The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 22, 1907, Image 1

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R 4 1
IV i
Madgefran Mr H E
Dutton Hammond Nuptials
Monday morning at 730 oclock at
tho borne of I ho brides brother M II
Hammond in this city Mr LeRoy E
Dutton and Miss Mario E Hammond
two well known young people of our
city were united in marriage Rtv M
B Carman of the Methodist church
Af lor tho coromony a wedding break
fast was served in five courses
It was a quiet homo affair with only
tho immediate families of tho contract
ing parties present
The brido was lovely in a gown of
white crepe de chino over whito silk
They were objects of numerous hand
somo gifts
The young couple departed on Nol
same day for Denver whore they will
make a short stay after which they will
proceed to their new homo in the San
Luis valley Colorado where the groom
has real estate in that irrigated Elrorado
Tho Tribune voices agonoral sentiment
in wishing them much joy and prosperity
in their now estate and home
About Your Eye Sight
I have been fortunate in securing the
services of Dr C II Law to give me
a post graduate course in optics and
higher prisms and I would urge all
those wio have suffered from eye strain
to bee Dr Law during his 6tay here
Wo especially invito severe or chronic
cases Examination will be absolutely
free and all work will be personally
guaranteed by mo Please call at the
store II P Sutton Jeweler and
Expressions of Kindness
I wish to express ray sincere thanks
and high appreciation to the friends and
ladies of McCook who so sympatheti
cally and graciously rendered every
comfort anJ assistance to the late Mrs
Florence E Wiley during her few days
of illness resulting in death and Dr
Kay who stood so nobly by her with all
his medical knowledge and skill
C E Wiley
Lacked One Thing Only
The farmers institute held in McCook
Tuesday and Wednesday of this week
lacked only one thing that is attending
and interested farmers The instructors
were here and a fiuo program was on tap
But for some inscrutable reason those
who had the largest interest at heart
were conspicuous by their absence
Held to District Court
Ben Jussell who recently shot and
killed P J Ileagney over in Frontier
county at tho preliminary was held in
the sum of 82 500 bonds to appear at the
next term of district court In that
county to answer for the alleged kill
Remnant Sale
If Special prices on wall paper remnants
to make room for our large line of new
wall paper we are now receiving Dont
miss the opportunity of getting good
paper cheap A McMillen druggist
A Card of Thanks
We desire to express our thanks
the neighbors and friends who assisted
us during the sickness and after the
death of our daughter Essie
Mr and Mrs Crockford
Mixed Paint
Although lead oil and mixed paint
have advanced for a short time we will
sell our A P Lincoln paint at last years
prices A McMtllen druggist
Black Dress Goods
Very complete line of plain and novelty
weaves in wide range of styles and
quality from 8150 a yard down to 20
cents a yard Thompsons
Another Farmer Said
he would not take one hundred dollars
for his Famous Lightning Feed Grinder
if he could not get another
McCook Hardware Co
Cant Go Wrong
No you cant go wrong if you do your
drug store buying of L W McConnell
All his goods bear the stamp of reliabil
Ladies Wrappers
75c 100 125 and 150 These prices
get a nice range of styles and qualities
at Thompsons
I will sew by the day or week at your
home Address Letitia Tuttle Box
162 McCook
The ladies of tho Episcopal church
will serve a Lenten Tea at the home of
Mrs Harry Rogers next Thursday
afternoon at 3 oclock All invited
Wanted A girl for general house
work Mrs L M Best
Advertised Letters
The following letters remained uncall
ed for at the SlcCook postoffice Feb
21st 1907
Austin R
Ajers Mr Cecil C
Burns Mrs Josie
Blackburn Mr H L
Bloom Mr Albert
Barrett Win K
Clark Miss Merdel
Conu Mr EarlB
Mr R
Dcckman Mr J G
Edwards Mr W S
Franklin Mr S J 2
Gray Mits R M
Hutchinson Tom
Huyet Mr Wm
tfuisnian Pipka
Homesly R S
Haskins C H
Uling Mrs BTarrjj
Jones Mrs Jennis
Jadorman Amanda
Kroecer T
Kutch Walter
Knox Archio Ii
Lester B F
tnnkwitz Miss
