m J i a r 5 V New Sale of New Goods All the Time - 1 1 1 i S J9 i The Butcher Phone 12 Wfc V I I Kill I llfllE HUM AGENT FOR THE CELEBRATED Fairbury Hanchett Windmill This is a warranted and guaran teed windmill nothing better in the market Write or call on Mr Rail before buvinc PHONE BLACK 307 McCook Laundry G C HECKMAN Prop Dry and Steam Cleaning and Pressing DR H M IRELAND Osteopathic Physician Kelley Office Bldg Phone No 13 McCOOK NEB Consultation free JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTRACTEE McCook Nebraska gaAgant of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook Waterworks Office inJPoatoffice building J GUN DENTIST PnoE 112 Offico Booms 3 and 5 Walsh Blk McCook FAY HOSTETTER T TEACHERON PIANO A tew NOTICE OF GUARDIANS SAKE In the district court of Red Willow county state of ebraska In the matter of the application of James Earl Ludwick guardian of Lewis Basil Ludwick and Loivn Landon Ludwick minors for license to sell real estate Notice is hereby Riven that in pursuance of an order of the Hon R G Orr judge of tho district court of Red Willow county Nebraska made on the lath daj of December 1906 for tho sale of the real estate hereinafter described there will be sold at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash at the east front door of the court house in the city of McCook in said county on the second day of February 1907 at the hour of one oclock p m the following described real estate towit An undivided one half interest in lots one and two in block six in the original town of McCook Red Willow county Nebraska Said sale will remain open one hour James EaelLudw ick Boyle Eddked Guardian of Lewis Basil Attornej s Lud wick and Loron Lan don Ludwick minors f Lumber and Goal Home of Quality and Quantity where W C BULLARD sells THE BEST LUM BER AND COAL Are you thinking of building If so it is ten to one our figures will please you M O McCLURE Phone No 1 Manager Mike Walsh DEALER IN POULTRY and EGGS Old Rubber Copper and Brass Highest Market Price Paid in Cash Now location just across street in P Walsh building flcCook - Nebraska F D BURGESS Shoe The Finest EiikIIsU Oiles Among the many line odes in the English language Macaulay has char acterized Drydens Alexanders Feast as the noblest and Dr Richard Gar nett agreed with him in thinking it the finest ode we have The full title Is Alexanders Feast or The Power of Music an Ode For St Cecilias Day Spensers Epithalamium Miltons Ode on the Nativity Keats odes To a Nightingale and On a Grecian Urn and Shelleys To a Skylark are all notable instances of this class of poem and to these must be added though their form Is irregular Wordsworths magnificent Intimations of Immor tality and Tennysons Ode on the Death of the Duke of Wellington Pruning Tomatoes Men and women who grow a few fine tomatoes in their own gardens for their own use have long practiced more or less pruning of the vines Pruning is also practiced systematical ly when tomatoes are grown in hot houses As a rule the field culture of tomatoes is not sufficiently remunera tive to make pruning profitable Pro fessor Munson found that pruning the plants after a part of the fruit had set increased the yield more than one third This was under conditions of field cul ture It is possible that where the market is good an increase of one third in the crop would pay for the work of pruning Country Gentleman Their Mecca But dear said the caller I dont see why you should care to change the name of your charming little country place Idlewhile Is so romantic It seems to signify dreamy idleness Thats just the trouble replied the housewife It was too suggestive In what way Why it attracted all the tramps In the county Chicago News False Economy There is a vast difference between the economy which administers wisely and that niggardly economy which saves for the sake of saving and spends a dimes worth of time to save a penny I have never known a man who overestimated the importance of saving pennies to do things which be long to large minds Success Maga zine Working Hard The little boys father had come home from his office early and was lying down for a nap before dinner The little lads mother sent him up stairs to see if his father was asleep He returned with this answer Yes mamma papa is all asleep but his nose TL cxGnzsrjuy v j Lvy vyXcXXO To close out our line of warm footwear of winter goods we are offering some desirable shoes at really extraordinary low prices Ladies Felt Slippers always sold at S2 00 now Ladies Felt Shoes former price 2 50 to 150 now 5150 8125 iinu r Mens Felt Slippers always worth 65e now A fir Mens 300 F lt Shoos good values until they aro gone at - nr Childrens 31 75 warm lined Shoes now - Childrens SI 50 xvarm lined Shoes now l liuixii 10 7 tftt J sittjrnirauaKJL syw msrps 100 rrTy1t1rT IUHMHT JU TW Wn mJi VBgJUMUriHWI IK II I- Id luuillbi Ill I lu imJm - LjTTT 9 - i2X5 1907 THE NEW YEAR M I DOSSIBLY you are already a patron of this bank If not it might be well to start in with the New Year A trial may prove mutually profitable With a view to get ting better acquainted we invite you to call THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK McCook Nebr sxssxsX8Ss jfrrni mil I iiiiiiiiiiii jiiiiriiTrTTni The best of every thing in his line at the most reasonable prices is Tlarshs motto He wants your trade and hopes by merit to keep it Ladies read this catalogue of oharins Bright eyes glowing cheeks red lips a smooth skin without a blemish in short perfect