I w I if I 0 V j l 5 HOUSEHOLD FRIEND for ilitiillli Catarrh IK IfflplKIljB iliHBiiiHRpHll Peruna is a household friend i more than a million homes This number is increasing every day Peruna has become a household word all over the English speaking world It is an old tried remedy for all ca tarrhal diseases of the head throat lungs stomach kidneys bladder and female organs Ask Your Druggist for Free Peruni Almanac for 1907 Shakespeare as Novel Hero William Shakespeare is the hero of a new and striking novel by the Dan ish woman writer Sophus Banditz Moreover British and American read ers wiU probably sooii have a chance to read this tale for Queen Alexandra who recently read it in the original rras so much impressed by it that she advised the authoress to have it translated into English This transla tion is now proceeding and the Eng lish version is to be dedicated to the queen who is herself a Dana The extraordinary popularity of fine white goods this summer makes the choice of Starch a matter of great im portance Defiance Starch being free from all injurious chemicals is the only one which is safe to use on fine fabrics Its great strength as a stiff sner makes half the usual quantity of Starch necessary with the result of perfect finish equal to that when the goods were new Youthful Astronomer Robert H Baker formerly of the Amherst faculty is assistant astrono mer of the Allegheny observatory at the age of 23 Give Defiance Starch a fair trial try it for both hot and cold starching and if you dont think you do better work in less time and at smaller cost return it and your grocer will give you back your money Every time a man accepts a 10 cent gift it costs him a dollar BRING GOOD HEALTH Dr William Pink Pills Used After the Grip Arrest Fatal Decline and Rebuild the System Any bodily weakness caused by a deficiency in the blood can be cured by the use of Dr Williams Pink Pills because these pills actually make new blood After attacks of the grip the blood is generally run down and the patient continues to decline Abent three years ago says Mrs Jennie Cowan of 718 N Henry Street Wlest Bay City Mich I caught a severe cold which ran into the grip I was confined to my bed lor two weeks At the end of that time I was able to be about but was completely run down I was so weak I could hardly stand my cheeks had no color and I felt faint My heart would flutter and it was difficult for me to breathe at times Neuralgia settled in the back of my head and stomach and I suffered from rheuma tism in my shoulders I had the care of the best doctor in towa but became no better until a friend told me one day how she had been cured by Dr Williams Pink PHls and I decided to try them I soon felt better and continued using them until I was entirely cured They built me up again to perfect health and I use them now whenever I feel at all sick and they always help me Dr Williams Pink Pills are inval unaWe in such cases as well as in other blood diseases because they not only drive off the germs of the disease but build up the system The pills have cured anaemia rheumatism after-effects of fevers neuralgia and many other severe disorders Dr Williams Pink Pills are sold by aH druggists or sent postpaid on Teceipt of Ttice 50 cents per bos Kir boxes S250 by the Dr Williams Medicine Company Schenectady N Y i FORGOTTEN LETTERS Quite recently according to the public prints a M st as Thackeray would put it had occasion to regret the writing of certain letters He may if this be true console him self with the reflection that there are many many others There is a man in Washington who only the other afternoon experienced perhaps a keen er mortification over certain letters ihat he had written than any ever did It was a rainy afternoon and his wife was doing some ante Christmas rummaging in one of her old trunks From that trunk she plucked a pack age of old rather faded letters neatly tied up in cerise ribbon and then she came downstairs to where her hus band was attempting to read the newspaper There was a certain ma licious twinkle in her generally ami able eye You