T Pronounced Better Than Honte Cristo FRED G CONRAD Presents the seasons best play ERNEST STROUTS original melodrama omans iMMH Power A great play present ed by a great com pany Startling situ ations Exciting cli maxes a novelty from beginning to end There will bono regrets if you see it Seats on Siile ono weolc prior date rV Vs JLJ 1 1 iMmlSli I Spare MeGeorgiHAmNqtFitTo Die fVI o y 1L r7mgiaij nwgmraratfffrnr f mcr iJ Monday jfL McCook OPERA HOUSE Jan 28th In driving through the country around McCook several farms will attract atten tion because they are entirely enclosed with hog tight fence or have large fields fenced hog tight If you read the mar ket reports and dp a little figuring you Will find that the price of iU fk T II el ra H tfa5 will buy from H P Waite Co hog fence enough to go around a quarter section of land Seven and a half more hogs will make it a half section with a partition fence through the center On a farm that is fenced in this way nothing is wasted the hogs get it all besides they are less liable to disease than if kept in small enclosures Another car load of hog fence has just been received by H P Waite Co and they will sell it at right prices Special Bargains will be offered in January and February in Gran iteware tinware and notions Call and be convinced that we have real bargains THE IDEAL BARGAIN DEPOT ffl L RISHEL BELOW POST OFFICE GO TO- HS GODFREY CO for Bargains in Flour and Feed Red Lion Silver Leaf Oak Leaf Faultless Isabelle Flour AGENTS FOR LIQUID COAL Great Eagles Military Dance Bixler Opera House Februarj 12th Music by McCook Band MITCHELL Auctioneer Nebraska Hlntorlc Old New York Greenwich village la New York city was first brought Into prominence when Sir Peter Warren descended from an ancient Irish family and vlco admiral of the British fleet settled there in 174 He married Susannah De Lancey and settled on a line estate of more than 300 acres running from Christopher street to West Twenty first It was laid out like an English park with splendid hedges and ave nues of trees and a fine old mansion which was the resort of all the quality of old New York His three daughters all made brilliant marriages in Eng land One became the Countess of Abingdon and her name is preserved in Abingdon square On the division of the estate at Sir Peters death the homestead fell to her She sold it to Abijah Hammond who sold it to Abra ham Van Nest and it Is still remem bered by many as the old Van Nest house demolished in 1SG3 Among other distinguished persons who have lived in Greenwich were Oliver De Lancey William Bayard Washington Vice President and Sirs John Adams Aaron Burr and Tom Paine Barrow street was originally named Reason street In compliment to the great in fidels best known book Age of Rea son Useful Teeth Many different reasons are asrgned by people for their unwillingness to submit to the extraction of teeth it was no fear of pain which w permost in the mind of Mi Lamson of Willowby when toLl b p e the dentist that she would be much bene fited by the loss of two of her prom inent teeth You say they cant be filleJ she paul in evident distress and you couldnt get any others in for me for moren n fortnight The dentist admitted reluctantly that it was bo Well then I suppose Ill have to get on as best I can And Miss Me hitable seated herself in the toiture chair But I dont see how I shall make out Here I am chambermaid to the Willowby inn during the slim mer and its chock full of folks with lots o transients coming and going and those are my pillowcase teeth WelsJit of the ISriIn There is just five ounces less amount of brain matter needed to keep a wom an from idiocy than there is ncocl for a man The average weight of a mans brain is forty nine and oneIialf ounces and that of a woman iorly ioir ounces When a brain falls below thirty-seven and a half ounces in a man idiocy usually gecurs A womans brain has to fall to thirty two and one- half ounces before she reaches the same condition Man has a lrger brain in proportion to his stature than woman while on the other hand wom an has a larger brain in proportion to her weight The female brain begins to lose weight after the age of thirty that of the man not till ten or fifteen years later The loss In a woman is slight however and she keeps up a high brain weight much later than a man TIc Deadly Dull Brclielor It is always easy to see how long a couple have been married by noting whether the house is full of his friends or hers according to a writer in the London Ladies Field A man invari ably begins by inviting all his bach elor friends to his house He is anx ious to show off his wife and he fond ly imagines that they will like her and that she will like them which rare ly happens The writer then goes on to dissect the bachelor and concludes I dont know why ones husbands bachelor chums should as a rule be so deadly dull but they usually are and as a matter of fact it was prob ably their dullness which originally drove him into only he has not the sense to see it There would be fewer married if it werent for the bachelors As a litist Extreme Once a number of legal lights in Washington were gathered in the smoking room of a lawyers club when the talk turned to a discussion of the veracity of lawyers The average man remarked one disciple of Black stone seems only too ready to as sume we are all liars a very unjust position it seems to me Do we not sometimes tell the truth he asked of his neighbor a well known criminal lawyer Certainly promptly responded the latter We will do anything some times to win a case Same Thills Mrs Scribbles I believe the butcher Is knocking at the door -with his bill Ferdinand Scribbles Tell him I am sorry but Ive just paid the rent and am short Mrs Scribbles But it may be the landlord Ferdy Scribbles Well then tell him Im sorry but Ive just paid the butcher and am short London Fun aialjinpr It Clear He Will you marry