The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 15, 1907, Image 2

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    The Tribune
F M KIMMELL Publisher
Authorof TheManon the Boxttc
With Drawings by Harrison Fisher
Copyright IKS by Bobbs Merrill Co
What do you know about the ten
of hearts I began with directness
I am a shade all things are known
to me
You may be a lamp shade for all I
care What do you know about the
ten of hearts
Beware of it hollowly From
under his toga he produced a ten of
My knees wabbled and there was a
sense of looseness about my collar
The fellow knew I was an impostor
Why didnt he denounce me
Ib the back of your card anything
like this one ironically I dare
say it isnt But have your good time
grave monk doubtless you are willing
that the fiddlers shall be paid And
wrapping ais toga about him majesti
cally he stalked away leaving me
staring dumfoundedly after his reced
ing form
The deuce Had I been attired like
yon Romeo I certainly should have
taken to my heels but a fellow can
not run in a Capuchins gown and re
tain any dignity I would much rather
be arrested than laughed at I stood
irresolute What was to he done
How much did he know Did he know
who I was And what was his object
in letting me run my course I was
all at sea Hang the grisly
old Roman Ihut my teeth I would
see the comedy to its end no matter
what befell If worst came to worst
there was always Teddy Hamilton to
fall hack on
I made off toward the smoking
room rumbling imprecations against
the gods for having given me the idea
of attending this masquerade when it
would have been cheaper and far more
comfortable to go to the theater
But as soon as L entered the smok
ing room I laughed It was a droll
scene Here we were all of us trying
savagely to smoke a cigar or cigarette
through the flabby aperture desig
nated in a mask as the mouth It was
a hopeless job for myself I gave it
up in disgust
Nobody dared talk naturally for fear
of being identified When a man did
open his mouth it was only to commit
some banal idiocy for which during
office hours he would have been haled
to the nearest insane asylum and
labeled incurable Added to this was
heat matching Saharas and the op
pressive odor of weltering paint
By Jove Only one man knew that
the back of my card was unlike the
others the man who had picked it up
in old Friards curio shop the man
who had come to Blankshire with me
I knew now He had been there buy-
ing a costume like myself He had
seen me on the train- and had guessed
ihe secret I elbowed my way out of
the smoking room It wouldnt do me
a bit of harm to ask a few polite ques
tions of Mr Caesar of the sardonic
But I had lost the golden oppor
tunity Caesar had gone to join the
shades of other noble Romans in
vain I searched high and low for him
Once I ran into Hamilton His face
was pale and disturbed and anxious
Whats the trouble Hamilton I
asked with forced gaiety
He favored mo with a penetrating
The very devil is the trouble he
growled Several of the ladies have
begun to miss valuable jewels Anne
of Austria has lost her necklace and
Queen Elizabeth is without a priceless
comb altogether about ten thousand
Robbery I looked at him aghast
Thats the word Curse the luck
There is always something of this sort
happening to spoil the fun But who
ever has the jewels will not get away
with them
What are you going to do
I have already sent for the village
police Now I shall lock all the doors
and make every man and woman pro
duce cards for identification ab
ruptly leaving me
Thunderbolts out of heavens My
knees and collar bothered me again
the first attack was trifling compared
to this second seizure How the devil
-was I to get out
Are you searching for me In
quired a soft voice at my elbow
I turned Instantly The Blue Dom
ino had come back to me
I have been searching for you
everywhere I said gallantly
Oh but that is a black one Never
mind the fib was well meant
I led her over to a secluded nook
within a few feet of the door which
gave entrance to the club cellars
This doorI bad been bearing in mind
for some time It Is well to know
your topography The door was at
the left of the band platform There
was a twin door on the other side
ye sat down
Have you heard the news I
No Has some one been discov
ered making love to his own wife by
Its serious Anne of Austria and
Queen Elizabeth have been robbed of
some jewels
A thief among us
A regular Galloping Dick Im a
thief myself for that matter
You she drew away from me a
Yes My name is Procrastination
Ah my grave Capuchin we do not
steal time we merely waste it But
is what you tell me true
I am very sorry to say it Is The
jewels were worth something like ten
thousand dollars
Merciful heavens
It is true infernally true look
ing around to see if by chance Caesar
had reappeared on the scene How
was 1 to manage my escape It Is