used to care for me in those days was her curious way of open Ing the conversation Iluh said her husband looking up vaguely from his paper Whats that Used to love me then she said untying the packet of letters and pull ing one of them from its envelope What days Whatchoo talking about Whatchoo got there he asked Oh some letters she replied placidly Some of your Oh rubbish Matilda he broke in Please lemme alone Im reading Heres one of them written shortly after we were engaged she went on unheedingly I am not a wealthj man she quoted from the faded page but I can at least my darling strew the path for your adorably dainty feel with wild roses and poppies Oh I say he broke in flag that wont you Whats the answer to all his Please lemme lone Cant you see that Im reading And heres another passage she went on remorselessly When I look nto your dear violet eyes I feel stir ring within me the awalcenings of a new life the moving harbingers ol something higher and Please cut it out my dear plead ad the husband his face reddening Horrible rot Wish youd lemme lone Heres another one written about 40 minutes later you used to write me about nine letters a day then you know dear You say here When 1 hold you in my arms and inhale the dewy sweetbriar fragrance of your unny hair I feel as Paris must have felt when he clasped Helen to his heart in the golden antique years Oh for Heavens sake can that rot wont you please Matilda the nan begged but it was no use And then you go on to say Never since the Chaldean shepherds watched their flocks in the dusks and twilights Df the ancient world has woman been worshiped as I worship my Matilda Xever since Great Caesar what a muff what a muttonhead I must have been groaned the husband What a Why I think its real nice really said his wife with a sort of retrospec tive smile on her face I couldnt understand a good deal that you wrote of course because you know you were such a er florid and stylish writer my dear but Well here is something that I understood though a At the outset of the dear journey which we are to take hand in hand I promise you that never once -shall you hear so much as an unkind word cross my Say look here Matilda that junk all runs for Sweeney Please forget it What the deuce is your idea in springing it on me now when This sounds nice too Those precious lily white and hyacinth sweet hands of yours shall never have to be soiled with Tell you one thing Im going to 23 out o here Matilda if you dont drop that I wont sit here like a flat head and listen to you unreeling that kind o You used to think so much of my ears too Listen to what you said of em here They have the dainty elusive tint of such a beauteous sea shell as that in which Venus must have risen from the sea and There may have been worse lob sters than I was when I uncoiled all pf that superheated steam but if there Jwere Id like to have a peek at em just for the sake of And my nose too you used to be so fond of Shaped like Clyties and with the most adorable little solitary freckle perched right on the bridge and Its hard to believe that 1 ever took my pen in hand to scribble such in Ternal gibberish Dont believe I wrote such stuff at all Dont believe I ever vwas such a noody naddy as to And heres where you say - T shall idolize you even when you are old and when your dear head is all silvered over and the little lines of Times making are Thatll be about all o that said the husband then bounding up Me for out of doors Swell gag when a mans fired out of his own house on a drizzly day just because his wife In sists upon etc etc Then and then only when he was making for his overcoat and hat did she put the letters away thus permit ting him to sit by his own fireside v Why does that is to say why did anybody ever write such letters - 4 TERRIBLE TO RECALL Five Weeks In Bed With Intensely Painful Kidney Trouble Mrs Mary Wagner of 1307 Kossuth fcvenue Bridgeport Conn says I was so weak Mm i I PIMW yiy ened and gener ally run down with kidney dis ease that for a long time I could not do my work and was five weeks in bed There was con tinual