Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 22, 1907)
f J i r I lit tir2VriLrityz3ijJXZ3rjztiz2r3 inni r DENTIST hokb 112 Office Booms 3 and 5 Walsh Blk McCook FAY HOSTETTER TEACHER ON PIANO McCook Nebraska Studio upstairs in new Rishel building south of Post Office T HIT H H H lv VJAX 0 1 I 1 A Dollar in Your Pocket 1 x and more coming Saturday night the chances are you g i will spend tho dollar probably for something you do not need possibly for something you would be better oH without If that dollar was in the bank jou would keep it and add to it until you had enough to make an investment so you could make more money Many of the larger bank accounts were started in a w very small way and gradually builded to their present j size j Why uot start an account with us and build up to where you can livo on the interest of your investment Its worth while trying makirg a start helps- start today THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK McCook Ncbr - i The best of every thing in his line at the most reasonable prices is Flarshs motto He wants your trade and hopes by merit to keep it i j1 The Butcher Phone 12 W o n Mnl J U DMLL ISIUUUUrv AGENT FOR THE CELEBRATED Fairbury Hanchett Windmill This is a warranted and guaran teed windmill nothing better in the market Write or call on Mr Rail before buviner PHONE BLACK 307 4sqswwS McCook Laundry G C HECKMAN Prop Dry and Steam Cleaning and Pressing DR H M IRELAND Osteopathic Physician Kelley Office Bldg Phone No 13 McCOOK NEB Consultation free JOHN E KELLEY ATTOEWEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTEACTEB McCook Nebraska CSggent of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook Waterworks Oilico in Poatoffice building 0 B fl 41 YOU WOULD DO WELL TO SEE FOR ALL KINDS OF Rpjnjf Wnpk P O Bos 131 McCoolf Nebraska uenoer m Center d Goal Home of Quality and Quantity where sells THE BEST LUM BER AND COAL Are you thinking of building If so it is ten to one our figures will please you M O McCLURE Phone No 1 Manager ii mil March 1st to April 30th 2000 to Salt Lake Butte Helena 82250 to Spokane district 2500 to California Portland Seattle Ta coma Washington Daily through tourist sleepers to California via Denver Scenic Colorado and Salt Lake City also to Montana Wash ington and Puget Sound country Winter Tourist Rates To Colorado California and all Southern resorts Homeseekers Informa tion Bureau Free valuable information fur nished to seekers of Government and deeded lands along the Bur lington lines- Let us help you locate your home in this fast grow ing and reliable zone of prosperity Write Landseekers Information Bureau 1001 Farnam St Omaha Nebraska For rates folders information etc apply to GEORGE S SCOTT Ticket Agent McCook Neb L W WAKELEY G P A Omaha Neb nnn Vs N I k7 J J G Schobel is entertaining hig two sistert Engine 612 is getting a set of new flues this week F 7 Schaniel is a new helper in ths blacksmith shop A son was born to Mr and Mrs J M Traminell Monday Roundhouse is short on helpers four men quit Wednesday Engines 057 and 131 recently overhaul ed have gone into service No 11 is getting the finishing touches in the rouudhoute this week A car of freight was burned in the yard at Akron Colo last Sunday Three now Sis have recently been re ceived at McCook Nos 2S26 2827 2S28 C M Hollinger has been transferred from the blacksmith shop to firing the heater Chief Clerk M ed his brother C Lawritson entertain Lawritson early in the week The shopmen or at least all of them that can be spared are enjoying a holi day today A fire alarm about 1230 Thursday morning seems to have been without warrant in fact Engine 2701 was put out of commiss ion at Akron Thursday morning in an accident at Akron Engineer L P Neilson drew thirty days for that Hastings yard accident with No 1 recently Engino 1963 died up the road the other day and engine 2811 wont up and brought her and train in Harry Ellison and crew brought No 76 on thru to McCook Tuesday on ac count of shortage of crews Conductor Neal Beeler has leen trans ferred to Oxford and Conductor J C Davis comes to brake out of McCook Engine 656 recently out of the shops here has been sent east of the river and is to receive attention in the Aurora shop Corductor John Morris