true I might hie me to the cellars but
how to get out of the cellars Have
you seen Julius Caesar I asked
Yes Miss Hawthorne
The Blue Domino swung about and
leaned toward me her hands tense
upon the sides of her chair
What name did you say a
strained note in her voice
Hawthorne I answered taking
out the sHp of pasteboard See it
says that one blue domino was rented
of Monsieur Friard at five thirty this
How did you come by that ticket
she demanded
It was a miracle I purchased a
mask there and this ticket was
wrapped up in my bundle by mistake
- -
and I beheld the girl I had met in
Silence So this is the meaning
of your shuffling those cards Oh it
Is certainly droll She laughed
And are you Miss Hawthorne
I am still in the mask sir I shall
answer none of your questions
This is the finest romance in the
world cried
You were talking about getting
out she said Shall I lend you my
domino But that would be useless
Such a prestidigitator as Signor Fan
toccini has only to say Presto and
disappear at once
I assure you it Is no laughing mat
I see it from adiffcrent angle
An artists model and yet a guest at
this exclusive function
A commotion around the stage dis
tracted us Presently we saw Teddy
Hamilton mount the stage and hold up
his hands
Attention ladies arid gentlemen
he called
Silence gradually fell upon the mote
ly groups of masqueraders
A thief is among us I have had
all the exits closed Everybody will
be so kind as to present cards at the
main entrance Three ten spots of
hearts have been tallied on the com
paring lists We have been imposed
upon The police are on the way
Very sorry to cause you this annoy
ance The identity of the holders of
the cards will be known only to those
of us on the committee
Silence and then a murmur which
soon became a buzzing like that of
many bees
v J
The Blue Domino Swung1 About
It is a curious coincidence her
voice normal and unagitated
I was confused Then I am mis
taken my chagrin evident All
this while mind you I was wonder
ing if that cellar door was unlocked
and how long it would -take me to
reach it before the denouement
One way or the other it does not
matter said she
Yet if I could reach the cellars
absently Then I bit my tongue
Cellars Who said anything about
cellars I meant that this is not the
hour for unmasking or disclosing
ones identity coldly
And 3et when Caesar whispered
Beware the ten of hearts you turned
and shuddered What have you to
offer in defense
It was the horrid mask he wore
Well it wasnt handsome of him
What did you mean by cellars
suddenly becoming the inquisitor in
her turn
I Oh I was thinking what I
should do in case of fire nimbly
That is not the truth
Well no it isnt Can you keep a
secret I whispered
If it isnt a terrible one-
Well I have no earthly business
here I am an impostor
An impostor
Yes And for the past few min
utes since I heard of the robbery Ive
been thinking how I could get out of
here upon the slightest notice While
the reckless spirit was upon me I pro
duced the fatal card and showed the
back to her You will find that yours
is of a different color But I am not
the Galloping Dick it was only a
hare brained lark on my part and I
had no idea it would turn out serious
like this I was going to disappear
before they unmasked What would
you advise me to do
She took the card studied it and
finally returned it There followed an
Interval of silence
I have known the imposition from
the first she said
She touched the signet ring on my
little finger - I have seen that once
before to night No she mused you
will not blow up the postoffice to night
nor the police station
She lifted the corner of her mask
The Blue Domino suddenly clutched
my arm
Please take me away take me-
away at once Im an impostor too
Two of us
This was disaster I give you my
solemn word there was nothing I re-
retted so much as the fact that I
adnt gone to the theater
But I am a man of quick thought
and resource In the inelegant phras
ing of the day me for the cellars
Come said I to the girl theres
only once chance in a hundred but
well take it together
Together Where
Why to the cellars Ive a pocket
ful of matches We can make a try
For if theres a thief around and we
are caught and proved impostors r
Well I leave you to imagine
I will go with you she replied
The gods were with us The door
leading to the cellars was not locked
I opened it passed the girl before me
and closed the door
I am frightened she whispered
So am I I offered to reassure her
You are not afraid of rats are you
No o
Bully I cried Then I laughed
How can you laugh It is horri
ble she protested
You would come though I heard
your uncle warn you Look at It the
way I do Its ar huge joke and years
from now youll have great fun telling
it to your grandchildren
I wish at this moment I could see
so far ahead What was that
seizing my arm
Somebody had locked the -door be
