candle frantically But I was determined Again I tried This time I slipped and fell on my hands Aa I strove to get up the cord on my gown became tangled about my feet The girl choked whether with coal dust or with laugh ter I could not say as she still had on her cambric mask Forgive me she said And then I knew it was not the coal dust V Ill forgive you but I will not promise to forget Merciful heavens you must not try that again Think of the noise Was I making any noise rub bing the perspiration from my fore head I had taken off my mask Noise The trump of Judgment Day will be feeble compared to it Surely some one has heard you Why not lay that board on top of -the coal A good idea I made use of it at once The window Tvas unlatched but there was a heavy wire screen nailed to the sills outside There was no getting out that way The gods were evidently busy else where Nothing doing I murmured a bit discouraged And even if there was you really could not expect me to risk my neck and dignity by climbing through a window like that Let us give up the idea of windows and seek the cellar doors those that give to the grounds I declare I shall leave by no other exit It was very kind of you to let me make an ass of myself like that Why didnt you tell me be forehand Perhaps its the angle of vision again I can see that we shall never agree Seriously I thought that if you got out that way you might find the other exit for me I am sorry if my laughter annoyed you Not at all not at all But wouldnt it be wise to save a little laughter to make merry with when we get out I stepped out of thebin and re- infii w3k sp v r said there wero three tens of hearts That meant that only one was out at order Where did you get your card That I shall tell you later But are you really an impostor I should not be in this cellar else You are very mystifying For the present I prefer to remain so We tossed aside the apple cores rose and went on It was the longest celler I ever saw There seemed ab solutely no end to it The wine cellar was walled apart from the main cel lar and had the semblance of a huge cistern with a door opening into it As we passed it the vague perfunle of the grape drifted out to us Lets have a bottle I began Mr Cornstalk By absent treatment I hantened to add You will make a capital comrade if we ever get out of this cellar Trust me for that I replied gaily Be careful theres a pile of empty bottles yearning to be filled with tomato catsup Give m6 your hand But the moment the little digits closed over mine a thrill seized me and I quickly bent my head and kissed the hand It was wrong but I could not help it She never spoke nor withdrew her hand and my fear that she might really be offended vanished We are nearly put of it I said ex ultantly I see the cellar stairs on ahead If only those doors are open Heaven is merciful to the fool and we are a pair she replied sighing gratefully It seems strange that no body should be in the cellar on a night like this Hark They are playing again up stairs in the ball room And wondering a whole lot where Calmly Munching the Apples lieved her of the candle and we went on - You did look funny she said Please dont I begged Soon we came to a bin of cab bages I peered in philosophically I might find a better head in there than mine I suggested Now you are trying to be sarcas tic said the girl We went on Wait a moment she cried Heres a bin of nice apples Apples Well my word she was a cool one I picked up one polished it on my sleeve and gave it to her Im hungry she said apologet ically And plucky too I supplemented admiringly Most women would be in a weeping state by this time Perhaps 1 am waiting till it is all over You had better take off your mask In fact I felt positive that the sight of her exquisite face would act like a tonic upon my nerves I am doing very well with it on I can at least keep my face clean She raised the curtain and took a liberal bite of the apple so nonchalantly that I was forced to smile Heres a box said I lets sit down while we eat We are safe enough If any one had heard the racket in the coal bin the cellar would have been full of police by this time And there we sat calmly munching the apples for all the world as if the iron hand of the law wasnt within a thousand miles of us It was all very amusing Are are you the man they are hunting for she asked abruptly