The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 22, 1907, Image 3
I J Y f - r - ttiftji ininr fffffe NEBRASKA NEWS AND NOTES GATHERED FROM EXCHANGES AND PRESS DI8PATCHES - Miscellaneous Items of Interest Bear ing Upon Many Subjects of General Concern An overall factory is about to be es tablished at Crete A good deal of pneumonia Is preva lent in Gage county Peru Normal has selected debaters for th6 state contest Some cases of smallpox have been reported in Gage county Methodists of Humboldt have decid ed to build a new church Work has been resumed on the Y M C A building at Beatrice At Suntherland Frank Durland had his leg mangled in a ha ypress Tekamah will hold a bond election to provide for an electric plant An attempted jail delivery in Has tings was discovered and foiled Farmers institutes here and there are generally quite well attended Hastings is now enjoying the great est prosperity known since 1887 F W Taylor a brakeman fell from the cars near Ituskin and was -badly injured Johnson county mortgage record shows a decrease of about 15000 for January Wertz Johnson have just complete ed the purchase of 250 town lots in Chappell New buildings of the Nebraska Nor imal college at Wayne were dedicated last week The home of Ed Gibson just across the rjyer from Nebraska Oity was destroyed by fire The farmers institute of Washing ton county had the attendance abbre viated by bad roads J H Crow an old settler of Nance county fell down stairs receiving in juries from which he died The Standard Bridge company has been given the contract to repair all bridges in Burt county this year W W Butler living near Belgrade got his hand so badly mashed in a creamery that amputation became necessary Alfalfa meal is much -sought after around Superior by stockmen as a feed and the manufacture is growing enormously C E Smart a former resident of Beatrice suicided at Davenport Iowa He had two wives and even then life was not worth living The Clay county farmers institute which closed its session last week adopted resolutions declaring against federal seed distribution Miss Ollie Morrow a teacher in the public school at Red Cloud died from the effects of a surgical operation to relieve her from appendicitis A school election was held in Louis ville for the purpose of voting 7000 bonds for building an addition to the public school The proposition was defeated Matt Lief who was accidentally shot at a wolf hunt near Utica died from his wounds He had lost too much blood and nothing could be done to save bis life The city council of Beatrice decided to close the Paddock Opera house on the 16th unless in the meantime the additional exit is opened as ordered tsome time ago Rev John Madley a popular pastor and an orator of acknowledged abil ity has resigned the pastorate of the Presbyterian church at Oxford to enter a wider field of service An elopement epidemic struck Cul bertson recently four couples having taken their departure in one week None of the girls were over 16 and the boys averaged about 20 years of age Directors of the Seward County Tel ephone company held a special meet ing It was voted at a recent meeting of the company at Beaver Crossing to increase the capital stock from 50 000 to 100000 and the board is ar ranging for the building of a lot of new lines William Boch one of the original members of the German colony from Wisconsin who laid out Norfolk in 1866 died recently and carried with him to his grave the secret of the hiding place in which he had stored a quantity of gold Some of his fann ily believe it to have been 2000 and it may have been more At a masquerade ball in Pender given by the citizens in general twoj colored men Frank Shepard and Sam Minns cooks at the Commercial hotel disguised themselves as did their white neighbors and danced with the elite of the city until a late hour when at one of the saloons they un masked and by so doing nearly pre cipitated a small race riot A system of manual training for boys of the seventh and eighth grades of Geneva with work benches tools material etc in connection with do mestic science is to be initiated in the school which is declared to have a -perfectly equipped kitchen for the latter study The Geneva Equal Suf frage club is to assist materially in its institution and support Friend will soon have some bonds to sell as last week the vote for bonds for an electric lighting system was overwhelmingly carried only 35 votes being cast against the proposition William Buchanan who represented Otoe county in the house of represen tatives in 1861 died at Nebraska after a lingering illness principally caused by old age He was one of the best known pioneers in that portion of the icounty was born in Monroe county phio April 28 1823 and remained at the home place until he was 22 years old and then started for the west PINE TREE BREAD KAM8CHATKANS USE THE INNER BARK OF PINE TREES Macerate It in Water and Bake Good Wholesome Bread The Pine Keeps the Blood Pure and i The Body Healthy In Kamschatka the people live in sarth coYered pits Mr Kennan com pares the sound of their language to that of water running out of a narrow mouth jug