McKinsey Miss
McClarey Miss Maud
Mitchell Mrs Etta
McDonald Miss F
Oerin O O
Piatt Wm
Pfall Mr WW
Patton Mr Myron
Roeglin Mr Wm
Rodndouser Ben
Rarrick Mrs A
Roudoll Alfred M
Richardson Muriel H
Smith Vf F
Starkoy QL
Schaffor SchaefTer
Thomas Mr J D
Thomburff Mr E
Rusmee A X
Russell W A
Rhodes W H
Vinson L A
Williams T L
Wood J F
- Ward WT
Walder Henry
West Mr Joel
Wagner Mrs C F
Woigel D M
When calling for these please say
they were advertised
F M Kimmell Postmaster
Mr and Mrs C II Boylo entertained
tho whist club last evening
Mrs Harry Barbazettk is at Arkan
sas Hot Springs for her health
Virgil Williams is now with the
Pueblo Bridge Co at Morrill Nob
Mrs J E Kelley arrived home Sun
day night from her sad viait in Kirwin
Mrs Justin A Wilcox will entertain
chapter X P E O Saturday Feb 23
2 p m Annual dues
Miss Powers of tho teacher corps
wont up to Trenton on No 13 today to
be absent over Sunday
Mrs A L Knowland entertained a
company of lady friends today at a
Washingtons birthday dinner
Mrs C B Sawyer wont down to
University Place this morning to visit
Miss Kathryn for a short time
J W Eastman was in Kirwin Kan
sas attending the funeral of a near re
lative Mrs JE Kelleys mother-
Mrs T B Campbell visited her daugh
ter Mrs E J Kates in Plattsmouth
from Sunday until Wednesday night
Milton Clark has sold his residence
at Stella Nebraska and will come to
McCook and engage in the stock business
Dr S C Beach is the latest novitiate
into Mi Cuoks utclub He drives a
light machine of the buggy type the
first of its kind in tho city
Mrs Harry Rogers entertained a
company of ladies Wednesday after
noon in honor of her mother Mrs M C
Hawley with happy particulars
Mr and Mrs II C Clapp arrived
home yesterday on No 13 During
their absenco Mrs Clapp attended the
burial of a sister friends will bo grieved
to learn
G E Thompson departed Monday
night for eastern markets to mako com
plete arrangements for spnrg and sum
mer goods He will visit St Louis and
Mrs Hiram THRAiLKiLLand daughter
Gladys have returned from their Kan
sas visit and will spend a week with
Palisade relatives before departing for
their home in California
Mr and Mrs J G Stokes entertained
the Thursday whist club last evening
C B Sawyer won tho honors in a draw
Mrs Barney Hofer spcond prize The
scoro and table cards were hatchet shape
D J Osijurn writes from Las Angsles
Calif that he has bought a city homo
there surrounded with fruit and flowers
in full sight of the snowv
range That they like it there but will
be back hero some day on a visit
Lecture on Armenia
Dr Boyajian a native of Armenia
will give a sermon lecture at the Con
gregational church next Sunday at 8 00
p m He is -a gradute of Euphrates col
lege in Turkey and of Yale college and
Detroit medical college He is an in
tenssly interesting speaker and all are
cordially invited to hear him tell the
thrilling story of Armenia and Her
Notice to Settle
All parties owing me are requested to
call and make a satisfactory settlement
before March first 1907 as must close
up my business here on that date
Please do not delay this another day
My books will be found at The Model
shoe store until that date
A E Petty
It You Want
a nice buggy or harness or a good wagon
and work harness we can fit you out
Harness and vehicles of every descrip
tion McCook Hardware Co
Yes theres quality in every ingredient
used in fhling prescriptions when they
are filled at our drug store
L W McConnell Druggist
For Fifty Cents
Mens good stout overalls band or bib
for fifty cents at Thompsons Others
at seventy five cents
Simpsons Prints
They are the best on earth
cents a yard at Thompsons
Dr S C Beach desires to announce
to his city and country patrons that he
now has an automobile capable of do
ing thirty miles per hour and that all
calls both day and night will be
promptly attended
Buy field grass flower and garden
seeds from H P Waite Co
Gust Blunck went back to work on the
section at Traer Kan Monday
August Wesch is hauling rocks for a
foundation for his new barn this week
E B Nelson had a dance Friday
night with 34 numbers out
Mr and Mrs Chas Creager left Cedar
Bluffs Kans Monday night for Or
leans Neb where they will make their