me She No Im not a clergyman He Well will you permit a clergyman to many us She Yes you to somebody else and me to well somebody else London Tit Bits Exhausting They say early rising is very un healthy Of course Many a woman has broken down her constitution getting her husband up in time for breakfast An Added Snpply of Talk Ive had to get a new barber Your old one getting careless No but his baby Is beginning to say lute things IP hrt i m i i niro mm c3 Sal W HH 7 t W li ix If r 8 ESSfiJ Kmraass Saturday January 26th Begins the third week of continuous bar gains Every department in the house is being reduced daily but still have on hand as good and better inducements for you as the first day I opened this great sale among never before heard of bar gains I have on hand 1000 pair of ladies shoes of best makes and up to date styles to close out and placed them on sale in two Sols of 135 and 195 Come and take advantage of this offer as it means a saving of a dollar or more on every pair you buy money refunded ill J1L s V LCWOOK with the folks awhile Mr Wood of Kansas City was in town Monday representing the Mon arch Scales company Mr Probosco and daughter Myrtle started for Kansas Saturday morning for a months visit with friends The Methodist people are holdiug tneir services in tne Masonic temple un til the completion of the new addition Mr and Mrs Thomas Haley are ex pected home this week from South Dakota where they have been for the past two months DANBURY Mrs Yarnells baby is under the doc tors care Murphy Butler commenced putting up ice Tuesday Howard Rubys three youngest child ren are quite ill Mrs F G Stilgebouer and son S W are over from Bartley for a visit Sam Minniear Rancie Ambler Sam and Ed Dolph left last Sunday for Den ver Mrs White came over from Bartley Tuesday to be at the bedside of her mother Mrs Scarrow who is very low with consumption 60 YEARS EXPERIENCE ilSillES Trade Marks Designs Copyrights c Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention is probably patentable Communica tions strictly confidential HANDBOOK on Patents sent free Oldest agency for securing patents Patents taken throuch 3Iunn Co receive tpecial notice without charge In tho mim Jtmmcffl A handsomely Illustrated weekly largest cir culation of any scientific Journal Terms 3 a year four months L Sold by all newsdealers g Go36Broad New York Branch Office 625 F SU Washington D C r I atiSiacton ttMir2mirA lH UB16VVW Vtk 4- ofMM Kl Us is i fH m m r HJO m hJkl JktFll Successor to Diamonds CIothinQ and Shoes GST Swsr ftt S 5 fe7fr JZ A Cream sf Tartar Poweler Maid from grapes RED WILLOW Mrs Smith is much improved Henry Bellairs little boy is improving It is so delightful to see the sun shin ing again Ben King moved his old house onto his fathers farm last week The many friends of Mr Waddle are pleased to see him out again Mrs E A Sexson is much troubled with an aggravated form of hives Perry Jones an old timer is visiting his sister Mrs Lee near McCook and his daughter Mrs Charley Rinck of Red Willow There have been more consecutive cloudy days during the fall and winter than the oldest inhabitant remembers of seeing in this country Lewis Elmer wife and baby sp6ot several days with his sister Nellie Long necker On Sundav they took the baby up for Grandma Longnecker to see PLEASANT RIDGE Quite a number are sick in this vicini ty with colds and grippe Tom Cain and family have moved from McCook to the Lechtlitner farm NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF ESTATE In tho County Court of Red Willow county Nebraska Iu tho matter of the estate of James W Lister deceased Notice is hereby given to all persons having claims or demands aaint the estate of James W Lister deceased that I have set and ap pointed Jub 19 lOoV for the reception and pre sentation of claims and demands against said estate and July 20 1607 for tho examination and adjustment of said claims and demands as required by law at the county court room in McCook Red Willow county Nebraska And all persons so interested in said estate will ap pear at said time and place and duly present their said claims and demands in the manner required by law or show cause for not so doing or the same shall be forever barred Given under my band and tho seal of the county court this 17th day of January AD10O7 MS 4ts seal J C Mooee County Judge h or H F SUTTON mccook ssa SSS ih tfss y Wi m If Nehrafikpi g3 8 mmMmmmwMBMmmmmmMmFmwmm sjgasiKffiKisKasc ftMli rW ijr tviBJi trr u1 wM TTHwirfT i vsarLLxmyrrrTi2vatiaAj srmp1 rywy i Hinmntfiij lmMM L1MV T m rr mtiK m m IflDIANOLA Frank McNeill returned from Hust ings Sunday night J C Puckett builfc a small addition to his store last week Roy Mann made a business trip to Cambridge Sunday last Neil Quick and John Hedges wero Mc Cook visitors Tuesday morning Perry Jones of Oklahoma is visiting old time friends in our little burg Mrs Stoncypber has tjone east to spend the winter with u daughter Mrs Marian Ritrenburgs three sisters of Bartley visited with her last Sunday Mrs Dempster of Republican City visited her daughter Mrs Tim Haley last week Protracted meetings are still in prog ress at the Christian church with a good attendance John Maisel went up to McCook Tuesday evening and returned home ednesday morning Merle Powell arrived home from Den ver Wednesday mornine and will visit JEYELER MUSICAL GOODS NEBRASKA fir UarSiorH Pr I UhnciUSiiJiridill c Eegisteeed Grvduatk V Hemtist i Oflico over McConnclIs Drug Store McCOOK NEB Telophonos OHico 1G0 re inco 131 Former location Atlanta Gforffia E P OS BORN J W WENTZ OSBORN WENTZ Draymen Prompt Service Courteous Treatment Reasonable Prices GIVE US ATRIAL o Seeiiiff Is Belienii If you will figure with usand quBlity of material is any object you will be easily convincedthat we out class all competition Frprp JLIlJLil a JLi JL J ij f V T MHIIIIMHM1 E2 BEGGS1 CHERRY COUGH SYRUP Cures BRONCHITIS S i r