returned to his run last Saturday and Conductor A H Bagley resumed his regular run on the McCook -Hold rege local Engine 311 an A class mill was brought in from down the road Wed nesday in a freight train and has been placed in the backshopforan overhaul ing An engine and several cars were badly wrecked at Roggen Colo yesterday morning Charlie Emerson went up last night to direct the picking up of the wreckage Saturday night at Kenesaw a 40 foot car of machinery was destroyed by fire A car of merchandise was also damaged The cars were part of train 77 Con ductor1 M S Parks was in charge A car of coal went into the turntable first of the week damaging the gasoline engine badly The man in charge of the engine had just left his little coop or he to would have been part of the debris The Lincoln State Journal announces the fact that Mrs Eaton has commenced proceedings in divorce against her hus band the late Supt Cornelius L Eaton of the McCook division Cruelty is the stated grounds An emigrant car was burned between here and Akron close of last week The emigrant had a close call for his life Four head of horses and all his effects were burned Conductor F W Rank was in charge of the train While shunting some cars in the yard first of the week three freight cars took the turntable track Net results are a demolished car containing coal a badly scrapped gasoline engine and cab The turntable is being operated by hand power while the engine undergoes repairs Since Daniel Willards visit last week an order has been promulgated making the limit of speed at which SI engines can be run at 50 miles an hour The famous gray hounds P3s must not exced 55 miles an hour This means that lost time is lost forever and that schedule time must be steadily maintained to bring the passenger trains into port on time DANBURY Mr Doud and J E Noe were busi ness callers at Marion Tuesday Cliff Burbridge commenced clerking for Philips Gliem last Saturday WJ Stilgebouer is very low pneumonia They telephoned to coin Monday for a trained nurse arrived on Wednesday We have a wedding in mind for with Lin who the 2Sth of this month Mr Lingos baby is sick Joe Deckers baby is quite ill A new baby boy arrived at the home of Henry Hoffman one day last week Mrs Ambros3 Ruby is under the doctors care i Mrs Calhoun is numbered with the sick this week PIIONli 18 MtiftM NMMniWi i mmBwiitijwujLLnggiuiii iiin PUBLIC SCHOOL NOTES Supt G II Thomas left this morn ing lor Chicago to attend ilio national teachers convention Tho public schools are having a vaca tion today Washingtons birthday n all grades The assembly program Thursday morning consisted of a pino solo by Mrs G Ii Ilavvkcs a violin solo by Mr Rosweil Cuthr a vocart solo by Mr F M Kiinmell and two chorus numbers by the high achoul ciioir The beguiuurs class this week drew about thniy now pupils to tho school It is expected that tho number will be considerably augmented by these beginning next week An exceptionally pleasant session of the teachera club was ttiat hi hl at th home of Mrs 11 11 Tartsch Mondy eveniug Misses Hudlong and Abbott being hostesses It was distinctively a social session There was a brief music program with numbers by Mrs G 11 Thomas Miss Budlong Miss Rawell Miss Lumry But the chief item of entertainment was the contest in poesy instituted Each guest or member was given a piece of paper at tho top of which was done in water colors a picture calculated to stimulate the pedagogues muse The one soaring to sublimest heights and in this instance it was a guest Miss Quick county supt secur ed a dainty and artistic booklet com posed of the twenty poetic efforts bound in a- hand painted cover of ap propriate design and superscription a sort of Pedagogic Poetical Pickings It was withal a unique affair culinarily climaxed with a luncheon in three courses RED WILLOW Mrs John Neel spent the week with her son Ira Hazel Bellair is staying a while with Nellie Longnecker Mr Smith was in town all last week putting a tin roof on Mr Dows house Walton Randel was helping at Mr Smiths last week Mr and Mrs Elmer were out on Sun day to see Nellie Longnecker who is able to be up The death of Ben D Parry at Marys ville Ky has broken the last link con necting the writing of Uncle Toms Cabin with the