Peter Wesch shelled corn Mondav
John H Wesch and Frank Creager
hauled furniture to Cedar Bluffs Kans
Monday for Chas Creager
Mrs B W Benjamin is on the sick
list this week
A L Olmsted is husking corn for
Harve Rowland this week
Robt Rowland got back from Leban
on Mo last week
Minnie Weeks is back from her Iowa
Miss Belle Wesch has been sick the
past week but is improving
District Court Proceedings
WKStarr v C W Dow et al
appeal dismissed
Edward Curlee v Advance Thresher
Co verdict for defendant judgment on
verdict Motion for now trial overruled
Iorty days for bond and bill or excep
In thamattor of the complaint of the
First Nation d Bank in tho city of Mc
Cook iu Rod Willow county Nebraska
asking a reduction of the assessed valua
tion of property in said county appeal
Lottie Kennedy v School district No
74 in Red Willow county Nebraska
jury disugreed and was discharged
Stale of Nebraska v Roy Little ver
dict finding defendant not guilty
Clark W Wimor v Hans I Peterson
verdict for defendant
Charles Quaduor et al v Frederick
Quaduor continued
Moses King v Mary J McKeano
case settled and dismissed at plaintiffs
William G Jones v William B
Guthrin finding for plaintiff Duo
plaintiff on contract and notes S10124
Forty days for bill of oxeptions v-
William H Knuth et al v Timothy
Hannan Jr et m motion to require
defendant to mako answer more distinct
Defo dait mivn tlnrtv days
to swer
Viola Kelley v Thomas C Kolley
First National Bank continued until
Maich 8th 1907
11 11 Brry et al v Modern Wood
men of America J E Kelley appoiuted
guardian ad litem of minors Finding
and judgment for defendant
Edward Ourleo v Reaves and Co
attachment motion for security for
costs confessed Plaintiff to give secur
ity in fifty days
John Rujsr 1 v Ilubor lfg Co a
for defendant
return of property and S17o90 damages
Mt ioo of cefundnt fo u v inal over
ruled Forty days for bill of excep
Francs T Walker v Lavilla J
Buitless et al specific performance
finding for defendant Forty days to
file bond and bill of exceptions
Mary EMiller v Samuel L Miller
divorce decree of divorce granted Ali
mony allowed in the sum of 65030
CharfcsF Stouffer v C B Q RR
Codigpusoratioo damages verdict for
plaintiff for 8G3520 Motion for new
trial overruled Forty days for bill of
mountain exceptions
Acme Harvesting Co v Edward
Curlee appeal defendant given sixty
days to file amended answer
Notice to Parents
A class for beginners will be formed
in the preparatory grades of the east
west and south schools Monday after
noon February 18 which children five
years of age and over may enter They
will attend afternoons only and will
not be admitted after Friday March 1
Parents are urged to start their children
the first day
of education
By direction of the board
G H Thomas Supt
Suro We aro connected with the
sewer system and our rooms are newly
cleaned We invite old customers and
new as well to come for baths Services
of a rubber if wanted
Bruns Barber Shop
Mens Suits
Mens suits at 8500 650 800 10 00
12 50 and 13 50 We save you from S100
to 30C on a single suit The Thompson
Dry Goods Co
Tuerk water motor and several steam
radiators Inquire or write
The Tribune McCook Neb
Ladies Skirts
A large line to select from 2 00 to
700 alternations free Tho Thompson
Dry Goods Co
Mrs C H Willard returned to Kan
sas Wednesday of last week after
being with her sister Mrs J P Notiey
for a few weeks
Earl Notiey was a Denver visitor
from Friday to Sunday
They had a big cyster supper at G E
Evertsons last Saturday evening
Sadie Evertson was home over Sun
Mrs E C Warfield returned last
Wednesday from Illinois where she
was called by the illness of her mother
who died
The Brittain sale was largely attended
and a success
A fine twelve pound son at Henry
Hoffmans last Saturday
A B Bowers is home for a vacation of
two weeks
On last Sunday about thirty friends
of Mr and Mrs W P Burns gave them
a iarewell surprise party All had an
excellent time especially when it came
to partaking of the feast spread before
them Mr and Mrs Burns expect to
move to McCook the first of March
leaving their home in which they have
lived twenty -seven long happy years and
their many friends feel great sorrow that