I never stole anything more terri ble than green apples and ripe ones with a nod toward the apple bin Pardon me I feel very guilty in asking you such a question You havent told me your name Havent I My name is Richard Cornstalk My friends call me Dicky Dicky she murmured Its a nice name Wont you- have another apple I asked impulsively My appetite Is appeased thank you An idea came to me Hamilton that third ten of hearts has gone But listen How are we to get back to the trolley We certainly can not walk the distance in these clothes Oh that carryall will come to our rescue We are weary and are leav ing early dont you know That part is simple the complicated thing is to shake the dust of this cellar What a big furnace she ex claimed as we came into view of the huge heating apparatus And theres more coal A man stepped out from behind the furnace and confronted us A red bandana covered the lower part of his face and his hat was pulled down over his eyes But I recognized him in stantly It was the fellow with the villainous pipe I Something glittered ominously at the end of his out stretched arm If you make any noise sir Ill have to plug you sir he said in polite but muffled tones The candle slipped from my fingers and the three of us stood in darkness CHAPTER V There was a clicking sound and the glare of a dark lantern struck my blinking eyes Pick up the candle sir said the tranquil voice from behind the light I obeyed readily enough Fate was downright cruel to us Not a dozen feet away was liberty and now we were back at the beginning again with the end nowhere In sight Shall I light it sir I asked not to be outdone in the matter of formal politeness Yes sir doubtless you will need it I struck a match and touched the candlestick Burglar said I For all my ap parent coolness my heartbeats were away up in the eighties The girl snuggled close to my side I could feel her heart beating even faster than mine Burglar I repeated Indeed no sir reproachfully Mine Is a political job A political job thunderstruck 4Yes sir I am an inspector of cel lars grimly I couldnt get around to this here cellar earlier In the day sir and a fellows work must be done To be Continued The revelations regarding fraudu lent paint materials which have been made by thd Agricultural Experiment Station of Fargo N D and published by Prof E F Ladd stato commis sioner have occasioned almost as much of a sensation as the exposure of adulteration in food products did when the latter first began to appear It has been shown that kegs marked Pure White Lead often contain other substances such as chalk barytes silica etc and that oil supposed to be linseed often contains petroleum adulterants to say nothing of water in large proportions Sometimes so called White Leads contain not an iota of genuine White Lead The farmer is a large user of paint No one is more interested than he is that the label should enable him to get what he supposes he is paying for There should be a law in every state requiring that all paint packages be labeled exactly according to their con tents That would enable every paint buyer to buy intelligently SOME NEW FRENCH KNIGHTS Queenof Holland Has Agreed to Rec ognize Vatican Titles Among the lucrative sources of rev enue of the pope before the separa tion of church and state in France was the toll or tax on titles of nobility and decorations Since the rupture the French government no longer rec ognizes the ennobling titles and dec orations of the holy father To have the right to wear the Vatican ribbon or to be called count it- was necessary to obtain a confirmation of title This gave much perplexity to the candi dates The question has just been settled Queen Wilhelmina has consented to validate such titles and distinctions The result has been an amusing pil grimage to The Hague and also in an increase in the price of these pon tifical favors In the last few weeks the French Knights of the Golden Spur of the Holy Sepulcher of Christ of Gregory the Great of Pius IX have greatly in creased HOME MADE CATARRH CURE Sufferers Should Make This Up and Try It Anyway Any one can mix right at home the best remedy of its kind known The name Cyclone is given to the fol lowing prescription it is supposed be cause of its promptness in -driving from the blood and system every ves tige of catarrhal poison relieving this roul and dread disease