present When Mrs Stowewas collecting material for her book she visited in Washington Ky and her host appointed Mr Parry to escort her where she wanted to go and to render assistance and this becomes a Red Willow item of interest because of this correspondents personal knowledge of places mentioned in the book and his acquaintance as a child with the family visited by Mrs Stowe and later with the gentleman who just died at 86 years of age PLEASANT RIDGE Smiths sheller shelled corn for Oliver Mahon and Wilson Bros last week Tom Cains baby is sick with the whooping cough D H Shephard sold the land he recently purchased of Mr Woods to a partv from Clay county Consideration 3100 F F West moved to his now home last week B F Wilson moved to Clover Leaf farm last week A Guaranteed Cure For Piles Itching Blind Bleeding or Protrud ing Piles Druggists refund money if Pazo Ointment fails to cure any case no matter of how long standing in 6 toll days First application gives ease and rest 50c If your druggist hasnt it send 50c in stamps and it will bo for warded postpaid by Paris Medicine Co St Louis Mo Matins It cTear He Will you marry me She No Im not a clergyman He Well will you permit a clergyman to marry us She Yes you to somebody else and me to well somebody else London fit Bits Exhausting They say early rising is very un healthy Of course Many a woman has broken down her constitution getting her husband up in time for breakfast Why Theyre Appetizing The goodness of butter depends on where and by whom and from what kind of cream it is made We Sell Woodwards Fine Chocolates Thats why theyre appetizing The Ideal Bargain Below PO Depot McCook gg ll www y - MnM f mi nil nil rwi nnfiirilfrl UlfcHilUlT i 4fflHl HlP 1WWHWI rniirTTTitfrrrBgiiri rmrinii rniri iirrirrn tirnTtrnrrminriir muflimvi - Z I I I A TTA - f A 1 r A 1 f I m R fkw B 1 kj m New Sale of New Goods All the Time 1 - - i - - -- ii - t T To close out our line of warm footwear of winter goods we are offering some desirable shoes at really extraordinary low prices Ladies Folt Slippors always sold at 200 now - j 2 LadioV Feit Shoos former price 2 50 to 150 now 8150 8125 t and M00 Mens Folt Slippers always worth G5c now q Mens 81500 Felt Shoos good valuos until tlwy aru gone at Chihlrns 81 75 warm linod Shoes now Childrens 51 50 warm lined Shoes now 195 115 100 Our spring stock consisting in part of the most beautiful Oxfords ever shown in McCook has arrived and is now on display Come in and see them - - 1LPAAT7 ATTIl H MSHhK M KK ft U U r H H A 1 IUVjUWVIV liJUrJU No Old Sale of j Old Goods at Any Old Time j T a QF A IVriOiViv tTTrtwnrnTi an iii urn i m i mi iniinii r iiii in i lit titi i UyX dC mmmmmj I KrfLViIH1 7jT Tri VSSS - -- i v4vdvsMiy r 13SJSJ h wm mmm RESOLVED HE AEVER TOLD A U AHD WE Should ail be i The A Successful flQICfWfl CANTAFfiOfcD lei MIS REPRESENT WD A i ZJOCESSfULftEPsCHMlT DcZSi THOrtlSFPtfSfflT fiow1 a55SKs t ErKg53y i I I V I YSrcr fl v vv v - tn Hr n K filr W III If v X hrf WiiWgK DHwSw BSJi Jf er sm fzm ma2tfePbfo ffc ffik lLJJ JC iW ifPiPiPS ttil tyZaVZNT iJ Jf l SiS I5 ffjfyS cfMSHTI GDPTKICHT CW DrrMSStin WiwN tc HC nu a ue THE GREATEST THING GE0R6E WA 5HIN6TO OF McCOOK NEB B B B H B -4 EVER DID WA5 To TELL HI S FATHER THAT HE CUT DOWN THE CHERRY TREE HE A Goo2 EXAMPLE IT 15 EAY To TELL THE TRUTri V7HEN TELLIN6 THE TRUTH WILL Do YOU ifto HARM BUT ARE THERE NOT MANY WHO TELL FALSEHOODS FOR IMMEDIATE BENEFIT RATHER THAN THE TRUTH WE CHALLENGE ANYON5T To SHOW WHERE THI S -STORE EVER MAKE S A WRONG -STATEMENT ABOUT THE QUALITY OT OF OUR GOODS OR TO THAT THE REDUC TIONS WE MAKE IN PRICES AT TIMES ARE NOT GENUINE REDUCTIONS RESPECTFULLY O L DEGROFF GO a V FRANKLIN President A C EBERT Cashier JAS S DOYLE Vice President THR CITIZENS t BANK I t Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 1 200a B B B D B - - DIRECTORS FRANKLIN JAS S DOYLE A U ttOzfir K Swfii mivaQve5 Mike Walsh DEALEE IN POULTRY and EGGS I Old Rubber Copper and Brass Highest Market Price Paid in Cash New location just across street in P Walth building HcCook - Nebraska m 1 SUIHONOaa ssang dPaAS I HDfiOD AHH3H3 SD038 r -GO TO- Bsas HS GODFREY i co 1 for Bargains in Flour and Feesi Red Lion Silver Leal Oak Leaf Faultless Isabelle Flour AGENTS FOR LIQUID COAL j