they must lose them from the neighbor
Miss Roxa Byfield closed a five months
term of school in district No 19 today
Those neither tardy nor absent last
month were Emie Hinz Harry Schamel
Reinhart Hinz Amanda Hinz and
Minnie Hinz
Spring is coming sure whiskers are
Syllabus of the Decision
City of McCook v McAdams Error
Red Willow On rehearing former
judgment of reversal adhered to Albert
C Department No 2
1 In an action against a city for
damages alleged to have been caused by
the negligent omission of tho city to
maintain in proper condition a systom
of drainage constructed by it and ono
of tho defenses relied upon is that tho
loss was occasioned by the act of God
it is error to instruct tho jury that the
burden is upon the defendant to estab
lish such defense
Advance Notice to Subscribers
Subscription expiration notices are
now being prepared and in a few days
will be mailed to all delinquent subscri
bers of The Tribune Wo hope to re
ceivo a prompt reply from all Tho sub
scription price is 1 00 a year payable in
advance Labor and material have sharp
ly advanced but thosubscription price re
mains at S100 a year but the 8100
should bo in advance The Publisher
American Beauties
The American Beauty corsets aro
unequalled for elegance of fit finish
and make They are guaranteed as
follows Money back after four weeks
wear if dissatisfied Thompsons only
Attention Members IOOF
The legular meeting of tho McCook
Lodge No 137 I 00Fwill be heldFri
day evening ltrchl Ail member- urg
ed to bo present Visiting brothers wel
Do You Know That
American sttol hog and cattle fence will
pay for itself in a very short time It
works like a hingo no joints to break
McCook Hardware Co
For Sale
Seven room house two lots barn
plenty fruit and shade Ono block north
and one west of City park
II owe Smith
For Sale
160 acres of Frontier county land at
SI anucreif soH bi f Vh M mcIi 15th 1907
Peter Foxen McCook Neb
is the new
perfume which
should try 50 cents an ounce
L W McConnell Druggist
Says I to Myself Says I
American fence is tho fence to buy says
1 McUook Hardware Co
White Quilts
Good values in hemmed and fringed
at Thompsons
Restaurant for sale and building for
rent Inquire at oncei H KAPKE
Dr Kays office is now one door north
of Commercial hotel Phone 97
Pyrography outfits from 8200 up at
Woodworth Co Druggists
Crescent Cottage paint at Waites
A light rain fell here last night
Pearl Russell of Danbury visited last
week at the home of Heury Crabtree Jr
During vacation Friday while the
school room was undergoing repairs the
pupils of the tenth grade drove down to
Bartley to visit the schools of that place
Mrs Charles Broomfield arrived home
Friday evening from Hastings where
she had been visiting the past week
Arthur Hoagland had a sale at his
place three miles north of town last
Wednesday He will leave for Saline
county soon where ho will make his
Mrs W K Smith is nursing a fract
ured arm these days as a result of a
John Welborn is very sick Floyd was
sent for and arrived Friday morning
His father had improved so much thathe
returned to Denver Monday morning
Mr and Mrs Frank Hardesty went
down to Bloomington a few days ago to
attend the funeral of a relative
The St Valentine social held in the
Masonic hall Thursday evening was
well attended and a neat sum realized
which will go toward defraying expenses
on the new church addition
The funeral of Peter Hagney was held
iu the Catholic church Thursday morn
ing and was largely attended
The interior of the school house is
being renovated by a new coat of paper
George Snyder an old time resident of
this place but now of Iowa is here on a
visit with friends
Mrs Fred Hoagland died at her home
9 miles north of Indianola Saturday
night and was buried from the Congreg
ational church in this city Monday
noon Sermon by Rev N II Hawkins
Feirdinand Vering will have a sale at
his place just east of town on the 21st
A farewell reception will be tendered
the families of John Broomfield Arthur
Hoagland and Rev N H Hawkins on
Friday evening next at the Masonic hall
These families are going out from our
midst with unlimited good wishes for
their future welfare
Tom Earle has moved into the house