no matter where located To prepare the mix ture Get from any good pharmacy one half ounce Fluid Extract Dande lion one ounce Compound Kargon and three ounces Compound Syrup Sarsa parilla Shake well and use in tea spoonful doses after each meal and at bedtime This is a harmless inexpensive mix ture which has a peculiar action upon the eliminative tissues of the Kidneys assisting them to filter and strain from th6 blood and system all ca tarrhal poisons which if not eradi cated are absorbed by the mucous membrane and an open sore or ca tarrh is the result Prepare some and try it as it is the prescription of an eminent catarrh specialist of national reputation The Thunderer Judge Rentouls reference on the bench to the Times as the Thunder er reminds us how remarkably this nickname has persisted The Morn ing Post is no longer Jeames the Standard has not been Mrs Gamp since the decease of the Morning Her ald the Mrs Harris jto whom it would allude as an independent au thority and the two represented the same proprietor But the Times is still the Thunderer It oweB that name to Captain Edward Sterling who is said to have begun a Times article with the words We thundered forth the other day an article on the subject of social and political reform Lon don Chronicle Clover Grass Seeds Everybody loves lots and lots of Clover Grasses for hogs cows sheep and swine We are known as the largest growers of Grasses Clovers Oats Barley Corn Po iatoes and Farm Seeds in America Oper ite over 5000 acres FREE Our mammoth 148 page catalog is mailed free to all intending buyers or send 8c IN STAMPS tnd receive sample of perfect balance ra tion grass seed together with Fodder Plants Clover etc etc and big Plant iind Seed Catalog free John A Salzer Seed Co Box W La Crosse Wis In Eagle Eyes Wheres the bahbah asked the soft young chap from the east Im the barber sonny drawled the big man in the wide hat and red shirt And do you know how to clip haih I should say so Just stand about ten paces and if I cant clip off every lock in 12 shots Ill set up the lick er Chicago Daily News The extraordinary popularity of fine white goods this summer makes the choice of Starch a matter of great im portance Defiance Starch being free from all injurious chemicals is the only one which is safe to use on fine fabrics Its great strength as a stiff ener makes half the usual quantity of Starch necessary with the result of perfect finish equal to that when the goods were new Artillerymen approve of highballs Smokers have to call for Lewis Single Binder cigar to get it Your dealer or Lewis Factory Peoria 111 It Isnt always the people who jolly you most that are your best friends Garfield Tea insures a normal action of the liver overcomes conBtipation and keeps the blood pure Drink before retir ing What we are stretches past what we do beyond what we possess Drum mond Trappers Supplies Sold Cheap Write for catalog and circular No 9 N W Hide Fur Co Minneapolis Minn To bo a great man It Is necessary to turn to account all opportunities Rochefoucauld 03TX1T ONE BKOKO QCHflXE That is LAXATIVK UltOllO Quinine Similarly named remedies sometimes deceive The first and original Cold Tablet Is a WHITE IACKAOE with black and red letterintr and bears Luo slgnaturo of BWGIIOVK 25c Is your husband up yet asked the sour faced woman at the door I expect he is was the reply Id like to see him for a few minutes So would I He hasnt come home yet Milwaukeo Sentinel By following the directions which are plainly printed on each package of Defiance Starch Mens Collars and Cuffs can be made just as stiff as de sired with either gloss or domestic finish Try it 15 oz for 10c sold by all good grocers Natural Washing Preparation Near Ashcroft in British Columbia are a number of small lakes whose shores and bottoms are covered with a crust containing borax and soda in such quantities and proportions that when cut it serves as a washing com pound The crust is cut into blocks and handled in the same manner as Ice and it is estimated that one of the lakes contains 20000 tons of this ma terial 18471907 60 years ago Allcocks Plasters were firstintroduced to the public They are to day the worlds standard plasters j This invention has been one of the greatest blessings imaginable and fords the quickest cheapest and best means ever discovered for healing and relief of certain ailments