Their bread is made from the Inner bark of the Pine Tree mace ated in water and baked without flour They are a hardy race the Pine keep ing the blood pure and the various or gans of the body in a healthy condi tion Consumption is unknown among hem A noted specialist in throat and lung trouble who established a camp for onsumptives in the Pine Woods of Maine and whose remarkable cures there have attracted great attention Vrom the medical world says that one lalf ounce of the Pure Virgin Oil of pine mixed with two ounces of Gly cerine and one half pint of good Whis ky and used in teaspoonful doses will teal and strengthen the lungs break up a cold In twenty four hours and cure any cough that is curable The Ingredients can be secured from any prescription druggist at small cost Inquiry at the prescription depart ment of a leading local druggist elicit ed the information that the Pure Vir gin Oil of Pine is put up only in half ounce vials for dispensing Each vial is securely sealed in a round wooden case with engraved wrapper showing the name Virgin Oil of Pine Pure guaranteed under the Food and Drug act June 30 1906 Prepared only by the Leach Chemical Co Cincinnati O plainly printed thereon There are many rank imitations of Virgin Oil of Pine Pure which are being put out under various names such as Con centrated Oil of Pine Pine Balsam etc Never accept these as a substi tute for the Pure Virgin Oil of Pine as they will invariably produce nausea andnever effect the desired results ONE WAY OUT OF DIFFICULTY Match Twins with Twins Was the Fond Mothers Idea - A little woman entered a drug store and asked the proprietor if he had an other picture What kind of a picture do you mean the druggist asked One like this said the woman holding up an attractive advertising print I may have one or two of them left the proprietor said but I havent many of them The woman said she only wanted one and her tone indicated that she was anxious for that one She ex plained that the one she had with her had been given to one of her children Another child she stated was sick and was crjing for a picture such as his brother had Thats a bad way to bring up your children ventured a woman customer In the store Do you try to give a child everything he cries for just be cause his brother is more fortunate But said the mother of the chil dren you dont know The children are twins and what one has the other wants Suppose objected the moralist when your children get older they fall in love with the same girl what will they do But the mother1 was ready She promptly replied Find twins and fall in love with them Gold Coinage of the World United States is coining annually about 300000000 in gold Great Bri tain nearly 60000000 Australasia a little more than Great Britain France about 35000000 Germany about 25000000 and Japan more than 30000000 DREADED TO EAT A Quaker Couples Experience How many persons dread to eat their ineals although actually hungry near ly all the time Nature never intended this should be so for we are given a thing called appetite that should guide us as to what the system needs at any time and can digest But we get in a hurry swallow our food very much as we shovel coal into the furnace and our sense of appetite becomes unnatural and perverted Then we eat the wrong kind ni food or eat too much and there you are Indigestion and its accompanying miseries A Phila lady said the other day My husband and I have been sick and nervous for 15 or 20 years from drinking coffee feverish indigestion totally unfit a good part of the time for work or pleasure We actually dreaded to eat our meals x We tried doctors and patent medi cines that counted up into hundreds of dollars with little if any benefit Accidentlly a small package of Postum came into my hands I made some according to directions with sur prising results We both liked it and have not used any coffee since The dull feeling after meals has left us and we feel better every way We are so well satisfied with Postum that we recommend it to our friends who have been made sick and nervous and miserable by coffee Name given by Postum Co Battle Creek Mch Read the little book The Road to Wellville in pkgs Theres a Rea son Mrs Wlnclown Soothing Syrup For children teething softens the BuroB reduces Is flammntlcm allays pain cures wind colic 23c a bottle Flattery is like friendship in show fcut not in fruit Socrates Money refunded for each package of PUTNAM FADELESS DYES if unsatis factory Ask your druggist A good housekeeper keeps her ket tles and her temperfrom boiling over Take Garfield Tea the miid Herb lax ative to purify the blood eradicate dis ease and maintain Good Health The sou tte has the laugh on the comedian no getB none Lewis Single Binder Cigar has a rich taste Your dealer or Lewis Factory Peoria 111 Clothes do not make the man but they have the first crack at making impressions of the man 1IIES CURED IN O TO 14 DATS VA70 OINTMKNT Is Kuaranteed to cure anr cafio of Itching Ullnd Hlcedlnic or Protruding Piles In C to H days or money refunded- CUc Decision of character will often give to an unfair mind command over a superior W Wirt Panthers and