bearing down pain ter rible backaches headaches and at times dizzy spells when everything was a blur before me The passages of the kidney secretions were irregu lar and painful and there was con siderable sediment and odor I dont know what I would have done but for Doans Kidney Pills I could see an improvement from the first box and five boxes brought a final cure Sold by all dealers 50 cents a box Foster Mllburn Co Buffalo N Y Life Without Mind The possibility of life without mind while not subject to positive proof is a theory that has gained considerable strength recently through its advocacy by Dr L Laloy librarian of the Academy of Sciences Paris He be lieves that many of the smaller living organisms such as insects are mere moving machines having no more in telligence than may be ascribed to plants He refers to the well known fact that insects are attracted by light often to their own destruction and as cribes it to the same cause that in clines the plant to grow toward the light You can also tell a man by the com pany he doesnt keep Mx TTInalowu Soothing Syrnp For children teething tot tens the Ruroi reduce In flammation allays pain cure wind colic 25c a bottle Love your enemies but not John Demijohn PUTNAM FADELESS DYES color al most twice as much as any other dye and cost you the same 10c per package Naturally a man would rather part his hair than part with It PILES CURED IX a TO 14 DATS a PAZO OINTMENT lu guaranteed to euro any cm uf Itehlnir Ullnd Weeding or lrotrudln Tiles In G to 11 days or money refunded 6Uc If you want to see a man act silly hunt up one who is jealous Panthers and Grizzly Bears Shin Furs Pelts McMillan Fur Wool Co Minneapolis Minn Write for price Virtue is its own reward or its own punishment as the case may be on always Ret full value in Lewis Single Hinder straight ue cigar Your dealer or Lewis Factory Peoria 111 There is no cure for the indigestion caused by being compelled to eat your own words Top Prices for Hides Furs Pelts Write for circular No 0 NV W Hide Co Minneapolis Minnesota Isnt it strange that men who brag always brag about something that doesnt interest you in the least Garfield Tea the ncrh remedy which is Guaranteed under the Pure booil and Drugs Law should he taken to regulate the Liver Kidneys stomach and bowels and to purify the blood A woman gets almost as much sat isfaction out of a eood cry as a man does out of a smile tefflTOFMiam Atiiilltmlunrn t tiuUiimiiiUiuw miUttlioJMmtUtuimUiiUllul ISlIll A f Kind You Heve uJUtjili imiinuhiiiHMnmHnmnuitHmt4iiHftUHirtiiaiitt Itmrtimi Agetable Er eparalionfor As similating UieFoodandEeguIa ling theStoinaciis andBowels of Promotes DigeslionCheerfur ness andResrContains neither OpiumMorprtine norMiiieral Not Mar cotic ntctpccfOtellrSiKUZLPimiER jtlxJowet BaAtlUSetlt jtsueSeol J5tCaiicrutlSccv ffSnpSeed GattittdSagaf tlSayretn nann Aperiecl Remedy forConslipa fion Sour StomachDiarrhoea Worms Convulsions Fcverish ness and Loss OF SLEEP TacSimite Stgnnlure of NEW YORK 1 1 JBBK5s3KSSFSSS7PHIaSB K SH s I EXACT COP OF WRAPPER Waii IIm itmuTSTTLyW Un wi R4 H Fn MB S flH EH IK k flfi Hil mm ill HI I k f For Infants and Children I Bears the I 1 Signature MW InflT Use For Over Thirty Years W TMC eCNTAUn COMPANY CW TOBtt CITV SlOIVS iSB Liivinveixt1 I fbr Cougk Cold CroupyK jl ISoreThroaiSfiffNeck mkdm I Rheumatism and I Neuralgia f 3lJ I Prfce 25o 50c I HOO Z W l56ans Book on Horses sf assn ffSliI Cattle Hogs 6 Poultry L3i If Address Dr Earl 5 Sloan feaHPaKiiJ f 615 Albany ShBonMassHHrI MISS JULIE FLORENCE WALSH erta lor starching finest linens WOMEN SUFFER Many women suffer in silence and drift along from bad to worse know ing well that they ought to have immediate assistance How many women do yon know who are perfectly well una titronR Thecuusc may he cauily traced to some feminine derangement which manifests itself in depression of spirits reluctance to go anywhere or do anything backache dragging sensations flatulency nervouwieBS and sleeplessness These symptoms are but warnings that there is danger ahead and un less heeded a life of suffering or a