lately vacated by C C Burt
Grandma Cain is quite sick
Arch Mann is having a severe tussle
witn the grip
Frank Howe is getting ready to build
a brick home on his new farm just south
of tho depot
Public sales are the order of the day
Major Hess who was indisposed last
week is able to be about
Mr Whitney carpenter who has
been working here at his trade received
a telegram from his family in Iowa in
forming him that the smallpox was un
comfortably close to their home He
left Wednesday morning on No 12 j
COUNTY court
William II Cummings ago 20 Mc
Cook Estella M Drake ago 18Osborn
Geo W E Listen ago 21 Bartley
Bertha Parse age 17 Cambridge
LeRoy E Dutton aaa 28 McCook
MaryE Hammond ago 19 McCook -
John A Ginther ago 20 Bartloy
Bertha 1 Teeters age 22 Bartley
Tho word signifies tho best in candy
Wo cannot offer tho public a better
candy A candy which gives more un
iversal satisfaction Gunthers candies
are kept by us aro always fresh and in
splendid condition
L W McConnell Druggist
Removal Sale
From now until I movo will sell tho
bulk of my goods at greatly reduced
prices many articles below cost Wo
prefer to sacrifice our stock and save
trouble and expense in moving
Barnry Hoker P O Store
Eighty One Pieces
Our display of ginghams loom up big
in three excellent grades 5 9 and 12j
cents a yarci
No nso in our prices
Now Is the Time
to sow blue gis5 and white clovor Wo
have taken gr at caro in selecting our
of iAI
MoUook Hardware Co
An oxpprioncad lady book keeper
Must know shorthand and typo writing
Address Powell fc Nilsson
Marion Nebraska
Rev A F Green will
preach on The Devil
Sunday evening at the
Baptist church
Trv McMilleno cough curo
Say you sa it in Tin Iiciiscne
Crescent Cottage paint at Waites
IGet The Tribune to do your printing
Buckwheat flour at tae McCook Mill
ing Cos
Lownoys Chocolates Where
Woodworth Cos
Hold grass flower and garden
from II P Wajte Co
Harry Slawson of Palmyra is a new
employee of the McCook Milling Co
The Epworth League held its regular
Weekly social in the church last Friday
C W Hamilton is building a large
addition to his Madison street home
and a large barn
Sunburn and chaps wont worry you
if you learn to rely upon McConnells
Fragrant Lotion 25c
Many new things in wall
Spring stock is now on display
L W McConnell Druggist
Corn chop at the mill at 80 cents a
hundred livery thing delivered
McCook Milling Co
The Lewis Stock Co is filling a suc
cessful and fairly satisfactory engage
ment at the Bixler this week
If you have the slightest interest in
picture making drop in and see our lino
of cameras
L W McConnell Druggist
Cash Received on Account
Charge Paid Out and other cash
register printed supplies at The Tribune
Barney Hofer expects to move into his
own store building tho building lately
vacated by Okerson and Baker barbers
next week
Lice and all disease germs quickly
killed with Kreso One part Kreso 100
parts water does it For sale by Wood
worth Cos druggists
Large and fancy home grown carna
tions only SO cents per dozen also a lot
of choice pot plants and parsley
McCook Greenhouse Phone 91
Are you going to paint If so let us
figure with you on material We sell
Heath and Williams paint and it is
guaranteed for five years
C R Woodworth Co
Rev M B Carman was called to Ilil
dreth Neb Monday to officiate at the
burial of a former ptirishoner who died
in Oklahoma and was brought to Hil
dreth for burial Mrs Carman accom
panied him
Five dollars invested monthly in
McCook Building Association stock will
be worth 81000 in 120 months or less
Where can you find a better investment
for small savings See the secretary
about new stock today
The Congregational brethren enjoyed
the profitable pleasures of a good time
social in the church Thursday evening
of last week There was a numerous
attendance a worthful impromptu
niusic Iiterary program refreshments
A press brick plant is one of the as
sured enterprises of the early spring
Samples of clay from just east of the
city have been sent to StLouisfor trea
ment Contractor A S Ennis is one of
the stockholders in the proposed enter
There will be a meeting of the Anti
Saloon League at the Brotherhood rooms
of the M E church Tuesday 800 p m