Grizzly Bears Ship Furs PclFs McMillan Fur Wool Co Minneapolis Minn Write for prices Often do the spirits of great events stride on before the events and In to day already walks to morrow Core ridge Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTOKIA safe and euro remedy for infants and children and ecc that it Bears the Signature of TyfMy In TJea For Over 30 Years Tlie Kind You Have Always Bought Much Arid Land Reclaimed During the four years since its or ganization the reclamation service has rendered productive 280000 acres of desert being one fourth of an area that has been mapped out for irriga tion under 22 projects Harpers Weekly Hows This Wo offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for xa case of Catarrh that cannot ho cured by Halle Catarrh Cure F J CHEXET CO Toledo O We tho undersigned have known F J Cheney for the last 15 years and believe him perfectly hon orable In all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his Ann WALniso KixXAX Marvin Wholesale Druggists Toledo O nails Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally acting directly upon the blood and miicou surfaces or the system Testimonials sent free Price 75 cents per bottle Sold by all Druzglsts Take Halls Family Fills for constipation Lord Iveagh has one of the most cu rious hobbies in the world It is the collection of old silver potato rings which are large silver sockets in the form of rings into which the wooden bowl used for potatoes used to be fitted hey are much prized by hunters IIALPMKHAMS VEGETABLE COMPOUND Is acknowledged to be the most suc cessful remedy in the country for those painful ailments peculiar to women For more than 30 years it has been curing Female Complaints such as Inflammation and Ulcera tion Falling and Displacements and consequent Spinal Weakness Backache and is peculiarly adapted to the Change of Life Ttefinrds show that it linn nnr oA i of the Important Duties f Physicians and the Well Informed of the World is to learn as to the relative standing and reliability of the leading-manufacturers of medicinal agents as the most eminent physicians are the most careful as to the uniform quality and perfect purity of remedies prescribed by them and it is well known to physicians and the Well informed generally that the California Fig Syrup Co by reason of its correct methods and perfect equipment and the ethical character of its product has attained to the high standing in scientific and commercial circles which is accorded to successful and reliable houses only and therefore that the name of the Company has become a guarantee of the excellence of its remedy TRUTH AND QUALITY appeal to the Well Informed in every walk of life and are essential to permanent suc cess and creditable standing- therefore we wish to call the attention of all who would enjoy good health with its blessings to the fact that it involves the question of right living- with all the term implies With proper knowledge of what is best each hour of recreation of enjoyment of contemplation and of effort may be made to contribute to that end and the use of medicines dispensed with generally to great advantage but as in many instances a simple wholesome remedy may be invaluable if taken at the proper time the California Fig Syrup Co feels that it is alike important to present truthfully the subject and to supply the one perfect laxative remedy which has won the appovai of physicians and the world wide acceptance of the Well informed because of the excellence of the combination known to all and the original method of manufac ture which is known to the California Fig Syrup Co onty This valuable remedy has been long and favorably known under the name of Syrup of Figs and has attained to world wide acceptance as the most excellent of family laxatives and as its pure laxative principles obtained from Senna are well known to plnsicians and the Well informed of the world to be the best of natural laxatives we have adopted the more elaborate name of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna as more fully descriptive of the remedy but doubtless it will always be called for by the shorter name of Syrup of Figs and to get its beneficial effects always note when purchasing the full name of the Compan California Fig Syrup Co plainly printed on the front of every package whether 3 011 simply call for Syrup of Figs or by the full name Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna as Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna is the one laxative remed manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co and the same heretofore known by the name Syrup of Figs which has given satisfaction to millions The genuine is for sale by all leading druggists throughout the United States in original packages of one size only the regular price of which is fift cents per bottle Every bottle is sold under the general guarantee of the Company filed with the Secretary- of Agriculture at Washington D C that the remedy is not adulterated or misbranded within the meaning of the Food and Drugs Act June 30th 1906 ftrw mrA CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO RfyB Louisville K3 JZZ3 LYDIA E PrNKHAM more cases of Female Ills than anv othr m TOnr io rrm Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound dissolves and expels Tumors at an early stage of development Dragging Sensations causing paraweight and headache are relieved and permanently cured by its use It corrects Irregularities or Painful Functions Weakness of the Stomach Indigestion Bloating Nervous Prostration Headache Gene ral Debility also Dizziness Faintness Extreme Lassitude Dont care and wanttobeleftalone feeling Irritability Nervousness Sleeplessness Flatulency Melancholia or the Blues These are sure indications of female weakness or some organic derangement For Kidney Complaints of either sex Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound is a most excellent remedy Mrs Pinkhams Standing Invitation to Women Women suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to write Mrs Pinkham Lynn Mass for advice She is the Mrs Pinkham Wnnlinslioon nAmcrl nr n1 r e i jt x x w uviu uuwuig Da wuuicu xicb ui uuarge zor more mini Hveuiy years and before that she assisted her mother-in-law Lydia E Pinkham in advising Thus she is well qualified to guide sick women back to wu usi ouyiic uuco uuu iuwitjii iieipiul WRITE US FREELY and frankly In strictest confidence telling aU your troubles and stating your age We will send you FREE ADVICE In plain sealed envelope and a val uable 64 page Book on Home Treatment for Women Address Ladles Advisory Department The Chattanooga Medicine Co Chattanooga Term San Francisco Cal U S A London -England DO YOU SMOKE A PIPE New York N Y tGPVT vnlJVJUSw - i 1 tHftiirSK aSFsaw xSSSSP seSz2rb WjiS5Wna3 Sheer white goods In fact any fine wash goods when new owe much of their attractiveness to the way they are laundered this being done in a manner to enhance their textile beau ty Home laundering would be equal ly satisfactory if proper attention waa given to starching the first essential being good Starch which has sufficient strength to stiffen without thickening the goods Try Defiance Starch and you will be pleasantly surprised at the improved appearance of your work o K - gg WHAT KIND OF TOBACCO DO YOU SMOKE IF YOU HAVE NOT TRIED BO I SFATfcFI ofthisraperde SXJSasM JLliO siring to buy any- mwnmi thingadvertiseciin its columns should insist upon having what they ask or refusing all substi tutes or imitations 16 ounces t the package other starches only 12 ounces same price and DEFIANCE IS SUPERIOR QUALITY RS 3Vi GRAHULATED - PLUG - You have never gotten that solid comfort which a good pipe smoke should give a man QgOIB WILL HOT BITE THE TONGUE IT IS THE ORIGINAL OF THIS STYLE TOBACCO It has an elegant Aroma which no other pipe tobacco possesses and its smooth delightful flavor and free smoking qualities are the results of years of careful study and experimenting A 1 It I FECIAL OFFER Sri 3k Tobacco is now on sale almost everywhere and hundreds of thous ands of boxc3 were consumed last year and it is our pur pose to place QBOID in reach of every pipe smoker in this country and to that end we make the following offer If your dealer does not handle QBOID Tobacco we will send vou anv size box postage paid upon receipt of regular price viz Prices Is oz tin box 10c 3 J oz tin box 20c 8 oz tin box 45c and 10 oz fancy tin box 90c Money refunded to any dissatisfied purchaser Cut out this advertisement and send with money order or Btamps Write your name and address plainly and address to LARUS BRO CO Manufacturers Richmond Va r a 1 I THATS PURE All our seil is tested anil vsrranted to bo reliable Write for new Catalotrae F1ICE J J II Gregcct a Sen Faruub Miss Woma Belief I only used eight 8 bottles of Cardul Now I am well have gained 35 pounds and work every day Wine of Cardul saved my life I cannot say enough for it and will recommend it whenever I can Nothing could be more certain than the fact that you need Cardul if you suffer from any of the disorders peculiar to the female sex It is purely vegetable medicinal strictly harmless non intoxicating and per fectly reliable Cardui regulates irregular functions relieves unnecessary female pain restores strength and invigorates the system Over a million women have been bene fited by its use Try it AT ALL DRUGGISTS IN L00 BOTTLES 7 f5TBfc ntn G99 gv vjjBBh rriPAP T AMfl f excelled for general farm- VliUiii aftiiya i tock dairjlufr fruits tniclr etc convenient to the very best markets nml tranrpor tatioa racllitie WriteneaieatofficeforliFtnand pub liatton V Land and Industrial Arent Southern Rr and Mobile Ohio R R- TVaiihlnston D C C S Chase Wat At C2i Chemical JSlilg St Lonlailo Thompsons Eye Water W N U OMAHA NO 8 1907 ArflTlf Was Given Up JL Al - nLJL L W writes Mrs Eva Bashore of Wapakoneta0 by ten 10 doctors Truth and the only hope they offered was an operation for an abscess of four 4 months growth measuring about six inches long on my ovary I weighed only 90 pounds and was so weak I could hardly walk across the floor The trouble began by my taking cold at my period which stopped the flow I doctored for nearly a year without obtaining relief until as I dreaded an operation I began to take