serious operation is the inevitable result The best remedy for all these symptoms is Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound made from native roots and herbs No other medicine in the country has received such widespread and unqualified endorsement No other medi cine has such a record of cures of female ills Miss J F Walsh of 328 W 3fith St New York City writes Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound has been of inestimable value in restoring my health I suffered from fenrnlu illness which caused dreadful headaches dizziness and dull pains in my back but your medicine soon brought about a change in my general condition built me up and made me perfectly well Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound cures Female Complaints such as Backache Falling and Displacements Inilammation and Ulcera tion and organic diseases It is invaluable in preparing for child birth and during the Change of Life It cures Nervous Prostration Dead ache General Debility and invigorates the whole system Mrs Pinkhams Standing Invitation to Women Women suffering from any form of female weakness arc invited to write Mrs Pmkhain at Lynn Mass Her advice is Jree NO MORE MUSTARD PLASTERS TO BLISTER THE SCIENTIFIC AND MODERN EXTERNAL COUNTER IRRITANT CAPISICUM VASELI EXTRACT OF THE CAYENNE PEPPER PLANT A QUICK SURE SAFE AND ALWAYS READY CURE FOR PAIN PRICE 15c IN COLLAPSIBLE TUBES AT ALL DRUCGISTS AND DEALERS OR BY MAIL ON RECEIPT OF 1 5c IN POSTAGE S7AMPS IIONT WAIT TILL THE PAIN COMES KEEP A TUBE HANDY A substitute for and superior to mustard or any other piaster and will not blister the most delicate skin The pain allaying and curative qualities of the article are wonderful It will stop the toothache at once and relieve Headache and Sciatica We recommend it as the best and safest external counter irritant known also as an external remedy for pains in the chest and stomach and ail Rheumatic Neuralgic and Gouty complaints A trial wilt prove what we claim for it and t viil be found to be invaluable in the household and for children Once used no family will be without it Many people say it is the best of all your preparations Accept no preparation of vaseline unless the same carries our label as otherwise it is not genuine SEND YOUR ADDRESS AND WE WILL MAIL OUR VASE LINE PAMPHLET WHICH WILL INTEREST YOU 9 CHESEBROUGH MFG CO 17 STATE STREET NEW YORK CITY jUJWLvvijrnmimmrT IN I aNaIIa Special Trains Leave Chicago March 19th Manitoba and Alb FOR Saskatchewan Homesteads Canadian Government representatives will accompany this train through to destination For certificate entitling cheap rates litera ture and all particulars apply to W V BENNETT 801 N Y Life Bldg Omaiia Nebraska RFADFR of this paper de JLiUlJJ MjllxJ smnz to buy any- 1 thingadrertisedin its columns should insist upon having Lbss v nat tney asK lor relusirg all sunsti tutes or imitations this PArEE a y g 0 IS ON FLE IN rlfi FARMS FOR REKT AT THE I OFFICKS OF AN KELLOGG NEWSPAPER CO t AXI SALE 0 7 CRnf Puvmvnl jr airiaiArx siotjjx city ioVv 1 LIVE STOCK AND I MISCELLANEOUS 9 I j Electrotypes IN GREAT VARIETY FOR SALE AT THE LOWEST PRICES BY ANKELLOGG NEWSPAPER CO 73 W Adams Street CHICAGO Mrs Annie Hamilton of Stetsonville Wis writes Cardui saved me from the grave after three 3 doctors had failed to help me It is a good medicine and I recommend it to all suffering women For sale at all druggists in 1 bottles WRITE US A Write today for a free cory of valuable 64 pase illustrated Book for Women If ou need Medlcat Ad vice describe your symptoms statins ace and reply will be sent in plain sealed envelope Address I fliT0 A if lirnr Hnnt TTin K a n svrin Rl nJii ina f I Jutti nrwr Tar - i Iturtuiji 1Vl C VIUIllltLh4 JUlUILIiit X Vf VbmlWWKM 4 4i ai Thompsons Eye Water W N U OMAHA NO 4 1907 Pains at the waist back front or side are nearly sure proof of female trouble Some other signs are headache pressing down pains irregular functions restless ness cold limbs nervousness etc These pains may be allayed the system braced and the womanly functions regulated by the use of Win