February 26th All interested in the
cause of temperance and good govern
ment are urged to attend
Howe Smith President
NebrasJcft Stiiio iijhlf
McConnell for dnnja
McMillans Cough Curo
Everything in drugs
The Tribune will print it for you
McConnelPs Balsam cures coughs
Crescent Cottago paint at Waites
McMillens hund lotion is a repeator
Remnant wall paper at Woodworth
Cos druggists
J E Barngrovor McCook Loans and
Kodaks Cameras and supplies at
Woooworth Ooh
Seo tho Ono Minn to washer at
McCook Hardware Cos
Buy field grass flower and garden
seeds from II P Waitk Co
Try Mairnor Stokes for frnsh nrul
salt meats fruit and vegetables
McMillens Cream Lotion will mako
your hands and face smooth and soft
Seo those largo fancy Salad dishes
Special only 25 j Hio Ideal Store
Fancy Navel Orangps ouly 55c a peck
J A Wilcox Son
Fou Sale A uousoand lot ono block
oast of city park M Coli eu
The Tribune is now nrenared to fin
your job printing of all kinds promptly
A full blood Jerfcey bull will bo found
at the barn of Blown and Douglass for
the season
Bound duplicKte receipt books three
receipts to tho pago for sale at Tim
Tribune ollice
Hot water itotlliS and combination
fountain syrins in all stylos at Mc
Millens drug s io
Crope and tie ue paper papor llnver
outfits and dc oattooti of all kiudd at
Woodworth Cos
If it is from Marshs its the best ob
tainable Anything and everything per
taining to the meat market business
I am prepared to do repairing or all
kinds on machinery boilers flues etc
Phone 83 Fred Brewer McCook Neb
All kinds of fresh and salt meats
fruits and vegetables at
Magner Stokes
Magner Stokes can supply you
with anything in tho lino of fresh and
salt meais Also fruits and vegetables
Almond and cucumber cream for soro
and cracked hands Its snow whito
and pleasant to use 25 cents at Wood
work Cos
Dont buy the same wall paper that
every ono else is buying buy your wall
paper of LW McConnell Druirist
He has exclusive patterns
The Womans Missionary Society of
tho Congregational church will meet
with Mrs Kimmell Thursday afternoon
February 28th at 300 oclock
All persons knowing themselves in
debted to me are aro requested to call
and pay up as soon as possible as I
need the coin Barney Hofer
Take a snap shot of the baby with an
Eastmau kodak It will afford you
great pleasure and they mako excellent
souvenir po3t cards
L W McConnell Druggist
With six brick buildings in course of
construction and as many or more
frame dwellings going up McCook is
doing a pretty good mid winter building
See us if you are going to build We
have had 25 years experience Fine de
signing a specialty Clavbaugh Bros
Shop opposite Blue Front livery barn
McCook Nebr
Our Mentholated Whito Pine and Tar
cough remedy is guaranteed under tho
new Puro Food and Drug Law
The best and surest cure for coughs
and colds Woodworth Co
Dont spend all you earn Put a few
dollars into McCook building Associ
ation stock each month and watch it
grow See the secretary today and get
some of the new stock
Cards are out announcing the
approaching wedding of Claude K Odell
and Pearlo True The happy event is
scheduled for next Wednesday evening
February 27th at 830 oclock
Marsh operates on the theory that
nothing is too good for his patrons
hence he buys only the best of livestock
of all kinds and sells only the best of
meats You can prove it by a trial
Satisfaction absolutely guaranteed
At the home of the brides brother M
II Hammond Feb 18 Mr LeRoy E
Dutton and Miss Mary Ethel Ham
mond were united i n marriage
M B Carman performing the ceremony
The young couple took No 1 the same
day for Denver to spend a week or two
The stereopticon lecture on the Philip
pines by Senor Lala last Saturday even
ing did not draw much of a house
although pronounced worthful enter
taining and instructive An impossible
voice seemed to be the senors drawback
His pictures were fine and subject
matter good
The second Sunday in Lent there
will be services in St Albans church as
follows At 11 a m Holy Communion
and sermon subject Obedience tho
Religion of the Family At 730 p m
evening prayer and sermon subject
Three Hundred Years of the Episcopal
Church in America All are welcome