health For salo with every package Ilollistors Rocky Mountain tea 35 cents A McMillen Cash Received on Account Charge Paid Out and other cash register printed supplies at The Tribune office Tim Sfmlv of Medicine The study of medicine is the study j of man and of his relations to his en vironment It is the broadest and most useful of all the professions A skillful physician can find opportunity for the employment of his highest skill in a hovel as well as in a palace He Is alike welcomed by the king and by the peasant The exactions of the phy sicians calling are more severe than those of any other profession He must be content to hold all his personal plans for pleasure profit or recreation subject to the exigencies of many oth er lives as well as of his own so that his life must be less regular than that of other men He belongs to the social fire department He must often im peril his health even his life to save the health and lives of others He must be content with a short life But all these disadvantages aro induce ments to the man who desires to live up to the highest and noblest ideals From Starting In Life by N C Fowler Jr - W m ivMammLmmMmmimMjirsflrorwtrunrrr rZ3TtV No Old Sale of Old Goods at Any Old Time Our spring stock consisting in part of the most beautiful Oxfords ever shown in McCook has arrived and is now on display Come in and see them THE MODEL SHOE STORE ttjwT McCOOK NEBRASKA Piumlier and I Steam Fitter f Iron Lead and sewer ripe brass Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Estimates Furnished Free Base ment of the Postoffice Building Discouraging You look discouraged I am Another college has just con ferred the degree of LTj D on my Uncle Benjamin There isnt likely to be much left for me when he died Chicago Record Herald A Menu Dig Miss Passe I have had many chances to marry Only a short time ago a man told me of his love Miss Pert Did he also tell you the name of the lady Meggendorfer Blatter His Religion Money is his religion Yes his wife is afraid to ask for any Its a subject too sacred to men tion Illustrated Bits The Recognition Kcotty Hello Pat me boy a ye had a clean shave a scarcely knew ye wi yer whiskers off Pat The same wid me me bhoy Oi didnt know meself When 01 looked in the glass except by Jue voice Engines 143 and 721 nre just out of the shop C M Smith has been transferred to Republican City Joe Falzifn day operator at Oxford was in thi city Saturday Johnnie Carroll check boy made a flying trip to Orleans Sunday Conductor Moiris who lias been very ill with pneumonia is improving Mr ami Mrs T J Cam spent Sunday in Hcldrege the guests of lelatives Dispatcher Roy Cadnin attended the Miller wedding at Cedar Bluffs SuicIhv Ray Lyons and Davy Knowles of the telegraph office spent Sunnay in Deiner Fireman J II Thomas has been trans ferred from Denver to run out of Mc Cook Roy Daily messenger boy in the tele graph oflice has resigned to attend school J W Ridnour was called to Belle Plaine Iowa last week by the illness of his mother Ray Shriner has been transferred to Denver and has a good position in the shop service there Dave Cobb of the dispatcher9 office is laying off a few days Extra Dispatcher Aj Brown is relieving mm Mrs O R Amick of Culbertson sis ter of Mrs M M Fisk of our city is reported very low with pneumonia The boys at the telegraph office re ceived a box of cigars from Robert M iller agent at Cedar Bluffs who was recently married A Guaranteed Cure For Piles Itching Blind Bleeding or Protrud ing Piles Druggists refund money if Pazo Ointment fails to cure any case no matter of how long standing in 6 tol4 days First application gives ease and rest 50c If your druggist hasnt it send 50c in stamps and it will be for warded postpaid by Paris Medicine Co St Louis Mo BEGGS CHERRY COUGH SYRUP Cures BRONCHITIS K P SUTTON P5 MCCOOK JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS NEBRASKA Herbert J Pratt Registered Graduate Dentist Offico over McConnells Drag Store McCOOK NEB Telephones Offico 1C0 residence 131 Former location Atlanta Georgia E F OSBORN J W WENTZ OSBORN WENTZ Draymen Prompt Service Courteous Treatment Reasonable Prices GIVE US ATRIAL ft SEGUE Is miimn If you will figure with us and quslity of material is any object you will be easily convincedthat we out class all competition w mwrr BlZftRM wm W i A CT A i i ua S6 syt III II r WfX i RESOLVED That we are haiwrins PRICES DoWfNi ON VHAT I is left or our seasons goods - the blows we are striking are repugn our stock COrVilftHT ItOkBtTwrBOtTCRtROWfiCO CrtCfrO HAMMERING PRICES OUR WINTER STOCK S FAST REDUCING BE CAUSE THE PEOPLE OF TmS COMMUNITY KltQwT THAT WHEN WE SAY WE HAMMER PRICE WE DO HAMMER PRICED DOWN ON LEGIT1 -MATE REGULAR MERCHANDISE AND- NOT- C SHIPPED IN Job LOTS WE WISH TO LET OUR PRICES TALK ONE FIFTH OFF ON WINTER LINES RESPECTFULLY O L DEGROFF CO r lTiS2SZ nrawt V FRANKLIN President A C EBERT Cashier - JAS S DOYLE Vice President THR T rr T rj Tv A T r T A T TT U1UJUN5 BMK OF McCOOK NEB a Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus S 1 200a a a DIRECTORS - V FRANKLIN JAS S DOYLE A C EBERT S 1SrSQfWb Gatewood Vainie I phone omce over HcAdam Store EllST C E Eldeed Co Atty BOYLE ELDRED Attorneys at I aw Long Distance Ione 4 1 Rooms 1 1 and 7 second iloor MCL00 Neb PoEtofhca Building YOU WOULD DO WELL TO SEE J M Rupp agCTgTy fmjjAJjrjLTV I C H Botle JOB HIGHT 1 CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Farm Buildings a Specialty SATISFACTION GUARANTEED - -I 1- - 4 X T-