hind us -To
be Continued
Willing to Overlook It
You exclaimed the Indignant
old gentleman you want to marry
my daughter Why sir It was only
a few years ago that you were caddy
Ing for me
Yes the young man replied but
I dont intend to let that stand in the
way I hope I am philosopher enough
to understand that a Tery bad golfer
may make a fairly good- father-in-law
Chicago Record Herald
8aved by a Song
A boy was amusing himself by
watching tho birds that were flying
around him At length a beautiful
bobolink perched on a rough bough of
an apple tree near by
The boy picked up a stone and got
ready to throw it at the bird The
birds throat swelled and forth came
the song A llnk a llnk a link bobo
ling bobolink a-no-sweet a-no-sweet
I know it I know it a link a link
dont throw it throw It throw it
And the boy did not throw the
stone but dropped it on the ground
- Why didnt you stone him my
boy You might have killed him and
carried Wm home
The little fellow looked up and re
plied Couldnt cos he sang so
A Big Bargain for 12 Cents Postpaid
The year of 1906 was one of prodigal
plenty on our seed farms Never before
did vegetable and farm eeeds return such
enormous yields
Now we wish to gain 200000 new cus
tomers this year and hence offer for 12c
pkff Garden City Beet 10c
1 Earliest Ripe Cabbage 10c
J Earliest Emerald Cucumber 15c
I La Crosse Market Lettuce 15c
I 13 Day Radish 10c
1 Blue Blood Tomato 15c
1 Juicy Turnip 10c
1000 kernels gloriously beautiful flow
er seeds 15c
Total 100
All for 12c postpaid in order to intro
duce our warranted seeds and if you
will 6end 16c we will add one package of
Berliner Earliest Cauliflower together
with our mammoth plant nursery stock
vegetable and farm seed and tool catalog
This catalog is mailed free to all in
tending purchasers Write to day
John A Salzer Seed Co Box W La
Crosse Wis
Used Him as Eraser
The late Dr Henry Martyn Field
Borne years ago related at a Williams
alumni dinner a rather amusing inci
dent of his freshman days at college
Being only 12 years old when he
entered he had not reached the point
where the natural friction between the
big boy and the small boy ceases and
he was at particular feud with one of
his fellows a stalwart country youth
fresh from the farm One day young
Field went early to the classroom and
put upon the big blockboard a very
exasperating caricature of his en
emy with his name beneath When
the aggrieved party saw what had
been done he said not a word but
catching up his youthful tormentor he
used him as an eraser and after rub
bing out the offensive picture quietly
took his seat
Of Interest to Women
Every woman naturally should be
healthy and strong but a great many
Women unfortunately are not owing
to the unnatural condition of the lives
we lead Headache backache and a
general tired condition are prevalent
amongst the women of to day and to
relieve these conditions women rush
to the druggists for a bottle of some
preparation supposed to be particular
ly for them and containing nobody
knows what If they would just get
a box of Brandreths Pills and take
them regularly every night for a time
all their trouble would disappear as
these pills regulate the organs of the
feminine system The same dose al
ways has the same effect no matter
how long they are used
Brandreths pills have been in use
for over a century and are for sale
everywhere plain or sugar coated
Henry Clay and Lew Wallace
Mr Clay was of a personality once
seen never to be forgotten Tall
Blender graceful he had besides the
air majestic which kings affect im
agining it exclusive property
Throughout Mr Clays performance
my eyes scarcely left his countenance
which as he -proceeded sank from
sight until by the familiar optical
illusions nothing of it remained but
the mouth and that kept enlarging
and widening until it seemed an elas
tic link holding the ears together
Indeed at this late writing my one
distinct recollection of the man and
his speech is the mouth and its capac
ity for infinite distension Autobiog
raphy of Lew Wallace
Sheer white goods In fact any fine
wash goods when new owe much of
their attractiveness to the way they
are laundered this being done in a
manner to enhance their textile beau
ty Home laundering would be equal
ly satisfactory if proper attention was
given to starching the first essential
being good Starch which has sufficient
strength to stiffen without thickening
the goods Try Defiance Starch and
you will be pleasantly surprised at the
improved appearance of your work
Work and Pray
When we pray for any virtue we
should cultivate the virtue as well as
pray for it the form of your prayer
should be the rule of your life every
petition to God is a precept to man
Look not therefore upon your pray
ers as a method of good and salvation
only but as a perpetual motion of
duty By what we require of God we