Allcocks are the original and gen uine porous plasters and are sold by Druggists all over the world Tolme and Tolde Mrs Hooligan was suffering from the common complaint of having more to do than there was time to do It in She looked up at the clock and then slapped the iron she had lifted from the stove back on the lid with a t ter Talk about toime and toide wait in fer no man she muttered as she hurried into the pantry theres toimes they waits an toimes they dont Yishterday at this blessed mln it twas but tin oclock an to day its a quarther to twelve Everybodys Laundry work at home would be much more satisfactory if the right Starch were used In order to get the desired stiffness it is usually neces sary to use so much starch that the beauty and fineness of the fabric is hidden behind a paste of varying thickness which not only destroys the appearance but also affects the wear ing quality of the goods This trouble can be entirely overcome by using De fiance Starch as it can be applied much more thinly because of its great er strength than other makes Most people would fall short if measured by the golden rule l SffCWiilWi Photographs Sent by Wire Prof Korn of the Munich unlver sity has greatly improved his appara tus for transmitting photographs over telegraph wires Ho has succeeded in sending photographs and sketches six or seven inches square in this manner from Munich to Nuremberg a distance of 100 miles in from 10 to 15 minutes I MUSCULAR I 1 AILMENTS I if The Old-Monk-Cure will H straighten out a contracted 1 H muscle in a jiffy n Dont play possum with pain H M but tends strictly to business A Price 25c and H FARMS THAT GROW a WO I HARD WHEAT mSg CAKTERS VlTTLS JlVER Sixty three Pounds to the Uusliel Are situ ated iti the Canadian West where Home steads of J 60 acres can be obtained free by every settler willing and able to comply with the Homestead Regulations Durinsr the present year a large portion of New Wheat Growing Territory HAS BERN MADE ACCESSIBLE TO MAR KETS BY THE RAHWAY CONSTRUCTION that has been pushed forward so vigorously by the three great railway companies For literature and particulars address SUPER INTENDENT OF IMMIGRATION Ottawa Canada or the following authorized Canadian- Government Agent W V BENNETT 801 New York Life Building Omaha Nebraska Mention this paper ilGK HEU Positively cni ed by these Little Pills Tliey also relieve Dis tress from Dyspepsia In digestion and Too Hearty Eating A perfect rem edyfor Dizziness Nausea DrowsInes3 Bad Taste la the Mouth Coated Tongue Pain In the Side 10RPID UV2JR The regulate the Bowels Purely Vegetable SMALL PILL SMALL DOSE SMALL PRICE CARTERS IBlTTLE 1 PILLS LIVE STOCK AND MISCELLANEOUS Genuine Must Bear Fac Simila Signature REFUSE SUBSTITUTES LEGTROTYPESl In creat variety for rale at tho lowest prices by AakKULUUUAJSnBiUrKKCU731TAaiaStUlIemca i FARFflS FOR RENT s52 a mitxujlX1 sioux city iowju 1 3- A dl hiht lon0 from toothache neureJieL or rheumatism SlOikTCS Liixiiixexvt kills the peari quiets the neryes eaid inducer sleep At eJI deders Price 25c 50c H00 Dr Eaa SSloeav BoslorMdLSSUSA NO MORE MUSTARD PLASTERS TO BLISTER THE SCIENTIFIC AND MODERN EXTERNAL COUNTER IRRITANT CAPISICUM VAS ELINE EXTRACT OF THE CAYENNE PEPPER PLANT A QUICK SURE SAFE AND ALWAYS READY CURE FOR PAIN PRICF 15c IN COLLAPSIBLE TUBES AT ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS OR BY MAIL ON RECEIPT OF 1 5c IN POSTAGE STAMPS DONT WAIT TILL THE PAIN COMES KEEP A TUBE HANDY A substitute for and superior to mustard or any other plaster and will not blister the most delicate skin The pain allaying and curative qualities of the article are wonderful It will stop the toothache at once and relieve Headache and Sciatica We recommend it as the best and safest external counter irritant known also as an external remedy for pains in the chest and stomach and all Rheumatic Neuralgic and Gouty complaints A trial will prove what we claim for It and it will be found to be invaluable in the household and for children Once used no family will be without it Many people say it is the best of all your preparations Accept no preparation of vaseline unless the same carries our label as otherwise it is not genuine SEND YOUR ADDRESS AND WE -WILL MAIL OUR VASE LINE PAMPHLET WHICH WILL INTEREST YOU - CHESEBROUGH MFG CO 17 STATE STREET NEW YORK CITY J - K8j ZSX3 - r y p i