see what He requires of us Jeremy
A powder It cures painful smart
ing nervous feet and ingrowing nails
Its the greatest comfort discovery of
the age Makes new shoes easy A
certain cure for sweating feet Sold
by all druggists 25c Trial package
FREE Address A S Olmsted Le
Roy N Y
Also Gives Away Libraries
James J H Gregory oV Marble
head Mass is a rival of Andrew Car
negie in the giving away of libraries
He has been doing this for years His
libraries are smaller than Carnegies
gifts and are given to small communi
ties to ministers and educators who
cannot afford to purchase them
- - A J J
The Immigration During 1906 Wa3
While it is well to heed every
word of caution from the leaders in
commerce and finance and to avoid
all speculative ventures that lack a
solid business foundation it is clearly
evident that there is no conspicuous
weak spot in Canadas present era of
prosperity The Toronto Globe says
The Dominion has in a commercial
sense plenty of money and our lead
ing financial Institutions are in a po
sition to lend freely In the United
States The chief productive enter
prises of Canada are not buoyed up
by an era of dangerous speculation
but are following substantial busi
ness methods and finding safe and
continuous markets for their goods
We are not bolstering up any indus
tries by extensive export bonuses
that must Impoverish the people as
a whole and ultimately lead to col
lapse through the failure of the arti
ficial aid There is no extreme pro
tection in Canada such as would cre
ate great fortunes for a few at the
expense of the general public and
lead to disruption and catastrophe
Tho prosperity of Canada has no ar
tificial foundation being based on a
healthy and substantial expansion of
trade and industry with a proportion
ate extension of productive settlement
to new areas
It is true that we are borrowing
extensively for railway construction
but every line will bring new terri
tory within the limits of profitable
occupation and will create prosper
ous settlements to bear the burdens
and repay the outlay Wo are not
exhausting mineral resources for it
is quite reasonable to assume that
although mineral wealth is never
permanent ours will during the
measurable future develop a far
greater productive capacity than at
present Our timber wealth can be
made continuous by a judicious pol
icy And agriculture the real foun
dation of our prosperity is expanding
with every new expenditure on rail
way construction We are not in
the flush of a railway mania that
could bring its punishment through
the useless duplication of lines The
gigantic railway enterprises that
now stimulate every line of business
in Canada will create a new Domin
ion and thus render easy the heavy
burdens of kdebt now freely assumed
Canadas era of prosperity has been
unprecedented but there is no sign
of weakness and no cause for lack
of confidence While our growth is
normal and healthy we need have no
alarm at its rapidity This article
might have gone on to relate the
great growth that is taking place in
Central Canada where thousands of
Americans have made their homes
during the past few years The past
calendar year has given to Canada by
importation an addition of 216000 to
its population Of this the United
States contributed 63781 The agents
of the Canadian government whose
advertisement appears elsewhere eay
that this number will be largely in
creased during 1907
Connecticuts Bad Record
Connecticut is usually regarded as
a safe and pleasant place to live in
and yet it had 43 murders in 1906
where Maine had only two To be
sure Connecticut has more people
than Maine but not so very many
more it has fewer than 1000000
while Maine has 725000 It is fair
to state that it was an unusually bad
year for the old Nutmeg state in this
respect as its 43 murders are more
than it ever had before in a single
year and 17 more than the annual av
erage for the last decade Kennebec
Laundry work at home would be
much more satisfactory if the right
Starch were used In order to get the
desired stiffness It is usually neces
sary to use so much starch that the
beauty and fineness of the fabric Is
hidden behind a paste of varying
thickness which not only destroys the
appearance but also affects the wear
ing quality of the goods This trouble
can be entirely overcome by using De
fiance Starch as it can be applied
much more thinly because of its great
er strength thaiv other makes
Great Merchant Born on Farm
Like many other monarchs of trade
William Whiteley the London mer
chant who was murdered recentlv
was born on a farm It was his boa 1
that he stood ready to fill any orde
no matter how unprecedented A
story is told of two army officers who
went into his great London store and
one of them asked for six elephants
They were forthcoming and the man
who had bet they wouldnt be there
paid though it turned out that the
winner had arranged with Whiteley
in advance
100 Reward 100
The readers of this paper fill be pleated to learn
thai tbere U at least on dreaded disease that science
has been able to cure la all Its stages and that Is
Catarrh Halls Catarrh Care Is the only positive
cure now known to the medical fraternity Cctarrh
bclns a constitutional disease requires a constitu
tional treatment Hairs Catarrh Care is taken In
ternally acting directly upon the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system thereby destroying the
foundattan of the disease and giving the patient
strength by building up the constitution and assist
ing nature in doing Its worlc The proprietors have
so much faith In Its curative powers that they offer
One Hundred Dollars for any case that 1 falls to
cure Send for list of testimonials
Address F J CHESEr fc CO Toledo O
Bold by all DrugBlsts 73c
Take HaUs Family Pills for constipation
Many Americans Go to Canada
Consul Harry A Conant writes from
Windsor that the total immigration
from the United States Into Canada
for the four months of the fiscal year
July August September and Octo
ber was 17907 as compared with 12
664 for the same period the year be
Tnko UAXAVIV ii JHtOMO Quinine TablbU Craz
bIb refund money If it rails to ouro it W
UHOVKH signature if op each box 23a
While man wants but little hero be
low he never gets quite onough
Smokers appreciate the quality value of
Lewis Single Binder cifpr Your dealer
or Lewis Factory Pcona III
Dont be too sure of the man who
boasts of being sure of himself
Trappers Supplies Sold Cheap
Write for catalog and circular No 9
N W Hide Fur Co Minneapolis Minn
Its a waste of time to cut the ac
quaintance of a man who Is insult
Defiance Starch Is the latest Inven
tion in that line and nn improvement
on all other makes It is more eco
nomical does better work takes les
timo Get it from any grocer
Some valuable farthings were sold
at Sothebys auction rooms London
recently A Charles II pewter farth
ing sold for 50 and an Olivor Crom
well farthing in copper for 45
With a smooth iron and Defiance
Starch you can launder your shirt
waist just as well at home as the
steam laundry can It -will have the
proper stlffnej Kanri jnish there will
be less wearawt of the goods
and it will beaisCsitiYe pleasure to-
use a Starch that does not stick to tho
Cyclist Amuses Sultan
The sultan of Turkey occasionally
finds amusement in watching the per
formance of Mustafa the court cy
clist who is said to be the only per
son who has ever made his majesty
laugh Mustafa accompanies his gy
rations with frequent bursts of mono
logue showing himself to be almost
as good a wit as he is a cyclist
By following the directions which
are plainly printed on each package of
Defiance Starch Mens Collars and
Cuffs can be made just as stiff as de
sired with either gloss or domestic
finish Try it 16 oz for 10c sold by
all good grocers
A Man of High Principle
Scotsman up for the week end who
has been asked by his friend to go to
a music hall Na na man Dye no
ken I never visit a music hall on th
Saturday for fear I should laugh la
th kirk on th Sawbath London
For Over Two Years Patent Medi
cines Quack Cures and Doctors
Fall Cuticura Succeeds
I was very badly afflicted with ec
zema for more than two years Tho
parts affected were my limbs below
the knees I tried all the physicians
in the town and some in the surround
ing towns and I also tried all the pat
ent remedies that I heard of besides
all the cures advised by old women
and quacks and found no relief what
ever until I commenced using the Cu
ticura Soap Cuticura Ointment and
Cuticura Resolvent In the Cuticura
Remedies I found immediate relief
and was soon sound and well C V
Beltz Tippecanoe Ind Nov 15 05
Young Poet to creditor who pre
sents a bill Oh how good of you I
was looking everywhere for a piece
of paper upon which to write a won
derful thought which has just com
to me and you drop down like an an
gel from heaven
Paint Buying
Made Safe
White Lead and
Linseed Oil need
no argument no
advertising to
maintain them
selves as the best
and most economic
al paint yet known to
man Thedifncultyhas
been for the buyer to be
always sure of the purity
of the white lead and oil
Wc have registered the
trade mark of the Dutch Bov nainter
I to be the final proof of quality gen
uineness and purity to paint buyers
everywhere When this trade mark
appears on the keg you can be sure
that the contents is Pure White
Lead made by the Old Dutch Process
A Talk on Paint gives raloablo Infonaa
Uonon the paint subject lreo upon rmaesi
in whichever qJ the follow
ing eitle it nearest yout
NewYort Barton Buffalo Cleveland
Cincinnati Chicaco St Louis Phila
delphia fJohn T Lewis Jt Bros Co Pitta
boxen National Lead Oil Co
its columns should insist
tutes or
of this paper de
upon havin
the7 aslc for refusing 11 tabsa
- jfcaSflghafc